Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article Answers to Correspondents. Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article THE REVISED CONSTITUTIONS OF THE IRISH GRAND LODGE. Page 1 of 2 Article THE REVISED CONSTITUTIONS OF THE IRISH GRAND LODGE. Page 1 of 2 →
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The Subscription lo THE FREEMASON is noiv ios . per annum , post-free , payable m advance . Vol . I ., bound in cloth 4 s . 6 d . Vol . II ., ditto 7 s . 6 d . Vols III ., IV ., ancl V . ... each 15 s . od . Reading Cases to hold 52 numbers ... 2 s . 6 d . Ditto ditto 4 do . ... is . 6 d .
United . States of America . THE FREEMASON is delivered free in any part of the United States for 12 s . per annum , payable in advance . The Freemason is published on Saturday Mornings in time I ' or the early trains . The price of the Freemason is Twopence per week ; annnal
subscription , ios . ( payable in advance . ) All communications , letters , & c , to be addressed to thc Editor , 198 , Fleet-street , E . C . The Editorwill paycarefulattcntion to all MSS . entrusted to him , but cannot undertake to return them unless accompanied by postage stamps .
PRIVATE DINNER PARTIES CAN HAVE THE BEST OF EVERYTHING AT The Freemasons' Tavern , Great Queen-street , W . C . Apply to C . E . FRANCATELLI .
THE HISTORY OF FREEMASONRY , FROM ITS ORIGIN TO THE PRESENT DAY . Drawn from the best sources and tlic mott recent investigations . BY J . G . FINDEL , Second Edition , Revised , and Preface written by Bro . D . MURRAY LYON . One vol ., 800 pages Svo ., with an Index . Cloth gilt . Price , ios . fid . " This volume is the liistoiy of Masonry pin- r . rerllencc Every interested person may regard it , therefore , as the present text-book on the subject . "—Manchester Giinnliaii . "The author seems to have fairly exhausted the subject . "—The Athenaeum . "Of its value to Fieemasons , as a detailed history of their Brotherhood , it is not oossible to speak too hig hly . "Public Opinion . Bro . GEORGE KENNING , 19 S , FLEET STKEKT , LONDON , ICC .
THK MASONIC MAGAZINE , A monthl y digest of Freemasonry in all ils Branches : * NOW READY No . 5 , NOVEMBER . Price Sixpence , Post free Sevenpence Annual subscription , including postage : United Kingdom 7 s ., America 9 s . ( Payable in advance ) . Office , 198 , Fleet Street .
READY SHORTLY . Roan , Gilt Edges , Elastic Band , Price 2 s ., Post Free 2 . v . -d . THE COSMOPOLITAN MASONIC CALENDAR , DIARY , & POCKET-BOOK , FOR 1874 , CONTAISIXi ; Lists of Lodges , Chapters , Conclaves , Grand Councils and K . T . Preceptories with the names of Ollicers in England and Wales , Scotland Ireland , and abroad . May tr had id ' all Di « ik .. eltfis , Ti / lirs , Janitors , SeiiHiiels , Ei / iien-iei , & c , Publishing OfTice , 198 , Fleet-street , E . C .
Second Edition , Now Ready , i / d . MASONIC MUSICAL SERVICE . In the Ley of C . for A ., T ., T ., U . Opening and Closing Odes . Craft Ceremonies . Royal Arch Ceremony . Consecration Ceremony . Grace before and after . Meat . COMPOSED BV DR . , | . C . BAKER , NO . 241 . LONUOS . —Geo . Kenning , ujH , Flcet-stiect ; and 2 , 3 , and 4 , Little Britain . „ R . Spencer , 20 , Great Quccn-.-trect . LIVEIII ' ,. —Geo . Kenning , 2 , . Moi . uinent-place . MANCIII-STKII . —E . ilenry A : Co ., s , i ) , Dcansgate . DUBLIN . —C . liedgelong , 26 , Gr . i ' ltun-Micct GLASGOW . —Geo . Kenning , 145 , Aig . Ic-stiect . EDINBURGH . —Geo . Kenning , 6 7 , 11 ,-mov-r-strcet .
Now Ready Post Free 1 / 7 . THE MARK MASONS'SONG Dedicated hy permission to the Right Hon . the Ear [ Percy , M . P ., 30 ° , Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master of Freemasons for Noithumberlanr' Moit VVorshipful Grand Mark Master Mason of England . VVoids by Bro . T . Burdett Yeoman , Original Mark Lodge No . 1 ., composed hy Bro . Henry Parker , Orig inal Mark Lodge No . 1 . London , George Kenning , 198 , Fleet-street .
NOW READY , Price 2 S . 6 d . ; Post Free , 2 s . 8 d . Second Edition , Revised and Enlarged A FULL COLOURED ILLUSTRATED BOOK OF
From . Master Mason to the 30 th Degree ( inclusive ) . Published by Bro . GEOIIGE KENNING , 198 , Fleet-street London , E . G ., and may be had of all Booksellers and News Agents , by giving address of publishing cilice .
SECOND EDITION . —NOW READY . Price One Shilling , Post-free , Revised and Enlarged . Freemasonry in Relation to Civil Authority and the Family Circle , Bv BRO . CHALMERS I . PATON . ( Past Master , No . 393 , England . ) r t ** HIS work is a perfect handbook of the principles of Fieemasonry , founded on the Ancient Charges and Symbols , and will be found to be eminently practical and useful in thc vindication and support of the Order . Bro . GEO . KENNING , 198 , Fleet-street , London , E . C .
NOTICE . All Coinmu . Aicalions , Advertisements , & c , intended for insertion in the Number of the fhlluteins
Saturday , must reach the Office noi later than 6 o ' clock on IFcdnesdai / evening .
Answers To Correspondents.
Answers to Correspondents .
G . P . ( Cadiz ) . —Letter received and communicated with proper authority respecting it . REMITTANCE RECEIVED . J . F . ( Lagos ) . —Xi 4 s ., less is ., postage not having been prepaid .
K 1111 A -i- A —I ' afro fiSy < f our last issue—Rcpoitsof Masonic Meetings—for St . Lute ' s Lod / re " read " Perfect Friendship Ludge , " and for " Colchester " ( . St . Edmund ' s Lodge ) nad " Buiy St . Edmunds . " The following stand over : — R < -poil . s of Lodges 12 ; 6 , 1309 ; Chapter 995 ; 144 ( S . C ); Mark Lodges 113 , 1411 . Communications from !•' . F . and , | . D . F ,
The Freemason , SATURDAY , NOVEMBER 1 , 187 3 .
The Revised Constitutions Of The Irish Grand Lodge.
We have been favoured with a view of the draft of the Constitutions of the Grand Lodge of Ireland , as " amended hy the . By-Laws
Committee , the consideration of which has been postponed until the meeting' of Grand Lodge in November . "
At the outset we feel bound to say , that , in our opinion , tbese amended laws of the Craft in Ireland are a great improvement upon all their existing regulations . In the first place , they are
somewhat more methodically arranged , though in this respect they are still susceptible of improvement , and might be conveniently broken up into more distinct and definite tcrtions .
In the next place , 'hey are in themselves clear and explicit , alike in the privileges they assert , the proceedings , they forbid , the regulations they prescribe , and thc penalties they enforce .
But there are oneortwo anomalies , as it appears to us , in these revised C institutions , to which we think it we'l io allude to day , and some provisions , we venUire ' to think , also of doubtful propriety , to wh 1 I 1 we wish to call the the calm
The Revised Constitutions Of The Irish Grand Lodge.
attention of our excellent brethren across the Channel , trusting ., as we do so , that they will accept our criticisms in the same fraternal spirit of good will and interest with which they ara
tendered by ourselves . The Irish Grand Lodge is henceforth to be composed exactly as our own , and is based on the simple and pure Craft system , and thus the
regulations of the Book of Constitutions are drawn up by the Committee of Grand Lodge for the government , as with us , of Craft Masonry . But Law 133 introduces this strange
anomaly r—It recognizes four alien bodies , accepts them as of coordinate jurisdiction and authority with Grand Lodge , and gives to their decisions the force of a decision of Grand
Lodge ! By this most remarkable provision a sentence of the " Grand Royal Arch Chapter , " of the " Great Priory of High Knights Templar , " of
the " Grand Chapter of Prince Masons of Ireland , " and of the " Supreme Council of the Thirty-third Degree in Ireland , " for expulsion , suspension , or restoration of " any brother "
shall , "on the case being communicated tothe Grand Lodge of Ireland , be accepted as final and conclusive , without any further enquiry or investigation . "
Now there is something in this proposed enactment , which strikes us as very peculiar and unprecedented . Why are these four foreign governing bodies—foreign that is to Crait
Masonry—introduced into these new Constitutions of the Grand Lodge of Ireland ? What has the Grand Lodge of Irish Craft Masons , qua a 'Grand Lodge , to do with such
high and eminent grades ? Under these provisions , a Craft Mason who may have committed no offence against the Craft , or infringed any of the regulations of Grand
Lotlge , may be expelled , for a non-compliance with some technical and special regulation of these four august assemblies , of which Craft Masonry knows nothing , from the privileges of
his private lodge , and Provincial Grand Lodge , and Grand Lodge . For by law 133 , the sentence of any such foreign authority , is irreversible , in fact incontestable .
The Grand Lodge of Ireland has nothing reall y to do with these authentics or they with it , but it thus gives them practically coequal and coordinate authority with itself , the ultimate court of appeal
to all Craft Masons in Ireland , and what is still more strange and inexplicable , does not even propose to consider the grounds of the sentence , be that sentence fair or unfair serious or petty , legal or illegal , but simply to record it , and to acton it .
Now we venture to think that this proposition is a great blot in the Revised Constitutions . It is , prima facie , utterly unjust and clearly unprecedented , at least with us , and introduces
an entirely new element into our Craft Regulations , fraught with a very dangerous precedent , and suggestive of very serious consequences to Masonic Jurisprudence in Ireland .
We are aware , that , in that country the High Grades are bound more closely to the Craft system than with us , but we feel it our duty to express onr opinion in all deference to the Irish Grand Lodge , tl . at the proposed law is both un-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Subscription lo THE FREEMASON is noiv ios . per annum , post-free , payable m advance . Vol . I ., bound in cloth 4 s . 6 d . Vol . II ., ditto 7 s . 6 d . Vols III ., IV ., ancl V . ... each 15 s . od . Reading Cases to hold 52 numbers ... 2 s . 6 d . Ditto ditto 4 do . ... is . 6 d .
United . States of America . THE FREEMASON is delivered free in any part of the United States for 12 s . per annum , payable in advance . The Freemason is published on Saturday Mornings in time I ' or the early trains . The price of the Freemason is Twopence per week ; annnal
subscription , ios . ( payable in advance . ) All communications , letters , & c , to be addressed to thc Editor , 198 , Fleet-street , E . C . The Editorwill paycarefulattcntion to all MSS . entrusted to him , but cannot undertake to return them unless accompanied by postage stamps .
PRIVATE DINNER PARTIES CAN HAVE THE BEST OF EVERYTHING AT The Freemasons' Tavern , Great Queen-street , W . C . Apply to C . E . FRANCATELLI .
THE HISTORY OF FREEMASONRY , FROM ITS ORIGIN TO THE PRESENT DAY . Drawn from the best sources and tlic mott recent investigations . BY J . G . FINDEL , Second Edition , Revised , and Preface written by Bro . D . MURRAY LYON . One vol ., 800 pages Svo ., with an Index . Cloth gilt . Price , ios . fid . " This volume is the liistoiy of Masonry pin- r . rerllencc Every interested person may regard it , therefore , as the present text-book on the subject . "—Manchester Giinnliaii . "The author seems to have fairly exhausted the subject . "—The Athenaeum . "Of its value to Fieemasons , as a detailed history of their Brotherhood , it is not oossible to speak too hig hly . "Public Opinion . Bro . GEORGE KENNING , 19 S , FLEET STKEKT , LONDON , ICC .
THK MASONIC MAGAZINE , A monthl y digest of Freemasonry in all ils Branches : * NOW READY No . 5 , NOVEMBER . Price Sixpence , Post free Sevenpence Annual subscription , including postage : United Kingdom 7 s ., America 9 s . ( Payable in advance ) . Office , 198 , Fleet Street .
READY SHORTLY . Roan , Gilt Edges , Elastic Band , Price 2 s ., Post Free 2 . v . -d . THE COSMOPOLITAN MASONIC CALENDAR , DIARY , & POCKET-BOOK , FOR 1874 , CONTAISIXi ; Lists of Lodges , Chapters , Conclaves , Grand Councils and K . T . Preceptories with the names of Ollicers in England and Wales , Scotland Ireland , and abroad . May tr had id ' all Di « ik .. eltfis , Ti / lirs , Janitors , SeiiHiiels , Ei / iien-iei , & c , Publishing OfTice , 198 , Fleet-street , E . C .
Second Edition , Now Ready , i / d . MASONIC MUSICAL SERVICE . In the Ley of C . for A ., T ., T ., U . Opening and Closing Odes . Craft Ceremonies . Royal Arch Ceremony . Consecration Ceremony . Grace before and after . Meat . COMPOSED BV DR . , | . C . BAKER , NO . 241 . LONUOS . —Geo . Kenning , ujH , Flcet-stiect ; and 2 , 3 , and 4 , Little Britain . „ R . Spencer , 20 , Great Quccn-.-trect . LIVEIII ' ,. —Geo . Kenning , 2 , . Moi . uinent-place . MANCIII-STKII . —E . ilenry A : Co ., s , i ) , Dcansgate . DUBLIN . —C . liedgelong , 26 , Gr . i ' ltun-Micct GLASGOW . —Geo . Kenning , 145 , Aig . Ic-stiect . EDINBURGH . —Geo . Kenning , 6 7 , 11 ,-mov-r-strcet .
Now Ready Post Free 1 / 7 . THE MARK MASONS'SONG Dedicated hy permission to the Right Hon . the Ear [ Percy , M . P ., 30 ° , Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master of Freemasons for Noithumberlanr' Moit VVorshipful Grand Mark Master Mason of England . VVoids by Bro . T . Burdett Yeoman , Original Mark Lodge No . 1 ., composed hy Bro . Henry Parker , Orig inal Mark Lodge No . 1 . London , George Kenning , 198 , Fleet-street .
NOW READY , Price 2 S . 6 d . ; Post Free , 2 s . 8 d . Second Edition , Revised and Enlarged A FULL COLOURED ILLUSTRATED BOOK OF
From . Master Mason to the 30 th Degree ( inclusive ) . Published by Bro . GEOIIGE KENNING , 198 , Fleet-street London , E . G ., and may be had of all Booksellers and News Agents , by giving address of publishing cilice .
SECOND EDITION . —NOW READY . Price One Shilling , Post-free , Revised and Enlarged . Freemasonry in Relation to Civil Authority and the Family Circle , Bv BRO . CHALMERS I . PATON . ( Past Master , No . 393 , England . ) r t ** HIS work is a perfect handbook of the principles of Fieemasonry , founded on the Ancient Charges and Symbols , and will be found to be eminently practical and useful in thc vindication and support of the Order . Bro . GEO . KENNING , 198 , Fleet-street , London , E . C .
NOTICE . All Coinmu . Aicalions , Advertisements , & c , intended for insertion in the Number of the fhlluteins
Saturday , must reach the Office noi later than 6 o ' clock on IFcdnesdai / evening .
Answers To Correspondents.
Answers to Correspondents .
G . P . ( Cadiz ) . —Letter received and communicated with proper authority respecting it . REMITTANCE RECEIVED . J . F . ( Lagos ) . —Xi 4 s ., less is ., postage not having been prepaid .
K 1111 A -i- A —I ' afro fiSy < f our last issue—Rcpoitsof Masonic Meetings—for St . Lute ' s Lod / re " read " Perfect Friendship Ludge , " and for " Colchester " ( . St . Edmund ' s Lodge ) nad " Buiy St . Edmunds . " The following stand over : — R < -poil . s of Lodges 12 ; 6 , 1309 ; Chapter 995 ; 144 ( S . C ); Mark Lodges 113 , 1411 . Communications from !•' . F . and , | . D . F ,
The Freemason , SATURDAY , NOVEMBER 1 , 187 3 .
The Revised Constitutions Of The Irish Grand Lodge.
We have been favoured with a view of the draft of the Constitutions of the Grand Lodge of Ireland , as " amended hy the . By-Laws
Committee , the consideration of which has been postponed until the meeting' of Grand Lodge in November . "
At the outset we feel bound to say , that , in our opinion , tbese amended laws of the Craft in Ireland are a great improvement upon all their existing regulations . In the first place , they are
somewhat more methodically arranged , though in this respect they are still susceptible of improvement , and might be conveniently broken up into more distinct and definite tcrtions .
In the next place , 'hey are in themselves clear and explicit , alike in the privileges they assert , the proceedings , they forbid , the regulations they prescribe , and thc penalties they enforce .
But there are oneortwo anomalies , as it appears to us , in these revised C institutions , to which we think it we'l io allude to day , and some provisions , we venUire ' to think , also of doubtful propriety , to wh 1 I 1 we wish to call the the calm
The Revised Constitutions Of The Irish Grand Lodge.
attention of our excellent brethren across the Channel , trusting ., as we do so , that they will accept our criticisms in the same fraternal spirit of good will and interest with which they ara
tendered by ourselves . The Irish Grand Lodge is henceforth to be composed exactly as our own , and is based on the simple and pure Craft system , and thus the
regulations of the Book of Constitutions are drawn up by the Committee of Grand Lodge for the government , as with us , of Craft Masonry . But Law 133 introduces this strange
anomaly r—It recognizes four alien bodies , accepts them as of coordinate jurisdiction and authority with Grand Lodge , and gives to their decisions the force of a decision of Grand
Lodge ! By this most remarkable provision a sentence of the " Grand Royal Arch Chapter , " of the " Great Priory of High Knights Templar , " of
the " Grand Chapter of Prince Masons of Ireland , " and of the " Supreme Council of the Thirty-third Degree in Ireland , " for expulsion , suspension , or restoration of " any brother "
shall , "on the case being communicated tothe Grand Lodge of Ireland , be accepted as final and conclusive , without any further enquiry or investigation . "
Now there is something in this proposed enactment , which strikes us as very peculiar and unprecedented . Why are these four foreign governing bodies—foreign that is to Crait
Masonry—introduced into these new Constitutions of the Grand Lodge of Ireland ? What has the Grand Lodge of Irish Craft Masons , qua a 'Grand Lodge , to do with such
high and eminent grades ? Under these provisions , a Craft Mason who may have committed no offence against the Craft , or infringed any of the regulations of Grand
Lotlge , may be expelled , for a non-compliance with some technical and special regulation of these four august assemblies , of which Craft Masonry knows nothing , from the privileges of
his private lodge , and Provincial Grand Lodge , and Grand Lodge . For by law 133 , the sentence of any such foreign authority , is irreversible , in fact incontestable .
The Grand Lodge of Ireland has nothing reall y to do with these authentics or they with it , but it thus gives them practically coequal and coordinate authority with itself , the ultimate court of appeal
to all Craft Masons in Ireland , and what is still more strange and inexplicable , does not even propose to consider the grounds of the sentence , be that sentence fair or unfair serious or petty , legal or illegal , but simply to record it , and to acton it .
Now we venture to think that this proposition is a great blot in the Revised Constitutions . It is , prima facie , utterly unjust and clearly unprecedented , at least with us , and introduces
an entirely new element into our Craft Regulations , fraught with a very dangerous precedent , and suggestive of very serious consequences to Masonic Jurisprudence in Ireland .
We are aware , that , in that country the High Grades are bound more closely to the Craft system than with us , but we feel it our duty to express onr opinion in all deference to the Irish Grand Lodge , tl . at the proposed law is both un-