Article Obituary. ← Page 2 of 2 Article The Craft Abroad. Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC AND GENERAL TIDINGS Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC AND GENERAL TIDINGS Page 1 of 1
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much-esteemed brother . A large number of the parents of the children were also in the cemetery during the impressive funeral ceremony , and others gathered at the school to witness the departure of the cortege . The funeral of the late Bro . Charles Lowther Kemp , whose death was announced in our issue of the nth ult ., took place on Saturday last , the 25 th ult ., at St . Peter's
Church , Wickham-road , S . E ., and at Nunhead Cemetery . The arrangements for sending , home the body from Canada were kindly undertaken by Bro . Gilbert Scott , a prominent citizen of Montreal ; the very beautiful coffin being considerately arranged to allow of easy identification . The body was followed to the grave by a very large assemblage of friends and brethren . Among the latter we noticed
Bros . Rev . Robeit Pratt , M . A . ; Drs . T . R . Adams , Brookhouse , Gordon , and W . E . Grindley Pearse ; Cole Adams , W . M . 63 ; Nuding , W . M . 140 ; Spratling , W . M . 1924 ; W . A . Adams , P . M . 90 ; Hollingworth , P . M . 63 and 1924 ; Dennant , P . M . 140 and 1924 ; Abbott , Secretary 1924 ; and almost all the members of the St . Mary's and Wickham Lodges , and of St . Mary's Chapter .
The Craft Abroad.
The Craft Abroad .
DISTRICT GRAND LODGE OF B ENGAL . Last week we referred , editorially , to the visit paid by the Duke of Connaught , P . G . S . W . England , to the District Grand Lodge of Bengal . The occasion , as we may suppose , was made much of by our Anglo-Indian brethren , who mustered in great force , under the presidency of their respected chief , R . W . Bro . the Hon . H . Thoby Prinsep , D . G . M . The scene of the gathering was laid in the
Municipal Hall , Mussowie . The brethren were summoned to meet at six o'clock p . m . —a full hour before the time fixed for the Duke ' s arrival—the interval being devoted to D . G . Lodge business . . His Royal Highness arrived punctually at 7 p . m ., and , having been conducted into a dressing room , Bro . Prinsep presented to him the D . G . Officers , namely : Bros . Fitze , D . D . G . M . ; J . H . Beer , D . G . S . W . ; T . W . FitchD . G . J . W . ; Captain Wood , D . G . S . D . ; F . W .
, Ouarry , D . G . J . D . ; F . B . Simons , D . G . D . C ; T . T . Bond , D . G . A . D . C ; J . M . McQueen , D . G . Swd . B . ; P . Mackinnon , D . G . Std . Br . ; F . Moss , D . G . Org . ; H . M . Rustomjee , D . G . Sec . ; VV . H . Hodge , D . G . A . Sec . ; H . W . Loot , D . G . P . ; W . Munton , D . G . A . P . ; and J . Murray , D . G . Ty ler . No member of his staff was in attendance on the Duke , but there were present Bros . General Sir Herbert Macpherson , Colonel Stockwell , and
Lieut . Oldham . A procession having been formed , consisting of the D . G . Officers and the officers of the local lodge , the D . G . M . opened his D . G . Lodge , and at once sent a deputation to usher his Royal Highness into D . G . Lodge . The brethren rose as the Duke entered and was conducted to his place on the dais , after which , by command of the D . G . M ., they saluted their Royal visitor in the prescribed manner . The D . G . M . having given a concise
history of Freemasonry in the district , its origin , the vicissitudes of its fortune , and its present condition of prosperity , D . G . Lodge was closed , and the brethren sat down to banquet , Bro . Prinsep occupying the chair , with the Duke of Connaught on his right , and Bro . Fitze , D . D . G . M ., on his left . In replying to the toast of his health , his Royal Highness remarked that when he was on the point of leaving England , his brother , the Prince of Wales , expressed
an earnest wish that he ( the Duke ) should see as many of the brethren as his opportunities would allow , and it had < riven him great pleasure to be in attendance that evening and witness the enthusiasm with which the toasts of the Queen Empress and his brother had been received . The Duke concluded his speech by proposing in highly eulogistic terms " The Health of the D . G . M ., " whom he cordially congratulated on the prosperous condition of the Craft
under his sway , as well as on the admirable manner in which the duties of the lodge were carried out . The D . G . Master , in his reply , was glad to learn that , in spite of those occasional grumblings as to the distribution of offices , which were inevitable , he had succeeded in giving satisfaction to the brethren generally , who , he doubted not , though he had not always managed to satisfy every one , would give him credit for having done his best . Bro . Fitze , D . D . G . M .,
gave the toast of " The Visiting Brethren , " who always found a heaity welcome at all Masonic gatherings . Bro . Gen . Sir H . Macpherson , whose name was associated with the toast , having humorously acknowledged the compliment , the proceedings , which had been mnch enlivened by some excellent solo and part singing , under the direction of Bro . Moss , D . G . Org ., were shortly afterwards brought to a conclusion .
A MASONIC SUMMONS . Many years ago the editor of an Irish journal named the Northern Whig , received by post a printed circular , evidently intended for some brother holding the rank of Past Master in the Craft of Masonry . The circular was as follows : " Belfast , 16 th January , 18 3 6 . "Sir and Brother , —
" By virtue of a commission issued to me by the M . W . ( Most Worshipful ?) the Grand Master of Ireland , to instal the Most Honourable the Marquis of Donegal Provincial G . M . for the Baronies of Belfast , Antrim , and Massarune , I hereby request your attendance at a Special Lodge of Past Masters , to be held at the Exchange Rooms in Belfast , on Monday , the 25 th instant , at twelve o'clock noon . I have the honour to be , Sir and Brother ,
" Your faithful Servant , " WALTER B . M ANT , " Provincial G . M . of Carly and Dunluce . " This mysterious document was High Dutch to our editorial friend , who appears to have regarded it as an announcement of some political movement that was likely
to set all Ireland by the ears , and having ascertained that the signature , which was in writing , was genuinely that ol Archdeacon Mant , he lost no time in finding a place for it in his journal under the strange heading : " Extraordinary and Suspicious Movement in the North . "
The Seamen ' s Christian Friend Society has received a donation of £ 50 from the Goldsmiths' Company , and also £ 5 5 s . each from Mr . Wm . Trotter and Bro . G . Lambert , F . S . A ., wardens oi the same company .
Masonic And General Tidings
The Lad y Mayoress gave her last ball at the Mansion House on Wednesday evening . Those present numbered about 700 . Mr . T . Humphrey Ward contemplates bringing out a biography of English writers who have died during the reign of her Majesty .
Bro . Alderman and Sheriff Whitehead has taken the oaths upon appointment to be a Justice of the Peace for the county of Kent . The greater part of the letterpress of the Christmas number of the St . Stephen's Review will be written by Bro . the Earl of Carnarvon , Pro Grand Master , and Earl Lvtton .
Bro . Sir John Bennett has been engaged to lecture on the House of Lords at Chichester ( November 3 ) , Cambridge ( November 4 ) , and Cheltenham ( November 13 ) . Applications from other places are being considered . The British Museum Library has just been enriched by the addition of a clean and perfect copy of Bunyan's " Pilgrim's Progress , " 167 S . There are only
three other copies known to be in existence , and of these one is not perfect . We are glad to hear that two Gold Medals have been awarded to Messrs . Welford and Sons , of the Warwick Dairy Farm , Willesdon and Maida Vale , for their excellent dairy exhibit , which proved so conspicuous an attraction in the South or Food Gallery .
Bro . William Nicholas , secretary of the Earlswood Asylum for Idiots , was knocked down by a van in Mark-lane on Monday last , and has sustained a fracture of the left leg . He was removed to Guy's Hospital , where he is progressing favourably . On Monday last , on the occasion of the birthday of Bro . Sir Moses Montefiore , five of the principal
Jewish Masonic lodges in the metropolis—viz ., the Montefiore , Samson , Tranquillity , Israel , and Joppa—celebrated the event by a banquet at the Criterion under the presidency of VV . M . Bro . N . H . Benjamin . Comp . J . H . Sillitoe , P . G . J . East Lancashire , installed Comps . N . Nicholson , Z . ; J . Mort , H . ; and VV . Boothroyd , J . of the St . John's Chapter , No . 221 , Bolton ,
on Thursday , the 16 th ult . ; and on Saturday , the 18 th ult ., he installed Comps . Eli Knowles , Z . ; John Hindle , H . ; and T . Yates , J . of the Bank Terrace Chapter , No . 4 G 2 , Accrington . On Monday Bro . the Lord Mayor opened the first shelter established by the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children . The shelter is situated in
Harpurstreet , Theobald ' s-road , and the ceremony took place in the presence of a distinguished company , among whom were the Baroness Burdett-Coutts , Cardinal Manning , Bro . Alderman Staples , Lady Ellis , Lady Northcote , & c The following dinners , & c , have been held at the Freemasons' Tavern during the present week : —Monday , October 27 th—Old King ' s Arms Lodge , Robert Burns
Chapter , De Grey and Ripon Lodge , Asaph Lodge Audit . Tuesday , 28 th—Tuscan Lodge , Royal York Chapter , Lodge of Prudent Brethren , Royal Savoy Lodge . Saturday , November 1 st—Cricketers' Dinner . Bro . J . W . Connell , late editor of the Southport Visitor , and who under the nom de plume of "
Sandgrounder " gained such well-deserved popoulanty , has entered upon a new venture as proprietor and editor of the Southport News and West Lancashire Standard . The first number in its new form made its appearance on Saturday , the 25 th ult . No doubt the inhabitants of this favourite sea-side resort will rally round their old friend and ensure him a great success .
LORD MAYOR ' S DAY . —ROUTE OF PROCESSION . —The following will be the route of the Lord Mayor ' s procession on the 10 th inst . : —From Guildhall-yard along Gresham-street , Princes-street , Mansion House-street , Queen Victoria-street , Budge-row , Cannon-street ( Mansion House Station ) , Queen Victoria-street , Queen-street , Cheapside , Newgate-street , Holborn Viaduct ,
Charterhouse-street , Farringdon-street , Fleet-street , to the Royal Courts of Justice ; and returning by way of Strand , Charing Cross , Whitehall-place , Thames Embankment , Queen Victoria-street , Queen-street , King-street to Guildhall . SAYE AND SELE LODGES , & c . —Bro . A . H . Bateman , the W . M . of the above Craft lodge , held at the Royal Alfred Institute , Belvedere , Kent , has , at infinite
pains , compiled a list of the members of the Craft and Mark lodges , and Red Cross Conclave working under the title " Saye and Sele . " The list contains the names , addresses , rank in Craft , Mark , or Conclave , the date of joining or initiation into the Craft lodge , the honorary members ; and a calendar of the meetings for 1 SS 4-S 5 ; and is worthy of the unqualified approbation given it by all r . nnnected with the Masonic institutions above-mentioned .
Bro . J . Judd , C . C , presided over a public meeting of the Early Closing Association , held at Upper Norwood on Tuesday evening last , and was supported by the Rev . Dr . Wright , Rev . James Johnston , Dr . Cliff , Mr . G . F . Williams , and Mr . Albert Larking , assistant secretary of the society , all of whom addressed the meeting . The association held a general meeting of assistants at Kilburn
on Wednesday evening last , which was presided over by Mr . J . A . Stacey , secretary , and on the same evening a soiree was held at Lower Norwood , at which Mr . Albert Larking was present . £ SO to £ SOO . —Tobacconists . —A pamphlet ( 80 pages ) How to commence from . £ ' 20 ; three stamps . H . Myers & Co ., 109 , Knston-rd ., London . Sample cigars 6 , 5 , 4 ,-1 / ., 14 stamps . [ Anv-i . l
CUKKS or OLU STANDINO ASTHMA , COLDS , & c ., hy Dp . LOCOCK s PULMONIC WAFERS . —From Mr . Robinson , Chemist , 9 , Myton-place . Hull . " Your Wafers are really excellent in all all ' ections of the Chest , old standing Asthma , and neglected Colds ; they seem to act like a charm , relieving the phlegm , and giving sweet , refreshing sleep , & c . " In Asthma , Consumption , Bronchitis , Coughs , Colds , and Rheumatism they give instant relief , a rapid cure , and taste pleasantly . Sold at is . ijd . and 2 s . nd . per box by all druggists . — [ ADVT . ]
Masonic And General Tidings
The Directors of the Bank of England met on Thursday and altered the rate of discount to 4 per cent . Bro . F . C . Hogard has commenced business , in ? his own name , as warehouseman and manufacturer ' s agent at 45 A , Cheapside .
Bro . H . Wildey Wright , of the Lord Mayor ' s Court and Temple , is Premier in the Conservative Ministry of the Battersea Parliament . The Palatine Council ( No . 10 ) , Preston of the Allied Masonic Degree , was consecrated by Bro . C . F . Matier , P . D . G . M . and G . Sec , on Thursday , the 23 rd ult . Full particulars in our next .
Bro . P . L . Simmonds , of 35 , Queen Victoriastreet , has been awarded three bronze medals by the executive committee of the Edinburgh Forestry Exhibition for important essays on forest products . Bro . Sir J . McGarel-Hogg , Bart ., M . P ., chairman of the Metropolitan Board of Works , placed the foundation stone of a building at Ballycarry , which is to be devoted to Sabbath school and social purposes .
Bro . George Kenning , of Little Britain and Aldersgate-street , has been awarded a Gold Medal for gold and silver work by the Superior Council of the London International Exhibition , 1 S 84 , held at the Crystal Palace . On Tuesday , Bro . the Lord Mayor , who was accompanied by the Lady Mayoress , opened the new drinking fountain , which has just been erected in place of the old one of 1 S 60 , at Adelaide-place , on the north side of London Bridge .
Bro . Grantham R . Dodd , of New Broad-street , read a paper on the subject of " The Custody and Guardianship of Infants , " inwhich he suggested variousalterations in the law , at the recent annual provincial meeting of the Incorporated Law Society at Birmingham . The ceremony of installation will be rehearsed on Saturday , the Sth inst . ( not the I 2 lh , as announced last week ) , at the Chiswick Lodge of Instruction , No . 2012 ,
the Hampshire Hog Hotel , Hammersmith , by Bro . E . Ayling , P . M . Preceptor ; also a lecture by Bro . Morgan , P . M . A meeting of the General Committee of the Liverpool Masonic Hall , Hope-street , Liverpool , was held on Friday , the 24 th ult ., in the building , under the presidency of Bro . J . Pemberton , P . P . G . S B . On the motion of Bro . J . B . MacKenzie , P . P . G . S . D ., seconded by Bro . Robert Wylie , P . P . G . S . D ., Bro . Dr . I . Kellett Smith ,
P . P . G . R ., was unanimously elected one of the trustees of the building , to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Bro . H . S . Alpass . A vote of condolence was passed with Mrs . Alpass , and it was also tesi-lved to send her a letter of thanks for the gift of two handsome marble columns for the purpose of being placed in the Masonic Hall . The following are among the distinguished brethren who have accepted Bro . the Lord Mayor's invitation
to the banquet which will be given by his lordship at the Mansion House to the Grand Officers , Present and Past , of Grand Lodge , namelv : Bros . Sir M . Hicks-Beach , Bart ., M . P ., Prov . G . M . Gloucestershire ; Lord Brooke , M . P ., Prov . G . M . Essex ; Lord Thynne , P . G . S . W . ; Sir E . A . Lechmere , Bart ., M . P ., Prov . G . M . Worcestershire ; Sir George Elliot , Bart ., M . P ., Prov . G . M . South Wales ( East ); Lord Waveney , Prov . G . M . Suffolk ; Viscount
Holmesdale , Prov . G . M . Kent ; Sir A . VV . Woods , G . D . of C . ; Justice Straight , and others . The Turners' Company have this week held , their usual exhibition of turnery in wood , pottery , and precious stones , but in consequence of the Mansion House being required for the Lady Mayoress ' s ball , the display was arranged in the Old Queen ' s Bench Court , Guildhall ,
As usual , the Company awarded a large number of prizes to the most deserving competitors in the several sections , and in addition there were given several money prizes , the most conspicuous of which were £ 50 by the Baroness Burdett-Coutts ; £ 25 and £ 10 for diamond cutting and polishing by Bro . Burdett-Coutts ; £ 10 ios . by Bro . Horace Jones , G . S . of Works ; and £ 5 5 s . by Bro . Brackstone Baker , P . G . D ., Master of the Company .
The annual meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Leicestershire and Rutland will be held on Thursday next , the 6 th inst ., at the Corn Exchange , Melton-Mowbray , under the auspices of the Rutland Lodge , No . 1130 . The business to be transacted includes the submission of the reports of the Committee of General Purposes , the Charity Committee and the Registrars ' report , after which the Treasurer ' s statement of account
will be handed in and considered . Bro . S . S . Partridge will be installed as D . P . G . M ., and the Prov . Grand Officers for the year appointed and invested . A banquet will follow as usual , and will take place at the George Hotel . It being requested that all brethren intending to be present should send in their names on or before Monday next , the 3 rd inst . The Owl Club commenced their session for
18 S 4-S 5 , at the Cannon-street Hotel , E . C , on Monday , the 27 th ult . The programme was of the usual first class character , the subscribers and their friends filling the large hall of that establishment , and if encores and applause may be taken as examples of satisfaction , the Committee and the singers may be congratulated on their success , for every part of the programme was unusually well received , and the committee may be complimented in again being
able to retain the services of such eminent artists in part singing , as Bros . E . Collins , Albert James , Edwin Moss , Henry Ashton , Arthur Thompson , F . Bevan , and Alfred Hubbard . For the opening night the able services of Messrs . F . W . Hanson and Stanley Smith were retained , also that of Master John Saunders , a very promising violinist of great merit , pupil of ( Carodus ) , Mr . Alfred Smythson at the piano , and Bro . Maddock rendering great service in
attending to the seating and comfort of the large assemblage present . HOLLOWAV ' S PILLS . —Wrongs made Right . —Every day that any bodily sutTering is permitted to continue renders it more certain to become chronic or dangerous . Holloway's purifying , cooling , and strengthening Pills are well adapted for any irregularity of the human body , and should be taken when the stomach is disordered .
the liver deranged , the kidneys inactive , the bowels torpid , or the brain muddled . With this medicine everv invalid can cine himself , and those who arc weak and inlirm through imperfect digestion may make themselves strong and stout by Holloway ' s excellent Pills . A few doses of them usually mitigate the most painful symptoms caused by undigested food , from which they thoroughly free the alimentary canal , and completely restore its natural power and action . — [ ADVT . ]
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
much-esteemed brother . A large number of the parents of the children were also in the cemetery during the impressive funeral ceremony , and others gathered at the school to witness the departure of the cortege . The funeral of the late Bro . Charles Lowther Kemp , whose death was announced in our issue of the nth ult ., took place on Saturday last , the 25 th ult ., at St . Peter's
Church , Wickham-road , S . E ., and at Nunhead Cemetery . The arrangements for sending , home the body from Canada were kindly undertaken by Bro . Gilbert Scott , a prominent citizen of Montreal ; the very beautiful coffin being considerately arranged to allow of easy identification . The body was followed to the grave by a very large assemblage of friends and brethren . Among the latter we noticed
Bros . Rev . Robeit Pratt , M . A . ; Drs . T . R . Adams , Brookhouse , Gordon , and W . E . Grindley Pearse ; Cole Adams , W . M . 63 ; Nuding , W . M . 140 ; Spratling , W . M . 1924 ; W . A . Adams , P . M . 90 ; Hollingworth , P . M . 63 and 1924 ; Dennant , P . M . 140 and 1924 ; Abbott , Secretary 1924 ; and almost all the members of the St . Mary's and Wickham Lodges , and of St . Mary's Chapter .
The Craft Abroad.
The Craft Abroad .
DISTRICT GRAND LODGE OF B ENGAL . Last week we referred , editorially , to the visit paid by the Duke of Connaught , P . G . S . W . England , to the District Grand Lodge of Bengal . The occasion , as we may suppose , was made much of by our Anglo-Indian brethren , who mustered in great force , under the presidency of their respected chief , R . W . Bro . the Hon . H . Thoby Prinsep , D . G . M . The scene of the gathering was laid in the
Municipal Hall , Mussowie . The brethren were summoned to meet at six o'clock p . m . —a full hour before the time fixed for the Duke ' s arrival—the interval being devoted to D . G . Lodge business . . His Royal Highness arrived punctually at 7 p . m ., and , having been conducted into a dressing room , Bro . Prinsep presented to him the D . G . Officers , namely : Bros . Fitze , D . D . G . M . ; J . H . Beer , D . G . S . W . ; T . W . FitchD . G . J . W . ; Captain Wood , D . G . S . D . ; F . W .
, Ouarry , D . G . J . D . ; F . B . Simons , D . G . D . C ; T . T . Bond , D . G . A . D . C ; J . M . McQueen , D . G . Swd . B . ; P . Mackinnon , D . G . Std . Br . ; F . Moss , D . G . Org . ; H . M . Rustomjee , D . G . Sec . ; VV . H . Hodge , D . G . A . Sec . ; H . W . Loot , D . G . P . ; W . Munton , D . G . A . P . ; and J . Murray , D . G . Ty ler . No member of his staff was in attendance on the Duke , but there were present Bros . General Sir Herbert Macpherson , Colonel Stockwell , and
Lieut . Oldham . A procession having been formed , consisting of the D . G . Officers and the officers of the local lodge , the D . G . M . opened his D . G . Lodge , and at once sent a deputation to usher his Royal Highness into D . G . Lodge . The brethren rose as the Duke entered and was conducted to his place on the dais , after which , by command of the D . G . M ., they saluted their Royal visitor in the prescribed manner . The D . G . M . having given a concise
history of Freemasonry in the district , its origin , the vicissitudes of its fortune , and its present condition of prosperity , D . G . Lodge was closed , and the brethren sat down to banquet , Bro . Prinsep occupying the chair , with the Duke of Connaught on his right , and Bro . Fitze , D . D . G . M ., on his left . In replying to the toast of his health , his Royal Highness remarked that when he was on the point of leaving England , his brother , the Prince of Wales , expressed
an earnest wish that he ( the Duke ) should see as many of the brethren as his opportunities would allow , and it had < riven him great pleasure to be in attendance that evening and witness the enthusiasm with which the toasts of the Queen Empress and his brother had been received . The Duke concluded his speech by proposing in highly eulogistic terms " The Health of the D . G . M ., " whom he cordially congratulated on the prosperous condition of the Craft
under his sway , as well as on the admirable manner in which the duties of the lodge were carried out . The D . G . Master , in his reply , was glad to learn that , in spite of those occasional grumblings as to the distribution of offices , which were inevitable , he had succeeded in giving satisfaction to the brethren generally , who , he doubted not , though he had not always managed to satisfy every one , would give him credit for having done his best . Bro . Fitze , D . D . G . M .,
gave the toast of " The Visiting Brethren , " who always found a heaity welcome at all Masonic gatherings . Bro . Gen . Sir H . Macpherson , whose name was associated with the toast , having humorously acknowledged the compliment , the proceedings , which had been mnch enlivened by some excellent solo and part singing , under the direction of Bro . Moss , D . G . Org ., were shortly afterwards brought to a conclusion .
A MASONIC SUMMONS . Many years ago the editor of an Irish journal named the Northern Whig , received by post a printed circular , evidently intended for some brother holding the rank of Past Master in the Craft of Masonry . The circular was as follows : " Belfast , 16 th January , 18 3 6 . "Sir and Brother , —
" By virtue of a commission issued to me by the M . W . ( Most Worshipful ?) the Grand Master of Ireland , to instal the Most Honourable the Marquis of Donegal Provincial G . M . for the Baronies of Belfast , Antrim , and Massarune , I hereby request your attendance at a Special Lodge of Past Masters , to be held at the Exchange Rooms in Belfast , on Monday , the 25 th instant , at twelve o'clock noon . I have the honour to be , Sir and Brother ,
" Your faithful Servant , " WALTER B . M ANT , " Provincial G . M . of Carly and Dunluce . " This mysterious document was High Dutch to our editorial friend , who appears to have regarded it as an announcement of some political movement that was likely
to set all Ireland by the ears , and having ascertained that the signature , which was in writing , was genuinely that ol Archdeacon Mant , he lost no time in finding a place for it in his journal under the strange heading : " Extraordinary and Suspicious Movement in the North . "
The Seamen ' s Christian Friend Society has received a donation of £ 50 from the Goldsmiths' Company , and also £ 5 5 s . each from Mr . Wm . Trotter and Bro . G . Lambert , F . S . A ., wardens oi the same company .
Masonic And General Tidings
The Lad y Mayoress gave her last ball at the Mansion House on Wednesday evening . Those present numbered about 700 . Mr . T . Humphrey Ward contemplates bringing out a biography of English writers who have died during the reign of her Majesty .
Bro . Alderman and Sheriff Whitehead has taken the oaths upon appointment to be a Justice of the Peace for the county of Kent . The greater part of the letterpress of the Christmas number of the St . Stephen's Review will be written by Bro . the Earl of Carnarvon , Pro Grand Master , and Earl Lvtton .
Bro . Sir John Bennett has been engaged to lecture on the House of Lords at Chichester ( November 3 ) , Cambridge ( November 4 ) , and Cheltenham ( November 13 ) . Applications from other places are being considered . The British Museum Library has just been enriched by the addition of a clean and perfect copy of Bunyan's " Pilgrim's Progress , " 167 S . There are only
three other copies known to be in existence , and of these one is not perfect . We are glad to hear that two Gold Medals have been awarded to Messrs . Welford and Sons , of the Warwick Dairy Farm , Willesdon and Maida Vale , for their excellent dairy exhibit , which proved so conspicuous an attraction in the South or Food Gallery .
Bro . William Nicholas , secretary of the Earlswood Asylum for Idiots , was knocked down by a van in Mark-lane on Monday last , and has sustained a fracture of the left leg . He was removed to Guy's Hospital , where he is progressing favourably . On Monday last , on the occasion of the birthday of Bro . Sir Moses Montefiore , five of the principal
Jewish Masonic lodges in the metropolis—viz ., the Montefiore , Samson , Tranquillity , Israel , and Joppa—celebrated the event by a banquet at the Criterion under the presidency of VV . M . Bro . N . H . Benjamin . Comp . J . H . Sillitoe , P . G . J . East Lancashire , installed Comps . N . Nicholson , Z . ; J . Mort , H . ; and VV . Boothroyd , J . of the St . John's Chapter , No . 221 , Bolton ,
on Thursday , the 16 th ult . ; and on Saturday , the 18 th ult ., he installed Comps . Eli Knowles , Z . ; John Hindle , H . ; and T . Yates , J . of the Bank Terrace Chapter , No . 4 G 2 , Accrington . On Monday Bro . the Lord Mayor opened the first shelter established by the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children . The shelter is situated in
Harpurstreet , Theobald ' s-road , and the ceremony took place in the presence of a distinguished company , among whom were the Baroness Burdett-Coutts , Cardinal Manning , Bro . Alderman Staples , Lady Ellis , Lady Northcote , & c The following dinners , & c , have been held at the Freemasons' Tavern during the present week : —Monday , October 27 th—Old King ' s Arms Lodge , Robert Burns
Chapter , De Grey and Ripon Lodge , Asaph Lodge Audit . Tuesday , 28 th—Tuscan Lodge , Royal York Chapter , Lodge of Prudent Brethren , Royal Savoy Lodge . Saturday , November 1 st—Cricketers' Dinner . Bro . J . W . Connell , late editor of the Southport Visitor , and who under the nom de plume of "
Sandgrounder " gained such well-deserved popoulanty , has entered upon a new venture as proprietor and editor of the Southport News and West Lancashire Standard . The first number in its new form made its appearance on Saturday , the 25 th ult . No doubt the inhabitants of this favourite sea-side resort will rally round their old friend and ensure him a great success .
LORD MAYOR ' S DAY . —ROUTE OF PROCESSION . —The following will be the route of the Lord Mayor ' s procession on the 10 th inst . : —From Guildhall-yard along Gresham-street , Princes-street , Mansion House-street , Queen Victoria-street , Budge-row , Cannon-street ( Mansion House Station ) , Queen Victoria-street , Queen-street , Cheapside , Newgate-street , Holborn Viaduct ,
Charterhouse-street , Farringdon-street , Fleet-street , to the Royal Courts of Justice ; and returning by way of Strand , Charing Cross , Whitehall-place , Thames Embankment , Queen Victoria-street , Queen-street , King-street to Guildhall . SAYE AND SELE LODGES , & c . —Bro . A . H . Bateman , the W . M . of the above Craft lodge , held at the Royal Alfred Institute , Belvedere , Kent , has , at infinite
pains , compiled a list of the members of the Craft and Mark lodges , and Red Cross Conclave working under the title " Saye and Sele . " The list contains the names , addresses , rank in Craft , Mark , or Conclave , the date of joining or initiation into the Craft lodge , the honorary members ; and a calendar of the meetings for 1 SS 4-S 5 ; and is worthy of the unqualified approbation given it by all r . nnnected with the Masonic institutions above-mentioned .
Bro . J . Judd , C . C , presided over a public meeting of the Early Closing Association , held at Upper Norwood on Tuesday evening last , and was supported by the Rev . Dr . Wright , Rev . James Johnston , Dr . Cliff , Mr . G . F . Williams , and Mr . Albert Larking , assistant secretary of the society , all of whom addressed the meeting . The association held a general meeting of assistants at Kilburn
on Wednesday evening last , which was presided over by Mr . J . A . Stacey , secretary , and on the same evening a soiree was held at Lower Norwood , at which Mr . Albert Larking was present . £ SO to £ SOO . —Tobacconists . —A pamphlet ( 80 pages ) How to commence from . £ ' 20 ; three stamps . H . Myers & Co ., 109 , Knston-rd ., London . Sample cigars 6 , 5 , 4 ,-1 / ., 14 stamps . [ Anv-i . l
CUKKS or OLU STANDINO ASTHMA , COLDS , & c ., hy Dp . LOCOCK s PULMONIC WAFERS . —From Mr . Robinson , Chemist , 9 , Myton-place . Hull . " Your Wafers are really excellent in all all ' ections of the Chest , old standing Asthma , and neglected Colds ; they seem to act like a charm , relieving the phlegm , and giving sweet , refreshing sleep , & c . " In Asthma , Consumption , Bronchitis , Coughs , Colds , and Rheumatism they give instant relief , a rapid cure , and taste pleasantly . Sold at is . ijd . and 2 s . nd . per box by all druggists . — [ ADVT . ]
Masonic And General Tidings
The Directors of the Bank of England met on Thursday and altered the rate of discount to 4 per cent . Bro . F . C . Hogard has commenced business , in ? his own name , as warehouseman and manufacturer ' s agent at 45 A , Cheapside .
Bro . H . Wildey Wright , of the Lord Mayor ' s Court and Temple , is Premier in the Conservative Ministry of the Battersea Parliament . The Palatine Council ( No . 10 ) , Preston of the Allied Masonic Degree , was consecrated by Bro . C . F . Matier , P . D . G . M . and G . Sec , on Thursday , the 23 rd ult . Full particulars in our next .
Bro . P . L . Simmonds , of 35 , Queen Victoriastreet , has been awarded three bronze medals by the executive committee of the Edinburgh Forestry Exhibition for important essays on forest products . Bro . Sir J . McGarel-Hogg , Bart ., M . P ., chairman of the Metropolitan Board of Works , placed the foundation stone of a building at Ballycarry , which is to be devoted to Sabbath school and social purposes .
Bro . George Kenning , of Little Britain and Aldersgate-street , has been awarded a Gold Medal for gold and silver work by the Superior Council of the London International Exhibition , 1 S 84 , held at the Crystal Palace . On Tuesday , Bro . the Lord Mayor , who was accompanied by the Lady Mayoress , opened the new drinking fountain , which has just been erected in place of the old one of 1 S 60 , at Adelaide-place , on the north side of London Bridge .
Bro . Grantham R . Dodd , of New Broad-street , read a paper on the subject of " The Custody and Guardianship of Infants , " inwhich he suggested variousalterations in the law , at the recent annual provincial meeting of the Incorporated Law Society at Birmingham . The ceremony of installation will be rehearsed on Saturday , the Sth inst . ( not the I 2 lh , as announced last week ) , at the Chiswick Lodge of Instruction , No . 2012 ,
the Hampshire Hog Hotel , Hammersmith , by Bro . E . Ayling , P . M . Preceptor ; also a lecture by Bro . Morgan , P . M . A meeting of the General Committee of the Liverpool Masonic Hall , Hope-street , Liverpool , was held on Friday , the 24 th ult ., in the building , under the presidency of Bro . J . Pemberton , P . P . G . S B . On the motion of Bro . J . B . MacKenzie , P . P . G . S . D ., seconded by Bro . Robert Wylie , P . P . G . S . D ., Bro . Dr . I . Kellett Smith ,
P . P . G . R ., was unanimously elected one of the trustees of the building , to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Bro . H . S . Alpass . A vote of condolence was passed with Mrs . Alpass , and it was also tesi-lved to send her a letter of thanks for the gift of two handsome marble columns for the purpose of being placed in the Masonic Hall . The following are among the distinguished brethren who have accepted Bro . the Lord Mayor's invitation
to the banquet which will be given by his lordship at the Mansion House to the Grand Officers , Present and Past , of Grand Lodge , namelv : Bros . Sir M . Hicks-Beach , Bart ., M . P ., Prov . G . M . Gloucestershire ; Lord Brooke , M . P ., Prov . G . M . Essex ; Lord Thynne , P . G . S . W . ; Sir E . A . Lechmere , Bart ., M . P ., Prov . G . M . Worcestershire ; Sir George Elliot , Bart ., M . P ., Prov . G . M . South Wales ( East ); Lord Waveney , Prov . G . M . Suffolk ; Viscount
Holmesdale , Prov . G . M . Kent ; Sir A . VV . Woods , G . D . of C . ; Justice Straight , and others . The Turners' Company have this week held , their usual exhibition of turnery in wood , pottery , and precious stones , but in consequence of the Mansion House being required for the Lady Mayoress ' s ball , the display was arranged in the Old Queen ' s Bench Court , Guildhall ,
As usual , the Company awarded a large number of prizes to the most deserving competitors in the several sections , and in addition there were given several money prizes , the most conspicuous of which were £ 50 by the Baroness Burdett-Coutts ; £ 25 and £ 10 for diamond cutting and polishing by Bro . Burdett-Coutts ; £ 10 ios . by Bro . Horace Jones , G . S . of Works ; and £ 5 5 s . by Bro . Brackstone Baker , P . G . D ., Master of the Company .
The annual meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Leicestershire and Rutland will be held on Thursday next , the 6 th inst ., at the Corn Exchange , Melton-Mowbray , under the auspices of the Rutland Lodge , No . 1130 . The business to be transacted includes the submission of the reports of the Committee of General Purposes , the Charity Committee and the Registrars ' report , after which the Treasurer ' s statement of account
will be handed in and considered . Bro . S . S . Partridge will be installed as D . P . G . M ., and the Prov . Grand Officers for the year appointed and invested . A banquet will follow as usual , and will take place at the George Hotel . It being requested that all brethren intending to be present should send in their names on or before Monday next , the 3 rd inst . The Owl Club commenced their session for
18 S 4-S 5 , at the Cannon-street Hotel , E . C , on Monday , the 27 th ult . The programme was of the usual first class character , the subscribers and their friends filling the large hall of that establishment , and if encores and applause may be taken as examples of satisfaction , the Committee and the singers may be congratulated on their success , for every part of the programme was unusually well received , and the committee may be complimented in again being
able to retain the services of such eminent artists in part singing , as Bros . E . Collins , Albert James , Edwin Moss , Henry Ashton , Arthur Thompson , F . Bevan , and Alfred Hubbard . For the opening night the able services of Messrs . F . W . Hanson and Stanley Smith were retained , also that of Master John Saunders , a very promising violinist of great merit , pupil of ( Carodus ) , Mr . Alfred Smythson at the piano , and Bro . Maddock rendering great service in
attending to the seating and comfort of the large assemblage present . HOLLOWAV ' S PILLS . —Wrongs made Right . —Every day that any bodily sutTering is permitted to continue renders it more certain to become chronic or dangerous . Holloway's purifying , cooling , and strengthening Pills are well adapted for any irregularity of the human body , and should be taken when the stomach is disordered .
the liver deranged , the kidneys inactive , the bowels torpid , or the brain muddled . With this medicine everv invalid can cine himself , and those who arc weak and inlirm through imperfect digestion may make themselves strong and stout by Holloway ' s excellent Pills . A few doses of them usually mitigate the most painful symptoms caused by undigested food , from which they thoroughly free the alimentary canal , and completely restore its natural power and action . — [ ADVT . ]