Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Table Of Contents.
REPORTS OF MASONIC M F . ETI . N-GS : — Craft Masomy * Royal Arch * Mark Masonrv Knights Templar » Ancient and Accepted Rite Red Cross of Constantine 3
Scotland POETRY : — „ ,,.,,. J The Freemasons and the Roman Catholic Union 5 New Year's Dav ; 1 S 75 5 The New Year . ' . ° CORRESPON'DKVCE : — f , The Installation of the Grand Master ° Our Masonic Charities °
Scottish Masonic Benevolent Fund 7 Masonic Jurisprudence 7 Masonic Portraits " A Correction 1 The Onice of Grand Master 7 Installation of the Provincial Grand Master of New Zealand 8
OlllTUABYlDro . S . B . King 9 Hro . E-. Collingwood 9 Bro . Capt . W . H . Lee 9 Reviews 9 Notes on Literature , Science and Art 9 Masonic Meetings for next Week 10 Advertisements i , ii , iii , iv , V , vi
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
? ( ks & Stoitm
IPSWICH . —British Union Lodge ( No . 114 . )—On Thursday , the 1 ; th ult ., the annual meeting for the installation of the Worshipful Master and festival of St . John was held . Present , Bros , the Rev . E . J . Lockwood , D . P . G . M . ; P . cle Lande Long :, W . M . ; C . Schulcn , P . P . G . D . C . ; Emra Holmes , P . P . G . Registrar , M . C . ; J . Harris , P . M ., P . P . G . S . D . ; W . Spalding , Secretary , P . M . ; R . Barton , LL . D .,
P . P . G . M . Western India ; A . D . George , S . W . ; J . J . Burton f . W ., P . P . G . D . C , Cambs . ; Rev . A . W . G . Moore , S . D . ; H . Miller , J . D . ; J . Caslcy ; Geo . Turner , P . P . G . D . C . ; H . Clark ; P . Cornell , P . P . G . S . D ., and others . Visiting Vcthren ; Rev . — Mcrse , P . P . G . S . W ., Cambridge ; J . B . Pcrrott , P . P . G . S . W ., South Wales ; N . Tracy , P . P . G . S . W ., W . M ., Perfect Friendship Lodge , and others . The lodge
having been opened in due and solemn form , and the minutes confirmed , Bro . Lockwood duly installed Bro . A . D . George , the W . M . elect , into the chair of King Solomon , the ceremony being characterised by that degree of solemnity and impressiveness which the reverend brother knows so well how to impart to the proceedings . The M . C . having proclaimed the W . M . in ancient form , the
newly-installed Master proceeded to invest his officers as follows : —Bros . Peter dc Lande Long , I . P . M . ; J . J . Burton , S . W . ; Rev . A . W . G . Moore , J . W . ; H . Miller , S . D . ; Rev . j . B . Tweed , J . D . ; A . Allen , I . G . ; G . Spalding , Tyler ; C . Schulen , Treasurer ; W . Spalding , Secretary . One or two of the brethren being unfortunately absent they were invested by proxy . Bro . Dr . Barton proposed
that a Past Master's jewel be presented to Bro . Long for his able conduct in the chair . Bro . Emra Holmes cordially seconded the motion , testifying to the unvarying courtesy which Bro . Long had shown whilst holding that position , and the zeal and assiduity which he had exhibited as Master of the lodge . The motion was carried by acclamation at the suggestion of Bro . Lockwood . Bro .
Long thanked the brethren very warmly for their kindness , which he appreciated all the more because he knew it was not the custom of the lodge to present the Master with a jewel . Whatever future honours might await him in Masonry , he should value the jewel of the British Union Lodge more than anything else . The current business being disposed of , the brethren retired to the
banquet , which was served in Bro . G . Spalding ' s best style . The table was decorated with choice flowers , the champagne was splendid ; bcth were the gift of the W . M . Ample justice having been done to the viands , and the cloth being removed , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given from the chair . Some conversation ensued as to the course to be taken with reference to the
attendance of brethren at the forthcoming installation of the Prince ofWales as Grand Master . it was suggested that the proposition which had recently appeared in the FIIKHMASON , that the Albert Hall should be secured for the installation , was the only feasible one for allowing such brethren as were entitled to attend an opportunity of seeing the Prince . A brother remarked that
there were 1400 actual Masters , double that number of Wardens , of course , and probably about 4000 Past Masters , all of whom had a seat in Grand Lodge . I le thought that if tickets at guinea or half a guinea were issued to such as were eligible to attend , a handsome sum might be realised for the charities , as probably between 8000 and 10 , 000 had a right to be present and no doubt
half that number would gladly pay the amount in order lo attend . It appears there is some difficulty about the renters of the Albert Hall , but surely it is not insurmountable , and from the opinions generally expressed on this and other occasions it may fairly be assumed that any scheme tending to limit the attendance unjustly , or which fails to provide adequate accomodation for the Masters of the
Craft , will meet with universal disapprobation . Bro . Dr . Barton proposed " The Immediate Past Master" in eulogistic terms and in an admirable speech expatiated upon his many excellencies of head and heart , and alluding to the Craft generally he said that it behoved brethren to be very
careful nowadays for their characters were soon known all over Hie world . What with steam and the electric telegraph the world was brought very close together . What he thought might be considered one of the coincidences of life so frequently occurring and which illustrated what he said was the fact that his immediate predecessor , Bro .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Durance Cartwrig lit , Prov . Grand Master of Western India , was uncle of their present Master , Bro . Durance George , of whom he had great hopes . Bro . Long briefly and modestly responded to the toast and made a pleasant speech revealing nothing as to what was contemplated by the Board of General Purposes , ( of which our popular brother is Vice-President ) in the installation of His Royal
Highness . The I . P . M . proposed the W . M ., who suitably responded . In proposing the D . P . G . M . from the chair Bro . George took occasion to dilate upon the admirable way in which he filled that office and thanked our venerable brother for the impressive way in which he had conducted the installation . Bro . Morse in responding to the toast of the visitors , made a most excellent speech .
Alluding to some remarks made by Dr . Barton earlier in the evening , showing the vast antiquity of Masonry as evidenced in the caves of Elephanta , which have a lion at the entrance with a drawn sword , are due east and west , are formed like a lodge , and have three seats , east , south , and west , & c , Bro . Morse said he had been struck with the evidences of Masonry in Lincoln Cathedral many years
ago . In a certain part seen from the tower and in their rig ht position are three gurgoyles , making the signs of the three degrees . There they have spouted out water for centuries upon centuries and there they have been making the signs of Freemasons , and some would have us believe Masonry was a thing of yesterday . Bro . Emra Holmes , by permission of the W . M ., assumed the gavel , and to tc
called upoij ^ he brethren rise and drink the memory of their deceased Bro . King , a frequent visitor at the lodge , who had been suddenly called from among them , called from labour to refreshment , and who he hoped was awaiting them in the Grand Lodge above . Bro . King had just been installed W . M . of the St . Luke ' s Lodge , when he died , and and he believed , as Bro . Sanderson had said solemnly over
his grave , that such was his love for Masonry and so prepared was he , that had he been asked how he would be taken , he would have wished no other death than this . The toast was drunk in solemn silence . But for the passing sadness by this allusion to our much esteemed and deeply lamented brother , a very agreeable evening was spent , and the brethren were loath indeed to part . Bros .
Clark and Turner contributed very much to the harmony of the evening by giving some capital songs . WHITTINGTON LODGE ( NO . 862 ) . —A meeting of the Whittington Lodge was held on Monday evening , at Anderton's Hotel , Bro . Alfred Rhodes Haley , W . M ., presided , and initiated M . Guiseppe Oberti . Bro . James Weaver , P . M ., passed Bros . Beldan , Webb , May , Brown , Hum and
Williams , and the brethren afterwards banqueted together . Thirty-seven sat down , and among them were several visitors , the principal being Lieut .-Col . James Peters , 29 th North Middlesex Rifles , W . M . Thames Valley Lodge , No . 1460 ; and William Stephens , W . M . Marquis of Ripon Lodge , No . 1489 . It will be remembered that three weeks ago the Whittington Lodge presented the Marquis
of Ripon Lodge with the collar jewels of the officers , the presentation being made in the latter lodge by Bro . James Brett , P . G . P . In returning thanks for the visitors to the toasts proposed in their honour on Monday evening , Bro . William Stephens took the opportunity thus afforded him of thanking also the Whittington Lodge for their handsome gift , which he hoped the brethren of the Marquis of
Ripon Lodge would always value as much as they did now . He esteemed the possession of a jewel which had belonged to the Whittington Lodge as one of the greatest points gained towards the success of his own lodge , and he could not but remark that the generous gift exhibited the true principles of Freemasonry . He trusted that he should hand over the jewel to his successor in the chair to
continue the good work of Freemasonry already begun , and he concluded by expressing his truest fraternal regards to the brethren before him , and offering to them the most cordial invitation during his year of office to visit him at his lodge . Lieut . Col . Peters also acknowledged the toast of "The Visitors , " and expressed his gratification at the hearty reception which he had experienced that evening , and at
meeting the brother who a short time ago had consecrated the Thames Valley Lodge , of which he was Master . Bro . Jones replied for the Past Masters . Among the officers who replied to the toast drunk to them , was Bro . Walker , J . W ., who announced the fact of his Stewardship for the Aged Freemasons' Festival on the 27 th of January , and pleaded the cause of that Institution very powerfully . Bro .
Moore , I . G ., acknowledging the difficulty there was to say anything new in answer to these toasts , which were proposed and responded to in almost the same words from day to day , said he looked upon the post to which he had attained as one of high honour , for to the I . G . was entrusted the important duty of keeping out all intruders to the lodge . Looked upon by many as almost a fcrmal
office , it was to him of great moment , for while it prepared him for the more onerous duties of the Master's chair , which he hoped ultimately to reach , it should warn brethren lo keep out all such would-be intruders to their hearts as pride and self-conceit . When the Treasurer and Secretary responded to the toast which was speciall y dedicated to them , Bro . Little read some lines he had written , founded on 1
John , 11 : 19 , on a late great withdrawal from the Order , which , however , we refrain from giving , on account of iheir not being yet finally revised . The brethren , after enjoying several good musical performances , adjourned to the third Monday in January . HAMPTON . —Lebanon , Lodge ( No . 132 ( 1 ) . —An emergency meeting of this lodge was held on Thursday , December
17 th , at the Red Lion Hold , Lion Square , Hampton . Bro . Frederick Walters , P . G . P . Middlesex , P . M ., Sec , opened the lodge . There were present during the afternoon and evening Bros . W . Hammond , P . G . Steward , Middlesex , P . M . 201 , P . M . 1512 , W . M . ; H . A . Dubois , P . G . A . D . C , Middlesex , W . M . 141 3 , S . W . ; ) . W . |; ickson , J . W . ; J . Gilbert , S . D . ; E . Hopwood , P . M . ; | . T . Moss , P . G . Reg ., Middlesex , P . M . ; G . S . Stretton ; C . W .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
/ Stretton ; W . B . Shacklcton ; C . Homej ^ W . Warhurst ; J . Howe ; 11 . Tozer ; and many otheys \ , / Among ^ t _ tlie visitors we noticed Bros . W . Smced , fvP . G . JuW ,. Middle ^ _ ^ sex , P . M . 246 ; Rev . P . M . Holden , jChaplauy <) o 7 ;(^ c' ~ etc . The veteran Secretary , in rf-slow ; impressive , and solemn manner , raised Bros . W . Warhurst & and C . Howe to the third degree ; passed Bro . J . Howe to the second degree . Bro . H . A . Dubois , P . G . A . D . C ., Middlesex , W . M .
1423 , S . W ., took the chair , and in an able , painstaking , and correct style initiated Mr . Charles Lucop into the mysteries and the privileges of ancient Freemasonry . Bro . W . Hammond , P . G . Steward , Middlesex , P . M . 201 , W . M " . 1512 , W . M ., closed the lodge . Refreshment followed labour . The usual toasts were given and responded to . Songs and recitations passed away an agreeable reunion .
The brethren separated , wishing each other a right merry Christmas and a happy new year . STOCKWELI . LODGK ( NO . 1339 ) . —A meeting of this lodge took place on Thursday , the 17 th ult ., at the Tulsc Hill Hotel . Present : —Bros . Kcenik , W . M . ; Pain , S . W . ; W . II . Bcnham , J . W . ; Bennett , S . D . ; Bowyer , J . D . ; Loe , I . G . ; Francis , Sec . ; Knibbs ; T . Harris ; W . Harris ; Hinxman ; Pillinger , D . C . ; Sidwell , Dea , and II . Hart .
The lodge being prevented from meeting at the usual place Heme Hill , the W . M . called a meeting at the above place . The business was to elect the W . M ., Treasurer , and Tyler , and to elect Bro . Hart , of the Rose of Denmark , as a joinng member . The S . W ., Bro . Pain , having generously given way to the J . W ., Bro . Benham , J . W ., was unanimously elected W . M . Bro . Hammerton , P . M ., was also unanimously elected Treasurer ; and Bro . Parkinson , Tyler . The ballot was also unanimous in the election of Bro .
Hart as joining member . A jewel having been voted to the outgoing Master , the lodge was then closed . HAMPTON COURT . —Era Lodge ( No . 1423 ) . —The election meeting of this young , prosperous , and flourishing lodge , was held on Saturday , December 12 th , at the King ' s Arms Hotel , Hampton Court . There were present , during the afternoon and evening , Bros . II . A .
Dubois , P . G . A . D . C . Middlesex , W . M . ; J . W . Baldwin , S . W . ; J . Baxter-Langley , J . W . ; Rev . P . M . Holden , Chaplain ; T . J . Sabine , P . G . S . B . Middlesex , P . M ., Treasurer ; F . Walters , P . G . P . Middlesex , P . M ., Secretary ; J . S . Sweasey , S . D . ; J . Wolff , T-D . ; E . W . Devercux , I . G . ; T . II . Miller , P . M .. Organist ; A . F . Loos , M . C . ; B . Wright , W . S . ; W . A . Simmons , C . S . ; J . T . Moss , P G .
Reg . Middlesex , P . M . ; E . II . Thiellay , W . Munday , Undcrhill , Pearson , Hobly , and many others . Amongst a large number of visitors , we noticed Bros . W . Hammond , P . G . Steward Middlesex , P . M . 201 , W . M . 1326 , W . M . 1512 ; Peacock , 21 , and others . In an able , correct , and impressive mannner , Messrs . F . d'Hcnreux , W . Chartres , Davis , and Moore , were introduced separately
and initiated in the mysteries and privileges of ancient Freemasonry . The elections , which were unanimous , decided that Bros . J . W . Baldwin , S . W ., should be W . M . ; T . J . Sabine , Treasurer , and J . Gilbert , P . G . Tyler Middlesex , Tyler , the last two-named being re-elected . J « Faulkner added his name to the list of Stewards for Girls ' School , 1875 . The usual ten-guinea Past Master ' s jewel
was agreed to be presented from the lodge funds to the W . M . Several gentlemen were proposed for initiation . It was decided to have an emergency meeting in January , so as to clear off all the work , leaving nothing but the installation to do at the February meeting . All business being ended , the lodge was closed . Refreshment followed labour .
CHATHAM . —Broionrigg Lodge ( No . 1424 ) . —St . John ' s Day , which is the annual installation day in this lodge , falling last year on Sunday , the installation of a new W . M . of the lodge was performed the day following , and the brethren assembled on Monday in large numbers to witness the ceremony in the lecture hall of the Soldiers' Institute , Chatham . The
lodge was established only two years ago , and during the time which has followed the consecration it has secured the membership of between 70 and 80 brethren . Its prosperity is further evidenced by the accumulation of a fund amounting already to £ 27 , established for the purpose of supporting the Masonic institutions , by a portion of every initiation fee being set apart for the attainment of this
object . In addition to this , all the heavy expenses incurred in the establishment of ihe lodge have been defrayed , two Past Master ' s jewels have been purchased , and jewels commemorating the foundation have been presented to each founder . It is also in contemplation to present another jewel , lo be called a commemoration jewel , to each member of the lodge who was such at its consecration . Already
the lodge has strongly supported the Masonic institutions , and this object is the principal one at which the moving spirits of the lodge lay out for themselves in the future . It was therefore under very favourable circumstances that the installation of the lodge ' s third Master was celebrated on Monday , and the style in which it was performed was very creditable to the Lodge of Instruction , which meets
every week in connection with the parent lodge . The W . M ., Bro . J . A . Bates , Master Gunner , R . A ., took the chair at the hour announced for the meeting of the brethren , and , after the usual preliminaries , installed his successor , Bro . John Jervis , S . W ., Staff-scrgcant , paymaster's clerk , as W . M . for the year ensuing . On the completion of the ceremony the following brethren received the
appointments of officers of the lodge : —Bros . Simmons , S . W . ; McCoy , J . W . ; Cottrell , J . D . ; Ramsdcn , I . G . ; Johnson , D . C . ; Pickering , Steward ; Crane , Steward ; Husband , Organist ; Thompson , Treasurer ; and Magcc , Secretary . A vote of thanks was unanimously passed to
Past Master Bates for the accomplished style in which he had performed the installation , and a further vote of thanks was given lo the Provincial Grand Officers and W . M . ' s of lodges in the Province of Kent , for honouring the lodge with their presence . Bro . Spencer , Provincial Grand Secretary , acknowledged the compliment . The W . M .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Table Of Contents.
REPORTS OF MASONIC M F . ETI . N-GS : — Craft Masomy * Royal Arch * Mark Masonrv Knights Templar » Ancient and Accepted Rite Red Cross of Constantine 3
Scotland POETRY : — „ ,,.,,. J The Freemasons and the Roman Catholic Union 5 New Year's Dav ; 1 S 75 5 The New Year . ' . ° CORRESPON'DKVCE : — f , The Installation of the Grand Master ° Our Masonic Charities °
Scottish Masonic Benevolent Fund 7 Masonic Jurisprudence 7 Masonic Portraits " A Correction 1 The Onice of Grand Master 7 Installation of the Provincial Grand Master of New Zealand 8
OlllTUABYlDro . S . B . King 9 Hro . E-. Collingwood 9 Bro . Capt . W . H . Lee 9 Reviews 9 Notes on Literature , Science and Art 9 Masonic Meetings for next Week 10 Advertisements i , ii , iii , iv , V , vi
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
? ( ks & Stoitm
IPSWICH . —British Union Lodge ( No . 114 . )—On Thursday , the 1 ; th ult ., the annual meeting for the installation of the Worshipful Master and festival of St . John was held . Present , Bros , the Rev . E . J . Lockwood , D . P . G . M . ; P . cle Lande Long :, W . M . ; C . Schulcn , P . P . G . D . C . ; Emra Holmes , P . P . G . Registrar , M . C . ; J . Harris , P . M ., P . P . G . S . D . ; W . Spalding , Secretary , P . M . ; R . Barton , LL . D .,
P . P . G . M . Western India ; A . D . George , S . W . ; J . J . Burton f . W ., P . P . G . D . C , Cambs . ; Rev . A . W . G . Moore , S . D . ; H . Miller , J . D . ; J . Caslcy ; Geo . Turner , P . P . G . D . C . ; H . Clark ; P . Cornell , P . P . G . S . D ., and others . Visiting Vcthren ; Rev . — Mcrse , P . P . G . S . W ., Cambridge ; J . B . Pcrrott , P . P . G . S . W ., South Wales ; N . Tracy , P . P . G . S . W ., W . M ., Perfect Friendship Lodge , and others . The lodge
having been opened in due and solemn form , and the minutes confirmed , Bro . Lockwood duly installed Bro . A . D . George , the W . M . elect , into the chair of King Solomon , the ceremony being characterised by that degree of solemnity and impressiveness which the reverend brother knows so well how to impart to the proceedings . The M . C . having proclaimed the W . M . in ancient form , the
newly-installed Master proceeded to invest his officers as follows : —Bros . Peter dc Lande Long , I . P . M . ; J . J . Burton , S . W . ; Rev . A . W . G . Moore , J . W . ; H . Miller , S . D . ; Rev . j . B . Tweed , J . D . ; A . Allen , I . G . ; G . Spalding , Tyler ; C . Schulen , Treasurer ; W . Spalding , Secretary . One or two of the brethren being unfortunately absent they were invested by proxy . Bro . Dr . Barton proposed
that a Past Master's jewel be presented to Bro . Long for his able conduct in the chair . Bro . Emra Holmes cordially seconded the motion , testifying to the unvarying courtesy which Bro . Long had shown whilst holding that position , and the zeal and assiduity which he had exhibited as Master of the lodge . The motion was carried by acclamation at the suggestion of Bro . Lockwood . Bro .
Long thanked the brethren very warmly for their kindness , which he appreciated all the more because he knew it was not the custom of the lodge to present the Master with a jewel . Whatever future honours might await him in Masonry , he should value the jewel of the British Union Lodge more than anything else . The current business being disposed of , the brethren retired to the
banquet , which was served in Bro . G . Spalding ' s best style . The table was decorated with choice flowers , the champagne was splendid ; bcth were the gift of the W . M . Ample justice having been done to the viands , and the cloth being removed , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given from the chair . Some conversation ensued as to the course to be taken with reference to the
attendance of brethren at the forthcoming installation of the Prince ofWales as Grand Master . it was suggested that the proposition which had recently appeared in the FIIKHMASON , that the Albert Hall should be secured for the installation , was the only feasible one for allowing such brethren as were entitled to attend an opportunity of seeing the Prince . A brother remarked that
there were 1400 actual Masters , double that number of Wardens , of course , and probably about 4000 Past Masters , all of whom had a seat in Grand Lodge . I le thought that if tickets at guinea or half a guinea were issued to such as were eligible to attend , a handsome sum might be realised for the charities , as probably between 8000 and 10 , 000 had a right to be present and no doubt
half that number would gladly pay the amount in order lo attend . It appears there is some difficulty about the renters of the Albert Hall , but surely it is not insurmountable , and from the opinions generally expressed on this and other occasions it may fairly be assumed that any scheme tending to limit the attendance unjustly , or which fails to provide adequate accomodation for the Masters of the
Craft , will meet with universal disapprobation . Bro . Dr . Barton proposed " The Immediate Past Master" in eulogistic terms and in an admirable speech expatiated upon his many excellencies of head and heart , and alluding to the Craft generally he said that it behoved brethren to be very
careful nowadays for their characters were soon known all over Hie world . What with steam and the electric telegraph the world was brought very close together . What he thought might be considered one of the coincidences of life so frequently occurring and which illustrated what he said was the fact that his immediate predecessor , Bro .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Durance Cartwrig lit , Prov . Grand Master of Western India , was uncle of their present Master , Bro . Durance George , of whom he had great hopes . Bro . Long briefly and modestly responded to the toast and made a pleasant speech revealing nothing as to what was contemplated by the Board of General Purposes , ( of which our popular brother is Vice-President ) in the installation of His Royal
Highness . The I . P . M . proposed the W . M ., who suitably responded . In proposing the D . P . G . M . from the chair Bro . George took occasion to dilate upon the admirable way in which he filled that office and thanked our venerable brother for the impressive way in which he had conducted the installation . Bro . Morse in responding to the toast of the visitors , made a most excellent speech .
Alluding to some remarks made by Dr . Barton earlier in the evening , showing the vast antiquity of Masonry as evidenced in the caves of Elephanta , which have a lion at the entrance with a drawn sword , are due east and west , are formed like a lodge , and have three seats , east , south , and west , & c , Bro . Morse said he had been struck with the evidences of Masonry in Lincoln Cathedral many years
ago . In a certain part seen from the tower and in their rig ht position are three gurgoyles , making the signs of the three degrees . There they have spouted out water for centuries upon centuries and there they have been making the signs of Freemasons , and some would have us believe Masonry was a thing of yesterday . Bro . Emra Holmes , by permission of the W . M ., assumed the gavel , and to tc
called upoij ^ he brethren rise and drink the memory of their deceased Bro . King , a frequent visitor at the lodge , who had been suddenly called from among them , called from labour to refreshment , and who he hoped was awaiting them in the Grand Lodge above . Bro . King had just been installed W . M . of the St . Luke ' s Lodge , when he died , and and he believed , as Bro . Sanderson had said solemnly over
his grave , that such was his love for Masonry and so prepared was he , that had he been asked how he would be taken , he would have wished no other death than this . The toast was drunk in solemn silence . But for the passing sadness by this allusion to our much esteemed and deeply lamented brother , a very agreeable evening was spent , and the brethren were loath indeed to part . Bros .
Clark and Turner contributed very much to the harmony of the evening by giving some capital songs . WHITTINGTON LODGE ( NO . 862 ) . —A meeting of the Whittington Lodge was held on Monday evening , at Anderton's Hotel , Bro . Alfred Rhodes Haley , W . M ., presided , and initiated M . Guiseppe Oberti . Bro . James Weaver , P . M ., passed Bros . Beldan , Webb , May , Brown , Hum and
Williams , and the brethren afterwards banqueted together . Thirty-seven sat down , and among them were several visitors , the principal being Lieut .-Col . James Peters , 29 th North Middlesex Rifles , W . M . Thames Valley Lodge , No . 1460 ; and William Stephens , W . M . Marquis of Ripon Lodge , No . 1489 . It will be remembered that three weeks ago the Whittington Lodge presented the Marquis
of Ripon Lodge with the collar jewels of the officers , the presentation being made in the latter lodge by Bro . James Brett , P . G . P . In returning thanks for the visitors to the toasts proposed in their honour on Monday evening , Bro . William Stephens took the opportunity thus afforded him of thanking also the Whittington Lodge for their handsome gift , which he hoped the brethren of the Marquis of
Ripon Lodge would always value as much as they did now . He esteemed the possession of a jewel which had belonged to the Whittington Lodge as one of the greatest points gained towards the success of his own lodge , and he could not but remark that the generous gift exhibited the true principles of Freemasonry . He trusted that he should hand over the jewel to his successor in the chair to
continue the good work of Freemasonry already begun , and he concluded by expressing his truest fraternal regards to the brethren before him , and offering to them the most cordial invitation during his year of office to visit him at his lodge . Lieut . Col . Peters also acknowledged the toast of "The Visitors , " and expressed his gratification at the hearty reception which he had experienced that evening , and at
meeting the brother who a short time ago had consecrated the Thames Valley Lodge , of which he was Master . Bro . Jones replied for the Past Masters . Among the officers who replied to the toast drunk to them , was Bro . Walker , J . W ., who announced the fact of his Stewardship for the Aged Freemasons' Festival on the 27 th of January , and pleaded the cause of that Institution very powerfully . Bro .
Moore , I . G ., acknowledging the difficulty there was to say anything new in answer to these toasts , which were proposed and responded to in almost the same words from day to day , said he looked upon the post to which he had attained as one of high honour , for to the I . G . was entrusted the important duty of keeping out all intruders to the lodge . Looked upon by many as almost a fcrmal
office , it was to him of great moment , for while it prepared him for the more onerous duties of the Master's chair , which he hoped ultimately to reach , it should warn brethren lo keep out all such would-be intruders to their hearts as pride and self-conceit . When the Treasurer and Secretary responded to the toast which was speciall y dedicated to them , Bro . Little read some lines he had written , founded on 1
John , 11 : 19 , on a late great withdrawal from the Order , which , however , we refrain from giving , on account of iheir not being yet finally revised . The brethren , after enjoying several good musical performances , adjourned to the third Monday in January . HAMPTON . —Lebanon , Lodge ( No . 132 ( 1 ) . —An emergency meeting of this lodge was held on Thursday , December
17 th , at the Red Lion Hold , Lion Square , Hampton . Bro . Frederick Walters , P . G . P . Middlesex , P . M ., Sec , opened the lodge . There were present during the afternoon and evening Bros . W . Hammond , P . G . Steward , Middlesex , P . M . 201 , P . M . 1512 , W . M . ; H . A . Dubois , P . G . A . D . C , Middlesex , W . M . 141 3 , S . W . ; ) . W . |; ickson , J . W . ; J . Gilbert , S . D . ; E . Hopwood , P . M . ; | . T . Moss , P . G . Reg ., Middlesex , P . M . ; G . S . Stretton ; C . W .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
/ Stretton ; W . B . Shacklcton ; C . Homej ^ W . Warhurst ; J . Howe ; 11 . Tozer ; and many otheys \ , / Among ^ t _ tlie visitors we noticed Bros . W . Smced , fvP . G . JuW ,. Middle ^ _ ^ sex , P . M . 246 ; Rev . P . M . Holden , jChaplauy <) o 7 ;(^ c' ~ etc . The veteran Secretary , in rf-slow ; impressive , and solemn manner , raised Bros . W . Warhurst & and C . Howe to the third degree ; passed Bro . J . Howe to the second degree . Bro . H . A . Dubois , P . G . A . D . C ., Middlesex , W . M .
1423 , S . W ., took the chair , and in an able , painstaking , and correct style initiated Mr . Charles Lucop into the mysteries and the privileges of ancient Freemasonry . Bro . W . Hammond , P . G . Steward , Middlesex , P . M . 201 , W . M " . 1512 , W . M ., closed the lodge . Refreshment followed labour . The usual toasts were given and responded to . Songs and recitations passed away an agreeable reunion .
The brethren separated , wishing each other a right merry Christmas and a happy new year . STOCKWELI . LODGK ( NO . 1339 ) . —A meeting of this lodge took place on Thursday , the 17 th ult ., at the Tulsc Hill Hotel . Present : —Bros . Kcenik , W . M . ; Pain , S . W . ; W . II . Bcnham , J . W . ; Bennett , S . D . ; Bowyer , J . D . ; Loe , I . G . ; Francis , Sec . ; Knibbs ; T . Harris ; W . Harris ; Hinxman ; Pillinger , D . C . ; Sidwell , Dea , and II . Hart .
The lodge being prevented from meeting at the usual place Heme Hill , the W . M . called a meeting at the above place . The business was to elect the W . M ., Treasurer , and Tyler , and to elect Bro . Hart , of the Rose of Denmark , as a joinng member . The S . W ., Bro . Pain , having generously given way to the J . W ., Bro . Benham , J . W ., was unanimously elected W . M . Bro . Hammerton , P . M ., was also unanimously elected Treasurer ; and Bro . Parkinson , Tyler . The ballot was also unanimous in the election of Bro .
Hart as joining member . A jewel having been voted to the outgoing Master , the lodge was then closed . HAMPTON COURT . —Era Lodge ( No . 1423 ) . —The election meeting of this young , prosperous , and flourishing lodge , was held on Saturday , December 12 th , at the King ' s Arms Hotel , Hampton Court . There were present , during the afternoon and evening , Bros . II . A .
Dubois , P . G . A . D . C . Middlesex , W . M . ; J . W . Baldwin , S . W . ; J . Baxter-Langley , J . W . ; Rev . P . M . Holden , Chaplain ; T . J . Sabine , P . G . S . B . Middlesex , P . M ., Treasurer ; F . Walters , P . G . P . Middlesex , P . M ., Secretary ; J . S . Sweasey , S . D . ; J . Wolff , T-D . ; E . W . Devercux , I . G . ; T . II . Miller , P . M .. Organist ; A . F . Loos , M . C . ; B . Wright , W . S . ; W . A . Simmons , C . S . ; J . T . Moss , P G .
Reg . Middlesex , P . M . ; E . II . Thiellay , W . Munday , Undcrhill , Pearson , Hobly , and many others . Amongst a large number of visitors , we noticed Bros . W . Hammond , P . G . Steward Middlesex , P . M . 201 , W . M . 1326 , W . M . 1512 ; Peacock , 21 , and others . In an able , correct , and impressive mannner , Messrs . F . d'Hcnreux , W . Chartres , Davis , and Moore , were introduced separately
and initiated in the mysteries and privileges of ancient Freemasonry . The elections , which were unanimous , decided that Bros . J . W . Baldwin , S . W ., should be W . M . ; T . J . Sabine , Treasurer , and J . Gilbert , P . G . Tyler Middlesex , Tyler , the last two-named being re-elected . J « Faulkner added his name to the list of Stewards for Girls ' School , 1875 . The usual ten-guinea Past Master ' s jewel
was agreed to be presented from the lodge funds to the W . M . Several gentlemen were proposed for initiation . It was decided to have an emergency meeting in January , so as to clear off all the work , leaving nothing but the installation to do at the February meeting . All business being ended , the lodge was closed . Refreshment followed labour .
CHATHAM . —Broionrigg Lodge ( No . 1424 ) . —St . John ' s Day , which is the annual installation day in this lodge , falling last year on Sunday , the installation of a new W . M . of the lodge was performed the day following , and the brethren assembled on Monday in large numbers to witness the ceremony in the lecture hall of the Soldiers' Institute , Chatham . The
lodge was established only two years ago , and during the time which has followed the consecration it has secured the membership of between 70 and 80 brethren . Its prosperity is further evidenced by the accumulation of a fund amounting already to £ 27 , established for the purpose of supporting the Masonic institutions , by a portion of every initiation fee being set apart for the attainment of this
object . In addition to this , all the heavy expenses incurred in the establishment of ihe lodge have been defrayed , two Past Master ' s jewels have been purchased , and jewels commemorating the foundation have been presented to each founder . It is also in contemplation to present another jewel , lo be called a commemoration jewel , to each member of the lodge who was such at its consecration . Already
the lodge has strongly supported the Masonic institutions , and this object is the principal one at which the moving spirits of the lodge lay out for themselves in the future . It was therefore under very favourable circumstances that the installation of the lodge ' s third Master was celebrated on Monday , and the style in which it was performed was very creditable to the Lodge of Instruction , which meets
every week in connection with the parent lodge . The W . M ., Bro . J . A . Bates , Master Gunner , R . A ., took the chair at the hour announced for the meeting of the brethren , and , after the usual preliminaries , installed his successor , Bro . John Jervis , S . W ., Staff-scrgcant , paymaster's clerk , as W . M . for the year ensuing . On the completion of the ceremony the following brethren received the
appointments of officers of the lodge : —Bros . Simmons , S . W . ; McCoy , J . W . ; Cottrell , J . D . ; Ramsdcn , I . G . ; Johnson , D . C . ; Pickering , Steward ; Crane , Steward ; Husband , Organist ; Thompson , Treasurer ; and Magcc , Secretary . A vote of thanks was unanimously passed to
Past Master Bates for the accomplished style in which he had performed the installation , and a further vote of thanks was given lo the Provincial Grand Officers and W . M . ' s of lodges in the Province of Kent , for honouring the lodge with their presence . Bro . Spencer , Provincial Grand Secretary , acknowledged the compliment . The W . M .