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Presentation Of The Robert Henthorth Little Testimomal.
not pretend to have done nearly so much as Bro . Moss , but he had done what he could , and introduced the movement to . the attention of many brethren . The Chairman proposed " The health of Bro . Davison , the Vice-chairman . "
Bro . Davison in reply said he had spent a very p leasant evening . He would have been sorry to miss it , and should look back on it with great delight . The Chairman next gave "The Press , " coupling with it the name of Bro . Kenning .
Bro . Kenning , in thanking the Chairman and brethren , stated that though a newspaper proprietor he was not yet used to respond at dinners for this toast , He had started The Freemason at considerable expense , because he believed a suitable organ for the craft was not at the time in
existence , and he had had a long and tedious time to wait while it established itself on a footing which encouraged him to hope it would pay . Brethren who had not tried the experiment had no idea of what the cost of a newspaper was ; but he mig ht inform them that unless a man had
a large capital at his back ; unbounded energy , and dauntless cotirege , it was no use attemqting to establish one . Fortunately , he had capital ; no one accused him of want of business energy ; and he thought the brethren , if they knew the trials an uphill working of a newspaper entailed , would not think him egotistic if he laid claim to
some courage in treading fearlessly lorward . 77 / 1 The Chairman at this point retired , and deputed Bro . Hervey to succeed him . Bro . Hervey proposed "The Charities of London , especially those of the Masonic Order . " Bro . F . Adlard acknowledged the toast . " The health of those brethren who have
written on Fremasonry , ' -was afterwards proposed , and Bro . W . Carpenter responded , after which the company separated . The musical arrangements were under the able direction of Bro . H . Parker , and the songs sung during the evening were " The Tempest of Life , "
by Bro . Moss ; " My Father ' s Apprentice , by Bro . Magnus Ohren ; "Mistress Malone , " by Bro . Horsley ; " Sunny Days will Come Again , " by Bro . Parker , "When other Lips , " by Bro . Moss ; a comic song by Bro . Charles Coote , and the "Red Cross Song , " by Bro . II . Parker .
Testimonial To Bro. J. Rowe, Sec. 105, Plymouth.
A strong muster of the officers and brethren of Lodge Fortitude , No . 105 , assembled at the Globe Hotel , Plymouth , on the 21 st . instant , for the purpose of paying a tribute of esteem and regard to their tried and valued Secretary , Bro . James Rowe , and presenting him with a purse of thirty guineas ,
as a small recognition of his services . The Worshipful Master , Bro . Martin Williams , presided , and after the brethren had done ample justice to the good things of this life , admirabl y put on the table b y Bro . Watts , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and suitably responded to .
The Wovshiplul Master requested the Y . W . Bro . R . Rodda , P . M ., P . P . G . R ., to propose the toast of the evening , and to make the presentation , and who , on rising , said : —Worshi pful Master and brethren , —At your command , I rise to execute a very pleasant duty in acknowledging the
meritorious services ol Y . W . Bro . James Rowe , P . M ., P . I' . G . T ., who for upwards of 24 years past , has been the industrious , indefatigable , and eminently successful Secretary of Lodge Fortitude , now numbered 105 on the roll of the United Grand Lodge of England , and although it would
have been more satisfactory to me , had some more worthy brother been selected to perform this office , who would render it more efficiently than I can possibly do , yet I will not hesitate to say that I yield to none in my desire to pay a tribute of respect to the distinguished
Masonic abilites of our excellent brother , and to join my song in the united and harmonious chorus of Lodge Fortitude , and shout " Thus shall it be done unto the brother whom the Lodge delighteth to honour . " I think it is not always in the best taste to laud and magnify a person in his presence , or expatiate on and extol the Masonic merits of
Testimonial To Bro. J. Rowe, Sec. 105, Plymouth.
a brother other than in his absence ; but the brother whom we have met this evening to honour is an exception to the rule , if ever the rule afforded one . On the escutcheon of his Masonic career for
nearly jjo years past , has been sculptnred m such bold relief , " that he who runs may read , " that motto dear to every true and faithful brother of the mystic tye—namely , strict and unflinching
fidelity to the princip les of our illustrious order . By a long and consistent life he has throughly proved his attachment to our hallowed institution , and for a quarter of a century has his flag been hoisted at the mainmast of the srood old frigate
to which we are all proud to belong , through evil report and through good report , in sickness and in health , in adversity and in prosperity , under the murky clouds of an obscure sky , as well as in the bright sunlight and azure firmament , he has illustrated the Duke ' s motto , " I am here . "
He has stuck faithfully to the old cralt and kept her afloat , and during the whole period to which I have referred , no Master has left the chair without acknowledging a debt of gratiude to Bro . J ames Rowe , and without admitting that whatever success crowned his year of office , it was in a
great measure due to the unwearied services and untiring zeal of the excellent Secretary . Few Secretaries have evinced such peculiar aptitude for the office , as that for which our Brother James Rowe has acquired so just a reputation . During the two years I had the honour of filling the chair
of Lodge Fortitude , I had frequent and ample opportunities of acquainting myself with the great correspondence and heavy responsibilities which devolved upon the Secretary , and of yvitnessing the unwearied zeal and unabated perseverance with which he devoted himself and his
valuable time to Freemasonry in general , and to Lodge Fortitude in particular . And it is to testif y the hi gh estimation in which he is so deservedly held , and to mark their appreciation of his worth , that the Worship ful Masters , Past Masters , and Brethren of Lodge Fortitude have
met this evening to present him with a small tribute of their regard and esteem . ( Turning to Bro . Rowe ) And in asking your acceptance of this gold , my dear brother , it by no means represents our measure of your worth . You are now seventy-four years of age , you have passed the
time allotted by Heaven to man , and we should deeply regret your passing away from amongst us without evincing some slight recognition of your most valuable services ; and although we hope that you may yet live many years to afford us your counsel , instruction , and assistance ,
which you are so admirably qualified to do , we also sincerel y pray that when you shall lay down your working tools to resume them no more , when the building of this life shall be completed the last stone fixed with shoutings of grace unto it , and the clarion of death shall sound to call
you hence , then may the spirit of the blessed be near you to waft your enfranchised soul to the abode of everlasting peace . May the portals of the everlasting mansions in the Grand Lodge above be thrown open to receive your disembodied spirit , and may the first sound that falls
upon your ears , as you enter that blissful region , be the voice of your Great Grand Master , welcoming you with the crowning p laudit of "Well done . " There may you" Rest with the saints whose race is run , Whose virtues track their flight to Heaven ,
The goal is gained , the battle won ; To the him palm , the crown be given , Which conquerers in that region wear , Where all is lasting , bright anil fair . " Bro . Rowe replied in a feeling and impressive
manner , recognising the kindness of his brethren as most gratifying to himself and his family . I ie also gave some statistics of the lodge , and the friends present afterwards spent a right genial and pleasant meeting .
lillKAKIAST . I' > l "' s OKOA . GllATKI'CI . AM ) ClIMriiii-i'iN / i . — " By . 'i thorough knowledge of tiie natural laws which goiern the operations of digestion and nutiition , and by a careful application of the fine propeities of well-selected cocoa , Mr . Kpps has provided our breakfast , tables with a
delicately-flavoured bcicragc which may sate us many heavy doctors' bills , "—Ciril Service Gazette Made simply with Boiling Water or Milk . Kach packet is labelled" , | AMI : S 1 M » I'S & Co ., Homoeopathic Chemists , London . " Also , nia ' -iers of Epp ' s . Milky . Cocoa ( Cocoa and Condensed M'dk .
Torquay Annual Masonic Ball.
The second ball under the auspices of St . John ' s Lodge , ( No . 328 ) , Torquay , was held on Monday , February 12 th , in the Bath Saloon , and proved the most successful ball that has taken place in Torquay during the present season , there being , 300 present . The arrangements were
everything that could be desired , and reflected great credit on the Committee : —Bros . D . Watson , W . M . , 328 ; T . Olliver , I . P . M . ; I . Chapman , iS ° , S . D . ; H . Day , Steward ; and F . M . Millar . The railway accommodation enabled those from Plymouth , Exeter , and other parts to
arrive and depart in good time , showing that nothing had been left undone to make the whole a success , which it proved to be . The room was beautifull y decorated with Masonic devices , emblems , flags and flowers . Over the entrance doors were the mottoes , " Y irtue , Honour , and
Mercy , " and "Truth , Peace , and Concord . " The room used for last year ' s ball , was on this occasion appropriated for refreshments , and was amply furnished with the choicest viands and wines , which drew forth the praise that follows such suniputouspreparations . The dancing commenced
at ten o ' clock , and was preceeded by the brethren forming a guard of honourto the Lad y Patronesses as they entered the ball room . The brethren in their various Masonic uniforms , ranging up to the , 32 ° ; in connection with the rich military and naval costumes of the officers in Her Majesty ' s
service , together with elegant dresses of the ladies , made up one of the most brilliant scenes ever witnessed in Torquay . Bro . Henry Round ' s Quadrille Band , gave forth those strains of music that secured the approbation of those who tri phed the light fantastic toe . Among those present we noticed : —
LADIES . . —Baroness Burdett Coutts , the Dowager Lady Erskine , Miss . E . Erskine , Lady Maria Crosse , Lady Macgregor , Lady Theresa Boyle , Miss . Boyle , Lad y Bishopp , Miss Bishopp , Lady Colqulioun , Miss Agnes Temple , Miss Kate Temple , Mrs . Col . Kirkman , Miss J . Hinton , Mrs . and Miss Hearder , Mrs . T . Oliver ,
Misses and E . Haswell , the Misses Clarke Jervoise , Miss Maude Kenny-Tynte , Mrs . Easton Cox , Mrs . Boyd Fawcett , Mrs . Cosway , Madame Garcia , Madame Mistowski , Miss Swete , Madame Yon D'Orlick , Misses M . and E . Bradford , Misses Vicaray , Mrs . Fitzgerald , Misses Robertson , Miss Pynsent . Sec .
GENTLEMEN . —Lord Houghton , Major-General Sir George Macgregor , K . C . B . ; Colonel the Hon . Dalzell , C . B . ; lion . S . Skeffington ; Hon . R . Pynsent , Z . C . ; Bro . L . P . Metham , D . Prov . G . M . of Devon ; Bro . I . Latimer , ( Mayor of Plymouth ) Prov . G . Sec . of Devon ; Hon . E .
Ewitt , Major Leith , Bro . Major Shadwell , H . Clerk , Prov . S . G . W . of Devon , . 32 ° ; Bro . J . Oxley () xland , . 32 ° ; Bro . Col . EHiot ' t , | Prov . S . G . W . 30 ; Col . Campbell , Col . Kirkman , Col . Cuppage , Col . Gardener , Dep-Controller Penno , Bro . Capt . Boyd Fawcett , K . T . General Stockman ,
Captain A . N . Clay , ( 79 th Cameron Highlanders ) , Captain Gordon Money , ( 79 th Cameron Highlanders , ) , Bro . J . C . Curtice , Prov . G . S . B . ; Bro . S . Jones , Prov . G . S . D ., . 30 ; Bro . J . Chapman , 18 ; Bro . Captain Costley , R . A ; Bro . Easton Cox , K . T ; Captain Jenkins , Captain
James Brown , Captain Patterson , Captain A . F . Perkins , Captain and Adjutant Phillips , R . N ; Bro . Captain W . H . Haswell , R . N . ; Lieut-Col . Turnbull , Captain Cookes , CaptainIleyland , Captain Morton Pitt , Captain Miller , Captain Moray Browne , ( 79 th Cameron Highlanders , ) Captain
Apphn , Captain A . Gary , Captain Bloxland , Captain Magor , Captain John Costley , R . A . ; Captain Southerby , Lieutenant Thomas Martin , Bro . D . Watson , W . M . 328 ; Bro . Thomas Oliver , I . P . M . . 328 ; Bro . J . Westhead , Dr . Radcliil ' e Hall , Dr . Macgregor , Dr . Rawlins , Dr . Ramsay , Dr . Brooking , Dr . Maryarti , March
Phillips , Esq ., J . P . ; C . Birch , Est ) ., Octavius Toogood , Esq ., Bro . Signor Garcia , Bro . J . Iinde , Senr . II . R . A . ; Dr . II . Gaze , Bro . J . Greenfield , Prov . G . J . D . of Devon ; H . W . de Schmidt , Esq . Bro . Mons . J . Mistowski , Moms . H . Velthtiscn , F . Campbell , Esq ., Mr . Donald Macgregor , Bro . W . Heartier , Bro . B . Fallwood , Bro . F . M . Millar , Mr . Cecil Clerk Jervoise , & c ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Presentation Of The Robert Henthorth Little Testimomal.
not pretend to have done nearly so much as Bro . Moss , but he had done what he could , and introduced the movement to . the attention of many brethren . The Chairman proposed " The health of Bro . Davison , the Vice-chairman . "
Bro . Davison in reply said he had spent a very p leasant evening . He would have been sorry to miss it , and should look back on it with great delight . The Chairman next gave "The Press , " coupling with it the name of Bro . Kenning .
Bro . Kenning , in thanking the Chairman and brethren , stated that though a newspaper proprietor he was not yet used to respond at dinners for this toast , He had started The Freemason at considerable expense , because he believed a suitable organ for the craft was not at the time in
existence , and he had had a long and tedious time to wait while it established itself on a footing which encouraged him to hope it would pay . Brethren who had not tried the experiment had no idea of what the cost of a newspaper was ; but he mig ht inform them that unless a man had
a large capital at his back ; unbounded energy , and dauntless cotirege , it was no use attemqting to establish one . Fortunately , he had capital ; no one accused him of want of business energy ; and he thought the brethren , if they knew the trials an uphill working of a newspaper entailed , would not think him egotistic if he laid claim to
some courage in treading fearlessly lorward . 77 / 1 The Chairman at this point retired , and deputed Bro . Hervey to succeed him . Bro . Hervey proposed "The Charities of London , especially those of the Masonic Order . " Bro . F . Adlard acknowledged the toast . " The health of those brethren who have
written on Fremasonry , ' -was afterwards proposed , and Bro . W . Carpenter responded , after which the company separated . The musical arrangements were under the able direction of Bro . H . Parker , and the songs sung during the evening were " The Tempest of Life , "
by Bro . Moss ; " My Father ' s Apprentice , by Bro . Magnus Ohren ; "Mistress Malone , " by Bro . Horsley ; " Sunny Days will Come Again , " by Bro . Parker , "When other Lips , " by Bro . Moss ; a comic song by Bro . Charles Coote , and the "Red Cross Song , " by Bro . II . Parker .
Testimonial To Bro. J. Rowe, Sec. 105, Plymouth.
A strong muster of the officers and brethren of Lodge Fortitude , No . 105 , assembled at the Globe Hotel , Plymouth , on the 21 st . instant , for the purpose of paying a tribute of esteem and regard to their tried and valued Secretary , Bro . James Rowe , and presenting him with a purse of thirty guineas ,
as a small recognition of his services . The Worshipful Master , Bro . Martin Williams , presided , and after the brethren had done ample justice to the good things of this life , admirabl y put on the table b y Bro . Watts , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and suitably responded to .
The Wovshiplul Master requested the Y . W . Bro . R . Rodda , P . M ., P . P . G . R ., to propose the toast of the evening , and to make the presentation , and who , on rising , said : —Worshi pful Master and brethren , —At your command , I rise to execute a very pleasant duty in acknowledging the
meritorious services ol Y . W . Bro . James Rowe , P . M ., P . I' . G . T ., who for upwards of 24 years past , has been the industrious , indefatigable , and eminently successful Secretary of Lodge Fortitude , now numbered 105 on the roll of the United Grand Lodge of England , and although it would
have been more satisfactory to me , had some more worthy brother been selected to perform this office , who would render it more efficiently than I can possibly do , yet I will not hesitate to say that I yield to none in my desire to pay a tribute of respect to the distinguished
Masonic abilites of our excellent brother , and to join my song in the united and harmonious chorus of Lodge Fortitude , and shout " Thus shall it be done unto the brother whom the Lodge delighteth to honour . " I think it is not always in the best taste to laud and magnify a person in his presence , or expatiate on and extol the Masonic merits of
Testimonial To Bro. J. Rowe, Sec. 105, Plymouth.
a brother other than in his absence ; but the brother whom we have met this evening to honour is an exception to the rule , if ever the rule afforded one . On the escutcheon of his Masonic career for
nearly jjo years past , has been sculptnred m such bold relief , " that he who runs may read , " that motto dear to every true and faithful brother of the mystic tye—namely , strict and unflinching
fidelity to the princip les of our illustrious order . By a long and consistent life he has throughly proved his attachment to our hallowed institution , and for a quarter of a century has his flag been hoisted at the mainmast of the srood old frigate
to which we are all proud to belong , through evil report and through good report , in sickness and in health , in adversity and in prosperity , under the murky clouds of an obscure sky , as well as in the bright sunlight and azure firmament , he has illustrated the Duke ' s motto , " I am here . "
He has stuck faithfully to the old cralt and kept her afloat , and during the whole period to which I have referred , no Master has left the chair without acknowledging a debt of gratiude to Bro . J ames Rowe , and without admitting that whatever success crowned his year of office , it was in a
great measure due to the unwearied services and untiring zeal of the excellent Secretary . Few Secretaries have evinced such peculiar aptitude for the office , as that for which our Brother James Rowe has acquired so just a reputation . During the two years I had the honour of filling the chair
of Lodge Fortitude , I had frequent and ample opportunities of acquainting myself with the great correspondence and heavy responsibilities which devolved upon the Secretary , and of yvitnessing the unwearied zeal and unabated perseverance with which he devoted himself and his
valuable time to Freemasonry in general , and to Lodge Fortitude in particular . And it is to testif y the hi gh estimation in which he is so deservedly held , and to mark their appreciation of his worth , that the Worship ful Masters , Past Masters , and Brethren of Lodge Fortitude have
met this evening to present him with a small tribute of their regard and esteem . ( Turning to Bro . Rowe ) And in asking your acceptance of this gold , my dear brother , it by no means represents our measure of your worth . You are now seventy-four years of age , you have passed the
time allotted by Heaven to man , and we should deeply regret your passing away from amongst us without evincing some slight recognition of your most valuable services ; and although we hope that you may yet live many years to afford us your counsel , instruction , and assistance ,
which you are so admirably qualified to do , we also sincerel y pray that when you shall lay down your working tools to resume them no more , when the building of this life shall be completed the last stone fixed with shoutings of grace unto it , and the clarion of death shall sound to call
you hence , then may the spirit of the blessed be near you to waft your enfranchised soul to the abode of everlasting peace . May the portals of the everlasting mansions in the Grand Lodge above be thrown open to receive your disembodied spirit , and may the first sound that falls
upon your ears , as you enter that blissful region , be the voice of your Great Grand Master , welcoming you with the crowning p laudit of "Well done . " There may you" Rest with the saints whose race is run , Whose virtues track their flight to Heaven ,
The goal is gained , the battle won ; To the him palm , the crown be given , Which conquerers in that region wear , Where all is lasting , bright anil fair . " Bro . Rowe replied in a feeling and impressive
manner , recognising the kindness of his brethren as most gratifying to himself and his family . I ie also gave some statistics of the lodge , and the friends present afterwards spent a right genial and pleasant meeting .
lillKAKIAST . I' > l "' s OKOA . GllATKI'CI . AM ) ClIMriiii-i'iN / i . — " By . 'i thorough knowledge of tiie natural laws which goiern the operations of digestion and nutiition , and by a careful application of the fine propeities of well-selected cocoa , Mr . Kpps has provided our breakfast , tables with a
delicately-flavoured bcicragc which may sate us many heavy doctors' bills , "—Ciril Service Gazette Made simply with Boiling Water or Milk . Kach packet is labelled" , | AMI : S 1 M » I'S & Co ., Homoeopathic Chemists , London . " Also , nia ' -iers of Epp ' s . Milky . Cocoa ( Cocoa and Condensed M'dk .
Torquay Annual Masonic Ball.
The second ball under the auspices of St . John ' s Lodge , ( No . 328 ) , Torquay , was held on Monday , February 12 th , in the Bath Saloon , and proved the most successful ball that has taken place in Torquay during the present season , there being , 300 present . The arrangements were
everything that could be desired , and reflected great credit on the Committee : —Bros . D . Watson , W . M . , 328 ; T . Olliver , I . P . M . ; I . Chapman , iS ° , S . D . ; H . Day , Steward ; and F . M . Millar . The railway accommodation enabled those from Plymouth , Exeter , and other parts to
arrive and depart in good time , showing that nothing had been left undone to make the whole a success , which it proved to be . The room was beautifull y decorated with Masonic devices , emblems , flags and flowers . Over the entrance doors were the mottoes , " Y irtue , Honour , and
Mercy , " and "Truth , Peace , and Concord . " The room used for last year ' s ball , was on this occasion appropriated for refreshments , and was amply furnished with the choicest viands and wines , which drew forth the praise that follows such suniputouspreparations . The dancing commenced
at ten o ' clock , and was preceeded by the brethren forming a guard of honourto the Lad y Patronesses as they entered the ball room . The brethren in their various Masonic uniforms , ranging up to the , 32 ° ; in connection with the rich military and naval costumes of the officers in Her Majesty ' s
service , together with elegant dresses of the ladies , made up one of the most brilliant scenes ever witnessed in Torquay . Bro . Henry Round ' s Quadrille Band , gave forth those strains of music that secured the approbation of those who tri phed the light fantastic toe . Among those present we noticed : —
LADIES . . —Baroness Burdett Coutts , the Dowager Lady Erskine , Miss . E . Erskine , Lady Maria Crosse , Lady Macgregor , Lady Theresa Boyle , Miss . Boyle , Lad y Bishopp , Miss Bishopp , Lady Colqulioun , Miss Agnes Temple , Miss Kate Temple , Mrs . Col . Kirkman , Miss J . Hinton , Mrs . and Miss Hearder , Mrs . T . Oliver ,
Misses and E . Haswell , the Misses Clarke Jervoise , Miss Maude Kenny-Tynte , Mrs . Easton Cox , Mrs . Boyd Fawcett , Mrs . Cosway , Madame Garcia , Madame Mistowski , Miss Swete , Madame Yon D'Orlick , Misses M . and E . Bradford , Misses Vicaray , Mrs . Fitzgerald , Misses Robertson , Miss Pynsent . Sec .
GENTLEMEN . —Lord Houghton , Major-General Sir George Macgregor , K . C . B . ; Colonel the Hon . Dalzell , C . B . ; lion . S . Skeffington ; Hon . R . Pynsent , Z . C . ; Bro . L . P . Metham , D . Prov . G . M . of Devon ; Bro . I . Latimer , ( Mayor of Plymouth ) Prov . G . Sec . of Devon ; Hon . E .
Ewitt , Major Leith , Bro . Major Shadwell , H . Clerk , Prov . S . G . W . of Devon , . 32 ° ; Bro . J . Oxley () xland , . 32 ° ; Bro . Col . EHiot ' t , | Prov . S . G . W . 30 ; Col . Campbell , Col . Kirkman , Col . Cuppage , Col . Gardener , Dep-Controller Penno , Bro . Capt . Boyd Fawcett , K . T . General Stockman ,
Captain A . N . Clay , ( 79 th Cameron Highlanders ) , Captain Gordon Money , ( 79 th Cameron Highlanders , ) , Bro . J . C . Curtice , Prov . G . S . B . ; Bro . S . Jones , Prov . G . S . D ., . 30 ; Bro . J . Chapman , 18 ; Bro . Captain Costley , R . A ; Bro . Easton Cox , K . T ; Captain Jenkins , Captain
James Brown , Captain Patterson , Captain A . F . Perkins , Captain and Adjutant Phillips , R . N ; Bro . Captain W . H . Haswell , R . N . ; Lieut-Col . Turnbull , Captain Cookes , CaptainIleyland , Captain Morton Pitt , Captain Miller , Captain Moray Browne , ( 79 th Cameron Highlanders , ) Captain
Apphn , Captain A . Gary , Captain Bloxland , Captain Magor , Captain John Costley , R . A . ; Captain Southerby , Lieutenant Thomas Martin , Bro . D . Watson , W . M . 328 ; Bro . Thomas Oliver , I . P . M . . 328 ; Bro . J . Westhead , Dr . Radcliil ' e Hall , Dr . Macgregor , Dr . Rawlins , Dr . Ramsay , Dr . Brooking , Dr . Maryarti , March
Phillips , Esq ., J . P . ; C . Birch , Est ) ., Octavius Toogood , Esq ., Bro . Signor Garcia , Bro . J . Iinde , Senr . II . R . A . ; Dr . II . Gaze , Bro . J . Greenfield , Prov . G . J . D . of Devon ; H . W . de Schmidt , Esq . Bro . Mons . J . Mistowski , Moms . H . Velthtiscn , F . Campbell , Esq ., Mr . Donald Macgregor , Bro . W . Heartier , Bro . B . Fallwood , Bro . F . M . Millar , Mr . Cecil Clerk Jervoise , & c ,