Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 1 of 1 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 1 of 1 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 1 of 1 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 2 →
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
draft Ulasjmtg . METROPOLITAN .
CRYSTM . PALACE LODGE . — An emergency meeting has been convened for Friday , March / th ., when a special banquet is to be given to Bros . Bertram and Roberts , in recognition of their public and Masonic services at the Crystal Palace .
PASMURB LODGE ( NO . 720 ) . — This lodge met at the Balham Hotel , Balham , on Monday the 19 th ultimo ., the W . M ., Bro . H . F . Huntley being supported by Bros . H . F . Hodges , S . W . ; T . Poore , J . W . ; J . M . Young , P . M ., Sec . ;
H . Payne , S . D . ; C . Pulman , J . D . ; Lane , I . G . ; Holmes , Maddern , Trussler , Lilley , R . W . Huntley , and other members . Visitors : —Bros . James Stevens , P . M . 710 , 1216 . There being no busines , before the lodge , the sections of the
third lecture were ably worked , the questions being put by Bro . Stevens . Propositions for initiating at ensuing meetings were taken , and the lodge having been duly closed , the brethren adjourned to | supper , and at an earlyhourseparated .
MIDDLESEX . LEBANON LODGE ( NO . 1 , 326 ) . —The regular meeting of this flourishing lodge was held on Thursday , 15 th inst , at the Red Lion Hotel , Lion Square , Thames Street , Hampton . Bro . Samuels Wickens , W . M ., opened the lodge at three o ' clock there were present during , the
afternoon Bros . J . Haywood , as S . W . ¦ f . Catchpole , as J . W . ; | . T . Moss , P . G . ' Steward , Middlesex , P . M ., treas . ; F . Walters , P . M . Sec . 3 J . W . Jackson as S . D . ; W . Hammond , P . M ., J . D . ; J . Pallett , as I . G . ; H . Potter , P . M ., W . S . ; F . C . Sinclair , G . M . Solly , W . Taplin , I . G . Donald , E . Gilbert , ] . W . Balwin , J . Wells , f .
Greason , E . Hopwood , P . M . ; A . Beresford , C . F . Payne , R . R . Miilington , W . II . Payne , W . Lyons . The visitors were Brothers J . T . II . Moss , 16 93 R . R . Mabson , 100 3 T . Clark , 2 S 2 ; E . Hazel , 569 ; T . Pallett , 1 . 306 . The minutes of the previous lodge and an emergency meeting were read and unanimously confirmed . Ballots were taken for the admission of Brother William
Stanton , . 52 . 5 ; as a joining member , and Messrs . Woolf Lyon , Robert R . Miilington , ( Nephew of the late Brother , A . U . Thiselton , Secretary of Boy ' s School ) , William F . Payne , and James R . Moore , as candidates for initiation . Brothers W . Taplin , J . G . Donald , and J . W . Baldwin , were raised . Brothers H . Cutress , and f . Greavson
were raised , and Messrs . " \\ oolf Lyon , and R . R . Milkington , and W . F . Payne were passed , several candidates were afterwards proposed . Bros . Thielley , 145 ; L . Beck , 205 ; R . R . Mabson , 100 ; T . Clarke , 282 ; T . Pallett , 1 , 306 ; were proposed as joining members . The business being ended the lodge was closed . Banquet and dessert followed .
DEVONSHIRE . TOTNES . —Pleiades Lodge ( No . 7 ) - "Y \\ e monthl y meeting was held at the Masonic Rooms , on Thursday , February , 22 nd . Soon after halfpast six the chair was taken by Bro . A . B . Niner , W . M ., supported by Bros . Wm . Cuming , I . P . M .
T . E . Owen , P . M . 5 J . Marks , P . M . ; Dr . Hopkins , P . M . and P . Prov . G . S . W . ; Stafford , S . W . ; Preswell , J . W . ; Maye , Secretary ; Westhead , S . D . ; Dronnan , I . G . ; Taylor , Organist ; Fowle , Past J . D . ; and other brethren . The lodge having been opened , and the minutes of the previous
meeting read and confirmed , a ballot was taken for Mr . P . David , a candidate fori nidation , which proved unanimous in his favour . He was then admitted , properly prepared . The ceremony was very ably conducted by the W . M . especially as it was the first occasion of his performing it , indeed ,
in points both of style and verbal exactitude , it would be excelled by but few even of long experience . The explanation of the working tools was given by the J . W . the charge by the W . M ; and the lecture on the first tracing board by Bro . Dr . Hopkins . Some important private business was discussed , and the lodge was closed .
DURHAM . SUNDERLAND .- —Phicnit Lodge ( No . 94 ) . — On Monday evening the officers and members the Phoenix Lodge , No . 94 , gave a complimentary dinner to Bro . T . Henderson , P . M ., at the house
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
of Bro . T . Cairns . During the evening Bro . John Potts , J . P ., P . M . and P . P . G . J . D ., presented Bro . Henderson , in the name of the subscribers , with a handsome gold Past Master ' s jewel , bearing the following inscription : — "
Pressented to Brother Thomas Henderson , P . M ., as a token of respect and esteem , by his brother officers and members , and in recognition of his valuable services as W . M . of the Phoenix Lodge , No . 94 , Free and Accepted Masons , during the year 1871 .
LANCASHIRE ( WEST ) . LANCASTER . —Lodge of Fortitude ( No . 28 . 1 ) . — The regular meeting of this lodge was held on Wednesday evening , the 14 th instant , at the Masonic Rooms , Athenreum . In the absence of the W . M ., the chair was occupied by Bro . Dr . Moore , G . S . B ., the immediate Past Master , who
was supported by the following officers and members : —Bros . Edmund Simpson , P . M . and Secretary ; W . Fleming , S . W . ; Edward Airey , J . W . [; W . J . Sly , S . D . ; Jas . Taylor , J . D- ; R . Gregson , Steward ; R . Tayler , Tyler ; and others . The usual business having been transacted , the
W . M . proposed that an address of congratulation , which he produced and read to the Lodge , be presented to Her Majesty the Queen , and to the Prince and Princess of Wales , on the convalescence of our Royal Brother from his recent
serious illness . This was seconded by Bro . Fleming , S . W ., and passed unanimously . Bro . Moore ' s Lecture on Masonic Clothing was , at the request of several members , postponed until the next regular meeting of the Lodge .
LEICESTERSHIRE . PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE . A special meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge was held at Freemasons' Hall , Leicester , on Friday , the 2 , 3 rd tilt ., numerously attended by
past and present Provincial Grand Officers , and by representatives of each Lodge in the province . St . John ' s Lodge , No . 279 , having been opened in the three degrees , the Provincial Grand Master and his officers were received in due
form . I he Provincial Lodge having been opened , and the roll called , Bro . A . Pell , M . P ., Prov . G . Reg ., read addresses of congratulation to Her Majesty , and to the Prince of Wales , which had been prepared .
Bro . W . Kelly , Prov . G . M ., moved the adoption of the address the Queen , which was seconded by Bro . H . Halford , Prov . S . G . W ., and carried unanimously . On the motion of Bro . A . Pell , Prov . G . Reg ., seconded by Bro . Dr . Haycroft , P . Prov . G .
Chaplain , the address to the Prince of Wales was also unanimously adopted . Bro . H . Deane , Prov . [ . G . W ., proposed , and Bro . Rev . J . Spittal , P . Prov . S . G . W ., seconded , that the addresses be signed by the Provincial Grand Master , and countersigned by the Provincial Grand Registrar and the ProvincialGrand
Secretary , which was carried unanimously . The Right Hon . the Karl Ferrers , P . Prov . J . G . W ., having taken an O . B ., as to the government ol the province , was installed and saluted as D . Prov . G . M ., and expressed his acknowledgments for the honour which had been conferred on him .
A resolution expressive of sympathy with the famil y of the late Bro . W . G . Palmer , P . Prov . S . G . W ., was , on the motion of the Provincial Grand Master , seconded by Bro . Deane , Prov . J .
G . W ., unanimously adopted . The deceased , who was one of the oldest Masons in the province , was universally esteemed both by his Brethren in the Craft , and the inhabitants generally of the neighbourhood in which he resided .
On the motion of the Provincial Grand Master , seconded by the Rev . W . Langley , P . Prov . S . G . W ., and supported by the Rev . J . " Spittal , P . Prov . S . G . W ., a donation of £$ ijs . to the Boys ' School , to be made in the name of the Provincial Grand Secretary for the time being , was unanimously carried .
Bro . Duncomb , Prov . G . J . D ., desired to express the gratification of the Lodge at the recovery of the Provincial Grand Master from his recent illness . The Rev . J . Denton , P . Prov . S . G . W ., also made some remarks to the same effect ; after which the Provincial Grand Lodge , and afterwards the Lodge of St . John ' s , were closed in due form .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
STAFFORDSHIRE . PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE . A Provincial Grand Lodge of Emergency was help in the Staffordshire Knot Lod ge Room , Stafford , on Friday , the 22 nd ult . About forty brethren were present , including several of the Provincial Grand Officers .
Ihe Lodge was opened by Bro . Pilling , the W . M . of the Staffordshire Knot Lodge , and the Provincial Grand Lodge , was subsequently opened in due form b y the Right Worshipful Brother the Earl of Shrewsbury , Provincial Grand Master , who , on assuming the gavel , was saluted
masonic . illy by the brethren . The Divine blessing having been invoked b y Bro . the Rev . Jos . Westbury , Prov . G . Chaplain , the Prov . G . M . called upon him to deliver a short inaugural adpress on the business which had called the brethren togethes , namely , the adoption
01 addresses of congratulation to the Queen and the Prince of Wales , on the recovery of His Royal Highness from his recent severe illness . This having been done , the Te Deum was chanted , as well as the 10 , 3 rd , 121 st , and 145 th Psalms , Bro . Barlow , P . G . Organist , presiding at the organ .
It is quite impossible , from the crowded state of our columns , to give more than a reference to the subsequent loyal and patriotic speeches which characterised the moving and seconding of the addresses . The noble Prov . G . M . thanked the province generally for the read y manner in which
the brethren had joined in their congratulations ; every lodge in the province had prepared addresses to her Majesty and to His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales , the whole of which , together with the two beautiful addresses from the Province , would be forwarded to the Marquis of Ripon for presentation that evening .
The addresses from the province were then read by Bro . W . Cartwright , P . G . Sec , and ( together with those from the various lodges ) placed on a table for subsequent inspection by the brethren .
The addresses having been adopted , the R . W . Prov . G . Master remarked that he hoped those lodges which had provided the more elaborate addresses would exercise increased liberality to the various masonic charities , and that those which had not been so extravagant wauld expend their reserved resources on the same admirable
objects . Bro . Bodenham , P . Prov . S . G . D ., then moved that 50 guineas should be presented from the funds of the Provincial Grand Lodge to the Masonic Institution for Boys , on the occasion of the R . W . Prov . G . M . presiding at the Anniversary Festival . The suggestion was seconded b y Bro . Howells , Prov . G . Treasurer , and adopted .
SUFFOLK . Beccles . —Apollo Lodge ( No . . 305 ) , — The following reply to an address of congratulation from the W . M . and Brethren of Apollo Lodge , has been received : — " Sandringham , King ' s Lynn , January 22 , 1872 . General Sir William Knollys is desired by the Prince of Wales to return to the Worshipful Master and Brethren of
the Masonic Lodge Apollo , , 305 , his grateful thanks for the resolution forwarded to him during his dangerous illness , and for the prayers they offer in it for his recovery . It is with profound thankfulness to the Almi ghty that H . R . H . is enabled to profit by his restoration to express these acknowledgments . —The W . M . of the Apollo Lodge . "
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
CORNWALL . TRURO . —Royal Cornubian Chapter ( No , 3 . 31 ) —The companions of this chapter held their annual festival on the 27 th ult ., at the New Public Buildings . Companion Mayne presided as the installing Z . Comps . T . Solomon was installed First Principal ; E . D . Anderson , Second Principal ; and Richard John Third Principal ;
Comps . May and Surpell , Scribes ; W . Lake Principal Sojourner ; Guy and Griggs , Assistant Sotirjourners ; G . Clyma , Standard Bearer ; Crago , Organist ; Crago and Modee , Stewards . Comp . E . T . Carlyon , P . Z ., was re-elected Treasurer . At the conclusion of the business the companions adjourned to the banquet , which
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
draft Ulasjmtg . METROPOLITAN .
CRYSTM . PALACE LODGE . — An emergency meeting has been convened for Friday , March / th ., when a special banquet is to be given to Bros . Bertram and Roberts , in recognition of their public and Masonic services at the Crystal Palace .
PASMURB LODGE ( NO . 720 ) . — This lodge met at the Balham Hotel , Balham , on Monday the 19 th ultimo ., the W . M ., Bro . H . F . Huntley being supported by Bros . H . F . Hodges , S . W . ; T . Poore , J . W . ; J . M . Young , P . M ., Sec . ;
H . Payne , S . D . ; C . Pulman , J . D . ; Lane , I . G . ; Holmes , Maddern , Trussler , Lilley , R . W . Huntley , and other members . Visitors : —Bros . James Stevens , P . M . 710 , 1216 . There being no busines , before the lodge , the sections of the
third lecture were ably worked , the questions being put by Bro . Stevens . Propositions for initiating at ensuing meetings were taken , and the lodge having been duly closed , the brethren adjourned to | supper , and at an earlyhourseparated .
MIDDLESEX . LEBANON LODGE ( NO . 1 , 326 ) . —The regular meeting of this flourishing lodge was held on Thursday , 15 th inst , at the Red Lion Hotel , Lion Square , Thames Street , Hampton . Bro . Samuels Wickens , W . M ., opened the lodge at three o ' clock there were present during , the
afternoon Bros . J . Haywood , as S . W . ¦ f . Catchpole , as J . W . ; | . T . Moss , P . G . ' Steward , Middlesex , P . M ., treas . ; F . Walters , P . M . Sec . 3 J . W . Jackson as S . D . ; W . Hammond , P . M ., J . D . ; J . Pallett , as I . G . ; H . Potter , P . M ., W . S . ; F . C . Sinclair , G . M . Solly , W . Taplin , I . G . Donald , E . Gilbert , ] . W . Balwin , J . Wells , f .
Greason , E . Hopwood , P . M . ; A . Beresford , C . F . Payne , R . R . Miilington , W . II . Payne , W . Lyons . The visitors were Brothers J . T . II . Moss , 16 93 R . R . Mabson , 100 3 T . Clark , 2 S 2 ; E . Hazel , 569 ; T . Pallett , 1 . 306 . The minutes of the previous lodge and an emergency meeting were read and unanimously confirmed . Ballots were taken for the admission of Brother William
Stanton , . 52 . 5 ; as a joining member , and Messrs . Woolf Lyon , Robert R . Miilington , ( Nephew of the late Brother , A . U . Thiselton , Secretary of Boy ' s School ) , William F . Payne , and James R . Moore , as candidates for initiation . Brothers W . Taplin , J . G . Donald , and J . W . Baldwin , were raised . Brothers H . Cutress , and f . Greavson
were raised , and Messrs . " \\ oolf Lyon , and R . R . Milkington , and W . F . Payne were passed , several candidates were afterwards proposed . Bros . Thielley , 145 ; L . Beck , 205 ; R . R . Mabson , 100 ; T . Clarke , 282 ; T . Pallett , 1 , 306 ; were proposed as joining members . The business being ended the lodge was closed . Banquet and dessert followed .
DEVONSHIRE . TOTNES . —Pleiades Lodge ( No . 7 ) - "Y \\ e monthl y meeting was held at the Masonic Rooms , on Thursday , February , 22 nd . Soon after halfpast six the chair was taken by Bro . A . B . Niner , W . M ., supported by Bros . Wm . Cuming , I . P . M .
T . E . Owen , P . M . 5 J . Marks , P . M . ; Dr . Hopkins , P . M . and P . Prov . G . S . W . ; Stafford , S . W . ; Preswell , J . W . ; Maye , Secretary ; Westhead , S . D . ; Dronnan , I . G . ; Taylor , Organist ; Fowle , Past J . D . ; and other brethren . The lodge having been opened , and the minutes of the previous
meeting read and confirmed , a ballot was taken for Mr . P . David , a candidate fori nidation , which proved unanimous in his favour . He was then admitted , properly prepared . The ceremony was very ably conducted by the W . M . especially as it was the first occasion of his performing it , indeed ,
in points both of style and verbal exactitude , it would be excelled by but few even of long experience . The explanation of the working tools was given by the J . W . the charge by the W . M ; and the lecture on the first tracing board by Bro . Dr . Hopkins . Some important private business was discussed , and the lodge was closed .
DURHAM . SUNDERLAND .- —Phicnit Lodge ( No . 94 ) . — On Monday evening the officers and members the Phoenix Lodge , No . 94 , gave a complimentary dinner to Bro . T . Henderson , P . M ., at the house
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
of Bro . T . Cairns . During the evening Bro . John Potts , J . P ., P . M . and P . P . G . J . D ., presented Bro . Henderson , in the name of the subscribers , with a handsome gold Past Master ' s jewel , bearing the following inscription : — "
Pressented to Brother Thomas Henderson , P . M ., as a token of respect and esteem , by his brother officers and members , and in recognition of his valuable services as W . M . of the Phoenix Lodge , No . 94 , Free and Accepted Masons , during the year 1871 .
LANCASHIRE ( WEST ) . LANCASTER . —Lodge of Fortitude ( No . 28 . 1 ) . — The regular meeting of this lodge was held on Wednesday evening , the 14 th instant , at the Masonic Rooms , Athenreum . In the absence of the W . M ., the chair was occupied by Bro . Dr . Moore , G . S . B ., the immediate Past Master , who
was supported by the following officers and members : —Bros . Edmund Simpson , P . M . and Secretary ; W . Fleming , S . W . ; Edward Airey , J . W . [; W . J . Sly , S . D . ; Jas . Taylor , J . D- ; R . Gregson , Steward ; R . Tayler , Tyler ; and others . The usual business having been transacted , the
W . M . proposed that an address of congratulation , which he produced and read to the Lodge , be presented to Her Majesty the Queen , and to the Prince and Princess of Wales , on the convalescence of our Royal Brother from his recent
serious illness . This was seconded by Bro . Fleming , S . W ., and passed unanimously . Bro . Moore ' s Lecture on Masonic Clothing was , at the request of several members , postponed until the next regular meeting of the Lodge .
LEICESTERSHIRE . PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE . A special meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge was held at Freemasons' Hall , Leicester , on Friday , the 2 , 3 rd tilt ., numerously attended by
past and present Provincial Grand Officers , and by representatives of each Lodge in the province . St . John ' s Lodge , No . 279 , having been opened in the three degrees , the Provincial Grand Master and his officers were received in due
form . I he Provincial Lodge having been opened , and the roll called , Bro . A . Pell , M . P ., Prov . G . Reg ., read addresses of congratulation to Her Majesty , and to the Prince of Wales , which had been prepared .
Bro . W . Kelly , Prov . G . M ., moved the adoption of the address the Queen , which was seconded by Bro . H . Halford , Prov . S . G . W ., and carried unanimously . On the motion of Bro . A . Pell , Prov . G . Reg ., seconded by Bro . Dr . Haycroft , P . Prov . G .
Chaplain , the address to the Prince of Wales was also unanimously adopted . Bro . H . Deane , Prov . [ . G . W ., proposed , and Bro . Rev . J . Spittal , P . Prov . S . G . W ., seconded , that the addresses be signed by the Provincial Grand Master , and countersigned by the Provincial Grand Registrar and the ProvincialGrand
Secretary , which was carried unanimously . The Right Hon . the Karl Ferrers , P . Prov . J . G . W ., having taken an O . B ., as to the government ol the province , was installed and saluted as D . Prov . G . M ., and expressed his acknowledgments for the honour which had been conferred on him .
A resolution expressive of sympathy with the famil y of the late Bro . W . G . Palmer , P . Prov . S . G . W ., was , on the motion of the Provincial Grand Master , seconded by Bro . Deane , Prov . J .
G . W ., unanimously adopted . The deceased , who was one of the oldest Masons in the province , was universally esteemed both by his Brethren in the Craft , and the inhabitants generally of the neighbourhood in which he resided .
On the motion of the Provincial Grand Master , seconded by the Rev . W . Langley , P . Prov . S . G . W ., and supported by the Rev . J . " Spittal , P . Prov . S . G . W ., a donation of £$ ijs . to the Boys ' School , to be made in the name of the Provincial Grand Secretary for the time being , was unanimously carried .
Bro . Duncomb , Prov . G . J . D ., desired to express the gratification of the Lodge at the recovery of the Provincial Grand Master from his recent illness . The Rev . J . Denton , P . Prov . S . G . W ., also made some remarks to the same effect ; after which the Provincial Grand Lodge , and afterwards the Lodge of St . John ' s , were closed in due form .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
STAFFORDSHIRE . PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE . A Provincial Grand Lodge of Emergency was help in the Staffordshire Knot Lod ge Room , Stafford , on Friday , the 22 nd ult . About forty brethren were present , including several of the Provincial Grand Officers .
Ihe Lodge was opened by Bro . Pilling , the W . M . of the Staffordshire Knot Lodge , and the Provincial Grand Lodge , was subsequently opened in due form b y the Right Worshipful Brother the Earl of Shrewsbury , Provincial Grand Master , who , on assuming the gavel , was saluted
masonic . illy by the brethren . The Divine blessing having been invoked b y Bro . the Rev . Jos . Westbury , Prov . G . Chaplain , the Prov . G . M . called upon him to deliver a short inaugural adpress on the business which had called the brethren togethes , namely , the adoption
01 addresses of congratulation to the Queen and the Prince of Wales , on the recovery of His Royal Highness from his recent severe illness . This having been done , the Te Deum was chanted , as well as the 10 , 3 rd , 121 st , and 145 th Psalms , Bro . Barlow , P . G . Organist , presiding at the organ .
It is quite impossible , from the crowded state of our columns , to give more than a reference to the subsequent loyal and patriotic speeches which characterised the moving and seconding of the addresses . The noble Prov . G . M . thanked the province generally for the read y manner in which
the brethren had joined in their congratulations ; every lodge in the province had prepared addresses to her Majesty and to His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales , the whole of which , together with the two beautiful addresses from the Province , would be forwarded to the Marquis of Ripon for presentation that evening .
The addresses from the province were then read by Bro . W . Cartwright , P . G . Sec , and ( together with those from the various lodges ) placed on a table for subsequent inspection by the brethren .
The addresses having been adopted , the R . W . Prov . G . Master remarked that he hoped those lodges which had provided the more elaborate addresses would exercise increased liberality to the various masonic charities , and that those which had not been so extravagant wauld expend their reserved resources on the same admirable
objects . Bro . Bodenham , P . Prov . S . G . D ., then moved that 50 guineas should be presented from the funds of the Provincial Grand Lodge to the Masonic Institution for Boys , on the occasion of the R . W . Prov . G . M . presiding at the Anniversary Festival . The suggestion was seconded b y Bro . Howells , Prov . G . Treasurer , and adopted .
SUFFOLK . Beccles . —Apollo Lodge ( No . . 305 ) , — The following reply to an address of congratulation from the W . M . and Brethren of Apollo Lodge , has been received : — " Sandringham , King ' s Lynn , January 22 , 1872 . General Sir William Knollys is desired by the Prince of Wales to return to the Worshipful Master and Brethren of
the Masonic Lodge Apollo , , 305 , his grateful thanks for the resolution forwarded to him during his dangerous illness , and for the prayers they offer in it for his recovery . It is with profound thankfulness to the Almi ghty that H . R . H . is enabled to profit by his restoration to express these acknowledgments . —The W . M . of the Apollo Lodge . "
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
CORNWALL . TRURO . —Royal Cornubian Chapter ( No , 3 . 31 ) —The companions of this chapter held their annual festival on the 27 th ult ., at the New Public Buildings . Companion Mayne presided as the installing Z . Comps . T . Solomon was installed First Principal ; E . D . Anderson , Second Principal ; and Richard John Third Principal ;
Comps . May and Surpell , Scribes ; W . Lake Principal Sojourner ; Guy and Griggs , Assistant Sotirjourners ; G . Clyma , Standard Bearer ; Crago , Organist ; Crago and Modee , Stewards . Comp . E . T . Carlyon , P . Z ., was re-elected Treasurer . At the conclusion of the business the companions adjourned to the banquet , which