Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Grand Festival.
position of Grand Master , and I shall , as long as I may hold that office , endeavour to follow out that course , continually setting before me , as I have ever done , the great example of my eminent predecessor in this chair , and ever strive to
deserve your esteem and confidence , having a just regard for the great interests of this community , for the rig hts of every one who is enrolled among its members , and for the upholding the character of this ancient and honourable
fraternity . "The Grand Lodges of Scotland and Ireland " was then proposed by the Grand Master , and drunk . The Grand Master next proposed " The Health of the Provincial Grand Masters . " He was
proud to know that he had the great advantage in the discharge of his duties to be assisted by a most able and zealous body of Provincial Grand Masters ; upon them necessarily depended , to a great extent , the local prosperity of the Craft , and it was a most pleasing fact to know how
very rare indeed it was that any exception was in these days taken to the government of the Provincial Grand Masters . The peace and tranquility of the Grand Master himself was greatly promoted by that happy state of things , and he only regretted that at this Grand Festival
they had not the good fortune of having among them a Provincial Grand Master to return thanks for this toast . Lord Limerick , who attended that afternoon in Grand Lodge , was anxious that the brethren should fully understand how greatly he regretted his inability to stay to the banquet ,
but he had been called to wait on a great civic functionary , whose commands of that evening were almost of an imperative character . For himself he was almost bound to say that he liked to see a Mason do as Lord Limerick had done that day , come for business and not stay for the
pleasure ,, for he would rather see a brother in Grand Lodge than at any banquet . ( Hear , hear ) . Lord Limerick was an example he would commend to their imitation . In giving " The Health of the Deputy Grand Master and Grand Officeis of the year" his
Lordship remarked that recollecting the great kindness and forbearance of the brethren to himself , which the brethren had always been pleased to extend when official duties prevented him from discharging his Masonic duties , he should gladly accord to Lord Carnarvon the
same indulgence . The brethren had much occasion to congratulate themselves upon the readiness which distinguished and zealous members of the Craft had ever shewn to accept office in Grand Lodge , and it had always been
his endeavour to make his selection of officers under the circumstances of the moment which appeared to him most for the general interest of the Craft . But he suspected that if the Prime Minister was to be asked whether he had not
a very unpleasant time not long ago when he had to construct a government he would reply that he had , and they would therefore readily admit that it was the duty of every member of a party to lay aside all personal considerations in respect to the choice by a Prime Minister of the
members of his cabinet , so was it the duty of every member at the head of the Craft to be quite certain to fill the Grand Offices with the best men . They might be quite certain that if there had been offices enough they would all have been appointed . He was satisfied that in the choice
of his officers he had made a good selection , and he believed that by their appointment he had been consulting the interests of the Craft . Lord Henry Thynnc , G . S . W ., responded , and after regretting the absence of Lord Carnarvon , congratulated his own lodge on being in the
province in which Lord Carnarvon was the Grand Master ( Somerset ) , and over which he had presided so well for several years . He thanked the Grand Master in the name of his brother Grand Officers , and in his own , and trusted that at the end of their year of office they would leave Grand Lodge , not only as prosperous
as it was now , but still more so . The Grand Master next proposed " The Masonic Charities , " and called on Bro . Little , the Secretary of the Girls' School , to respond , but that distinguished functionary suffering from a st-verecold , which was unmistakeable in the few words he said , deputed to _ Bro . Binckes the per-
Grand Festival.
formance of the duty imposed upon him by his Lordship . Bro . Binckes warmly thanked the G . Master , who had always shown such a loving , vital , practical interest in the Masonic Institution . The toast of " The Stewards , " responded to
by Bro . Chynoweth , and "The Ladies" brought the proceedings to a close , and the brethren adjourned to the concert , which was given in the Temple , where , under the direction of Bro . Wilhelm Ganz , P . G . Org ., a charming concert was given , in which Mdlle . Enequist , Madame
Talbot Cherer , Miss Alice Fairman , Bros . George Perren , Montem Smith , Thomas Baxter , Theodore Distin , Wilhelm Kuhe , G . Organist ; Oberthur , and Paque , and Mr . Maybrick , took part . The dinner was well served by Bro . Francatetlli , of Freemasons' Tavern , and was personally
superintended by himself and Mr . Dawkms , to whom too much praise cannot be given for their attention to the wants of the brethren , and their courtesy . The Stewards must also be complimented on the great success of this festival , which has been rarely attained , and never excelled at any previous gatherings . Bro . James Hayho was an excellent toastmaster .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of West Yorkshire.
On Wednesday , April 15 th , the annual meeting of Freemasons in the province of West Yorkshire was held in the Masonic Hall , South Parade , Huddersfield . The preliminary lodge was opened up in the three degrees by Bros . Geo . Hading , W . M . ; Wm . Harrop , S . W . ;
Geo . Sykes , J . W . ; and the officers of the Huddersfield Lodge , 290 . At 12 . 30 ( noon ) , Provincial Grand Lodge was opened by the Most Hon the Marquess of Ripon , K . G ., P . G . M . of West Yorkshire , and G . M . of England , and in the presence of Bros . Bentley Shaw , D . P . G . M . ;
J . Craven , P . P . G . W . ; Captain Wordsworth , P . J . G . W . ; Manoah Rhodes , Mayor of Bradford ; J . Freeman , Huddersfield ; and other provincial officers and brethren , to the number of about 250 . After the reading of a portion of Scripture by Bro . the Rev . W . Barton , P . P . G . Chaplain , the Provincial Grand Master was saluted
according to ancient custom . In acknowledging the compliment , the noble Marquess said he rejoiced to see so many brethren around him in the good town of Huddersfield . He had always pleasant recollections of Huddersfield . He would not go into details of
the period when he was first introduced to the world of Masonry in that town , but if he were likely at all to forget those associations the portrait of Bro . William Smith ( which his lordship then beheld for the first time ) , a brother highly respected throughout the province , served
to recall those recollections . Whilst the noble Marquess congratulated the brethren on the satisfactory state of the province , and on the great improvement in the different lodges with respect to their returns to the Provincial Grand Lodge , he regretted to have to find fault with a
few lodges with regard to their returns to the G" -and Lodge in London . He urged on the Worshipful Masters of those lodges to send their returns more promptly , and save him the pain of having the province , for which he is Provincial Grand Master , being reported to him
as Grand Master of England . He also congratulated the brethren on the growth of Masonry in this province . On the 1 st January last there were 2841 members in the province of West Yorkshire , of whom 319 had been admitted the past year . There had been 65 deaths . West
Yorkshire was not singular in this increase , it was widespread , but he warned the brethren not to measure the growth of Masonry by mere numbers . Before resuming his seat his lordship referred to the interesting ceremony which took place at York last week , the installation of the Earl of Zetland , Prov . G . M . of
North and East Yorkshire . Lord Zetland , he said , was a young man , and in a great part unknown , but no brother who knew anything of the late E : irl would not but rejoicj with him that they had been enabled to continue the connection of Zetland with Masonry . It was by retaining the connejihn for generations between
Provincial Grand Lodge Of West Yorkshire.
those who had striven well in any sphere that they were enabled to lay the foundation and raise the structure on a lasting footing . His lordship concluded his remarks by expressing his determination to continue his exertions to maintain the credit of the Craft throughout the
province , and hoped the brethren would do likewise , and that Worshipful Masters would strive to keep together the Past Masters of theirlodges , not allowing them to go rusty for want of work , but that all would work in one harmonious strain for the welfare of the Craft at large .
The ordinary routine of passing the minutes of the last Provincial Grand Lodge , and calling the roll of lodges , having been gone through , a letter was read from Bro . Bentley Shaw , P . P . G . M ., expressing his profound gratitude for the kind and generous sympathy and support
which had been accorded to him and his wife , in their great bereavment . by the Provincial Grand Lodge , and to his lordship for the kind and feeling manner he had introduced the subject to the brethren . That address would be a constant incentive to greater diligence in the discharge of the duties of his office . The investiture of the officers of the Provincial Grand Lodge for the ensuing year was then
proceeded with as follows : — Bro . L . R . Starkey , M . P .... P . S . G . W . „ J . Booth P . J . G . W . „ Rev . R . W . Loosemore M . A P . G . Chaplain „ Rev . M . L . Leeman ,
M . A P . G . Chaplain . „ R . J . Critchley , J . P .... P . G . Treas . „ J . Bottomley P . G . Reg . „ Henry Smith P . G . Sec . „ J . Gaunt P . G . S . D . „ T . Schofield P . G . J . D . „ W . Beanland P . G . Sup . ofW .
„ J . Wordsworth P . G . D . C . „ A . Titley . jun P . G . A . C . „ R . E . Collinson P . G . S . B . „ J . Lancaster P . G . Org . „ D . Sugden P . G . Purs . „ T . Heaton P . G . A . Purs .
„ W . Tasker P . G . Steward . ,. C . M . Hartley „ W . Roddewig „ „ J . Beanland ., „ T . Tyers
„ I * . Crossley „ „ J . Lee P . G . Tyler . „ J . Sheard P . G . A . Tyler . After the several officers had been invested , a vote of thanks to Bro . Charles Olroyd , of Dewsbury , P . P . G . Treasurer , for his seven years
faithful service , was passed unanimously , after he had been highly eulogised by the Deputy Prov . Grand Master for the business manner lie had conducted the duties of his office . The report of the Charity Committee was then presented by Bro . Thomas Hill , received , and the Prov . Grand Master said the brethren
might consider it a very satisfactory one . Petitions for relief were then considered , after which tlie lodge was duly closed . A banquet was afterwards held in the
banquetting hall , which was presided over by the Marquess of Ripon , and which had been elegantly served by Bro . H . Birley , of the Pack Horse Hotel , Huddersfield , and to which about 150 brethren sat down .
Provincial Grand Chapter Of West Lancashire.
The annual convocation of the Provincial Grand Chapter of Roy al Arch Freemasons of West Lancashire , was held on Wednesday , the 8 th ult ., at the new Masonic-rooms , King-st ., Wigan , where there was the largest assembly of " Arch" Masons seen in this division for the last
few years . M . E . Comp . the Right Honourable Lord Skelmersdale , Prov . Grand Z ., was present , and presided at the convocation , which was both hearty and unanimous throughout the whole of the interesting proceedings .
Amongst the other notables present on the occasion were : —Comps Cornelius Sherlock , P . G . H . ; Comp . H . W . J ohnston , P . G . J .-, H . S . Alpass , P . G . S . E . ; D . W . Finney , First P . G . Asst . S . ; James Hamer , P . G , Treas . ;
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Grand Festival.
position of Grand Master , and I shall , as long as I may hold that office , endeavour to follow out that course , continually setting before me , as I have ever done , the great example of my eminent predecessor in this chair , and ever strive to
deserve your esteem and confidence , having a just regard for the great interests of this community , for the rig hts of every one who is enrolled among its members , and for the upholding the character of this ancient and honourable
fraternity . "The Grand Lodges of Scotland and Ireland " was then proposed by the Grand Master , and drunk . The Grand Master next proposed " The Health of the Provincial Grand Masters . " He was
proud to know that he had the great advantage in the discharge of his duties to be assisted by a most able and zealous body of Provincial Grand Masters ; upon them necessarily depended , to a great extent , the local prosperity of the Craft , and it was a most pleasing fact to know how
very rare indeed it was that any exception was in these days taken to the government of the Provincial Grand Masters . The peace and tranquility of the Grand Master himself was greatly promoted by that happy state of things , and he only regretted that at this Grand Festival
they had not the good fortune of having among them a Provincial Grand Master to return thanks for this toast . Lord Limerick , who attended that afternoon in Grand Lodge , was anxious that the brethren should fully understand how greatly he regretted his inability to stay to the banquet ,
but he had been called to wait on a great civic functionary , whose commands of that evening were almost of an imperative character . For himself he was almost bound to say that he liked to see a Mason do as Lord Limerick had done that day , come for business and not stay for the
pleasure ,, for he would rather see a brother in Grand Lodge than at any banquet . ( Hear , hear ) . Lord Limerick was an example he would commend to their imitation . In giving " The Health of the Deputy Grand Master and Grand Officeis of the year" his
Lordship remarked that recollecting the great kindness and forbearance of the brethren to himself , which the brethren had always been pleased to extend when official duties prevented him from discharging his Masonic duties , he should gladly accord to Lord Carnarvon the
same indulgence . The brethren had much occasion to congratulate themselves upon the readiness which distinguished and zealous members of the Craft had ever shewn to accept office in Grand Lodge , and it had always been
his endeavour to make his selection of officers under the circumstances of the moment which appeared to him most for the general interest of the Craft . But he suspected that if the Prime Minister was to be asked whether he had not
a very unpleasant time not long ago when he had to construct a government he would reply that he had , and they would therefore readily admit that it was the duty of every member of a party to lay aside all personal considerations in respect to the choice by a Prime Minister of the
members of his cabinet , so was it the duty of every member at the head of the Craft to be quite certain to fill the Grand Offices with the best men . They might be quite certain that if there had been offices enough they would all have been appointed . He was satisfied that in the choice
of his officers he had made a good selection , and he believed that by their appointment he had been consulting the interests of the Craft . Lord Henry Thynnc , G . S . W ., responded , and after regretting the absence of Lord Carnarvon , congratulated his own lodge on being in the
province in which Lord Carnarvon was the Grand Master ( Somerset ) , and over which he had presided so well for several years . He thanked the Grand Master in the name of his brother Grand Officers , and in his own , and trusted that at the end of their year of office they would leave Grand Lodge , not only as prosperous
as it was now , but still more so . The Grand Master next proposed " The Masonic Charities , " and called on Bro . Little , the Secretary of the Girls' School , to respond , but that distinguished functionary suffering from a st-verecold , which was unmistakeable in the few words he said , deputed to _ Bro . Binckes the per-
Grand Festival.
formance of the duty imposed upon him by his Lordship . Bro . Binckes warmly thanked the G . Master , who had always shown such a loving , vital , practical interest in the Masonic Institution . The toast of " The Stewards , " responded to
by Bro . Chynoweth , and "The Ladies" brought the proceedings to a close , and the brethren adjourned to the concert , which was given in the Temple , where , under the direction of Bro . Wilhelm Ganz , P . G . Org ., a charming concert was given , in which Mdlle . Enequist , Madame
Talbot Cherer , Miss Alice Fairman , Bros . George Perren , Montem Smith , Thomas Baxter , Theodore Distin , Wilhelm Kuhe , G . Organist ; Oberthur , and Paque , and Mr . Maybrick , took part . The dinner was well served by Bro . Francatetlli , of Freemasons' Tavern , and was personally
superintended by himself and Mr . Dawkms , to whom too much praise cannot be given for their attention to the wants of the brethren , and their courtesy . The Stewards must also be complimented on the great success of this festival , which has been rarely attained , and never excelled at any previous gatherings . Bro . James Hayho was an excellent toastmaster .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of West Yorkshire.
On Wednesday , April 15 th , the annual meeting of Freemasons in the province of West Yorkshire was held in the Masonic Hall , South Parade , Huddersfield . The preliminary lodge was opened up in the three degrees by Bros . Geo . Hading , W . M . ; Wm . Harrop , S . W . ;
Geo . Sykes , J . W . ; and the officers of the Huddersfield Lodge , 290 . At 12 . 30 ( noon ) , Provincial Grand Lodge was opened by the Most Hon the Marquess of Ripon , K . G ., P . G . M . of West Yorkshire , and G . M . of England , and in the presence of Bros . Bentley Shaw , D . P . G . M . ;
J . Craven , P . P . G . W . ; Captain Wordsworth , P . J . G . W . ; Manoah Rhodes , Mayor of Bradford ; J . Freeman , Huddersfield ; and other provincial officers and brethren , to the number of about 250 . After the reading of a portion of Scripture by Bro . the Rev . W . Barton , P . P . G . Chaplain , the Provincial Grand Master was saluted
according to ancient custom . In acknowledging the compliment , the noble Marquess said he rejoiced to see so many brethren around him in the good town of Huddersfield . He had always pleasant recollections of Huddersfield . He would not go into details of
the period when he was first introduced to the world of Masonry in that town , but if he were likely at all to forget those associations the portrait of Bro . William Smith ( which his lordship then beheld for the first time ) , a brother highly respected throughout the province , served
to recall those recollections . Whilst the noble Marquess congratulated the brethren on the satisfactory state of the province , and on the great improvement in the different lodges with respect to their returns to the Provincial Grand Lodge , he regretted to have to find fault with a
few lodges with regard to their returns to the G" -and Lodge in London . He urged on the Worshipful Masters of those lodges to send their returns more promptly , and save him the pain of having the province , for which he is Provincial Grand Master , being reported to him
as Grand Master of England . He also congratulated the brethren on the growth of Masonry in this province . On the 1 st January last there were 2841 members in the province of West Yorkshire , of whom 319 had been admitted the past year . There had been 65 deaths . West
Yorkshire was not singular in this increase , it was widespread , but he warned the brethren not to measure the growth of Masonry by mere numbers . Before resuming his seat his lordship referred to the interesting ceremony which took place at York last week , the installation of the Earl of Zetland , Prov . G . M . of
North and East Yorkshire . Lord Zetland , he said , was a young man , and in a great part unknown , but no brother who knew anything of the late E : irl would not but rejoicj with him that they had been enabled to continue the connection of Zetland with Masonry . It was by retaining the connejihn for generations between
Provincial Grand Lodge Of West Yorkshire.
those who had striven well in any sphere that they were enabled to lay the foundation and raise the structure on a lasting footing . His lordship concluded his remarks by expressing his determination to continue his exertions to maintain the credit of the Craft throughout the
province , and hoped the brethren would do likewise , and that Worshipful Masters would strive to keep together the Past Masters of theirlodges , not allowing them to go rusty for want of work , but that all would work in one harmonious strain for the welfare of the Craft at large .
The ordinary routine of passing the minutes of the last Provincial Grand Lodge , and calling the roll of lodges , having been gone through , a letter was read from Bro . Bentley Shaw , P . P . G . M ., expressing his profound gratitude for the kind and generous sympathy and support
which had been accorded to him and his wife , in their great bereavment . by the Provincial Grand Lodge , and to his lordship for the kind and feeling manner he had introduced the subject to the brethren . That address would be a constant incentive to greater diligence in the discharge of the duties of his office . The investiture of the officers of the Provincial Grand Lodge for the ensuing year was then
proceeded with as follows : — Bro . L . R . Starkey , M . P .... P . S . G . W . „ J . Booth P . J . G . W . „ Rev . R . W . Loosemore M . A P . G . Chaplain „ Rev . M . L . Leeman ,
M . A P . G . Chaplain . „ R . J . Critchley , J . P .... P . G . Treas . „ J . Bottomley P . G . Reg . „ Henry Smith P . G . Sec . „ J . Gaunt P . G . S . D . „ T . Schofield P . G . J . D . „ W . Beanland P . G . Sup . ofW .
„ J . Wordsworth P . G . D . C . „ A . Titley . jun P . G . A . C . „ R . E . Collinson P . G . S . B . „ J . Lancaster P . G . Org . „ D . Sugden P . G . Purs . „ T . Heaton P . G . A . Purs .
„ W . Tasker P . G . Steward . ,. C . M . Hartley „ W . Roddewig „ „ J . Beanland ., „ T . Tyers
„ I * . Crossley „ „ J . Lee P . G . Tyler . „ J . Sheard P . G . A . Tyler . After the several officers had been invested , a vote of thanks to Bro . Charles Olroyd , of Dewsbury , P . P . G . Treasurer , for his seven years
faithful service , was passed unanimously , after he had been highly eulogised by the Deputy Prov . Grand Master for the business manner lie had conducted the duties of his office . The report of the Charity Committee was then presented by Bro . Thomas Hill , received , and the Prov . Grand Master said the brethren
might consider it a very satisfactory one . Petitions for relief were then considered , after which tlie lodge was duly closed . A banquet was afterwards held in the
banquetting hall , which was presided over by the Marquess of Ripon , and which had been elegantly served by Bro . H . Birley , of the Pack Horse Hotel , Huddersfield , and to which about 150 brethren sat down .
Provincial Grand Chapter Of West Lancashire.
The annual convocation of the Provincial Grand Chapter of Roy al Arch Freemasons of West Lancashire , was held on Wednesday , the 8 th ult ., at the new Masonic-rooms , King-st ., Wigan , where there was the largest assembly of " Arch" Masons seen in this division for the last
few years . M . E . Comp . the Right Honourable Lord Skelmersdale , Prov . Grand Z ., was present , and presided at the convocation , which was both hearty and unanimous throughout the whole of the interesting proceedings .
Amongst the other notables present on the occasion were : —Comps Cornelius Sherlock , P . G . H . ; Comp . H . W . J ohnston , P . G . J .-, H . S . Alpass , P . G . S . E . ; D . W . Finney , First P . G . Asst . S . ; James Hamer , P . G , Treas . ;