Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Table Of Contents.
REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS : — Craft Masonry « S 9 Instruction 261 Royal Arch 262 Ancient and Accepted Rite 262 Red Cross of Constantine 2 G 2
CORRESPONDENCE : — The Masonic Charities 262 Refusal to Bury a Roman Catholic Freemason ... 26 3 Old K . T . | Certificate 263 Notes and Queries 26 3 Societatis Rosicruciana : in Anglia 263 Obituary 26 3
Provincial Grand Lodges .... 264 Grand Festival 26 5 Prov . G . Lodge of West Yorkshire 2 ( ' 6 Prov . G . Chapter of West Lancashire 266 Prov . G . Chapter of East Lancashire 267
Prov . G . Chapter of Leicester 267 Prov . G . Mark Lodge of Leicester and Rutland 267 The Lodge of Israel 268 Masonic Tidings 2 O 8 Lodge Meetings for next week 269 Advertisements „ 2157 258 264 268 26 9 270 272
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
^ Craft Itatrg .
LODGE OF TRANQUILITY ( NO . 185 ) . —An unusually small number of members of this lodge met at Cannon-street Hotel , E . C , on Monday , the 20 th lilt . This paucity may possibly have arisen from the fact that the magical word , "banquet , " at a specified time , had on this occasion been either inadvertently or intentionally omitted from the summons . Most of the Past
Masters were , however , present , and the meeting was also honoured by several visitors . The programme for the evening was light . The third degree was conferred upon Bros . Bayley and Smith , and Mr . Thomas James was admitted into the Order in the usual way . Bro . John
Constable , the W . M ., presided . It is therefore needless to enter into a lengthy description of the perfect and impressive manner in which the ceremonies were performed . Bros . John Ross and Barnett , the Wardens ; David Posener and Childs , Deacons : and Bro . Croaker , as
I . G ., acquitted themselves very creditably indeed . Bros . John Peartree , Hon . Treas ., and Phil Levy , Hon . Sec , ( whom the W . M . was pleased to designate the Father and Mother of the lodge , without distinctly specifying which was to be considered the mother ) , rendered valuable
assistance at their respective posts which they have occupied upwards of fifteen years . The banquet , if not sumptuous , was plenteous and agreeable . The various toasts , propositions as well as responses , must be considered witty , because they were brief , and the brethren uttered no
complaints , but seemed delighted with the brevity . Altogether the temper of the assembly was such ? s is usually presumed to exist in a united snug family party . The proceedings were interspersed with songs by Bros . John Ross , Child , P . Levy , Wood , and Barnett , tlie latter also presided at
the piano . Bro . Thomas James , the newlyinitiated , heartily thanked the brethren for accepting him among them , hoped to become a useful member of the Craft , and to mark the sincerity of his sentiments , at once subscribed £ 2 as . to the lodge ' s private benevolent fund .
The visitors , Bros . Garrett , P . M . 183 : Boys 294 : Doight , W . M . 19 6 ; St . Hilliers , J . W . 251 ; Wood , J . W . 4383 and Weingott , I . G . 15 , responded each on their own behalf , Bro . Weingott being so pleaspd with the proceedings in the lodge , as well as his reception at the festive
board , that he begged to be accepted a joining member , provided he could do so without leaving his Mother Lodge . The P . M . ' s present were , Bros . N . Moss , Bloomfield , Harfeld , Holbrook , S . Solomon , S . E . Moss , E . Gottheil , and N . Glikkstein . Bro . Martin Bamberger , of 141 .
was unanimously accepted a joining member . SCARBOROUGH . — Old Globe Lodge ( No 200 ) . —The brethren of the above lodge gave an Amateur Dramatic Performance on Tuesday , April 14 th , in the Londe-sborough Theatre
Scarborough , in aid of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys . The performance commenced with the comedy " Still Waters Run Deep , " the John Mildmay ' of Bro . W . G . Knight , and the Mr . Potter of Bro , G . O . Crowther , D . C , deserve special mention . Mrs . Sternhold was splendidly
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
acted by Mrs . Curtis , a lady of great dramatic abilities 5 Mrs . Mildmay , was badly represented The comedy appeared to have been well rehearsed . Bro . G . O . Crowther , D . C , during the evening recited " The Wake of Tim O'Hara , " which gave great satisfaction . The programme
finished with Charles Selby ' s Farce of" The Boots at the Swan . " At intervals during the evening the band efficiently rendered sweet harmony under the able direction of Mr . G . Dixon , of the 3 rd R . Y . Artillery . A dispensation
having been obtained for the purpose the brethren appeared in full Masonic clothing , and conjoined with the splendid toilettes of the ladies , produced a very brilliant effect in the theatre The performance was well attended and was under distinguished patronage .
SOUTH MIDDLESEX LODGE ( NO . 851 ) .: —The installation meeting of this lodge was held at Beaufort House , West Brompton , on Thursday , the 23 rd ultimo , when there was a large attendance of the members and their friends to witness the installation of Bro . P . Kirke , the W . M .
elect , late S . W ., an old and much esteemed member of the lodge . After the usual formal business , which succeeded the opening of the lodge , Bro . Davis , having undergone the usual examination as to his knowledge of the first degree , was passed to the degree of F . C , after
which Bro . Kirke , the W . M . elect , was presented in due form , and having given his assent to the princip les laid down in the Book of Constitutions a Board of Installed Masters was formed and Bro . Kirke was duly installed into the chair of K . S ., the ceremony being very ably performed
by Bro . Jones . The incoming Master then proceeded to appoint and invest his officers as follows : —Bros . Pamphilon , S . W . ; H . Egan , J . W . ; Major Radcliffe , P . M ., Treasurer ; Shuter , P . M ., Secretary ; Singleton , S . D . ; Todd , J . D . ; Cooper , P . M ., D . C . ; Wilberforce Bird , I . G . ;
Blewell Pollard , Steward ; Woodstock , Tyler . In performing this ceremony the W . M . presented to the lodge a handsome P . M . ' s collar , with which he invested the I . P . M ., Bro . P . H . Jones . A presentation of emblems of mortality was also made to the lodge by the new J . W ., Bro .
Kgan . A handsome Past Master ' s jewel , voted by the lodge to Bro . Jones , was presented to him , withafew appropriate remarks , by the . W . M ., and Bro . Jones thanked the brethren for having bestowed upon him this mark of their approval of his conduct in the chair . The newly installed
W . M . then proceeded to initiate Mr . William Young , Mr . John Grove , and Mr . Charles Henry Cumberland , into the mysteries and privileges of the first degree ; after which the report of the Audit Committee was presented to the lodge , and this concluding the business of
the evening , the lodge was closed in due form . The members and their friends then sat down to an excellent banquet , which did great credit to ihe canteen arrangements of the South Middlesex Volunteer Corps , of the members of which , we believe , the lodge is almost
wholly , if not entirely , composed . On the removal of the cloth the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were proposed and duly honoured , that of the Grand Officers being responded to by Bro . Snell , P . G . D . The Chairman then rose and said that the next toast he had to propose to
their notice was the toast of the evening . The members of that lodge were good Masons , and as such were devoted to the Craft , and ever anxious for the spread of Freemasonry amongst good and true men . He was sure therefore that this toast would be well received , as it was
the health of the three brethren that had that evening been admitted into the Craft , and whom he was sure they were all of them anxious to give a hearty welcome to , more especially as from the very commendable attention they had paid to the ceremony they had gone through there
appeared to be every reason to believe that they would make very good Masons . He therefore had very great pleasure in proposing " The Health of the Brother Initiates . " The three initiates having returned thanks , Bro . Jones ,
I . P . M ., rose :: i : d said that they all knew there , that when the W . M . entrusted the gavel to other hands , what toast was about to be proposed . He slould therefore make but few remarks in pro ] osing " The Health of the W . M .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
in the Chair . " Those brethren who had belonged to the lodge since its foundation have known Bro . Kirke as one of its earliest members , and one of its most steadfast supporters . A more regular attendant it would be almost impossible to find , and it afforded him exceeding
pleasure and satisfaction to be the first to propose his health as W . M . of the lodge . From the comments made that ni g ht he augured well for the success of Bro . Kirke ' s year of office , of which if it ended as auspiciously as it had commenced he might well be very proud of . They
all knew him so well in the regiment , at drill , at review , at the festive board , and they always found him the same Bro . Kirke , the same zealous workman , genial companion , and kind ftiend ; and he had great pleasure in asking them to rise to drink his health . The
Worshi pful Master having returned thanks , proceeded to propose ' . " The Health ] of the Visitors , the Past Masters and the Officers of the Lodge . " Thanks for the former being returned by Bro . the Hon . E . Curzon , a Past Master of this lodge , who had ceased to be a
member , but was present on this occasion as a visitor , and the latter was acknowledged by Bro . Jones , I . P . M ., who took that opportunity of referring to the presentation they had made to him of the handsome jewel it was his happiness to wear on his breast . This he told them had
always been the acme of his ambition , and unlike many things they looked forward to , the realisation was not less than the anticipation . He acknowledged that he had always taken a great interest in the South Middlesex Lodge , and
having now tor twelve or thirteen years attended its meetings and performed those duties he had been appointed to fulfil , he now found himself intensely happy in passing to that haven of rest on the left hand side of the chair . Before he
sat down he would also refer to one other matter which should have been done before . Jt was to their Worshipful Master that they were indebted for the I . P . M . collar and jewel . They had not previously had one , and the W . M . thought that that was a state of things that should no longer
exist , and had therefore presented one to the lodge , a jewel which the speaker had then the pleasure of wearing for the first time , and which lie trusted would be handed down from Master to Master for many generations , in honour of their brother who seceded the chair on this
evening . Among those present , besides those we have had occasion to name already , we observed Bros . Whitchild , P . M . ; Cooper , P . M . ; Wellsman , Weaver , P . M . ; Worthington , P . M . ; Ashton Goodwin , P . M . Among the visitors there were Bros . H . F . Kirke , St . Luke ' s , 144 ; J .
Thomson , 834 ; E . Snell , P . G . D . ; Holt , Fitzroy Lodge , Grand Steward ; Wormald , Lodge Celtic 291 , Scotland : C . E . Fluker , 1325 ; H . Fluker , 1325 ; Hon . E . Curzon , Pullen 144 ; Henry , Lodge St . Clair , 349 , Scotland ; and Goderich , 231 . After a very pleasant evening the brethren separated at a late hour .
ROYAL ALBERT LODGE . ' ( No . 907 ) . —The last meeting of the session of the above lodge was held on the 20 th ult ., at Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-st . The W . M ., Bro . F- H . Miller , was assisted by the following officers—Bros . F . H . Miller , S . W . and W . M . elect : S . H . P .
Moore , J . W .: R . Stevenson , S . D . j the Rev . Holden , J . D . and Chaplain ; F . White , I . G . ; Jos . Smith . . Treasurer ; W . H . Farnfield , Secretary . Upon the confirmation of the minutes of the last lodge meeting , the W . M . raised Bro . W . H . Wood , 1185 , to the third degree . Bro . F . Griffith , S . W . and W . M . elect , was then
presented for installation , which ceremony the W . M . performed with great solemnity and ability , the newly installed Master conferred an advanced step upon each of the officers of the past year , and Bro . Jennings , I . G . The Treasurer , Secretary , and Tyler , having received 'he confidence of the brethren were re-invested . The
newly installed Master then entered upon a pleasant duty of his appointment , initiating Mr . R . W . Duncan into the ancient mysteries , which was done with considerable ability . This concluded ledge business , the brethren adjourned to banquet , and after the pro erbi . il loyalty of the Craft had been exemplified and other Masonic toasts , the I . P . M . rose to submit the toast of the
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Table Of Contents.
REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS : — Craft Masonry « S 9 Instruction 261 Royal Arch 262 Ancient and Accepted Rite 262 Red Cross of Constantine 2 G 2
CORRESPONDENCE : — The Masonic Charities 262 Refusal to Bury a Roman Catholic Freemason ... 26 3 Old K . T . | Certificate 263 Notes and Queries 26 3 Societatis Rosicruciana : in Anglia 263 Obituary 26 3
Provincial Grand Lodges .... 264 Grand Festival 26 5 Prov . G . Lodge of West Yorkshire 2 ( ' 6 Prov . G . Chapter of West Lancashire 266 Prov . G . Chapter of East Lancashire 267
Prov . G . Chapter of Leicester 267 Prov . G . Mark Lodge of Leicester and Rutland 267 The Lodge of Israel 268 Masonic Tidings 2 O 8 Lodge Meetings for next week 269 Advertisements „ 2157 258 264 268 26 9 270 272
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
^ Craft Itatrg .
LODGE OF TRANQUILITY ( NO . 185 ) . —An unusually small number of members of this lodge met at Cannon-street Hotel , E . C , on Monday , the 20 th lilt . This paucity may possibly have arisen from the fact that the magical word , "banquet , " at a specified time , had on this occasion been either inadvertently or intentionally omitted from the summons . Most of the Past
Masters were , however , present , and the meeting was also honoured by several visitors . The programme for the evening was light . The third degree was conferred upon Bros . Bayley and Smith , and Mr . Thomas James was admitted into the Order in the usual way . Bro . John
Constable , the W . M ., presided . It is therefore needless to enter into a lengthy description of the perfect and impressive manner in which the ceremonies were performed . Bros . John Ross and Barnett , the Wardens ; David Posener and Childs , Deacons : and Bro . Croaker , as
I . G ., acquitted themselves very creditably indeed . Bros . John Peartree , Hon . Treas ., and Phil Levy , Hon . Sec , ( whom the W . M . was pleased to designate the Father and Mother of the lodge , without distinctly specifying which was to be considered the mother ) , rendered valuable
assistance at their respective posts which they have occupied upwards of fifteen years . The banquet , if not sumptuous , was plenteous and agreeable . The various toasts , propositions as well as responses , must be considered witty , because they were brief , and the brethren uttered no
complaints , but seemed delighted with the brevity . Altogether the temper of the assembly was such ? s is usually presumed to exist in a united snug family party . The proceedings were interspersed with songs by Bros . John Ross , Child , P . Levy , Wood , and Barnett , tlie latter also presided at
the piano . Bro . Thomas James , the newlyinitiated , heartily thanked the brethren for accepting him among them , hoped to become a useful member of the Craft , and to mark the sincerity of his sentiments , at once subscribed £ 2 as . to the lodge ' s private benevolent fund .
The visitors , Bros . Garrett , P . M . 183 : Boys 294 : Doight , W . M . 19 6 ; St . Hilliers , J . W . 251 ; Wood , J . W . 4383 and Weingott , I . G . 15 , responded each on their own behalf , Bro . Weingott being so pleaspd with the proceedings in the lodge , as well as his reception at the festive
board , that he begged to be accepted a joining member , provided he could do so without leaving his Mother Lodge . The P . M . ' s present were , Bros . N . Moss , Bloomfield , Harfeld , Holbrook , S . Solomon , S . E . Moss , E . Gottheil , and N . Glikkstein . Bro . Martin Bamberger , of 141 .
was unanimously accepted a joining member . SCARBOROUGH . — Old Globe Lodge ( No 200 ) . —The brethren of the above lodge gave an Amateur Dramatic Performance on Tuesday , April 14 th , in the Londe-sborough Theatre
Scarborough , in aid of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys . The performance commenced with the comedy " Still Waters Run Deep , " the John Mildmay ' of Bro . W . G . Knight , and the Mr . Potter of Bro , G . O . Crowther , D . C , deserve special mention . Mrs . Sternhold was splendidly
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
acted by Mrs . Curtis , a lady of great dramatic abilities 5 Mrs . Mildmay , was badly represented The comedy appeared to have been well rehearsed . Bro . G . O . Crowther , D . C , during the evening recited " The Wake of Tim O'Hara , " which gave great satisfaction . The programme
finished with Charles Selby ' s Farce of" The Boots at the Swan . " At intervals during the evening the band efficiently rendered sweet harmony under the able direction of Mr . G . Dixon , of the 3 rd R . Y . Artillery . A dispensation
having been obtained for the purpose the brethren appeared in full Masonic clothing , and conjoined with the splendid toilettes of the ladies , produced a very brilliant effect in the theatre The performance was well attended and was under distinguished patronage .
SOUTH MIDDLESEX LODGE ( NO . 851 ) .: —The installation meeting of this lodge was held at Beaufort House , West Brompton , on Thursday , the 23 rd ultimo , when there was a large attendance of the members and their friends to witness the installation of Bro . P . Kirke , the W . M .
elect , late S . W ., an old and much esteemed member of the lodge . After the usual formal business , which succeeded the opening of the lodge , Bro . Davis , having undergone the usual examination as to his knowledge of the first degree , was passed to the degree of F . C , after
which Bro . Kirke , the W . M . elect , was presented in due form , and having given his assent to the princip les laid down in the Book of Constitutions a Board of Installed Masters was formed and Bro . Kirke was duly installed into the chair of K . S ., the ceremony being very ably performed
by Bro . Jones . The incoming Master then proceeded to appoint and invest his officers as follows : —Bros . Pamphilon , S . W . ; H . Egan , J . W . ; Major Radcliffe , P . M ., Treasurer ; Shuter , P . M ., Secretary ; Singleton , S . D . ; Todd , J . D . ; Cooper , P . M ., D . C . ; Wilberforce Bird , I . G . ;
Blewell Pollard , Steward ; Woodstock , Tyler . In performing this ceremony the W . M . presented to the lodge a handsome P . M . ' s collar , with which he invested the I . P . M ., Bro . P . H . Jones . A presentation of emblems of mortality was also made to the lodge by the new J . W ., Bro .
Kgan . A handsome Past Master ' s jewel , voted by the lodge to Bro . Jones , was presented to him , withafew appropriate remarks , by the . W . M ., and Bro . Jones thanked the brethren for having bestowed upon him this mark of their approval of his conduct in the chair . The newly installed
W . M . then proceeded to initiate Mr . William Young , Mr . John Grove , and Mr . Charles Henry Cumberland , into the mysteries and privileges of the first degree ; after which the report of the Audit Committee was presented to the lodge , and this concluding the business of
the evening , the lodge was closed in due form . The members and their friends then sat down to an excellent banquet , which did great credit to ihe canteen arrangements of the South Middlesex Volunteer Corps , of the members of which , we believe , the lodge is almost
wholly , if not entirely , composed . On the removal of the cloth the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were proposed and duly honoured , that of the Grand Officers being responded to by Bro . Snell , P . G . D . The Chairman then rose and said that the next toast he had to propose to
their notice was the toast of the evening . The members of that lodge were good Masons , and as such were devoted to the Craft , and ever anxious for the spread of Freemasonry amongst good and true men . He was sure therefore that this toast would be well received , as it was
the health of the three brethren that had that evening been admitted into the Craft , and whom he was sure they were all of them anxious to give a hearty welcome to , more especially as from the very commendable attention they had paid to the ceremony they had gone through there
appeared to be every reason to believe that they would make very good Masons . He therefore had very great pleasure in proposing " The Health of the Brother Initiates . " The three initiates having returned thanks , Bro . Jones ,
I . P . M ., rose :: i : d said that they all knew there , that when the W . M . entrusted the gavel to other hands , what toast was about to be proposed . He slould therefore make but few remarks in pro ] osing " The Health of the W . M .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
in the Chair . " Those brethren who had belonged to the lodge since its foundation have known Bro . Kirke as one of its earliest members , and one of its most steadfast supporters . A more regular attendant it would be almost impossible to find , and it afforded him exceeding
pleasure and satisfaction to be the first to propose his health as W . M . of the lodge . From the comments made that ni g ht he augured well for the success of Bro . Kirke ' s year of office , of which if it ended as auspiciously as it had commenced he might well be very proud of . They
all knew him so well in the regiment , at drill , at review , at the festive board , and they always found him the same Bro . Kirke , the same zealous workman , genial companion , and kind ftiend ; and he had great pleasure in asking them to rise to drink his health . The
Worshi pful Master having returned thanks , proceeded to propose ' . " The Health ] of the Visitors , the Past Masters and the Officers of the Lodge . " Thanks for the former being returned by Bro . the Hon . E . Curzon , a Past Master of this lodge , who had ceased to be a
member , but was present on this occasion as a visitor , and the latter was acknowledged by Bro . Jones , I . P . M ., who took that opportunity of referring to the presentation they had made to him of the handsome jewel it was his happiness to wear on his breast . This he told them had
always been the acme of his ambition , and unlike many things they looked forward to , the realisation was not less than the anticipation . He acknowledged that he had always taken a great interest in the South Middlesex Lodge , and
having now tor twelve or thirteen years attended its meetings and performed those duties he had been appointed to fulfil , he now found himself intensely happy in passing to that haven of rest on the left hand side of the chair . Before he
sat down he would also refer to one other matter which should have been done before . Jt was to their Worshipful Master that they were indebted for the I . P . M . collar and jewel . They had not previously had one , and the W . M . thought that that was a state of things that should no longer
exist , and had therefore presented one to the lodge , a jewel which the speaker had then the pleasure of wearing for the first time , and which lie trusted would be handed down from Master to Master for many generations , in honour of their brother who seceded the chair on this
evening . Among those present , besides those we have had occasion to name already , we observed Bros . Whitchild , P . M . ; Cooper , P . M . ; Wellsman , Weaver , P . M . ; Worthington , P . M . ; Ashton Goodwin , P . M . Among the visitors there were Bros . H . F . Kirke , St . Luke ' s , 144 ; J .
Thomson , 834 ; E . Snell , P . G . D . ; Holt , Fitzroy Lodge , Grand Steward ; Wormald , Lodge Celtic 291 , Scotland : C . E . Fluker , 1325 ; H . Fluker , 1325 ; Hon . E . Curzon , Pullen 144 ; Henry , Lodge St . Clair , 349 , Scotland ; and Goderich , 231 . After a very pleasant evening the brethren separated at a late hour .
ROYAL ALBERT LODGE . ' ( No . 907 ) . —The last meeting of the session of the above lodge was held on the 20 th ult ., at Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-st . The W . M ., Bro . F- H . Miller , was assisted by the following officers—Bros . F . H . Miller , S . W . and W . M . elect : S . H . P .
Moore , J . W .: R . Stevenson , S . D . j the Rev . Holden , J . D . and Chaplain ; F . White , I . G . ; Jos . Smith . . Treasurer ; W . H . Farnfield , Secretary . Upon the confirmation of the minutes of the last lodge meeting , the W . M . raised Bro . W . H . Wood , 1185 , to the third degree . Bro . F . Griffith , S . W . and W . M . elect , was then
presented for installation , which ceremony the W . M . performed with great solemnity and ability , the newly installed Master conferred an advanced step upon each of the officers of the past year , and Bro . Jennings , I . G . The Treasurer , Secretary , and Tyler , having received 'he confidence of the brethren were re-invested . The
newly installed Master then entered upon a pleasant duty of his appointment , initiating Mr . R . W . Duncan into the ancient mysteries , which was done with considerable ability . This concluded ledge business , the brethren adjourned to banquet , and after the pro erbi . il loyalty of the Craft had been exemplified and other Masonic toasts , the I . P . M . rose to submit the toast of the