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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
evening , viz ., "The W . M ., " whose moralstanding and proficiency in the various duties of the lodge were too well known to need further recommendation . The I . P . M . wished the W . M . health and prosperity , in which all present cordially joined . The W . M . on rising was greeted
with vociferous cheering . In reply he said : Brethren , I thank you heartily for your kind reception of the toast so ably proposed by my esteemed friend , Bro . Miller , I feel the want of words adequately to convey my gratitude for this mark of your appreciation ; it is ample payment for
my past services , and I shall endeavour to merit its continuance by faithfully discharging the trust you have been pleased to repose in me , and I beg you to accept the assurance that nothing shall be wanting on my part to further the interests of our lodge ; before resuming my
seat I have the pleasure to propose to you " The Health of Bro . T . H . Miller , I . P . M ., " whose proficiency upon all occasions , and more particularl y in the installation ceremony of this evening , is worthy of the emulation of every member of the Craft . Brethren , in your name and that of
the Royal Albert Lodge , I place upon our esteemed brother ' s breast this jewel ; it is a token of our hearty appreciation of his past services , and it is our fervent hope that he may live long in the memory of our hearts and that this presentation shall be a pleasing and fond
reminiscence in the yellow leaf of his age . Bro . Miller , who was evidently moved by the kind words addressed to him , replied in terms expressive of his gratitude and pleasure . Bro . R . W . Duncan replied to the toast of " The Initiates " in such phraseology that augurs well for his future
progress in the science ; he asserted that he had not known himself until the happy moments of his initiation . Bro . Terry replied on behalf of the charities with his usual good grace and eloquence . His appeal for support was answered by the W . M . undertaking a Stewardship for the
next Festival of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , an invariable course pursued by each Masttr of this lodge . It was also mooted that Bros . T . H . Miller and J . Dennis , were Stewards for the forthcoming festival of the Girls' School . We trust that the commendable
rivalry existing between these two brethren will materially assist the charity . The toasts of the ' * Past Masters " and " Visitors " were ably given and liberally responded to , the former included all the financial P . M . ' s of the lodge , and amongst the latter we observed Bros . Montem
Smith , Roberts , Field , Smeed , Black , Lane , Lester , and several others too numerous to mention . The remaining toasts brought a very enjoyable evening to a close , the pleasures of which were considerably enhanced by music and singing under the direction of Bro . F . H .
Cozens , Organist of the lodge , assisted b y Bros . Montem Smith , Lester , Carter , and Farquharson . We were surprised that no mention was made of the handsome tools and furniture presented to the lodge by Bro . T . H . Miller , P . M ., and Bro . T . Griffith , W . M .
LIVERPOOL . —Temple Lodge ( No . 1094 ) . — The usual quarterly meeting of the brethren of the Temple Lodge , No . 1094 , for installation ami other purposes , was held at the Masonic Temple , Liverpool , on Wednesday afternoon , the 8 th ult ., and as the occasion was one of
special interest there was a specially large and particularl y influential muster of the brethren of the mystic tie . Without doubt , the lodge holds iirst rank in the province of West Lancashire as embracing many brethren of the highest standing , and the hearty and unanimous election at
the previous meeting of Bro . Richard Washington , S . W ., to the chair of W . M ., was at once a recognition of well-known zeal on his part and an tvicleuce that the brethren were not insensible tf the numerous noble qualities of head and heart which have made him so popular . The
lodge was opened shortly after three o ' clock , by Bro . Richard R . Martin , W . M ., and the officers who assisted at the opening were : —Bros . W . Cane , P . M .: R . Danson , P . M ., Dr . J . K . Smith , P . M . j Dr . E . M . Sheldon , P . M . ; T . Gibson ,
S . W . ; R . Washington , J . W ., J . Wood , Treas . T . Marsh , P . M ., P . P . G . A . D . C ,. P . Prov . G . S . B ., Secretary ; R . C Yelland , S . D . ; F . J . Jeftlry , J . D . ; W . Healing , I . G . ; A . Jams , S , ; T . G . Winstanley , S . j the Rev . J . C . Ewbrnk . Chap-
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
lain ; A . C . Doe , S . ; and W . H . Ball , actino- Tyler . The members of the lodge present during the ceremonial of the afternoon were Bros . H . B . Jones , W . Callow , W . Durrows and Critchley , T . Birch , H . HorspooL E . Chater , H . Jones , T . S . Williams , J . Spiers , T . H .
Williams , J . Pyer , J . R . Callender , jun ., and others . As showing the popularity of the election , there was an unusually large attendance of visitors some hailing from distant parts of the country . Amongst the strangers were Bros . Henry Pearson , P . M . 249 ; J . Beesley , P . M . 220 ; T .
Ashmore , P . M . 824 , 323 ; J . J . Rose , W . M . 249 ; P . Macmuldrow , W . M . 1299 ; W . Jones , P . M . 220 ; J . Hayes , J . W . 259 ; W . Hamilton , J . 249 ; H . W . Nicholas , I . G . 249 ; J . Giimes , S . W . 1086 ; G . Maxwell , 594 ; G . Collings , 1182 ; A . D . Hesketh , u 82 ; G . H . Turner '
86 ; T . Wnght , 1283 ; W . Lee , 1 n W . Curtis , 10 35 ; G . T . H . Lyall , 833 ; J . Alexander , 1 64 W . G . Veale , O . 1556 ; T . Yeatman , 667 ; W . Oldham , 823 ; T . Evans , 1023 ; E . Lovatt , I 33 ^ i J- Jarvis , 220 ; J . Cave , 220 ; ,. B . MacKenzie , 349 and 1182 ; and A .
Barnard , 249 . The minutes of the previous meeting having been duly confirmed , Bro . Washington was presented by Bro . J . K . Smith P . M . ; and Bro- T . Marsh , P . M ., to Bro . R R . Martin , presiding as Master , for the benefit of installation . The obligation and other
initiatory portions of the installation ceremony were very impressively given b y Bro . Martin , who deserves the greatest praise for the manner in which he did this section of the work . All below the rank of Installed Master then retired and a numerous board of Installed Masters was
held . On the readmission of the brethren the remaining part of the ceremony of installation , as well as the charges to the officers , were very ably given by Bro . Dr . Smith , P . M ., whose Masonic capability was once more clearly shown by his working . At the close the following were
invested by the new W . M . as the officers for the ensuing year : —Bros . R . R . Martin , I . P . M .-R . C . Yelland , S . W . ; W . Healing , J . W . ; Jos ! Wood , Treasurcr ( re ejected for the ninth time ); T . Marsh , Secretary ; H . Jarvis , S . D . ; T . G . Winstanley , J . D . ; A . C . Doe , I . G . ; T . S .
Williams , S . S . ; H . B . Jones , J . S . ; J . C . Ewbank , Chaplain ; J . Skeaf , Organist ; R . Danson , P . M ., M . C . Bro . P . Ball was unanimousl y re-elected Tyler . On the motion of Bro . R . R . Martin , seconded by Bro . J oseph Wood , it was unanimously resolved to vote a sufficient sum
from the lodge funds in order to constitute Bro . W . Crane , P . M ., a Life Governor of the West Lancashire Masonic Educational Institution . Bro . Crane having feelingly acknowledged the high compliment thus paid to him , the W . M . proceeded to initiate three candidates into
the mysteries and privileges of the Order , which he did in a most effective manner , the " working tools" being admirably given by Bro . Healing , J . W ., and the " ancient charge ' " in a most impressive manner by Bro . Yelland , the S . W . At the conclusion of the business , the brethren sat
down at seven o ' clock to a sumptuous banquet , prepared by Mrs . Wright , of the Cofree House , Wavertree , which gave complete satisfaction to everyone . The W . M . ( Bro . Washington ) , presided , and after dessert had been placed on the table he proposed the usual loyal and Masonic
toasts in complimentary terms , Bro . Thomas Marsh , P . P . G . A . D . C , and P . P . G . S . B ., responding to that of " Lord Skelmersdale , R . W . P . G . M ., and the Hon . F . Stanley , M . P ., D . W . P . G . M ., and the P . G . Officers of the Province of West Lancashire . " Bro . Dr . Smith , proposed " The West Lancashire Masonic Educational
Institution , which was acknowledged by Bro . Joseph Wood , Treasurer of the Temple Lodge . Bro . Martin , I . P . M ., gave " The Worshipful Master , " in most eulogistic terms , spoke of the hi gh estimation in which he was held by every member of the Craft who knew him . Bro . Washington made a very appropriate and pointed reply ,
assuring the brethren that it was his intention to spare no effort to make the lodge equal to its former standard during his year in the chair . The W . M . subsequently proposed '" The Visitors , " which was acknowledged by a number of brethren from other lodges . During the evening a very handsome P . M . ' s jewel was presented to Bro . R . C . Martin , I . P . M ., by the . W . M ., as
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
a mark of the esteem and affection felt fox him personally by the members of the lodge , and also aa a recognition of the excellent work he had done during his year of Mastership . Other toasts followed , and a pleasant evening was greatly enlivened by several splendidl y rendered songs , Bro . W . G . Veale , Organist , 1356 ,
presiding with great ability at the piano . Chief amongst the musical items was the celebrated topical song , given b y Bro . H . W . Nicholas , I . G . 249 , " In a Quiet Sort of Way , " brought down to the very latest period , and " touching up " persons and circumstances in connection with that merry meeting in a peculiarly happy style .
H . VMI ' COURT . —Burdell Lodge ( No . 1293 ) . —The usual April meeeting of the above lodge was held on Saturday , 2 5 th ult . Present , Bros . H . Phythian . W . M . ; Keily , S . W . ; Pearse , J . W . ; Little , Treasurer ; Buss , Secretary-Berrie , S . D . ; Wilkins , I . G . ; the R . W . P . G . M .,
Colonel Burdett ; Raynham Stewart , Still , Shaboe , Wiles , Kotzenberg , Baxter , Sanders , Coalbank , Bindoff , Ruf , Groombridge , Owen , Sissons , Sadler , and George Kenning . Visitors , Bros . Colonel Peters , W . M . Thames Valley Lodge ; Sir Gilbert Campbell , P . G . S . W . ; Kimber
W . M . Campbell Lodge ; Dr . Woodman , Thiellay , and many others . The W . M . discharged the duties of the chair in a very able manner , there being two initiations , passings , and raisings . Five guineas was voted from the lodge funds , to be placed on the W . M . ' s list for the Girls '
School . Bro . Pearse and Phythian , were recommended to the Grand Master for Grand Office in the province . The lodge was then closed , the brethren dined together , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly proposed and
responded to , and Bros . Kimber , Baxter , and others contributed to the harmony of the meeting by their vocal and recitative powers . TJhe brethren then returned at an early hour to town in a saloon carriage kindly provided b y the South Western Railway Company .
LEICESTER .- —Commercial Lodge ( No . 1391 ) . —The second anniversary and installation meeting of this highly prosperous lodge was held at the Freemasons' Hall , on Friday , the 17 th inst ., The choice of the brethren having fallen upon Bro . Dr . George Clifton , S . W ., who has attained
a considerable position in his profession during the few years he has practised in this town , the lodge assembled in the afternoon , and the installation of the W . M ., by Bro . J . Halford , the retiring Master , was proceeded with , after the usual preliminary business had been transacted . In
the regular course of the ceremony the newl y installed Worshipful Master was proclaimed , and saluted in the three degrees , and he subsequently appointed and invested his officers as follows : —Bros . John Halford , I . P . M . ; R . A . Barber , S . W . ; A . G . Chamberlin , J . W . ; R .
Waite , P . M ., Treasurer ; E . Mason , Secretary ; George Watts , Asst . Secretaiy ; B . Moore , S . D J . G . Crofts , J . . E . Ewing , I . G . ; William Chamberlin , Master of Ceremonies ; Alfred Chamberlin , Organist ; E . McBride , and E . H . Butler , Stewards ; C . Bembridge , and J . Dunn
Tylers . The addresses to the Worshi pful Master Wardens , and Brethren , were delivered in a most impressive manner b y the installing officer , who on resuming his seat was in turn addressed by Bro . Clifton , in eulogistic terms , expressive of the high appreciation of the efficient manner
in which Bro . Halford had discharged the onerrons duties of the chair during the past year , of his geniality , and good discipline by which the business of the lodge had been facilitated , harmony preserved , and brotherly love continued , and in further recognition of his eminent services
the W . M ., on behalf of the brethren , placed upon his breast a handsome Past Master ' s Jewel , bearing the following inscription : — " Presented to Bro . J . Halford , P . M . 1391 , by the ol- 'ricers and brethren of the lodge , as a token of their appreciation of his zeal and ability
during his year of office , April i / lh , 18 / 4 . " Bro . Halford expressed his surprise at being the recipient of such an unexpected tribute of fraternal regard , and while he deprecated any claim on his part to extraordinary services rendered to the lodge , he heartilj thanked the brethren for the valuable jewel , which he would hi ghly prize
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
evening , viz ., "The W . M ., " whose moralstanding and proficiency in the various duties of the lodge were too well known to need further recommendation . The I . P . M . wished the W . M . health and prosperity , in which all present cordially joined . The W . M . on rising was greeted
with vociferous cheering . In reply he said : Brethren , I thank you heartily for your kind reception of the toast so ably proposed by my esteemed friend , Bro . Miller , I feel the want of words adequately to convey my gratitude for this mark of your appreciation ; it is ample payment for
my past services , and I shall endeavour to merit its continuance by faithfully discharging the trust you have been pleased to repose in me , and I beg you to accept the assurance that nothing shall be wanting on my part to further the interests of our lodge ; before resuming my
seat I have the pleasure to propose to you " The Health of Bro . T . H . Miller , I . P . M ., " whose proficiency upon all occasions , and more particularl y in the installation ceremony of this evening , is worthy of the emulation of every member of the Craft . Brethren , in your name and that of
the Royal Albert Lodge , I place upon our esteemed brother ' s breast this jewel ; it is a token of our hearty appreciation of his past services , and it is our fervent hope that he may live long in the memory of our hearts and that this presentation shall be a pleasing and fond
reminiscence in the yellow leaf of his age . Bro . Miller , who was evidently moved by the kind words addressed to him , replied in terms expressive of his gratitude and pleasure . Bro . R . W . Duncan replied to the toast of " The Initiates " in such phraseology that augurs well for his future
progress in the science ; he asserted that he had not known himself until the happy moments of his initiation . Bro . Terry replied on behalf of the charities with his usual good grace and eloquence . His appeal for support was answered by the W . M . undertaking a Stewardship for the
next Festival of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , an invariable course pursued by each Masttr of this lodge . It was also mooted that Bros . T . H . Miller and J . Dennis , were Stewards for the forthcoming festival of the Girls' School . We trust that the commendable
rivalry existing between these two brethren will materially assist the charity . The toasts of the ' * Past Masters " and " Visitors " were ably given and liberally responded to , the former included all the financial P . M . ' s of the lodge , and amongst the latter we observed Bros . Montem
Smith , Roberts , Field , Smeed , Black , Lane , Lester , and several others too numerous to mention . The remaining toasts brought a very enjoyable evening to a close , the pleasures of which were considerably enhanced by music and singing under the direction of Bro . F . H .
Cozens , Organist of the lodge , assisted b y Bros . Montem Smith , Lester , Carter , and Farquharson . We were surprised that no mention was made of the handsome tools and furniture presented to the lodge by Bro . T . H . Miller , P . M ., and Bro . T . Griffith , W . M .
LIVERPOOL . —Temple Lodge ( No . 1094 ) . — The usual quarterly meeting of the brethren of the Temple Lodge , No . 1094 , for installation ami other purposes , was held at the Masonic Temple , Liverpool , on Wednesday afternoon , the 8 th ult ., and as the occasion was one of
special interest there was a specially large and particularl y influential muster of the brethren of the mystic tie . Without doubt , the lodge holds iirst rank in the province of West Lancashire as embracing many brethren of the highest standing , and the hearty and unanimous election at
the previous meeting of Bro . Richard Washington , S . W ., to the chair of W . M ., was at once a recognition of well-known zeal on his part and an tvicleuce that the brethren were not insensible tf the numerous noble qualities of head and heart which have made him so popular . The
lodge was opened shortly after three o ' clock , by Bro . Richard R . Martin , W . M ., and the officers who assisted at the opening were : —Bros . W . Cane , P . M .: R . Danson , P . M ., Dr . J . K . Smith , P . M . j Dr . E . M . Sheldon , P . M . ; T . Gibson ,
S . W . ; R . Washington , J . W ., J . Wood , Treas . T . Marsh , P . M ., P . P . G . A . D . C ,. P . Prov . G . S . B ., Secretary ; R . C Yelland , S . D . ; F . J . Jeftlry , J . D . ; W . Healing , I . G . ; A . Jams , S , ; T . G . Winstanley , S . j the Rev . J . C . Ewbrnk . Chap-
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
lain ; A . C . Doe , S . ; and W . H . Ball , actino- Tyler . The members of the lodge present during the ceremonial of the afternoon were Bros . H . B . Jones , W . Callow , W . Durrows and Critchley , T . Birch , H . HorspooL E . Chater , H . Jones , T . S . Williams , J . Spiers , T . H .
Williams , J . Pyer , J . R . Callender , jun ., and others . As showing the popularity of the election , there was an unusually large attendance of visitors some hailing from distant parts of the country . Amongst the strangers were Bros . Henry Pearson , P . M . 249 ; J . Beesley , P . M . 220 ; T .
Ashmore , P . M . 824 , 323 ; J . J . Rose , W . M . 249 ; P . Macmuldrow , W . M . 1299 ; W . Jones , P . M . 220 ; J . Hayes , J . W . 259 ; W . Hamilton , J . 249 ; H . W . Nicholas , I . G . 249 ; J . Giimes , S . W . 1086 ; G . Maxwell , 594 ; G . Collings , 1182 ; A . D . Hesketh , u 82 ; G . H . Turner '
86 ; T . Wnght , 1283 ; W . Lee , 1 n W . Curtis , 10 35 ; G . T . H . Lyall , 833 ; J . Alexander , 1 64 W . G . Veale , O . 1556 ; T . Yeatman , 667 ; W . Oldham , 823 ; T . Evans , 1023 ; E . Lovatt , I 33 ^ i J- Jarvis , 220 ; J . Cave , 220 ; ,. B . MacKenzie , 349 and 1182 ; and A .
Barnard , 249 . The minutes of the previous meeting having been duly confirmed , Bro . Washington was presented by Bro . J . K . Smith P . M . ; and Bro- T . Marsh , P . M ., to Bro . R R . Martin , presiding as Master , for the benefit of installation . The obligation and other
initiatory portions of the installation ceremony were very impressively given b y Bro . Martin , who deserves the greatest praise for the manner in which he did this section of the work . All below the rank of Installed Master then retired and a numerous board of Installed Masters was
held . On the readmission of the brethren the remaining part of the ceremony of installation , as well as the charges to the officers , were very ably given by Bro . Dr . Smith , P . M ., whose Masonic capability was once more clearly shown by his working . At the close the following were
invested by the new W . M . as the officers for the ensuing year : —Bros . R . R . Martin , I . P . M .-R . C . Yelland , S . W . ; W . Healing , J . W . ; Jos ! Wood , Treasurcr ( re ejected for the ninth time ); T . Marsh , Secretary ; H . Jarvis , S . D . ; T . G . Winstanley , J . D . ; A . C . Doe , I . G . ; T . S .
Williams , S . S . ; H . B . Jones , J . S . ; J . C . Ewbank , Chaplain ; J . Skeaf , Organist ; R . Danson , P . M ., M . C . Bro . P . Ball was unanimousl y re-elected Tyler . On the motion of Bro . R . R . Martin , seconded by Bro . J oseph Wood , it was unanimously resolved to vote a sufficient sum
from the lodge funds in order to constitute Bro . W . Crane , P . M ., a Life Governor of the West Lancashire Masonic Educational Institution . Bro . Crane having feelingly acknowledged the high compliment thus paid to him , the W . M . proceeded to initiate three candidates into
the mysteries and privileges of the Order , which he did in a most effective manner , the " working tools" being admirably given by Bro . Healing , J . W ., and the " ancient charge ' " in a most impressive manner by Bro . Yelland , the S . W . At the conclusion of the business , the brethren sat
down at seven o ' clock to a sumptuous banquet , prepared by Mrs . Wright , of the Cofree House , Wavertree , which gave complete satisfaction to everyone . The W . M . ( Bro . Washington ) , presided , and after dessert had been placed on the table he proposed the usual loyal and Masonic
toasts in complimentary terms , Bro . Thomas Marsh , P . P . G . A . D . C , and P . P . G . S . B ., responding to that of " Lord Skelmersdale , R . W . P . G . M ., and the Hon . F . Stanley , M . P ., D . W . P . G . M ., and the P . G . Officers of the Province of West Lancashire . " Bro . Dr . Smith , proposed " The West Lancashire Masonic Educational
Institution , which was acknowledged by Bro . Joseph Wood , Treasurer of the Temple Lodge . Bro . Martin , I . P . M ., gave " The Worshipful Master , " in most eulogistic terms , spoke of the hi gh estimation in which he was held by every member of the Craft who knew him . Bro . Washington made a very appropriate and pointed reply ,
assuring the brethren that it was his intention to spare no effort to make the lodge equal to its former standard during his year in the chair . The W . M . subsequently proposed '" The Visitors , " which was acknowledged by a number of brethren from other lodges . During the evening a very handsome P . M . ' s jewel was presented to Bro . R . C . Martin , I . P . M ., by the . W . M ., as
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
a mark of the esteem and affection felt fox him personally by the members of the lodge , and also aa a recognition of the excellent work he had done during his year of Mastership . Other toasts followed , and a pleasant evening was greatly enlivened by several splendidl y rendered songs , Bro . W . G . Veale , Organist , 1356 ,
presiding with great ability at the piano . Chief amongst the musical items was the celebrated topical song , given b y Bro . H . W . Nicholas , I . G . 249 , " In a Quiet Sort of Way , " brought down to the very latest period , and " touching up " persons and circumstances in connection with that merry meeting in a peculiarly happy style .
H . VMI ' COURT . —Burdell Lodge ( No . 1293 ) . —The usual April meeeting of the above lodge was held on Saturday , 2 5 th ult . Present , Bros . H . Phythian . W . M . ; Keily , S . W . ; Pearse , J . W . ; Little , Treasurer ; Buss , Secretary-Berrie , S . D . ; Wilkins , I . G . ; the R . W . P . G . M .,
Colonel Burdett ; Raynham Stewart , Still , Shaboe , Wiles , Kotzenberg , Baxter , Sanders , Coalbank , Bindoff , Ruf , Groombridge , Owen , Sissons , Sadler , and George Kenning . Visitors , Bros . Colonel Peters , W . M . Thames Valley Lodge ; Sir Gilbert Campbell , P . G . S . W . ; Kimber
W . M . Campbell Lodge ; Dr . Woodman , Thiellay , and many others . The W . M . discharged the duties of the chair in a very able manner , there being two initiations , passings , and raisings . Five guineas was voted from the lodge funds , to be placed on the W . M . ' s list for the Girls '
School . Bro . Pearse and Phythian , were recommended to the Grand Master for Grand Office in the province . The lodge was then closed , the brethren dined together , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly proposed and
responded to , and Bros . Kimber , Baxter , and others contributed to the harmony of the meeting by their vocal and recitative powers . TJhe brethren then returned at an early hour to town in a saloon carriage kindly provided b y the South Western Railway Company .
LEICESTER .- —Commercial Lodge ( No . 1391 ) . —The second anniversary and installation meeting of this highly prosperous lodge was held at the Freemasons' Hall , on Friday , the 17 th inst ., The choice of the brethren having fallen upon Bro . Dr . George Clifton , S . W ., who has attained
a considerable position in his profession during the few years he has practised in this town , the lodge assembled in the afternoon , and the installation of the W . M ., by Bro . J . Halford , the retiring Master , was proceeded with , after the usual preliminary business had been transacted . In
the regular course of the ceremony the newl y installed Worshipful Master was proclaimed , and saluted in the three degrees , and he subsequently appointed and invested his officers as follows : —Bros . John Halford , I . P . M . ; R . A . Barber , S . W . ; A . G . Chamberlin , J . W . ; R .
Waite , P . M ., Treasurer ; E . Mason , Secretary ; George Watts , Asst . Secretaiy ; B . Moore , S . D J . G . Crofts , J . . E . Ewing , I . G . ; William Chamberlin , Master of Ceremonies ; Alfred Chamberlin , Organist ; E . McBride , and E . H . Butler , Stewards ; C . Bembridge , and J . Dunn
Tylers . The addresses to the Worshi pful Master Wardens , and Brethren , were delivered in a most impressive manner b y the installing officer , who on resuming his seat was in turn addressed by Bro . Clifton , in eulogistic terms , expressive of the high appreciation of the efficient manner
in which Bro . Halford had discharged the onerrons duties of the chair during the past year , of his geniality , and good discipline by which the business of the lodge had been facilitated , harmony preserved , and brotherly love continued , and in further recognition of his eminent services
the W . M ., on behalf of the brethren , placed upon his breast a handsome Past Master ' s Jewel , bearing the following inscription : — " Presented to Bro . J . Halford , P . M . 1391 , by the ol- 'ricers and brethren of the lodge , as a token of their appreciation of his zeal and ability
during his year of office , April i / lh , 18 / 4 . " Bro . Halford expressed his surprise at being the recipient of such an unexpected tribute of fraternal regard , and while he deprecated any claim on his part to extraordinary services rendered to the lodge , he heartilj thanked the brethren for the valuable jewel , which he would hi ghly prize