Article Original Correspondence. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Multum in Parbo,or Masonic Notes and Queries. Page 1 of 1 Article SOCIETATIS ROSICRUCIANÆ IN ANGLIA. Page 1 of 1 Article Obituary. Page 1 of 1 Article Obituary. Page 1 of 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Original Correspondence.
not actually exceeded it , as I have not seen the whole official returns , to the present time , having resigned the chairmanship in 1871 . This is surely a commendable result , and though it is true , that , even to this hour I believe all the lodges in West Yorkshire have not a perpetual Life Governorship of all the charities , or are
yearly subscribers , which I have often contended they ought to have and ought to be , yet this work still lies before the West Yorkshire Charity Committee , and on the day that they can announce to the Prov . Grand Lodge that every lodge in West Yorkshire has a Life Governor ' s vote for all the charities , they will , I know well , feel , that , they have not altogether laboured in
vain . 1 cannot agree with our good Bro . Gottheil ' s suggestion , to seek the action of Grand Lodge to bear on this subject . Our brethren generally would not , I think , willingly see an increase of our
constitutional dues , and I doubt very much the expediency of such action in the interests of the charities themselves . That the work is difficult , that there are many obstacles to arousing the active support of the lodges , whether from want ol funds or from want of interest , is manifest in
the otherwise striking result of the Wesi Yorkshire Organisation , where , as I can testify , no pains were spared and no exertions were wanting on the part of our lamented Bro . R . R , Nelson and others to press the matter home tc all the brethren and all the lodges .
It is a subject , however , I feel convinced , which must be left to provincial action and lodge sympathy , to local energy and individual effort , and in my humble opinion it will not be furthered or developed , but rather retarded and hindered by any authoritative interference oi
Grand Lodge , or by any addition to our benevolence payment . I am , therefore , desirous ol suggesting through your columns the propriety of provincial action , in the first place , in the matter ; and to aid this and expedite this , I would venture to repeat my recommendation of a Provincial Charity Committee in every province
similar to that in West Yorkshire , and whicl : has been worked successfully for fourteen years , in order to call general attention to the requirement and position and general support by lodges and brethren of our great charitable institutions . I am , fraternally yours , A . F . A . WOODFORD , P . G . C
and P . P . G . S . W . for West Yorkshire , OLD K . T . CERTIFICATE .
To the Editor of the Freemason . Dear Sir and Brother , — Some time ago you gave a copy of ar old Knight Templar certificate , viz ., Abbe ) Chaplain Encampment , held in Nottingham between 1750 , and 1800 it was stated to be either
in Chester or Bangor Museum , but I cannot now find it . If you could assist me so to do I should be much obliged , and if you cannot , perhaps yot ; would kindly ask the question in your next , and some of your Chester and Bangor friends might
inform you . I have taken your Magazine from the firsl and remain , vours faithfully and fraternally , S . R . P . SIIILTON , D . P . E . C for Nottinghamshire , 31 ° ,
To the Editor of the Freemason . Dear Sir and Brother , — Kindly insert in your valuable paper that a numerous meeting of the principal officers of Chatham , took place three days after the occurrence , when Mr . Cuffe refused to do his duty
as Chaplain to our late Bro . Johnstone , and the matter was at once laid before the Prov . Grand Master , Lord Holmesdale , who at once took steps to prevent the like in future . His lordship has written a letter to the W . M . of the lodge , and the matter has now been placed in the
hands of the Secretary of State for- War , who , there is no doubt , will see the importance of such a paid servant , who has made himself so obnoxious , either being dismissed , or at any rate removed from here at once . Yours fraternally . P . M .
Multum In Parbo,Or Masonic Notes And Queries.
Multum in Parbo , or Masonic Notes and Queries .
Is a brother ( a military man or otherwise ) , eligible for the position of W . M ., he having left his Mother Lodge two years , and not having paid his quarterages for that period . Yours fraternally , THOMAS S . GRAV .
[ According to general custom no ; but , if he had not been asked for his subscription it may be doubted , perhaps , whether he is still not a member of his lodge , unless there be a lodge bye-law making the non-payment of the year ' s subscription the actual cessation of membership . ]
Societatis Rosicrucianæ In Anglia.
COLLEGE OF MANCHESTER , LIVERPOOL , AND THE NORTHERN COUNTIES . The . obligatory meeting was held at Freemason ' s Hall , Manchester , and was presided over by the R . W . Ch . Ad . Frater C Fitzgerald Matier , 9 ° ; assisted by Fr . G . Turner , 8 ° ; Fr .
Yarker , 7 ; and Dr . Smith , 6 ° , who form the permanent Council of the College . The M . C was duly formed by Fr . Entwisle , Celebrant , assisted by the ancients and members of the several grades . The minutes of last meeting were then read and confirmed , and the formal routine business transacted , after which the
following candidates were introduced into the temple , Bros . Gilles , Doyle , and Jackson , and were received into the Grade of Zelator b y the Celebrant and officers . The Chief Adept then thanked Bro . Entwisle for his assiduity and attention during the past year as Celebrant , and a hearty vote of thanks was passed by the Fratres present .
The Chieft Adept then proceeded to appoint the officers of the first order for the ensuing year , when the following were nominated : —Dr . Moore , Celebrant ; Lord Skelmersdale , 1 st Ancient ; J . R . Goepel , 2 nd Ancient ; W .
Romaine Callender , M . P ., 3 rd Ancient ; G . P . Brookbank , 4 th Ancient ; Robinson , Herald ; Clarke , C . of N . ; Ashmore , Torch Bearer ; J . W . Taylor , Precentor ; J . M . Ruther , Acolyte ; Wood , Medallist ; Gilles , Chambetlain .
Frater Robinson was then promoted to the 4 th Grade , to fill the vacancy of the late Frater Wayne . It was then proposed by Fr . Brookbank , 4 th Ancient , and seconded by Fr . Turner , Suffragan Gen ., that the jewel of the Ninth Grade should
be presented to the Chief Adept , as a small acknowledgment of the many services he had rendered to the college from its foundation . This was carried unanimously , and there being no further business before the college , the M . C was dissolved in due form .
The fratres then proceeded to banquet , after which the usual loyal and special toasts were given from the chair by the Chief Adept . An interesting conversation on the mysteries and relig ions of antiquity became general , and continued till the meeting broke up .
Besides those fraters already mentioned we observed Brs . J . L . Hine , J . W . Petty , Smith , and others .
Obituary .
Although m the course of time it was likely that soon our most amiable , forbearing , and suffering brother would be removed from us by the merciful decree of T . G . A . O . T . U ., still the news of his departure struck with mournful resonance upon the heart of one who was proud
to be his friend , who loved for more than twenty years his genial and kindly presence , and who now both masonically and humanly , wishes to lay his acacia branch beside the tomb . There were few persons , who , joined with a long life and a very various fortune , could have maintained so gently calm reason on its throne
and a spirit of encouraging criticism in all points of rudimentary or vital debate . Whether I met our friend as an opponent , and we were sometimes in the most general and generous way , opposed , our friend maintained a happy
equanimity . There were points since that time , on which we did not agree , in which , however , he subsequently displayed that proper judgment that arises from conviction . It is very solemn to think that a hero of the
press should have passed from amongst us . His own literary career should now be sacred from attack . It was singular , successful , and singlehearted , and il regret that at a time when he was about to receive a signal honour not accorded to many he should have left us .
But I need say very little to his numerous friends , those who knew him -will only feel sorrow that his late years should have been so chequered with misfortune and illness .
It was sad to miss him from the annual banquet , partially intended to do him honour and to inaugurate his reign , now frustrated .-Personally , I can only say that a kinder heart could never have existed . But the example of
such men produces emulation , and hence I truly hope to see the honourable feelings of Bro . William Carpenter reflected in the acts of some other of the brethren of the press and the Masonic fraternity . That he died at a ripe age for this world , and that our own Masonic creed ,
independently of that we shared in common , forms the last consolation . KENNETH R . H . MACKENZIE , Known as Cryptonymus , Assistant Secretary General of the Rosicrucian Society .
BRO . J . W . BARRETT , P . M ., & c . We regret having to record the decease of this well-known brother , who , as announced in our last impression , expired on the 17 th ult . Bro . Barrett was initiated in the Lodge of Temperance , No . 169 , in the year 1852 , and served the office of W . M ., in 18 < o . He was exalted in
the Domatic Chapter , No . 177 , in 1858 , and was H . at the time of his death . He was also one of the Overseers in St . Mark ' s Lodge of Mark Masters , No . i , a member of the Constantine Council , No . 2 , of Royal and Select Masters of the Palestine Rose Croix Chapter , the
Rosicrucian Society ( Metropolitan College ) , and the Premier Conclave of the Red Cross Order . Bro . Barrett was one of the founders of the Acacia Lodge , No . 1309 , at Barnet , and was appointed Prov . Grand Sword Bearer of Middlesex , in 1872 . Our deceased brother was a Life
Governor of all the Masonic charities , and had served the Stewardships on several occasions . He was likewise one of the fifty founders of the Girls ' School General Committee Club , three of whom have been removed by death since its
establishment last July , viz ., Bros . Mark Edersheim , P . M . 757 , Dr . Samuel C . Davison , P . M . 167 , and Bro . Barrett . The funeral of the deceased took place on Thursday , and amongst those who attended were Bros . Cubitt , G . Priest , and G . Bolton , P . M . 169 .
ERRATUM .- In the report of P . G . Mark Lodge of Lincolnshire in our impression of 1 Jth April , " for Howe Masonic Memorial Widow ' s Fund" read " Window Fund . " The object of the fund is to obtain Masonic subscriptions to
place a stained glass window in the Church of St . Peter , just opened in Leicester , which has been erected in memory of the late Prov . Grand Master Earl Howe . We are happy to say that promises have been received making up nearly the whole amount required .
THE VITAL SPIUNO CONTAMINATED SOWS MISERY , DBSTIIUCTIOM , AND DEATH . —To ensure health , it is absolutely necessary that the fluids and solids of the human body should lie kept free from impurities , which are continually getting- into the system through erroneous living , unwholesome atmospheres , or disordered stomach . The only safe and certain way to expel impurities , is to take
Holloway ' s Pills , which have the power of cleansing the blood from all noxious matter , and at the same time removing any irregularity which their presence has produced in any organ . Holloway ' s Pills expel all humours which taint and impoverish the blood , which they purify and invigorate , and give general tone . They are applicable alike to both young ' or old , robust or delicate , — ADVT .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Original Correspondence.
not actually exceeded it , as I have not seen the whole official returns , to the present time , having resigned the chairmanship in 1871 . This is surely a commendable result , and though it is true , that , even to this hour I believe all the lodges in West Yorkshire have not a perpetual Life Governorship of all the charities , or are
yearly subscribers , which I have often contended they ought to have and ought to be , yet this work still lies before the West Yorkshire Charity Committee , and on the day that they can announce to the Prov . Grand Lodge that every lodge in West Yorkshire has a Life Governor ' s vote for all the charities , they will , I know well , feel , that , they have not altogether laboured in
vain . 1 cannot agree with our good Bro . Gottheil ' s suggestion , to seek the action of Grand Lodge to bear on this subject . Our brethren generally would not , I think , willingly see an increase of our
constitutional dues , and I doubt very much the expediency of such action in the interests of the charities themselves . That the work is difficult , that there are many obstacles to arousing the active support of the lodges , whether from want ol funds or from want of interest , is manifest in
the otherwise striking result of the Wesi Yorkshire Organisation , where , as I can testify , no pains were spared and no exertions were wanting on the part of our lamented Bro . R . R , Nelson and others to press the matter home tc all the brethren and all the lodges .
It is a subject , however , I feel convinced , which must be left to provincial action and lodge sympathy , to local energy and individual effort , and in my humble opinion it will not be furthered or developed , but rather retarded and hindered by any authoritative interference oi
Grand Lodge , or by any addition to our benevolence payment . I am , therefore , desirous ol suggesting through your columns the propriety of provincial action , in the first place , in the matter ; and to aid this and expedite this , I would venture to repeat my recommendation of a Provincial Charity Committee in every province
similar to that in West Yorkshire , and whicl : has been worked successfully for fourteen years , in order to call general attention to the requirement and position and general support by lodges and brethren of our great charitable institutions . I am , fraternally yours , A . F . A . WOODFORD , P . G . C
and P . P . G . S . W . for West Yorkshire , OLD K . T . CERTIFICATE .
To the Editor of the Freemason . Dear Sir and Brother , — Some time ago you gave a copy of ar old Knight Templar certificate , viz ., Abbe ) Chaplain Encampment , held in Nottingham between 1750 , and 1800 it was stated to be either
in Chester or Bangor Museum , but I cannot now find it . If you could assist me so to do I should be much obliged , and if you cannot , perhaps yot ; would kindly ask the question in your next , and some of your Chester and Bangor friends might
inform you . I have taken your Magazine from the firsl and remain , vours faithfully and fraternally , S . R . P . SIIILTON , D . P . E . C for Nottinghamshire , 31 ° ,
To the Editor of the Freemason . Dear Sir and Brother , — Kindly insert in your valuable paper that a numerous meeting of the principal officers of Chatham , took place three days after the occurrence , when Mr . Cuffe refused to do his duty
as Chaplain to our late Bro . Johnstone , and the matter was at once laid before the Prov . Grand Master , Lord Holmesdale , who at once took steps to prevent the like in future . His lordship has written a letter to the W . M . of the lodge , and the matter has now been placed in the
hands of the Secretary of State for- War , who , there is no doubt , will see the importance of such a paid servant , who has made himself so obnoxious , either being dismissed , or at any rate removed from here at once . Yours fraternally . P . M .
Multum In Parbo,Or Masonic Notes And Queries.
Multum in Parbo , or Masonic Notes and Queries .
Is a brother ( a military man or otherwise ) , eligible for the position of W . M ., he having left his Mother Lodge two years , and not having paid his quarterages for that period . Yours fraternally , THOMAS S . GRAV .
[ According to general custom no ; but , if he had not been asked for his subscription it may be doubted , perhaps , whether he is still not a member of his lodge , unless there be a lodge bye-law making the non-payment of the year ' s subscription the actual cessation of membership . ]
Societatis Rosicrucianæ In Anglia.
COLLEGE OF MANCHESTER , LIVERPOOL , AND THE NORTHERN COUNTIES . The . obligatory meeting was held at Freemason ' s Hall , Manchester , and was presided over by the R . W . Ch . Ad . Frater C Fitzgerald Matier , 9 ° ; assisted by Fr . G . Turner , 8 ° ; Fr .
Yarker , 7 ; and Dr . Smith , 6 ° , who form the permanent Council of the College . The M . C was duly formed by Fr . Entwisle , Celebrant , assisted by the ancients and members of the several grades . The minutes of last meeting were then read and confirmed , and the formal routine business transacted , after which the
following candidates were introduced into the temple , Bros . Gilles , Doyle , and Jackson , and were received into the Grade of Zelator b y the Celebrant and officers . The Chief Adept then thanked Bro . Entwisle for his assiduity and attention during the past year as Celebrant , and a hearty vote of thanks was passed by the Fratres present .
The Chieft Adept then proceeded to appoint the officers of the first order for the ensuing year , when the following were nominated : —Dr . Moore , Celebrant ; Lord Skelmersdale , 1 st Ancient ; J . R . Goepel , 2 nd Ancient ; W .
Romaine Callender , M . P ., 3 rd Ancient ; G . P . Brookbank , 4 th Ancient ; Robinson , Herald ; Clarke , C . of N . ; Ashmore , Torch Bearer ; J . W . Taylor , Precentor ; J . M . Ruther , Acolyte ; Wood , Medallist ; Gilles , Chambetlain .
Frater Robinson was then promoted to the 4 th Grade , to fill the vacancy of the late Frater Wayne . It was then proposed by Fr . Brookbank , 4 th Ancient , and seconded by Fr . Turner , Suffragan Gen ., that the jewel of the Ninth Grade should
be presented to the Chief Adept , as a small acknowledgment of the many services he had rendered to the college from its foundation . This was carried unanimously , and there being no further business before the college , the M . C was dissolved in due form .
The fratres then proceeded to banquet , after which the usual loyal and special toasts were given from the chair by the Chief Adept . An interesting conversation on the mysteries and relig ions of antiquity became general , and continued till the meeting broke up .
Besides those fraters already mentioned we observed Brs . J . L . Hine , J . W . Petty , Smith , and others .
Obituary .
Although m the course of time it was likely that soon our most amiable , forbearing , and suffering brother would be removed from us by the merciful decree of T . G . A . O . T . U ., still the news of his departure struck with mournful resonance upon the heart of one who was proud
to be his friend , who loved for more than twenty years his genial and kindly presence , and who now both masonically and humanly , wishes to lay his acacia branch beside the tomb . There were few persons , who , joined with a long life and a very various fortune , could have maintained so gently calm reason on its throne
and a spirit of encouraging criticism in all points of rudimentary or vital debate . Whether I met our friend as an opponent , and we were sometimes in the most general and generous way , opposed , our friend maintained a happy
equanimity . There were points since that time , on which we did not agree , in which , however , he subsequently displayed that proper judgment that arises from conviction . It is very solemn to think that a hero of the
press should have passed from amongst us . His own literary career should now be sacred from attack . It was singular , successful , and singlehearted , and il regret that at a time when he was about to receive a signal honour not accorded to many he should have left us .
But I need say very little to his numerous friends , those who knew him -will only feel sorrow that his late years should have been so chequered with misfortune and illness .
It was sad to miss him from the annual banquet , partially intended to do him honour and to inaugurate his reign , now frustrated .-Personally , I can only say that a kinder heart could never have existed . But the example of
such men produces emulation , and hence I truly hope to see the honourable feelings of Bro . William Carpenter reflected in the acts of some other of the brethren of the press and the Masonic fraternity . That he died at a ripe age for this world , and that our own Masonic creed ,
independently of that we shared in common , forms the last consolation . KENNETH R . H . MACKENZIE , Known as Cryptonymus , Assistant Secretary General of the Rosicrucian Society .
BRO . J . W . BARRETT , P . M ., & c . We regret having to record the decease of this well-known brother , who , as announced in our last impression , expired on the 17 th ult . Bro . Barrett was initiated in the Lodge of Temperance , No . 169 , in the year 1852 , and served the office of W . M ., in 18 < o . He was exalted in
the Domatic Chapter , No . 177 , in 1858 , and was H . at the time of his death . He was also one of the Overseers in St . Mark ' s Lodge of Mark Masters , No . i , a member of the Constantine Council , No . 2 , of Royal and Select Masters of the Palestine Rose Croix Chapter , the
Rosicrucian Society ( Metropolitan College ) , and the Premier Conclave of the Red Cross Order . Bro . Barrett was one of the founders of the Acacia Lodge , No . 1309 , at Barnet , and was appointed Prov . Grand Sword Bearer of Middlesex , in 1872 . Our deceased brother was a Life
Governor of all the Masonic charities , and had served the Stewardships on several occasions . He was likewise one of the fifty founders of the Girls ' School General Committee Club , three of whom have been removed by death since its
establishment last July , viz ., Bros . Mark Edersheim , P . M . 757 , Dr . Samuel C . Davison , P . M . 167 , and Bro . Barrett . The funeral of the deceased took place on Thursday , and amongst those who attended were Bros . Cubitt , G . Priest , and G . Bolton , P . M . 169 .
ERRATUM .- In the report of P . G . Mark Lodge of Lincolnshire in our impression of 1 Jth April , " for Howe Masonic Memorial Widow ' s Fund" read " Window Fund . " The object of the fund is to obtain Masonic subscriptions to
place a stained glass window in the Church of St . Peter , just opened in Leicester , which has been erected in memory of the late Prov . Grand Master Earl Howe . We are happy to say that promises have been received making up nearly the whole amount required .
THE VITAL SPIUNO CONTAMINATED SOWS MISERY , DBSTIIUCTIOM , AND DEATH . —To ensure health , it is absolutely necessary that the fluids and solids of the human body should lie kept free from impurities , which are continually getting- into the system through erroneous living , unwholesome atmospheres , or disordered stomach . The only safe and certain way to expel impurities , is to take
Holloway ' s Pills , which have the power of cleansing the blood from all noxious matter , and at the same time removing any irregularity which their presence has produced in any organ . Holloway ' s Pills expel all humours which taint and impoverish the blood , which they purify and invigorate , and give general tone . They are applicable alike to both young ' or old , robust or delicate , — ADVT .