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The French Coffee Company ' s Coffees , RAILWAY APPROACH , LONDON BRIDGE . Bro . JOSEPH PICARD , Manager , Excellence and great Economy . The only really good Coffee to be obtained in Great Britain . IN CANISTERS I / S PER POUND NEXT .
SHOP FITTINGS , AND SHOW CASES Manufactured by GEO . TREBLE & SONS , 40 , 41 , 42 , 43 & 44 , GLOUCESTER ST ., HOXTON , LONDON . Show Rooms , with a large assortment of Show Cases , suitabl for any trade always in Stock .
EVANS , SON , & COMPANY , Stove , Grate , and Kitchen Range Manufacturers , Hot Water and Gas Engineers , Manufacturing and Furnishing Ironmongers , 3 & 34 , KING WILLIAM STREET , LONDON BRIDGE .
"TRUTH MUST PREVAIL . "—Common Sense . Lamps , Baths , Cutlery , Brushes , Fenders and Fire Irons , Electroplate and Nickel-Silver Goods . R . D . PARR , General House-Furnishing Ironmonger , 42 , BLACKMAN STREET , BOROUGH , OFFERS nothing extraordinary , but REALLY GOOD Articles at fair and reasonable prices . He docs nst keep an " Immense Stock , " but SUFFICIENTLY LAKGE for any person to select from . He docs not sell " cheaper than every other house in the Trade , " but quite as cheap as ANY . A visit wilt , at all tinies , be very much appreciated .
Save Half your Coals AND Cure your Smoky Chimneys , by using the PATENT AMERICAN KITCHENER , which can bc seen daily in operation at the Original American Warehouse , 155 , Cheapside , London , E . C . Prices from 4 s . to , £ 31 . Illustrated prospectus free . JOSEPH H . RIDDELL & Co ., Proprietors .
William Dunkley , PIANOFORTE MANUFACTURER , From and recommended by MESSRS . JOHN BROADWOOD AND SONS , No . 101 , HIGH STREET , CLAPHAM , LONDON , S . W . Every description of English and Foreign instruments Tuned , Regulated , Repaired , or taken in exchange . Instruments lent on hire . Arrangements made for purchasing as required .
Bro , WILLIAM PLATT , Manufacturer of Masonic Jewels , Clothing , Banners , Furniture , Embroideries , & c ., 6 , BEAUFORT BUILDINGS , STRAND , LONDON , ( Established 1848 ) , Lodge and Chapter Furniture supplied at the lowest prices . A tingle article at the Wholesale Price . Terms Cash .
A Magnificent Stock of MASONIC REQUIREMENTS may bc seen nt Bro . E . FRANKLIN'S , 42 , Moslcystreet , corner of St . Nicholas-square , N EWCASTLE - ON - TYS E . gent for "THE FREEMASON" and the New Masonic Note Paper and Envelopes , Candles and Perfumes .
Picture Frame Makers , & c . H MORRELL , direct Importer of the best Foreign Frame and Room Mouldings , can now oficr to his numerous customers every requisite required in the trade at a great reduction . H . JL has opened another establishment , 68 , Gray ' s-innroad , opposite the entrance to Gray ' s-inn-squarc , where all orders will receive the same attention as usual . Country customers would do well by writing either to 18 , Great St . Andrew-street , Bloomsbury ; 63 , King-street , Long-acre ; or 68 , Gray ' s-inn-road , Holborn , thus saving traveller ' s commission . For trade list send stamped directed _ - „ v _ -l , _¦ -, < - Veneered Manle . Walnut . Rosewood , at the lowest prices
O YOU KEEP YOUR OWN HORSES ? No : wc find we can do better by sending to POWELL , where we can get every description of Cart or Van at five minutes' notice . He will contract to take goods of every description to or from any of the Docks or Wharves , at per 1011 , or any job you offer him . Address POWELL , Carman and Contractor , 1 , Carthusian-street , Aldersgate street , City , E . C .
YOUNG'S ARNICATED CORN AND BUNION PLAISTERS are the best ever invented for giving immediate ease , and removing those painful excrescences . Price 6 d . and is . per box . May be had of most chemists Observe the trade mark . —HY—without which none are genuine . Bc sure and ask for YOUNG'S .
LUXURIANT WHISKERS , Moustaches , and a Fine Head of Hair . —Mrs . MEHHIAM , Springfield . Mas ? U . S ., will send , through her English agents , Messrs . Wesley ar . c Knox , Feathcrstone-biiildings , London , W . C , her Recipe tl Gin . ul .-i / for nine stamps and stamped envelope , producing hair on lace 01 head in a month . A pint tolllc sent ly rail ( canine | aid ) fur 3 ! f tamps . —May be ordered through any Chemist
TTINE HEAD of HAIR , WHISKERS , MOUS-1 TACIIES . and KYE-JSKOW S . — A retired Apothecary , fioin Wales , will send his noted FORMULA for 13 stamps and stamp directed envelope to produce Hair tin the Head . XWiiskcrs and Moustache , on the Face in three weeks . —Mr . LVAN EVANS . M . D . CM .. Doiking , Suricy .
/~ ALVANISM .--PULVERMACHER'S Month !) VJ RECORD ol CUKES is new leany for the lencfit of ndt ' erers , contacting doct . mcntaiy cvidei . ee ol rt-n . aik .-iUe cures cITcttcd b ) 1 U l . VEKMACIIliKS iMlkOVUU l ' All . NT S .. I . I--. M I LICAUI . E \ oi . TAELECTRIC CHAIN B ANDS ar . d POCKET B AII EWES , and may bc had en application to the Sole liivctinr and I atcr . tcc , J . L . lTl . vEHMACIiEU , 2 co , Kcgini-. trcct , London , W . loan sent il
. A test on loan sent gialis il icqtiTtd . Cau / icn . —Spurious electric appliances being advcltised by Quae ] , Doctors , Patients should cim-u . t TuKcini .-icher ' s Pamj hlct on ll . at subject ( free by post ) , cmboc ying other most interesting matter lor those suffering Irom Rhcur . at . c and Neuralgic Pains , Functional DisoriWrs , & c , & c .
t /^ HARLES WATSON and Co " ., 30 , Cornhiil , V ^ invite attention to the CORNHILL SHERRY , as r ^ Slffi " 1 \ n g £ ^ g & yts ?^™* iiiii T HE CORNHILL SHERRY , elegant , pale , and dry , 30 s . per \ ^ - '" \ f _ dozen . Carriage paid . \ ^ / jtA * . ^ V ^ \ / PHARLES WATSON and Co ., 30 , Cornhiil , E . C . ( opposite \^ X XlTW / W ~ Royal Exchange . WV ^ ^ S ^^/ THE CORNHILL SHERRY , rich gold , 30 s . per dozen . xl ^ f— . W ~ f ^<^ . / * Carriage paid . No . 30 , Cornhiil . T Hf / jfj J pHARLES WATSON and Co ., 30 . Cornhiil , ( opposite Royal \< 3 ^\ l / r 7 af ^ Exchange ) , request the favour of a visit to their old-established \ * ^ > y __ r cellars , 30 , Cornhiil , containing a large stock of the Finest Old \ . vS Wines of every country , some curious and rare , to please the ^ Vy ^ most critical connoisseurs . A fully descriptive Price List . ^^
v * v WHO'S SAXBY ? A ^ 7 he Cheapest & Best Oilman ! ^ * 720 . * „ 720 . 4 , BROMELL'S BUILDINGS , CLAPHAM ( formerly of Bi-omell ' s Road ) , Where every jtrticle of Best Quality is to be obtained at Lowest Market Prices . s - d- s d Genuine White Lead 30 6 per cwt . Best Patent Dryers , 7 lbs . or i / 6 , or -2 o per cwt Linseed Oil 2 10 per gallon . Best Double Size z 0 pCr firkin Boiled Oil 3 ° > . Best Town Whiting r 8 per cwt . Turps 27 „ I Painters' Brushes 0 / all kinds . Colours Ground in Oil or Water . Ropes , Lines , Twines , Mats , Mops , Pails . Varnishes , Lacquers , Stains . I in and Iron Wares of all descriptions .
BRO . LOWENTHAL , of 70 , FENCHURCH STREET , begs to call the attention of the Craft to his ncvly invented and Registered This is now acknowledged by the BEST A UTHOR 1 TIES and also GUARANTEED to bc the Purest Extract of Cocoa obtainable , combining in a concentrated and soluble form , the ft ' nest quality of COCOA NIBS , purified from the excess of fatty matter , with the delicious taste of the best CHOCOLA TE . WHOLESALE DEI-OT , 70 , FENCHURCH STREET , LONDON , E . C . N . B . —A gd . packet contains sufficient for 30 Cups prepared in a minute with boiling water or milk . The British Medical Journal says : " ' Chocolatinc , ' under this title , Messrs . L . & Co . have introduced a Pure Preparation of Cocoa , which furnishes a most agreeable , digestible and nutritious beverage . It is thoroughly soluble and very delicate in flavor , free from the excess of butter , and suitable for the most fastidious of palates .
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ fefe ySoAKEY & SONS tf LOWDO Nt / * ^ Xjr * £ . ^& . —' ( Non Mercurial ) FOR CLEANING AND POLISHING Silver , Elcctro-platc , Plate Glass , Marble , & c . Tablets 6 d . cacli . Prepared expressly for the Patent Knife-Cleaning Machines , India * rubber and Huff leather Knife Borads . Knives constantly cleaned with it have a brilliant polish equal to new cutlery . Sold in Packets , 3 d . each ; and Tins , Cd ., is ., 2 s . 6 d ., and 4 s . each . Prevent friction in cleaning and injury to the knife . Price frcm Cd . each . Oakcy ' s Wellington knife Polish should bc used w'ith the boards . Sold everywhere by Grocers , Ironmongers , Brush makers , Oilmen , Chemists , & c . Wholesale by JOHN OAKEY AND SONS , MANUFACTURERS OF 1 7 2 . IH . AC K F R I A R S ROA D .
-V / # ^ PYRETIC SALINE r * J i $ -y \ l ^ Jjf \ 1 * most in vittu , ating , vita ' i'iig , . nnd rc-^» ** f . y ^ -AI ^ V-lS | fteshiiitr . it gives invrnt relief in £ 1 \ V ^! LiT _^// 7 IIc : it ! acl , c ' , Sca or I ! ii : " -i- ^ ncss , and *^ J V ^ y ^*^ - '!/ 'l ' ck > ' curcs x h worst lorin ui Eruptive Q » ^&* £ *! i &/ or Skin Complaints , 'lhe various diseases <^ ^< iijjvf ^^ arising from Cunstij atn > n , the Liver or * i "S '* ' l . Inod Impurities . Inocu ' atioti , the rcsn'ts ^ of breathing air infected with Kcver , Meases , or Sn . all Pox — ' AKE CURED AXl ) PKKVKNTED iiV ITS USE . Sold by all Chemist 8 , an . l the Maker , in Patent Glass Stoppered Pottles , at zs . Cd ., 4 s . Cd ., ns ., and 21 s . each . Ncticc wy Trade Mark , amibnvare of spurious imitations . II . l . AMl'LOUCill , 113 , IIOI . IIOKN II 11 . 1 ., LONDON , ICC .
GLENFIELD STARCH is the on ' y kind used in Her Majesty's Laundry Tnrrsr . I . Aims ulmliave ii'it yet used the ( II . BNMKI . H S TAHIII , are ic 5 j cctfuDj * so idled lo pre it a tiial , and carefully follow out the dircclii . ns piintt . d on every 1 ackagc . ll is rather more diflVull to make than other Starches , hit when this is overcome , they will say , like the Queen ' s Laundress , that it is the finest Starch they ever used . When yen ask / or the Gleiij ' . eld , see that you get it .
Blffi "ilJ 3 ^ S ^ L ? 1 ^ . PffijlSKs ? it . \ ffil A NEWLY-DISCOVERED Princi ple residing -T " X in Gum Ucnjamin ( Styrax Benzoin ) , well known and highly valued by medical practitioners . PRICE'S BENZODYNE is stimulant , anodyne , and mechanically astringent , arresting fluxes and haemorrhages of all kinds both external and internal , possessing singular efficacy in the following diseases : —Bronchitis , Consumption , Colic , Cholera , Cold . Cough , Diarrhcca , Dysentery , Debility in all its various forms , Spasms , & c , & c . PRICE'S BENZODYNE has been tried repeatedly in these cases , and has never failed to cure . It immediately relieves all pain , actually sheathing the organs with a protective matter , which defies the action of the most virulent bloodpoisons , and thus PRICE'S BENZODYNE acts as the most powerful styptic now known _ to science , being the only effective external application for cuts , bites of insects , and all open wounds . In Cholera , as in Consumption , its effects are astounding , while Chronic Cough yields to its curative influences in a few hours . PRICE'S BENZOD YNJ £ is specially adapted / or Naval , Mili tary or Traveller ' s Medicine C / icsts , and'for Hospitalsand Dispensaries everywhere . Sold in bottles at is . ij ^ d ., 2 s . 9 d ., 4 s . Cd ., us . and 22 s ., by all Chemists , Prepared and Guaranteed by MR . PRICE , ANALYTICAL CHEMIST , and sold wholesale by PRICE & Co ., 2 , Lower Seymour-street , and 30 , Dukc-strcet , Portman-square , London , W . ; or through the follow-» ng agents : — - LLEWELLYN & Co ., Shanghai , China . LLUWKLLVN & Co ., Hiago , Japan . EAVLDISG & Co ., Adelaide , Australia . LHVV BROTHERS , Melbourne .
"PIELD'S WALNUT CR 1 NTINCTU . —Under J- the patronage of Royalty and the Aristocracy throughout Europe 1 his preparation warranted perfectly harmless , dyes the hair permanently and with little trouble , in light , dark brown , and bkrek shades , li . FIELD , constantly using it on ladies' hair in every shade required , can recommend it as invaluable for whiskers and moustache , producing perfectl y natural colours—No better Hair Dye obtainable . It is also one of the finest tonics for the Hair ever used . 5 s ., IOS ., and 20 s . —State shade required . FIELD'S QUININE BALSAM and FIELD'S DIAMOND TOILETTE FLUID arc articles expressly prepared to accompany the Crintiuctu , 2 s . 6 d . and 4 s . The above Articles can bc sent per Rail , or had through all respectable Chemists . Please 1 observe Trade Mark "THE WALNUT , " Name aud Addr . : as none other is genuine . F . FIELD , 18 , CARLISLE STREET , SOHO SO ., LONDON .
, , THE MARVEL OF SCIENCE—ELECTRL A CITV AND MAGNETISM . CURE YOURSELF 1 IYTHE ELECTRIC AND MAGNETIC SELF-ADJUSTING CURATIVE . SUFFERERS from Nervous Ailments , Indigestion , Debility Weakness , tic , CAN NOW CURE THEMSELVES by the only " OUAKANTEED HE . MEDV" in Europe , protected and sanctioned by the Faculty . Free for one Stamp , by W . JENNER , Esq ., S . M . ( Member College , & c ) , PERCY HOUSE , BEDFORD b ' g ., LONDON . N . B . —Medicines and Fees superseded . ( REFERENCE TO THE LEADING PHYSICIANS or THE DAY . ) A TEST GRATIS .-Send for Details . CAITION . —N . U . This is the only acknowledgedCurative Appliance as in use in the various Hospitals anil recognised by the Medical faculty of Great Britain , and none are genuine unless hint direct from Mr . Walter fenner ; who cautions the public against a person using his name , and imitating his discoz'eries . Vide Prize Medal and Hospital Reports ,
KUIM'URES . —UY ROVAL LETTERS PATENT . WHITE ' S Moc-Main LEVER TRUSS ff \ Isalawcd by upwards of coo Medical Men to be the ** Wl ^ " " t c' ^' " ii'V-ntion in the curative treatment of S iS . "KKNIA . The use ol a steel spring , so olten hurtful at ( y ^ r \ '" "s <¦ "" <¦•«« , is here am . dcd ; a su t bandage being ____ . f" / 'iS ¦ « " nuiiiil the bodv , while theri . quisiier' --l-- '! ig nouer S A ' - 'M , \ . VI l ' , ' . ' > : 'l'e . MOC-. MAIN 1 'AI ) and PA'i ' ENT cc tteiyS ' ¦''' ' - ' * ¦ ! tinig wuh so much case and closeness that il *™ JL 3 \ Y I a """' ' detected , and may be worn during sleep . A / Sj I descriptive c . rcular may be had , nnd the Truss , which l / 7 \ ' cannot I .-11 to l . i . foruarded by iw . i , on the circum-W 1 / lercncc ol the body , two inches Lclow the hips , lieine 111 sent to the 1 / 1 / MAKL'PACTl'KEK , t £ gU ~* Mr . WHITE , 22 S , Piccadilly , London . ... ^ ... ., . Single Truss , 16 s ., 21 s ., 26 s . fd . and 31 s . fd . Postage is . » ol ? , " . ' !'''' - ' n , ss . 3 ' - M-, 4- -s . ai . d 52 s . ( a . postage is . Ed . ,, ol Umhilual 'j ' russ , 42 s . and 52 s . ( i \ . Postage is . ud . Post Office Orders 10 be made | a < able toJuiiN Wiuii ' , pu ., t Office Piccadilly . NEW PA TICNT ELASTIC . S TOCKINGS , KNEECAPS , & ,. The material of which these arc made is recommended by the faculty as being peculiarly ELASTIC and COM PRESSIPLE and the bevt invention l . r giving efficient and permanent support in all cases of WEAKNESS , VAKICOSE VEINS , etc . Price , 4 s . fd js . t'd ., 10 s . and 16 s . each . Postage 6 d . SPINAL MACHINES , LEG IRONS , and Every Description of Surgical Appliances . JW / . V WHITE , Manufacturer , 228 , Piccadilly , Louden .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The French Coffee Company ' s Coffees , RAILWAY APPROACH , LONDON BRIDGE . Bro . JOSEPH PICARD , Manager , Excellence and great Economy . The only really good Coffee to be obtained in Great Britain . IN CANISTERS I / S PER POUND NEXT .
SHOP FITTINGS , AND SHOW CASES Manufactured by GEO . TREBLE & SONS , 40 , 41 , 42 , 43 & 44 , GLOUCESTER ST ., HOXTON , LONDON . Show Rooms , with a large assortment of Show Cases , suitabl for any trade always in Stock .
EVANS , SON , & COMPANY , Stove , Grate , and Kitchen Range Manufacturers , Hot Water and Gas Engineers , Manufacturing and Furnishing Ironmongers , 3 & 34 , KING WILLIAM STREET , LONDON BRIDGE .
"TRUTH MUST PREVAIL . "—Common Sense . Lamps , Baths , Cutlery , Brushes , Fenders and Fire Irons , Electroplate and Nickel-Silver Goods . R . D . PARR , General House-Furnishing Ironmonger , 42 , BLACKMAN STREET , BOROUGH , OFFERS nothing extraordinary , but REALLY GOOD Articles at fair and reasonable prices . He docs nst keep an " Immense Stock , " but SUFFICIENTLY LAKGE for any person to select from . He docs not sell " cheaper than every other house in the Trade , " but quite as cheap as ANY . A visit wilt , at all tinies , be very much appreciated .
Save Half your Coals AND Cure your Smoky Chimneys , by using the PATENT AMERICAN KITCHENER , which can bc seen daily in operation at the Original American Warehouse , 155 , Cheapside , London , E . C . Prices from 4 s . to , £ 31 . Illustrated prospectus free . JOSEPH H . RIDDELL & Co ., Proprietors .
William Dunkley , PIANOFORTE MANUFACTURER , From and recommended by MESSRS . JOHN BROADWOOD AND SONS , No . 101 , HIGH STREET , CLAPHAM , LONDON , S . W . Every description of English and Foreign instruments Tuned , Regulated , Repaired , or taken in exchange . Instruments lent on hire . Arrangements made for purchasing as required .
Bro , WILLIAM PLATT , Manufacturer of Masonic Jewels , Clothing , Banners , Furniture , Embroideries , & c ., 6 , BEAUFORT BUILDINGS , STRAND , LONDON , ( Established 1848 ) , Lodge and Chapter Furniture supplied at the lowest prices . A tingle article at the Wholesale Price . Terms Cash .
A Magnificent Stock of MASONIC REQUIREMENTS may bc seen nt Bro . E . FRANKLIN'S , 42 , Moslcystreet , corner of St . Nicholas-square , N EWCASTLE - ON - TYS E . gent for "THE FREEMASON" and the New Masonic Note Paper and Envelopes , Candles and Perfumes .
Picture Frame Makers , & c . H MORRELL , direct Importer of the best Foreign Frame and Room Mouldings , can now oficr to his numerous customers every requisite required in the trade at a great reduction . H . JL has opened another establishment , 68 , Gray ' s-innroad , opposite the entrance to Gray ' s-inn-squarc , where all orders will receive the same attention as usual . Country customers would do well by writing either to 18 , Great St . Andrew-street , Bloomsbury ; 63 , King-street , Long-acre ; or 68 , Gray ' s-inn-road , Holborn , thus saving traveller ' s commission . For trade list send stamped directed _ - „ v _ -l , _¦ -, < - Veneered Manle . Walnut . Rosewood , at the lowest prices
O YOU KEEP YOUR OWN HORSES ? No : wc find we can do better by sending to POWELL , where we can get every description of Cart or Van at five minutes' notice . He will contract to take goods of every description to or from any of the Docks or Wharves , at per 1011 , or any job you offer him . Address POWELL , Carman and Contractor , 1 , Carthusian-street , Aldersgate street , City , E . C .
YOUNG'S ARNICATED CORN AND BUNION PLAISTERS are the best ever invented for giving immediate ease , and removing those painful excrescences . Price 6 d . and is . per box . May be had of most chemists Observe the trade mark . —HY—without which none are genuine . Bc sure and ask for YOUNG'S .
LUXURIANT WHISKERS , Moustaches , and a Fine Head of Hair . —Mrs . MEHHIAM , Springfield . Mas ? U . S ., will send , through her English agents , Messrs . Wesley ar . c Knox , Feathcrstone-biiildings , London , W . C , her Recipe tl Gin . ul .-i / for nine stamps and stamped envelope , producing hair on lace 01 head in a month . A pint tolllc sent ly rail ( canine | aid ) fur 3 ! f tamps . —May be ordered through any Chemist
TTINE HEAD of HAIR , WHISKERS , MOUS-1 TACIIES . and KYE-JSKOW S . — A retired Apothecary , fioin Wales , will send his noted FORMULA for 13 stamps and stamp directed envelope to produce Hair tin the Head . XWiiskcrs and Moustache , on the Face in three weeks . —Mr . LVAN EVANS . M . D . CM .. Doiking , Suricy .
/~ ALVANISM .--PULVERMACHER'S Month !) VJ RECORD ol CUKES is new leany for the lencfit of ndt ' erers , contacting doct . mcntaiy cvidei . ee ol rt-n . aik .-iUe cures cITcttcd b ) 1 U l . VEKMACIIliKS iMlkOVUU l ' All . NT S .. I . I--. M I LICAUI . E \ oi . TAELECTRIC CHAIN B ANDS ar . d POCKET B AII EWES , and may bc had en application to the Sole liivctinr and I atcr . tcc , J . L . lTl . vEHMACIiEU , 2 co , Kcgini-. trcct , London , W . loan sent il
. A test on loan sent gialis il icqtiTtd . Cau / icn . —Spurious electric appliances being advcltised by Quae ] , Doctors , Patients should cim-u . t TuKcini .-icher ' s Pamj hlct on ll . at subject ( free by post ) , cmboc ying other most interesting matter lor those suffering Irom Rhcur . at . c and Neuralgic Pains , Functional DisoriWrs , & c , & c .
t /^ HARLES WATSON and Co " ., 30 , Cornhiil , V ^ invite attention to the CORNHILL SHERRY , as r ^ Slffi " 1 \ n g £ ^ g & yts ?^™* iiiii T HE CORNHILL SHERRY , elegant , pale , and dry , 30 s . per \ ^ - '" \ f _ dozen . Carriage paid . \ ^ / jtA * . ^ V ^ \ / PHARLES WATSON and Co ., 30 , Cornhiil , E . C . ( opposite \^ X XlTW / W ~ Royal Exchange . WV ^ ^ S ^^/ THE CORNHILL SHERRY , rich gold , 30 s . per dozen . xl ^ f— . W ~ f ^<^ . / * Carriage paid . No . 30 , Cornhiil . T Hf / jfj J pHARLES WATSON and Co ., 30 . Cornhiil , ( opposite Royal \< 3 ^\ l / r 7 af ^ Exchange ) , request the favour of a visit to their old-established \ * ^ > y __ r cellars , 30 , Cornhiil , containing a large stock of the Finest Old \ . vS Wines of every country , some curious and rare , to please the ^ Vy ^ most critical connoisseurs . A fully descriptive Price List . ^^
v * v WHO'S SAXBY ? A ^ 7 he Cheapest & Best Oilman ! ^ * 720 . * „ 720 . 4 , BROMELL'S BUILDINGS , CLAPHAM ( formerly of Bi-omell ' s Road ) , Where every jtrticle of Best Quality is to be obtained at Lowest Market Prices . s - d- s d Genuine White Lead 30 6 per cwt . Best Patent Dryers , 7 lbs . or i / 6 , or -2 o per cwt Linseed Oil 2 10 per gallon . Best Double Size z 0 pCr firkin Boiled Oil 3 ° > . Best Town Whiting r 8 per cwt . Turps 27 „ I Painters' Brushes 0 / all kinds . Colours Ground in Oil or Water . Ropes , Lines , Twines , Mats , Mops , Pails . Varnishes , Lacquers , Stains . I in and Iron Wares of all descriptions .
BRO . LOWENTHAL , of 70 , FENCHURCH STREET , begs to call the attention of the Craft to his ncvly invented and Registered This is now acknowledged by the BEST A UTHOR 1 TIES and also GUARANTEED to bc the Purest Extract of Cocoa obtainable , combining in a concentrated and soluble form , the ft ' nest quality of COCOA NIBS , purified from the excess of fatty matter , with the delicious taste of the best CHOCOLA TE . WHOLESALE DEI-OT , 70 , FENCHURCH STREET , LONDON , E . C . N . B . —A gd . packet contains sufficient for 30 Cups prepared in a minute with boiling water or milk . The British Medical Journal says : " ' Chocolatinc , ' under this title , Messrs . L . & Co . have introduced a Pure Preparation of Cocoa , which furnishes a most agreeable , digestible and nutritious beverage . It is thoroughly soluble and very delicate in flavor , free from the excess of butter , and suitable for the most fastidious of palates .
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ fefe ySoAKEY & SONS tf LOWDO Nt / * ^ Xjr * £ . ^& . —' ( Non Mercurial ) FOR CLEANING AND POLISHING Silver , Elcctro-platc , Plate Glass , Marble , & c . Tablets 6 d . cacli . Prepared expressly for the Patent Knife-Cleaning Machines , India * rubber and Huff leather Knife Borads . Knives constantly cleaned with it have a brilliant polish equal to new cutlery . Sold in Packets , 3 d . each ; and Tins , Cd ., is ., 2 s . 6 d ., and 4 s . each . Prevent friction in cleaning and injury to the knife . Price frcm Cd . each . Oakcy ' s Wellington knife Polish should bc used w'ith the boards . Sold everywhere by Grocers , Ironmongers , Brush makers , Oilmen , Chemists , & c . Wholesale by JOHN OAKEY AND SONS , MANUFACTURERS OF 1 7 2 . IH . AC K F R I A R S ROA D .
-V / # ^ PYRETIC SALINE r * J i $ -y \ l ^ Jjf \ 1 * most in vittu , ating , vita ' i'iig , . nnd rc-^» ** f . y ^ -AI ^ V-lS | fteshiiitr . it gives invrnt relief in £ 1 \ V ^! LiT _^// 7 IIc : it ! acl , c ' , Sca or I ! ii : " -i- ^ ncss , and *^ J V ^ y ^*^ - '!/ 'l ' ck > ' curcs x h worst lorin ui Eruptive Q » ^&* £ *! i &/ or Skin Complaints , 'lhe various diseases <^ ^< iijjvf ^^ arising from Cunstij atn > n , the Liver or * i "S '* ' l . Inod Impurities . Inocu ' atioti , the rcsn'ts ^ of breathing air infected with Kcver , Meases , or Sn . all Pox — ' AKE CURED AXl ) PKKVKNTED iiV ITS USE . Sold by all Chemist 8 , an . l the Maker , in Patent Glass Stoppered Pottles , at zs . Cd ., 4 s . Cd ., ns ., and 21 s . each . Ncticc wy Trade Mark , amibnvare of spurious imitations . II . l . AMl'LOUCill , 113 , IIOI . IIOKN II 11 . 1 ., LONDON , ICC .
GLENFIELD STARCH is the on ' y kind used in Her Majesty's Laundry Tnrrsr . I . Aims ulmliave ii'it yet used the ( II . BNMKI . H S TAHIII , are ic 5 j cctfuDj * so idled lo pre it a tiial , and carefully follow out the dircclii . ns piintt . d on every 1 ackagc . ll is rather more diflVull to make than other Starches , hit when this is overcome , they will say , like the Queen ' s Laundress , that it is the finest Starch they ever used . When yen ask / or the Gleiij ' . eld , see that you get it .
Blffi "ilJ 3 ^ S ^ L ? 1 ^ . PffijlSKs ? it . \ ffil A NEWLY-DISCOVERED Princi ple residing -T " X in Gum Ucnjamin ( Styrax Benzoin ) , well known and highly valued by medical practitioners . PRICE'S BENZODYNE is stimulant , anodyne , and mechanically astringent , arresting fluxes and haemorrhages of all kinds both external and internal , possessing singular efficacy in the following diseases : —Bronchitis , Consumption , Colic , Cholera , Cold . Cough , Diarrhcca , Dysentery , Debility in all its various forms , Spasms , & c , & c . PRICE'S BENZODYNE has been tried repeatedly in these cases , and has never failed to cure . It immediately relieves all pain , actually sheathing the organs with a protective matter , which defies the action of the most virulent bloodpoisons , and thus PRICE'S BENZODYNE acts as the most powerful styptic now known _ to science , being the only effective external application for cuts , bites of insects , and all open wounds . In Cholera , as in Consumption , its effects are astounding , while Chronic Cough yields to its curative influences in a few hours . PRICE'S BENZOD YNJ £ is specially adapted / or Naval , Mili tary or Traveller ' s Medicine C / icsts , and'for Hospitalsand Dispensaries everywhere . Sold in bottles at is . ij ^ d ., 2 s . 9 d ., 4 s . Cd ., us . and 22 s ., by all Chemists , Prepared and Guaranteed by MR . PRICE , ANALYTICAL CHEMIST , and sold wholesale by PRICE & Co ., 2 , Lower Seymour-street , and 30 , Dukc-strcet , Portman-square , London , W . ; or through the follow-» ng agents : — - LLEWELLYN & Co ., Shanghai , China . LLUWKLLVN & Co ., Hiago , Japan . EAVLDISG & Co ., Adelaide , Australia . LHVV BROTHERS , Melbourne .
"PIELD'S WALNUT CR 1 NTINCTU . —Under J- the patronage of Royalty and the Aristocracy throughout Europe 1 his preparation warranted perfectly harmless , dyes the hair permanently and with little trouble , in light , dark brown , and bkrek shades , li . FIELD , constantly using it on ladies' hair in every shade required , can recommend it as invaluable for whiskers and moustache , producing perfectl y natural colours—No better Hair Dye obtainable . It is also one of the finest tonics for the Hair ever used . 5 s ., IOS ., and 20 s . —State shade required . FIELD'S QUININE BALSAM and FIELD'S DIAMOND TOILETTE FLUID arc articles expressly prepared to accompany the Crintiuctu , 2 s . 6 d . and 4 s . The above Articles can bc sent per Rail , or had through all respectable Chemists . Please 1 observe Trade Mark "THE WALNUT , " Name aud Addr . : as none other is genuine . F . FIELD , 18 , CARLISLE STREET , SOHO SO ., LONDON .
, , THE MARVEL OF SCIENCE—ELECTRL A CITV AND MAGNETISM . CURE YOURSELF 1 IYTHE ELECTRIC AND MAGNETIC SELF-ADJUSTING CURATIVE . SUFFERERS from Nervous Ailments , Indigestion , Debility Weakness , tic , CAN NOW CURE THEMSELVES by the only " OUAKANTEED HE . MEDV" in Europe , protected and sanctioned by the Faculty . Free for one Stamp , by W . JENNER , Esq ., S . M . ( Member College , & c ) , PERCY HOUSE , BEDFORD b ' g ., LONDON . N . B . —Medicines and Fees superseded . ( REFERENCE TO THE LEADING PHYSICIANS or THE DAY . ) A TEST GRATIS .-Send for Details . CAITION . —N . U . This is the only acknowledgedCurative Appliance as in use in the various Hospitals anil recognised by the Medical faculty of Great Britain , and none are genuine unless hint direct from Mr . Walter fenner ; who cautions the public against a person using his name , and imitating his discoz'eries . Vide Prize Medal and Hospital Reports ,
KUIM'URES . —UY ROVAL LETTERS PATENT . WHITE ' S Moc-Main LEVER TRUSS ff \ Isalawcd by upwards of coo Medical Men to be the ** Wl ^ " " t c' ^' " ii'V-ntion in the curative treatment of S iS . "KKNIA . The use ol a steel spring , so olten hurtful at ( y ^ r \ '" "s <¦ "" <¦•«« , is here am . dcd ; a su t bandage being ____ . f" / 'iS ¦ « " nuiiiil the bodv , while theri . quisiier' --l-- '! ig nouer S A ' - 'M , \ . VI l ' , ' . ' > : 'l'e . MOC-. MAIN 1 'AI ) and PA'i ' ENT cc tteiyS ' ¦''' ' - ' * ¦ ! tinig wuh so much case and closeness that il *™ JL 3 \ Y I a """' ' detected , and may be worn during sleep . A / Sj I descriptive c . rcular may be had , nnd the Truss , which l / 7 \ ' cannot I .-11 to l . i . foruarded by iw . i , on the circum-W 1 / lercncc ol the body , two inches Lclow the hips , lieine 111 sent to the 1 / 1 / MAKL'PACTl'KEK , t £ gU ~* Mr . WHITE , 22 S , Piccadilly , London . ... ^ ... ., . Single Truss , 16 s ., 21 s ., 26 s . fd . and 31 s . fd . Postage is . » ol ? , " . ' !'''' - ' n , ss . 3 ' - M-, 4- -s . ai . d 52 s . ( a . postage is . Ed . ,, ol Umhilual 'j ' russ , 42 s . and 52 s . ( i \ . Postage is . ud . Post Office Orders 10 be made | a < able toJuiiN Wiuii ' , pu ., t Office Piccadilly . NEW PA TICNT ELASTIC . S TOCKINGS , KNEECAPS , & ,. The material of which these arc made is recommended by the faculty as being peculiarly ELASTIC and COM PRESSIPLE and the bevt invention l . r giving efficient and permanent support in all cases of WEAKNESS , VAKICOSE VEINS , etc . Price , 4 s . fd js . t'd ., 10 s . and 16 s . each . Postage 6 d . SPINAL MACHINES , LEG IRONS , and Every Description of Surgical Appliances . JW / . V WHITE , Manufacturer , 228 , Piccadilly , Louden .