Article Masonic Notes. ← Page 2 of 2 Article MASONIC NOTES AND QUERIES. Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC NOTES AND QUERIES. Page 1 of 1 Article Reviews. Page 1 of 1 Article Craft Masonry. Page 1 of 2 →
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Notes.
representatives in compiling such a sum is the greater , and entitles them the more to the thanks of the School authorities , as well as of the friends and well-wishers of the Institution . * * *
We remind our readers that the Quarterly Courts of the two Schools will be held in Freemasons' Hall next week , that of the Girls' School on Thursday , the 7 th instant , and that of the Boys' School on the following day . The chief business in each case will be to determine the vacancies and settle the lists of candidates for the October elections .
# * * Owing to the pressure caused upon our space by the report of Wednesday ' s Festival , the usual Analysis of the Returns , and the reports of the distribution of prizes on Wednesday and of the sports at Kempton
Park on Saturday , we find ourselves compelled to hold over the very ample and interesting account of the recent meeting of the Scots Lodge , No . 2319 , when a hearty welcome was extended to Bro . the Earl of
Haddington , Grand Master Mason of Scotland , and several of his Grand Officers , on the occasion of their visit to London in connection with another Masonic function . We trust our brethren of the lodge will accept our sincere regret at the delay in publishing this account . * * . *
Bro . W . J . Hughan , who has been on a visit to London for the past few weeks , returned to Torquay on Wednesday last much benefited by the change . It has been a source of much gratification to his London
brethren to observe the marked improvement which has taken place in his health since his last visit to town about two years since , and all will join us in hoping that he will long be spared to continue his valuable labours in connection with the Craft .
* * * Another distinguished visitor has been making a short stay amongst us in the person of the Past Grand Master of Illinois , General J . C . Smith . The few Masonic lodges in London which are fixed to meet at
this season have been fortunate in the opportunity of receiving and extending a hearty welcome and fraternal greetings to one whose name in his own jurisdiction is a household word in connection with Masonic hospitality and genial fellowship .
Masonic Notes And Queries.
9 88 ] THE "UNION" OF 1813 . Bro . H . J . Whymper , CLE . ( of India ) , has done good service by having the enclosed reprinted relating to the "Atholl Masons" and the Union of December , 1813 . The letter which precedes the Report was written b y Bro . Thomas Harper , one ot the most influential members of that organisation .
W . J . HUGHAN . LETTER FROM BRO . HARPER . " DEAR SIR AND COM " 1 received your favour ol the 18 th and inclose you the one certificate that is regular bul the others not having been registered in the Grand Lodge books
twelve months they should not have been exalted Have also inclosed 100 summonses You will see by this letter what has been done relative to thc Union My son is at present out of town 1 do not know whither [ sir ] the summonses sent are the same you
had before as we have three sorts Beg you will give my best respects to all the bretheren [ sir ] & " I remain Dear Sir and Bro " Yours sincerely " THOS HARPER "
REPORT OF PROCEEDINGS . " ( Extract from Proceedings of the ) Grand Lodge of the Most Ancient and Honourable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons of England , According to the Old Constitutions .
" Crown and Anchor iavern , Strand , London , June 6 , 1810 . "GRAND LODGE , 6 th J , 1810 . "The Committee to whom it was referred by the Grand Lodge , ' to take into consideration the propriety and praclabihty of accomplishing an Union with the
Society of Masons under His Rojai Highness the Prince of Wales , ' having made a Report thereon to the Grand Lodge—the same was confirmed ; and it was accordingly unanimously resolved that the three following Resolutions be submitted to the Committee
appointed by the Grand Lodge under Ills Royal Highness the Prince of Wales , as an indispensable preliminary to any negociation for an Union of the two Societies . " First— That as the " Grand Lodges of the United Kingdom , via . thc Grand Lodge of England under the
Masonic Notes And Queries.
Most Noble the Duke of Atholl , the Grand Lodge of Scotland , and the Grand Lodge of Ireland , are all bound by the same obligations , and all work by uniform rule , it is necessary , in the first instance , to be informed whether tbe Grand Lodge under His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales , in order to a perfect Union , will consent to the same obligations under which the other
three Grand Lodges are bound , and that they will consent to work in the same forms . " Secondly—That it is essential to the preservation of the true and ancient landmarks that the Grand Lodge shall be a true and perfect representation of all the Lodges , and that , to this end , it shall be composed of the present and past Grand Oflicers , the Master and
Wardens of each Lodge , with the Past Masters of all the Lodges . That the Grand Lodge under His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales shall agree , that , upon the Union , the Grand Lodge of England , in all time to come , be composed of the present and past Grand Officers , the Masters , Wardens , and past Masters of the regular Lodges under the two Constitutions ; the
Lodges to sit under their respective banners , according to seniority of numbers ; every Brother to speak and vote : and that the Grand Lodge shall be convened and held quarterly , on a given day in each quarter , for communication with the Craft , besides the anniversary meetings of St . John the Evangelist and St . John the
Baptist . " Thirdly—That the masonic benevolence shall be distributed monthly by a Lodge specially constituted and summoned for that purpose , consisting , as it now is , of a deputation from the resident Lodges in and adjacent to London and Westminster . "
9 8 9 ] THE "HUGHAN MS . " The "Hughan MS . " is ot the Dowlnml Branch of the Grand Lodge Family , partaking of some particularities of the Dowland MS . itself , as well as of the Clerke , Phillipps , No . 3 , and Papworth MSS ., that are of the same Branch . There are a few peculiarities in the Hughan MS ., for instance in the Hiram legend : " A
man named also Hum" which was intended to be " also Hiram" ( p . 11 ofthe reprint ) , besides "he greatly practised Geometry" ( p . 12 ) , where the other MSS . of the Family have " a great pructiser of Geometry" ; and "that ye be no Thieves nor Thieve ' s fellows" ( p . 13 ); and a few omissions . But what Bro . W . Watson points out to be a peculiarity , namely , the reading " true
Liegemen to y * * ' King of England , " is none , the bulk of the Grand Lodge Family having the same words that are missing only in a few MSS . of this Family , and the whole Sloane Family , as far as I can overlook them at this moment . 1 do not think it possible to consider all MSS . that have the words " of England" to be transcripts of Scottish originals . The opening lines
of the Hughan MS . are almost the same as in the Spencer Family , the Spencer MS . of 1726 itself reading : " The Beginning and first Foundation of the most worthy Craft of Masonry with the charges thereunto belonging" ; the Cole and Dodd prints offer quite the same reading . The " Hughan MS . " adds the " oath " and ends "belonging to y same , " the rest being identical
with the Spencer Family . This is a new corroboration of my leading back the Spencer Family to the Grand Lodge Family , the latter being much more original than the former , which was not compiled before 1725 , the Inigo Jones MS . being a falsification fabricated after the Spencer MS . There cannot be any doubt that the Hughan MS . has been transcribed from an older copy
that was rather illegible in some passages , so that the scribe misread some words , " rough" for "¦ wrought " ( p . 10 ) , " Ttibnlkainc" for " Titbalcain" ( p . 10 ) , "alone" for " anone" ( p . 11 ) , "Ham" for "Hiram " ( p . 11 ) , " -Hrt' / fstanding" for " HHiftvstanding" ( p . 12-13 ) . There is an omission after the word" Geometry "
( p . g , seventh line from beneath ) , caused by the same word at the end of the next phrase of the presumed original , the eye of the scribe running from the first "Geometry" to the second , and thus omitting the passage . On the whole the Hughan MS . is more correct than most of the other MSS .
VV . BEGEMANN . [ We have much pleasure in inserting this important communication on thc " Hughan MS ., " sent to Bro , Hughan by Dr . Begemann , dated 5 th June , 1892 . — ED . FM . j
Reviews .
DIRECTORY FOR THE PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF CORNWALL , 1 S 92 . This very useful Annual is now in its twenty-first year of issue , having been projected by Bro . Hughan in 1870 , when it at once obtained the authority of the Prov . Grand Master and Prov . Grand Lodge as an ollicial publication . From 1 S 91 Bro . 'Ihomas Gill , of Pcnryn , has been the co-Editor .
and on him ftom that year the labour has chiefly fallen . Its appearance this year is rather late , but not through Bro . Gill's fault ; and even now the list of votes for the Masonic Charities has not been received in lime . This is much to be regretted , as all the responsible brethren should be prompt in supplying the needful information in all the departments . There are 30 lodges , returning ifi * -- members , which is believed to be the largest total yet obtained , and it is
gratifying lo find that the " Cornwall Masonic Annuity and Benevolent Fund" ( with ioannuitantsand nine educational grants ) is still to the fore and continuing its beneficent work . So also the " Cornwall Masonic Charity Association , " which has done , and is doing , gcod service . The Cornish Lodge , No . 23 O 0 , London , has a page to itself , and is rapidly becoming a capital centre for Cornish Masons in the Metropolis .
Craft Masonry.
Craft Masonry .
B gg ^ i ^ gfifliii ^
METROPOLITAN MEETINGS . Shadwell Clerke Lodge ( No . 1910 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held at Mark Masons ' Hall , on Monday , the 27 th ult . The chair was occupied by Bro . Gilles , with Bro . Geo . J . Reed as S . W . ; Br 0 , Gordon Miller as J . VV . ; and Bro . Lord Euston as LP . MJ After the minutes of the former meeting had been con !
firmed , Bro . Gules requested Bro . Matier to occupy the chair and to pass Bro . VVm . Hy . Cliffen to the Second Degree . This was accordingly done . The motion that £ 10 ios . should be voted to "The Shadwell Clerke Trust " proposed by the Treasurer , and seconded by the Secretary was now put to the lodge and carried . This being the meeting fixed by the by-lasvs for the election of W . M .
Treasurer , and Tyler , voting papers were passed round with the result that the Senior Warden , Bro . Geo . J . Reed ' was elected W . M . for the ensuing year , and Bro . Charles Belton was unanimously re-elected to the office of Treasurer , which he has held so long and with such advantage to the lodge . The Tyler was also re-elected .
The lodge being closed , an adjournment was made to the Holborn Restaurant , where the following brethren : Bros . Lord Euston , Gilles , Geo . J . Reed , Gordon Miller , Mather , Balfour Cockburn , Professor Green , and several visitin « brethren , spent a very charming evening , under the genial presidency of Bro . C . Fitzgerald Matier .
Quatuor Coronati Lodge ( No . 2076 ) . — This lodge met for the Festival of St . John at Freemasons' Hall on Friday , the 24 th ult . There were present Bros . VV . H . Rylands , P . G . Stwd ., W . M . ; W . M Bywater , P . G . S . B ., I . P . M . ; Dr . VV . W . Westcott , S . W .: Rev . C . J . Ball , J . W . ; G . W . Speth , Sec . ; W . Mattieu Williams , J . D . ; C . Kupferschmidt , I . G . j and W . J .
Hughan , P . G . D . ; also the following members of the Correspondence Circle : Bros . E . Haward , Rev . C II . Maiden , Local Sec . for South India ; Gen . J . J . Boswell , R . Palmer Thomas , Gen . J . C . Smith , P . G . M . Illinois ; Rev . H . Carmichael , C . Lazenby , C . B . Barnes , Col . M . Ramsey , Dist . G . M . Malta ; Dr . E . H . Ezard , Dr . J . Balfour ; Cockburn , Local Sec . Channel Islands ; R . A .
Gowan , F . VV . Levander , Local Sec . Middx . ; Rev . II . Thomas , J . Robbins , Col . J . Mead , J . Sykes Rymer , T . Cohu , H . B . Chamberh ' n , J . H . Davis , B . G . L . Bremner , N . ( Trench Bromhead , G . Gregson , Dr . C . Lloyd Tuckey , J . Bodenham , P . A . G . D . C , Local Sec . Staffordshire and Salop ; C . Fruen , J . S . Cumberland , VV . F . Vernon , Local Sec . South Scotland ; and J . B . Mackey . Visitors : Bros .
Dr . H . Putsche , Lodge Charlotte zu den drei Nelken , Meiningen , and T . Hunter Boyd , 2 S ( S . C ) . The lodge having been opened , Bro . Gen . J . C Smith , P . G . M . of Illinois , was greeted in the manner appropriate to his rank . Gen , Smith addressed the lodge at some length in reply , and was glad to know that he had at length been enabled to meet in the flesh those brethren of the lodge
with whom he had been so long connected as a member of the Correspondence Circle , and with many of whom he had corresponded for years . He also presented the lodge as a souvenir of his visit with a neat little model in metal of the celebrated hall of the Grand Lodge at Chicago , the highest building in the world , consisting ot no less than 21 doors . At a later period of the evening it was decided to have the
model suitably engraved and devoted to the purpose of a lodg ,- snuff-box . Two lodges , one literary society , and 44 brethren were then elected to the membership of the Correspondence Circle as follows : Comet Lodge , No . 1 OS 0 , Barcaldine , Queensland ; Kl Dorado Lodge , No . 2314 , Zeerust , Transvaal ; Masonic Historical Society , Duluth , Minnesota , U . S . A . ; Bros . Rev .
E . Rodda , P . S . G . W . Vic , Fitzroy , F . Snowball , 751 ( E . C ) , Auburn , A . Thomson , P . M . 752 ( E . G . ) , Middle Briuhton , O . R . Snowball , P . M ., and H . M . Knight , i . ' . *„ both of Melbourne , all in the Colony of Victoria ; j . U . Reid , Beltona , and F . H . Snow , 3 S , Adelaide , both in South Australia ; J . Tufiley , 1372 , Killarney , J . Blanchard , P . M . 2 i ) 2 ( LC ) , Maryborough , F . Garner , 455 ( S . C ) ,
Brisbane , T . Bennion , 7 GS ( S . C ) , Croydon , and VV . L . Robinson , 775 ( S . C ) , Toowoomba , all in the Colony of Queensland ; G . B . Stern , 20 S 9 , Ottoshoop , South African Kepublic ; P . VV . Keytel , P . M . Goedc Trouw Lodge , ami J . 11 . Hofmeyr , Deputy Grand Master South Africa , Grand Lodge of the Netherlands , both of Cape Town , and A . Reiss , 22 5 2 , Barkley East , all in the Cape Colony ; J . L .
Brown , 9 6 , and VV . A . Love , D . G . H . P , both of Atlanta , Georgia ; W . II . Pleasants , Grand Master , Roanoke , J . C Robinson , VV . M . . 5 , Hampton , and VV . E . Turner , P . M . D , Richmond , all of Virginia ; A . S . Harrison , P . M . <> -, Dumfries ; J . R . Gray , 2197 ; VV . Cooper , 1342 , P . P . G . D . i F . Turnbull , 481 ; T . Pickering , 24 ; E . T . Dodds , i 6 jo ; 1 . T . Darby , 13 S 0 : C . 1 . lloaic W . M . mtS ; VV . li .
Marshall , 938 , P . P . G . R . ; E . H . Buck , 2153 ; F * J * Stringfellow , S 14 , P . P . G . Std . Hr . ; A . E . Weig htman , 2 iy 5 ; E . G . Walthew , P . M . iyi 5 ; VV . E . Cook , P . D . G . U . and Surgeon-Major F . M . Baker , 340 , both of Malta ; J ; H . Davis , P . M . 33 ; Dr . A . Miller , VV . M . 240 S ; T . C Lazenby , 297 , P . P . A . G . D . C . ; P . U . Preston , 357 ; A . J . Potter , 357 ; C . A . Ferrier , 2021 ,: A . XV . Hump hreys ,
< ) 33 ; and J . L . Barrett , P . M . 1201 . liro . Rev . C J . Ball read a paper entitled "The proper names of Masonic tradition— a philological study . " Itbeins absolutely impossible even to give a resume of the paper here , it must suffice to say that Bro . Ball took up one aiier another the names connected with our traditions , explain '"!? their meanings , and philologieally tracing ihem to their source , and accounting for the ronamtions and variants in
use at one time or another . One of his conclusions is interesting in the highest degree , as he is convinced that whoever invented the ceremonies must have been either a Jew or assisted by Jews , and that this must have taken place before the modern revival of learning , /•- *'•¦ . ' medi .-cval times . We shall look forward to the opportunity of careiully studying the lecture in the printed " lra " ' actions" of the lodge , and trust some means may . devised by which a great part of it may be publishe •Some of it , we fear , and that thc most interesting , may
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Notes.
representatives in compiling such a sum is the greater , and entitles them the more to the thanks of the School authorities , as well as of the friends and well-wishers of the Institution . * * *
We remind our readers that the Quarterly Courts of the two Schools will be held in Freemasons' Hall next week , that of the Girls' School on Thursday , the 7 th instant , and that of the Boys' School on the following day . The chief business in each case will be to determine the vacancies and settle the lists of candidates for the October elections .
# * * Owing to the pressure caused upon our space by the report of Wednesday ' s Festival , the usual Analysis of the Returns , and the reports of the distribution of prizes on Wednesday and of the sports at Kempton
Park on Saturday , we find ourselves compelled to hold over the very ample and interesting account of the recent meeting of the Scots Lodge , No . 2319 , when a hearty welcome was extended to Bro . the Earl of
Haddington , Grand Master Mason of Scotland , and several of his Grand Officers , on the occasion of their visit to London in connection with another Masonic function . We trust our brethren of the lodge will accept our sincere regret at the delay in publishing this account . * * . *
Bro . W . J . Hughan , who has been on a visit to London for the past few weeks , returned to Torquay on Wednesday last much benefited by the change . It has been a source of much gratification to his London
brethren to observe the marked improvement which has taken place in his health since his last visit to town about two years since , and all will join us in hoping that he will long be spared to continue his valuable labours in connection with the Craft .
* * * Another distinguished visitor has been making a short stay amongst us in the person of the Past Grand Master of Illinois , General J . C . Smith . The few Masonic lodges in London which are fixed to meet at
this season have been fortunate in the opportunity of receiving and extending a hearty welcome and fraternal greetings to one whose name in his own jurisdiction is a household word in connection with Masonic hospitality and genial fellowship .
Masonic Notes And Queries.
9 88 ] THE "UNION" OF 1813 . Bro . H . J . Whymper , CLE . ( of India ) , has done good service by having the enclosed reprinted relating to the "Atholl Masons" and the Union of December , 1813 . The letter which precedes the Report was written b y Bro . Thomas Harper , one ot the most influential members of that organisation .
W . J . HUGHAN . LETTER FROM BRO . HARPER . " DEAR SIR AND COM " 1 received your favour ol the 18 th and inclose you the one certificate that is regular bul the others not having been registered in the Grand Lodge books
twelve months they should not have been exalted Have also inclosed 100 summonses You will see by this letter what has been done relative to thc Union My son is at present out of town 1 do not know whither [ sir ] the summonses sent are the same you
had before as we have three sorts Beg you will give my best respects to all the bretheren [ sir ] & " I remain Dear Sir and Bro " Yours sincerely " THOS HARPER "
REPORT OF PROCEEDINGS . " ( Extract from Proceedings of the ) Grand Lodge of the Most Ancient and Honourable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons of England , According to the Old Constitutions .
" Crown and Anchor iavern , Strand , London , June 6 , 1810 . "GRAND LODGE , 6 th J , 1810 . "The Committee to whom it was referred by the Grand Lodge , ' to take into consideration the propriety and praclabihty of accomplishing an Union with the
Society of Masons under His Rojai Highness the Prince of Wales , ' having made a Report thereon to the Grand Lodge—the same was confirmed ; and it was accordingly unanimously resolved that the three following Resolutions be submitted to the Committee
appointed by the Grand Lodge under Ills Royal Highness the Prince of Wales , as an indispensable preliminary to any negociation for an Union of the two Societies . " First— That as the " Grand Lodges of the United Kingdom , via . thc Grand Lodge of England under the
Masonic Notes And Queries.
Most Noble the Duke of Atholl , the Grand Lodge of Scotland , and the Grand Lodge of Ireland , are all bound by the same obligations , and all work by uniform rule , it is necessary , in the first instance , to be informed whether tbe Grand Lodge under His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales , in order to a perfect Union , will consent to the same obligations under which the other
three Grand Lodges are bound , and that they will consent to work in the same forms . " Secondly—That it is essential to the preservation of the true and ancient landmarks that the Grand Lodge shall be a true and perfect representation of all the Lodges , and that , to this end , it shall be composed of the present and past Grand Oflicers , the Master and
Wardens of each Lodge , with the Past Masters of all the Lodges . That the Grand Lodge under His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales shall agree , that , upon the Union , the Grand Lodge of England , in all time to come , be composed of the present and past Grand Officers , the Masters , Wardens , and past Masters of the regular Lodges under the two Constitutions ; the
Lodges to sit under their respective banners , according to seniority of numbers ; every Brother to speak and vote : and that the Grand Lodge shall be convened and held quarterly , on a given day in each quarter , for communication with the Craft , besides the anniversary meetings of St . John the Evangelist and St . John the
Baptist . " Thirdly—That the masonic benevolence shall be distributed monthly by a Lodge specially constituted and summoned for that purpose , consisting , as it now is , of a deputation from the resident Lodges in and adjacent to London and Westminster . "
9 8 9 ] THE "HUGHAN MS . " The "Hughan MS . " is ot the Dowlnml Branch of the Grand Lodge Family , partaking of some particularities of the Dowland MS . itself , as well as of the Clerke , Phillipps , No . 3 , and Papworth MSS ., that are of the same Branch . There are a few peculiarities in the Hughan MS ., for instance in the Hiram legend : " A
man named also Hum" which was intended to be " also Hiram" ( p . 11 ofthe reprint ) , besides "he greatly practised Geometry" ( p . 12 ) , where the other MSS . of the Family have " a great pructiser of Geometry" ; and "that ye be no Thieves nor Thieve ' s fellows" ( p . 13 ); and a few omissions . But what Bro . W . Watson points out to be a peculiarity , namely , the reading " true
Liegemen to y * * ' King of England , " is none , the bulk of the Grand Lodge Family having the same words that are missing only in a few MSS . of this Family , and the whole Sloane Family , as far as I can overlook them at this moment . 1 do not think it possible to consider all MSS . that have the words " of England" to be transcripts of Scottish originals . The opening lines
of the Hughan MS . are almost the same as in the Spencer Family , the Spencer MS . of 1726 itself reading : " The Beginning and first Foundation of the most worthy Craft of Masonry with the charges thereunto belonging" ; the Cole and Dodd prints offer quite the same reading . The " Hughan MS . " adds the " oath " and ends "belonging to y same , " the rest being identical
with the Spencer Family . This is a new corroboration of my leading back the Spencer Family to the Grand Lodge Family , the latter being much more original than the former , which was not compiled before 1725 , the Inigo Jones MS . being a falsification fabricated after the Spencer MS . There cannot be any doubt that the Hughan MS . has been transcribed from an older copy
that was rather illegible in some passages , so that the scribe misread some words , " rough" for "¦ wrought " ( p . 10 ) , " Ttibnlkainc" for " Titbalcain" ( p . 10 ) , "alone" for " anone" ( p . 11 ) , "Ham" for "Hiram " ( p . 11 ) , " -Hrt' / fstanding" for " HHiftvstanding" ( p . 12-13 ) . There is an omission after the word" Geometry "
( p . g , seventh line from beneath ) , caused by the same word at the end of the next phrase of the presumed original , the eye of the scribe running from the first "Geometry" to the second , and thus omitting the passage . On the whole the Hughan MS . is more correct than most of the other MSS .
VV . BEGEMANN . [ We have much pleasure in inserting this important communication on thc " Hughan MS ., " sent to Bro , Hughan by Dr . Begemann , dated 5 th June , 1892 . — ED . FM . j
Reviews .
DIRECTORY FOR THE PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF CORNWALL , 1 S 92 . This very useful Annual is now in its twenty-first year of issue , having been projected by Bro . Hughan in 1870 , when it at once obtained the authority of the Prov . Grand Master and Prov . Grand Lodge as an ollicial publication . From 1 S 91 Bro . 'Ihomas Gill , of Pcnryn , has been the co-Editor .
and on him ftom that year the labour has chiefly fallen . Its appearance this year is rather late , but not through Bro . Gill's fault ; and even now the list of votes for the Masonic Charities has not been received in lime . This is much to be regretted , as all the responsible brethren should be prompt in supplying the needful information in all the departments . There are 30 lodges , returning ifi * -- members , which is believed to be the largest total yet obtained , and it is
gratifying lo find that the " Cornwall Masonic Annuity and Benevolent Fund" ( with ioannuitantsand nine educational grants ) is still to the fore and continuing its beneficent work . So also the " Cornwall Masonic Charity Association , " which has done , and is doing , gcod service . The Cornish Lodge , No . 23 O 0 , London , has a page to itself , and is rapidly becoming a capital centre for Cornish Masons in the Metropolis .
Craft Masonry.
Craft Masonry .
B gg ^ i ^ gfifliii ^
METROPOLITAN MEETINGS . Shadwell Clerke Lodge ( No . 1910 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held at Mark Masons ' Hall , on Monday , the 27 th ult . The chair was occupied by Bro . Gilles , with Bro . Geo . J . Reed as S . W . ; Br 0 , Gordon Miller as J . VV . ; and Bro . Lord Euston as LP . MJ After the minutes of the former meeting had been con !
firmed , Bro . Gules requested Bro . Matier to occupy the chair and to pass Bro . VVm . Hy . Cliffen to the Second Degree . This was accordingly done . The motion that £ 10 ios . should be voted to "The Shadwell Clerke Trust " proposed by the Treasurer , and seconded by the Secretary was now put to the lodge and carried . This being the meeting fixed by the by-lasvs for the election of W . M .
Treasurer , and Tyler , voting papers were passed round with the result that the Senior Warden , Bro . Geo . J . Reed ' was elected W . M . for the ensuing year , and Bro . Charles Belton was unanimously re-elected to the office of Treasurer , which he has held so long and with such advantage to the lodge . The Tyler was also re-elected .
The lodge being closed , an adjournment was made to the Holborn Restaurant , where the following brethren : Bros . Lord Euston , Gilles , Geo . J . Reed , Gordon Miller , Mather , Balfour Cockburn , Professor Green , and several visitin « brethren , spent a very charming evening , under the genial presidency of Bro . C . Fitzgerald Matier .
Quatuor Coronati Lodge ( No . 2076 ) . — This lodge met for the Festival of St . John at Freemasons' Hall on Friday , the 24 th ult . There were present Bros . VV . H . Rylands , P . G . Stwd ., W . M . ; W . M Bywater , P . G . S . B ., I . P . M . ; Dr . VV . W . Westcott , S . W .: Rev . C . J . Ball , J . W . ; G . W . Speth , Sec . ; W . Mattieu Williams , J . D . ; C . Kupferschmidt , I . G . j and W . J .
Hughan , P . G . D . ; also the following members of the Correspondence Circle : Bros . E . Haward , Rev . C II . Maiden , Local Sec . for South India ; Gen . J . J . Boswell , R . Palmer Thomas , Gen . J . C . Smith , P . G . M . Illinois ; Rev . H . Carmichael , C . Lazenby , C . B . Barnes , Col . M . Ramsey , Dist . G . M . Malta ; Dr . E . H . Ezard , Dr . J . Balfour ; Cockburn , Local Sec . Channel Islands ; R . A .
Gowan , F . VV . Levander , Local Sec . Middx . ; Rev . II . Thomas , J . Robbins , Col . J . Mead , J . Sykes Rymer , T . Cohu , H . B . Chamberh ' n , J . H . Davis , B . G . L . Bremner , N . ( Trench Bromhead , G . Gregson , Dr . C . Lloyd Tuckey , J . Bodenham , P . A . G . D . C , Local Sec . Staffordshire and Salop ; C . Fruen , J . S . Cumberland , VV . F . Vernon , Local Sec . South Scotland ; and J . B . Mackey . Visitors : Bros .
Dr . H . Putsche , Lodge Charlotte zu den drei Nelken , Meiningen , and T . Hunter Boyd , 2 S ( S . C ) . The lodge having been opened , Bro . Gen . J . C Smith , P . G . M . of Illinois , was greeted in the manner appropriate to his rank . Gen , Smith addressed the lodge at some length in reply , and was glad to know that he had at length been enabled to meet in the flesh those brethren of the lodge
with whom he had been so long connected as a member of the Correspondence Circle , and with many of whom he had corresponded for years . He also presented the lodge as a souvenir of his visit with a neat little model in metal of the celebrated hall of the Grand Lodge at Chicago , the highest building in the world , consisting ot no less than 21 doors . At a later period of the evening it was decided to have the
model suitably engraved and devoted to the purpose of a lodg ,- snuff-box . Two lodges , one literary society , and 44 brethren were then elected to the membership of the Correspondence Circle as follows : Comet Lodge , No . 1 OS 0 , Barcaldine , Queensland ; Kl Dorado Lodge , No . 2314 , Zeerust , Transvaal ; Masonic Historical Society , Duluth , Minnesota , U . S . A . ; Bros . Rev .
E . Rodda , P . S . G . W . Vic , Fitzroy , F . Snowball , 751 ( E . C ) , Auburn , A . Thomson , P . M . 752 ( E . G . ) , Middle Briuhton , O . R . Snowball , P . M ., and H . M . Knight , i . ' . *„ both of Melbourne , all in the Colony of Victoria ; j . U . Reid , Beltona , and F . H . Snow , 3 S , Adelaide , both in South Australia ; J . Tufiley , 1372 , Killarney , J . Blanchard , P . M . 2 i ) 2 ( LC ) , Maryborough , F . Garner , 455 ( S . C ) ,
Brisbane , T . Bennion , 7 GS ( S . C ) , Croydon , and VV . L . Robinson , 775 ( S . C ) , Toowoomba , all in the Colony of Queensland ; G . B . Stern , 20 S 9 , Ottoshoop , South African Kepublic ; P . VV . Keytel , P . M . Goedc Trouw Lodge , ami J . 11 . Hofmeyr , Deputy Grand Master South Africa , Grand Lodge of the Netherlands , both of Cape Town , and A . Reiss , 22 5 2 , Barkley East , all in the Cape Colony ; J . L .
Brown , 9 6 , and VV . A . Love , D . G . H . P , both of Atlanta , Georgia ; W . II . Pleasants , Grand Master , Roanoke , J . C Robinson , VV . M . . 5 , Hampton , and VV . E . Turner , P . M . D , Richmond , all of Virginia ; A . S . Harrison , P . M . <> -, Dumfries ; J . R . Gray , 2197 ; VV . Cooper , 1342 , P . P . G . D . i F . Turnbull , 481 ; T . Pickering , 24 ; E . T . Dodds , i 6 jo ; 1 . T . Darby , 13 S 0 : C . 1 . lloaic W . M . mtS ; VV . li .
Marshall , 938 , P . P . G . R . ; E . H . Buck , 2153 ; F * J * Stringfellow , S 14 , P . P . G . Std . Hr . ; A . E . Weig htman , 2 iy 5 ; E . G . Walthew , P . M . iyi 5 ; VV . E . Cook , P . D . G . U . and Surgeon-Major F . M . Baker , 340 , both of Malta ; J ; H . Davis , P . M . 33 ; Dr . A . Miller , VV . M . 240 S ; T . C Lazenby , 297 , P . P . A . G . D . C . ; P . U . Preston , 357 ; A . J . Potter , 357 ; C . A . Ferrier , 2021 ,: A . XV . Hump hreys ,
< ) 33 ; and J . L . Barrett , P . M . 1201 . liro . Rev . C J . Ball read a paper entitled "The proper names of Masonic tradition— a philological study . " Itbeins absolutely impossible even to give a resume of the paper here , it must suffice to say that Bro . Ball took up one aiier another the names connected with our traditions , explain '"!? their meanings , and philologieally tracing ihem to their source , and accounting for the ronamtions and variants in
use at one time or another . One of his conclusions is interesting in the highest degree , as he is convinced that whoever invented the ceremonies must have been either a Jew or assisted by Jews , and that this must have taken place before the modern revival of learning , /•- *'•¦ . ' medi .-cval times . We shall look forward to the opportunity of careiully studying the lecture in the printed " lra " ' actions" of the lodge , and trust some means may . devised by which a great part of it may be publishe •Some of it , we fear , and that thc most interesting , may