Article Craft Masonry. ← Page 2 of 2 Article PROVINCIAL MEETINGS. Page 1 of 1 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1 Article Red Cross of Rome and Constantine. Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC GARDEN PARTY. Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC GARDEN PARTY. Page 1 of 1 Article THE LATE DUKE OF CLARENCE. Page 1 of 1 Article Obituary. Page 1 of 1
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Craft Masonry.
found totally impossible to publish with any regard to our 0 B . The paper was discussed by Bros . Speth , Hughan , Williams , and the W . M ., and a hearty vote of thanks was tendered to the lecturer . Bro . J . Balfour Cockburn exhibited a large oil painting , which had been lent him by a friend for the purpose . It consisted of an archway at the head of a flight of steps , under which stood a VV . M ., and n each side of him , at a lower level , a Warden , all three
clothed in blue aprons and red collars . The owner , a collector and connoisseur , believes from peculiarities of treatment that the picture is a Gainsborough , and the Warden to the right of the spectator is Gainsborough himself . Should this suggestion prove correct it will be very interesting , as it has never yet been even hinted that the celebrated painter of last century was a Freemason . It is hoped that the owner will allow the picture to be reproduced Transactionsof the At the of
in the " " lodge . request Uro . Steer , the Secretary exhibited a handsome jewel , in order to determine ils origin . It was , however , immediately recognised as a Past Master ' s jewel of the Free Gardeners , and therefore not Masonic , though evidently an imitation ( with a very curious addition of an open pruning knife ) of the S . and C . resting on the V . O . T . S . L . A letter from the M . W . G . M ., the Prince oi Wales , thanking the lodge for the last volumes of their publications , was read , as was
also one from the son of the late Bro . MacCalla , m reply to the condolences of the lodge . The Tyler , Bro . Freeman , presented the lodge with a rough and smooth ashlar and tripod , made by him out of materials of historic interest , and the thanks of the lodge were heartily accorded him . Bro . Cumberland promised to supply the lodge with a cushion which it still needed , and desired to suggest that , in the interest of City members , the lodge might meet half an hour later , which the W . M . promised should be taken into consideration . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to the Holborn Restaurant for refreshment .
Provincial Meetings.
BELVEDERE . Saye and Sele Lodge ( No . 1973 ) . —An emergency meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Rooms on the 27 th ult ., when the accounts of the past year were considered and approved , and other formal business transacted , to clear the way for the installation meeting on lhe iSth inst ., at which the W . M . elect , Bro . Thos . Heaps ,
will be installed in the chair of the lodge . Bro . Heaps has proved an enthusiastic and able Secretary for many years , and it has been almost unwillingly he has yielded to the unanimous wish of his brethren and served a Wardenship to qualify himself for the highest position . With so popular a head this lodge should prosper in its new year . A worthy P . M ., Bro . Dr . Elliot , was appointed one of the Prov . Grand Stewards at the recent P . G . Lodge meeting at Ramsgate .
GODALMING . Bramston Beach Lodge ( No . 2101 ) . —The installation meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Hall , on Thursday , the 23 rd ult ., when Bro . M . VV . Dodge , J . W ., ' was duly installed as VV . M . for the ensuing year , Bro . Gibbs , P . M ., acting as Installing Master . The following brethren were invested as officers : Bros . John
Agate , I . P . M . ; J . Debenham , S . VV . ; W . J . Pitchers , I . W . ; G . Jones , Treas . ; F . M . Hayden , Sec ; Brunsden , S . D . ; j . J . Taylor , J . D . ; L . H . Luck , I . G . ; Chilman , D . C . ; Rothwell , Stwd . ; and Bedford , Tyler . After the installation the brethren retired to the banqueting hall , where a sumptuous repast was provided by the able and energetic proprietor of the Angel Hotel , Bro . Taylor .
lhe usual Masonic toasts , interspersed with some excellent harmony by Bros . Gaines , Gilmour , and Rothwell , and several other brethren , contributed largely towards the success of a very p leasant evening . Among the visitors present were Bros . Baverstock , W . M ., and Cheel , S . W ., of 777 ; Durant , J . D . 1298 ; Hardy , J . VV . 14110 ; Broderick , P . M . 15 ( 14 ; Gilmour , J . I ) . 1950 ; Miles , P . M . 2234 ; and other brethren .
RUGELEY . St . Augustine ' s Lodge ( No . 1941 ) . —The ordinary meeting of this lodge was held at the Shrewsbury Arms Hotel , on the 21 st ult ., when the following members were present : Bros . John Hackett , VV . M . ; G . Buttery , ^•S ., P . P . G . S . B ., I . P . M . ; W . Foggo , P . M . ; G . Gee , P . M . ; C . VV . Bullivant , S . W .: Walter Webster , I . W .
. (• Robinson , Treas . ; W . Fairley , Sec . ; VV . Coultman , J . O . ; W . E . Marples , W . M . 220-, D . C . ; E . Banks , E . Ljark , E . VV . Johns , and Thos . Turner . Bro . J . D . Murray , P . M . Lindsay Lodge , Grand Treas . of England , was present as a visitor . The ceremony of initiation was gone through , Bro . Elias Clark taking the place of the candidate . After various
communications had been made , Bro . Buttery , I . P . M ., proposed , and Bro . Hackett , VV . M ., seconded , " That the hest congratulations of the lodge be given to Bro . Murray , Jaiand Treasurer of England , for the honour he has given t » the members in visiting them , " which was carried unanimousl y , and to which Bro . Murray made a suitable reply .
Y 0 RK - Albert Victor Lodge ( No . 2328 ) . —A somewhat unusual and interesting event in connection with this ' •Wge took place on Friday last ( Midsummer St . John's •,. y . > at Freemasons' Hall , St . Saviourgate , when Bro . ' ¦ 0 . Whytehead , P . G . S . B ., initiated into Freemasonry his ew " ' . t son ( Mr . William Wastell Droueht Whvtehead ) who
° ™ tday attained his 21 st year of age . There was a ta * , , " 1 ' ; lan < "e of brethren , and Bro . Whytehead enter-0 f ™ his guests at dinner several representative members other lodges . Amongst the members present were Bros . V * ' -. Swift , W . M . : C E . L . Wriirht . S . W .: I . E .
joncs , j _ . Wm Uwton , P . M ., P . P . G . Reg ., Treas . ; V"f * Turner , Sec ; F . Shaun , S . D . ; Col . Russell , Car n •Padcl - R * y * ' R P ' ' ° " * * and J-Pthe \ i ¦* * - s' Apologies for absence were received from ca «| ., members . The ceremony was worked by the " 1 •' father , and the charge w : is given by the Worshipful Master .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
p ,,., CAMBRIDGE . ytaViw & oras Chapter ( No . 88 ) . —The half . J * convocation of this chapter was held fat the Lion
Royal Arch.
Hotel , on Wednesday , the 22 nd ult ., when upwards of 30 companions attended , including four visitors . The Principals' chairs were occupied by Comps . B . Chennell , P . Z . ; J . V . Pryor , H . ; and W . Purchas , J . ; whilst the work of the Principal Sojourner was ably performed by Comp . XV . P . Spalding . Comp . Oliver Papworth , Z ., was unable to be present . Bros . J . Gordon Chennell , VV lames , and L Bester were exalted , Comps . Chennell and
A . H . Moyes , P . Z ., S . E ., assisting in the ceremony . The following Principals and officers were elected for the ensuing year : Comps . J . V . Pryor , Z . ; VV . Purchas , I-L ; Frank Piggott , J . ; A . H . MoyeS , P . Z ., S . E . ; VV . P . Spalding , S . N . ; T . Hunnybun , Treas . ; VV . Hutchinson , P . S . ; C . W . Redin , ist A . S . ; H . S . Davison , 2 nd A . S .: Rev .
L . R . Tuttiett , Org . ; T . Nicholls , P . Z ., Stwd . ; C . H . Ellis , Janitor ; and C . F . Charlton and J . H . Moyes , Auditors . At the subsequent banquet Comp . E . M . Money said he was well acquainted with the work of London chapters , but he must say they had something to learn , as he had never seen work like that which had been so ably done in this old country chapter .
Red Cross Of Rome And Constantine.
Red Cross of Rome and Constantine .
INSTALLATION OF INTENDANT GENE RAI , OF KENT . A meeting of the Saye and Sele Conclave , No . 122 , was held in the Masonic Rooms , Belvedere , Kent , on the 17 th ult ., at which the M . P . S ., Sir Knight Fletcher , presided , assisted by his officers . Bros . Richard Clowes and Chris . G . Cutchey were duly installed knights of the Order by the M . P . S ., after which the
throne was assumed b y Sir Knight Bateman , P . S ., Divisional Recorder of Kent and G . O . England , and Sir Knight Willoughby G . Weiss , V . E . and M . P . S . elect , was presented and enthroned in the chair . Having appointed and invested the officers for the ensuing year , the M . P . S . presented a Past Sovereign ' s jewel to Sir Knight Fletcher , congratulating him on the
manner in which he had worked the ceremonies during his year of office . The DIVISIONAL RECORDER then announced that the new lntendant General of Kent , Sir Knight the Rev . Hayman Cummings , P . S ., D . G . H . P . Kent , and P . G . H . P . England , was without , and demanded admission that he might be installed into his office .
The arch of steel having been formed , 111 . Sir Knight C . F . Matier , Grand Recorder of England , lntendant General for Lancashire , accompanied by Sir Knight Robert Berridge , Grand Marshal , entered , and Sir Knight Matier assumed the throne . Sir Knight BERRIDGE , acting as D . C , then presented Sir Knight Cummings , and read the patent of
appointment to the vacant post of lntendant General of Kent , issued by the Most Illustrious Grand Sovereign , Sir Francis Burdett . Sir Knight MATIER having referred to the distinguished services to the Order , especially in Kent , conferred by the late lntendant General , Sir Knight Frederic Wood , who had recently resigned his
appointment , congratulated the division on the appointment of so distinguished a successor , and proceeded to obligate and invest Sir Knight Cummings , and having placed him on the throne , the D . C . called upon the sir knights to salute their new chief . Sir Knight CUMMINGS expressed his thanks to Sir Knights Matier and Berridge for coming down to install
him in his new office , and addressed the members of the Order present , urging them to remember and act up to their watchwords , "Faith , Unity , and Zeal , " and impressed upon them that such action on their part would ensure a successful work in the future far surpassing anything that had been hitherto achieved , and promised for his part to do all in his power to
justify the confidence now reposed in him . The INTENDANT GENERAL then announced that the Annual Divisional Conclave would be held at Chatham at an early date , and the Saye and Sele Conclave was closed . A banquet was subsequently held , presided over by the M . P . S ., at which the toasts usual to Christian
Masonry were duly honoured . Sir Knights MATIER and BERRIDGE responded for "The Grand Officers , " both again congratulating the Division of Kent on their new head . Amongst those present were Sir Knights Jolly , P . S ., Penfold , P . S ., and Robinson , P . S ., ot 122 ; Cobham , P . S ., and Brice , P . S ., of 147 ; and Holmes , V . E ., and Dr . Burney , P . G . Treas . of 148 .
Masonic Garden Party.
Bro . Col . and ex-Sheriff and Mrs . Thomas Clarke gave a charming garden party on Wednesday afternoon , the 22 nd ult ., at their residence , " The Gables , " in Upper Hamilton-terrace , to the Worshipful Master and brethren of the Alliance Lodge , No . 1827 . The
afternoon was fine , and the terrace and spacious lawn presented a very animated and pretty appearance . The Right Hon . the Lord Mayor was expected , but at the last moment found himself unable to attend ; however , the Lady Mayoress came and stayed some time . The company numbered about 250 , a large proportion of the gentlemen present being members of
the Craft . Amongst others we noticed Bro . Sir J . B . Monckton , P . G . W . ; Col . T . Davies Sewell , P . M . 1827 , P . G . S ., and the Misses Sewell ; Bro . G . A . Pickering , 29 , G . S . ; Captain E . Pugh , 1827 , and Miss Pugh ; Bros . James Curtis , A . Smythson , 106 7 ; ex-Under Sheriff Thos . Beard , 101 ; Orlton Cooper , W . M . 211 ; Admiral Sir E . A . Inglefield , K . C . B .,
Masonic Garden Party.
F . R . S ., 2127 , P . J . G . W . ; and Capt . Herbert Hart , 466 ; Bro . J . E . Turner , P . M . 1827 , and Mrs . Turner ; Bro . Joseph Sawyer , F . R . I . B . A ., P . M . 985 , and Mrs . Sawyer ; Bro . J . Carlyon Hughes , 1 S 27 , and Mrs . Hughes ; Bros . Fredk . West , P . G . D ., D . P . G . M . Surrey ; and Charles Bertram , J . W . 1614 ; Bro . Lieut .-Col . C . G . Brown , 15 S 9 , and Mrs . Brown ; Bro . T . Bull
, P . M . 145 , and Mrs . Bull ; Bros . Edward Fenner , P . M . 1 ; Thos . Caparn , P . M . 92 S ; and Capt . Vickers Dunfee , J . D . 1 S 27 ; Bro . Hy . Squire , C . C , P . M . 1827 , and Mrs . Squire ; Bro . Wm . Westcott , I . G . 1827 ; Dr . GreatRex , P . M . , and Mrs . GreatRex ; Bro . C . H . Garland , 21 ; Bro . Alban G . H . Gibbs , P . M . 1827 , and Mrs . Gibbs ; Bro . ex-Sheriff Sir Augustus Harris
, P . M . 2127 , and Lady Harris ; Bro . Edward Terry , 29 , P . G . Treas ., and Mrs . Terry ; Bros . D . R . Ratcliff , J . P ., 114 ; W . J . Crump , P . M . 58 , P . G . Stwd ., P . J . G . W . Essex ; W . Eckstein , 1196 ; J . Pearson , P . M . 1196 ; and Sidney G . Gamble , P . M . 362 , P . P . S . G . W . Lincolnshire ; Bro . Dr . W . H . Piatt , W . M . elect 163 *; , and Mrs . Piatt ; Bro . Frank S . Jackson , W . M . 1827 ; Bro . C . T .
Rodney Wilde , J . W . 1827 , Mrs ., and Miss Wilde ; Bros . Dr . L . Thelwall , I . G . 157 ; J . E . Beckett , P . M . 1261 ; H . J . Hunter , 157 ; T . E . Marshall , 72 ; Wm . Lake , P . M ., Sec . 2020 , and Miss Lake ; S . V . Abraham , 1017 , G . P . ; Bro . Capt . Henry Wright , P . M . 1827 , and Mrs . Wright ; Bro . N . Goodwin , Stwd . 1768 ; Bro . Henry Clarke , C . C , L . C . C , P . M ., Treas . 1827 , and
Mrs . Clark ; Bro . Alfred J . Hollington , C . C , L . C . C , P . M . 58 , P . G . S ., and Mrs . Hollington ; Bro . Walter D . Cronin , 172 ; Bro . Dr . Clement Godson , 259 , P . G . S . ; Bro . W . T . Roberts , 1827 , and Mrs . Roberts ; Bro . Lieut .-Col . J . Perry Godfrey , P . M . 1 S 27 ; Bro . Major Lewis H . Isaacs , M . P ., P . M . 1974 , and Miss Isaacs ; Bros . W . J . Mathers , 101 ; T . W . Coffin , P . M . 18 9 ; and Col
. Jas . Peters , P . G . S . B . ; Bro . G . Hand , 1827 , and Mrs . Hand ; Bros . Canon R . Duckworth , late 3 ; Baron de Bush , 1827 ; and R . A . Bush , P . M . 165 ; Bro . F . A . Jewson , Org . 1827 , and Mrs . Jewson ; Bro . W . J . D . Andrew , 1768 ; Bro . R . T . Wragg , 1827 , and the Misses Wragg ; Bros . R . G . Glover , D . C . 259 ; C . Harding , P . A . G . D . C . Eng . ; and J . FurgusonP . M .
, 1691 ; Bro . Dr . H . W . Hamilton Ranee , W . M . 859 , Mrs ., and Miss Rarice ; Bro . Capt . W . H . Thomas , P . M . and Org . 1491 , and Miss Thomas ; Bro . P . Saillard , 2026 , and Miss Saillard ; and many others . During the entertainment , which lasted from 4 to 7 p . m ., Bro . Dan Godfrey ' s orchestral band performed an excellent selection of music , while the services of
Mr . Ben Nathan , Bro . Charles Bertram , and Mr . Albert Reakes were requisitioned as entertainers , and were each exceedingly good in their way . The usual menu on such occasions was discussed , and in addition to the ever welcome strawberries and cream , ices , and iced drinks of all kinds , a speciality was the American
buffet supplied by Messrs . Spiers and Pond , who dispensed a great variety of Yankee beverages . The garden party was unanimously voted a great success , and was liberally and admirably carried through by our worthy Bro . Colonel Clarke and his charming wife , who were most persistent in their attentions to their guests .
The Late Duke Of Clarence.
MASONIC VISIT TO ST . GEORGE ' CHAPEL . By special permission of the Queen , graciously granted through the intervention of the M . W . G . M ., H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , the officers and brethren of the Province of Berkshire were enabled on Tuesday afternoon , the 28 th ult ., to pay a tribute of respect to the
memory of their late Provincial Grand Master , the Duke of Clarence and Avondale , by visiting the Memorial Chapel at Windsor , in which rest the remains of thc young Prince . The Berkshire brethren had , at an earlier period of the afternoon , assembled in Provincial Grand Lodge , held at the Guildhall , under the presidency of the Deputy Provincial Grand Master ,
Bro . John Thornhill Morland , who , barely 18 months ago , was installed in office by the late Duke . At the conclusion of the lodge business all the brethren , representing the thirteen lodges in the royal county , proceeded to the Memorial Chapel , and walked round the remains of their late Provincial Grand Master , some of them depositing sprigs of acacia , according to
Masonic custom . The coffin is still enveloped in the silken flag , and covered and encircled b y floral tributes from the members of the Royal Famil y and others . The privilege of entering the chapel was strictly conlined to thebrethren . The Provincial Grand Secretary , Bro . Martin , was requested to convey the thanks of the brethren to the Queen and Prince of Wales for the special permission to visit the church .
Obituary .
BRO . JOHN BOOTH . We have to record the death , at the age of 7 6 , of Bio . John Booth , of Heckmondwike , which took place on Monday , the 27 th ult . Bro . fohn Booth was
initiated in Lodge No . 322—now 258—on 23 rd January , 1850 , and was W . M . in 1853 and 1864 , and an active member all his life , having served every office in the lodee . He was exalted in Chanter Nn . 12 a—nni > •-
•••«—on November 13 th , 1851 , was Z . in 1855 , and a subscribing member till his death . He was always ready to give assistance to lodges and chapters , and of late years particularly to Royal Arch chapters . He was made a
i'rov . uraud Warden in 1874 and Prov . G . J . in 1877 . His genial face will be missed by numerous friends , and by none more than the Freemasons of West Yorkshire ,
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Craft Masonry.
found totally impossible to publish with any regard to our 0 B . The paper was discussed by Bros . Speth , Hughan , Williams , and the W . M ., and a hearty vote of thanks was tendered to the lecturer . Bro . J . Balfour Cockburn exhibited a large oil painting , which had been lent him by a friend for the purpose . It consisted of an archway at the head of a flight of steps , under which stood a VV . M ., and n each side of him , at a lower level , a Warden , all three
clothed in blue aprons and red collars . The owner , a collector and connoisseur , believes from peculiarities of treatment that the picture is a Gainsborough , and the Warden to the right of the spectator is Gainsborough himself . Should this suggestion prove correct it will be very interesting , as it has never yet been even hinted that the celebrated painter of last century was a Freemason . It is hoped that the owner will allow the picture to be reproduced Transactionsof the At the of
in the " " lodge . request Uro . Steer , the Secretary exhibited a handsome jewel , in order to determine ils origin . It was , however , immediately recognised as a Past Master ' s jewel of the Free Gardeners , and therefore not Masonic , though evidently an imitation ( with a very curious addition of an open pruning knife ) of the S . and C . resting on the V . O . T . S . L . A letter from the M . W . G . M ., the Prince oi Wales , thanking the lodge for the last volumes of their publications , was read , as was
also one from the son of the late Bro . MacCalla , m reply to the condolences of the lodge . The Tyler , Bro . Freeman , presented the lodge with a rough and smooth ashlar and tripod , made by him out of materials of historic interest , and the thanks of the lodge were heartily accorded him . Bro . Cumberland promised to supply the lodge with a cushion which it still needed , and desired to suggest that , in the interest of City members , the lodge might meet half an hour later , which the W . M . promised should be taken into consideration . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to the Holborn Restaurant for refreshment .
Provincial Meetings.
BELVEDERE . Saye and Sele Lodge ( No . 1973 ) . —An emergency meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Rooms on the 27 th ult ., when the accounts of the past year were considered and approved , and other formal business transacted , to clear the way for the installation meeting on lhe iSth inst ., at which the W . M . elect , Bro . Thos . Heaps ,
will be installed in the chair of the lodge . Bro . Heaps has proved an enthusiastic and able Secretary for many years , and it has been almost unwillingly he has yielded to the unanimous wish of his brethren and served a Wardenship to qualify himself for the highest position . With so popular a head this lodge should prosper in its new year . A worthy P . M ., Bro . Dr . Elliot , was appointed one of the Prov . Grand Stewards at the recent P . G . Lodge meeting at Ramsgate .
GODALMING . Bramston Beach Lodge ( No . 2101 ) . —The installation meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Hall , on Thursday , the 23 rd ult ., when Bro . M . VV . Dodge , J . W ., ' was duly installed as VV . M . for the ensuing year , Bro . Gibbs , P . M ., acting as Installing Master . The following brethren were invested as officers : Bros . John
Agate , I . P . M . ; J . Debenham , S . VV . ; W . J . Pitchers , I . W . ; G . Jones , Treas . ; F . M . Hayden , Sec ; Brunsden , S . D . ; j . J . Taylor , J . D . ; L . H . Luck , I . G . ; Chilman , D . C . ; Rothwell , Stwd . ; and Bedford , Tyler . After the installation the brethren retired to the banqueting hall , where a sumptuous repast was provided by the able and energetic proprietor of the Angel Hotel , Bro . Taylor .
lhe usual Masonic toasts , interspersed with some excellent harmony by Bros . Gaines , Gilmour , and Rothwell , and several other brethren , contributed largely towards the success of a very p leasant evening . Among the visitors present were Bros . Baverstock , W . M ., and Cheel , S . W ., of 777 ; Durant , J . D . 1298 ; Hardy , J . VV . 14110 ; Broderick , P . M . 15 ( 14 ; Gilmour , J . I ) . 1950 ; Miles , P . M . 2234 ; and other brethren .
RUGELEY . St . Augustine ' s Lodge ( No . 1941 ) . —The ordinary meeting of this lodge was held at the Shrewsbury Arms Hotel , on the 21 st ult ., when the following members were present : Bros . John Hackett , VV . M . ; G . Buttery , ^•S ., P . P . G . S . B ., I . P . M . ; W . Foggo , P . M . ; G . Gee , P . M . ; C . VV . Bullivant , S . W .: Walter Webster , I . W .
. (• Robinson , Treas . ; W . Fairley , Sec . ; VV . Coultman , J . O . ; W . E . Marples , W . M . 220-, D . C . ; E . Banks , E . Ljark , E . VV . Johns , and Thos . Turner . Bro . J . D . Murray , P . M . Lindsay Lodge , Grand Treas . of England , was present as a visitor . The ceremony of initiation was gone through , Bro . Elias Clark taking the place of the candidate . After various
communications had been made , Bro . Buttery , I . P . M ., proposed , and Bro . Hackett , VV . M ., seconded , " That the hest congratulations of the lodge be given to Bro . Murray , Jaiand Treasurer of England , for the honour he has given t » the members in visiting them , " which was carried unanimousl y , and to which Bro . Murray made a suitable reply .
Y 0 RK - Albert Victor Lodge ( No . 2328 ) . —A somewhat unusual and interesting event in connection with this ' •Wge took place on Friday last ( Midsummer St . John's •,. y . > at Freemasons' Hall , St . Saviourgate , when Bro . ' ¦ 0 . Whytehead , P . G . S . B ., initiated into Freemasonry his ew " ' . t son ( Mr . William Wastell Droueht Whvtehead ) who
° ™ tday attained his 21 st year of age . There was a ta * , , " 1 ' ; lan < "e of brethren , and Bro . Whytehead enter-0 f ™ his guests at dinner several representative members other lodges . Amongst the members present were Bros . V * ' -. Swift , W . M . : C E . L . Wriirht . S . W .: I . E .
joncs , j _ . Wm Uwton , P . M ., P . P . G . Reg ., Treas . ; V"f * Turner , Sec ; F . Shaun , S . D . ; Col . Russell , Car n •Padcl - R * y * ' R P ' ' ° " * * and J-Pthe \ i ¦* * - s' Apologies for absence were received from ca «| ., members . The ceremony was worked by the " 1 •' father , and the charge w : is given by the Worshipful Master .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
p ,,., CAMBRIDGE . ytaViw & oras Chapter ( No . 88 ) . —The half . J * convocation of this chapter was held fat the Lion
Royal Arch.
Hotel , on Wednesday , the 22 nd ult ., when upwards of 30 companions attended , including four visitors . The Principals' chairs were occupied by Comps . B . Chennell , P . Z . ; J . V . Pryor , H . ; and W . Purchas , J . ; whilst the work of the Principal Sojourner was ably performed by Comp . XV . P . Spalding . Comp . Oliver Papworth , Z ., was unable to be present . Bros . J . Gordon Chennell , VV lames , and L Bester were exalted , Comps . Chennell and
A . H . Moyes , P . Z ., S . E ., assisting in the ceremony . The following Principals and officers were elected for the ensuing year : Comps . J . V . Pryor , Z . ; VV . Purchas , I-L ; Frank Piggott , J . ; A . H . MoyeS , P . Z ., S . E . ; VV . P . Spalding , S . N . ; T . Hunnybun , Treas . ; VV . Hutchinson , P . S . ; C . W . Redin , ist A . S . ; H . S . Davison , 2 nd A . S .: Rev .
L . R . Tuttiett , Org . ; T . Nicholls , P . Z ., Stwd . ; C . H . Ellis , Janitor ; and C . F . Charlton and J . H . Moyes , Auditors . At the subsequent banquet Comp . E . M . Money said he was well acquainted with the work of London chapters , but he must say they had something to learn , as he had never seen work like that which had been so ably done in this old country chapter .
Red Cross Of Rome And Constantine.
Red Cross of Rome and Constantine .
INSTALLATION OF INTENDANT GENE RAI , OF KENT . A meeting of the Saye and Sele Conclave , No . 122 , was held in the Masonic Rooms , Belvedere , Kent , on the 17 th ult ., at which the M . P . S ., Sir Knight Fletcher , presided , assisted by his officers . Bros . Richard Clowes and Chris . G . Cutchey were duly installed knights of the Order by the M . P . S ., after which the
throne was assumed b y Sir Knight Bateman , P . S ., Divisional Recorder of Kent and G . O . England , and Sir Knight Willoughby G . Weiss , V . E . and M . P . S . elect , was presented and enthroned in the chair . Having appointed and invested the officers for the ensuing year , the M . P . S . presented a Past Sovereign ' s jewel to Sir Knight Fletcher , congratulating him on the
manner in which he had worked the ceremonies during his year of office . The DIVISIONAL RECORDER then announced that the new lntendant General of Kent , Sir Knight the Rev . Hayman Cummings , P . S ., D . G . H . P . Kent , and P . G . H . P . England , was without , and demanded admission that he might be installed into his office .
The arch of steel having been formed , 111 . Sir Knight C . F . Matier , Grand Recorder of England , lntendant General for Lancashire , accompanied by Sir Knight Robert Berridge , Grand Marshal , entered , and Sir Knight Matier assumed the throne . Sir Knight BERRIDGE , acting as D . C , then presented Sir Knight Cummings , and read the patent of
appointment to the vacant post of lntendant General of Kent , issued by the Most Illustrious Grand Sovereign , Sir Francis Burdett . Sir Knight MATIER having referred to the distinguished services to the Order , especially in Kent , conferred by the late lntendant General , Sir Knight Frederic Wood , who had recently resigned his
appointment , congratulated the division on the appointment of so distinguished a successor , and proceeded to obligate and invest Sir Knight Cummings , and having placed him on the throne , the D . C . called upon the sir knights to salute their new chief . Sir Knight CUMMINGS expressed his thanks to Sir Knights Matier and Berridge for coming down to install
him in his new office , and addressed the members of the Order present , urging them to remember and act up to their watchwords , "Faith , Unity , and Zeal , " and impressed upon them that such action on their part would ensure a successful work in the future far surpassing anything that had been hitherto achieved , and promised for his part to do all in his power to
justify the confidence now reposed in him . The INTENDANT GENERAL then announced that the Annual Divisional Conclave would be held at Chatham at an early date , and the Saye and Sele Conclave was closed . A banquet was subsequently held , presided over by the M . P . S ., at which the toasts usual to Christian
Masonry were duly honoured . Sir Knights MATIER and BERRIDGE responded for "The Grand Officers , " both again congratulating the Division of Kent on their new head . Amongst those present were Sir Knights Jolly , P . S ., Penfold , P . S ., and Robinson , P . S ., ot 122 ; Cobham , P . S ., and Brice , P . S ., of 147 ; and Holmes , V . E ., and Dr . Burney , P . G . Treas . of 148 .
Masonic Garden Party.
Bro . Col . and ex-Sheriff and Mrs . Thomas Clarke gave a charming garden party on Wednesday afternoon , the 22 nd ult ., at their residence , " The Gables , " in Upper Hamilton-terrace , to the Worshipful Master and brethren of the Alliance Lodge , No . 1827 . The
afternoon was fine , and the terrace and spacious lawn presented a very animated and pretty appearance . The Right Hon . the Lord Mayor was expected , but at the last moment found himself unable to attend ; however , the Lady Mayoress came and stayed some time . The company numbered about 250 , a large proportion of the gentlemen present being members of
the Craft . Amongst others we noticed Bro . Sir J . B . Monckton , P . G . W . ; Col . T . Davies Sewell , P . M . 1827 , P . G . S ., and the Misses Sewell ; Bro . G . A . Pickering , 29 , G . S . ; Captain E . Pugh , 1827 , and Miss Pugh ; Bros . James Curtis , A . Smythson , 106 7 ; ex-Under Sheriff Thos . Beard , 101 ; Orlton Cooper , W . M . 211 ; Admiral Sir E . A . Inglefield , K . C . B .,
Masonic Garden Party.
F . R . S ., 2127 , P . J . G . W . ; and Capt . Herbert Hart , 466 ; Bro . J . E . Turner , P . M . 1827 , and Mrs . Turner ; Bro . Joseph Sawyer , F . R . I . B . A ., P . M . 985 , and Mrs . Sawyer ; Bro . J . Carlyon Hughes , 1 S 27 , and Mrs . Hughes ; Bros . Fredk . West , P . G . D ., D . P . G . M . Surrey ; and Charles Bertram , J . W . 1614 ; Bro . Lieut .-Col . C . G . Brown , 15 S 9 , and Mrs . Brown ; Bro . T . Bull
, P . M . 145 , and Mrs . Bull ; Bros . Edward Fenner , P . M . 1 ; Thos . Caparn , P . M . 92 S ; and Capt . Vickers Dunfee , J . D . 1 S 27 ; Bro . Hy . Squire , C . C , P . M . 1827 , and Mrs . Squire ; Bro . Wm . Westcott , I . G . 1827 ; Dr . GreatRex , P . M . , and Mrs . GreatRex ; Bro . C . H . Garland , 21 ; Bro . Alban G . H . Gibbs , P . M . 1827 , and Mrs . Gibbs ; Bro . ex-Sheriff Sir Augustus Harris
, P . M . 2127 , and Lady Harris ; Bro . Edward Terry , 29 , P . G . Treas ., and Mrs . Terry ; Bros . D . R . Ratcliff , J . P ., 114 ; W . J . Crump , P . M . 58 , P . G . Stwd ., P . J . G . W . Essex ; W . Eckstein , 1196 ; J . Pearson , P . M . 1196 ; and Sidney G . Gamble , P . M . 362 , P . P . S . G . W . Lincolnshire ; Bro . Dr . W . H . Piatt , W . M . elect 163 *; , and Mrs . Piatt ; Bro . Frank S . Jackson , W . M . 1827 ; Bro . C . T .
Rodney Wilde , J . W . 1827 , Mrs ., and Miss Wilde ; Bros . Dr . L . Thelwall , I . G . 157 ; J . E . Beckett , P . M . 1261 ; H . J . Hunter , 157 ; T . E . Marshall , 72 ; Wm . Lake , P . M ., Sec . 2020 , and Miss Lake ; S . V . Abraham , 1017 , G . P . ; Bro . Capt . Henry Wright , P . M . 1827 , and Mrs . Wright ; Bro . N . Goodwin , Stwd . 1768 ; Bro . Henry Clarke , C . C , L . C . C , P . M ., Treas . 1827 , and
Mrs . Clark ; Bro . Alfred J . Hollington , C . C , L . C . C , P . M . 58 , P . G . S ., and Mrs . Hollington ; Bro . Walter D . Cronin , 172 ; Bro . Dr . Clement Godson , 259 , P . G . S . ; Bro . W . T . Roberts , 1827 , and Mrs . Roberts ; Bro . Lieut .-Col . J . Perry Godfrey , P . M . 1 S 27 ; Bro . Major Lewis H . Isaacs , M . P ., P . M . 1974 , and Miss Isaacs ; Bros . W . J . Mathers , 101 ; T . W . Coffin , P . M . 18 9 ; and Col
. Jas . Peters , P . G . S . B . ; Bro . G . Hand , 1827 , and Mrs . Hand ; Bros . Canon R . Duckworth , late 3 ; Baron de Bush , 1827 ; and R . A . Bush , P . M . 165 ; Bro . F . A . Jewson , Org . 1827 , and Mrs . Jewson ; Bro . W . J . D . Andrew , 1768 ; Bro . R . T . Wragg , 1827 , and the Misses Wragg ; Bros . R . G . Glover , D . C . 259 ; C . Harding , P . A . G . D . C . Eng . ; and J . FurgusonP . M .
, 1691 ; Bro . Dr . H . W . Hamilton Ranee , W . M . 859 , Mrs ., and Miss Rarice ; Bro . Capt . W . H . Thomas , P . M . and Org . 1491 , and Miss Thomas ; Bro . P . Saillard , 2026 , and Miss Saillard ; and many others . During the entertainment , which lasted from 4 to 7 p . m ., Bro . Dan Godfrey ' s orchestral band performed an excellent selection of music , while the services of
Mr . Ben Nathan , Bro . Charles Bertram , and Mr . Albert Reakes were requisitioned as entertainers , and were each exceedingly good in their way . The usual menu on such occasions was discussed , and in addition to the ever welcome strawberries and cream , ices , and iced drinks of all kinds , a speciality was the American
buffet supplied by Messrs . Spiers and Pond , who dispensed a great variety of Yankee beverages . The garden party was unanimously voted a great success , and was liberally and admirably carried through by our worthy Bro . Colonel Clarke and his charming wife , who were most persistent in their attentions to their guests .
The Late Duke Of Clarence.
MASONIC VISIT TO ST . GEORGE ' CHAPEL . By special permission of the Queen , graciously granted through the intervention of the M . W . G . M ., H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , the officers and brethren of the Province of Berkshire were enabled on Tuesday afternoon , the 28 th ult ., to pay a tribute of respect to the
memory of their late Provincial Grand Master , the Duke of Clarence and Avondale , by visiting the Memorial Chapel at Windsor , in which rest the remains of thc young Prince . The Berkshire brethren had , at an earlier period of the afternoon , assembled in Provincial Grand Lodge , held at the Guildhall , under the presidency of the Deputy Provincial Grand Master ,
Bro . John Thornhill Morland , who , barely 18 months ago , was installed in office by the late Duke . At the conclusion of the lodge business all the brethren , representing the thirteen lodges in the royal county , proceeded to the Memorial Chapel , and walked round the remains of their late Provincial Grand Master , some of them depositing sprigs of acacia , according to
Masonic custom . The coffin is still enveloped in the silken flag , and covered and encircled b y floral tributes from the members of the Royal Famil y and others . The privilege of entering the chapel was strictly conlined to thebrethren . The Provincial Grand Secretary , Bro . Martin , was requested to convey the thanks of the brethren to the Queen and Prince of Wales for the special permission to visit the church .
Obituary .
BRO . JOHN BOOTH . We have to record the death , at the age of 7 6 , of Bio . John Booth , of Heckmondwike , which took place on Monday , the 27 th ult . Bro . fohn Booth was
initiated in Lodge No . 322—now 258—on 23 rd January , 1850 , and was W . M . in 1853 and 1864 , and an active member all his life , having served every office in the lodee . He was exalted in Chanter Nn . 12 a—nni > •-
•••«—on November 13 th , 1851 , was Z . in 1855 , and a subscribing member till his death . He was always ready to give assistance to lodges and chapters , and of late years particularly to Royal Arch chapters . He was made a
i'rov . uraud Warden in 1874 and Prov . G . J . in 1877 . His genial face will be missed by numerous friends , and by none more than the Freemasons of West Yorkshire ,