Article METROPOLITAN MASONIC MEETINGS. ← Page 2 of 2 Article METROPOLITAN MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 2 of 2 Article MASONIC MEETINGS IN LIVERPOOL, &c. Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC MEETINGS IN GLASGOW. Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article THE VISIT OF THE AMERICAN BRETHREN TO GLASGOW. Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Metropolitan Masonic Meetings.
Htnes ' s Union Lodge of Instruction d 8 o ) , Horse ana i Groom Tavern , Winsley-street ( opposite the Pantheon ) , Oxford-street , at 8 ; Bro . J . R . Stacey , Preceptor . ttinoton Lodge of Instruction , White Swan Tavern , ""cfp tford , at 8 ; Bro . C . G . Dilkjr , P . M . II SS Preceptor . lohn of Wapping Lodge of Instruction ( 1306 ) , Gutr ' "' Tavern , High-street , Wapping , at 8 ; Bro . T . Mortlock ,
Preceptor , r d Kent Lodge of Improvement ( 1297 ) , St . Saviour ' s Col" lege , Stansted-road , Forest-hill , at 7 . 30 ; Bro . H . W . Lindus , Preceptor . Tuesday , August 5 : mlonial Board at 3 . taisre 171 - Amity , Ship Hotel , Greenwich . < " * Grosvenor , Metropolitan Victoria Station ,
'' ' Pimlico . , 2 : 0 . Duke of Edinburgh , New G loje Tavern , Bow road , , 261 , Golden Rule , Masons' Hall , Basinghall-street . " ,, 81 , Kennington , Surrey Tavern , Koonington-oval . II 'i ' . ¦ rr-, •_ ,. _ . IT .-1 A _» I ... Thicket HotelAnerley
_ , 397 , Anerley , , . Chap . 169 , Temperance , White Swan Tavern , Deptford . ' 507 , United Pilgrims ' , Horns Tavern , Kennington . Metropolitan Chapter of Instruction , Portugal Hotel , Fleet-street , at 7 ; Comp . Brett , Preceptor . Pornatic Lodge of Instruction , Paimerston Tav ., Grosvenorpark , Camberwell , at 8 ; Bro . John Thomas ,
Preceptor . Faith Lodge of Instruction , Refreshment Rooms , Victoria-st . ( opposite Westminster Palace Hotel ) , at 8 ; Bro . C . A . Cottebrune , Preceptor . Irince Fredk . William Lodge of Instruction ( 753 ) , Knights of St . John Tavern , St . John ' s-wood ; Bro . F . G .
Baker , Preceptor . Dilhousie Lodge of Instruction , King Edward , Triangle , Hackney , at 7 . 30 ; Bro . J . Saunders , Preceptor . Florence Nightingale Lodge of Instruction , Masonic Hall , William-street , Woolwich , at 7 . 30 .
Prosperity Lodge of Instruction , Gladstone Tavern , Bishopsgate-st . Within , at 7 . 30 j Bro . Bolton ( W . M . 1227 ) , Preceptor . St . Marylebone Lodge of Instruction ( 1305 ) , British Stores Tavern , New-street , St . John ' s wood , » t 8 ; Bro . T .
A . Adams , Preceptor . Constitutional Lodge of Instruction ( 55 ) , Wheatshea Hotel , Hand-court , Holborn , at 7 ; Bro . J . R . Stacey ( P . M . 180 ) , Preceptor . Wednesday , August 6 . Grand Chapter at 7 .
Lodge 1412 , De La Iberia , Hill-road , St . Johns ' -wood . Pythagorean Lodge of Instruction ( 79 ) , Prince of Orange , Greenwich , at 8 ; Bro . J . Robt . Nash , Preceptor . United Strength Lodge of Instruction ( 228 ) , the Grafton Arms , Prince of Wales ' s-road , Kintish-town , at 8 , Bro . J . N . Frost , Preceptor . Israel Lodge of Instruction , Rising Sun Tavern , Globe-road ,
a » 7 . 30 ! New Concord Lodge of Instruction , Rosemary Branch Tavern , Hoxton , at 8 Confidence Lodge of Instruction , Railway Tav ., Londonstreet , City , at 7 . 30 . Royal Union Lodge of Instruction , Horse and Groom
Tavern , Winsley-street , Oxford-street , at 8 : Bro . T . A . Adams , Preceptor . Peckham Lodge of Instruction , Maismore Arms , Park-road , Peckham , at 8 j Bro . David Rose , Preceptor . Temperance in the East Lodge of Instruction , George the Fourth , Catherine-street , Poplar .
Stanhope Lodge of Instruction , Thicket Hotel , Anerley , at 7-30 p . m . ; Bro . H . W . Lindus , Preceptor . General Committee , Girls' School , Freemasons' Hall , at 4 . Fidelity Lodge of Instruction ( 3 ) , Yorkshire Grey , Londonst ., Tottenham Court-road , at 8 ; Bro . T . A . Adams , Preceptor .
Thursday , August 7 . Lod ge 742 , Crystal Palace , Star and Garter , Kevv Bridge . n 822 , Victoria Rifles , Freemasons' 1 lall . » " 55 > Excelsior , Sydney Arms , Lewisham-road , _ . " ' 35 ' ) St . Clement Danes , 265 , Strand .
^ nap . , o , Caveac , Guililall Tavern , Gresham-street . "" mure Lodge of Induction ( 720 ) , Balham Hotel , Ba > ham , at 7 . 30 ; Bro . John Thomas , Preceptor . flnsbury Lodge 0 f Instruction , Jolly Ap ^ rs' Tavern , . Hath-strect , City-road ; Bro . Stean , Preceptor , united Mariners' Lodge of InstructionThree Cranes
, , Mile-end-road , at 8 ; Bro . T . J . Barnes , Preceptor , "hittington Lodge of Instruction ( 862 J , Crown Tavern , Holborn , at S ; Bro . Lewis Alexander , P . M . 188 , . ' receptor . ° "c Chapter of Instruction , Three Cranes Tavern ,
Mileend-road , at 8 ; Comp . T . J . Barnes , Preceptor . u'y Lod ge of Instruction , Bro . Palmer ' s , 12 , Ponsonby-,. . «••Millbank . •rnon Club of Instruction Windsor Castle , Victoria Station , „•, 8 P-m . H . Ash , P . M . Instructor . Elate Lod ge of Instruction ( No . 1166 ) , Bull and Gate ,
Kentish-town , Bro . J . N . Frost , Preceptor , at 8 . Robt B Friday , August S . Mr t Burns Lodge of Instruction , Union Tavern Air-st . u . Regent-st ., at 8 ; Bro . W Watson P . M ' ° ns Emulation Lodge of Improvement for M . M . ' s , T freemasons' Hall , at 7 .
P « ance Lodge of Instruction , Victoria Tav ., Victoria-Burd « ad r Deptf 0 rd ' - « c-outts Lod ge of Instruction ( 1278 ) , Approach avern , Approach-road , Victoria-park , at 8 j Bro . Geo . Clam r y ' rec £ ptor . vwn Lodg ( . of Instruction , White Hart , Clapton , at 7 . 30 ; Ro 1 ° - John Saunders , Preceptor . /•" Standard Lodge of Instruction ( 1298 ) , the Castle tor m ' HoUow * ; at 8 ; Bro , W . V . Rogers , Precep .
Metropolitan Masonic Meetings.
Pythagorean Chapter of Instruction ( No . 79 ) , Prince of Orange , Greenvrich-road , at 8 ; Comp . W . West Smith , Preceptor . Westbourne Lodge of Instruction ( 733 ) , Horse and Groom , Winsley-street , Oxford-street , at 8 . Metropolitan Lodge of Instruction , Portugal Hotel , Fleetstreet , at 1 \ Bro . Brett , Preceptor .
United Pilgrims Lodge of Instruction , Antelope Tavern , Lorn-road , Brixton , at 7 ; Bro . J . Thomas , P . M . Preceptor . Duke of Edinburgh Lodge of Instruction , Silver Lion , Penny-fields , Poplar , at 7 ; Bro . D . S . Potts , Preceptor . St . James ' s Lodge of Instruction , Gregorian Arms Tavern , famaica-road , Bermondsey , at 8 ; Bro . Howes , P . M .,
Preceptor . Belgrave Lodge of Instruction , Duke of Wellington Hotel , Spring-gardens , Charing-cross ; Bro . Pulsford , Preceptor . Doric Lodge of Instruction , Three Cranes Tavern , Mileend-road , at 8 ; Bro . Isaac Saqui , Preceptor . Burgoyne Lodge of Instruction , Grafton Arms , Prince cf
Wales ' s-road , N . W ., at 8 . St . Luke ' s Lodgc of Instruction ( 144 ) , Two Brewers , 33 , Brompton-road , S . W Chigwell Lodge of Instruction , Bald-faced Stag Hotel , Buckhurst-hill , at 8 . High Cross Lodge of Instruction ( 724 ) , Coach and Horses Tavern , High Road , Tottenham , at 8 .
Masonic Meetings In Liverpool, &C.
For the Week ending Saturday , August 9 , 1873 . Monday , August 4 . Lodge 613 , Unity , Masonic Hall , Southport , atC . 45 .
„ 1380 , Skelmersdale , Blundcllsands Hotel , Great Crosby , at 6 . Chap . G 05 , De Tabley , Seacombe Hotel , Seacombe , at 6 . Everton Lodge of Instruction ( 823 ) , Masonic Temple , Liverpool , at 7 . 30 .
Tuesday , August 5 . Chap . 203 , St . John of Jerusalem , Masonic Temple , Liverpool , at 6 . Merchants' Lodge of Instruction ( 241 ) , Masonic Temple ,
Liverpool , at 6 . Downshire Lodge of Instruction ( No . 594 ) , 90 , Duke-street , Liverpool , at 7 . Skelmersdale Conclave of the Knights of Rome , ( No . 77 ) , Masonic Temple , Liverpool , at 7 .
Wednesday , August 6 . Lodge 86 , Loyalty , Royal Hotel , Prescot , at 6 . „ 580 , Harmony , Wheatsheaf Inn , Ormskirk , at 5 , „ 673 , St . John ' s , 90 , Duke-street , Liverpool , at 6 . 30 , „ 75 8 , Ellesmere , Masonic Hall , Runcorn , at 6 .
„ 1013 , Royal Victoria , Masonic Temple , Liverpool , at 6 . „ 1413 , West Lancashire , Commercial Hotel , Ormskirk , at 6 . De Grey and Ripon Lodge of Instruction ( 1336 ) , 140 ,
NoithHilUstreet . Toxteth-park , Liverpool , at 7 . 30 . Thursday , August 7 . Lodge 249 , Mariners ' , Masonic Temple , Liverpool , at 6 . „ 1384 , Equity , Sim ' s Cross Hotel , Widncs , at 6 . Chapter 758 , Bridgcwater , Masonic Hall , Runcorn , at 6 ,
Masonic Meetings In Glasgow.
For thc week ending Saturday , August 9 , 1873 . Monday , August 4 . Lodgei 29 , St . Mirren , St . Mirren ' s Hall , Paisley . n 33 >> Union , Masonic Hall , 170 , Buchanan-st . Chap . 119 , Roslin , 25 , Robertson-st .
Tuesday , August 5 . Lodge 3 J , St . John , 213 , Buchanan-st . „ 73 , Thistle and Rose , 170 , Buchanan-st . „ 87 , Thistle , 213 , Buchanan-st . „ 437 , Govandale , Portland Buildings , Govan . Wednesday , August 6 . Lodge 4 , Kilwinning , 170 , Buchanan-st .
„ 122 , St . John , Shettlestone . ii 354 , Caledonian Railway , 213 , Bachanan-st . Thursday , August 7 . Lodge 360 , Commercial , 19 , Croy-place . „ 4 65 , St . Andrews , Garngad Iload ; Friday August 8 . Lodge 2 i 9 , Star , Freemasons ] Hall , 12 , Trongate .
ePkrttaeitte , Will shortly be ready . CARTE S D E VI S I TE OF MasonicCelebrities, To be had at thc Masonic Depots , 198 , Fleet-streef , and 2 , 3 , and 4 , Little Britain , London ,
ELSTOB'S CELEBRATED Riding , Hunting and Lumbago Belts Size rf waist and P . O . O . for 20 s . to be sent with order . The best lining Riding Trousers and Breeches Maker in London or elsewhere . N . 13 . —Morning Trousers of Best West of England Wool . Established 1830 . ELSTOB , 44 , M ADD OX-STREET , BONO STREET .
The Visit Of The American Brethren To Glasgow.
At a recent meeting of the Masonic Excursion Party , U . S . A ., it was resolved , that—Whereas , the pre-eminence of Scotland in Masonic Rites is recognised throughout the world , we regard ourselves as singularly fortunate in being permitted to visit Glasgow and observe
the working 01 the purest type of the Order . Whereas , not only were we present and participants in the symbolic ceremonies of the Fraternity , but also the recipients of those social greetings which illustrate a union of heart as well
as of hand among- the brotherhood . Resolved , that the Masonic Party from the U . S . entertained by the brethren of Glasgow on the evening of the 27 th of June , are deeply sensible of the courtesy shown them .
Resolved , that the memories of the pleasant hour spent in intercourse with those who entertained us on that occasion , will be remembered with our most delightful reminiscences of a foreign land .
Resolved , that we shall hail with gladness the hour when we can reciprocate such cordiality . Very respectfully and fraternally , CECIL S . SPATES , D . W . LAWRENCE , H . F . CAMPBELL ,
Committee . CECIL S . SPATES , Sec , M . E . P ., U . S . A . Hanover , July 23 rd , 1873 .
THE LOMBARD EXCHANGE , LOMBARD STREET , LONDON , E . C . TERMS . £ 9 . d . Entrance Fee ... ... . „ ,., ... 3 3 * Annual Subscription ... ... .,, ... ... 33 a Members residing and carrying on business at a distance of fifty miles and upwards from London , Merchant-Captains , and Clerks to Subscribers ( no entrance fee ) 1 1 Thc room is v » -ett suppUeti m \\\ newsia ^ crs , telegram * , and books of reference . It includes a Post-oflice , I ' oste Restante , Telegraph-oflke , Reading and Writing Room , Restaurant , Lava * tories , & c ,: also copying machines for the use of Subscribers . Bro . JOHN H . YOUNGHUSBAND , P . M ., IVl ., P . E . C „ T . P . J . G . W ., Sec , Manager
GEORGEKENNING, LATE J MOTT THEARLE . 198 , Fleet Street , E . C . WATCH & CLOCK MANUFACTURER , GOLDSMITH AND ^ JEWELLER . £ d , Strong Silver Watches from 100 Silver English Levers ( own make ) from 3 10 0 Ladies'Gold English Levers „ from 9 9 a Gent ' s Gold English Levers „ from 12 12 o Gold Watches from 2 12 o Good Sound 8-day Clocks , in neat cases from 010 o Good Sound 8-day Clocks , with alarum from 015 o Watches , Clocks , Jewellery , Medals , and Jewels , suitable for Presentation , & c , made to order with dispatch . All kinds of repairs done on the premises , at moderate prices , by experienced workmen . George Kennings' Ladies' Gold English Levers , unequalled £ 10 10 s . Masonic Signet Rings , Scarf Pins , Lockets , Studs and Links . Masonic Charms for every degree in 9 ct ., ijCt . and i 8 ct Gold . Watch Glasses fid , and 1 / - Watch Keys fid . Ladies' Ears pierced 1 / - Mauufaptory : 2 , 3 & 4 , Little Britain ..
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Metropolitan Masonic Meetings.
Htnes ' s Union Lodge of Instruction d 8 o ) , Horse ana i Groom Tavern , Winsley-street ( opposite the Pantheon ) , Oxford-street , at 8 ; Bro . J . R . Stacey , Preceptor . ttinoton Lodge of Instruction , White Swan Tavern , ""cfp tford , at 8 ; Bro . C . G . Dilkjr , P . M . II SS Preceptor . lohn of Wapping Lodge of Instruction ( 1306 ) , Gutr ' "' Tavern , High-street , Wapping , at 8 ; Bro . T . Mortlock ,
Preceptor , r d Kent Lodge of Improvement ( 1297 ) , St . Saviour ' s Col" lege , Stansted-road , Forest-hill , at 7 . 30 ; Bro . H . W . Lindus , Preceptor . Tuesday , August 5 : mlonial Board at 3 . taisre 171 - Amity , Ship Hotel , Greenwich . < " * Grosvenor , Metropolitan Victoria Station ,
'' ' Pimlico . , 2 : 0 . Duke of Edinburgh , New G loje Tavern , Bow road , , 261 , Golden Rule , Masons' Hall , Basinghall-street . " ,, 81 , Kennington , Surrey Tavern , Koonington-oval . II 'i ' . ¦ rr-, •_ ,. _ . IT .-1 A _» I ... Thicket HotelAnerley
_ , 397 , Anerley , , . Chap . 169 , Temperance , White Swan Tavern , Deptford . ' 507 , United Pilgrims ' , Horns Tavern , Kennington . Metropolitan Chapter of Instruction , Portugal Hotel , Fleet-street , at 7 ; Comp . Brett , Preceptor . Pornatic Lodge of Instruction , Paimerston Tav ., Grosvenorpark , Camberwell , at 8 ; Bro . John Thomas ,
Preceptor . Faith Lodge of Instruction , Refreshment Rooms , Victoria-st . ( opposite Westminster Palace Hotel ) , at 8 ; Bro . C . A . Cottebrune , Preceptor . Irince Fredk . William Lodge of Instruction ( 753 ) , Knights of St . John Tavern , St . John ' s-wood ; Bro . F . G .
Baker , Preceptor . Dilhousie Lodge of Instruction , King Edward , Triangle , Hackney , at 7 . 30 ; Bro . J . Saunders , Preceptor . Florence Nightingale Lodge of Instruction , Masonic Hall , William-street , Woolwich , at 7 . 30 .
Prosperity Lodge of Instruction , Gladstone Tavern , Bishopsgate-st . Within , at 7 . 30 j Bro . Bolton ( W . M . 1227 ) , Preceptor . St . Marylebone Lodge of Instruction ( 1305 ) , British Stores Tavern , New-street , St . John ' s wood , » t 8 ; Bro . T .
A . Adams , Preceptor . Constitutional Lodge of Instruction ( 55 ) , Wheatshea Hotel , Hand-court , Holborn , at 7 ; Bro . J . R . Stacey ( P . M . 180 ) , Preceptor . Wednesday , August 6 . Grand Chapter at 7 .
Lodge 1412 , De La Iberia , Hill-road , St . Johns ' -wood . Pythagorean Lodge of Instruction ( 79 ) , Prince of Orange , Greenwich , at 8 ; Bro . J . Robt . Nash , Preceptor . United Strength Lodge of Instruction ( 228 ) , the Grafton Arms , Prince of Wales ' s-road , Kintish-town , at 8 , Bro . J . N . Frost , Preceptor . Israel Lodge of Instruction , Rising Sun Tavern , Globe-road ,
a » 7 . 30 ! New Concord Lodge of Instruction , Rosemary Branch Tavern , Hoxton , at 8 Confidence Lodge of Instruction , Railway Tav ., Londonstreet , City , at 7 . 30 . Royal Union Lodge of Instruction , Horse and Groom
Tavern , Winsley-street , Oxford-street , at 8 : Bro . T . A . Adams , Preceptor . Peckham Lodge of Instruction , Maismore Arms , Park-road , Peckham , at 8 j Bro . David Rose , Preceptor . Temperance in the East Lodge of Instruction , George the Fourth , Catherine-street , Poplar .
Stanhope Lodge of Instruction , Thicket Hotel , Anerley , at 7-30 p . m . ; Bro . H . W . Lindus , Preceptor . General Committee , Girls' School , Freemasons' Hall , at 4 . Fidelity Lodge of Instruction ( 3 ) , Yorkshire Grey , Londonst ., Tottenham Court-road , at 8 ; Bro . T . A . Adams , Preceptor .
Thursday , August 7 . Lod ge 742 , Crystal Palace , Star and Garter , Kevv Bridge . n 822 , Victoria Rifles , Freemasons' 1 lall . » " 55 > Excelsior , Sydney Arms , Lewisham-road , _ . " ' 35 ' ) St . Clement Danes , 265 , Strand .
^ nap . , o , Caveac , Guililall Tavern , Gresham-street . "" mure Lodge of Induction ( 720 ) , Balham Hotel , Ba > ham , at 7 . 30 ; Bro . John Thomas , Preceptor . flnsbury Lodge 0 f Instruction , Jolly Ap ^ rs' Tavern , . Hath-strect , City-road ; Bro . Stean , Preceptor , united Mariners' Lodge of InstructionThree Cranes
, , Mile-end-road , at 8 ; Bro . T . J . Barnes , Preceptor , "hittington Lodge of Instruction ( 862 J , Crown Tavern , Holborn , at S ; Bro . Lewis Alexander , P . M . 188 , . ' receptor . ° "c Chapter of Instruction , Three Cranes Tavern ,
Mileend-road , at 8 ; Comp . T . J . Barnes , Preceptor . u'y Lod ge of Instruction , Bro . Palmer ' s , 12 , Ponsonby-,. . «••Millbank . •rnon Club of Instruction Windsor Castle , Victoria Station , „•, 8 P-m . H . Ash , P . M . Instructor . Elate Lod ge of Instruction ( No . 1166 ) , Bull and Gate ,
Kentish-town , Bro . J . N . Frost , Preceptor , at 8 . Robt B Friday , August S . Mr t Burns Lodge of Instruction , Union Tavern Air-st . u . Regent-st ., at 8 ; Bro . W Watson P . M ' ° ns Emulation Lodge of Improvement for M . M . ' s , T freemasons' Hall , at 7 .
P « ance Lodge of Instruction , Victoria Tav ., Victoria-Burd « ad r Deptf 0 rd ' - « c-outts Lod ge of Instruction ( 1278 ) , Approach avern , Approach-road , Victoria-park , at 8 j Bro . Geo . Clam r y ' rec £ ptor . vwn Lodg ( . of Instruction , White Hart , Clapton , at 7 . 30 ; Ro 1 ° - John Saunders , Preceptor . /•" Standard Lodge of Instruction ( 1298 ) , the Castle tor m ' HoUow * ; at 8 ; Bro , W . V . Rogers , Precep .
Metropolitan Masonic Meetings.
Pythagorean Chapter of Instruction ( No . 79 ) , Prince of Orange , Greenvrich-road , at 8 ; Comp . W . West Smith , Preceptor . Westbourne Lodge of Instruction ( 733 ) , Horse and Groom , Winsley-street , Oxford-street , at 8 . Metropolitan Lodge of Instruction , Portugal Hotel , Fleetstreet , at 1 \ Bro . Brett , Preceptor .
United Pilgrims Lodge of Instruction , Antelope Tavern , Lorn-road , Brixton , at 7 ; Bro . J . Thomas , P . M . Preceptor . Duke of Edinburgh Lodge of Instruction , Silver Lion , Penny-fields , Poplar , at 7 ; Bro . D . S . Potts , Preceptor . St . James ' s Lodge of Instruction , Gregorian Arms Tavern , famaica-road , Bermondsey , at 8 ; Bro . Howes , P . M .,
Preceptor . Belgrave Lodge of Instruction , Duke of Wellington Hotel , Spring-gardens , Charing-cross ; Bro . Pulsford , Preceptor . Doric Lodge of Instruction , Three Cranes Tavern , Mileend-road , at 8 ; Bro . Isaac Saqui , Preceptor . Burgoyne Lodge of Instruction , Grafton Arms , Prince cf
Wales ' s-road , N . W ., at 8 . St . Luke ' s Lodgc of Instruction ( 144 ) , Two Brewers , 33 , Brompton-road , S . W Chigwell Lodge of Instruction , Bald-faced Stag Hotel , Buckhurst-hill , at 8 . High Cross Lodge of Instruction ( 724 ) , Coach and Horses Tavern , High Road , Tottenham , at 8 .
Masonic Meetings In Liverpool, &C.
For the Week ending Saturday , August 9 , 1873 . Monday , August 4 . Lodge 613 , Unity , Masonic Hall , Southport , atC . 45 .
„ 1380 , Skelmersdale , Blundcllsands Hotel , Great Crosby , at 6 . Chap . G 05 , De Tabley , Seacombe Hotel , Seacombe , at 6 . Everton Lodge of Instruction ( 823 ) , Masonic Temple , Liverpool , at 7 . 30 .
Tuesday , August 5 . Chap . 203 , St . John of Jerusalem , Masonic Temple , Liverpool , at 6 . Merchants' Lodge of Instruction ( 241 ) , Masonic Temple ,
Liverpool , at 6 . Downshire Lodge of Instruction ( No . 594 ) , 90 , Duke-street , Liverpool , at 7 . Skelmersdale Conclave of the Knights of Rome , ( No . 77 ) , Masonic Temple , Liverpool , at 7 .
Wednesday , August 6 . Lodge 86 , Loyalty , Royal Hotel , Prescot , at 6 . „ 580 , Harmony , Wheatsheaf Inn , Ormskirk , at 5 , „ 673 , St . John ' s , 90 , Duke-street , Liverpool , at 6 . 30 , „ 75 8 , Ellesmere , Masonic Hall , Runcorn , at 6 .
„ 1013 , Royal Victoria , Masonic Temple , Liverpool , at 6 . „ 1413 , West Lancashire , Commercial Hotel , Ormskirk , at 6 . De Grey and Ripon Lodge of Instruction ( 1336 ) , 140 ,
NoithHilUstreet . Toxteth-park , Liverpool , at 7 . 30 . Thursday , August 7 . Lodge 249 , Mariners ' , Masonic Temple , Liverpool , at 6 . „ 1384 , Equity , Sim ' s Cross Hotel , Widncs , at 6 . Chapter 758 , Bridgcwater , Masonic Hall , Runcorn , at 6 ,
Masonic Meetings In Glasgow.
For thc week ending Saturday , August 9 , 1873 . Monday , August 4 . Lodgei 29 , St . Mirren , St . Mirren ' s Hall , Paisley . n 33 >> Union , Masonic Hall , 170 , Buchanan-st . Chap . 119 , Roslin , 25 , Robertson-st .
Tuesday , August 5 . Lodge 3 J , St . John , 213 , Buchanan-st . „ 73 , Thistle and Rose , 170 , Buchanan-st . „ 87 , Thistle , 213 , Buchanan-st . „ 437 , Govandale , Portland Buildings , Govan . Wednesday , August 6 . Lodge 4 , Kilwinning , 170 , Buchanan-st .
„ 122 , St . John , Shettlestone . ii 354 , Caledonian Railway , 213 , Bachanan-st . Thursday , August 7 . Lodge 360 , Commercial , 19 , Croy-place . „ 4 65 , St . Andrews , Garngad Iload ; Friday August 8 . Lodge 2 i 9 , Star , Freemasons ] Hall , 12 , Trongate .
ePkrttaeitte , Will shortly be ready . CARTE S D E VI S I TE OF MasonicCelebrities, To be had at thc Masonic Depots , 198 , Fleet-streef , and 2 , 3 , and 4 , Little Britain , London ,
ELSTOB'S CELEBRATED Riding , Hunting and Lumbago Belts Size rf waist and P . O . O . for 20 s . to be sent with order . The best lining Riding Trousers and Breeches Maker in London or elsewhere . N . 13 . —Morning Trousers of Best West of England Wool . Established 1830 . ELSTOB , 44 , M ADD OX-STREET , BONO STREET .
The Visit Of The American Brethren To Glasgow.
At a recent meeting of the Masonic Excursion Party , U . S . A ., it was resolved , that—Whereas , the pre-eminence of Scotland in Masonic Rites is recognised throughout the world , we regard ourselves as singularly fortunate in being permitted to visit Glasgow and observe
the working 01 the purest type of the Order . Whereas , not only were we present and participants in the symbolic ceremonies of the Fraternity , but also the recipients of those social greetings which illustrate a union of heart as well
as of hand among- the brotherhood . Resolved , that the Masonic Party from the U . S . entertained by the brethren of Glasgow on the evening of the 27 th of June , are deeply sensible of the courtesy shown them .
Resolved , that the memories of the pleasant hour spent in intercourse with those who entertained us on that occasion , will be remembered with our most delightful reminiscences of a foreign land .
Resolved , that we shall hail with gladness the hour when we can reciprocate such cordiality . Very respectfully and fraternally , CECIL S . SPATES , D . W . LAWRENCE , H . F . CAMPBELL ,
Committee . CECIL S . SPATES , Sec , M . E . P ., U . S . A . Hanover , July 23 rd , 1873 .
THE LOMBARD EXCHANGE , LOMBARD STREET , LONDON , E . C . TERMS . £ 9 . d . Entrance Fee ... ... . „ ,., ... 3 3 * Annual Subscription ... ... .,, ... ... 33 a Members residing and carrying on business at a distance of fifty miles and upwards from London , Merchant-Captains , and Clerks to Subscribers ( no entrance fee ) 1 1 Thc room is v » -ett suppUeti m \\\ newsia ^ crs , telegram * , and books of reference . It includes a Post-oflice , I ' oste Restante , Telegraph-oflke , Reading and Writing Room , Restaurant , Lava * tories , & c ,: also copying machines for the use of Subscribers . Bro . JOHN H . YOUNGHUSBAND , P . M ., IVl ., P . E . C „ T . P . J . G . W ., Sec , Manager
GEORGEKENNING, LATE J MOTT THEARLE . 198 , Fleet Street , E . C . WATCH & CLOCK MANUFACTURER , GOLDSMITH AND ^ JEWELLER . £ d , Strong Silver Watches from 100 Silver English Levers ( own make ) from 3 10 0 Ladies'Gold English Levers „ from 9 9 a Gent ' s Gold English Levers „ from 12 12 o Gold Watches from 2 12 o Good Sound 8-day Clocks , in neat cases from 010 o Good Sound 8-day Clocks , with alarum from 015 o Watches , Clocks , Jewellery , Medals , and Jewels , suitable for Presentation , & c , made to order with dispatch . All kinds of repairs done on the premises , at moderate prices , by experienced workmen . George Kennings' Ladies' Gold English Levers , unequalled £ 10 10 s . Masonic Signet Rings , Scarf Pins , Lockets , Studs and Links . Masonic Charms for every degree in 9 ct ., ijCt . and i 8 ct Gold . Watch Glasses fid , and 1 / - Watch Keys fid . Ladies' Ears pierced 1 / - Mauufaptory : 2 , 3 & 4 , Little Britain ..