Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Table Of Contents.
R EPORTS or M ASONIC MEETINGS : — Craft Masonry 497 RoyalArch 499 Knights Templar 499 Editionsof the Constitutions 499 Reviews 5 °° Masonic Funeral at Thirsk S ° o Masonic Hall in New Zealand 5 DI
Masonic Tidings S The Eastern Star 5 ° j Archaeological Excursion ... S The French Freemasons and the Persian Visitors ... 502 Masonic Historians—Bro . D . Murray Lyon 503 Provincial Grand Lodge of Surrey 504 The Religious Question and Freemasonry in Brazil ... 506 Lodge Meetings for next week 506 Advertisements 495 40 6 5 ° 7 5 ° 8 S ° 9 5 ' °
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
GARSTON . —Lodge of Harmony ( No . 220 ) . — On the afternoon of Wednesday , the 23 rd ult ., the members of this successful suburban lodge , assembled at the Garston Hotel , Garston , for the purpose of installing the W . M . elect , Bro . ... . * Craft Itomttg .
Dr . J . V . Worthington . The attendance of members and visitors was large and highly influential , and the whole of the afternoon ' s proceedings were of the most interesting character . The lodge was opened by Bro . W . Tones , W . M , who
was supported by Bros . W . Vines , P . M . ; C Leedham , P . M . ; J . Sellar , P . M . ; Dr . J . V Worthington , S . W ,- J . Evans , J . W . ; ' J .
Baker ,. P . M . Treas . ; T . B . Tellett , Sec . ; J . Hughes , S . D . ; A . Fisher , J . D . ; R . Jones , P . M ., D . C . , J . Clark , Org . ; M . Bush I . G . ; G . Aspinall , S . S , ; I . Raw , J . S . ; and J . Robinson , Tyler . Amongst the members present were Bros . J . Coats , F . McGarvey , J . Booth ,
R . Webster , D . Ellis , J . H . Norton ,, J . Jones S . Hardy , J . Tewkesbury , W . Guest , C Humphries , S . W . 1013 ; J . Gordon , J . Parslow J . Cave , J : Ellis , T . E . Lloyd , S . Tickle , W H . Lovelady , J . D . Graham , T . Piatt , J . Jarvis T . Coates , W . Newall , & c . Amongst the visi
tors were Bros . A . C . Mott , P . G . S . W . of Westmoreland and Cumberland ; W . Boulton , W . M . 823 ; W . G . Veale , Org . 203 ; J . Banning , P . M , 823 ; J . Busfield , 216 ; J . Kenyon , 1013 ; A . T . Smith , S . D . 1299 ; G . Dodson , P . G . S . B . ; J . Kenyon , S . S . 8 97 ; J . Rose , W . M . 249
G . Williams , 1182 ; J . J . Jacob , 294 ; John Banning , 823 ; T . Dodson , 99 $ . After the minutes of the previous meeting had' been read and confirmed , Bro . Dr . J . V . Worthington , was installed W . M . according to ancient form by Bro . J . Hamer , P . Prov . G .
Treas . ; and the following brethren were subsequentl y invested as officers for the ensuing year—Bros . W . Jones , I . P . M . ; J . Evans , S . W . ; J . Hughes , J . W .: W . Vines , P . M ., Treas . ; T . B . Tellett ., Sec . ; A . Fisher , S . D . ; M . Bush
J . D . ; I . Raw , I . G . ; R . Jones . P . M ., D . C ; S . Tickle , S . S . ; and J . Tewkesbury , J . S . Bro . J . Robinson was unanimously re-elected Tyler of the lodge . After the installation ceremony , the newly-installed W . M . initiated Dr . F . D .
Sutherland in a hi ghly effective manner . It should be mentioned that Bro . Worthington presented the lodge with a new set of gavels , and rough and perfect ashlars , and that before the business proceedings closed a very chaste P . M . ' s jewel was presented to Bro . W . Jones , as a token of
the respect arid esteem in which he was held by the brethren . A sumptuous banquet was subsequently served in a fine tent , provided by the Garston brethren , fitted up in the grounds of the Gaiston Hotel . The tables were decorated with a number of choice plants , lent b y Bro . Meredith , of the Lodge No . 1182 , and the band , of the
Pride of Garston Lodge of Druids played . during the dinner . The usual loyal and patriotic toasts were given and cordially responded to during the evening . In giving the toast of " Lord Skelmersdale , R . W . P . G . M . and the P . G . Officers , " the W . M . alluded to the fact that his Lordshi p had promised to . visit all the lodges within his province , in ihe / cdurse of time , and he
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
was sure that the brethren of 220 would do all in their power to give him a becoming welcome . The toast was acknowledged by Bros . J . W . Baker , and A . C . Mott . Bro . W . Jones , I . P . M ., gave the toast of " The Worshipful Master , " to whom he paid a high compliment as a worthy
Mason and one who would admirably fulfil the duties of his important office . The toast was received with the greatest enthusiasm , after which Bro . Worthington , W . M ., responded in eloquent terms , promising to do his utmost , to forward the interests of the lodge during his year
of office . " The Past Masters' was acknowledged by Bro . W . Jones , I . P . M . ; "The Officers" by Bro . Evans , S . W . ; "The West Lancashire Masonic Educational Institution , " proposed by Bro . P . M . Leedham , by Bro . Mott , " The Visiting Brethren , " by Bros . Boulton ,
Rose , Kenyon , and P . M . Banning ; " The Resident brethren of Garston , " given by Bro . R . Jones , P . M ., responded to by Bro . Tickle , and " The Newly Initiated Brother" acknowledged by Bro . Dr . Sutherland . Several excellent songs were sung during the evening , and the p leasant
proceedings terminated at an early hour . LIVERPOOL . —Neptune Lodge ( No . 1264 ) . — The annual summer festival of this admirably conducted lodge , which took place on Wednesday , the 23 rd ult ., was in every respect one of the most successful and enjoyable which has yet
been held in connection with the lodge . Favoured with the most brilliant weather , which was all the more grateful after the terrible thunderstorm of the previous evening , a large party of about irjo started from Lime-street , shortly after 10 o ' clock , and proceeded to
Thattoheath , which had once more been selected as the scene of the day ' s festivity . On arriving at the lovely grounds of the village hotel , the brethren and their fair friends immediately set about enjoying themselves according to their various tastes . Amongst those present were : —Bros .
Davies , W . M . ; P . B . Gee , I . P . M . ; J . Healing , P . M ., Treas . ; J . Pcmberton , P . M ., Sec . ; J . Taylor , P . M ., M . C . ; H . Williams , P . M . ; J . Dixon , S . W . ; T . Singleton , J . W . ; W . Roberts , S . D . ; J . Cotter , J . D . ; Royle , I . G . ; Korn , S . S . ; Hughes , J . S . ; Fish , A . S . ; P . M . Larsen , P . M .
673 > J- Wood , Treas . 1094 ; Burrows , 673 ; and others . Mr . Wittle , the landlord of the hotel , had made special preparations for the excursionists by providing a new entrance to his grounds , which at present show a magnificent display of flowers , and are beautifully laid out . Messrs .
Walsham . and Thomas s band met the brethren at the station , and marched at their head to the ground . An excellent banquet was served in the large dining hall connected with the hotel , at which Bro . Arthur Davies presided , supported by a large number of P . M . ' s and other officers
of the lodge . A number ot loyal and Masonic toasts were proposed and cordially responded to . Bro . P . B . Gee , I . P . M ., in giving the health of " The Worshipful Master of the Neptune Lodge Bro . Arthur Davies , " said he had known Bro . Davies for about four years in Masonry , and
during the whole of that time he had seen the invariable kindness which had marked his conduct , in . fact he had displayed evcrv quality which "ijhould endear him to a Mason ' s heart , awl he trusted their W . M . would have health and strength given him to fulfil aright the . duties
of his important office . In acknowledging the toast , the W . M . in an eloquent . speech , referred to the great pleasure it . gave . him . to . ; meet again so many brethren on their annual ; festival day . He also spoke of the excellent effect which such annual social gatherings must have upon every
member , especially when they were favoured with the presence of so many ladies . Bro . Gee responded to the toast-of "The Past Masters , " Bro . P . M . Healing to that of "The Ladies , " Bro . Dixon , S . W ., to "The Officers of . the Lodge ; " Bro . P . M . Williams on behalf of" Our Absent Sea-faring Brethren . " After toast , song
and sentiment , the company betook themselves to various amusements . Dancing appeared to be the chief attraction , excellent music being furnished by the quadrille band in attendance . Various groups of the " outers" were successfully photographed by . Bro . H . Burrows during the afternoon . After spending a pleasant afternoon the party returned to town at an early hour .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
ROYAL OAK LODGE ( NO . 871 ) . —At the White Swan Tavern , High Street , Deptford , on Thursday , July 24 th , this lodge held its meeting . Bro . William Andrews , P . M . and Treasurer ( in the unavoidable absence of the W . JVL ) , opened the lodge . Bro . W . Myatt , W . M ., soon
afterwards arrived , and took the chair . He was supported by Bros . G . Andrews , S . W . ; S . A . Lewin , J . W . ; F . Walters , P . M . and Secretary , Prov . Steward Middlesex ; H . J . Tuson , S . D . ; I . J . Pakes , J . D . ; H . J . Wells , I . G . ; R . Killick , W . S . ; J . Hawker , P . M . ; J . Truelove ,
P . M . ; G . Porter , H . W . F . Fellows , H . J . Fisher , J . G . Thomas , R . West , L . Lemon , T . Spencer , T . Harton , H . Schartau , J . Rennie , and others . The long list of visitors comprised Bro . H . Sadler , P . M . 147 ; J . Beckett , 148 ; E . H . Thiellay , S . D . 149 ; W . Kipps , I . G . and Organist 1275 ;
E . Wisher , 700 ; P . From , 1326 ; F . Jensen , 1326 . The work performed was conferring the third degree on Bros . H . W . F . Fellows , P . From ( 1326 ) and F . Jensen ( 1326 ) . The W . M . distinguished himself by his admirable manner of performing the important ceremony of raising .
Four gentlemen were proposed for initiation . Those , in addition to others already ballotted for , made more than five names on the list of candidates for initiation , consequently to ease the work , it was unanimously resolved to hold an emergency meeting of the lodge on Thursday , August 28 th , at five o ' clock , p . m . To enable
the wife and family of a brother , who was at one time a member of this lodge , to join him in America ( wherehe had gone to better his position in life ) , it was unanimously resolved to raise a sufficient amount (< se ? 23 ) from the lodge and charity funds of the lodge . Business being ended , the lodge was closed . There was not any banquet or refreshment .
LIVERPOOL . —Prince of Wales Lodge , ( No . 10 35 . —Wednesday , the 23 rd ult ., being the day selected for the annual picnic of the Prince of Wales Lodge , 1035 , about 1 ^ 0 of the brethren , their wives , and sweethearts , met at Lime-street station at noon , where first-class saloon carriages
were waiting to convey them to Runcorn station , where they were provided with conveyances to Halton Castle , the scene of the afternoon ' s en * joyment . Amongst those present were the W . M ., Bro . Sculthorpe ; Bro . M'Nab , S . W . ; Crosby J . Bunting , P . M . ; Morgan , P . M . ; A ,
Willis , Sec ; Salmon , S . D . ; Westbury , J . D . Amongst the visitors were Bro . J . T . Callow , P . M . 673 ; Bro . North , P . M . 216 ; Walmesley , 292 ; Bro . Captain Berry , S . W . 1393 •Bro . Gee , 249 , & c . The scene from the elevated point of Halton Castle may be , and no doubt is , very fine
on a clear day ; but unfortunately a smoky mist hanging around the . valleys below somewhat interfered with the pleasure of the prospect . However , the party , having come to enjoy themselves , determined to do so , and having some good turf , and excellent music , by the Liverpool
police band , under the leadership of Mr . Beardall , the younger portion took to dancing , while the more sedate played bowls on a green , which was of anything but of the best description . Ample provision was made for the comfort of the inn « r man , and , as the shades of evening closed round ,
the party made towards home , well pleased with their " out . " SOMERSET . — . Sain * Kew Lodge ( No . r . 2 ' 32 ) . —Bro . General Gore Boland Munbee , P . M ., P . Prov . S . G . W ., was installed W . M . of this lodge by Bro . E . Else , P . Prov . G . S . W ., P . G . Sec .
( who ably performed the ceremony in the absence of Bro . Captain Bridges , D . P . G . M . through indisposition ) , on Wednesday , the 23 rd ult ., at the Masonic Hall . The following officers were afterwards invested : —Bros . B . Cox , P . M . ; Rev . R . H . Bigsby , S . W . ; S . Jones , J . W . ;
Rpv . —Martin , Chap . ; H . W . Davies , Treas . ; H . R . Pearson , Sec . ; A . W . Butler , S . D . S . Lewis , J . D . ; E . E . Earle , D . of C ; L . H . Ricketts , I . G . ; W . Gaskell , Organist ; J . Bath , and A . Wickenden , Stewards ; W . Cousins , Tyler . The W . M . closed the lodge with prayer . The
brethren then adjourned to Bvo . Bath ' s , Railway Hotel , where a most sumptuous banquet was served under the superintendence of the Stewards . The visitors present were : —Bros . £ . Else , P . Prov . S . G . W ., P . G . Sec , Somerset , 291 j G , T . Inskip , P . G . J . W . Somerset , . 626 ; J , Cook , P .. Prov .. GJ . W ; Somerset , 1 3 c .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Table Of Contents.
R EPORTS or M ASONIC MEETINGS : — Craft Masonry 497 RoyalArch 499 Knights Templar 499 Editionsof the Constitutions 499 Reviews 5 °° Masonic Funeral at Thirsk S ° o Masonic Hall in New Zealand 5 DI
Masonic Tidings S The Eastern Star 5 ° j Archaeological Excursion ... S The French Freemasons and the Persian Visitors ... 502 Masonic Historians—Bro . D . Murray Lyon 503 Provincial Grand Lodge of Surrey 504 The Religious Question and Freemasonry in Brazil ... 506 Lodge Meetings for next week 506 Advertisements 495 40 6 5 ° 7 5 ° 8 S ° 9 5 ' °
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
GARSTON . —Lodge of Harmony ( No . 220 ) . — On the afternoon of Wednesday , the 23 rd ult ., the members of this successful suburban lodge , assembled at the Garston Hotel , Garston , for the purpose of installing the W . M . elect , Bro . ... . * Craft Itomttg .
Dr . J . V . Worthington . The attendance of members and visitors was large and highly influential , and the whole of the afternoon ' s proceedings were of the most interesting character . The lodge was opened by Bro . W . Tones , W . M , who
was supported by Bros . W . Vines , P . M . ; C Leedham , P . M . ; J . Sellar , P . M . ; Dr . J . V Worthington , S . W ,- J . Evans , J . W . ; ' J .
Baker ,. P . M . Treas . ; T . B . Tellett , Sec . ; J . Hughes , S . D . ; A . Fisher , J . D . ; R . Jones , P . M ., D . C . , J . Clark , Org . ; M . Bush I . G . ; G . Aspinall , S . S , ; I . Raw , J . S . ; and J . Robinson , Tyler . Amongst the members present were Bros . J . Coats , F . McGarvey , J . Booth ,
R . Webster , D . Ellis , J . H . Norton ,, J . Jones S . Hardy , J . Tewkesbury , W . Guest , C Humphries , S . W . 1013 ; J . Gordon , J . Parslow J . Cave , J : Ellis , T . E . Lloyd , S . Tickle , W H . Lovelady , J . D . Graham , T . Piatt , J . Jarvis T . Coates , W . Newall , & c . Amongst the visi
tors were Bros . A . C . Mott , P . G . S . W . of Westmoreland and Cumberland ; W . Boulton , W . M . 823 ; W . G . Veale , Org . 203 ; J . Banning , P . M , 823 ; J . Busfield , 216 ; J . Kenyon , 1013 ; A . T . Smith , S . D . 1299 ; G . Dodson , P . G . S . B . ; J . Kenyon , S . S . 8 97 ; J . Rose , W . M . 249
G . Williams , 1182 ; J . J . Jacob , 294 ; John Banning , 823 ; T . Dodson , 99 $ . After the minutes of the previous meeting had' been read and confirmed , Bro . Dr . J . V . Worthington , was installed W . M . according to ancient form by Bro . J . Hamer , P . Prov . G .
Treas . ; and the following brethren were subsequentl y invested as officers for the ensuing year—Bros . W . Jones , I . P . M . ; J . Evans , S . W . ; J . Hughes , J . W .: W . Vines , P . M ., Treas . ; T . B . Tellett ., Sec . ; A . Fisher , S . D . ; M . Bush
J . D . ; I . Raw , I . G . ; R . Jones . P . M ., D . C ; S . Tickle , S . S . ; and J . Tewkesbury , J . S . Bro . J . Robinson was unanimously re-elected Tyler of the lodge . After the installation ceremony , the newly-installed W . M . initiated Dr . F . D .
Sutherland in a hi ghly effective manner . It should be mentioned that Bro . Worthington presented the lodge with a new set of gavels , and rough and perfect ashlars , and that before the business proceedings closed a very chaste P . M . ' s jewel was presented to Bro . W . Jones , as a token of
the respect arid esteem in which he was held by the brethren . A sumptuous banquet was subsequently served in a fine tent , provided by the Garston brethren , fitted up in the grounds of the Gaiston Hotel . The tables were decorated with a number of choice plants , lent b y Bro . Meredith , of the Lodge No . 1182 , and the band , of the
Pride of Garston Lodge of Druids played . during the dinner . The usual loyal and patriotic toasts were given and cordially responded to during the evening . In giving the toast of " Lord Skelmersdale , R . W . P . G . M . and the P . G . Officers , " the W . M . alluded to the fact that his Lordshi p had promised to . visit all the lodges within his province , in ihe / cdurse of time , and he
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
was sure that the brethren of 220 would do all in their power to give him a becoming welcome . The toast was acknowledged by Bros . J . W . Baker , and A . C . Mott . Bro . W . Jones , I . P . M ., gave the toast of " The Worshipful Master , " to whom he paid a high compliment as a worthy
Mason and one who would admirably fulfil the duties of his important office . The toast was received with the greatest enthusiasm , after which Bro . Worthington , W . M ., responded in eloquent terms , promising to do his utmost , to forward the interests of the lodge during his year
of office . " The Past Masters' was acknowledged by Bro . W . Jones , I . P . M . ; "The Officers" by Bro . Evans , S . W . ; "The West Lancashire Masonic Educational Institution , " proposed by Bro . P . M . Leedham , by Bro . Mott , " The Visiting Brethren , " by Bros . Boulton ,
Rose , Kenyon , and P . M . Banning ; " The Resident brethren of Garston , " given by Bro . R . Jones , P . M ., responded to by Bro . Tickle , and " The Newly Initiated Brother" acknowledged by Bro . Dr . Sutherland . Several excellent songs were sung during the evening , and the p leasant
proceedings terminated at an early hour . LIVERPOOL . —Neptune Lodge ( No . 1264 ) . — The annual summer festival of this admirably conducted lodge , which took place on Wednesday , the 23 rd ult ., was in every respect one of the most successful and enjoyable which has yet
been held in connection with the lodge . Favoured with the most brilliant weather , which was all the more grateful after the terrible thunderstorm of the previous evening , a large party of about irjo started from Lime-street , shortly after 10 o ' clock , and proceeded to
Thattoheath , which had once more been selected as the scene of the day ' s festivity . On arriving at the lovely grounds of the village hotel , the brethren and their fair friends immediately set about enjoying themselves according to their various tastes . Amongst those present were : —Bros .
Davies , W . M . ; P . B . Gee , I . P . M . ; J . Healing , P . M ., Treas . ; J . Pcmberton , P . M ., Sec . ; J . Taylor , P . M ., M . C . ; H . Williams , P . M . ; J . Dixon , S . W . ; T . Singleton , J . W . ; W . Roberts , S . D . ; J . Cotter , J . D . ; Royle , I . G . ; Korn , S . S . ; Hughes , J . S . ; Fish , A . S . ; P . M . Larsen , P . M .
673 > J- Wood , Treas . 1094 ; Burrows , 673 ; and others . Mr . Wittle , the landlord of the hotel , had made special preparations for the excursionists by providing a new entrance to his grounds , which at present show a magnificent display of flowers , and are beautifully laid out . Messrs .
Walsham . and Thomas s band met the brethren at the station , and marched at their head to the ground . An excellent banquet was served in the large dining hall connected with the hotel , at which Bro . Arthur Davies presided , supported by a large number of P . M . ' s and other officers
of the lodge . A number ot loyal and Masonic toasts were proposed and cordially responded to . Bro . P . B . Gee , I . P . M ., in giving the health of " The Worshipful Master of the Neptune Lodge Bro . Arthur Davies , " said he had known Bro . Davies for about four years in Masonry , and
during the whole of that time he had seen the invariable kindness which had marked his conduct , in . fact he had displayed evcrv quality which "ijhould endear him to a Mason ' s heart , awl he trusted their W . M . would have health and strength given him to fulfil aright the . duties
of his important office . In acknowledging the toast , the W . M . in an eloquent . speech , referred to the great pleasure it . gave . him . to . ; meet again so many brethren on their annual ; festival day . He also spoke of the excellent effect which such annual social gatherings must have upon every
member , especially when they were favoured with the presence of so many ladies . Bro . Gee responded to the toast-of "The Past Masters , " Bro . P . M . Healing to that of "The Ladies , " Bro . Dixon , S . W ., to "The Officers of . the Lodge ; " Bro . P . M . Williams on behalf of" Our Absent Sea-faring Brethren . " After toast , song
and sentiment , the company betook themselves to various amusements . Dancing appeared to be the chief attraction , excellent music being furnished by the quadrille band in attendance . Various groups of the " outers" were successfully photographed by . Bro . H . Burrows during the afternoon . After spending a pleasant afternoon the party returned to town at an early hour .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
ROYAL OAK LODGE ( NO . 871 ) . —At the White Swan Tavern , High Street , Deptford , on Thursday , July 24 th , this lodge held its meeting . Bro . William Andrews , P . M . and Treasurer ( in the unavoidable absence of the W . JVL ) , opened the lodge . Bro . W . Myatt , W . M ., soon
afterwards arrived , and took the chair . He was supported by Bros . G . Andrews , S . W . ; S . A . Lewin , J . W . ; F . Walters , P . M . and Secretary , Prov . Steward Middlesex ; H . J . Tuson , S . D . ; I . J . Pakes , J . D . ; H . J . Wells , I . G . ; R . Killick , W . S . ; J . Hawker , P . M . ; J . Truelove ,
P . M . ; G . Porter , H . W . F . Fellows , H . J . Fisher , J . G . Thomas , R . West , L . Lemon , T . Spencer , T . Harton , H . Schartau , J . Rennie , and others . The long list of visitors comprised Bro . H . Sadler , P . M . 147 ; J . Beckett , 148 ; E . H . Thiellay , S . D . 149 ; W . Kipps , I . G . and Organist 1275 ;
E . Wisher , 700 ; P . From , 1326 ; F . Jensen , 1326 . The work performed was conferring the third degree on Bros . H . W . F . Fellows , P . From ( 1326 ) and F . Jensen ( 1326 ) . The W . M . distinguished himself by his admirable manner of performing the important ceremony of raising .
Four gentlemen were proposed for initiation . Those , in addition to others already ballotted for , made more than five names on the list of candidates for initiation , consequently to ease the work , it was unanimously resolved to hold an emergency meeting of the lodge on Thursday , August 28 th , at five o ' clock , p . m . To enable
the wife and family of a brother , who was at one time a member of this lodge , to join him in America ( wherehe had gone to better his position in life ) , it was unanimously resolved to raise a sufficient amount (< se ? 23 ) from the lodge and charity funds of the lodge . Business being ended , the lodge was closed . There was not any banquet or refreshment .
LIVERPOOL . —Prince of Wales Lodge , ( No . 10 35 . —Wednesday , the 23 rd ult ., being the day selected for the annual picnic of the Prince of Wales Lodge , 1035 , about 1 ^ 0 of the brethren , their wives , and sweethearts , met at Lime-street station at noon , where first-class saloon carriages
were waiting to convey them to Runcorn station , where they were provided with conveyances to Halton Castle , the scene of the afternoon ' s en * joyment . Amongst those present were the W . M ., Bro . Sculthorpe ; Bro . M'Nab , S . W . ; Crosby J . Bunting , P . M . ; Morgan , P . M . ; A ,
Willis , Sec ; Salmon , S . D . ; Westbury , J . D . Amongst the visitors were Bro . J . T . Callow , P . M . 673 ; Bro . North , P . M . 216 ; Walmesley , 292 ; Bro . Captain Berry , S . W . 1393 •Bro . Gee , 249 , & c . The scene from the elevated point of Halton Castle may be , and no doubt is , very fine
on a clear day ; but unfortunately a smoky mist hanging around the . valleys below somewhat interfered with the pleasure of the prospect . However , the party , having come to enjoy themselves , determined to do so , and having some good turf , and excellent music , by the Liverpool
police band , under the leadership of Mr . Beardall , the younger portion took to dancing , while the more sedate played bowls on a green , which was of anything but of the best description . Ample provision was made for the comfort of the inn « r man , and , as the shades of evening closed round ,
the party made towards home , well pleased with their " out . " SOMERSET . — . Sain * Kew Lodge ( No . r . 2 ' 32 ) . —Bro . General Gore Boland Munbee , P . M ., P . Prov . S . G . W ., was installed W . M . of this lodge by Bro . E . Else , P . Prov . G . S . W ., P . G . Sec .
( who ably performed the ceremony in the absence of Bro . Captain Bridges , D . P . G . M . through indisposition ) , on Wednesday , the 23 rd ult ., at the Masonic Hall . The following officers were afterwards invested : —Bros . B . Cox , P . M . ; Rev . R . H . Bigsby , S . W . ; S . Jones , J . W . ;
Rpv . —Martin , Chap . ; H . W . Davies , Treas . ; H . R . Pearson , Sec . ; A . W . Butler , S . D . S . Lewis , J . D . ; E . E . Earle , D . of C ; L . H . Ricketts , I . G . ; W . Gaskell , Organist ; J . Bath , and A . Wickenden , Stewards ; W . Cousins , Tyler . The W . M . closed the lodge with prayer . The
brethren then adjourned to Bvo . Bath ' s , Railway Hotel , where a most sumptuous banquet was served under the superintendence of the Stewards . The visitors present were : —Bros . £ . Else , P . Prov . S . G . W ., P . G . Sec , Somerset , 291 j G , T . Inskip , P . G . J . W . Somerset , . 626 ; J , Cook , P .. Prov .. GJ . W ; Somerset , 1 3 c .