Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
¦ PROVINCE OF MIDDLESEX . R . W . COL . SIR FRANCIS BURDETT , BART ., Provincial Grand Master . A PROV IN C IA L GR AN D LODGE Will be held at THE ATHEN / EUM , ENFIELD , Oil Saturday , August 2 nd , at 2 . 30 p . m . precisely . By command of the Prov . G . Master . H . C . LEVANDER , P . G . D ., July 12 th , 1 SS 4 . Prov . Grand Sec .
PROVINCE OF WORCESTER . MASONIC SOIREE AND EXHIBITION . Worcester , Aug , 2 J , 1884 . BRETHREN who have MASONIC CURIOS of any kind are invited to communicate with Bro . Geo . Taylor , Summerdyne , Kidderminster , who will gratefully receive promises of such on loan for the above occasion . It is hoped to produce a Catalogue which will prove a valuable and standard reference to all interested in Masonic antiquities .
Just Published , Price One Penny . THE POPE AND FREEMASONS . REPLY TO THE Encyclical Letters of the Pope , the Archbishop of-Dublin , and Bishop of Killaleen . BY A FREEMASON . MANCHESTER —J HEVWOOD , Deansgate and Ridgfield ; and LONDON—J . BERESFORU , 29 , Corporation Street ; and all Booksellers .
GRAND LODGE OF MARK MASTER MASONS . OF ENGLAND AND WALES , AND THE COLONIES AND DEPENDENCIES OF THE BRITISH CROWN . THE RIGHT HON . THE EARL OF KINTGRE , M . W . G . M . THE RIGHT HON . LORD EGERTON OF TATTON , R . W . D . G . M . A MOVEABLE GRAND LODGE will be held on the invitation of the R . W . Provincial Grand Mark Master , the Dep . Prov . Grand Mark Master , and the Brethren of the Province of Devonshire , AT THE ROYAL PUBLIC ROOMS , EXETER , On WEDNESDAY ; the : 6 th of AUGUST , 1 S 8 4 , at which all legally advanced Mark Master Masons may be present . Grand Lodge will be opened at Four , o ' clock-prompt . By command of the M . W . Grand Master . FREDERICK B 1 NCKES , P . G . J . W ., Grand Secretary . Office—SA , Red Lion-square , London , W . C , 15 th July , 1 S 84 . BUSINESS . Open Grand Lodge in Form . Proposed by M . W . Bro . Canon PORTAL , M . A .., P . G . M . FV 1 . M-. — " That the sum of 10 guineas be voted to ' . The Hughan Testimonial Fund . '"_ General Business . ¦ Close Grand Lodge . ' A Banquet will take place at 5 . 30 o ' clock precisely , at the Rougemont Hotel . Tickets 5 s . each ( exclusive of Wine . ) N . B . —To facilitate the arrangements for the comfort of the Brethren attending the Banquet , application for Tickets must be made not later than Saturday , 2 nd August , to W . Bro . G . F . GKATWICKE , Prov . Grand Sec , Raleigh Lodge , St . Thomas , Exeter . RAILWAY ARRANGEMENTS . The Great -Western Railway and London and South Western Railway have consented to issue Return Tickets , . 1 st and 2 nd Class , at a Fare and a Quarter , available from 1 Tuesday , 5 th , to Saturday , yth , August , from all Stations 1 on their systems to Exeter , on production of Masonic Clothing to the Booking Clerk . By command of the M . W . G . M . M . M . Brethren will appear in Masonic Mourning .
BACON'S . CENTRAL HOTEL __ADJOINING FREEMASONS' HALL , GREAT OUEEN STREET , LINCOLN'S INN FIELDS , LONDON , W . C . BRO . THOMAS BACON begs to solicit the kind patronage of Brethren visiting-London . ' 1 The Craft is aware that it was supposed that the Grand Lodge would purchase the lease of his hotel , a statement to which effect was inserted in all the leading newspapers . He is sorry to say the report is operating much against his business , as many of his friends and the public , thinking his hotel closed , have gone elsewhere . •He therefore trusts that his Brother Freemasons in the | country will support him , and the more so as he has been a I tenant of Grand Lodge for half-a-century . I
« . O A L U T AT I O N , " N E W G A T E STREET , L O N D O N , E . C . E . LI EB MANN , P R O P RIET O R ( Urban Lodge , No . 1196 ) . This Establishment has been recently entirely RE-BUILT AND RE-DECORATED . Amongst special features it offers are A SPACIOUS MASONIC TEMPLE , WITH RECEPTION AND PREPARATION ROOMS , COMMODIOUS LODGE ROOMS ANU BANQUETING HALLS . PRIVATE ROOMS FOR ARBITRATION MEETINGS , PROCEEDINGS , & c , Sic Accommodation for ' ELECTIONS TO CHARITABLE INSTITUTIONS , Also every convenience for BALLS , WEDDING BREAKFASTS , SOIREES , AND EVENING PARTIES . CUISINE or THE HIGHEST CHARACTER . THE WINES Have been most carefully selected , and will be found perfect as regards condition . rite Proprietor will be happy to supply partfeulars as to Tariff , Scale of Charges , & c . BILLIARDS . Tables by the most Eminent Makers . LODGES intending to move from their present abode will do well to apply as early as possible to E . LI EB MANN , P ROPRIETOR ( Urban Lodge , No , 1196 ) . 'Q A L U T A T I O N , " NEWGATE STREET , L O N D O N , E , C <
LONDON & NORTH WESTERN RAILWAY . NORTH WALES AND LAKE DISTRICT . The Summer Service of Trains in the Lake District , and on the North Wales Coast , is now in operation . The Express leaving Euston at 10 . 30 a . m . will be found the . most convenient for Llandudno , Rhyl , Penmaenmawr , Aberystwith , Barmouth , Dolgelly , & c , as well as for the English Lake District . ¦ . 1 st , 2 nd , and 3 rd Class TOURIST TIC K E T S , AVAILABLE FOR TWO MONTHS , Areissuedat all the PRINCIPAL STATIONS ON THE London and North Western Railway . For full particulars , see TOURIST GUIDE ( 130 pages with Maps , price One Penny ) , which can be obtained at the Stations , or on application to Mr . G . Pi NEELE , Superintendent of the Line . G . FINDLAY , General Manager . ' Euston Station , July , 18 S 4 . "
p REAT WESTERN RAILWAY . BROAD GAUGE ROUTE TO THE WEST OF ENGLAND ! Catitiailous Raihtiay Communication , without change of carriage , between Paddingtoti and Exeter , Dawlish , Teignttiouth , Torquay , Paignton , Kingswear ( for Dartmouth ) , Plymouth , Devonport , Truro , Penzance , and other favourite resorts in the West of England . Tourist Tickets available for two months ( 1 , 2 , 3 , Class ) are issued in London at Paddingtou , Westbourne Park , Notting Hill , Hammersmith , Shepherd's Bush , Kensington ( Addison Road ) , Uxbridge Road , and certain stations on the Metropolitan and District Railways to the West of England , including the following 'Sea-Side and other places of attraction , viz . —Clevedon , Weston-Super-Mare , Minehead , Linton , Barnstaple , Ufracombe , Exeter , Dawlish , Teignmouth , Torquay , Paignton , Dartmouth , Plymouth , Devonport , Newquay , Fowey , Truro , Falmouth , St . Ives , Penzance , Scilly Islands , & c . Passengers holding First and Second-Class Tourist Tickets can travel by the 11 . 45 , a . m .,. and 3 . 0 , p . m ., fast trains from Paddington , which reach Exeter at 4 . 0 and 7 . 14 , p . m . ; Torquay , at 5 . 9 andS . 12 ; and Plymouth at 5 . 55 and S . 55 , p . m . respectively . See Programmes and Time Bills issued by the Company . J . GRIERSON , General Manager .
-JDRITISH EQUITABLE ASSURD ANCE COMPANY ,- Office , 4 , Queen-street place , London , E . C . TWENTY-NINTH ANNUAL REPORT , MAY , 1 S 84 . NEW BUSINESS . 200 7 Policies issued for , £ iii , ooy New Premium Income . ( , 12 , 560 ' BUSINESS IN FORCE . 26 , 704 Policies , Assuring £ 4 , 948 , 145 ' REVENUE OF THE YEAR : Premiums .: £ 144 , 626 Interest , & c JC 37 I 6 95 4 . £ lS 2 , 32 I ACCUMULATED FUND . Laid by in the year £ 65 , 507 Accumulated Fund on 31 st January , 18 S 4 ( equal to 76 per cent , of the net premiums received upon policies in - force ) jfy 3 S , 6 o 9 Claims and Bonuses paid under the Company ' s Policies , £ 8 oo , SoS . Average Reversionary Bonus for 27 years about IT per cent , per Annum . MUTUAL ENTRANTS IN JSS 4 PARTICIPATE IN THE ELEVENTH DIVISION OF PROFITS . Influential Agents wanted .
ATLAS ASSURANCE COMPANY . 92 , CHEAPSIDE , LONDON , E . C . FIRE , LIF-E J ACCIDENT . Capital—One Million Two Hundred Thousand Pounds . . Instituted 1808 , and . Empowered by Special Act of Parliament . The Company has been in existence more than 76 Years . Moderate Rates . PromptSettlements . Liberal Conditions . All its Funds are Invested in Great Britain . Transacts Home Business only . No Hypothecation of Funds for Foreign Policy Holders . . Ample Reserves apart from Capital . LIFE DEPARTMENT—Whole-World Assurances . Liberal Surrender Values given in Cash or by paid-up Policies . Payment of Claims immediately oh proof of death . All kinds of Life Assurance transacted . ACCIDENTS—Assured Against , whether fatal or causing total or partial disablement , at moderate rates , and with liberal Compensation . FIRE—Policies issued free of expense . LOSSES ' OCCASIONED BY LIGHTNING will bepaid whether the propertv be set on lire or not . LOSS OR DAMAGE caused by Explosion of Coal Gas in any building assured will be made good . Seven Years' Policies granted on payment of Six Years' Premiums . Active Agents Wanted . SAMUEL J . PIPKIN , Secretary .
" AN IMPORTANT FAGT ! C-r f ** and upwards carefully invested jfo X \ J in Options on Stocks and Shares is the safest and most popular way of rapidly making money on the Stock Exchange by the non-iiability system . Explanatory Book- ( new edition ) giving full details , gratis and post free . _ Address , GEORGE EVANS and Co ,, Sworn Brokers , Gresham House , London , E . C .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
¦ PROVINCE OF MIDDLESEX . R . W . COL . SIR FRANCIS BURDETT , BART ., Provincial Grand Master . A PROV IN C IA L GR AN D LODGE Will be held at THE ATHEN / EUM , ENFIELD , Oil Saturday , August 2 nd , at 2 . 30 p . m . precisely . By command of the Prov . G . Master . H . C . LEVANDER , P . G . D ., July 12 th , 1 SS 4 . Prov . Grand Sec .
PROVINCE OF WORCESTER . MASONIC SOIREE AND EXHIBITION . Worcester , Aug , 2 J , 1884 . BRETHREN who have MASONIC CURIOS of any kind are invited to communicate with Bro . Geo . Taylor , Summerdyne , Kidderminster , who will gratefully receive promises of such on loan for the above occasion . It is hoped to produce a Catalogue which will prove a valuable and standard reference to all interested in Masonic antiquities .
Just Published , Price One Penny . THE POPE AND FREEMASONS . REPLY TO THE Encyclical Letters of the Pope , the Archbishop of-Dublin , and Bishop of Killaleen . BY A FREEMASON . MANCHESTER —J HEVWOOD , Deansgate and Ridgfield ; and LONDON—J . BERESFORU , 29 , Corporation Street ; and all Booksellers .
GRAND LODGE OF MARK MASTER MASONS . OF ENGLAND AND WALES , AND THE COLONIES AND DEPENDENCIES OF THE BRITISH CROWN . THE RIGHT HON . THE EARL OF KINTGRE , M . W . G . M . THE RIGHT HON . LORD EGERTON OF TATTON , R . W . D . G . M . A MOVEABLE GRAND LODGE will be held on the invitation of the R . W . Provincial Grand Mark Master , the Dep . Prov . Grand Mark Master , and the Brethren of the Province of Devonshire , AT THE ROYAL PUBLIC ROOMS , EXETER , On WEDNESDAY ; the : 6 th of AUGUST , 1 S 8 4 , at which all legally advanced Mark Master Masons may be present . Grand Lodge will be opened at Four , o ' clock-prompt . By command of the M . W . Grand Master . FREDERICK B 1 NCKES , P . G . J . W ., Grand Secretary . Office—SA , Red Lion-square , London , W . C , 15 th July , 1 S 84 . BUSINESS . Open Grand Lodge in Form . Proposed by M . W . Bro . Canon PORTAL , M . A .., P . G . M . FV 1 . M-. — " That the sum of 10 guineas be voted to ' . The Hughan Testimonial Fund . '"_ General Business . ¦ Close Grand Lodge . ' A Banquet will take place at 5 . 30 o ' clock precisely , at the Rougemont Hotel . Tickets 5 s . each ( exclusive of Wine . ) N . B . —To facilitate the arrangements for the comfort of the Brethren attending the Banquet , application for Tickets must be made not later than Saturday , 2 nd August , to W . Bro . G . F . GKATWICKE , Prov . Grand Sec , Raleigh Lodge , St . Thomas , Exeter . RAILWAY ARRANGEMENTS . The Great -Western Railway and London and South Western Railway have consented to issue Return Tickets , . 1 st and 2 nd Class , at a Fare and a Quarter , available from 1 Tuesday , 5 th , to Saturday , yth , August , from all Stations 1 on their systems to Exeter , on production of Masonic Clothing to the Booking Clerk . By command of the M . W . G . M . M . M . Brethren will appear in Masonic Mourning .
BACON'S . CENTRAL HOTEL __ADJOINING FREEMASONS' HALL , GREAT OUEEN STREET , LINCOLN'S INN FIELDS , LONDON , W . C . BRO . THOMAS BACON begs to solicit the kind patronage of Brethren visiting-London . ' 1 The Craft is aware that it was supposed that the Grand Lodge would purchase the lease of his hotel , a statement to which effect was inserted in all the leading newspapers . He is sorry to say the report is operating much against his business , as many of his friends and the public , thinking his hotel closed , have gone elsewhere . •He therefore trusts that his Brother Freemasons in the | country will support him , and the more so as he has been a I tenant of Grand Lodge for half-a-century . I
« . O A L U T AT I O N , " N E W G A T E STREET , L O N D O N , E . C . E . LI EB MANN , P R O P RIET O R ( Urban Lodge , No . 1196 ) . This Establishment has been recently entirely RE-BUILT AND RE-DECORATED . Amongst special features it offers are A SPACIOUS MASONIC TEMPLE , WITH RECEPTION AND PREPARATION ROOMS , COMMODIOUS LODGE ROOMS ANU BANQUETING HALLS . PRIVATE ROOMS FOR ARBITRATION MEETINGS , PROCEEDINGS , & c , Sic Accommodation for ' ELECTIONS TO CHARITABLE INSTITUTIONS , Also every convenience for BALLS , WEDDING BREAKFASTS , SOIREES , AND EVENING PARTIES . CUISINE or THE HIGHEST CHARACTER . THE WINES Have been most carefully selected , and will be found perfect as regards condition . rite Proprietor will be happy to supply partfeulars as to Tariff , Scale of Charges , & c . BILLIARDS . Tables by the most Eminent Makers . LODGES intending to move from their present abode will do well to apply as early as possible to E . LI EB MANN , P ROPRIETOR ( Urban Lodge , No , 1196 ) . 'Q A L U T A T I O N , " NEWGATE STREET , L O N D O N , E , C <
LONDON & NORTH WESTERN RAILWAY . NORTH WALES AND LAKE DISTRICT . The Summer Service of Trains in the Lake District , and on the North Wales Coast , is now in operation . The Express leaving Euston at 10 . 30 a . m . will be found the . most convenient for Llandudno , Rhyl , Penmaenmawr , Aberystwith , Barmouth , Dolgelly , & c , as well as for the English Lake District . ¦ . 1 st , 2 nd , and 3 rd Class TOURIST TIC K E T S , AVAILABLE FOR TWO MONTHS , Areissuedat all the PRINCIPAL STATIONS ON THE London and North Western Railway . For full particulars , see TOURIST GUIDE ( 130 pages with Maps , price One Penny ) , which can be obtained at the Stations , or on application to Mr . G . Pi NEELE , Superintendent of the Line . G . FINDLAY , General Manager . ' Euston Station , July , 18 S 4 . "
p REAT WESTERN RAILWAY . BROAD GAUGE ROUTE TO THE WEST OF ENGLAND ! Catitiailous Raihtiay Communication , without change of carriage , between Paddingtoti and Exeter , Dawlish , Teignttiouth , Torquay , Paignton , Kingswear ( for Dartmouth ) , Plymouth , Devonport , Truro , Penzance , and other favourite resorts in the West of England . Tourist Tickets available for two months ( 1 , 2 , 3 , Class ) are issued in London at Paddingtou , Westbourne Park , Notting Hill , Hammersmith , Shepherd's Bush , Kensington ( Addison Road ) , Uxbridge Road , and certain stations on the Metropolitan and District Railways to the West of England , including the following 'Sea-Side and other places of attraction , viz . —Clevedon , Weston-Super-Mare , Minehead , Linton , Barnstaple , Ufracombe , Exeter , Dawlish , Teignmouth , Torquay , Paignton , Dartmouth , Plymouth , Devonport , Newquay , Fowey , Truro , Falmouth , St . Ives , Penzance , Scilly Islands , & c . Passengers holding First and Second-Class Tourist Tickets can travel by the 11 . 45 , a . m .,. and 3 . 0 , p . m ., fast trains from Paddington , which reach Exeter at 4 . 0 and 7 . 14 , p . m . ; Torquay , at 5 . 9 andS . 12 ; and Plymouth at 5 . 55 and S . 55 , p . m . respectively . See Programmes and Time Bills issued by the Company . J . GRIERSON , General Manager .
-JDRITISH EQUITABLE ASSURD ANCE COMPANY ,- Office , 4 , Queen-street place , London , E . C . TWENTY-NINTH ANNUAL REPORT , MAY , 1 S 84 . NEW BUSINESS . 200 7 Policies issued for , £ iii , ooy New Premium Income . ( , 12 , 560 ' BUSINESS IN FORCE . 26 , 704 Policies , Assuring £ 4 , 948 , 145 ' REVENUE OF THE YEAR : Premiums .: £ 144 , 626 Interest , & c JC 37 I 6 95 4 . £ lS 2 , 32 I ACCUMULATED FUND . Laid by in the year £ 65 , 507 Accumulated Fund on 31 st January , 18 S 4 ( equal to 76 per cent , of the net premiums received upon policies in - force ) jfy 3 S , 6 o 9 Claims and Bonuses paid under the Company ' s Policies , £ 8 oo , SoS . Average Reversionary Bonus for 27 years about IT per cent , per Annum . MUTUAL ENTRANTS IN JSS 4 PARTICIPATE IN THE ELEVENTH DIVISION OF PROFITS . Influential Agents wanted .
ATLAS ASSURANCE COMPANY . 92 , CHEAPSIDE , LONDON , E . C . FIRE , LIF-E J ACCIDENT . Capital—One Million Two Hundred Thousand Pounds . . Instituted 1808 , and . Empowered by Special Act of Parliament . The Company has been in existence more than 76 Years . Moderate Rates . PromptSettlements . Liberal Conditions . All its Funds are Invested in Great Britain . Transacts Home Business only . No Hypothecation of Funds for Foreign Policy Holders . . Ample Reserves apart from Capital . LIFE DEPARTMENT—Whole-World Assurances . Liberal Surrender Values given in Cash or by paid-up Policies . Payment of Claims immediately oh proof of death . All kinds of Life Assurance transacted . ACCIDENTS—Assured Against , whether fatal or causing total or partial disablement , at moderate rates , and with liberal Compensation . FIRE—Policies issued free of expense . LOSSES ' OCCASIONED BY LIGHTNING will bepaid whether the propertv be set on lire or not . LOSS OR DAMAGE caused by Explosion of Coal Gas in any building assured will be made good . Seven Years' Policies granted on payment of Six Years' Premiums . Active Agents Wanted . SAMUEL J . PIPKIN , Secretary .
" AN IMPORTANT FAGT ! C-r f ** and upwards carefully invested jfo X \ J in Options on Stocks and Shares is the safest and most popular way of rapidly making money on the Stock Exchange by the non-iiability system . Explanatory Book- ( new edition ) giving full details , gratis and post free . _ Address , GEORGE EVANS and Co ,, Sworn Brokers , Gresham House , London , E . C .