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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
|| fttotisci . rcnts . Now Publishing , supplied to Subscribers oniy , THE PEOPLE'S HISTORY OF CLEVELAND AND ITS VICINAGE ; Being an Historical , Topographical , and Statistical Account of the past and present stale of each Parish , Township , and Hamlet within the Wapentake of Lanbaurgh , and the Boroughs of Whitby and Stockton-on-Tees ; the Soil , Produce , Manufactures , Antiquities , Natural Curiosities , and Benefit Societies ; with Copious Pedigrees of the principal Families , Memoirs of Memorable Men , careful Chronicles of the most Remarkable Events , Notices of the Manners and Customs , Sports and Pastimes , Legends and Superstitions , and a Glossary of the North York Dialect , BY BRO . GEORGE MARKHAM TWEDDELL , Fellow of the Royal Historical Society ; of the Societies of Antiquaries of Scotland and Newcastle-upon-Tyne ; of the Royal Society of Northern Antiquaries , Copenhagen , & c , & c . To be completed in 32 Parts at 6 d . each , containing 40 pages of crown quarto double columns , thus giving for 16 s . 1 , 280 pages , or about 2 , 5 60 columns of letter-press , being twice as much matter as is given in any other History of Cleveland at three or four times the price . In addition to nearly all the fine Woodcuts given in Ord's History , the Work is Illustrated by numerous other Engravings , executed specially for it ; is neatly printed , with new type , on good paper ; and contains all the information to be tlerivetl from previous histories of the district , with a mass of other curious particulars relating both to the Past and to the Present , collected by the Author during the last thiity years . A chapter on the Geology of Cleveland has been kindly contributed by Professor Phillips , and the manuscript information collected by the kite Mr . Justice Temple for his long-projected History of Cleveand ( including some useful communications by the late earned Archdeacon Todd ) , has been obligingly placed at Ihe Author ' s disposal . Subscribers' names received by TWEDDEI . I . anil SONS , Cleveland Printing and Publishing Offices , Stokesley .
ROUGH WEATHER HATS-12 / 6 . 'PHE best Hat for Winter wear ; thoroughly waterproof , at Hro . W . J . JONES , HAT MANUFACTURER , 73 , Long Acre . Sent r . irriaex * tret . ' on receipt ol' P . O . O . lav 126 . p .-unbie to WILLIAM JONKS , l . oiv . ; Afro ollice—N . ll . Send number uf inches round tile head .
HATS ! HATS ! HATS ! The best in London . TACKSON , from Christy ' s , Practical Hatter , . 1 3 , Dove Court , Old Jewry , ICC , begs to return his best thanks for past favours and in soliciting future orders assures all who may favour him with their patronage that he can confidently guarantee tell his goods to be of the best workmanship and material . 1 kits thoroughly done up , 6 d . Mourning Hat Bands , Od .
Extension of the People ' s Market . GO AND 94 , 15 ISHOPSGATE-STRKKT x - ** ' : WITHOUT . The above Premises an- now OPKNTI ) bv JAMES GRANT , CITY I'Ol'LTKKKK , CITY CI 1 F . F . SKMONtlKK . CACTION TO p . i , Mir . ] j ; s . \ s » , \ u . \ .. \ ni : y . C „ . \ sr . M ; : r : * . —In consequence of the hifih prices ch .-ire . cd lor meat , and the enormous inconvenience caused thereby to Families , | AMKS ( IRA . VT has placed himseir in immediate ennucclion with several lame Farmers anil Bacon Curers , who will consign all their Cooils direct to him , therein- . savin ,, ' a cost of from Ten lo Fil ' teen ] icr cent , whuhit is his determination to ejvc the public I lie advantage of Low-Prices , I Huh Ouality , l . are , e Stock , Larue Premises , Civilin anil F . xpeilition . Wants of tlic ne ; e here satisfied , from the Public-Jlenefaetor . T GRANT , CITY POULTERER . J * A ^ eut and Salesman of all P A R M P R O D U C K , QO AND 94 , BISIIOPSGATE-STREET , " - '* - ' WITHOUT
POR FISH . 'fry GOW . T ? OR POULTRY . 'fry GOW . pOR GAME . X Try GOW . pOR BARRELLED OYSTERS . 1 Try GOW . T GOW . J * 1 , HONEY-LANE MAHK . KT , CI 1 F . APS 1 DE . Special quotations lo large consumers , Hotels , Caterers , \ c . Country Orders promptly executed . ONE ORDER WILL SECURE FUTURE / 'ATP . ONAGE .
Knights Templar . TyANTED , to Purchase the Second-hand Furniture of an Fncampment . Send ' [ lull particulars to THOMAS LANE , Percy Cottage , iiastbounic ,
MASONICNOTEPAPERANDENVELOPES, MADE EXPRESSLY FOR THE Craft , Royal Arch , Mark , Red Cross of Rome and C 011-stantine , Knights Templar , Ark Mariners , Rose Croix , and 30 th Degree . Stamped in Relief in Correct Colours , and with Proper Emhlems . The Paper is of very SUPERIOR MANUFACTURE , packed in boxes , containing Five Qaires , emhlematieally labelled , Price Three Shilling's . ENVELOPES TO MATCH , SIXPENCE PER PACKET . Every Freemason should order a sample , either direct , or through any stntioner . KENNING'S MASONIC DEPOTS , LONDON . —2 , 3 & 4 , LITTLE BRITAIN , AXD 198 , FLEET-ST ., E . C LIVERPOOL : —a , MONUMENT-PLACE .
For Cheap JVatches , Clocks , Gold Chains and Jewellery , go to KIBBLES ' , 22 , GRACECHURCH STREET ( one door from Lombard-street ) . Gold Watches £ 2 15 s . Silver Watches t ' l . is . Timepieces from os . Od . Every article warranted . Plate , Watches , and jewellery bought or exchanged . List of Prices post free .
THE ENTR'ACTE , ^ MUSICAL and THEATRICAL REVIEW , Price One Penny . Used as a programme at the principal London audProvincial Music I hills . The Entr'acte enjoys an extensile circulation , ami gets into the hands of every theatrical and music-hall aitbte . It contains a splendid cartoon every wee !; . First rate medium for advertisers . Subscribers can be supplied by post at i / S per iinaiter . Published every Saturday at , s , lirydges St ., Covent Garden , W . C .
r f II E L OiVDO N M I R R O R Publisheil every Saturday ; juice . pi . Tiie object of tin ' s journal is " to set forth the claim-: () f the mam KeHnious , Kdncatioiial , Henev ( tlenl , and I'nulential Institutions o llie 1 ' niieiJ Kingdom ,, ' (« d week by week torchon tiidrprnt'eedititrs , whether as Meetings , Sermons , Anniversaries , or Klections , so as It present these National Institutions to the favour of the Public . Ollice , 59 , Southampton-row , Russell-souare , London , W . C .
tt'JM-IE FREEMASON" OF ST . LOUIS . —Tin : Kar ^ e ^ t Masonic Monthly in the World . Puhli-hed at St . Louis , Mo ., by ( leonje Prank ( . louley , llrand Secretary and Recorder of the four Grand PodL-s 01 MisMHiri . 'I'hc Preen 1 ason contains lith ' n ^ s from cveiv cjnarter of ttie world , and will be found < ii jireai advantage to all Ma-ons , especially those iiUeresled in AmericanatVairs . Terms ? i jier annum , and to those who subscribe for the London Prccmasou the price will be $ 1 . 50 currency . Postage free . ubseriptions received at the Onice of the London " Prcemasnn , nj ^ , Pleet-stvcet .
'pi-JE SOUTII-WJiSTERxN INDEX LIST of l " nvrii > hcd ami Unfiiriiislicil Houses to be let , ami of Kstales fur sule in tliu Snuth-west of Lunilon , is published Mmithly 1 A ' MR . ( AS . STEVK \ s , Ai ; criO \ KIJU & K . STATE ACKNT CI . Al'lIAM COMMON , S . W . A useful work of reference for those seeking Resiliences , anil saving much trouble in obtaining intonnalion ol' inojierties tor ilispos . il in the S . W . district . Send ] iost-card with your address , and a cnjiy will be forwarded by leluvn post .
CARPETS , MATTING & FLOORCLOTH . r PHE Xewly-Invt'iitcd Solid , Non-fading , X DUST-PliOOb ' , DKAUGIl'l' -PKOOl ' , WATICHPllOOK , mid WASHABLE CAKPliTS and . AIAT'LLXG are the best Floor Cr » erin ;; s extant for Libraries , Hethooms , Oflices , ccc . No otber so I lealtby , Clean , and Keonomical . Patterns ctm be had , Post Free , and Goods Carriage Fiee , of JIEStJKS . CIIILFS co CO ., $ 1 AND do , Belmont STREKT , CHALK FAR . M JiOAU , LONDON , N . W . 'J'ES'J'LMONLAL r . Vti . 41 ) . St . Anthew ' s Street , Canibrid ; . ' , e , June 2 ytb , 1872 . Sin .- —Your note was forwarded to me heie , and I am h ,-i |)|) y to inform ycu that tr . e Uust Proof and Washable Carpets ha . e ;; i \ en me _ ej'ieat satisfaction . They icquhe no set ubbine ; ; merely to be washed with soap anil water and dried with a cloth . 1 ba \ e not found the colcuis to wear off , eeen win re most used . 1 am , Sir , your obedient servant , To J . E . J Aim BIT , Ksy . M . SWANDALE . The oriejiinU letter of Mis . Swandale can be seen in our Office , and others of a similar character from all parts of England . 77 ri' al-uiT IVstimiyiiiul rifi-rs t <> The " Uaslial-lc and Dusl-1 'runJ" Carpels luid dun-n in Jlcitnximi . ¦ j N . ll . —Patterns must be returned within four days post free—Postage 4 d .
BRIDGE HOUSE HOTEL , LONDON BRIDGE , Opposite the South Eastern , and London , Brighton , and South Coast Railways . r pHIS Hotel has great facilities for Meetings , Charitable Institutions , Wcililin , ; llre . ikfasts , Public Dinners-, Halls , Soiiecs , ami is allow cd to be in real ilomestic comfort , one of lire Uest in the Metropolis , the taiitl on application to . ( OSlil'M II . SPEXCKR .
City Terminus Plotel , Cannon-street , LONDON . TyELL adapted for . Banquets , Balls , Amateiu Dramatic Entertainments , Public Meetings , ami Avbv > trations . 'Hie larije ilall i * capable of seating upwards / if Twelve Hundred people , SYUNHV SI ' . NCKR , Manager .
Guildhall Tavern , Gresiiam-st ., E . G . gPACIOUS Dining-rooms , Chop and Steakrooms , Luncheon-bar- ; , and Smoking Rooms . Rooms of nil sizes , suitable lor Auction Sales , ( . ' onsuftatinns , Arbitrations , IJuildinu' Societies , & c . ; also lor Freemasons' Lodges anil Banquets , Private Dinners kc . ( juililhall Tavern Company ( Limited ) , 32 and 33 , Gresham-street , f JKoitm- ; C ' . WVKJR !) , . Manager ami Secretary .
Masons' Hall Tavern , MASON'S' AVEXUK , HASINCIIIALL-STRliliT , CITY . ^ PHK above okNcstn Wished Tavern is NOW X OI'KX , newly decorated , by Hro . CHARLES GOSDKN , late Manager of the Freemasons' Tavern Company . F . vcry accommodal ion will be found for Lodges , Tlia ]) ters , Mark and otber decrees , for their . Meet in sis , Dinners , Suppers , & c , and every attention will be paid to their comfort and enjoyment by the new Proprietor . The Alexandra Restaurant , ; , COX-OUIT-STiUiKT , KliGENT-STitEET . Public and Private Dining Rooms Fir .-t-class Cooking and \ Vincs , Open for Suppers alter the Theatres . Hro . F . Mn . ruHun , Proprietor ,
"THE FREEMASON " Supplied In * rn DRISCOLL , Wholesale Newsagent , Sy , - * - ' Kariinirdoii-sl ., E . C . South I . tmiioii Branch , 41 ( 1 , Wandsworth-road , S . W ., eig ht doors from the London Chatham and Diner Railway Station . Wholesale Publisher to the I ' rade .
SWANSEA Agent for the Freemason . ]> RO . CHAS , MAGGS . 25 , Georgc-st ., Swansea , A large stock of Aprons , Jewels , Clothing , and every requisite for all Degrees of Freemasonry . Agent for Kcnniug ' s Masonic Note Paper , Envelopes , Books , Candles , Perfumes , cVc . Advertisements leeched for "The Freemason . "
CITY . pOTTLli & SON , 1 + and 15 , Royal Exchange , 1 City Agents for "THE FREEMASON " A N I ) "The Israelites found in the Anglo-Saxons , " Just published , price 2 s , dd .
SHAKES in New Undertakings of a bona fide character successfully INFLUENCED and PLACED . Address , in peifcct confidence , 0 . 13 ., care of Mr . Marriage , > 0 , Blomfield-stieet , City .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
|| fttotisci . rcnts . Now Publishing , supplied to Subscribers oniy , THE PEOPLE'S HISTORY OF CLEVELAND AND ITS VICINAGE ; Being an Historical , Topographical , and Statistical Account of the past and present stale of each Parish , Township , and Hamlet within the Wapentake of Lanbaurgh , and the Boroughs of Whitby and Stockton-on-Tees ; the Soil , Produce , Manufactures , Antiquities , Natural Curiosities , and Benefit Societies ; with Copious Pedigrees of the principal Families , Memoirs of Memorable Men , careful Chronicles of the most Remarkable Events , Notices of the Manners and Customs , Sports and Pastimes , Legends and Superstitions , and a Glossary of the North York Dialect , BY BRO . GEORGE MARKHAM TWEDDELL , Fellow of the Royal Historical Society ; of the Societies of Antiquaries of Scotland and Newcastle-upon-Tyne ; of the Royal Society of Northern Antiquaries , Copenhagen , & c , & c . To be completed in 32 Parts at 6 d . each , containing 40 pages of crown quarto double columns , thus giving for 16 s . 1 , 280 pages , or about 2 , 5 60 columns of letter-press , being twice as much matter as is given in any other History of Cleveland at three or four times the price . In addition to nearly all the fine Woodcuts given in Ord's History , the Work is Illustrated by numerous other Engravings , executed specially for it ; is neatly printed , with new type , on good paper ; and contains all the information to be tlerivetl from previous histories of the district , with a mass of other curious particulars relating both to the Past and to the Present , collected by the Author during the last thiity years . A chapter on the Geology of Cleveland has been kindly contributed by Professor Phillips , and the manuscript information collected by the kite Mr . Justice Temple for his long-projected History of Cleveand ( including some useful communications by the late earned Archdeacon Todd ) , has been obligingly placed at Ihe Author ' s disposal . Subscribers' names received by TWEDDEI . I . anil SONS , Cleveland Printing and Publishing Offices , Stokesley .
ROUGH WEATHER HATS-12 / 6 . 'PHE best Hat for Winter wear ; thoroughly waterproof , at Hro . W . J . JONES , HAT MANUFACTURER , 73 , Long Acre . Sent r . irriaex * tret . ' on receipt ol' P . O . O . lav 126 . p .-unbie to WILLIAM JONKS , l . oiv . ; Afro ollice—N . ll . Send number uf inches round tile head .
HATS ! HATS ! HATS ! The best in London . TACKSON , from Christy ' s , Practical Hatter , . 1 3 , Dove Court , Old Jewry , ICC , begs to return his best thanks for past favours and in soliciting future orders assures all who may favour him with their patronage that he can confidently guarantee tell his goods to be of the best workmanship and material . 1 kits thoroughly done up , 6 d . Mourning Hat Bands , Od .
Extension of the People ' s Market . GO AND 94 , 15 ISHOPSGATE-STRKKT x - ** ' : WITHOUT . The above Premises an- now OPKNTI ) bv JAMES GRANT , CITY I'Ol'LTKKKK , CITY CI 1 F . F . SKMONtlKK . CACTION TO p . i , Mir . ] j ; s . \ s » , \ u . \ .. \ ni : y . C „ . \ sr . M ; : r : * . —In consequence of the hifih prices ch .-ire . cd lor meat , and the enormous inconvenience caused thereby to Families , | AMKS ( IRA . VT has placed himseir in immediate ennucclion with several lame Farmers anil Bacon Curers , who will consign all their Cooils direct to him , therein- . savin ,, ' a cost of from Ten lo Fil ' teen ] icr cent , whuhit is his determination to ejvc the public I lie advantage of Low-Prices , I Huh Ouality , l . are , e Stock , Larue Premises , Civilin anil F . xpeilition . Wants of tlic ne ; e here satisfied , from the Public-Jlenefaetor . T GRANT , CITY POULTERER . J * A ^ eut and Salesman of all P A R M P R O D U C K , QO AND 94 , BISIIOPSGATE-STREET , " - '* - ' WITHOUT
POR FISH . 'fry GOW . T ? OR POULTRY . 'fry GOW . pOR GAME . X Try GOW . pOR BARRELLED OYSTERS . 1 Try GOW . T GOW . J * 1 , HONEY-LANE MAHK . KT , CI 1 F . APS 1 DE . Special quotations lo large consumers , Hotels , Caterers , \ c . Country Orders promptly executed . ONE ORDER WILL SECURE FUTURE / 'ATP . ONAGE .
Knights Templar . TyANTED , to Purchase the Second-hand Furniture of an Fncampment . Send ' [ lull particulars to THOMAS LANE , Percy Cottage , iiastbounic ,
MASONICNOTEPAPERANDENVELOPES, MADE EXPRESSLY FOR THE Craft , Royal Arch , Mark , Red Cross of Rome and C 011-stantine , Knights Templar , Ark Mariners , Rose Croix , and 30 th Degree . Stamped in Relief in Correct Colours , and with Proper Emhlems . The Paper is of very SUPERIOR MANUFACTURE , packed in boxes , containing Five Qaires , emhlematieally labelled , Price Three Shilling's . ENVELOPES TO MATCH , SIXPENCE PER PACKET . Every Freemason should order a sample , either direct , or through any stntioner . KENNING'S MASONIC DEPOTS , LONDON . —2 , 3 & 4 , LITTLE BRITAIN , AXD 198 , FLEET-ST ., E . C LIVERPOOL : —a , MONUMENT-PLACE .
For Cheap JVatches , Clocks , Gold Chains and Jewellery , go to KIBBLES ' , 22 , GRACECHURCH STREET ( one door from Lombard-street ) . Gold Watches £ 2 15 s . Silver Watches t ' l . is . Timepieces from os . Od . Every article warranted . Plate , Watches , and jewellery bought or exchanged . List of Prices post free .
THE ENTR'ACTE , ^ MUSICAL and THEATRICAL REVIEW , Price One Penny . Used as a programme at the principal London audProvincial Music I hills . The Entr'acte enjoys an extensile circulation , ami gets into the hands of every theatrical and music-hall aitbte . It contains a splendid cartoon every wee !; . First rate medium for advertisers . Subscribers can be supplied by post at i / S per iinaiter . Published every Saturday at , s , lirydges St ., Covent Garden , W . C .
r f II E L OiVDO N M I R R O R Publisheil every Saturday ; juice . pi . Tiie object of tin ' s journal is " to set forth the claim-: () f the mam KeHnious , Kdncatioiial , Henev ( tlenl , and I'nulential Institutions o llie 1 ' niieiJ Kingdom ,, ' (« d week by week torchon tiidrprnt'eedititrs , whether as Meetings , Sermons , Anniversaries , or Klections , so as It present these National Institutions to the favour of the Public . Ollice , 59 , Southampton-row , Russell-souare , London , W . C .
tt'JM-IE FREEMASON" OF ST . LOUIS . —Tin : Kar ^ e ^ t Masonic Monthly in the World . Puhli-hed at St . Louis , Mo ., by ( leonje Prank ( . louley , llrand Secretary and Recorder of the four Grand PodL-s 01 MisMHiri . 'I'hc Preen 1 ason contains lith ' n ^ s from cveiv cjnarter of ttie world , and will be found < ii jireai advantage to all Ma-ons , especially those iiUeresled in AmericanatVairs . Terms ? i jier annum , and to those who subscribe for the London Prccmasou the price will be $ 1 . 50 currency . Postage free . ubseriptions received at the Onice of the London " Prcemasnn , nj ^ , Pleet-stvcet .
'pi-JE SOUTII-WJiSTERxN INDEX LIST of l " nvrii > hcd ami Unfiiriiislicil Houses to be let , ami of Kstales fur sule in tliu Snuth-west of Lunilon , is published Mmithly 1 A ' MR . ( AS . STEVK \ s , Ai ; criO \ KIJU & K . STATE ACKNT CI . Al'lIAM COMMON , S . W . A useful work of reference for those seeking Resiliences , anil saving much trouble in obtaining intonnalion ol' inojierties tor ilispos . il in the S . W . district . Send ] iost-card with your address , and a cnjiy will be forwarded by leluvn post .
CARPETS , MATTING & FLOORCLOTH . r PHE Xewly-Invt'iitcd Solid , Non-fading , X DUST-PliOOb ' , DKAUGIl'l' -PKOOl ' , WATICHPllOOK , mid WASHABLE CAKPliTS and . AIAT'LLXG are the best Floor Cr » erin ;; s extant for Libraries , Hethooms , Oflices , ccc . No otber so I lealtby , Clean , and Keonomical . Patterns ctm be had , Post Free , and Goods Carriage Fiee , of JIEStJKS . CIIILFS co CO ., $ 1 AND do , Belmont STREKT , CHALK FAR . M JiOAU , LONDON , N . W . 'J'ES'J'LMONLAL r . Vti . 41 ) . St . Anthew ' s Street , Canibrid ; . ' , e , June 2 ytb , 1872 . Sin .- —Your note was forwarded to me heie , and I am h ,-i |)|) y to inform ycu that tr . e Uust Proof and Washable Carpets ha . e ;; i \ en me _ ej'ieat satisfaction . They icquhe no set ubbine ; ; merely to be washed with soap anil water and dried with a cloth . 1 ba \ e not found the colcuis to wear off , eeen win re most used . 1 am , Sir , your obedient servant , To J . E . J Aim BIT , Ksy . M . SWANDALE . The oriejiinU letter of Mis . Swandale can be seen in our Office , and others of a similar character from all parts of England . 77 ri' al-uiT IVstimiyiiiul rifi-rs t <> The " Uaslial-lc and Dusl-1 'runJ" Carpels luid dun-n in Jlcitnximi . ¦ j N . ll . —Patterns must be returned within four days post free—Postage 4 d .
BRIDGE HOUSE HOTEL , LONDON BRIDGE , Opposite the South Eastern , and London , Brighton , and South Coast Railways . r pHIS Hotel has great facilities for Meetings , Charitable Institutions , Wcililin , ; llre . ikfasts , Public Dinners-, Halls , Soiiecs , ami is allow cd to be in real ilomestic comfort , one of lire Uest in the Metropolis , the taiitl on application to . ( OSlil'M II . SPEXCKR .
City Terminus Plotel , Cannon-street , LONDON . TyELL adapted for . Banquets , Balls , Amateiu Dramatic Entertainments , Public Meetings , ami Avbv > trations . 'Hie larije ilall i * capable of seating upwards / if Twelve Hundred people , SYUNHV SI ' . NCKR , Manager .
Guildhall Tavern , Gresiiam-st ., E . G . gPACIOUS Dining-rooms , Chop and Steakrooms , Luncheon-bar- ; , and Smoking Rooms . Rooms of nil sizes , suitable lor Auction Sales , ( . ' onsuftatinns , Arbitrations , IJuildinu' Societies , & c . ; also lor Freemasons' Lodges anil Banquets , Private Dinners kc . ( juililhall Tavern Company ( Limited ) , 32 and 33 , Gresham-street , f JKoitm- ; C ' . WVKJR !) , . Manager ami Secretary .
Masons' Hall Tavern , MASON'S' AVEXUK , HASINCIIIALL-STRliliT , CITY . ^ PHK above okNcstn Wished Tavern is NOW X OI'KX , newly decorated , by Hro . CHARLES GOSDKN , late Manager of the Freemasons' Tavern Company . F . vcry accommodal ion will be found for Lodges , Tlia ]) ters , Mark and otber decrees , for their . Meet in sis , Dinners , Suppers , & c , and every attention will be paid to their comfort and enjoyment by the new Proprietor . The Alexandra Restaurant , ; , COX-OUIT-STiUiKT , KliGENT-STitEET . Public and Private Dining Rooms Fir .-t-class Cooking and \ Vincs , Open for Suppers alter the Theatres . Hro . F . Mn . ruHun , Proprietor ,
"THE FREEMASON " Supplied In * rn DRISCOLL , Wholesale Newsagent , Sy , - * - ' Kariinirdoii-sl ., E . C . South I . tmiioii Branch , 41 ( 1 , Wandsworth-road , S . W ., eig ht doors from the London Chatham and Diner Railway Station . Wholesale Publisher to the I ' rade .
SWANSEA Agent for the Freemason . ]> RO . CHAS , MAGGS . 25 , Georgc-st ., Swansea , A large stock of Aprons , Jewels , Clothing , and every requisite for all Degrees of Freemasonry . Agent for Kcnniug ' s Masonic Note Paper , Envelopes , Books , Candles , Perfumes , cVc . Advertisements leeched for "The Freemason . "
CITY . pOTTLli & SON , 1 + and 15 , Royal Exchange , 1 City Agents for "THE FREEMASON " A N I ) "The Israelites found in the Anglo-Saxons , " Just published , price 2 s , dd .
SHAKES in New Undertakings of a bona fide character successfully INFLUENCED and PLACED . Address , in peifcct confidence , 0 . 13 ., care of Mr . Marriage , > 0 , Blomfield-stieet , City .