Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. ← Page 2 of 2 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 2 of 2 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 2 of 2 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 2 →
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
being concluded , the little party of sixty sat down to a sumptuous banquet , served in Bro . Gosden ' s excellent style , the loyal and Masonic toasts were given and received with a true Euphratesian enthusiasm , and the happy evening concluded as it had continued and had
begunin peace , in harmony , and in brotherly love . Amongst the numerous visitors we noticed Bro . Smith , W . M ., and Bro . McDonald , P . M . of the United Mariners , No . 30 ; Bro . Austin , S . W . of the Doric , No . 9 , 3 . 3 : and Bro . English , W . M . of the Upton Lodge , No . 1227 .
HIGH CROSS LODGE ( NO . 7 . 5 4 ) . —At one time and that " within the memory of men still living , " this lodge may have been said to have been under a cloud . It is not for us to enter into'the causes for such a state of things ; we need only congratulate the members upon the fact that
every trace of former misfortune has passed away , and to express our satisfaction that the lodge is now one of the most prosperous and efficiently worked within the Mepropolitan district . The greatest desire is evinced by gentlemen living in the locality to become members ; individuals
living at a distance have also shown much anxiety to join ; and one or more are initiated at every meeting . The future , therefore , ma ) - be regarded as full of promise for the happiness of the brethren . The regular meeting of the lodge was held on Wednesday , the 2 . 3 rd October , at the
Seven Sisters' Hotel , Page Green , Tottenham . On account of the large amount of business to be transacted , the brethren were summoned for five o ' clock , when the lodge was opened by the W . M ., Bro . T- Linzell , assisted by his officers , as follows ; Bro . Cunningham , S . W . ; Bro .
Mailer . J . W . ; Bro . Roberts , Treasurer ; Bro . Copland , Secretary ; Bro . Hughes , J . D ; Bro . Lance , I . G ; and many Past Masters , brethren , and visitors . The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , the ballot was taken separately for W . F . Stevenson , W . F .
Mattocks , and J . W . H . Wharton , resulting 111 unanimous votes in favour of each . Bros . Stephens anel Macaulay , candidates to be passed to the second ckgree , having g iven proofs of their proficiency were entrusted and withdrew . The Lodge then opened in the second degree .
Bros . Fowler and Powell being candidates for the third degree , and having answered the usual questions , were entrusted anel withdrew . The Lodge then opened in the third degree , when Bros . Fowler , and Powell were raised to the Sublime decree of Master Mason in solemn
form , the whole of the ceremony being rendered in an unusually perfect and impressive manner . The Lodge then closed in the second degree , and Bros . Stephens anel Macauly were passed . The Lodge then resumed to the first degree , and Mr . Stevenson , Mr . Mattocks , and Mr . Wharton
being in attendance , were duly initiated into the mysteries and privileges of ancient Freemasonry . The Committee afterwards brought up their report , recommending that a suitable testimonal be presented to the widow of the late esteemed
W . M ., and it was unanimously agreed to . No other Masonic business offering , the Lodge closed in solemn form at 8 . 1 , 5 , anil then adjourned to a banquet , served up in Bro . Oddy ' s usual effective style .
LAXCASTKR . —Duke of Lancaster Lodge ( No . 1 , 55 , 3 ) . —The regular meeting of this young and flourishing lodge took place in the Masonic Temple St . Leonard-gate , Lancaster , on the 16 th ult ., when the following officers and members were present : —The Chair of K . S . was occupied
by Bro . J . Barrow , W . M ., supported by Bro . J . Hatch , P . M . 2 S 1 , as I . P . M .- | . Bell , S . W . ; W . Heald , J . W . ; W . Barrows , Secretary ; J . Acton , S . D . ; J . Coulon , | . D . ; R . Wolfenden , I . G . ; J . H . Williams , S . S . ; J . Taylor ; Org . ; and J . Watson , Tyler ; Bros . Banister , Carr ,
Ellershaw , Foster , Gardner , Eastwood , Redwood , and visitors Bro . Joshua Bhimfield , 491 , Quebec , of the dominion of Canada , and Bio . W . 1 ! . France , , 302 . The lodge having been dul y opened in the Iirst degree ' , the minutes of the former meetitnr w < re read and confirmedand » : i answer
read from Hro . Wolfcndale to a Liter of condolence , sent to him on the death of his son , who was dvoiWivi ! by . ' . 'U'idtnt in the river Seine . The
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
lodge was then opened in the second degree , when Bros . Eastwood and Reedwood gave proof of proficiency as F . C . ' s , and were then entrusted by the W . M ., and retired , when the lodge was raised ' tothe third degree , and Bros . Eastwood and
Keedwood were consecutively raised to the sublime degree by the W . M . and P . M ., J . Hatch . The lodge was closed down to the first degree , when the usual propositions took place , and Mr . John Harrison , of Lancaster , builder , and Mr .
James Gerrard , of Glasson Dock , hotel-keeper , were proposed as candidates . Hearty good wishes having been given , by P . M . Hatch , from 281 ; Bro . Blamfield , 491 , Quebec ; and Broi France , 302 , the lodge was closed in due form .
DALTON-IN-FURRESS . —Baldwin Lodge ( No . 1 , 398 ) . —An emergency meeting of this lodge was held on Monday evening last , the 28 th ult ., in the lodge room , the Castle , Dalton-in-Furness . The lodge was opened at 6 . 45 p . m ., by the Acting
W . M ., Bro . Reuben Pearson , W . M . of the Lodge of Ulverston , 99 5 , supported by Worshipful Bro . Roger Dodgson , W . M . of Whitwell Lodge , Millom , 1 . 390 , and Prov . Grand Sword Bearer , Cumberland and Westmoreland ; the S . W ., Bro .
W . Whiteside ; and the Acting J . W ., Bro . John Case , P . M . 9 6 5 , P . Prov . G . J ., and others . The lodge was opened in the second degree , and Bro . Cooper , serving brother , having passed a satisfactory examination , was afterwards duly and
solemnl y raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason . The work was admirably executed by the Acting W . M ., and the working tools presented by the S . W . The lodge was then closed in the third degree , and Bro . Spark having proved
proficiency , was entrusted and passed to the degree of F . C , by W . M ., Roger Dodgson . The musical part of the ceremonies was effectivel y rendered b y Bros . Harper and Matthews , o " f
Lodge of / urness , 99 . 5 , and added greatly to the impressiveness of the working of the lodge . The hearty good wishes of the Whitwell Lodge , 1 . 390 , having been expressed , the lodge was closed in due form at 9 . , p . m .
HA MI-TON COURT . —Burdett Lotl ge ( Ko . 1 29 , 3 ) . —The October meeting of the above lodge was held on Saturday last at the Mitre Hotel , Hampton [ Court . Present , the R . W . Prov . G . M ., Colonel Burdett ; the Deputy , Bro . R . W . Stewart ; Kenyon , W . M . ; Still , J . W . ;
Little , P . M : and Treas . ; Kenning , Hon . Sec . ; Phythian , S . D . ; Dr . Self , Keily , Saunders , Hobson , Rosenthal , Smethurst , Owen , Buss , Doyle , Boucey , Kotzenberg , anel others . Visitors , C . Horsley , P . G-Registrar ; Burdett-Yeoman , and others . Bro . Bevrie was passed to the second
degree , Bro . Evans raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason . The election of W . M . ° ind Treasurer was then proceeded with , the ballot being unanimous in favour of Bro . Still as W . M ,, and Bro . Little as Treasurer . The application from Bro . Farnfield for a Steward for the Royal Masonic Institution for Aged Freemasons beincr
read by the Secretary , was responded to by the W . M . elect , Bro . Still . It was resolved that the initiation fee be raised from five to ei ght guineas , and the joining fee from three to five guineas . The lodge was then closed , after which dinner was served in Mr . Sadlers usual satisfactory manner .
GIBRALTAR . Lom-. K OK ST . J ( NO . in ;) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was ' held on the evening of the Sth October . Punctually at the hour named in the summons , the W . M ., Bro . J . J . R . Morgan , took the chair , being supported by Past Masters Balfour , Cockburn , Cavana and
Henry , with Bro . Haynes as S . W ., Bro . Valarino , J . W ., Bro . Ashton , S . D ., Bro . Avelljno , J . D ., and Bro . Cleiue-nte , Secretary . The business consisted in admitting to the mysteries of the Craft Signor Varvaro , prinm lenore of the Italian Opera Company , and raising to the
sublime degree Bro . G . . Thomas . The first portion of the evening ' s work was conducted in Spanish ; and we- would strongly commend to those brethren who ma ) at any time have the opportunity offered to them , not to fail to visit a lodge where the degrees are given in Spanish , the impressive and beautiful ritual gains , if possible , an
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
increased value when rendered in the sonorous and grandiloquent lingua Castil . lana . The ceremonies of the evening were conducted throughout by the W . M ., in a most excellent manner . In truth , we cannot omit to bestow the hi ghest meed of praise on Bro . Morgan , for
his unwearied exertions since his occupation of the chair of this lodge . From a variety ofadverseand entirel y fortuitous circumstances , all culminating about the same period , the condition of the lodge of St . John , at the time Bro . Morgan accepted the Mastershi p , was so sadly
unsatisfactory , that many of his friends and several of the warmest supporters of Masonry on the Rock , strongly counselled a temporary suspension of the working . Nothing daunted , the W . M . commenced operations , and by a happy
selection of officers and unceasing exertions , the Lodge of St . John is on firm ground again , and bids fair to secure for itself , at no distant period , the proud distinction of being one of the best and most flourishing , as it is the oldest , of all the lodges in Andalusia .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
CHESHIRE . PROVINCIAL GRAND CHATTER . The Provincial Grand Royal Arch Chapter for the Province of Cheshire , was held at the Town Hall , Macclesfield , on the 24 th ult ., when about seventy-five companions responded to the summons of the Grand Superintendent , amongst whom
were E . Comp . Captain Cope , P . Prov . G . H . ; Henry Bulley , P . G . H . ; Dr . Evans , P . Prov . G . J . ; E . G . Willoiighby , P . Prov . G . J . ; I . P . Piatt , T . Piatt , P . G . Soj . ; G . W . Lathom , P . G . S . E . ; Siddeley , P . G . S . N . ; Ferdinando Jackson , P . G . D . Ceremonies ; Companions R . W . Worrall , Z . 721 ; William Brown , H . 721 ; J . L .
Cunnah , Robert Morris , W . Weare , William Jones , S . E . 721 ; Stephenson . P . S . Zion Chapter ; Gracie , Harbord , and others . The Provincial Grand Chapter was opened at 2 . 30 . The roll of the chapter was called , when only two were found to be absent . The report of the Committee of Benevolence was then read and confirmed .
Ihe Ireasurers report was afterwards read , and showed the province to be in a flourishing condition as regards its funds . Comp . Captain Cope , pursuant to a notice of motion , then proposed that , in consideration of the great success of this province in again carrying their candidate into the Boys' Institution at
London , a vote of twenty-five guineas be given from the funds of the Prov . G . Chapter to that Intitution , giving nse more votes to the Province . It was seconded by Comp . j . L . Piatt , P . Z ., 5 . 37 , and carried unanimously . Tlie P . G . Superintendent then proceeded to appoint his P . G . Officers for the ensuing year , as follows : —
J . P . Piatt Prov . G . H . | . Birch Prov . G . J . G . W . Lathom Prov . G . S . E . J . Siddeley •Prov . G . S . N . Cornelius Goddard Prov . G . Prin . Soj Bates Prov . G . As . Soj . Richard Worrall Prov . G . As . Soj .
Stephens Prov . G . Stand . B . Ferdinando Jackson Prov . G . D . C . Bland Prov . G . Treas . Nothing more appearing for the good of R . A . Masonry , or this Provincial Granel Chapter in particular , it was closed in ancient and solemn form .
The . Companions , to the number of seventythree , adjourned to the Macclesfield Arms Hotel , when the banquet was held after which the usual loyal anel Masonic toasts were g iven and enthusiastically received , the Companions separating a little after seven o ' clock .
CALI ' ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER ( NO . 278 ) . — The usual monthly meeting of this chapter took place on Wednesday , October 9 th . It having been notified that the business of the
eveninpwould conclude with the installation of the Principals and officers elected last meeting , there was a strong muster of the companions ; and it afforded as strong e : \ ieleuce of the . good feeling
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
being concluded , the little party of sixty sat down to a sumptuous banquet , served in Bro . Gosden ' s excellent style , the loyal and Masonic toasts were given and received with a true Euphratesian enthusiasm , and the happy evening concluded as it had continued and had
begunin peace , in harmony , and in brotherly love . Amongst the numerous visitors we noticed Bro . Smith , W . M ., and Bro . McDonald , P . M . of the United Mariners , No . 30 ; Bro . Austin , S . W . of the Doric , No . 9 , 3 . 3 : and Bro . English , W . M . of the Upton Lodge , No . 1227 .
HIGH CROSS LODGE ( NO . 7 . 5 4 ) . —At one time and that " within the memory of men still living , " this lodge may have been said to have been under a cloud . It is not for us to enter into'the causes for such a state of things ; we need only congratulate the members upon the fact that
every trace of former misfortune has passed away , and to express our satisfaction that the lodge is now one of the most prosperous and efficiently worked within the Mepropolitan district . The greatest desire is evinced by gentlemen living in the locality to become members ; individuals
living at a distance have also shown much anxiety to join ; and one or more are initiated at every meeting . The future , therefore , ma ) - be regarded as full of promise for the happiness of the brethren . The regular meeting of the lodge was held on Wednesday , the 2 . 3 rd October , at the
Seven Sisters' Hotel , Page Green , Tottenham . On account of the large amount of business to be transacted , the brethren were summoned for five o ' clock , when the lodge was opened by the W . M ., Bro . T- Linzell , assisted by his officers , as follows ; Bro . Cunningham , S . W . ; Bro .
Mailer . J . W . ; Bro . Roberts , Treasurer ; Bro . Copland , Secretary ; Bro . Hughes , J . D ; Bro . Lance , I . G ; and many Past Masters , brethren , and visitors . The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , the ballot was taken separately for W . F . Stevenson , W . F .
Mattocks , and J . W . H . Wharton , resulting 111 unanimous votes in favour of each . Bros . Stephens anel Macaulay , candidates to be passed to the second ckgree , having g iven proofs of their proficiency were entrusted and withdrew . The Lodge then opened in the second degree .
Bros . Fowler and Powell being candidates for the third degree , and having answered the usual questions , were entrusted anel withdrew . The Lodge then opened in the third degree , when Bros . Fowler , and Powell were raised to the Sublime decree of Master Mason in solemn
form , the whole of the ceremony being rendered in an unusually perfect and impressive manner . The Lodge then closed in the second degree , and Bros . Stephens anel Macauly were passed . The Lodge then resumed to the first degree , and Mr . Stevenson , Mr . Mattocks , and Mr . Wharton
being in attendance , were duly initiated into the mysteries and privileges of ancient Freemasonry . The Committee afterwards brought up their report , recommending that a suitable testimonal be presented to the widow of the late esteemed
W . M ., and it was unanimously agreed to . No other Masonic business offering , the Lodge closed in solemn form at 8 . 1 , 5 , anil then adjourned to a banquet , served up in Bro . Oddy ' s usual effective style .
LAXCASTKR . —Duke of Lancaster Lodge ( No . 1 , 55 , 3 ) . —The regular meeting of this young and flourishing lodge took place in the Masonic Temple St . Leonard-gate , Lancaster , on the 16 th ult ., when the following officers and members were present : —The Chair of K . S . was occupied
by Bro . J . Barrow , W . M ., supported by Bro . J . Hatch , P . M . 2 S 1 , as I . P . M .- | . Bell , S . W . ; W . Heald , J . W . ; W . Barrows , Secretary ; J . Acton , S . D . ; J . Coulon , | . D . ; R . Wolfenden , I . G . ; J . H . Williams , S . S . ; J . Taylor ; Org . ; and J . Watson , Tyler ; Bros . Banister , Carr ,
Ellershaw , Foster , Gardner , Eastwood , Redwood , and visitors Bro . Joshua Bhimfield , 491 , Quebec , of the dominion of Canada , and Bio . W . 1 ! . France , , 302 . The lodge having been dul y opened in the Iirst degree ' , the minutes of the former meetitnr w < re read and confirmedand » : i answer
read from Hro . Wolfcndale to a Liter of condolence , sent to him on the death of his son , who was dvoiWivi ! by . ' . 'U'idtnt in the river Seine . The
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
lodge was then opened in the second degree , when Bros . Eastwood and Reedwood gave proof of proficiency as F . C . ' s , and were then entrusted by the W . M ., and retired , when the lodge was raised ' tothe third degree , and Bros . Eastwood and
Keedwood were consecutively raised to the sublime degree by the W . M . and P . M ., J . Hatch . The lodge was closed down to the first degree , when the usual propositions took place , and Mr . John Harrison , of Lancaster , builder , and Mr .
James Gerrard , of Glasson Dock , hotel-keeper , were proposed as candidates . Hearty good wishes having been given , by P . M . Hatch , from 281 ; Bro . Blamfield , 491 , Quebec ; and Broi France , 302 , the lodge was closed in due form .
DALTON-IN-FURRESS . —Baldwin Lodge ( No . 1 , 398 ) . —An emergency meeting of this lodge was held on Monday evening last , the 28 th ult ., in the lodge room , the Castle , Dalton-in-Furness . The lodge was opened at 6 . 45 p . m ., by the Acting
W . M ., Bro . Reuben Pearson , W . M . of the Lodge of Ulverston , 99 5 , supported by Worshipful Bro . Roger Dodgson , W . M . of Whitwell Lodge , Millom , 1 . 390 , and Prov . Grand Sword Bearer , Cumberland and Westmoreland ; the S . W ., Bro .
W . Whiteside ; and the Acting J . W ., Bro . John Case , P . M . 9 6 5 , P . Prov . G . J ., and others . The lodge was opened in the second degree , and Bro . Cooper , serving brother , having passed a satisfactory examination , was afterwards duly and
solemnl y raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason . The work was admirably executed by the Acting W . M ., and the working tools presented by the S . W . The lodge was then closed in the third degree , and Bro . Spark having proved
proficiency , was entrusted and passed to the degree of F . C , by W . M ., Roger Dodgson . The musical part of the ceremonies was effectivel y rendered b y Bros . Harper and Matthews , o " f
Lodge of / urness , 99 . 5 , and added greatly to the impressiveness of the working of the lodge . The hearty good wishes of the Whitwell Lodge , 1 . 390 , having been expressed , the lodge was closed in due form at 9 . , p . m .
HA MI-TON COURT . —Burdett Lotl ge ( Ko . 1 29 , 3 ) . —The October meeting of the above lodge was held on Saturday last at the Mitre Hotel , Hampton [ Court . Present , the R . W . Prov . G . M ., Colonel Burdett ; the Deputy , Bro . R . W . Stewart ; Kenyon , W . M . ; Still , J . W . ;
Little , P . M : and Treas . ; Kenning , Hon . Sec . ; Phythian , S . D . ; Dr . Self , Keily , Saunders , Hobson , Rosenthal , Smethurst , Owen , Buss , Doyle , Boucey , Kotzenberg , anel others . Visitors , C . Horsley , P . G-Registrar ; Burdett-Yeoman , and others . Bro . Bevrie was passed to the second
degree , Bro . Evans raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason . The election of W . M . ° ind Treasurer was then proceeded with , the ballot being unanimous in favour of Bro . Still as W . M ,, and Bro . Little as Treasurer . The application from Bro . Farnfield for a Steward for the Royal Masonic Institution for Aged Freemasons beincr
read by the Secretary , was responded to by the W . M . elect , Bro . Still . It was resolved that the initiation fee be raised from five to ei ght guineas , and the joining fee from three to five guineas . The lodge was then closed , after which dinner was served in Mr . Sadlers usual satisfactory manner .
GIBRALTAR . Lom-. K OK ST . J ( NO . in ;) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was ' held on the evening of the Sth October . Punctually at the hour named in the summons , the W . M ., Bro . J . J . R . Morgan , took the chair , being supported by Past Masters Balfour , Cockburn , Cavana and
Henry , with Bro . Haynes as S . W ., Bro . Valarino , J . W ., Bro . Ashton , S . D ., Bro . Avelljno , J . D ., and Bro . Cleiue-nte , Secretary . The business consisted in admitting to the mysteries of the Craft Signor Varvaro , prinm lenore of the Italian Opera Company , and raising to the
sublime degree Bro . G . . Thomas . The first portion of the evening ' s work was conducted in Spanish ; and we- would strongly commend to those brethren who ma ) at any time have the opportunity offered to them , not to fail to visit a lodge where the degrees are given in Spanish , the impressive and beautiful ritual gains , if possible , an
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
increased value when rendered in the sonorous and grandiloquent lingua Castil . lana . The ceremonies of the evening were conducted throughout by the W . M ., in a most excellent manner . In truth , we cannot omit to bestow the hi ghest meed of praise on Bro . Morgan , for
his unwearied exertions since his occupation of the chair of this lodge . From a variety ofadverseand entirel y fortuitous circumstances , all culminating about the same period , the condition of the lodge of St . John , at the time Bro . Morgan accepted the Mastershi p , was so sadly
unsatisfactory , that many of his friends and several of the warmest supporters of Masonry on the Rock , strongly counselled a temporary suspension of the working . Nothing daunted , the W . M . commenced operations , and by a happy
selection of officers and unceasing exertions , the Lodge of St . John is on firm ground again , and bids fair to secure for itself , at no distant period , the proud distinction of being one of the best and most flourishing , as it is the oldest , of all the lodges in Andalusia .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
CHESHIRE . PROVINCIAL GRAND CHATTER . The Provincial Grand Royal Arch Chapter for the Province of Cheshire , was held at the Town Hall , Macclesfield , on the 24 th ult ., when about seventy-five companions responded to the summons of the Grand Superintendent , amongst whom
were E . Comp . Captain Cope , P . Prov . G . H . ; Henry Bulley , P . G . H . ; Dr . Evans , P . Prov . G . J . ; E . G . Willoiighby , P . Prov . G . J . ; I . P . Piatt , T . Piatt , P . G . Soj . ; G . W . Lathom , P . G . S . E . ; Siddeley , P . G . S . N . ; Ferdinando Jackson , P . G . D . Ceremonies ; Companions R . W . Worrall , Z . 721 ; William Brown , H . 721 ; J . L .
Cunnah , Robert Morris , W . Weare , William Jones , S . E . 721 ; Stephenson . P . S . Zion Chapter ; Gracie , Harbord , and others . The Provincial Grand Chapter was opened at 2 . 30 . The roll of the chapter was called , when only two were found to be absent . The report of the Committee of Benevolence was then read and confirmed .
Ihe Ireasurers report was afterwards read , and showed the province to be in a flourishing condition as regards its funds . Comp . Captain Cope , pursuant to a notice of motion , then proposed that , in consideration of the great success of this province in again carrying their candidate into the Boys' Institution at
London , a vote of twenty-five guineas be given from the funds of the Prov . G . Chapter to that Intitution , giving nse more votes to the Province . It was seconded by Comp . j . L . Piatt , P . Z ., 5 . 37 , and carried unanimously . Tlie P . G . Superintendent then proceeded to appoint his P . G . Officers for the ensuing year , as follows : —
J . P . Piatt Prov . G . H . | . Birch Prov . G . J . G . W . Lathom Prov . G . S . E . J . Siddeley •Prov . G . S . N . Cornelius Goddard Prov . G . Prin . Soj Bates Prov . G . As . Soj . Richard Worrall Prov . G . As . Soj .
Stephens Prov . G . Stand . B . Ferdinando Jackson Prov . G . D . C . Bland Prov . G . Treas . Nothing more appearing for the good of R . A . Masonry , or this Provincial Granel Chapter in particular , it was closed in ancient and solemn form .
The . Companions , to the number of seventythree , adjourned to the Macclesfield Arms Hotel , when the banquet was held after which the usual loyal anel Masonic toasts were g iven and enthusiastically received , the Companions separating a little after seven o ' clock .
CALI ' ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER ( NO . 278 ) . — The usual monthly meeting of this chapter took place on Wednesday , October 9 th . It having been notified that the business of the
eveninpwould conclude with the installation of the Principals and officers elected last meeting , there was a strong muster of the companions ; and it afforded as strong e : \ ieleuce of the . good feeling