Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Prov. Grand Lodge Of Leicestershire And Rutland.
members . Referring to the Leicester lodges , the report says that the . question 0 f a neAV lodge Avould probably soon have to be entertained , OAving to the great increase in numbers of both lodges , there
being" only tAvo lodges HOAV to a population of 95 , 000 , the same number that existed fifteen years ago , Avhen the population Avas less than half that number . The success of the candidate of the province , Alfred Nutt ,
at the recent election for the Boys' School , was noticed , and a summary of the sources from Avhencc the \< otes Avere received Avas o-iven . The report concludes Avith a Avellmerited acknoAvledgment of the untiring
exertions of the Prov . G . Master to secure the success of the candidate . Bro . the Rev . Dr . Haycroft , P . G . Chap ., approved of the proposal to establish a HOAV lodge in Leicester , and referred , in terms of
high commendation , to those brethren to whose assistance the success of the candidate for the Boys' School Avas due . He moved : "That the report read be adopted , and that the best thanks of the P . G . Lodge
are due , and are hereby tendered , to Bros . Augustus Smith ( R . W . P . G . M . ' Cornwall ) , Sir F . M . Williams ( J . G . W . England , and D . P . G . M . Cornwall ) , Col . Machen ( D . P . G . M . Warwickshire ) , John Symonds , William' J .
Hughan , and all those brethren Avho , by their votes , contributed to the success of thc candidate of this province at the recent election of the R . M . I , for Boys . "
The resolution Avas seconded by Bro . C Stretton , P . P . G . Reg ., and carried unani mously . The P . G . Master dreAV attention to a dis
crepancy in the returns of lodges , and explained that the difference arose that some lodges had' not returned members Avhose subscriptions Avere more than two years in arrears , but that the actual number
of initiations and joinings exceeded that of last year . Bros . L . A . ^ Clarke , P . P . S . G . W .-, and C . Stretton , P . P . G . Reg ., Avere elected members of the Hall Committee , on the motion of
Bro . thc Rev . W . Langley , P . P . S . G . W ., seconded by Bro . WiddoAVson , P . G . Steward Bro . H . Deane , P . P . G . R ., Avas then installed by thc P . G . M . as W . M . of No .
1007 , in the presence of a large number of P . M . ' s , and having been saluted in the several degrees , he invested his officers for the year , after which the P . G . Lodge Avas resumed .
The Treasurer ' s accounts having been passed , Bro . Stretton moved that Bro . W . B . Smith be re-elected Treasurer , Avhich Avas seconded by Bro . J . J . Fast , P . P . G . Supt . of Works , and carried unanimously , Avith thanks for his past services .
The P . G . M . moved a vote of thanks to the P . G . Sec . for his services , which Avas seconded by Bro . Smith , P . G . Treas ., and carried unanimously .
Bro . Toller having briefly , replied , the following were invested as P . G . officers for the ensuing year : Bros . Sir H . St . John Halford , Bart ., S . G . W . ; H . Deane . J . G . W . ; Revds . J . Halford , M . A ., and P . H . Phclp ,
M . A ., G . Chaps . ; W . B . Smith , G . Treas . ; A . Pell , M . P ., G . Reg . ; G . Toller , jun ., G . Sec : W . Sculthorpe , S . G . D . ; J . C . Duncombe , J . G . D . ; J . M . McAllister , G . Supt . of Wks . ; C H . Capp , G . Dir . of Cers . ; L . L .
Atwood , Asst . G . Dir . of Cers . ; C . P . Newcombc , G . SAvord-bearer ; C . L . Fcrneley , G . Org . ; F . J . Baines , G . Purs . ; R . W . Widdowson , Asst . G . Purs . ; Capt .
Goodchild ( 279 ) , E . Mace ( 523 ) , J . J . F . Scott ( 1007 ) , F . Barnard ( Sec . 1130 ) , W . Bcrndge ( 1265 ) , and J . H . Douglas ( Sec . 1330 ) , G - Stewards ; and C . Bcmbridge ( 279 ) , iyler .
Prov. Grand Lodge Of Leicestershire And Rutland.
It should be mentioned that Bro . M . McAllister , P . G . Supt . of Works , Avas presented by the Leicester Masonic Hall
Committee Avith a complete suit of Prov . clothing and JCAVCI , in recognition of his gratuitous services , at the recent improvements of that building .
A new state , sword for the lodge Avas ordered to be purchased . Bro . Binckes , at the request of the
P . G . M ., gave an interesting account of the method , of education pursued at the Boys ' School , after Avhich the P . G . Lodge Avas closed in due form .
The banquet took place at the Bull ' s Head Hotel , and Avas attended by about seventy brethren . Several interesting speeches Avere delivered , especially one by the Rev . J . Halford , in response to the
toast of " Bishop , Clergy , and Ministers of all Denominations , " proposed by Bro . A . Pell , M . P . The rev . brother , in a most forcible and . eloquent speech , said that , if thc clergy generally knew Masonry better ,
they Avould the more highly esteem its principles ; he believed that there Avas in a Masonic lodge a more thorough appreciation of a great Christian principle than anywhere else—viz ., the universal
brotherhood of mankind—and the result Avas , that Masons , as a rule , better carried that principle , not only in , but out of the lodge . The length to which this report has
extended must preclude any further notice of the various addresses ; but it will be sufficient to say that the anniversary was , throughout , a great success , and thoroughly enjoyed by those present .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Norfolk.
[ FROM OUR OAVX CORRESPONDENT . ] The Grand Lodge of the province of Norfolk , convened to be holden in Lynn on Saturday last , the 25 th NoA'cmber , Avas
necessarily deprived of much of its anticipated interest by thc absence , through the deeply-regretted illness , of H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , P . G . M . of England . His
announced purpose of attending the lodge had not only been hailed with rejoicing by the brethren of Norfolk , and the adjacent counties , but many resident in somewhat distant
provinces were eager to avail themseh'es of the opportunity of paying respect to his Royal Highness in his Masonic character . The publication throughout the kingdom
of thc contents of the bulletins issued from Sandringham . on Thursday and Friday informed those brethren how very unlikely it was that the Prince could leave home on
the occasion ; and it is probable that some hundreds of members of thc Craft Avere thereby induced to change their intention of journeying to -Lynn . It Avas a great
disappointment ; and the inconvenience of the day on Avhich the lodge A \ 'as holden ( it being market day at Lynn , Wisbech , Norwich , and Spalding ) further tended to thc prejudice
of the gathering . The probability of having to remain away from- home over Sunday , no doubt induced many frorh thc south and Avestto absent themselves , AVIIO would gladly
have been present had there been any tram available between five o ' clock on Saturday afternoon and 7 . 40 on Monday morning . But notwithstanding these adverse circum-
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Norfolk.
stances , the convocation Avas a very successful one ; and not less than 200 brethren were present in Grand Lodge , including some from London , Cambridge , Peterborough , Hull , and , Ave believe , more distant places .
The use of the ancient Guildhall of Lynn with its adjoining suite of apartments , had been placed by the Mayor at the' disposal of the Prov . Grand Lodge ; and on Friday the Director of Ceremonies of the province
( the Avell-knoAvn and esteemed Bro . Mason , of Norwich ) , arrived in Lynn Avith his assistants and the ' magnificent furniture and regalia of the lodge , and the necessary preparations Avere made for the ceremonies of
the following day . The Guildhall formed an excellent and appropriate lodge-room ; the justice-room adjoining Avas appropriated . as the vestibule ; and a two noble assembly rooms together formed the banqueting chamber .
The lodge Avas summoned for two o ' clock in the afternoon , ancl shortly after that time the Very Worshipful the Deputy Prov . Grand Master , the Hon . F . Walpole , M . P ., ( in the absence , from age and infirmity , of
the A'enerable Prov . Grand Master , Bro . Benjamin Bond Cabbell ) , Avith his Prov . Grand Wardens , Bros . A . Evans Lombe and A . Palmer , took their seats ; the other officers arranged themselves in their
respective situations , and the brethren , under the banners of the several lodges of the province , thirteen in number . The opening ceremonies Avere then performed , the Deputy
Prov . G . M . was duly saluted , the roll called over , and a hymn Avas solemnly sung by the AA-hole body of Masons present , the Prov . Grand Organist ( Bro . G . Brittan ) performing the accompaniment .
Thc minutes of the preceding lodge and the report of the Board of Finance Avere then read and confirmed , grants of money Avere A'oted to poor and distressed brethren , and other business was transacted . The
V . W . Deputy Prov . G . M . appointed the following Prov . Grand Officers for the ensuing year , and invested with their insignia those of them Avho were present , or , in the case of the few absentees , the brethren Avho
undertook the duties for them pro hac vice : Bros . Lord Suffield , S . W . ; T . Baker , J . W . ; C . E . Bignold , Reg . ; Rev . W . Lake Onslow , Chap . ; Howes , Supt . of Works ; A . M . F . Morgan , Sec . ; J . Barwell , Treas . ; G . L .
Coleman , S . D . ; G . S . Woodwark , J . D . ; H . J . Mason , D . C . ; J . B . Quinton , Asst . D . C . ; G . Brittan , Org . ; Beeston , Purs . ; Asker , Ayris , Abram and Gambling , SteAvards ; Major Duff and the Rev . J . P . Deacon , Extra
Deacons ; Capron Smith , Major Penrice , G . W . F . Loftus , W . A . T . Amhurst , Hastings Parker and Sir F . Boileau , Extra Stewards ; Stevens , Sword-bearer ; Scott , Bannerbearer ; R . Gunn , Tyler .
At half-past three o clock , the lodge Avas adjourned , and a procession Avas formed from the Guildhall to St . Margaret ' s Church , to attend divine service . A dense crowd of spectators lined each side of the narrow
space through which the brethren Avalked from the hall to thc Avest door of the church , and a very numerous congregation already occupied those parts of thc sacred edifice which had not been reserved for the
Fraternity . The service Avas choral and Avas exceedinglyAvell and heartily performed , theseveral choirs of the town combining to lead the musical portions . Thc opening voluntary
Avas performed by thc Prov . G . Organist , and the remainder of the service Avas accompanied by Mr . Reddie . Thc psalms and Cantate Dominc Avere sung to single chants from the Cheadle tune book , and the Dens
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Prov. Grand Lodge Of Leicestershire And Rutland.
members . Referring to the Leicester lodges , the report says that the . question 0 f a neAV lodge Avould probably soon have to be entertained , OAving to the great increase in numbers of both lodges , there
being" only tAvo lodges HOAV to a population of 95 , 000 , the same number that existed fifteen years ago , Avhen the population Avas less than half that number . The success of the candidate of the province , Alfred Nutt ,
at the recent election for the Boys' School , was noticed , and a summary of the sources from Avhencc the \< otes Avere received Avas o-iven . The report concludes Avith a Avellmerited acknoAvledgment of the untiring
exertions of the Prov . G . Master to secure the success of the candidate . Bro . the Rev . Dr . Haycroft , P . G . Chap ., approved of the proposal to establish a HOAV lodge in Leicester , and referred , in terms of
high commendation , to those brethren to whose assistance the success of the candidate for the Boys' School Avas due . He moved : "That the report read be adopted , and that the best thanks of the P . G . Lodge
are due , and are hereby tendered , to Bros . Augustus Smith ( R . W . P . G . M . ' Cornwall ) , Sir F . M . Williams ( J . G . W . England , and D . P . G . M . Cornwall ) , Col . Machen ( D . P . G . M . Warwickshire ) , John Symonds , William' J .
Hughan , and all those brethren Avho , by their votes , contributed to the success of thc candidate of this province at the recent election of the R . M . I , for Boys . "
The resolution Avas seconded by Bro . C Stretton , P . P . G . Reg ., and carried unani mously . The P . G . Master dreAV attention to a dis
crepancy in the returns of lodges , and explained that the difference arose that some lodges had' not returned members Avhose subscriptions Avere more than two years in arrears , but that the actual number
of initiations and joinings exceeded that of last year . Bros . L . A . ^ Clarke , P . P . S . G . W .-, and C . Stretton , P . P . G . Reg ., Avere elected members of the Hall Committee , on the motion of
Bro . thc Rev . W . Langley , P . P . S . G . W ., seconded by Bro . WiddoAVson , P . G . Steward Bro . H . Deane , P . P . G . R ., Avas then installed by thc P . G . M . as W . M . of No .
1007 , in the presence of a large number of P . M . ' s , and having been saluted in the several degrees , he invested his officers for the year , after which the P . G . Lodge Avas resumed .
The Treasurer ' s accounts having been passed , Bro . Stretton moved that Bro . W . B . Smith be re-elected Treasurer , Avhich Avas seconded by Bro . J . J . Fast , P . P . G . Supt . of Works , and carried unanimously , Avith thanks for his past services .
The P . G . M . moved a vote of thanks to the P . G . Sec . for his services , which Avas seconded by Bro . Smith , P . G . Treas ., and carried unanimously .
Bro . Toller having briefly , replied , the following were invested as P . G . officers for the ensuing year : Bros . Sir H . St . John Halford , Bart ., S . G . W . ; H . Deane . J . G . W . ; Revds . J . Halford , M . A ., and P . H . Phclp ,
M . A ., G . Chaps . ; W . B . Smith , G . Treas . ; A . Pell , M . P ., G . Reg . ; G . Toller , jun ., G . Sec : W . Sculthorpe , S . G . D . ; J . C . Duncombe , J . G . D . ; J . M . McAllister , G . Supt . of Wks . ; C H . Capp , G . Dir . of Cers . ; L . L .
Atwood , Asst . G . Dir . of Cers . ; C . P . Newcombc , G . SAvord-bearer ; C . L . Fcrneley , G . Org . ; F . J . Baines , G . Purs . ; R . W . Widdowson , Asst . G . Purs . ; Capt .
Goodchild ( 279 ) , E . Mace ( 523 ) , J . J . F . Scott ( 1007 ) , F . Barnard ( Sec . 1130 ) , W . Bcrndge ( 1265 ) , and J . H . Douglas ( Sec . 1330 ) , G - Stewards ; and C . Bcmbridge ( 279 ) , iyler .
Prov. Grand Lodge Of Leicestershire And Rutland.
It should be mentioned that Bro . M . McAllister , P . G . Supt . of Works , Avas presented by the Leicester Masonic Hall
Committee Avith a complete suit of Prov . clothing and JCAVCI , in recognition of his gratuitous services , at the recent improvements of that building .
A new state , sword for the lodge Avas ordered to be purchased . Bro . Binckes , at the request of the
P . G . M ., gave an interesting account of the method , of education pursued at the Boys ' School , after Avhich the P . G . Lodge Avas closed in due form .
The banquet took place at the Bull ' s Head Hotel , and Avas attended by about seventy brethren . Several interesting speeches Avere delivered , especially one by the Rev . J . Halford , in response to the
toast of " Bishop , Clergy , and Ministers of all Denominations , " proposed by Bro . A . Pell , M . P . The rev . brother , in a most forcible and . eloquent speech , said that , if thc clergy generally knew Masonry better ,
they Avould the more highly esteem its principles ; he believed that there Avas in a Masonic lodge a more thorough appreciation of a great Christian principle than anywhere else—viz ., the universal
brotherhood of mankind—and the result Avas , that Masons , as a rule , better carried that principle , not only in , but out of the lodge . The length to which this report has
extended must preclude any further notice of the various addresses ; but it will be sufficient to say that the anniversary was , throughout , a great success , and thoroughly enjoyed by those present .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Norfolk.
[ FROM OUR OAVX CORRESPONDENT . ] The Grand Lodge of the province of Norfolk , convened to be holden in Lynn on Saturday last , the 25 th NoA'cmber , Avas
necessarily deprived of much of its anticipated interest by thc absence , through the deeply-regretted illness , of H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , P . G . M . of England . His
announced purpose of attending the lodge had not only been hailed with rejoicing by the brethren of Norfolk , and the adjacent counties , but many resident in somewhat distant
provinces were eager to avail themseh'es of the opportunity of paying respect to his Royal Highness in his Masonic character . The publication throughout the kingdom
of thc contents of the bulletins issued from Sandringham . on Thursday and Friday informed those brethren how very unlikely it was that the Prince could leave home on
the occasion ; and it is probable that some hundreds of members of thc Craft Avere thereby induced to change their intention of journeying to -Lynn . It Avas a great
disappointment ; and the inconvenience of the day on Avhich the lodge A \ 'as holden ( it being market day at Lynn , Wisbech , Norwich , and Spalding ) further tended to thc prejudice
of the gathering . The probability of having to remain away from- home over Sunday , no doubt induced many frorh thc south and Avestto absent themselves , AVIIO would gladly
have been present had there been any tram available between five o ' clock on Saturday afternoon and 7 . 40 on Monday morning . But notwithstanding these adverse circum-
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Norfolk.
stances , the convocation Avas a very successful one ; and not less than 200 brethren were present in Grand Lodge , including some from London , Cambridge , Peterborough , Hull , and , Ave believe , more distant places .
The use of the ancient Guildhall of Lynn with its adjoining suite of apartments , had been placed by the Mayor at the' disposal of the Prov . Grand Lodge ; and on Friday the Director of Ceremonies of the province
( the Avell-knoAvn and esteemed Bro . Mason , of Norwich ) , arrived in Lynn Avith his assistants and the ' magnificent furniture and regalia of the lodge , and the necessary preparations Avere made for the ceremonies of
the following day . The Guildhall formed an excellent and appropriate lodge-room ; the justice-room adjoining Avas appropriated . as the vestibule ; and a two noble assembly rooms together formed the banqueting chamber .
The lodge Avas summoned for two o ' clock in the afternoon , ancl shortly after that time the Very Worshipful the Deputy Prov . Grand Master , the Hon . F . Walpole , M . P ., ( in the absence , from age and infirmity , of
the A'enerable Prov . Grand Master , Bro . Benjamin Bond Cabbell ) , Avith his Prov . Grand Wardens , Bros . A . Evans Lombe and A . Palmer , took their seats ; the other officers arranged themselves in their
respective situations , and the brethren , under the banners of the several lodges of the province , thirteen in number . The opening ceremonies Avere then performed , the Deputy
Prov . G . M . was duly saluted , the roll called over , and a hymn Avas solemnly sung by the AA-hole body of Masons present , the Prov . Grand Organist ( Bro . G . Brittan ) performing the accompaniment .
Thc minutes of the preceding lodge and the report of the Board of Finance Avere then read and confirmed , grants of money Avere A'oted to poor and distressed brethren , and other business was transacted . The
V . W . Deputy Prov . G . M . appointed the following Prov . Grand Officers for the ensuing year , and invested with their insignia those of them Avho were present , or , in the case of the few absentees , the brethren Avho
undertook the duties for them pro hac vice : Bros . Lord Suffield , S . W . ; T . Baker , J . W . ; C . E . Bignold , Reg . ; Rev . W . Lake Onslow , Chap . ; Howes , Supt . of Works ; A . M . F . Morgan , Sec . ; J . Barwell , Treas . ; G . L .
Coleman , S . D . ; G . S . Woodwark , J . D . ; H . J . Mason , D . C . ; J . B . Quinton , Asst . D . C . ; G . Brittan , Org . ; Beeston , Purs . ; Asker , Ayris , Abram and Gambling , SteAvards ; Major Duff and the Rev . J . P . Deacon , Extra
Deacons ; Capron Smith , Major Penrice , G . W . F . Loftus , W . A . T . Amhurst , Hastings Parker and Sir F . Boileau , Extra Stewards ; Stevens , Sword-bearer ; Scott , Bannerbearer ; R . Gunn , Tyler .
At half-past three o clock , the lodge Avas adjourned , and a procession Avas formed from the Guildhall to St . Margaret ' s Church , to attend divine service . A dense crowd of spectators lined each side of the narrow
space through which the brethren Avalked from the hall to thc Avest door of the church , and a very numerous congregation already occupied those parts of thc sacred edifice which had not been reserved for the
Fraternity . The service Avas choral and Avas exceedinglyAvell and heartily performed , theseveral choirs of the town combining to lead the musical portions . Thc opening voluntary
Avas performed by thc Prov . G . Organist , and the remainder of the service Avas accompanied by Mr . Reddie . Thc psalms and Cantate Dominc Avere sung to single chants from the Cheadle tune book , and the Dens