Article PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF NORFOLK. ← Page 2 of 2 Article THE BANQUET. Page 1 of 2 Article THE BANQUET. Page 1 of 2 →
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Provincial Grand Lodge Of Norfolk.
Misereatur to a double chant from Ouseley s psalter . The hymns were from Ancient and Modern , the first being the Old Hundreth Psalm ( old version ) and the second ( during the offertory ) the hymn on Almsgiviving ,
No . 372 . The anthem has from Psalm cxxxiii : "Behold IIOAV good and joyful a thing it is , brethren , to dAvell together in unity , " & c . The first portion of the prayers
was read by Bro . the Rev . T . Peacey , curate in charge of St . Margaret ' s parish , and the second portion by Bro . the Rev . Arthur Holmes , Senior FelloAV of Clare College , Past Prov . Grand Chaplain of
Cambridgeshire . The first lesson Avas read by Bro . the Rev . C . J . Martyn , Rector of Melford , Past Grand Chaplain of England ; and the second by Bro . the Rev . Dr . White , headmaster of Lynn Grammar School , and J . D .
Lodge 107 . It had been announced that the Prov . Grand Chaplain of Nolfolk , Bro . the Rev . W . Lake OIISIOAV ( rector of Sandringham and private Chaplain to H . R . H . the Prince of Wales ) Avould preach the
sermon , but he was unhappily confined to his home by a rather severe attack of illness of some days' duration . In his absence the duty Avas undertaken by Bro . the Rev . H . H . Bridgwater , vicar of Snettisham and
Past Chaplain of Lodge 107 ; AVIIO preached an eloquent and impressive sermon from Nehemiah , iv . 17 , 18 : "Every one Avith one of his hands Avrought in the Avork , and with the other hand held a Aveapon . For the
builders , every one had his sAVord girded by his side , and so builded . And he that sounded the trumpet Avas by me . " The offertory after the sermon Avas collected by
several members of thc Order , and amounted to £ \§ 10 s . yd ., in aid of the funds of the West Norfolk and Lynn Hospital . The benediction having been pronounced , the brethren returned in procession to the lodgeroom .
The V . W . D . P . Grand Master , other business having been concluded , tendered the thanks of the Prov . Grand Lodge and the
brethren for the use of the Town Hall , to the Mayor , at the same time expressing much gratification at seeing him present as a member of the Craft . Pie also offered
tneir thanks to the incumbent of St . Margaret ' s for placing the church at thcirservice . He added that he could not sit down Avithout moving a vote of condolence to the Prince and Princess of Wales upon the
illness of his Royal Highness , and expressing the prayer of the brethren that he might speedily recover and that he Avould long live
tO shed the lustre of of his high station upon the Craft . ( The resolution was telegraphed to Sandringham and a suitable reply received in the course of the CA'ening . )
The Rev . J . C . Rust , Past Prov . Grand Chaplain , moved a vote of thanks to Bro . Bridgwater for his admirable sermon , remarking that if there was one portion in it more practical than another , it was that
wherein thereA . brother sent forth the great principles on which the Institution of Freemasonry is based , and Avhich , if thoroughly acted upon , Avould render it an ornament not to this country alone , but to the Avhole vorld .
The D . P . Grand Master said he AVAS quite _ are that he might add to the remarks of Bro . Rust a request on behalf of the P . O . Lodge that the eloquent sermon they had just heard should be printed as it could not fail to advance the interests of the Order .
The resolutions Avere adopted by acclamation ; and the P . G . Lodge Avas closed in due form . At five o ' clock the brethren , to the num . ber of 160 , reassembled at
The Banquet.
AA'hich Avas served in the Assembly-room by Bro . S . N . Marshal , of the Globe and Duke ' s Head Hotels , with his accustomed efficiency . Bro . the Hon . F . Walpole , Deputy Prov .
G . M ., presided , and Avas supported by the following brethren : Major Penrice , P . G . S . ; Inns , D . P . G . M . of Norths , and Hunts . ; Rev . H . H . BridgAvater , P . G . Chap . ; J . D . TIICAV , Mayor of Lynn ; Capt . Bignold , P . G . Reg . ;
Rev . T . White , J . D . ; Binckes , Sec . of R . M . Boys' School ; A . M . F . Morgan , P . G . Sec ; Lockwood , D . P . G . M . Suffolk ; Rev . A . Holmes , P . P . G . C . Cambs . ; Thorley , Ex-Mayor of Lynn ; H . L'Estrange , P . P . G . R . ; Golding , P . G . S . D . Suffolk ; Loftus ,
P . P . G . J . W ; Strathern , P . P . G . J . W . Suffolk ; S . D . Palmer , P . P . G . R . ; M . B . Bircham , P . P . G . R . ; W . H . Lucia , P . G . S . Suffolk ; H . BarAvell , P . P . G . S . D . ; G . F . Deacon ,
P . P . G . J . D . ; R . Whitwell , P . P . G . J . D . ; R . Youngman , P . P . G . J . W . ; J . D . Dunsford , P . P . G . R . ; C . E . Bignold , P . G . R . ; G . L . Colman , P . G . S . D . ; Watkinson , Judd ,
Wood-Avard , Vise and others ( 'Spalding ) , & c , & c . The Vice-chairs Avere filled by Bro . H . Evans Lombe , P . P . G . S . W . ; and Sir F . Boileau , P . G . S .
The band of the Kings Lynn Rifle Corps performed in the adjoining hall during the dinner ; and at intervals betAveen the subsequent speeches , appropriate music Avas delightfully sung by Bros . Smith , Minns ,
Thouless and Offord , of Norwich , Bro . Brittan accompanying at the pianoforte . The ceremonial attending the reception of the toasts Avas ably conducted by Bro . H . J . Mason , Prov . D . G . C .
The President , in due course , rose to propose the first toast , of thc health of the Queen , which Avas instantly received Avith an outburst of loyal cheering . He said : It is a toast that ever has been , and ever will
be in thc future , by every man who deserves thc name of Briton , received as you have just received it . It would be attaching too great importance to them Avere I to notice the small and vulgar scandals that have
recently been uttered against our beloA'ed Sovereign . ( Renewed cheering . ) Those utterances come from men AVIIO , failing to be eminent , endeavour to make themselves notorious . ( Hear , hear . ) I will give you
"The health of Her Most Gracious Majesty , " and couple Avith it in our time-honoured toast " The Queen and the Craft . " ( The
toast Avas drunk with the greatest possible enthusiasm , thc brethren rising en masse and cheering again and again Avith intense energy for se \ 'eral minutes . )
The Masonic version of the National Anthem Avas then sung by Bros . Minns , Smith and Thouless , all present joining in the chorus , and afterwards in renewed A'olleys of cheering .
The President then said : The next toast I have the honour to give you is one Avhich hardly requires any Avords from me after the enthusiastic Avay in which you received the former toast . It is that of H . R . H . the
Prince of Wales , the eldest son of that mother Avhose health you have so loyally received . ( Loud cheers . ) And what a noble answer Avas thc way in Avhich you have drunk that toast to the attack that is
being made against our Queen and our glorious Constitution . ( Cheers . ) Do not we all appreciate thc happiness of thc country AVC haA'e lived in Avhen wc lookaround us ? Look at France , are AVC eoin * _ ... . ... , ... - .. _ h „ ..,
in for thc same experiment here ? ( " No , no ! " and tremendous cheering . ) I think we may Avell say of our Constitution in the Avords of that song that has been so beautifully sung , referring to our brotherhood—
The Banquet.
'" Wisdom in thee we find , Beauty and strength combined . " ( Cheers . ) When first I was asked to call the Grand Lodge together at Lynn , it Avas a great pleasure to do so , for Lynn has very
many pleasant reminiscences for me ( Cheers , and a laugh . ) I forgive my enemies in Lynn most heartily ( hear , hear ); and I Avas very pleased and proud to come to Lynn . And really , the fact is , it is such a
nice toAvn , it is almost impossible to get aAvay from it . ( Laughter and cheers . ) We therefore thought that , being near the residence of H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , Ave would invite him to the lodge . H . R . H .
at once accepted the invitation , and gave us one of the earliest days he possibly could . At Sandringham the other day he spoke Avarmly of his anxiety to be here to-night ; and I ( am sure amongst the causes of regret
in his rllness , not one of the least will be in his being unable to be present Avith us . ( Hear , hear . ) I am sure AVC all AA'ish him to be speedily restored to his full strength and full health ( hear , hear ); because nobod y
has a harder task set before him in the course of life than His Royal Highness . The time has gone by Avhen the Avorld would be content Avith "Rois fainiants" We look for labour and honest labour from every
man , A \ 'hatever his rank in life ( applause ); and Ave have a right to demand it from the Prince of Wales in return for the loyalty and devotion Ave offer him . ( Cheers . ) We regret deeply his absence from our
gathering , and it Avas taken aAvay half the joy from us ; in fact it has turned AA'hat Avould have been a fair summer ' s day into a cold Avinter ' s drizzle . However , Ave will drink his
health in his absence as if he Avere present ; and AVC will acknoAvlcdge how proud Ave are that the son of the Queen should become a Mason , like so many of his loyal relatives . ( Loud and prolonged cheers . )
Bro . Minns sung " God Bless the Prince of Wales , " the brethren all joining in chorus .
The Mayor of Lynn Avas reechoed with loud cheering on rising to propose the next toast . Referring to the adage that a good apprentice makes a good Master , he rose readily to thc call of the V . W . D . Prov G
Master to propose the next toast , viz "The Health of the M . W . the Grand Master , the Marquis of Ripon , and tbe Officers of the Grand Lodge of England . " With that toast he Avould couple the name
of a gentleman present that evening , Avho took very great interest in one of the most important institutions connected Avith the Order , viz ., the Royal Masonic School for Boys . ( Cheers . ) KnoAving that education
AVas one of the great questions of the day , they Avould al ! agree Avith him that a gentleman AVIIO devoted his time and attention to the education of the sons of Masons
deserved the thanks of the Order in a most especial manner . He Avas , therefore , very happy to couple the health of Bro . Binckes with the toast he had proposed . ( Loud cheers . )
Bro . Binckes responded in an eloquent speech .
Bro . Inns , D . Prov . G . M ., proposed the next toast—the health of one Avho , if he had been able , Avould have occupied the position of th . present Avorth y chairman . HoAvever pleased he Avas to see their
highly-esteemed Bro . Walpole in that position , he Avas sure it Avould have been a greater pleasure to have met their Prov . G . M ., inasmuch as for many years be had
been recognised as one of the greatest patrons of charity , not only in the province , but in the United Kingdom . ( Loud cheers . ) Wherever charities were to be
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Norfolk.
Misereatur to a double chant from Ouseley s psalter . The hymns were from Ancient and Modern , the first being the Old Hundreth Psalm ( old version ) and the second ( during the offertory ) the hymn on Almsgiviving ,
No . 372 . The anthem has from Psalm cxxxiii : "Behold IIOAV good and joyful a thing it is , brethren , to dAvell together in unity , " & c . The first portion of the prayers
was read by Bro . the Rev . T . Peacey , curate in charge of St . Margaret ' s parish , and the second portion by Bro . the Rev . Arthur Holmes , Senior FelloAV of Clare College , Past Prov . Grand Chaplain of
Cambridgeshire . The first lesson Avas read by Bro . the Rev . C . J . Martyn , Rector of Melford , Past Grand Chaplain of England ; and the second by Bro . the Rev . Dr . White , headmaster of Lynn Grammar School , and J . D .
Lodge 107 . It had been announced that the Prov . Grand Chaplain of Nolfolk , Bro . the Rev . W . Lake OIISIOAV ( rector of Sandringham and private Chaplain to H . R . H . the Prince of Wales ) Avould preach the
sermon , but he was unhappily confined to his home by a rather severe attack of illness of some days' duration . In his absence the duty Avas undertaken by Bro . the Rev . H . H . Bridgwater , vicar of Snettisham and
Past Chaplain of Lodge 107 ; AVIIO preached an eloquent and impressive sermon from Nehemiah , iv . 17 , 18 : "Every one Avith one of his hands Avrought in the Avork , and with the other hand held a Aveapon . For the
builders , every one had his sAVord girded by his side , and so builded . And he that sounded the trumpet Avas by me . " The offertory after the sermon Avas collected by
several members of thc Order , and amounted to £ \§ 10 s . yd ., in aid of the funds of the West Norfolk and Lynn Hospital . The benediction having been pronounced , the brethren returned in procession to the lodgeroom .
The V . W . D . P . Grand Master , other business having been concluded , tendered the thanks of the Prov . Grand Lodge and the
brethren for the use of the Town Hall , to the Mayor , at the same time expressing much gratification at seeing him present as a member of the Craft . Pie also offered
tneir thanks to the incumbent of St . Margaret ' s for placing the church at thcirservice . He added that he could not sit down Avithout moving a vote of condolence to the Prince and Princess of Wales upon the
illness of his Royal Highness , and expressing the prayer of the brethren that he might speedily recover and that he Avould long live
tO shed the lustre of of his high station upon the Craft . ( The resolution was telegraphed to Sandringham and a suitable reply received in the course of the CA'ening . )
The Rev . J . C . Rust , Past Prov . Grand Chaplain , moved a vote of thanks to Bro . Bridgwater for his admirable sermon , remarking that if there was one portion in it more practical than another , it was that
wherein thereA . brother sent forth the great principles on which the Institution of Freemasonry is based , and Avhich , if thoroughly acted upon , Avould render it an ornament not to this country alone , but to the Avhole vorld .
The D . P . Grand Master said he AVAS quite _ are that he might add to the remarks of Bro . Rust a request on behalf of the P . O . Lodge that the eloquent sermon they had just heard should be printed as it could not fail to advance the interests of the Order .
The resolutions Avere adopted by acclamation ; and the P . G . Lodge Avas closed in due form . At five o ' clock the brethren , to the num . ber of 160 , reassembled at
The Banquet.
AA'hich Avas served in the Assembly-room by Bro . S . N . Marshal , of the Globe and Duke ' s Head Hotels , with his accustomed efficiency . Bro . the Hon . F . Walpole , Deputy Prov .
G . M ., presided , and Avas supported by the following brethren : Major Penrice , P . G . S . ; Inns , D . P . G . M . of Norths , and Hunts . ; Rev . H . H . BridgAvater , P . G . Chap . ; J . D . TIICAV , Mayor of Lynn ; Capt . Bignold , P . G . Reg . ;
Rev . T . White , J . D . ; Binckes , Sec . of R . M . Boys' School ; A . M . F . Morgan , P . G . Sec ; Lockwood , D . P . G . M . Suffolk ; Rev . A . Holmes , P . P . G . C . Cambs . ; Thorley , Ex-Mayor of Lynn ; H . L'Estrange , P . P . G . R . ; Golding , P . G . S . D . Suffolk ; Loftus ,
P . P . G . J . W ; Strathern , P . P . G . J . W . Suffolk ; S . D . Palmer , P . P . G . R . ; M . B . Bircham , P . P . G . R . ; W . H . Lucia , P . G . S . Suffolk ; H . BarAvell , P . P . G . S . D . ; G . F . Deacon ,
P . P . G . J . D . ; R . Whitwell , P . P . G . J . D . ; R . Youngman , P . P . G . J . W . ; J . D . Dunsford , P . P . G . R . ; C . E . Bignold , P . G . R . ; G . L . Colman , P . G . S . D . ; Watkinson , Judd ,
Wood-Avard , Vise and others ( 'Spalding ) , & c , & c . The Vice-chairs Avere filled by Bro . H . Evans Lombe , P . P . G . S . W . ; and Sir F . Boileau , P . G . S .
The band of the Kings Lynn Rifle Corps performed in the adjoining hall during the dinner ; and at intervals betAveen the subsequent speeches , appropriate music Avas delightfully sung by Bros . Smith , Minns ,
Thouless and Offord , of Norwich , Bro . Brittan accompanying at the pianoforte . The ceremonial attending the reception of the toasts Avas ably conducted by Bro . H . J . Mason , Prov . D . G . C .
The President , in due course , rose to propose the first toast , of thc health of the Queen , which Avas instantly received Avith an outburst of loyal cheering . He said : It is a toast that ever has been , and ever will
be in thc future , by every man who deserves thc name of Briton , received as you have just received it . It would be attaching too great importance to them Avere I to notice the small and vulgar scandals that have
recently been uttered against our beloA'ed Sovereign . ( Renewed cheering . ) Those utterances come from men AVIIO , failing to be eminent , endeavour to make themselves notorious . ( Hear , hear . ) I will give you
"The health of Her Most Gracious Majesty , " and couple Avith it in our time-honoured toast " The Queen and the Craft . " ( The
toast Avas drunk with the greatest possible enthusiasm , thc brethren rising en masse and cheering again and again Avith intense energy for se \ 'eral minutes . )
The Masonic version of the National Anthem Avas then sung by Bros . Minns , Smith and Thouless , all present joining in the chorus , and afterwards in renewed A'olleys of cheering .
The President then said : The next toast I have the honour to give you is one Avhich hardly requires any Avords from me after the enthusiastic Avay in which you received the former toast . It is that of H . R . H . the
Prince of Wales , the eldest son of that mother Avhose health you have so loyally received . ( Loud cheers . ) And what a noble answer Avas thc way in Avhich you have drunk that toast to the attack that is
being made against our Queen and our glorious Constitution . ( Cheers . ) Do not we all appreciate thc happiness of thc country AVC haA'e lived in Avhen wc lookaround us ? Look at France , are AVC eoin * _ ... . ... , ... - .. _ h „ ..,
in for thc same experiment here ? ( " No , no ! " and tremendous cheering . ) I think we may Avell say of our Constitution in the Avords of that song that has been so beautifully sung , referring to our brotherhood—
The Banquet.
'" Wisdom in thee we find , Beauty and strength combined . " ( Cheers . ) When first I was asked to call the Grand Lodge together at Lynn , it Avas a great pleasure to do so , for Lynn has very
many pleasant reminiscences for me ( Cheers , and a laugh . ) I forgive my enemies in Lynn most heartily ( hear , hear ); and I Avas very pleased and proud to come to Lynn . And really , the fact is , it is such a
nice toAvn , it is almost impossible to get aAvay from it . ( Laughter and cheers . ) We therefore thought that , being near the residence of H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , Ave would invite him to the lodge . H . R . H .
at once accepted the invitation , and gave us one of the earliest days he possibly could . At Sandringham the other day he spoke Avarmly of his anxiety to be here to-night ; and I ( am sure amongst the causes of regret
in his rllness , not one of the least will be in his being unable to be present Avith us . ( Hear , hear . ) I am sure AVC all AA'ish him to be speedily restored to his full strength and full health ( hear , hear ); because nobod y
has a harder task set before him in the course of life than His Royal Highness . The time has gone by Avhen the Avorld would be content Avith "Rois fainiants" We look for labour and honest labour from every
man , A \ 'hatever his rank in life ( applause ); and Ave have a right to demand it from the Prince of Wales in return for the loyalty and devotion Ave offer him . ( Cheers . ) We regret deeply his absence from our
gathering , and it Avas taken aAvay half the joy from us ; in fact it has turned AA'hat Avould have been a fair summer ' s day into a cold Avinter ' s drizzle . However , Ave will drink his
health in his absence as if he Avere present ; and AVC will acknoAvlcdge how proud Ave are that the son of the Queen should become a Mason , like so many of his loyal relatives . ( Loud and prolonged cheers . )
Bro . Minns sung " God Bless the Prince of Wales , " the brethren all joining in chorus .
The Mayor of Lynn Avas reechoed with loud cheering on rising to propose the next toast . Referring to the adage that a good apprentice makes a good Master , he rose readily to thc call of the V . W . D . Prov G
Master to propose the next toast , viz "The Health of the M . W . the Grand Master , the Marquis of Ripon , and tbe Officers of the Grand Lodge of England . " With that toast he Avould couple the name
of a gentleman present that evening , Avho took very great interest in one of the most important institutions connected Avith the Order , viz ., the Royal Masonic School for Boys . ( Cheers . ) KnoAving that education
AVas one of the great questions of the day , they Avould al ! agree Avith him that a gentleman AVIIO devoted his time and attention to the education of the sons of Masons
deserved the thanks of the Order in a most especial manner . He Avas , therefore , very happy to couple the health of Bro . Binckes with the toast he had proposed . ( Loud cheers . )
Bro . Binckes responded in an eloquent speech .
Bro . Inns , D . Prov . G . M ., proposed the next toast—the health of one Avho , if he had been able , Avould have occupied the position of th . present Avorth y chairman . HoAvever pleased he Avas to see their
highly-esteemed Bro . Walpole in that position , he Avas sure it Avould have been a greater pleasure to have met their Prov . G . M ., inasmuch as for many years be had
been recognised as one of the greatest patrons of charity , not only in the province , but in the United Kingdom . ( Loud cheers . ) Wherever charities were to be