Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Banquet.
supported , there Bro . Bond Cabbell Avas to be found . ( ReneAved cheers . ) It AA as nearly twenty-seven years since he ( Bro . Inns ) Avas in the toAvn of Lynn , but he had a lively remembrance of the friendship he
then enjoyed . Having come from theAvest and travelled due east , he had obtained the satisfactory knoAvledge that their D . Prov . G . M . had discharged his duties in a very able manner —( cheers)—and he HOAV had
the pleasing duty of proposing " The Health of the R . W . Prov . G . M ., " sincerely hoping that his heart might continue to grow Avarm , and these springs of charity
might continue to AOAV bountifully so long as he Avas permitted to remain on the surface of this globe . ( The toast Avas drunk Avith Masonic honours . )
Bro . Major Penrice then proposed the health of their excellent brother in the chair , the V . W . Deputy Provincial Grand Master . ( Loud and prolonged cheers . )
No Mason in this province Avas better knoAvn and esteemed , and no man ever performed his duties in a more courteous and successful manner . ( Immense cheering . )
The V . W . D . Prov . G . M ., AVIIO was received Avith reneAved cheers , said that many years as he had Avorked in Masonry , and that he had had the pleasure of holding his present office , it had been to him annually
a recurring season of great satisfaction at the Avay in Avhich his labours were received . Annual meetings , at his time of life , Avere not altogether pleasant . There Avas something , in them that shoAved that Avhat Avas
only one " tick " of the pendulum of time , Avas the passing of a great space in a man ' s life . But they Avere there to celebrate the beginning of a neAV year—not the falling of an old one , and to congratulate Masonry
on being still vigorous and flourishing in the province . He thanked the Masons of Norfolk again and again for assembling there in such numbers , in spite of the disappointment they had received . But they
felt that he Avho only Avorked at his Craft in fine AA-eather , and when a Prince Avas coming , Avas a very poor Mason , indeed . ( Loud cheers . ) They Avanted those to be Masons Avho not only Avould retain the
ancient landmarks of the Order , but Avho kneAV Avhere those ancient landmarks Avere ; men AVIIO Avould not only be ornamental , but AVIIO Avould be useful ; Avho Avould Avork
at thc Craft , and understand thc Craft , in thc admirable Avay Avhich had been set forth by their Avorthy and rev . Chaplain that day . ( Applause . )
Bro . A . M . F . Morgan , Prov . G . Sec , proposed , " Prosperity to the ancient borough of Lynn , and coupled Avith that the health of their newly-initiated brother in Masonry , the much respected Mayor of this toAvn . "
The Mayor returned thanks . The other toasts Avere : " The Provincial Grand Chaplain , " responded to by Bro . the Rev . H . H . BridgAvatcr ; " The Provincial Grand Officers , " coupled with the name of
Bro . Evans Lombe ; " The Visitors ;" " The Grand Officers and Brethren of the Neighbouring Provinces , " to which Bro . Inns , D . P . G . M . of Northamptonshire , Bro .
Rev . A . Holmes , Prov . G . C . Cambridge , and Bro . Watkinson , of Spalding , responded ; and a few other toasts concluded the happy and harmonious gathering .
Prov. Grand Mark Lodge Of Northumberland & Durham.
The first annual meeting of the Prov . Grand Lod ge of Mark Master Masons for Northum
Prov. Grand Mark Lodge Of Northumberland & Durham.
berland and Durham was held , under thc banner of the Eclectic Lodge , No . 39 , in Freemasons ' Hall , West Hartlepool , on Tuesday , the 21 st ultimo . Present : The Right Hon . the Earl Percy ,
M . P ., D . G . M . M . M ., Prov . Gd . Master ; Bros . Anthony Clapham , D . Prov . G . M . ; S . Gourlay , M . D , Prov . G . S . W . ; W . W . Brunton , G . J . W . ; W . Foulsham , G . J . O . ; the Rev . Canon Tristram , LL . D ., G . Chaplain ; Jno . Stokoe , G . Treasurer ;
Thomas Whitwell , G . Reg . ; T . Y . Strachan , G . Sec ; Wm . Brignall , jun ., G . S . D . ; J . Ridsdale , G . J . D . ; E . Hudson , G . D . C . ; W . Coxon , G . I . G . ; the W . Masters of all the lodges in the proA'ince , and a number of Past Masters , Wardens , and
Overseers , and , by permission , the brethren of various lodges . A Lodge of Instruction was held at hall-past
two o ' clock , by the W . M . of the Eclectic Lodge , assisted by his officers , and the ceremony of advancement Avas gone through by them in a highly creditable manner .
The R . W . Prov . G . Master then opened the Provincial Grand Lodge , assisted by his officers as above . After the minutes of previous meetings had been read , the Committee of General Purposes '
report was read , winch showed that three new lodges had been formed and constituted during the year , viz ., the Percy ( 122 ) , at Stockton-on-Tees ; the Union ( 124 ) , at Sunderland ; and the Hotspur ( 135 ) , at Alnwick . Satisfactory reports
were given of the progress of Mark Masonry in the new province , by the W . M . ' s of the seA-eral lodges , the number of members being 194 . The financial statement was also very satisfactory . The R . W . Prov . G . M . invested the following
Provincial Grand officers for the ensuing year : Bros . A . Clapham D . P . G . M . ; B . Levy , G . S . W . ; H . G . Faber , G . J . W . ; J . W . Cameron , G . M . O . ; R . B . Harpley , G . S . O . ; R . B . Reid , G . J . O . RCA- . J . Milner , G . C . ; John Stokoe , G . Treas . ;
R . F . Cork , M . D ., G . Reg . ; T . Y . Strahan , G . Sec . ; C . I'Anson , G . S . D . ; J . B . Watt , G . J . D . ; Hubert Law , G . I . W . ; G . T . Pearson , G . D . C . ; R . Giesecke , G . O . ; E . T . Turnbull , GI . G . After some other routine business , the Prov .
Grand Lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to the Royal Hotel , where dinner Avas served . The R . W . Prov . G . M . presided , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were drunk , and the brethren spent a very enjoyable evening .
The Independent Order Of Good Templars.
The Order is a Teetotal Freemasonry , binding its members in a bond of brotherhood , Avith the one common object of carrying on a crusade against intemperance , like the Knights Templar of old against the Saracens Avho desecrated the
Holy Sepulchre . These latter in their day went forth to battle for the Cross against its greatest enemy ; the Good Templars of the present day arc animated Avith the same fire , and seek by moral and spiritual , instead of carnal weapons ,
to annihilate strong drink , the modern foe to all Christian progress . The Order is not a sick club or benefit society , like the Rechabites or Sons of Temperance , nor does it in any way seek to supplant these , but rather to strengthen
and aid them , its main objects being to afford a protection to all those Avho sign the temperance pledge , to enlist them in the noble army of teetotalers , and find them work to do for the benefit of their fellow-men .
The Order had its origin in New York in 1851 , where it spread with much rapidity , its usefulness becoming more and more apparent with its increase in strength . It was one of the first , if not the first , institution in America , to break
down the wall of partition between bond and free , admitting to its ranks white and negro on terms of perfect equality . The Order now forms a temperance army in the United States and Canada of over 300 , 000 strong . Birmingham has the honour of being thc first
The Independent Order Of Good Templars.
town in Great Britain to open a Lodge of Good Templars , and in July , 1870 , the Grand Lodge of England was formed there , now numbering over 300 lodges , Avith more than 20 , 000 members . In Scotland , the Order has prospered to a most
remarkable extent . The first lodge was formed in Glasgow , August 12 th , 1869 , and in two years Scotland can boast of 600 lodges , and over 60 , 000 members . In many districts of Scotland , notably Glasgow , the Lothians , and TAveedside , the Order has
worked Avith almost miraculous success , and its efforts have told greatly in the reduction of crime , misery , and social degradation in thousands of Scotch households . The lodges meet weekly for business and social intercourse . Men and women are admitted to
the Order on equal terms , and both are eligible for its lowest aud highest offices . The benefit of these weekly social meetings cannot be overrated . If a poor drunkard is reclaimed , and
signs the temperance pledge , he is brought to the lodge meeting , initiated , and introduced to a number of men and women bound solemnly to help , cheer , and encourage him in the good and holy resolution he has formed .
A moment ' s reflection will tell every friend of the temperance movement that tlie Good Templars' Lodge thus supplies a want Avhich has been felt sorely ever since teetotalism had a beginning . It is a source of constant disappointment and
grief to all who are actively engaged in the temperance movement , that such a large proportion of those A \ ho sign the pledge at our A'arious meetings , after a while fall awav into their old habits ; and there can be but little doubt that
the reason of this is , that nothing has been done hitherto to educate such people in temperance principles , or hold out to them in loving sympathy a helping hand in the struggle they have to go through Avith their old enemy , the appetite
for drink . This missing link is Avell filled by the Order of Good Templars . Every member is known personally ! to all his felloAV-members ; a Avatchful eye is kept on all recruits ; absentees from the lodge meetings are duly visited , and if
any give way to old propensities , means are used to bring the Avanderer back to the fold . The history of the Order can point triumphantly to its success in this most important and difficult department of temperance work , for the violation
of pledges has not amounted to more than 5 per cent , of its members . The conditions of membership are simple : persons of either sex over sixteen years of age are admitted , if they believe in the existence of
God as the Ruler and Governor of all things , and are willing to take the temperance pledge for life , and labour in the temperance cause . The Order is Avhat is called a " Secret Society , " and yet it has no secrets . Its platform ,
principies , constitution , and laAvs are open to the inspection of all the world ; all that is kept secret are the grips , signs , and passwords , by which alone members may recognise each other , and gain admission to the lodges ; these are an
obvious necessity , and will at once appear so to any thoughtful person . We rejoice to see that Good Templarism is finding favour with Bristol teetotallers ; there are already in the city twelve
lodges , numbering over 800 members . We heartily commend the movement , and shall be glad to aid its developement and progress in our pages , as occasion may serve . — Western Tem perance Herald , Nov ., 1871 .
THE Right Hon . Lord Leigh , Prov . Grand Master of Warwickshire will lay the foundationstone of the neAV out-patient department of the Queen's Hospital , Birmingham , on Monday next , December 4 th , Avith Masonic rites .
BREAKFAST . —EPPS ' S COCOA . —GRATEFUL AND COMFORTING . — " Ily a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition , and hy a careful applicatian of the fine
properties of well-selected cocoa , Mr . Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately-flavoured beverage which may save us many heavy doctors' bills . "—Civil Serjiee Gatetlt . Made simply with Boiling AVater or Milk . Each packet is labelled— "J AMES EPPS & Co ., Homoeopathic Chemists , London . " Abo , makers of Epps ' s Milky Cocoa ( Cocoa and CondwMd Milk ) . — [ Ad-ft ]
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Banquet.
supported , there Bro . Bond Cabbell Avas to be found . ( ReneAved cheers . ) It AA as nearly twenty-seven years since he ( Bro . Inns ) Avas in the toAvn of Lynn , but he had a lively remembrance of the friendship he
then enjoyed . Having come from theAvest and travelled due east , he had obtained the satisfactory knoAvledge that their D . Prov . G . M . had discharged his duties in a very able manner —( cheers)—and he HOAV had
the pleasing duty of proposing " The Health of the R . W . Prov . G . M ., " sincerely hoping that his heart might continue to grow Avarm , and these springs of charity
might continue to AOAV bountifully so long as he Avas permitted to remain on the surface of this globe . ( The toast Avas drunk Avith Masonic honours . )
Bro . Major Penrice then proposed the health of their excellent brother in the chair , the V . W . Deputy Provincial Grand Master . ( Loud and prolonged cheers . )
No Mason in this province Avas better knoAvn and esteemed , and no man ever performed his duties in a more courteous and successful manner . ( Immense cheering . )
The V . W . D . Prov . G . M ., AVIIO was received Avith reneAved cheers , said that many years as he had Avorked in Masonry , and that he had had the pleasure of holding his present office , it had been to him annually
a recurring season of great satisfaction at the Avay in Avhich his labours were received . Annual meetings , at his time of life , Avere not altogether pleasant . There Avas something , in them that shoAved that Avhat Avas
only one " tick " of the pendulum of time , Avas the passing of a great space in a man ' s life . But they Avere there to celebrate the beginning of a neAV year—not the falling of an old one , and to congratulate Masonry
on being still vigorous and flourishing in the province . He thanked the Masons of Norfolk again and again for assembling there in such numbers , in spite of the disappointment they had received . But they
felt that he Avho only Avorked at his Craft in fine AA-eather , and when a Prince Avas coming , Avas a very poor Mason , indeed . ( Loud cheers . ) They Avanted those to be Masons Avho not only Avould retain the
ancient landmarks of the Order , but Avho kneAV Avhere those ancient landmarks Avere ; men AVIIO Avould not only be ornamental , but AVIIO Avould be useful ; Avho Avould Avork
at thc Craft , and understand thc Craft , in thc admirable Avay Avhich had been set forth by their Avorthy and rev . Chaplain that day . ( Applause . )
Bro . A . M . F . Morgan , Prov . G . Sec , proposed , " Prosperity to the ancient borough of Lynn , and coupled Avith that the health of their newly-initiated brother in Masonry , the much respected Mayor of this toAvn . "
The Mayor returned thanks . The other toasts Avere : " The Provincial Grand Chaplain , " responded to by Bro . the Rev . H . H . BridgAvatcr ; " The Provincial Grand Officers , " coupled with the name of
Bro . Evans Lombe ; " The Visitors ;" " The Grand Officers and Brethren of the Neighbouring Provinces , " to which Bro . Inns , D . P . G . M . of Northamptonshire , Bro .
Rev . A . Holmes , Prov . G . C . Cambridge , and Bro . Watkinson , of Spalding , responded ; and a few other toasts concluded the happy and harmonious gathering .
Prov. Grand Mark Lodge Of Northumberland & Durham.
The first annual meeting of the Prov . Grand Lod ge of Mark Master Masons for Northum
Prov. Grand Mark Lodge Of Northumberland & Durham.
berland and Durham was held , under thc banner of the Eclectic Lodge , No . 39 , in Freemasons ' Hall , West Hartlepool , on Tuesday , the 21 st ultimo . Present : The Right Hon . the Earl Percy ,
M . P ., D . G . M . M . M ., Prov . Gd . Master ; Bros . Anthony Clapham , D . Prov . G . M . ; S . Gourlay , M . D , Prov . G . S . W . ; W . W . Brunton , G . J . W . ; W . Foulsham , G . J . O . ; the Rev . Canon Tristram , LL . D ., G . Chaplain ; Jno . Stokoe , G . Treasurer ;
Thomas Whitwell , G . Reg . ; T . Y . Strachan , G . Sec ; Wm . Brignall , jun ., G . S . D . ; J . Ridsdale , G . J . D . ; E . Hudson , G . D . C . ; W . Coxon , G . I . G . ; the W . Masters of all the lodges in the proA'ince , and a number of Past Masters , Wardens , and
Overseers , and , by permission , the brethren of various lodges . A Lodge of Instruction was held at hall-past
two o ' clock , by the W . M . of the Eclectic Lodge , assisted by his officers , and the ceremony of advancement Avas gone through by them in a highly creditable manner .
The R . W . Prov . G . Master then opened the Provincial Grand Lodge , assisted by his officers as above . After the minutes of previous meetings had been read , the Committee of General Purposes '
report was read , winch showed that three new lodges had been formed and constituted during the year , viz ., the Percy ( 122 ) , at Stockton-on-Tees ; the Union ( 124 ) , at Sunderland ; and the Hotspur ( 135 ) , at Alnwick . Satisfactory reports
were given of the progress of Mark Masonry in the new province , by the W . M . ' s of the seA-eral lodges , the number of members being 194 . The financial statement was also very satisfactory . The R . W . Prov . G . M . invested the following
Provincial Grand officers for the ensuing year : Bros . A . Clapham D . P . G . M . ; B . Levy , G . S . W . ; H . G . Faber , G . J . W . ; J . W . Cameron , G . M . O . ; R . B . Harpley , G . S . O . ; R . B . Reid , G . J . O . RCA- . J . Milner , G . C . ; John Stokoe , G . Treas . ;
R . F . Cork , M . D ., G . Reg . ; T . Y . Strahan , G . Sec . ; C . I'Anson , G . S . D . ; J . B . Watt , G . J . D . ; Hubert Law , G . I . W . ; G . T . Pearson , G . D . C . ; R . Giesecke , G . O . ; E . T . Turnbull , GI . G . After some other routine business , the Prov .
Grand Lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to the Royal Hotel , where dinner Avas served . The R . W . Prov . G . M . presided , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were drunk , and the brethren spent a very enjoyable evening .
The Independent Order Of Good Templars.
The Order is a Teetotal Freemasonry , binding its members in a bond of brotherhood , Avith the one common object of carrying on a crusade against intemperance , like the Knights Templar of old against the Saracens Avho desecrated the
Holy Sepulchre . These latter in their day went forth to battle for the Cross against its greatest enemy ; the Good Templars of the present day arc animated Avith the same fire , and seek by moral and spiritual , instead of carnal weapons ,
to annihilate strong drink , the modern foe to all Christian progress . The Order is not a sick club or benefit society , like the Rechabites or Sons of Temperance , nor does it in any way seek to supplant these , but rather to strengthen
and aid them , its main objects being to afford a protection to all those Avho sign the temperance pledge , to enlist them in the noble army of teetotalers , and find them work to do for the benefit of their fellow-men .
The Order had its origin in New York in 1851 , where it spread with much rapidity , its usefulness becoming more and more apparent with its increase in strength . It was one of the first , if not the first , institution in America , to break
down the wall of partition between bond and free , admitting to its ranks white and negro on terms of perfect equality . The Order now forms a temperance army in the United States and Canada of over 300 , 000 strong . Birmingham has the honour of being thc first
The Independent Order Of Good Templars.
town in Great Britain to open a Lodge of Good Templars , and in July , 1870 , the Grand Lodge of England was formed there , now numbering over 300 lodges , Avith more than 20 , 000 members . In Scotland , the Order has prospered to a most
remarkable extent . The first lodge was formed in Glasgow , August 12 th , 1869 , and in two years Scotland can boast of 600 lodges , and over 60 , 000 members . In many districts of Scotland , notably Glasgow , the Lothians , and TAveedside , the Order has
worked Avith almost miraculous success , and its efforts have told greatly in the reduction of crime , misery , and social degradation in thousands of Scotch households . The lodges meet weekly for business and social intercourse . Men and women are admitted to
the Order on equal terms , and both are eligible for its lowest aud highest offices . The benefit of these weekly social meetings cannot be overrated . If a poor drunkard is reclaimed , and
signs the temperance pledge , he is brought to the lodge meeting , initiated , and introduced to a number of men and women bound solemnly to help , cheer , and encourage him in the good and holy resolution he has formed .
A moment ' s reflection will tell every friend of the temperance movement that tlie Good Templars' Lodge thus supplies a want Avhich has been felt sorely ever since teetotalism had a beginning . It is a source of constant disappointment and
grief to all who are actively engaged in the temperance movement , that such a large proportion of those A \ ho sign the pledge at our A'arious meetings , after a while fall awav into their old habits ; and there can be but little doubt that
the reason of this is , that nothing has been done hitherto to educate such people in temperance principles , or hold out to them in loving sympathy a helping hand in the struggle they have to go through Avith their old enemy , the appetite
for drink . This missing link is Avell filled by the Order of Good Templars . Every member is known personally ! to all his felloAV-members ; a Avatchful eye is kept on all recruits ; absentees from the lodge meetings are duly visited , and if
any give way to old propensities , means are used to bring the Avanderer back to the fold . The history of the Order can point triumphantly to its success in this most important and difficult department of temperance work , for the violation
of pledges has not amounted to more than 5 per cent , of its members . The conditions of membership are simple : persons of either sex over sixteen years of age are admitted , if they believe in the existence of
God as the Ruler and Governor of all things , and are willing to take the temperance pledge for life , and labour in the temperance cause . The Order is Avhat is called a " Secret Society , " and yet it has no secrets . Its platform ,
principies , constitution , and laAvs are open to the inspection of all the world ; all that is kept secret are the grips , signs , and passwords , by which alone members may recognise each other , and gain admission to the lodges ; these are an
obvious necessity , and will at once appear so to any thoughtful person . We rejoice to see that Good Templarism is finding favour with Bristol teetotallers ; there are already in the city twelve
lodges , numbering over 800 members . We heartily commend the movement , and shall be glad to aid its developement and progress in our pages , as occasion may serve . — Western Tem perance Herald , Nov ., 1871 .
THE Right Hon . Lord Leigh , Prov . Grand Master of Warwickshire will lay the foundationstone of the neAV out-patient department of the Queen's Hospital , Birmingham , on Monday next , December 4 th , Avith Masonic rites .
BREAKFAST . —EPPS ' S COCOA . —GRATEFUL AND COMFORTING . — " Ily a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition , and hy a careful applicatian of the fine
properties of well-selected cocoa , Mr . Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately-flavoured beverage which may save us many heavy doctors' bills . "—Civil Serjiee Gatetlt . Made simply with Boiling AVater or Milk . Each packet is labelled— "J AMES EPPS & Co ., Homoeopathic Chemists , London . " Abo , makers of Epps ' s Milky Cocoa ( Cocoa and CondwMd Milk ) . — [ Ad-ft ]