Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Original Correspondence.
This plan has now been carried out under the authority of the G . C . of New York , and a supreme body organised , superior to , but allied Avith , the G . L . of Mark Masters . The fear expressed in the second reason against recognition of this G . Lodge—viz ., " that
it might affect prejudicially the G . Lodge and G . Chapter of England " —I forbear from characterising , merely remarking that , in the first place , it reflects more than unfavourably on the value attached to solemn obligations by the members of this Grand Lodge , all of Avhom arc loyal
members , and a large proportion of them Grand , or Provincial Grand , dignitaries , or office-bearers in some Avay or other , in the Grand Lodge of England ; and , in the next place , that any such fear must be equally well founded in connection Avith the new Mark body proposed to be
organized , as with this G . Lodge . While anxious now , as ever , for the peaceful and happy reconciliation of differences existing only to be deplored , I have thought it but due to the members of this Grand Lodge that the
remarks of the Prov . Grand Master of Scottish Mark Masonry in Lancashire should not pass unnoticed . I am , dear Sir and Brother , Yours faithfully and fraternally ,
FREDERICK BINCKES , Grand Secretary London , 28 th Nov ., 1871 ,
Consecration Of A Lodge In New Zealand.
The interesting ceremony of consecrating the Prince of Wales Lodge , No . 133 S , took place on the 28 th of September , at the Masonic Hotel , Auckland , under the authority of a warrant from the G . M . of the Grand Lodge of England . Bro . Fitzgibbon , P . M . of the Waitemata Lodge , and
W . M . of the Lodge of Light , at the Thames , was the presiding W . M . He was assisted by Bro . Leers , P . M . of the lodge at Port Chalmers and of the Waitemata Lodge ; Bro . Jenkins , P . M . of 252 , and P . P . G . D . C . Berks and Bucks ; and Bro . the Re \\ Hay wood , Chaplain 68 o ( E . C ) , and
under the sanction of Bro . HayAvard , AV . M . of the Waitemata Lodge , 6 S 9 ( E . C . ) The opening ceremonies Avere attended to by Bros . G . P . Pierce , P . G . M . ( LC . ) ; Beveridge , D . P . G . M . ( S . C . ); the Rev . Dr . Kidd , W . M . Lodge Ara ; Rees , W . M . United Servic 2 Lodge , J . Hay ,
W . M . St . Andrew ' s Lodge ; Goldsboro ' , Stephenson , Doull , Brock , and several other P . M . 's , and brethren of other lodges . The lodge being duly opened , constituted , and consecrated , Bro . DiethelniAvas duly installed W . M ., and appointed his officers as follows : Bros . Leers , acting P . M . :
W . H . Kissling , S . W . ; F . H . Ibbetson , J . AV . ; R . J . Morressey , Sec . ; John Cowan , J . D . ; J . A . Lyell , I . G . Bro . Heaphy Avas unanimously elected Treasurer , and Bro . C . Porter , Tyler . The brethren then retired , and shortly after nine o ' clock sat down to a banquet provided by Bro .
Host Avey in his Avell-known style . The following toasts Avere then given : —Bro . W . M . Diethelm proposed " The Queen and the Craft , Bro . the Prince of Wales , and the rest of the Royal Family , " followed hy " Thc Most Worshipful the Grand Master of Masons of England ,
the Right Honorable the Marquis of Ripon . " The toast was received witli the usual honours , and responded to by Bro . Jenkins in suitable terms . —Bro . S . W . Kissling then gave " The Most Worshipful the Grand Masters of Ireland and Scotland , the Duke of Leinsterand the Earl
of Rosslyn , including the names of Bro . Pierce , Prov . G . M . of the Irish Lodges , nnd Bro . Beveridge , D . P . G . M . of the Scotch Lodges . " —The toast was drunk Avith Macduff honours . —Bros . Pierce and Beveridge returned thanks , and in doing so wished the new lotlge every success . — Bro . Leers gave the next toast , " The Installing
Master , " which was received with Masonic honours . —Bro . Fitzgibbon returned thanks , and said he felt much flattered at the praise which had been lavished upon him . —The toast of the evening , "TheW . M ., " was then proposed by Bro . Fitzgibbon . He said he felt proud that this toast had been placed in his hands . He had
Consecration Of A Lodge In New Zealand.
known Bro . Diethelm ever since he Avas initiated , and he Avas pleased to say he had never met a more enthusiastic , sincere , and thoroughly upright Mason . ( Hear , hear . ) He would say many things to his credit if he Avere not present . —Bro . Diethelm returned his sincere thanks , and
in doing so said he was fully aware of the honourable position in which he had that evening been placed . It Avould be his constant endea-A'our , so long as he filled the chair , to discharge the various duties of his office in a manner creditable to himself and for the benefit of the
Craft . It Avould also be his aim , as W . M . of the Prince of Wales Lodge , to carry out the true principle of Masonry , being that of brotherly love . He then addressed a few Avords to the officers of the lodge , and returned his sincere thanks to the Installing Master . —Bro . Heaphy
proposed " The Acting P . M ., " after Avhich Bro . Morressey , in a very able speech , gave " The Sister Lodges , " which Avas responded to by Bros . Hayward , Kidd , Rees , Hay , Fitzgibbon , and Beveridge . —The " Visiting Brethren " AWIS next given by Bro . Ibbetson , AVIIO coupled the name
of Bro . Jenkins , thanking him for the very able assistance rendered during the evening as Director of Ceremonies . —Bro . Hayward proposed " The Newly-installed Officers , " Avhich was neatly responded to by Bro . Kissling . —In
the absence of the S . D ., Bro . Doull proposed " The Masonic Charities , " after which Bro . Dargaville gave " The Ladies . " The toast was humorously responded to by Bro . J . Cruickshank . —Bro . Porter proposed " Poor and Distressed Brethren , " which was duly responded to .
During the evening the proceedings were enlivened by Bro . Rees playing several Masonic selections on the harmonium . Thus ended one of the most imposing Masonic ceremonies that has taken place in this city for a lengthened period .
Consecration Of A Lodge At Chipping Sodbury.
The Tyndall Lodge , No . 1363 , was consecrated at the Town-hall , Chipping Sodbury , and proved in that neighbourhood much of a gala occasion . Many of the houses Avere gaily decorated Avith flags , and lines of the same Avere stretched across the top of the principal
thoroughfare ; whilst during the day the church bells rang out merry peals . During the early , part of the day numbers of the brethren from adjoining towns visited the ancient church of Sodbury , and Avere evidently much delighted with the numerous signs of antiquity and evidences of ancient
Masonry which they found around them . At one o ' clock the ceremony of consecration commenced , the handsome lodge-room being well filled . The Very AVorshipful D . P . G . M ., Bro . George Frederick Newmarch , performed the ceremony , and there Avere present the following
Masonic brethren : Bros . Robert Fendick , P . G . S . W . Bristol ; Frederick G . Powell , P . P . G . P . Bristol ; E . S . Joseph , W . M . 493 ; Wm . Waites , P . G . S . D . ; Samuel Short , P . P . S . G . D . Bristol ; C . R . Davey , P . P . G . C . ; H . H . Hartley , John Trenfield , W . E . Hadow , P . G . C . ; E . AV . Trinder ,
P . G . S . ; Osborne Dauncey , P . P . G . S . D . ; J . J . Dutton , W . M . 855 ; LICAV . White , P . P . G . S . D . ; Octavius Long , P . M . 270 ; Joseph Bennett , W . M . 270 ; W . C . Jarrett , P . P . G . S . D . Bristol ; & c . The installation of Bro . G . Rennie Powell as
W . M . having been fulfilled , he proceeded to appoint thc following officers : Bros . S . Da \ -is , S . W . ; F . G . Vizard , J . W . * . J . D . B . Trenfield , Sec . ; J . Handy , S . D . ; Daniel Besley , J . D . ; E . O . Limbrick , I . G .
Tlie brethren , to the number of between fifty and sixt }' , then walked in procession to the George Hotel , where a capital banquet , served up liy the proprietor , Bro . W . Higgs , was done the fullest justice to . The post-prandial proceedings at Masonic banquets are always " tiled , " but Ave may state that brotherly love prevailed , and that a truly happy evening was spent .
Tin- BEST I-IUST . —Turner ' s Tamarind Cough Emulsion for the Throat and lironchia , 13 yC & . and 2 / 9 per bot . —All wholesale houses in London and Liverpool , and any respectable Chemist ,- — [ Advt . ]
Consecration Of A Rose Croix Chapter At Newport.
The ceremony of consecrating the Ivor Hael Chapter , Rose Croix , 18 ° , took place on Tuesday , last Aveek , at the Masonic-hall , Newport , when a large number of the brethren attended . The suite of rooms , AA'hich constitute , perhaps , the most magnificent temple of Masonry on this
side of the Severn , has been newly decorated at an expense commensurate with the importance of the occasion and the dignity of the Order ; indeed , it Avas universally admitted that the brother ' who undertook the delicate task had acquitted himself Avell . The colours Avere all in
harmony , and the embelishments did infinite credit to the mind that conceived and the hand that executed them . Not the least effective part of the display Avas the banners of the Knights , ranged round the room , Avhilst the profusion of roses , to say nothing of the splendour under the
grand canopy in the East , made it look like Fairy-land . Thanks to the great interest taken in the Chapter by Capt . Shadwell H . Gierke , the appointments on Tuesday left nothing to be desired . Bro . Gierke Avorked most assiduously and secured a splendid success .
A Rose Croix Chapter having been duly opened under the auspices of the Supreme Grand Council , by S . G . I . G . Hyde Pullen , and officers pro . tem . having been appointed , the M . P . S . G . C ., Charles John Vigne , proceeded with theceremony of consecration . This having been performed
Avith great solemnity , the S . G . I . G . Pullen was requested to instal the illustrious Bro . Captain Shadwell H . Gierke as First Sovereign of the Ivor Hael Chapter . The next duty was to install the candidates- Avhose names had jireviously been submitted to the Chapter . They were not fewer
than twenty 111 number . It was a ceremony where gorgeousness and glitter of gold , alternated with solid and substantial teaching of moral truth , and the pointing out of the great landmarks of the Christian Religion . Finally , the " Third Point " Avas given , and the Chapter closed .
The following were the appointments * . The Rev . A . L . Willett , B . A ., Prelate ; S . G . Homfray , First General ; E . J . Morris , Second General ; L . A . Homfray , Grand Marshal ; D . Williams , Raphael ; R . S . Roper , Captain of the Guard ; W . H . W . Homfray , Recorder and Treasurer ; R . J . Chambers , Herald ; D . Bordessa , Outer Guard .
The brethren ( about fifty ) afterwards dmed at the King ' s Head Hotel , where Host Gretton distinguished himself by the excellent repast he put on the table . In accordance with thc
traditions of the Order no toasts were proposed , save and except the health of Her Most Gracious Majesty , and that of the M . W . S ., Capt . Gierke , the first by the M . W . S ., and the second by thc M . P . S . G . C , Vigne .
The company at the dinner included—M . W . T . Capt . S . Gierke , in the chair ; Bros . Vigne , Capt . Philips , L . A . Homfray , Gen . Doherty , Colonel Lyne , Montagu , Thomas J oAvitt , Colonel Hill , Charles Bath , Capt . Pearson , H . M . Kennard , Chas . Simpson , S . G . Homfray , Thos . Williams , Lord , J . M . Siium ( Treas . ) , IT . AV . AA'illiams ,
F . IT . Bladon , George Hoskins , R . C . Chambers , G . W . Jones , Edward F . Daniel , J . W . Jones , Hyde Pullen , R . S . Roper , Capt . Phayre , Col . Ford , E . T . Payne , Chas . Homfray , J . S . Starkey , Rev . A . L . AVillett , AVickey Homfray , AA ' . E . Reeves , A . Stones , James Goodal , E . Daniel , F . Tulloch , & c .
Consecration Of A K.T. Encampment At Newport.
Thc Gwent Encampment of Knights Templar was consecrated on AA ' ednesday se ' nnight at Newport . The warrant from the Grand Master was accompanied by a " Letter Demissary " from the V . E . the Grand Chancellor of the Order ( Sir
Patrick Colquhoun ) , authorising the V . E . Past Prov . Grand Commander , CaptainS . H . Gierke , to form and consecrate a Conclave , under the above title , in the Province of Monmouthshire . There was a brilliant assemblage of Knights , amongst those present being ; V . E . Sir Kt , C . J . Vigne
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Original Correspondence.
This plan has now been carried out under the authority of the G . C . of New York , and a supreme body organised , superior to , but allied Avith , the G . L . of Mark Masters . The fear expressed in the second reason against recognition of this G . Lodge—viz ., " that
it might affect prejudicially the G . Lodge and G . Chapter of England " —I forbear from characterising , merely remarking that , in the first place , it reflects more than unfavourably on the value attached to solemn obligations by the members of this Grand Lodge , all of Avhom arc loyal
members , and a large proportion of them Grand , or Provincial Grand , dignitaries , or office-bearers in some Avay or other , in the Grand Lodge of England ; and , in the next place , that any such fear must be equally well founded in connection Avith the new Mark body proposed to be
organized , as with this G . Lodge . While anxious now , as ever , for the peaceful and happy reconciliation of differences existing only to be deplored , I have thought it but due to the members of this Grand Lodge that the
remarks of the Prov . Grand Master of Scottish Mark Masonry in Lancashire should not pass unnoticed . I am , dear Sir and Brother , Yours faithfully and fraternally ,
FREDERICK BINCKES , Grand Secretary London , 28 th Nov ., 1871 ,
Consecration Of A Lodge In New Zealand.
The interesting ceremony of consecrating the Prince of Wales Lodge , No . 133 S , took place on the 28 th of September , at the Masonic Hotel , Auckland , under the authority of a warrant from the G . M . of the Grand Lodge of England . Bro . Fitzgibbon , P . M . of the Waitemata Lodge , and
W . M . of the Lodge of Light , at the Thames , was the presiding W . M . He was assisted by Bro . Leers , P . M . of the lodge at Port Chalmers and of the Waitemata Lodge ; Bro . Jenkins , P . M . of 252 , and P . P . G . D . C . Berks and Bucks ; and Bro . the Re \\ Hay wood , Chaplain 68 o ( E . C ) , and
under the sanction of Bro . HayAvard , AV . M . of the Waitemata Lodge , 6 S 9 ( E . C . ) The opening ceremonies Avere attended to by Bros . G . P . Pierce , P . G . M . ( LC . ) ; Beveridge , D . P . G . M . ( S . C . ); the Rev . Dr . Kidd , W . M . Lodge Ara ; Rees , W . M . United Servic 2 Lodge , J . Hay ,
W . M . St . Andrew ' s Lodge ; Goldsboro ' , Stephenson , Doull , Brock , and several other P . M . 's , and brethren of other lodges . The lodge being duly opened , constituted , and consecrated , Bro . DiethelniAvas duly installed W . M ., and appointed his officers as follows : Bros . Leers , acting P . M . :
W . H . Kissling , S . W . ; F . H . Ibbetson , J . AV . ; R . J . Morressey , Sec . ; John Cowan , J . D . ; J . A . Lyell , I . G . Bro . Heaphy Avas unanimously elected Treasurer , and Bro . C . Porter , Tyler . The brethren then retired , and shortly after nine o ' clock sat down to a banquet provided by Bro .
Host Avey in his Avell-known style . The following toasts Avere then given : —Bro . W . M . Diethelm proposed " The Queen and the Craft , Bro . the Prince of Wales , and the rest of the Royal Family , " followed hy " Thc Most Worshipful the Grand Master of Masons of England ,
the Right Honorable the Marquis of Ripon . " The toast was received witli the usual honours , and responded to by Bro . Jenkins in suitable terms . —Bro . S . W . Kissling then gave " The Most Worshipful the Grand Masters of Ireland and Scotland , the Duke of Leinsterand the Earl
of Rosslyn , including the names of Bro . Pierce , Prov . G . M . of the Irish Lodges , nnd Bro . Beveridge , D . P . G . M . of the Scotch Lodges . " —The toast was drunk Avith Macduff honours . —Bros . Pierce and Beveridge returned thanks , and in doing so wished the new lotlge every success . — Bro . Leers gave the next toast , " The Installing
Master , " which was received with Masonic honours . —Bro . Fitzgibbon returned thanks , and said he felt much flattered at the praise which had been lavished upon him . —The toast of the evening , "TheW . M ., " was then proposed by Bro . Fitzgibbon . He said he felt proud that this toast had been placed in his hands . He had
Consecration Of A Lodge In New Zealand.
known Bro . Diethelm ever since he Avas initiated , and he Avas pleased to say he had never met a more enthusiastic , sincere , and thoroughly upright Mason . ( Hear , hear . ) He would say many things to his credit if he Avere not present . —Bro . Diethelm returned his sincere thanks , and
in doing so said he was fully aware of the honourable position in which he had that evening been placed . It Avould be his constant endea-A'our , so long as he filled the chair , to discharge the various duties of his office in a manner creditable to himself and for the benefit of the
Craft . It Avould also be his aim , as W . M . of the Prince of Wales Lodge , to carry out the true principle of Masonry , being that of brotherly love . He then addressed a few Avords to the officers of the lodge , and returned his sincere thanks to the Installing Master . —Bro . Heaphy
proposed " The Acting P . M ., " after Avhich Bro . Morressey , in a very able speech , gave " The Sister Lodges , " which Avas responded to by Bros . Hayward , Kidd , Rees , Hay , Fitzgibbon , and Beveridge . —The " Visiting Brethren " AWIS next given by Bro . Ibbetson , AVIIO coupled the name
of Bro . Jenkins , thanking him for the very able assistance rendered during the evening as Director of Ceremonies . —Bro . Hayward proposed " The Newly-installed Officers , " Avhich was neatly responded to by Bro . Kissling . —In
the absence of the S . D ., Bro . Doull proposed " The Masonic Charities , " after which Bro . Dargaville gave " The Ladies . " The toast was humorously responded to by Bro . J . Cruickshank . —Bro . Porter proposed " Poor and Distressed Brethren , " which was duly responded to .
During the evening the proceedings were enlivened by Bro . Rees playing several Masonic selections on the harmonium . Thus ended one of the most imposing Masonic ceremonies that has taken place in this city for a lengthened period .
Consecration Of A Lodge At Chipping Sodbury.
The Tyndall Lodge , No . 1363 , was consecrated at the Town-hall , Chipping Sodbury , and proved in that neighbourhood much of a gala occasion . Many of the houses Avere gaily decorated Avith flags , and lines of the same Avere stretched across the top of the principal
thoroughfare ; whilst during the day the church bells rang out merry peals . During the early , part of the day numbers of the brethren from adjoining towns visited the ancient church of Sodbury , and Avere evidently much delighted with the numerous signs of antiquity and evidences of ancient
Masonry which they found around them . At one o ' clock the ceremony of consecration commenced , the handsome lodge-room being well filled . The Very AVorshipful D . P . G . M ., Bro . George Frederick Newmarch , performed the ceremony , and there Avere present the following
Masonic brethren : Bros . Robert Fendick , P . G . S . W . Bristol ; Frederick G . Powell , P . P . G . P . Bristol ; E . S . Joseph , W . M . 493 ; Wm . Waites , P . G . S . D . ; Samuel Short , P . P . S . G . D . Bristol ; C . R . Davey , P . P . G . C . ; H . H . Hartley , John Trenfield , W . E . Hadow , P . G . C . ; E . AV . Trinder ,
P . G . S . ; Osborne Dauncey , P . P . G . S . D . ; J . J . Dutton , W . M . 855 ; LICAV . White , P . P . G . S . D . ; Octavius Long , P . M . 270 ; Joseph Bennett , W . M . 270 ; W . C . Jarrett , P . P . G . S . D . Bristol ; & c . The installation of Bro . G . Rennie Powell as
W . M . having been fulfilled , he proceeded to appoint thc following officers : Bros . S . Da \ -is , S . W . ; F . G . Vizard , J . W . * . J . D . B . Trenfield , Sec . ; J . Handy , S . D . ; Daniel Besley , J . D . ; E . O . Limbrick , I . G .
Tlie brethren , to the number of between fifty and sixt }' , then walked in procession to the George Hotel , where a capital banquet , served up liy the proprietor , Bro . W . Higgs , was done the fullest justice to . The post-prandial proceedings at Masonic banquets are always " tiled , " but Ave may state that brotherly love prevailed , and that a truly happy evening was spent .
Tin- BEST I-IUST . —Turner ' s Tamarind Cough Emulsion for the Throat and lironchia , 13 yC & . and 2 / 9 per bot . —All wholesale houses in London and Liverpool , and any respectable Chemist ,- — [ Advt . ]
Consecration Of A Rose Croix Chapter At Newport.
The ceremony of consecrating the Ivor Hael Chapter , Rose Croix , 18 ° , took place on Tuesday , last Aveek , at the Masonic-hall , Newport , when a large number of the brethren attended . The suite of rooms , AA'hich constitute , perhaps , the most magnificent temple of Masonry on this
side of the Severn , has been newly decorated at an expense commensurate with the importance of the occasion and the dignity of the Order ; indeed , it Avas universally admitted that the brother ' who undertook the delicate task had acquitted himself Avell . The colours Avere all in
harmony , and the embelishments did infinite credit to the mind that conceived and the hand that executed them . Not the least effective part of the display Avas the banners of the Knights , ranged round the room , Avhilst the profusion of roses , to say nothing of the splendour under the
grand canopy in the East , made it look like Fairy-land . Thanks to the great interest taken in the Chapter by Capt . Shadwell H . Gierke , the appointments on Tuesday left nothing to be desired . Bro . Gierke Avorked most assiduously and secured a splendid success .
A Rose Croix Chapter having been duly opened under the auspices of the Supreme Grand Council , by S . G . I . G . Hyde Pullen , and officers pro . tem . having been appointed , the M . P . S . G . C ., Charles John Vigne , proceeded with theceremony of consecration . This having been performed
Avith great solemnity , the S . G . I . G . Pullen was requested to instal the illustrious Bro . Captain Shadwell H . Gierke as First Sovereign of the Ivor Hael Chapter . The next duty was to install the candidates- Avhose names had jireviously been submitted to the Chapter . They were not fewer
than twenty 111 number . It was a ceremony where gorgeousness and glitter of gold , alternated with solid and substantial teaching of moral truth , and the pointing out of the great landmarks of the Christian Religion . Finally , the " Third Point " Avas given , and the Chapter closed .
The following were the appointments * . The Rev . A . L . Willett , B . A ., Prelate ; S . G . Homfray , First General ; E . J . Morris , Second General ; L . A . Homfray , Grand Marshal ; D . Williams , Raphael ; R . S . Roper , Captain of the Guard ; W . H . W . Homfray , Recorder and Treasurer ; R . J . Chambers , Herald ; D . Bordessa , Outer Guard .
The brethren ( about fifty ) afterwards dmed at the King ' s Head Hotel , where Host Gretton distinguished himself by the excellent repast he put on the table . In accordance with thc
traditions of the Order no toasts were proposed , save and except the health of Her Most Gracious Majesty , and that of the M . W . S ., Capt . Gierke , the first by the M . W . S ., and the second by thc M . P . S . G . C , Vigne .
The company at the dinner included—M . W . T . Capt . S . Gierke , in the chair ; Bros . Vigne , Capt . Philips , L . A . Homfray , Gen . Doherty , Colonel Lyne , Montagu , Thomas J oAvitt , Colonel Hill , Charles Bath , Capt . Pearson , H . M . Kennard , Chas . Simpson , S . G . Homfray , Thos . Williams , Lord , J . M . Siium ( Treas . ) , IT . AV . AA'illiams ,
F . IT . Bladon , George Hoskins , R . C . Chambers , G . W . Jones , Edward F . Daniel , J . W . Jones , Hyde Pullen , R . S . Roper , Capt . Phayre , Col . Ford , E . T . Payne , Chas . Homfray , J . S . Starkey , Rev . A . L . AVillett , AVickey Homfray , AA ' . E . Reeves , A . Stones , James Goodal , E . Daniel , F . Tulloch , & c .
Consecration Of A K.T. Encampment At Newport.
Thc Gwent Encampment of Knights Templar was consecrated on AA ' ednesday se ' nnight at Newport . The warrant from the Grand Master was accompanied by a " Letter Demissary " from the V . E . the Grand Chancellor of the Order ( Sir
Patrick Colquhoun ) , authorising the V . E . Past Prov . Grand Commander , CaptainS . H . Gierke , to form and consecrate a Conclave , under the above title , in the Province of Monmouthshire . There was a brilliant assemblage of Knights , amongst those present being ; V . E . Sir Kt , C . J . Vigne