Article CONSECRATION OF THE ERA CHAPTER, No. 1423. ← Page 2 of 2 Article CONSECRATION OF THE ERA CHAPTER, No. 1423. Page 2 of 2 Article PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF EAST LANCASHIRE. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF EAST LANCASHIRE. Page 1 of 1 Article Obituary. Page 1 of 2 →
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Consecration Of The Era Chapter, No. 1423.
sex , M . E . Z . 185 ; Thiellay , P . Z ., P . G . D . C . of Middlesex ; Sabine , P . Z ., & c , M . E . Z . designate 1423 ; Mason , P . Z . ; B . Sharp , P . Z . 84 , & c . ; Kei ' ly , P . Z . 214 ; Levander , P . Z . Burdett ; Pearce , P . Z . 1293 ; Dr . Davison , M . E . Z . of 404 and 1293 ; J . Wright , H . 946 ; E .
Hopwood , J . 1326 ; Dr . Ernest Brette , N . Royal Middlesex ; Baxter Langley , Third Principal designate 1423 : Dunham , 70 ; Baldwin , 73 ; T . C . Walls , 185 ; and Shackleton , 1326 . The founders having stated that they fully approved of the companions , mentioned in the
warrant , to be the Principals , viz ., Comps . Sabine , as M . E . Z . *; Thiellay , as H . ; and B . Langley , as J ., the chapter was formally consecrated . That impressive ceremonial being ended , the installation of the Principals was immediately
proceeded with , and carried out most effectively and efficiently . The only officers of ihe new chapter invested were Comps . Mason , as N ., and W . Hammond , as D . C .
The M . E . Z . appointed Comps . F . Walters , P . Z ., & c , & c , as S . E ., and Wilkins , P . Z , as P . S ., and stated that the other appointments would be made at the first regular meeting . The names of several joining companions having been read , the chapter ' was duly closed ,
and the Provincial Grand Convocation opened by the M . E . P . G . S ., Comp . Colonel F . Burdett , assisted by Comps . R . W . Little , P . G . H ., and Stedwell , P . G . J . The other officers of P . G . C . present were , Comps . Buss , Treas . ; Cubitt , S . E . ; Laxton ,
R . ; W . Hammond , 2 nd A . S . ; Sabine , S . B . ; Thiellay , D . C . The minutes of the previous Provincial Grand Convocation having been read and confirmed , the M . E . P . G . S . invested his officers for the year ensuing as follows : Comps . Dr . Davison , H . ; Boyd , J . ; Little , S . E . ;
Levander , N . ; Buss , Treas . ( unanimously reelected ) ; Pearce , R . ; Sabine , P . S . ; W . Hammond , P . A . S . ; Dr . E . Brett , 2 nd A . S . ; Holden , ( by deputy ) , S . B . ; Keily , Std . Br . ; Mason , Org . ; J . Wright , D . C . ; Gilbeit , Janitor . The report of the auditors having been postponed the P . G . C . was closed , and the companions
adjourned to an excellent banquet . Upon the removal of the cloth the usual loyal and R . A . toasts were briefly given by the M . E . P . G . S ., and warmly received . The toast of " The G . O . ' s of England was acknowledged by Comp . Woodham , P . G . D . C , in a few well-chosen words .
" The Health of the P . G . S . of Middlesex was proposed by Comp . Roebuck . In the course of his remarks he said that the name of their M . E . G . S . was not only deservedly honoured in Middlesex , but in every other province in the
kingdom . He was pleased to see him in such excellent health and spirits , and he fervently hoped that he would be spared many years to rule over the convocations and lodges of the important Masonic province of Middlesex .
The M . E . P . G . S ., in reply , stated that he was exceedingly gratified that Royal Arch Masonry was slowly gaining strength in the province , but he thought that many other lodges in Middlesex might bestir themselves , and establish chapters tor the advancement of the degree . He then
said that he was greatly indebted to many distinguished companions present for the able assistance that they had rendered him since he had had the honour of being appointed P . G . S . He hoped that they would always support him
in paying allegiance to the S . G . C . of England , and in conclusion he expressed himself greatly pleased and proud at holding the position , he occupied in the province , and also that it had afforded him very great pleasure at being able to preside on that particular occasion .
" The Health of the Second and Third Provincial Grand Principals " followed . Comp . Dr . Davison , in the course of an able reply , expressed his thanks to the M . E . G . S . for having done him the honour of appointing him to the high position of H . in the P . G . Chapter ,
and hoped that he should discharge his duties to the satisfaction of all . Comp . Boyd , Third Principal , in answer to repeated calls , made an amusing speech . He said that he thought the observations of the prophet mig ht have sufficed for the present , but as they had so warmly called upon him to say a
Consecration Of The Era Chapter, No. 1423.
few words , he would endeavour to get out of the difficulty as speedily as possible . He then went on to tell them that he was exceedingly gratified with the rank that had that day , ; been conferred upon hiro by their M . E . G . S ., *' and that he would
try in every way to merit the distinction , and respectfully hoped that the appointment would meet with the approbation of the companions of the province , and concluded his speech by stating that he admired the Craft , but was proud of Royal Arch Masonry . " The Health of the Subordinate Officers "
followed . In concluding his remarks in connection with this toast , the M . E . P . G . S . said he wished them all long life , good health , and prosperity . Comp . Little , S . E ., la the course of his response said that he was glad that that day had
g iven another chapter to the Royal Arch roll of Middlesex , which now numbered seven . When the Grand Chapter of the province was first formed there were but three chapters , and he hoped that the good work would continue to progress . In conclusion , after returning thanks
for " The Present and Past Grand Officers , he stated that he had great p leasure in informing them that the funds of the P . G . Chapter were in a highly satisfactory condition . The toast of thc evening , viz ., " The Era Chapter , " gave the M . E . P . G . S . an opportunity
of indulging in an excellent speech . He said that to a certain extent the Grand Chapter of the province had met under the auspices of the promoters of the Era , and he personally was proud at being able to preside on the occasion . He was sure that under the direction of so able and experienced a chief as Coir p . Sabine ,
supported by those excellent Comps . Thiellay and Langley , the chapter must flourish . It was very gratify ing to him to see such worthy companions inaugurating a new era in the history of their lodge by founding an " Era" Chapter . ( Laughter . ) In conclusion he sincerely hoped that the chapter that had that day been formally consecrated would soon become one of the most
flourishing in the Province of Middlesex . In the unavoidable absence of Comp . Sabine , M . E . Z . Comp . Thiellay made a neat reply , in which he stated that under the auspices of Comp . Sabine , the First Principal , he felt confident that the Era Chapter must prosper , and
concluded by saying that he hoped the P . G . Chapter would never have occasion to regret having enrolled under its distinguished banner No . 1423 . The M . E . P . G . S . then proposed , in very
complimentary terms , " The Health of Com p . Walls , " for services rendered during the evening ' s proceedings , which honour was briefly ackno w-Jedged by the companion mentioned . The companions shortly afterwards separated .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of East Lancashire.
The half-yearly meeting of the above Provincial Grand Lodge was held in the Commissioners' Rooms , Middhton , on Wednesday , the 22 nd November , under the auspices ol the Imperial George Lodge , No . 78 . There was a large attendance of the brethren from all parts of the province ,
amongst whom were Bros . Col . Le Gendrc N . Starkie , R . W . Prov . G . Master ; J . L . Hine , P . I ' rov . G . Warden , as Dep . Prov . G . Master j Wm . Harrison , Prov . S . G , Warden ; Thomas Rose , Prov . J . G . Warden ; R . H , Hutchinson , P . Prov . G . Warden ; C . R . N . Bcswicke-Royds , P . Prov . G . Warden ; James A . Birch , P . Prov . G . Warden ; Rev . Alfred Salts , LL . D ., Prov . U .
Chaplain ; Rev . S . Y . B . Bradshaw , Prov . G . Chaplain ; 1 . J . Hooper , Prov . G . Treas . ; John Barker , P . Prov . G . Treas . ; Sam ! . Cheelham , P . Prov . G . Treas . -, Saml . Statham , P . Prov . G . Treas . ; Charles Heywood , P . Prov . G . Registrar ; John Tunnah , Prov . G . Sec . i Albert Wolstenholm , Prov . J . G . Deacon ; W . H . Prince , P . Prov . G . Deacon ; Jno . S . Vcevers , P . Prov . G .
Deacon ; G . P . Brockbank , P . Prov . G . Deacon ; Wm . Slater , P . Prov . G . Deacon ; Isaac W . Petty , P . Prov . G . Deacon ; John Pilling , Prov . G . Supt . of Works ; C . M . Jones , Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . ; Robert Whittaker , P . Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . ; J . H . Sillitoe , Prov . G . Assist . Dir . of Cers . ; Thos . Grime , P . Prov . G . Assist . Dir . cf Cers . ; James Mills , Prov . G . Sword Bearer ; Henry
Maiden , P . Prov . G . Sword Bearer ; William Barlow , P . Prov . G . Sword Bearer ; Thos . Taylor , P . Prov . G . Sword Bearer ; Thos . Hargreavcs , Prov . G . Org . ; Edwin Halliwell , P . Prov . G . Org . ; W . H . Cunliffe , Prov . G . Purst . ; Westry Pcnn , Prov . G . Assist . Purst . ; also Bros . Rev . H . Bethell Jones , Prov . G . Chaplain West Lancashire ; G . D . Pochin , Prov . G . Reg . West Lancashire ; Joseph Travis , Prov . G . Org . Cheshire ; and rcprescnta-
Provincial Grand Lodge Of East Lancashire.
tives from the whole of the eighty-two lodges in the province . The Provincial Graiid Lodge was opened in due form and with prayer at half-past one o ' clock in the afternoon . The Provincial Grand Secretary read letters of apology from absent Provincial Grand Officers , including one from Bro . George Mellor , Dep . Prov . G . Master , who was
prevented from being present by indisposition . The minutes of the last meeting of Provincial Grand Lodge ( printed ccpies of which had been circulated in the province ) were , by the consent of the meeting , taken as read , and were thereupon confirmed . Bro . Hine , Chairman of the Charity Committee , read the minutes of proceedings of the committee , which
included several recommendations of grants of benevolence from the Prov . G . Lodge fund . The proceedings of the committee were confirmed , and their recommendations adopted by Prov . G . Ledge . The following brethren were appointed Auditors of the Prov . G . Treasurer ' s accounts , viz ., Bros . David Reid , W . M . 78 ; Robt . Caldwell , W . M . ion ; and Francis R .
Hollins , W . M . 5 81 . The R . W . Prov . G . Master intimated that he was open to receive suggestions as to the place for holding the next regular meeting of Prov . G . Lodge , and applications were made for such meeting to be held at Bury , Denton , Todmorden , and Haslingden respectively . At a subsequent part of thc day ' s proceedings the R . W . Prov . G . Master
announced that he had determined to hold such meeting at Todmorden in May next . A resolution was pas « ed to the effect that it is desirable to erect an illuminated window in Heaton Mersey Church , to thc memory of the late Bro . W . Romaine Callender , M . P ., Deputy Prov . G . Master , by subscriptions from the lodges and brethren of the province , and a committee was
appointed to carry the project into ifTect . Bro . Hine , Chairman of the Charity Committee , gave notice that at the next meeting of the Prov . G . Lodge he would propose that grants be made from the Prov . G . Lodge fund in aid of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons and Widows , and the Royal Masonic Institutions for Girls and Boys . It was announced at the meeting that the total amount
of subscriptions and donations 111 aid of the East Lanaashirc Systematic Masonic Educational and Benevolent Institution received up to this time amounted to £ 1607 6 s . All business being concluded the Trov . G . Lodge was closed in due form and with prayer at three o ' clock in the afternoon . The brethren then moved in procession to the Co-operative Hall , where the banquet was celebrated under the presidency of the R . W . Prov . G . Master , supported by a numerous assemblage of Prov . G . Officers and brethren .
Obituary .
BRO . THE DUKE DE SALDANHA . THE death of that distinguished Mason is announced , His Excellency Marshal the Duke of Saldanha , Portuguese Ambassador at this Court , a member of the 33 rd Degree in Portugal , and one of the Chiefs of Portuguese Masonry . Wc need not here allude to his biography generally , as it has been given in the " Times" and other of our
contemporaries . It is in the Duke of Saldanha ' s capacity as a Mason that wc find the key to the " Times '" reference to his being the representative of the secret societies . The English officers during thc Peninsular War had widely spread Masonry and protected the lodges , while they saved from the clutches of the Inquisition the Masons condemned to the flames of the Auto da Fe . One of tbose so saved
was thc famous Hippohto Jose da Costa . These men maintained liberalism in Portugal and Brazil , and Saldanha had . joined the ranks of the Craft . He was additionally obnoxious to the clerical party as being a grandson and representative of the great statesman the Marquis de Pombal , who expelled the Jesuits from Portugal . The "Times" and " Pall Mall Gazette" have not
explained this part of Saldanha ' s life . Saldanha , then Count de Saldanha , was not living * in England , but in Paris . Although Emperor Don Pedro was a Mason , the parties around him were indisposed to Saldanha as the head of the Constitutionalists and Masons . The Portuguese Masons had been received with great kindness by the brethren in Plymouth , and none the less by those in
France on their removal thither . Thus it resulted that in Paris a great point of union for these unfavoured leaders was thc distinguished R . C . Chapter of St . Louis de Martinique , in which Saldanha took an active part . As the main body were stationed by the French Government at a distance from the Spanish frontier , the Dunkirk Lodges became their protectors . Thus was formed among
the Portuguese and Anglo-Portuguese what was called the northern party , including Bro . Saldanha , General Count Villaflor ( afterwards Duke of Perceira ) , Bro . General Cabrera , Bro . Colonel Henry Clarke , Count de Falkenberg , Bro . General Sir Thomas Stubbs , ( afterwards Baron Villa Nova de Gaya ) , Bro . Lionel Tavares Cabral , ( afterwards Minister ) , Bro . Julio Gomez de Silva Sanchez
( afterwards Prime Minister ) , and others . Bro . the Duke of Saldanha leaves the Duchess , an English lady , to mourn his loss , in company with so many who had benefited by his services . We cannot go into the political history of thc Duke of Saldanha , as that belongs to other biographers . We are only Freemasons .
The " Graphic" has thc following : — " His Excellency the Portuguese Ambassador at thc English Court died on Tuesday , at his residence in London . He was born about 1790 , and was therefore about eighty-six years of _ age . The Duke had taken an active part in public affairs in Portugal during the last fifty years . He was Minister for Foreign Affairs under King John VI ., and took a prominent part in opposing the usurpation of Don Miguel . After
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Consecration Of The Era Chapter, No. 1423.
sex , M . E . Z . 185 ; Thiellay , P . Z ., P . G . D . C . of Middlesex ; Sabine , P . Z ., & c , M . E . Z . designate 1423 ; Mason , P . Z . ; B . Sharp , P . Z . 84 , & c . ; Kei ' ly , P . Z . 214 ; Levander , P . Z . Burdett ; Pearce , P . Z . 1293 ; Dr . Davison , M . E . Z . of 404 and 1293 ; J . Wright , H . 946 ; E .
Hopwood , J . 1326 ; Dr . Ernest Brette , N . Royal Middlesex ; Baxter Langley , Third Principal designate 1423 : Dunham , 70 ; Baldwin , 73 ; T . C . Walls , 185 ; and Shackleton , 1326 . The founders having stated that they fully approved of the companions , mentioned in the
warrant , to be the Principals , viz ., Comps . Sabine , as M . E . Z . *; Thiellay , as H . ; and B . Langley , as J ., the chapter was formally consecrated . That impressive ceremonial being ended , the installation of the Principals was immediately
proceeded with , and carried out most effectively and efficiently . The only officers of ihe new chapter invested were Comps . Mason , as N ., and W . Hammond , as D . C .
The M . E . Z . appointed Comps . F . Walters , P . Z ., & c , & c , as S . E ., and Wilkins , P . Z , as P . S ., and stated that the other appointments would be made at the first regular meeting . The names of several joining companions having been read , the chapter ' was duly closed ,
and the Provincial Grand Convocation opened by the M . E . P . G . S ., Comp . Colonel F . Burdett , assisted by Comps . R . W . Little , P . G . H ., and Stedwell , P . G . J . The other officers of P . G . C . present were , Comps . Buss , Treas . ; Cubitt , S . E . ; Laxton ,
R . ; W . Hammond , 2 nd A . S . ; Sabine , S . B . ; Thiellay , D . C . The minutes of the previous Provincial Grand Convocation having been read and confirmed , the M . E . P . G . S . invested his officers for the year ensuing as follows : Comps . Dr . Davison , H . ; Boyd , J . ; Little , S . E . ;
Levander , N . ; Buss , Treas . ( unanimously reelected ) ; Pearce , R . ; Sabine , P . S . ; W . Hammond , P . A . S . ; Dr . E . Brett , 2 nd A . S . ; Holden , ( by deputy ) , S . B . ; Keily , Std . Br . ; Mason , Org . ; J . Wright , D . C . ; Gilbeit , Janitor . The report of the auditors having been postponed the P . G . C . was closed , and the companions
adjourned to an excellent banquet . Upon the removal of the cloth the usual loyal and R . A . toasts were briefly given by the M . E . P . G . S ., and warmly received . The toast of " The G . O . ' s of England was acknowledged by Comp . Woodham , P . G . D . C , in a few well-chosen words .
" The Health of the P . G . S . of Middlesex was proposed by Comp . Roebuck . In the course of his remarks he said that the name of their M . E . G . S . was not only deservedly honoured in Middlesex , but in every other province in the
kingdom . He was pleased to see him in such excellent health and spirits , and he fervently hoped that he would be spared many years to rule over the convocations and lodges of the important Masonic province of Middlesex .
The M . E . P . G . S ., in reply , stated that he was exceedingly gratified that Royal Arch Masonry was slowly gaining strength in the province , but he thought that many other lodges in Middlesex might bestir themselves , and establish chapters tor the advancement of the degree . He then
said that he was greatly indebted to many distinguished companions present for the able assistance that they had rendered him since he had had the honour of being appointed P . G . S . He hoped that they would always support him
in paying allegiance to the S . G . C . of England , and in conclusion he expressed himself greatly pleased and proud at holding the position , he occupied in the province , and also that it had afforded him very great pleasure at being able to preside on that particular occasion .
" The Health of the Second and Third Provincial Grand Principals " followed . Comp . Dr . Davison , in the course of an able reply , expressed his thanks to the M . E . G . S . for having done him the honour of appointing him to the high position of H . in the P . G . Chapter ,
and hoped that he should discharge his duties to the satisfaction of all . Comp . Boyd , Third Principal , in answer to repeated calls , made an amusing speech . He said that he thought the observations of the prophet mig ht have sufficed for the present , but as they had so warmly called upon him to say a
Consecration Of The Era Chapter, No. 1423.
few words , he would endeavour to get out of the difficulty as speedily as possible . He then went on to tell them that he was exceedingly gratified with the rank that had that day , ; been conferred upon hiro by their M . E . G . S ., *' and that he would
try in every way to merit the distinction , and respectfully hoped that the appointment would meet with the approbation of the companions of the province , and concluded his speech by stating that he admired the Craft , but was proud of Royal Arch Masonry . " The Health of the Subordinate Officers "
followed . In concluding his remarks in connection with this toast , the M . E . P . G . S . said he wished them all long life , good health , and prosperity . Comp . Little , S . E ., la the course of his response said that he was glad that that day had
g iven another chapter to the Royal Arch roll of Middlesex , which now numbered seven . When the Grand Chapter of the province was first formed there were but three chapters , and he hoped that the good work would continue to progress . In conclusion , after returning thanks
for " The Present and Past Grand Officers , he stated that he had great p leasure in informing them that the funds of the P . G . Chapter were in a highly satisfactory condition . The toast of thc evening , viz ., " The Era Chapter , " gave the M . E . P . G . S . an opportunity
of indulging in an excellent speech . He said that to a certain extent the Grand Chapter of the province had met under the auspices of the promoters of the Era , and he personally was proud at being able to preside on the occasion . He was sure that under the direction of so able and experienced a chief as Coir p . Sabine ,
supported by those excellent Comps . Thiellay and Langley , the chapter must flourish . It was very gratify ing to him to see such worthy companions inaugurating a new era in the history of their lodge by founding an " Era" Chapter . ( Laughter . ) In conclusion he sincerely hoped that the chapter that had that day been formally consecrated would soon become one of the most
flourishing in the Province of Middlesex . In the unavoidable absence of Comp . Sabine , M . E . Z . Comp . Thiellay made a neat reply , in which he stated that under the auspices of Comp . Sabine , the First Principal , he felt confident that the Era Chapter must prosper , and
concluded by saying that he hoped the P . G . Chapter would never have occasion to regret having enrolled under its distinguished banner No . 1423 . The M . E . P . G . S . then proposed , in very
complimentary terms , " The Health of Com p . Walls , " for services rendered during the evening ' s proceedings , which honour was briefly ackno w-Jedged by the companion mentioned . The companions shortly afterwards separated .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of East Lancashire.
The half-yearly meeting of the above Provincial Grand Lodge was held in the Commissioners' Rooms , Middhton , on Wednesday , the 22 nd November , under the auspices ol the Imperial George Lodge , No . 78 . There was a large attendance of the brethren from all parts of the province ,
amongst whom were Bros . Col . Le Gendrc N . Starkie , R . W . Prov . G . Master ; J . L . Hine , P . I ' rov . G . Warden , as Dep . Prov . G . Master j Wm . Harrison , Prov . S . G , Warden ; Thomas Rose , Prov . J . G . Warden ; R . H , Hutchinson , P . Prov . G . Warden ; C . R . N . Bcswicke-Royds , P . Prov . G . Warden ; James A . Birch , P . Prov . G . Warden ; Rev . Alfred Salts , LL . D ., Prov . U .
Chaplain ; Rev . S . Y . B . Bradshaw , Prov . G . Chaplain ; 1 . J . Hooper , Prov . G . Treas . ; John Barker , P . Prov . G . Treas . ; Sam ! . Cheelham , P . Prov . G . Treas . -, Saml . Statham , P . Prov . G . Treas . ; Charles Heywood , P . Prov . G . Registrar ; John Tunnah , Prov . G . Sec . i Albert Wolstenholm , Prov . J . G . Deacon ; W . H . Prince , P . Prov . G . Deacon ; Jno . S . Vcevers , P . Prov . G .
Deacon ; G . P . Brockbank , P . Prov . G . Deacon ; Wm . Slater , P . Prov . G . Deacon ; Isaac W . Petty , P . Prov . G . Deacon ; John Pilling , Prov . G . Supt . of Works ; C . M . Jones , Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . ; Robert Whittaker , P . Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . ; J . H . Sillitoe , Prov . G . Assist . Dir . of Cers . ; Thos . Grime , P . Prov . G . Assist . Dir . cf Cers . ; James Mills , Prov . G . Sword Bearer ; Henry
Maiden , P . Prov . G . Sword Bearer ; William Barlow , P . Prov . G . Sword Bearer ; Thos . Taylor , P . Prov . G . Sword Bearer ; Thos . Hargreavcs , Prov . G . Org . ; Edwin Halliwell , P . Prov . G . Org . ; W . H . Cunliffe , Prov . G . Purst . ; Westry Pcnn , Prov . G . Assist . Purst . ; also Bros . Rev . H . Bethell Jones , Prov . G . Chaplain West Lancashire ; G . D . Pochin , Prov . G . Reg . West Lancashire ; Joseph Travis , Prov . G . Org . Cheshire ; and rcprescnta-
Provincial Grand Lodge Of East Lancashire.
tives from the whole of the eighty-two lodges in the province . The Provincial Graiid Lodge was opened in due form and with prayer at half-past one o ' clock in the afternoon . The Provincial Grand Secretary read letters of apology from absent Provincial Grand Officers , including one from Bro . George Mellor , Dep . Prov . G . Master , who was
prevented from being present by indisposition . The minutes of the last meeting of Provincial Grand Lodge ( printed ccpies of which had been circulated in the province ) were , by the consent of the meeting , taken as read , and were thereupon confirmed . Bro . Hine , Chairman of the Charity Committee , read the minutes of proceedings of the committee , which
included several recommendations of grants of benevolence from the Prov . G . Lodge fund . The proceedings of the committee were confirmed , and their recommendations adopted by Prov . G . Ledge . The following brethren were appointed Auditors of the Prov . G . Treasurer ' s accounts , viz ., Bros . David Reid , W . M . 78 ; Robt . Caldwell , W . M . ion ; and Francis R .
Hollins , W . M . 5 81 . The R . W . Prov . G . Master intimated that he was open to receive suggestions as to the place for holding the next regular meeting of Prov . G . Lodge , and applications were made for such meeting to be held at Bury , Denton , Todmorden , and Haslingden respectively . At a subsequent part of thc day ' s proceedings the R . W . Prov . G . Master
announced that he had determined to hold such meeting at Todmorden in May next . A resolution was pas « ed to the effect that it is desirable to erect an illuminated window in Heaton Mersey Church , to thc memory of the late Bro . W . Romaine Callender , M . P ., Deputy Prov . G . Master , by subscriptions from the lodges and brethren of the province , and a committee was
appointed to carry the project into ifTect . Bro . Hine , Chairman of the Charity Committee , gave notice that at the next meeting of the Prov . G . Lodge he would propose that grants be made from the Prov . G . Lodge fund in aid of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons and Widows , and the Royal Masonic Institutions for Girls and Boys . It was announced at the meeting that the total amount
of subscriptions and donations 111 aid of the East Lanaashirc Systematic Masonic Educational and Benevolent Institution received up to this time amounted to £ 1607 6 s . All business being concluded the Trov . G . Lodge was closed in due form and with prayer at three o ' clock in the afternoon . The brethren then moved in procession to the Co-operative Hall , where the banquet was celebrated under the presidency of the R . W . Prov . G . Master , supported by a numerous assemblage of Prov . G . Officers and brethren .
Obituary .
BRO . THE DUKE DE SALDANHA . THE death of that distinguished Mason is announced , His Excellency Marshal the Duke of Saldanha , Portuguese Ambassador at this Court , a member of the 33 rd Degree in Portugal , and one of the Chiefs of Portuguese Masonry . Wc need not here allude to his biography generally , as it has been given in the " Times" and other of our
contemporaries . It is in the Duke of Saldanha ' s capacity as a Mason that wc find the key to the " Times '" reference to his being the representative of the secret societies . The English officers during thc Peninsular War had widely spread Masonry and protected the lodges , while they saved from the clutches of the Inquisition the Masons condemned to the flames of the Auto da Fe . One of tbose so saved
was thc famous Hippohto Jose da Costa . These men maintained liberalism in Portugal and Brazil , and Saldanha had . joined the ranks of the Craft . He was additionally obnoxious to the clerical party as being a grandson and representative of the great statesman the Marquis de Pombal , who expelled the Jesuits from Portugal . The "Times" and " Pall Mall Gazette" have not
explained this part of Saldanha ' s life . Saldanha , then Count de Saldanha , was not living * in England , but in Paris . Although Emperor Don Pedro was a Mason , the parties around him were indisposed to Saldanha as the head of the Constitutionalists and Masons . The Portuguese Masons had been received with great kindness by the brethren in Plymouth , and none the less by those in
France on their removal thither . Thus it resulted that in Paris a great point of union for these unfavoured leaders was thc distinguished R . C . Chapter of St . Louis de Martinique , in which Saldanha took an active part . As the main body were stationed by the French Government at a distance from the Spanish frontier , the Dunkirk Lodges became their protectors . Thus was formed among
the Portuguese and Anglo-Portuguese what was called the northern party , including Bro . Saldanha , General Count Villaflor ( afterwards Duke of Perceira ) , Bro . General Cabrera , Bro . Colonel Henry Clarke , Count de Falkenberg , Bro . General Sir Thomas Stubbs , ( afterwards Baron Villa Nova de Gaya ) , Bro . Lionel Tavares Cabral , ( afterwards Minister ) , Bro . Julio Gomez de Silva Sanchez
( afterwards Prime Minister ) , and others . Bro . the Duke of Saldanha leaves the Duchess , an English lady , to mourn his loss , in company with so many who had benefited by his services . We cannot go into the political history of thc Duke of Saldanha , as that belongs to other biographers . We are only Freemasons .
The " Graphic" has thc following : — " His Excellency the Portuguese Ambassador at thc English Court died on Tuesday , at his residence in London . He was born about 1790 , and was therefore about eighty-six years of _ age . The Duke had taken an active part in public affairs in Portugal during the last fifty years . He was Minister for Foreign Affairs under King John VI ., and took a prominent part in opposing the usurpation of Don Miguel . After