Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
the failure of that opposition he retired to England , where he remained till 1834 , when he returned to Portugal , and became one of the chief counsellors of Don Pedro in his war against Don Miguel , in which he acted as General and Chief of the Staff , and signed , with Don Pedro , the decisive capitulation of Evora . The Duke afterwards became Minister of War and President of the Council ; but
after his retirement from office he , in 1836 , was concerned in an unsuccessful reactionary movement , and was again exiled to England , where he remained until 1846 , when another revolution brought him back to power . From this he was dispossessed in 1849 by the second dictatorship of Costa Cabral , whom the Duke in turn overthrew
in [ 1851 , and remained in office during the minority of Don Pedro V ., until 1856 . in May , 1870 , he headed a military outbreak , which resulted in a new Ministry being formed under his presidency . He retained office until February , 1 S 71 , and has for some years represented his country at the British Court . "
BRO . HENRY MELLON . We learn with sincere regret of the death of Bro . Henry Mellon , which sad event took place on Saturday last . He was for many years connected successfully with thc theatrical profession , but had , previous to his death , relired from the stage some little time , owing to his very indifferent health . Bro . Mellon's sufferings were very acute , but we are informed he bore them with great patience . He has left a sorrowing widow to mourn his loss .
Masonic Ball At Cambridge.
This ball was given by the Isaac Newton University Lodge of Freemasons , under the presidency of the Rev . J . W . Cartmell , Fellow of Christ ' s , W . M ., the list of stewards being headed by the Earl of Hardwicke , P . G . M ., and Bro . G . Ainslie , P . M ., being Hon . Secretary . The Lodge was founded in 1861 , the Duke of St . Albans'being the first
Master , and since that period the chair has been occupied by many distinguished members of the University , and several hundred members have been initiated . The first quadrille was danced b y all the brethren in Craft aprons , those entitled to provincial rank wearing thc distinguishing purple and gold . The members of the hi gher degrees afterwards assumed their respective dresses , separate sets
of Lancers being allotted to the Mark Masters and Royal Ark Mariners , the Royal Arch , the Rose Croix , the Knights Templar , and the Knights of Malta . The engraving represents the third figure of the Knight Templars' Lancers , when thc knights cross their swords over their partners' heads . The dress is a white tunic and mantle , with a red cross . The head of the
order in England is the Prince of Wales , and the engraving will remind its members of the Prince's reception as Grand Master , when he wis received under thc " Arch of Steel" by more than 400 knights . The Earl of Limerick is second in command , and Sir Patrick Colquhoun , Q . C ., Grand Chancellor . The Cambridge
Prcceptory is presided over by Professor Kalley Miller , and among the Past Preceptors are the Rev . Dr . Bryan Walker , the Rev . A . B . Frazer , and the Rev . J . F . Hardy , of Alpine fame . The dress of the Kni ghts of Malta is a scarlet tunic and black mantle , each of which bears the white cross of the order . — " Graphic . "
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION TOR BOYS . — Bro . Constable ' s tickets , entitling the holder to a chance in the drawing for Life Governorships of the above Institution , are now ready , price one shilling each . To be had of Bro . J . Constable , 13 , Sise Lane , Cannon-street , London , E . C .
Metropolitan Masonic Meetings.
fortiie Weekending Friday , Decembers , 1876 . The Editor will be glad to receive notice from Secretaries of Crait Lodges , Royal Arch Chapters , Mark Lodges , Preceptories , Conclaves , & c ., of any change in place or time of meeting .
SATURDAY , DECEMBER 2 . Gen . Com . Boys' School at 4 . Lodge 142 , St . Thomas ' s , Cannon-st . Hot . 11 1572 , Carnarvon , Albion Tav ., Aldersgate-st . ,. 1622 , Rose , Surrey M . H . Chap . 975 , Rose of Denmark , Star and Garter , Kew-bdg .
LODGES or INSTRUCTION . Lily , Greyhound , Richmond . Manchester , 77 , London-st ., Fitzroy-sq . Star , Marquis of Granby , New Cross-rd . MONDAY , DECEMBER 4 . Lod ge 12 , Fortitude & Old Cumberland , Ship & Turtle . » . 25 , Robert Burns , F . M . H .
11 69 , Unity . 1 . 72 , Royal Jubilee , Anderton ' s Hot ., Fleet-st . 1 , 83 , United of Prudence , Albion , Aldersgate-st . > , 144 , Si . Luke ' s , M . H ., Mason ' s Avenue . it 188 , Joppa , Albion Tav ., Aldeisgate-st .
. . 256 , Unions , F . M . H . 11 1319 , Asaph , F . M . H . ti 1625 , Tredegar , Royal Hot ., Mile End-rd . t-nap . 91 , Regularity , F . M . H . » 1056 , Victoria , M . H ., Masons' Avenue . >« d Cross Con ., Premier , 68 , Regent-st ., W .
„ . LODGES OP INSTRUCTION . prince Leopold , Lord Stanley Tav ., Kingsland . 'trong Man , Jerusalem Tav ., St . John ' s Gate , sincerity , Railway Tav ., Fenchurch-st . Station , ^ amden , Stanhope Arms , Up . James-st ., Camden To . e-astern , Royal Hot ., Mile-end-road . w , | ames ' s Union , Union Tav ., Air-st ., Regent-st . Ellington , White Swan , Deptford .
Metropolitan Masonic Meetings.
Perfect Ashlar , Victoria Tav ., Lower-rd ., Rotherhithe . Upper Norwood , White Hart Hot ., Church-rd . Marquis of Ripon , Pembmy Tav ., Amherst-rd ., Hackney . TUESDAY , DECEMBER 5 . Lodge 7 , Royal Y , ork-d { .: ^ erseverance , F . M . H . „ 18 , bld . DurrdSe . ' ' '" - '¦¦ .
„ 101 , Temple , Snip and Turtle , Leadenhall-st . „ 172 , Old Concord , F . M . H . „ 217 , Stability , Anderton's Hot ., Fleet-st . „ 765 , St . James ' s , Bridge House Hot . „ 12 . 57 , Grosvenor , Caledonian Hot ., Adelphi . „ 1259 , Duke of Edinburgh , C . of G . Hope Tav ., E „ 1261 , Golden Rule , Regent M . H ., Regent-st .
„ 1298 , R . Standard , Wellington Club , Upper-st ., N „ 1381 , Kennington , Surrey Tav ., Kcnnington Oval 11 1383 , Friends in Council , 33 , Golden-sq . „ 1472 , Henley , Three Crowns Hot ,, Woolwich . Chap . 145 , Prudent Brethren , F . M . H . „ 169 , Temperance , White Swan , High-st ., Deptford
LODGES OF INSTRUCTION . Metropolitan , 269 , Pentonville-rd . Yarborough , Green Dragon , Stepney . Domatic , Surrey M . H ., Camberwell New-road . Faith , 2 , Westminster Chambers , Victoria-st . Prince Fredk . Wm ., Lord's Hot ., St . John ' s Wood . Dalhousie , King Edward , Triangle , Hackney . Prosperity , Hercules Tav ., Aldersgate-st .
St . Marylebone , British Stores Tav ., St . John's Wood . Constitutional , Wheatsheaf Hot ., Hand-court , Holborn . Israel , Rising Sun Tav ., Globe Road . Royal Arthur , Prince's Head , York-road , Battersea . Beacontree , Red Lion , Leytonstone . Excelsior , Commercial Dock Tav ., Rotherhithe . St . John of Wapping , Gun Hot ., High-st ., Wapping . Metropolitan Chapter , Jamaica Coffee Ho ., Cornhill .
WEDNESDAY , DECEMBER 6 . Quar . Com . Grand Lodge , at 6 for 7 . Lodge 511 , Zetland , Anderton ' s Hot ., Fleet-st . „ 1585 , Royal Commemoration . Star & Garter , Putney . LODGES OF INSTRUCTION . Confidence , M . H ., Basinghall-st . Alt . Lebanon , Windsor Castle Tav ., Southwark-bdg .-rd .
Pythagorean , Prince of Orange , Greenwich . New Concord , Rosemary Branch Tav ., Hoxton . Royal Union , Horse and Groom , Winsley-st ., Oxford-st . Mount Edgcumbe , 19 , Jermyn-st ., St . James's . Peckham , Maismore Arms , Park-road , Peckham . Stanhope , Thicket Hot ., Anerley . Finsbury Park , Finsbury Park Tav ., Seven Sisters ' -rd .
Southwark , Southwark Park Tav ., Southwark Park . Duke of Connaught , Havelock Tav ., Dalston , E . United Strength , Grafton Arms , Kentish-town . Islington , Crown and Cushion , London Wall . Whittington , Black Bull Tav ., Holborn . Lewis , King ' s Arms Hot ., Wood Green . Langthorne , Swan Hot ., Stratford .
THURSDAY , DECEMBER 7 . Lodge 10 , Westminster and Keystone , F . M . H . 11 2 7 > Egyptian , Anderton ' s Hot ., Fleet-st . „ 45 , Strong Man , M . H ., Masons' Avenue . „ 92 , Moira . „ 192 , Lion and Lamb , Cannon-st . Hot . „ 227 , Ionic , Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall-st .
„ 211 , St . Andrew ' s , F . M . H . „ 53 8 , La Tolerance , F . M . H . „ 55 8 , Yarborough , Green Dragon , Stepney . „ 822 , Victoria Rifles , F . M . H . „ 11 78 , Perfect Ashlar , Bridge House Hot .
„ 1351 , St . Clement Danes , 265 , Strand . „ 1445 , Prince Leopold , Sandringham-rd ., Kingsland . „ 1539 , Surrey Masonic Hall , S . M . H . Chap . 2 , St . James ' s , F . M . H . „ 9 , Moriah , Albion Tav ., Aldersgate-st . „ 174 , Sincerity , Cheshire Cheese , Crutched Friars .
LODGES OF INSTRUCTION . Egyptian , Hercules Tav ., Leadenhall-st . Fidelity , Yorkshire Grey , London-st ., W . Fmsbury , Jolly Anglers' Tav ., Bath .-st ., City-road . Temperance in the East , Catherine-st ., Poplar . Ebury , 12 , Ponsonby-st ., Milbank .
Highgatc , Bull and Gate , Kentish-town . The Great City , I r 1 , Cheapsidc . High Cross , Coach & Horses , High-road , Tottenham . Salisbury , Union Tav ., Air-st ., Regent-st . Prince Frederick William Chapter , St . John ' s Wood . Southern Star , Crown Hot ., Blackfriars-rd .
FRIDAY , DECEMBER 8 . Lodge 134 , Caledonian , Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall-st . „ 1 j 7 , Bedford , F . M . H . „ 177 , Domatic , Anderton ' s Hot ., Fleet-st . „ 1275 , Star , Ship Hot ., Greenwich . „ 1 4 20 , Earl Spencer , New Wandsworth . Precep . 26 , Faith and Fidelity , Cannon-st . Hot .
LODGES OF INSTRUCTION . Union Waterloo , Thomas-st ., Woolwich . Robert Burns , Union Tav ., Air-st ., Regent-st . Belgrave , Constitution , Bedford-st ., Covent Garden . Unions Emulation ( for M . M . ' s ) , F . M . H . Temperance , Victoria Tav ., Victoria-road , Deptford . Clapton , White Hart , Clapton .
Metropolitan , Portugal Hot ., Fleet-st . Wcstbourne , Horse & Groom , Winsley-st ., Oxford-st . U rated Pilgrims , Surrey M . H ., Camberwell New-road . St . James ' s , New Tanners'Arms , Grangc-rd ., Bermondsey . Duke of Edinburgh , Silver Li , ju , Penny-fields , Poplar .
Doric , Earl Grey Tav ., Mile-end-road . Burgoyne , Grafton Anns , Prince of Wales ' s-road , N . W . St . Luke ' s , White Hart , King ' s-rd ., Chelsea . Chigwell , Bald-faced Stag Hot ., Buckhurst-hill . Burdett Courts , Approach Tav ., Victoria Park . Royal Standard , The Castle , Hollowajr-td .
Metropolitan Masonic Meetings.
Ranelagh , Clarendon Hot ., Hammersmith . Slability , Guildhall Tav ., Gresham-st . St . George ' s , Globe Tav ., Greenwich . Pythagorean Chapter , Prince of Orange , Greenwich-rd . William Preston , Upper George-st ., Edgware-rd .
Masonic Meetings In West Lancashire And Cheshire.
For the Week ending Saturday , December 9 , 1876 . MONDAY , DECEMBER 4 . Lodge 112 , Unanimity , Bull Hot , Church-st ., Preston . „ 1045 , Stamford , T . H ., Altrincham . „ 10 5 1 , Rowley , M . R ., Athenaium , Lancaster . „ 1264 , Neptune , M . H ., Liverpool .
„ 1380 , Skelmersdale , Queen ' s Hot ., Waterloo . Everton L . of I ., M . H ., Liverpool . Skelmersdale Red Cross Con ., 77 , M . H ., Liverpool . TUESDAY , DECEMBER 5 . Lodge 178 , Antiquity , Royal Hot ., Wigan . ¦ 1 6 73 . - John ' s , M . H ., Liverpool .
11 995 > Furness , M . T ., Ulverston . „ 1384 , Equity , Walker ' s Com . Hot ., Widnes . „ 1476 , Blackpool , Clifton Arms Hot ., Blackpool . Chap . 203 , St . John of Jerusalem , M . H ., Liverpool . Mark Lodge 161 , Walton , Schl . Rm ., Croylands-st ., Lpool . Merchants' L . of I ., M . H ., Liverpool .
WEDNESDAY , DECEMBER 6 . Lodge 730 , Ellesmere , Royal Oak Hot ., Chorley . „ 1013 , Royal Victoria , M . H ., Liverpool . „ 1061 , Triumph , M . H ., Lytham . » » 335 > Lindsay , 20 , King-st ., Wigan .
i ) ' 354 . Marquis of Lome , M . R ., Leigh . „ 1403 , W . Lancashire , Com . Hot ., Ormstirk . Chap . 477 , Fidelity , 55 , Argyle-st ., Birkenhead . De Grey and Ripon L . of I ., N . Hill-st ., Liverpool . Downshire L . of I ., M . H ., Liverpool . Harmonic L . of I ., M . H ., Liverpool .
THURSDAY , DECEMBER 7 . Lodge 249 , Mariners , M . H ., Liverpool . » ' 473 . Bootle , Assembly Rooms , Bootle . Chap . 758 , Bridgwater , M . H ., Runcorn . St . John L . of I ., M . H ., Runcorn . St . John ' s L . of I ., M . H ., Liverpool .
FRIDAY , DECEMBER 8 . Lodge 155 , Perseverance , M . H ., Liverpool . „ 1289 , Rock , Bedford House , Rock Ferry .
Masonic Meetings In Glasgow And West Of Scotland.
For the Week ending Saturday , December 9 , 1876 . All thc Meetings take place at Eight o ' clock . MONDAY , DECEMBER 4 . Lodge 20 , St . John , M . H ., Lesmabagow . „ 124 , Kilwinning , Union Tav ., Ayr .
„ 129 , St . Mirren , 5 , Moss-st ., Paisley . „ 138 , Operative , Blue Bell Hot ., Ayr . i > 237 , St . John , Masonic Arms , Girvan . 11 33 * , Union , 213 , Buchanan-st ., Glasgow . „ 581 , Plantation , Craigiehall-st ., & . S ., Glasgow . Chap . 53 i Dumbarton , Elephant Hot ., Dumbarton . „ 119 , Rosslyn , 25 , Robertson-st .
TUESDAY , DECEMBER 5 . Lodge 3 J , St . John , 213 , Buchanan-st ., Glasgow . „ 68 , Doric Kilwinning , 44 , Church-st ., Port Glsgw , 11 73 > Thistle and Rose , 213 , Buchanan-st ., Glsgw . „ 87 , Thistle , 30 , Cathedral-st ., Glasgow . „ 173 , St . John Kilwinning , M . H ., Largs .
„ 17 7 , St . James , Old Monkland , M . H ., Coatbridge . „ 406 , St . John Dalziel , M . H ., Motherwell . 11 433 i St . Thomas , Eglinton Hot . Dalmellington , „ 437 , Govandale , M . H ., Portland Buildings . Govan . „ 442 , Neptune , M . H ., Princes Lane , Ardrossan . ,, 497 , St . John , Brewery Lesser Hall , Catrine .
WEDNESDAY , DECEMBER 6 . Lodge o , Mother Kilwinning , M . H ., Kilwinning . „ 4 , Glasgow Kilwinning , 162 , Kent-rd ., Glasgw . „ 21 , Old St . John , M . H ., Lanark . ,, 86 , Navigation , Navigation Arms Hot ., Troon . „ 117 , St . Mary , M . H ., Douglas-st , Partick . „ 126 , St . Andrew , George Hot ., Kilmarnock .
„ 128 , St . John , M . H ., Shettleston . „ 166 , St . John , M . H ., Airdrie . ,, 198 , Royal Arch , King ' s Arms Hot ., Maybole . „ 202 , St . Clement , Com . H ., Croft-st ., Kilmarnock . „ 233 , Hamilton , Spalding ' s Hot ., Hamilton . » 33 i » St . Peter , Portland Arms , Galston . JI 3 S 4 > Caledonian Railway , 30 , Hopc-st ., Glasgow .
„ 571 , Dramatic , 2 i 3 , Buchanan-st ., Glasgow ( 3 p . m . ) Chap . 87 , Shamrock and Thistle , 12 , Trongate , Glasgw THURSDAY , DECEMBER 7 . Lodge 11 , St . John , King ' s Arms , Maybole . ,, 42 , St . John Kilwinning , George H ., Kilmarnock „ 27 , St . Mungo , 213 , Buchanan-st ., Glasgow . „ 149 , St . Andrew , Masons' Arms , Irvine .
„ 157 , St . John Kilwinning , M . H ., Berth . „ 165 , Royal Arch , King ' s Arms , Ayr . 1 , 290 , Blair , White Hart Hot ., Dairy . „ 320 , St . John , R . A ., M . H ., Saltcoats & Ardrossan . „ 370 , Renfrew County Kilw ., 8 , High-st ., Paisley . „ 465 , St . Andrew , 69 , Garngad-rd ., Glasgow , ( 7 . 30 . „ 547 , Stewart , M . H ., Kilsyth .
Chap . 147 , Baron of Renfrew , M . H ., High-st ., Renfrew . FRIDAY , DECEMBER 8 . Lodge 18 , Dumbarton , M . H ., Church-st ., Dumbarton . „ 147 , Caddcr Argyle , M . H ., Chryston . „ 153 , Royal Arch , M . H ., Cogan-st ., Pollokshans . „ 170 , Leven St . John , Black Bull Inn , Rcnton . „ 427 , St . Clair , M . M ., Cambusnethan . Chap . > 44 , St . Rollox , 69 , Garngad-rd ., Glasgow . i
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
the failure of that opposition he retired to England , where he remained till 1834 , when he returned to Portugal , and became one of the chief counsellors of Don Pedro in his war against Don Miguel , in which he acted as General and Chief of the Staff , and signed , with Don Pedro , the decisive capitulation of Evora . The Duke afterwards became Minister of War and President of the Council ; but
after his retirement from office he , in 1836 , was concerned in an unsuccessful reactionary movement , and was again exiled to England , where he remained until 1846 , when another revolution brought him back to power . From this he was dispossessed in 1849 by the second dictatorship of Costa Cabral , whom the Duke in turn overthrew
in [ 1851 , and remained in office during the minority of Don Pedro V ., until 1856 . in May , 1870 , he headed a military outbreak , which resulted in a new Ministry being formed under his presidency . He retained office until February , 1 S 71 , and has for some years represented his country at the British Court . "
BRO . HENRY MELLON . We learn with sincere regret of the death of Bro . Henry Mellon , which sad event took place on Saturday last . He was for many years connected successfully with thc theatrical profession , but had , previous to his death , relired from the stage some little time , owing to his very indifferent health . Bro . Mellon's sufferings were very acute , but we are informed he bore them with great patience . He has left a sorrowing widow to mourn his loss .
Masonic Ball At Cambridge.
This ball was given by the Isaac Newton University Lodge of Freemasons , under the presidency of the Rev . J . W . Cartmell , Fellow of Christ ' s , W . M ., the list of stewards being headed by the Earl of Hardwicke , P . G . M ., and Bro . G . Ainslie , P . M ., being Hon . Secretary . The Lodge was founded in 1861 , the Duke of St . Albans'being the first
Master , and since that period the chair has been occupied by many distinguished members of the University , and several hundred members have been initiated . The first quadrille was danced b y all the brethren in Craft aprons , those entitled to provincial rank wearing thc distinguishing purple and gold . The members of the hi gher degrees afterwards assumed their respective dresses , separate sets
of Lancers being allotted to the Mark Masters and Royal Ark Mariners , the Royal Arch , the Rose Croix , the Knights Templar , and the Knights of Malta . The engraving represents the third figure of the Knight Templars' Lancers , when thc knights cross their swords over their partners' heads . The dress is a white tunic and mantle , with a red cross . The head of the
order in England is the Prince of Wales , and the engraving will remind its members of the Prince's reception as Grand Master , when he wis received under thc " Arch of Steel" by more than 400 knights . The Earl of Limerick is second in command , and Sir Patrick Colquhoun , Q . C ., Grand Chancellor . The Cambridge
Prcceptory is presided over by Professor Kalley Miller , and among the Past Preceptors are the Rev . Dr . Bryan Walker , the Rev . A . B . Frazer , and the Rev . J . F . Hardy , of Alpine fame . The dress of the Kni ghts of Malta is a scarlet tunic and black mantle , each of which bears the white cross of the order . — " Graphic . "
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION TOR BOYS . — Bro . Constable ' s tickets , entitling the holder to a chance in the drawing for Life Governorships of the above Institution , are now ready , price one shilling each . To be had of Bro . J . Constable , 13 , Sise Lane , Cannon-street , London , E . C .
Metropolitan Masonic Meetings.
fortiie Weekending Friday , Decembers , 1876 . The Editor will be glad to receive notice from Secretaries of Crait Lodges , Royal Arch Chapters , Mark Lodges , Preceptories , Conclaves , & c ., of any change in place or time of meeting .
SATURDAY , DECEMBER 2 . Gen . Com . Boys' School at 4 . Lodge 142 , St . Thomas ' s , Cannon-st . Hot . 11 1572 , Carnarvon , Albion Tav ., Aldersgate-st . ,. 1622 , Rose , Surrey M . H . Chap . 975 , Rose of Denmark , Star and Garter , Kew-bdg .
LODGES or INSTRUCTION . Lily , Greyhound , Richmond . Manchester , 77 , London-st ., Fitzroy-sq . Star , Marquis of Granby , New Cross-rd . MONDAY , DECEMBER 4 . Lod ge 12 , Fortitude & Old Cumberland , Ship & Turtle . » . 25 , Robert Burns , F . M . H .
11 69 , Unity . 1 . 72 , Royal Jubilee , Anderton ' s Hot ., Fleet-st . 1 , 83 , United of Prudence , Albion , Aldersgate-st . > , 144 , Si . Luke ' s , M . H ., Mason ' s Avenue . it 188 , Joppa , Albion Tav ., Aldeisgate-st .
. . 256 , Unions , F . M . H . 11 1319 , Asaph , F . M . H . ti 1625 , Tredegar , Royal Hot ., Mile End-rd . t-nap . 91 , Regularity , F . M . H . » 1056 , Victoria , M . H ., Masons' Avenue . >« d Cross Con ., Premier , 68 , Regent-st ., W .
„ . LODGES OP INSTRUCTION . prince Leopold , Lord Stanley Tav ., Kingsland . 'trong Man , Jerusalem Tav ., St . John ' s Gate , sincerity , Railway Tav ., Fenchurch-st . Station , ^ amden , Stanhope Arms , Up . James-st ., Camden To . e-astern , Royal Hot ., Mile-end-road . w , | ames ' s Union , Union Tav ., Air-st ., Regent-st . Ellington , White Swan , Deptford .
Metropolitan Masonic Meetings.
Perfect Ashlar , Victoria Tav ., Lower-rd ., Rotherhithe . Upper Norwood , White Hart Hot ., Church-rd . Marquis of Ripon , Pembmy Tav ., Amherst-rd ., Hackney . TUESDAY , DECEMBER 5 . Lodge 7 , Royal Y , ork-d { .: ^ erseverance , F . M . H . „ 18 , bld . DurrdSe . ' ' '" - '¦¦ .
„ 101 , Temple , Snip and Turtle , Leadenhall-st . „ 172 , Old Concord , F . M . H . „ 217 , Stability , Anderton's Hot ., Fleet-st . „ 765 , St . James ' s , Bridge House Hot . „ 12 . 57 , Grosvenor , Caledonian Hot ., Adelphi . „ 1259 , Duke of Edinburgh , C . of G . Hope Tav ., E „ 1261 , Golden Rule , Regent M . H ., Regent-st .
„ 1298 , R . Standard , Wellington Club , Upper-st ., N „ 1381 , Kennington , Surrey Tav ., Kcnnington Oval 11 1383 , Friends in Council , 33 , Golden-sq . „ 1472 , Henley , Three Crowns Hot ,, Woolwich . Chap . 145 , Prudent Brethren , F . M . H . „ 169 , Temperance , White Swan , High-st ., Deptford
LODGES OF INSTRUCTION . Metropolitan , 269 , Pentonville-rd . Yarborough , Green Dragon , Stepney . Domatic , Surrey M . H ., Camberwell New-road . Faith , 2 , Westminster Chambers , Victoria-st . Prince Fredk . Wm ., Lord's Hot ., St . John ' s Wood . Dalhousie , King Edward , Triangle , Hackney . Prosperity , Hercules Tav ., Aldersgate-st .
St . Marylebone , British Stores Tav ., St . John's Wood . Constitutional , Wheatsheaf Hot ., Hand-court , Holborn . Israel , Rising Sun Tav ., Globe Road . Royal Arthur , Prince's Head , York-road , Battersea . Beacontree , Red Lion , Leytonstone . Excelsior , Commercial Dock Tav ., Rotherhithe . St . John of Wapping , Gun Hot ., High-st ., Wapping . Metropolitan Chapter , Jamaica Coffee Ho ., Cornhill .
WEDNESDAY , DECEMBER 6 . Quar . Com . Grand Lodge , at 6 for 7 . Lodge 511 , Zetland , Anderton ' s Hot ., Fleet-st . „ 1585 , Royal Commemoration . Star & Garter , Putney . LODGES OF INSTRUCTION . Confidence , M . H ., Basinghall-st . Alt . Lebanon , Windsor Castle Tav ., Southwark-bdg .-rd .
Pythagorean , Prince of Orange , Greenwich . New Concord , Rosemary Branch Tav ., Hoxton . Royal Union , Horse and Groom , Winsley-st ., Oxford-st . Mount Edgcumbe , 19 , Jermyn-st ., St . James's . Peckham , Maismore Arms , Park-road , Peckham . Stanhope , Thicket Hot ., Anerley . Finsbury Park , Finsbury Park Tav ., Seven Sisters ' -rd .
Southwark , Southwark Park Tav ., Southwark Park . Duke of Connaught , Havelock Tav ., Dalston , E . United Strength , Grafton Arms , Kentish-town . Islington , Crown and Cushion , London Wall . Whittington , Black Bull Tav ., Holborn . Lewis , King ' s Arms Hot ., Wood Green . Langthorne , Swan Hot ., Stratford .
THURSDAY , DECEMBER 7 . Lodge 10 , Westminster and Keystone , F . M . H . 11 2 7 > Egyptian , Anderton ' s Hot ., Fleet-st . „ 45 , Strong Man , M . H ., Masons' Avenue . „ 92 , Moira . „ 192 , Lion and Lamb , Cannon-st . Hot . „ 227 , Ionic , Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall-st .
„ 211 , St . Andrew ' s , F . M . H . „ 53 8 , La Tolerance , F . M . H . „ 55 8 , Yarborough , Green Dragon , Stepney . „ 822 , Victoria Rifles , F . M . H . „ 11 78 , Perfect Ashlar , Bridge House Hot .
„ 1351 , St . Clement Danes , 265 , Strand . „ 1445 , Prince Leopold , Sandringham-rd ., Kingsland . „ 1539 , Surrey Masonic Hall , S . M . H . Chap . 2 , St . James ' s , F . M . H . „ 9 , Moriah , Albion Tav ., Aldersgate-st . „ 174 , Sincerity , Cheshire Cheese , Crutched Friars .
LODGES OF INSTRUCTION . Egyptian , Hercules Tav ., Leadenhall-st . Fidelity , Yorkshire Grey , London-st ., W . Fmsbury , Jolly Anglers' Tav ., Bath .-st ., City-road . Temperance in the East , Catherine-st ., Poplar . Ebury , 12 , Ponsonby-st ., Milbank .
Highgatc , Bull and Gate , Kentish-town . The Great City , I r 1 , Cheapsidc . High Cross , Coach & Horses , High-road , Tottenham . Salisbury , Union Tav ., Air-st ., Regent-st . Prince Frederick William Chapter , St . John ' s Wood . Southern Star , Crown Hot ., Blackfriars-rd .
FRIDAY , DECEMBER 8 . Lodge 134 , Caledonian , Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall-st . „ 1 j 7 , Bedford , F . M . H . „ 177 , Domatic , Anderton ' s Hot ., Fleet-st . „ 1275 , Star , Ship Hot ., Greenwich . „ 1 4 20 , Earl Spencer , New Wandsworth . Precep . 26 , Faith and Fidelity , Cannon-st . Hot .
LODGES OF INSTRUCTION . Union Waterloo , Thomas-st ., Woolwich . Robert Burns , Union Tav ., Air-st ., Regent-st . Belgrave , Constitution , Bedford-st ., Covent Garden . Unions Emulation ( for M . M . ' s ) , F . M . H . Temperance , Victoria Tav ., Victoria-road , Deptford . Clapton , White Hart , Clapton .
Metropolitan , Portugal Hot ., Fleet-st . Wcstbourne , Horse & Groom , Winsley-st ., Oxford-st . U rated Pilgrims , Surrey M . H ., Camberwell New-road . St . James ' s , New Tanners'Arms , Grangc-rd ., Bermondsey . Duke of Edinburgh , Silver Li , ju , Penny-fields , Poplar .
Doric , Earl Grey Tav ., Mile-end-road . Burgoyne , Grafton Anns , Prince of Wales ' s-road , N . W . St . Luke ' s , White Hart , King ' s-rd ., Chelsea . Chigwell , Bald-faced Stag Hot ., Buckhurst-hill . Burdett Courts , Approach Tav ., Victoria Park . Royal Standard , The Castle , Hollowajr-td .
Metropolitan Masonic Meetings.
Ranelagh , Clarendon Hot ., Hammersmith . Slability , Guildhall Tav ., Gresham-st . St . George ' s , Globe Tav ., Greenwich . Pythagorean Chapter , Prince of Orange , Greenwich-rd . William Preston , Upper George-st ., Edgware-rd .
Masonic Meetings In West Lancashire And Cheshire.
For the Week ending Saturday , December 9 , 1876 . MONDAY , DECEMBER 4 . Lodge 112 , Unanimity , Bull Hot , Church-st ., Preston . „ 1045 , Stamford , T . H ., Altrincham . „ 10 5 1 , Rowley , M . R ., Athenaium , Lancaster . „ 1264 , Neptune , M . H ., Liverpool .
„ 1380 , Skelmersdale , Queen ' s Hot ., Waterloo . Everton L . of I ., M . H ., Liverpool . Skelmersdale Red Cross Con ., 77 , M . H ., Liverpool . TUESDAY , DECEMBER 5 . Lodge 178 , Antiquity , Royal Hot ., Wigan . ¦ 1 6 73 . - John ' s , M . H ., Liverpool .
11 995 > Furness , M . T ., Ulverston . „ 1384 , Equity , Walker ' s Com . Hot ., Widnes . „ 1476 , Blackpool , Clifton Arms Hot ., Blackpool . Chap . 203 , St . John of Jerusalem , M . H ., Liverpool . Mark Lodge 161 , Walton , Schl . Rm ., Croylands-st ., Lpool . Merchants' L . of I ., M . H ., Liverpool .
WEDNESDAY , DECEMBER 6 . Lodge 730 , Ellesmere , Royal Oak Hot ., Chorley . „ 1013 , Royal Victoria , M . H ., Liverpool . „ 1061 , Triumph , M . H ., Lytham . » » 335 > Lindsay , 20 , King-st ., Wigan .
i ) ' 354 . Marquis of Lome , M . R ., Leigh . „ 1403 , W . Lancashire , Com . Hot ., Ormstirk . Chap . 477 , Fidelity , 55 , Argyle-st ., Birkenhead . De Grey and Ripon L . of I ., N . Hill-st ., Liverpool . Downshire L . of I ., M . H ., Liverpool . Harmonic L . of I ., M . H ., Liverpool .
THURSDAY , DECEMBER 7 . Lodge 249 , Mariners , M . H ., Liverpool . » ' 473 . Bootle , Assembly Rooms , Bootle . Chap . 758 , Bridgwater , M . H ., Runcorn . St . John L . of I ., M . H ., Runcorn . St . John ' s L . of I ., M . H ., Liverpool .
FRIDAY , DECEMBER 8 . Lodge 155 , Perseverance , M . H ., Liverpool . „ 1289 , Rock , Bedford House , Rock Ferry .
Masonic Meetings In Glasgow And West Of Scotland.
For the Week ending Saturday , December 9 , 1876 . All thc Meetings take place at Eight o ' clock . MONDAY , DECEMBER 4 . Lodge 20 , St . John , M . H ., Lesmabagow . „ 124 , Kilwinning , Union Tav ., Ayr .
„ 129 , St . Mirren , 5 , Moss-st ., Paisley . „ 138 , Operative , Blue Bell Hot ., Ayr . i > 237 , St . John , Masonic Arms , Girvan . 11 33 * , Union , 213 , Buchanan-st ., Glasgow . „ 581 , Plantation , Craigiehall-st ., & . S ., Glasgow . Chap . 53 i Dumbarton , Elephant Hot ., Dumbarton . „ 119 , Rosslyn , 25 , Robertson-st .
TUESDAY , DECEMBER 5 . Lodge 3 J , St . John , 213 , Buchanan-st ., Glasgow . „ 68 , Doric Kilwinning , 44 , Church-st ., Port Glsgw , 11 73 > Thistle and Rose , 213 , Buchanan-st ., Glsgw . „ 87 , Thistle , 30 , Cathedral-st ., Glasgow . „ 173 , St . John Kilwinning , M . H ., Largs .
„ 17 7 , St . James , Old Monkland , M . H ., Coatbridge . „ 406 , St . John Dalziel , M . H ., Motherwell . 11 433 i St . Thomas , Eglinton Hot . Dalmellington , „ 437 , Govandale , M . H ., Portland Buildings . Govan . „ 442 , Neptune , M . H ., Princes Lane , Ardrossan . ,, 497 , St . John , Brewery Lesser Hall , Catrine .
WEDNESDAY , DECEMBER 6 . Lodge o , Mother Kilwinning , M . H ., Kilwinning . „ 4 , Glasgow Kilwinning , 162 , Kent-rd ., Glasgw . „ 21 , Old St . John , M . H ., Lanark . ,, 86 , Navigation , Navigation Arms Hot ., Troon . „ 117 , St . Mary , M . H ., Douglas-st , Partick . „ 126 , St . Andrew , George Hot ., Kilmarnock .
„ 128 , St . John , M . H ., Shettleston . „ 166 , St . John , M . H ., Airdrie . ,, 198 , Royal Arch , King ' s Arms Hot ., Maybole . „ 202 , St . Clement , Com . H ., Croft-st ., Kilmarnock . „ 233 , Hamilton , Spalding ' s Hot ., Hamilton . » 33 i » St . Peter , Portland Arms , Galston . JI 3 S 4 > Caledonian Railway , 30 , Hopc-st ., Glasgow .
„ 571 , Dramatic , 2 i 3 , Buchanan-st ., Glasgow ( 3 p . m . ) Chap . 87 , Shamrock and Thistle , 12 , Trongate , Glasgw THURSDAY , DECEMBER 7 . Lodge 11 , St . John , King ' s Arms , Maybole . ,, 42 , St . John Kilwinning , George H ., Kilmarnock „ 27 , St . Mungo , 213 , Buchanan-st ., Glasgow . „ 149 , St . Andrew , Masons' Arms , Irvine .
„ 157 , St . John Kilwinning , M . H ., Berth . „ 165 , Royal Arch , King ' s Arms , Ayr . 1 , 290 , Blair , White Hart Hot ., Dairy . „ 320 , St . John , R . A ., M . H ., Saltcoats & Ardrossan . „ 370 , Renfrew County Kilw ., 8 , High-st ., Paisley . „ 465 , St . Andrew , 69 , Garngad-rd ., Glasgow , ( 7 . 30 . „ 547 , Stewart , M . H ., Kilsyth .
Chap . 147 , Baron of Renfrew , M . H ., High-st ., Renfrew . FRIDAY , DECEMBER 8 . Lodge 18 , Dumbarton , M . H ., Church-st ., Dumbarton . „ 147 , Caddcr Argyle , M . H ., Chryston . „ 153 , Royal Arch , M . H ., Cogan-st ., Pollokshans . „ 170 , Leven St . John , Black Bull Inn , Rcnton . „ 427 , St . Clair , M . M ., Cambusnethan . Chap . > 44 , St . Rollox , 69 , Garngad-rd ., Glasgow . i