Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
United Grand Lodge.
Universe for thc safe return to his native land , from his Indian visit , of His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales , Most Worshipful Grand Master , and in memory of that happy event determines to devote the sum of £ 6000 in the manner following : — " £ 2000 to the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls . " £ 2000 te the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys .
" £ 2000 to the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons and their Widows . To be applied in such manner as the Managing Committees of the respective institutions may deem most beneficial to the interest of the institutions , after consultation with the special committee appointed by Grand Lodge at the Quarterly Communication in September last . "
List of Lodges for which warrants have been granted by the M . W . Grand Master since the last Quarterly Communication of Grand Lodge : — 1639 . —Watling Street Lodge , Stony Stratford , Bucks . 1640 . —Amatole Lodge , Alice , Victoria East , Cape of Good Hope . 1641 . —Crichton Lodge , Camberwell .
1642 . —Earl of Carnarvon Lodge , Notting Hill . 1643 . —Perseverance Lodge , Hebburn-on-Tyne , Durham . 1644 . —Alma-Mater Lodge , Birmingham . 164 $ . —Colne Valley Lodge , Slaithwaite , Yorkshire . 1646 . —Sir Donald McLean Lodge , Raleigh , Taranaki , Zealand .
1647 . —Star of the North Lodge , Whangarei , Auckland , New Zealand . 1648 . —Prince of Wales Lodge , Bradford , Yorkshire . 1649 . —Berar Lodge , Budnaira in Berar , Bombay . 1650 . —Rose of Raby Lodge , Staindrop , Durham . j 6 si . Lodge of Progress , Southbridge , New Zealand .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Leicestershire And Rutland
The Annual General Communication of the provincial Grand Lodge of Leicestershire and Rutland took place at Freemasons' Hall , Leicester , on Wednesday the 22 nd ult ., the R . W . Provincial Grand Master , the Right Hon . the Earl Ferrers , presiding , supported by the
R . W . P . P . G . M ., W . Bro . Kelly , W . Bro . the Rev . W . Langley , P . P . S . G . W ., acting as D . P . G . M ., and mauy present and past Provincial Grand Officers , together with representatives from every Lodge in the province . Amongst the visitors were Bros . J . Terry , Sec : R . M . B .
Institution , and Richard Allen , P . P . S . G . W ., Notts ., one of the founders of the John of Gaunt Lodge , Leicester . The John of Gaunt Lodge having been previously opened , the Provincial Grand Lodge entered , the R . W . P . G . M . being received with the
customary honours , and the usual business of Provincial Grand Lodg " . was transacted . The reply of the M . W . G . M ., the Prince of Wales , to the Provincial Grand Master , officers , and brethren of this province , thanking them for their address of welcome , and for their
congratulations on His Royal Highness ' s safe return from India , was read . A very favourable Report of the JCommittee of General Purposes , on the condition of the Provincial Funds , the state of Masonry in the province , and the increase in the number of
members during the past year , was presented , after which the proposvd bye-laws for the establishment of a Provincial Benevolent Fund , and the formation of a Charity Committee ; and certain amendments of existing Provincial
Byelaws , proposed at the previous meeting of Provincial Grand Lodge , were read and confirmed . Bro . W . Beaumont Smith , P . M ., was unanimously re-elected to the office of Provincial Grand Treasurer , a post which he has most ably filled for several years past .
The investment by the R . W . Prov . Grand Master , of his Provincial Grand Officers for the ensuing year then took place . A further sum was transferred from the General Fund of Provincial Grand Lodge as a foundation for the intended Provincial
Benevolent Fund . Adopting a recommendation of the Committee of General Purposes , it was resolved that the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys should be the Charity to receive the special support of the province during the ensuing year , and Bro . S . S . Partridge was appointed to represent the
Provincial Grand Lodge at the next Boys' School Festival , the sum of ten guineas being at the same time voted as a donation to the Charity . Apologies for absence from the Deputy Provincial Grand Master , Sir H . St . John Holford , who was in Scotland , and from several other Provincial Grand Officers , having been read , the Provincial Grand Lodge was closed in due form ,
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Leicestershire And Rutland
ind the proceedings terminated with a banquet , at which the R . W . Provincial Grand Master presided .
Royal Masonic Institution For Girls.
The General Committee of Subscribers to this Institution met on Thursday afternoon at the Library , Freemasons' Hall , Bro . Thos . W . White in the chair . There were likewise present Bros . F . Adlard , H . Potter , Major Finney , H . G . Warren , H . Browse , H . Massey ( "
Freemason " ) , A . H . Tattershal ! , Jesse Turner , F . G . Baker , Lieut .-Col . Peters , Robt . B . Webster , Thos . Massa , and R . W . Little , Sec . There was a long list of minutes of committees , held between the last meeting of the General Committee and the present , read , consisting of
the House and Audit Committees , and the Special and Building Committees , and the Court as to the office of Collector . One petition for the purchase of a child into the school was rejected , the stepfather , who petitioned , and the mother being in a position to
support the child . A sister of this girl is already in the school by election . Seven petitions were received and passed . The report of the Special Committee on the duties and office of Collector to the Institution was read by the Secretary and received . The Committee confirmed the report , and appointed
the Junior Clerk ' s salary at £ 50 in accordance with the recommendation in the report . Notice of motion was given for raising the Senior Clerk's salary to £ 140 a year , and fixing tha Junior Clerk ' s at , £ 50 . Bro . H . G . Warren suggested an increase in the amount of the securities , on account of the very large increase in the amount of
subscriptions . This was supported by Bro . Jessie Turner and several brethren , and a discussion thereupon ensued . A vote of thanks to the Chairman concluded the proceedings .
London Masonic Clu3 Company (Limited.)
A Mecling of the Shareholders was held on thc 29 th November 1876 , at the London Masonic Club , Queen Victoria Street , Bro . T . J . Smith , the Chairman of the Board of Directors , presiding . The Secretary having read the notice convening the meeting ,
The Chairman then proposed the adoption of the Report and Balance Sheet . The Report stated that " After very considerable difficulty the Directors succeeded in obtaining premises at No . 101 , Qjecn Victoria Street , which , being in course of erection , could be completed in a manner to adapt them for the purposes of a Club . " "Thc Club was opened on the 26 th July last under
the presidency of the Right Hon . Lord Skelmersdale , and from that time to this it lias been well attended , and its comforts appreciated by its Members . " " The Directors in the first instance allotted only such a number of shares as in their opinion would be sufficient to test the willingness of their brother Masons to support a Masonic Club in London , but having met with so much
encouragement and support from the Freemasons in London and the Provinces , they felt quite justified in extending their operations , and in trusting to their Masonic brethren to subscribe for any further shares which it might become desirable to issue . " " The Directors now contemplate a further issue of 1 , 000 shares to enable them to clear off outstanding
liabilities . " Since the Balance Sheet has been made out , the Directors and a few of the Members of the Club have subscribed for 250 shares , and it is anticipated that before long the remaining shares will be taken up by the Members . " The present income of the Club from subscriptions
and profits upon provisions , is at ihj rate of £ 2 , 485 4 s . per annum , and if the subscriptions increase as they have done during the last six weeks , there will be an additional income of £ 1 , 250 by the 30 th of next September , which without allowing for any increase on the profits from the sale of provisions , will yield an annual sum of £ 3825 4 s . The working expenses of the Club including
servants wages , rent , taxes , coal , gas , & c , are estimated to amount to £ 3000 per annum—thus leaving a sum of £ 735 4 - profit , which would be sufficient to pay 7 ! per cent , on the whole of the required capital , and leave a surplus for a Reserve Fund . " After thc usual vote of thanks to the Chairman , the meeting closed .
A report of the benefit of the Printers' Dramatic Pension Fund has lately been issued by the Committee of Management , which shews a very successful termination of their labours . It appears that after paying all expenses , there is a clear balance of £ 100 . The success obtained was mainly owing to the untiring and invaluable exertions of Bro . George J . Dawson ,
Charles Harbord, Baron Suffield.
This nobleman , who has just been installed as Grand Master of the Freemasons of the Province of Norfolk , is a son of the third Baron Suffield , the title having been created in 1786 . He was born at Gunton Park , Norfolk , in 1830 , and married in 1854 the daughter of the late Henry Baring , Esq . ( in 187 ? Lady Suffield was appointed
a lady of the bedchamber to the Princess of Wales ) , and succeeded to the title on the death of his half-brother in 1853 . He formerly held a commission in the 7 th Dragoons , but retired in 1852 , and is now Lieutenant-Colonel 13 th Norfolk Rifle Volunteers , and Lieutenant-Colonel of the Norfolk Artillery Militia . He is a Deputy-Lieutenant of the county of Norfolk , was a Lord in Waiting to Her Majesty the Queen from i 86 S to 1872 , and is now Lord of
the Bedchamber to H . R . H . the Prince of Wales . His lordship ' s heir is his eldest sou , Charles , who was born in June . 1 S 5 . V and is a Lieutenant in the Scots Fusilier Guards . The first peer , who represented Norwich in Parliament for some years , was son of Sir William Morden , Bart ., K . B ., who in 1842 relinquished his piternal surname for that of his maternal grandfather , Harbord . — " Graphic . "
Masonic And General Tidings.
Masonic and General Tidings .
Ihe Winter Half-yearly Communication of the Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of England and Wales will be held on Tuesday next at Freemasons ' Tavern , Great-Queen-strect . Grand Lodge will be opened at 5 p . m ., the banquet to be provided at 7 o ' clock . The Lord Chancellor lias ordered that the Countv Courts are to be closed on D ^ c . 26 and 2 7 .
The William Preston Lodge of Instruction , No . 766 , ( the sanction for which was unanimously granted a short time back ) , meets every Friday evening , at eigh o ' clock , at the Feathers Tavern , Upper Gjorge-street , Edgware-road . THE FREEMASONS' TAVERN . —The management of this well-known establishment , in Great
Queenstreet , has , within the past few weeks , changed hands , and promise , under the present spirited and liberal directorship , not only to hold its own , but largely extend the field of operation . We note , apart from its Masonic gatherings , four hundred members and friends * of the Licensed Victuallers' Protection Society , assembled on Wednesday , and upwards of five hundred of the Scottish
Corporation , under thc Cnairmansbip of the Marquis of Hartington , R . W . Provincial Grand Master for Derbyshire , availed themselves , on Thursday , of the admirable accommodation the Freemasons' Tavern affords . Under thc able management of Bro . E . Dawkins , the comfort and convenience of visitors and brethren will receive the attention that justifies the fullest confidence .
Sermons were preached on Sunday last on behalf of the Poor Clergy Relief Corporation , in the Parish Church , Streatham , that in the morning by Bro . the Rev . Dr . Cox , and in the afternoon by Bro . the Rev . R . J . Simpson , Past Grand Cnaplains . An express train conveying a large number of brethren from Manchester , to attend the Provincial Grand
Lodge of Mark Master Masons , meeting at Gainsborough , on Wednesday last , while passing through Worksop , at the rate of 50 miles an hour , the crank of the engine broke , and , after going a short distance , some of thc wheels left the line , but , most fortunately , the pitching stones at the crossing where this took place turned the engine again on to the line , and it ran as far as Norton-wood , a distance
of two miles . A nothtr engine from Worksop took the passengers to their destination . The line was blocked for several hours before the break-down gang from RetforJ could remove thc disabled engine . Bros . B . Head and W . Pass have consented to act as trustees of the fund now being raised for T . J . Mace .
The next meeting of the United Strength Lodge , No . 228 , will be held on Tuesday , the 12 th inst ., at Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street . After this meeting , the lodge will be held regularly at the Guildhall Tavern , Gresham-street . A Grand Evening Concert will be given on Thursday week , the 14 th inst ., at the Bow and Bromley
Institute , in aid of the three Masonic Charitable Institutions . The concert , it is announced , will be under lh £ immediate patronage of the three Secretaries , Bros . F . Binckes , R . Went worth Little and Terry . Several acknowledged eminent artistes have promised to appear . Subscriptions are invited towards a fund which is being raised to enable an old Masonic pupil to entct bur
Holy Orders . He was silver medallist and May )' prizeman of the Boys' School , and after leaving studied a ' King ' s College for three years , gaining several first-class certificates and the College prize for Divinity , and was elected an associate of that college . MARK MASONRY . —A lodge of Mark Maso " will shortly be opened in Chester .
Bro . Colonel Stilhvell has resigned the command of the First City of London Engineer . ) , an office 1 K ' by him for many years . ( We ( " Whitehall Review " ) are informed tin Lord Charles Beresford has no intention of retiring ltoV .
the representation of Waterford , despite all that has bet ' said to thc contrary . , Tuesdays " Gazette " announces that her J »* jesty in Council has been pleased to declare the » Noble John Winston , Duke of Marlborough , Lieut * " ? , General and General-Governor of that part of the U " Kingdom called Ireland .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
United Grand Lodge.
Universe for thc safe return to his native land , from his Indian visit , of His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales , Most Worshipful Grand Master , and in memory of that happy event determines to devote the sum of £ 6000 in the manner following : — " £ 2000 to the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls . " £ 2000 te the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys .
" £ 2000 to the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons and their Widows . To be applied in such manner as the Managing Committees of the respective institutions may deem most beneficial to the interest of the institutions , after consultation with the special committee appointed by Grand Lodge at the Quarterly Communication in September last . "
List of Lodges for which warrants have been granted by the M . W . Grand Master since the last Quarterly Communication of Grand Lodge : — 1639 . —Watling Street Lodge , Stony Stratford , Bucks . 1640 . —Amatole Lodge , Alice , Victoria East , Cape of Good Hope . 1641 . —Crichton Lodge , Camberwell .
1642 . —Earl of Carnarvon Lodge , Notting Hill . 1643 . —Perseverance Lodge , Hebburn-on-Tyne , Durham . 1644 . —Alma-Mater Lodge , Birmingham . 164 $ . —Colne Valley Lodge , Slaithwaite , Yorkshire . 1646 . —Sir Donald McLean Lodge , Raleigh , Taranaki , Zealand .
1647 . —Star of the North Lodge , Whangarei , Auckland , New Zealand . 1648 . —Prince of Wales Lodge , Bradford , Yorkshire . 1649 . —Berar Lodge , Budnaira in Berar , Bombay . 1650 . —Rose of Raby Lodge , Staindrop , Durham . j 6 si . Lodge of Progress , Southbridge , New Zealand .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Leicestershire And Rutland
The Annual General Communication of the provincial Grand Lodge of Leicestershire and Rutland took place at Freemasons' Hall , Leicester , on Wednesday the 22 nd ult ., the R . W . Provincial Grand Master , the Right Hon . the Earl Ferrers , presiding , supported by the
R . W . P . P . G . M ., W . Bro . Kelly , W . Bro . the Rev . W . Langley , P . P . S . G . W ., acting as D . P . G . M ., and mauy present and past Provincial Grand Officers , together with representatives from every Lodge in the province . Amongst the visitors were Bros . J . Terry , Sec : R . M . B .
Institution , and Richard Allen , P . P . S . G . W ., Notts ., one of the founders of the John of Gaunt Lodge , Leicester . The John of Gaunt Lodge having been previously opened , the Provincial Grand Lodge entered , the R . W . P . G . M . being received with the
customary honours , and the usual business of Provincial Grand Lodg " . was transacted . The reply of the M . W . G . M ., the Prince of Wales , to the Provincial Grand Master , officers , and brethren of this province , thanking them for their address of welcome , and for their
congratulations on His Royal Highness ' s safe return from India , was read . A very favourable Report of the JCommittee of General Purposes , on the condition of the Provincial Funds , the state of Masonry in the province , and the increase in the number of
members during the past year , was presented , after which the proposvd bye-laws for the establishment of a Provincial Benevolent Fund , and the formation of a Charity Committee ; and certain amendments of existing Provincial
Byelaws , proposed at the previous meeting of Provincial Grand Lodge , were read and confirmed . Bro . W . Beaumont Smith , P . M ., was unanimously re-elected to the office of Provincial Grand Treasurer , a post which he has most ably filled for several years past .
The investment by the R . W . Prov . Grand Master , of his Provincial Grand Officers for the ensuing year then took place . A further sum was transferred from the General Fund of Provincial Grand Lodge as a foundation for the intended Provincial
Benevolent Fund . Adopting a recommendation of the Committee of General Purposes , it was resolved that the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys should be the Charity to receive the special support of the province during the ensuing year , and Bro . S . S . Partridge was appointed to represent the
Provincial Grand Lodge at the next Boys' School Festival , the sum of ten guineas being at the same time voted as a donation to the Charity . Apologies for absence from the Deputy Provincial Grand Master , Sir H . St . John Holford , who was in Scotland , and from several other Provincial Grand Officers , having been read , the Provincial Grand Lodge was closed in due form ,
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Leicestershire And Rutland
ind the proceedings terminated with a banquet , at which the R . W . Provincial Grand Master presided .
Royal Masonic Institution For Girls.
The General Committee of Subscribers to this Institution met on Thursday afternoon at the Library , Freemasons' Hall , Bro . Thos . W . White in the chair . There were likewise present Bros . F . Adlard , H . Potter , Major Finney , H . G . Warren , H . Browse , H . Massey ( "
Freemason " ) , A . H . Tattershal ! , Jesse Turner , F . G . Baker , Lieut .-Col . Peters , Robt . B . Webster , Thos . Massa , and R . W . Little , Sec . There was a long list of minutes of committees , held between the last meeting of the General Committee and the present , read , consisting of
the House and Audit Committees , and the Special and Building Committees , and the Court as to the office of Collector . One petition for the purchase of a child into the school was rejected , the stepfather , who petitioned , and the mother being in a position to
support the child . A sister of this girl is already in the school by election . Seven petitions were received and passed . The report of the Special Committee on the duties and office of Collector to the Institution was read by the Secretary and received . The Committee confirmed the report , and appointed
the Junior Clerk ' s salary at £ 50 in accordance with the recommendation in the report . Notice of motion was given for raising the Senior Clerk's salary to £ 140 a year , and fixing tha Junior Clerk ' s at , £ 50 . Bro . H . G . Warren suggested an increase in the amount of the securities , on account of the very large increase in the amount of
subscriptions . This was supported by Bro . Jessie Turner and several brethren , and a discussion thereupon ensued . A vote of thanks to the Chairman concluded the proceedings .
London Masonic Clu3 Company (Limited.)
A Mecling of the Shareholders was held on thc 29 th November 1876 , at the London Masonic Club , Queen Victoria Street , Bro . T . J . Smith , the Chairman of the Board of Directors , presiding . The Secretary having read the notice convening the meeting ,
The Chairman then proposed the adoption of the Report and Balance Sheet . The Report stated that " After very considerable difficulty the Directors succeeded in obtaining premises at No . 101 , Qjecn Victoria Street , which , being in course of erection , could be completed in a manner to adapt them for the purposes of a Club . " "Thc Club was opened on the 26 th July last under
the presidency of the Right Hon . Lord Skelmersdale , and from that time to this it lias been well attended , and its comforts appreciated by its Members . " " The Directors in the first instance allotted only such a number of shares as in their opinion would be sufficient to test the willingness of their brother Masons to support a Masonic Club in London , but having met with so much
encouragement and support from the Freemasons in London and the Provinces , they felt quite justified in extending their operations , and in trusting to their Masonic brethren to subscribe for any further shares which it might become desirable to issue . " " The Directors now contemplate a further issue of 1 , 000 shares to enable them to clear off outstanding
liabilities . " Since the Balance Sheet has been made out , the Directors and a few of the Members of the Club have subscribed for 250 shares , and it is anticipated that before long the remaining shares will be taken up by the Members . " The present income of the Club from subscriptions
and profits upon provisions , is at ihj rate of £ 2 , 485 4 s . per annum , and if the subscriptions increase as they have done during the last six weeks , there will be an additional income of £ 1 , 250 by the 30 th of next September , which without allowing for any increase on the profits from the sale of provisions , will yield an annual sum of £ 3825 4 s . The working expenses of the Club including
servants wages , rent , taxes , coal , gas , & c , are estimated to amount to £ 3000 per annum—thus leaving a sum of £ 735 4 - profit , which would be sufficient to pay 7 ! per cent , on the whole of the required capital , and leave a surplus for a Reserve Fund . " After thc usual vote of thanks to the Chairman , the meeting closed .
A report of the benefit of the Printers' Dramatic Pension Fund has lately been issued by the Committee of Management , which shews a very successful termination of their labours . It appears that after paying all expenses , there is a clear balance of £ 100 . The success obtained was mainly owing to the untiring and invaluable exertions of Bro . George J . Dawson ,
Charles Harbord, Baron Suffield.
This nobleman , who has just been installed as Grand Master of the Freemasons of the Province of Norfolk , is a son of the third Baron Suffield , the title having been created in 1786 . He was born at Gunton Park , Norfolk , in 1830 , and married in 1854 the daughter of the late Henry Baring , Esq . ( in 187 ? Lady Suffield was appointed
a lady of the bedchamber to the Princess of Wales ) , and succeeded to the title on the death of his half-brother in 1853 . He formerly held a commission in the 7 th Dragoons , but retired in 1852 , and is now Lieutenant-Colonel 13 th Norfolk Rifle Volunteers , and Lieutenant-Colonel of the Norfolk Artillery Militia . He is a Deputy-Lieutenant of the county of Norfolk , was a Lord in Waiting to Her Majesty the Queen from i 86 S to 1872 , and is now Lord of
the Bedchamber to H . R . H . the Prince of Wales . His lordship ' s heir is his eldest sou , Charles , who was born in June . 1 S 5 . V and is a Lieutenant in the Scots Fusilier Guards . The first peer , who represented Norwich in Parliament for some years , was son of Sir William Morden , Bart ., K . B ., who in 1842 relinquished his piternal surname for that of his maternal grandfather , Harbord . — " Graphic . "
Masonic And General Tidings.
Masonic and General Tidings .
Ihe Winter Half-yearly Communication of the Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of England and Wales will be held on Tuesday next at Freemasons ' Tavern , Great-Queen-strect . Grand Lodge will be opened at 5 p . m ., the banquet to be provided at 7 o ' clock . The Lord Chancellor lias ordered that the Countv Courts are to be closed on D ^ c . 26 and 2 7 .
The William Preston Lodge of Instruction , No . 766 , ( the sanction for which was unanimously granted a short time back ) , meets every Friday evening , at eigh o ' clock , at the Feathers Tavern , Upper Gjorge-street , Edgware-road . THE FREEMASONS' TAVERN . —The management of this well-known establishment , in Great
Queenstreet , has , within the past few weeks , changed hands , and promise , under the present spirited and liberal directorship , not only to hold its own , but largely extend the field of operation . We note , apart from its Masonic gatherings , four hundred members and friends * of the Licensed Victuallers' Protection Society , assembled on Wednesday , and upwards of five hundred of the Scottish
Corporation , under thc Cnairmansbip of the Marquis of Hartington , R . W . Provincial Grand Master for Derbyshire , availed themselves , on Thursday , of the admirable accommodation the Freemasons' Tavern affords . Under thc able management of Bro . E . Dawkins , the comfort and convenience of visitors and brethren will receive the attention that justifies the fullest confidence .
Sermons were preached on Sunday last on behalf of the Poor Clergy Relief Corporation , in the Parish Church , Streatham , that in the morning by Bro . the Rev . Dr . Cox , and in the afternoon by Bro . the Rev . R . J . Simpson , Past Grand Cnaplains . An express train conveying a large number of brethren from Manchester , to attend the Provincial Grand
Lodge of Mark Master Masons , meeting at Gainsborough , on Wednesday last , while passing through Worksop , at the rate of 50 miles an hour , the crank of the engine broke , and , after going a short distance , some of thc wheels left the line , but , most fortunately , the pitching stones at the crossing where this took place turned the engine again on to the line , and it ran as far as Norton-wood , a distance
of two miles . A nothtr engine from Worksop took the passengers to their destination . The line was blocked for several hours before the break-down gang from RetforJ could remove thc disabled engine . Bros . B . Head and W . Pass have consented to act as trustees of the fund now being raised for T . J . Mace .
The next meeting of the United Strength Lodge , No . 228 , will be held on Tuesday , the 12 th inst ., at Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street . After this meeting , the lodge will be held regularly at the Guildhall Tavern , Gresham-street . A Grand Evening Concert will be given on Thursday week , the 14 th inst ., at the Bow and Bromley
Institute , in aid of the three Masonic Charitable Institutions . The concert , it is announced , will be under lh £ immediate patronage of the three Secretaries , Bros . F . Binckes , R . Went worth Little and Terry . Several acknowledged eminent artistes have promised to appear . Subscriptions are invited towards a fund which is being raised to enable an old Masonic pupil to entct bur
Holy Orders . He was silver medallist and May )' prizeman of the Boys' School , and after leaving studied a ' King ' s College for three years , gaining several first-class certificates and the College prize for Divinity , and was elected an associate of that college . MARK MASONRY . —A lodge of Mark Maso " will shortly be opened in Chester .
Bro . Colonel Stilhvell has resigned the command of the First City of London Engineer . ) , an office 1 K ' by him for many years . ( We ( " Whitehall Review " ) are informed tin Lord Charles Beresford has no intention of retiring ltoV .
the representation of Waterford , despite all that has bet ' said to thc contrary . , Tuesdays " Gazette " announces that her J »* jesty in Council has been pleased to declare the » Noble John Winston , Duke of Marlborough , Lieut * " ? , General and General-Governor of that part of the U " Kingdom called Ireland .