Article IMPORTANT NOTICE. Page 1 of 1 Article REMITTANCES RECEIVED. Page 1 of 1 Article TO OUR READERS. Page 1 of 1 Article TO ADVERTISERS. Page 1 of 1 Article Answers to Correspondents. Page 1 of 1 Article Births, Marriages, and Deaths. Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article PRINCE LEOPOLD IN WILTSHIRE. Page 1 of 1 Article THE EMULATION FESTIVAL. Page 1 of 1 Article FREEMASONRY IN BELGIUM. Page 1 of 1 Article FREEMASONRY IN BELGIUM. Page 1 of 1 Article ANOTHER RELIGIOUS MASONIC PERSECUTION. Page 1 of 1 Article THE LAST LODGE OF BENEVOLENCE. Page 1 of 1 Article THE LONDON CABMEN. Page 1 of 2 →
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Important Notice.
COLONIAL and FORBIGN SUBSCRIBERS are informed that acknowledgments of remittances received are published in the first number of every month .
It is very necessary for our readers to advise us of all money orders they remit , more especially those from the United States of America and India ; otherwise we cannot tell where to credit them .
Remittances Received.
£ s . d . Austen , A . E ., The Cape ( P . O . O . ) 29 6 Austin , W . W ., Indiana ( P . O . O . ) 117 4 Collins , B ., India ( Cheque ) 100 Davev . H .. San Francisco ( P . O . O . ) 220
Firmin , W . R ., Victoria ( P . O . O . ) 076 Jones , F . New York ( Draft ) 57 6 Peacock , J . R ., California , ( P . O . O . ; 1 4 3 Sly , F ., Victoria ( P . O . O . ) 1 o 0 Smith , D ., Africa ( P . O . O . ) 1 4 o
To Our Readers.
The Freemason is a sixteen-page weekly newspaper , price 2 d . It is published every Friday morning , and contains the most important , interesting , and useful information relating to Freemasonry in every degree . Annual subscription in the United Kingdom , Post free , 10 / - P . O . O . ' s to be made payable at thc chief office , London .
NEW POSTAL RATES . Owing to a reduction in the Postal Rates , the publisher is now enabled to send the " Freemason" to the following parts abroad for One Year for Twelve Shillings ( payable in advance ) : —Africa , Australia , Bombay , Canada , Cape of Good Hope , Ceylon , China , Constantinople , Demerara , France , Germany , Gibraltar , Jamaica , Malta , Ncwfoundand , New South Wales , New Zealand , Suez , Trinidad , L nited States of America . & c .
To Advertisers.
The Freemason has a large circulation in all parts of the Globe , its advantages as an advertising medium can therefore scarcely be overrated . ADVERTISEMENTS should reach thc Office , 19 S Fleet Street , London , not later than 12 o ' clock on Wednesday , to insure insertion in the following Saturday ' s number . The Rates for Advertisements may be had on application at the Office .
Answers To Correspondents.
Answers to Correspondents .
In answer to " Cape of Good Hope " we would say : — 1 . On thc right of the W . M ., though there is no fixed rule . l £ G . Lodge the G . Chaplain sits on thc left of the G . M . 2 . -The question has been answered by the G . S . It is a matter for the lodge bye-laws . 3 . We think not . 4 . We doubt the possibility of any such bye-law being enforced . No one can be compelled to vote . P . M . —We know of none of any official authority or
value . The following stand over -. —Reports of lodges 209 , 379 . 4 ^ 5 . 477 . I 0 un > H 96 , 1386 , 1 5 , 1531 , 153 6 , 1597 ; Lodges of Instruction , 579 , Victoria Metropolitan , Leopold . Southwark , Upper Norwood , Carnarvon ( Havant ) ; Chapters 340 , 862 , 446 ; Mark Lodge 109 ; Scotch lodges , o , 3 i > 73 > OS . 'OS . 307 , 317 , . 347 , 371 . Provincial Grand Mark Ledge of Devon . " Admission of Candidates" and Bro . Thomson's letter in our next .
Births, Marriages, And Deaths.
Births , Marriages , and Deaths .
[ The charge is 2 s . Gd . for announcements , not exceed ing four lines , under this heading . ]
Bill I HS BniTTos . —On the 24 th ult ., at 21 , Wingate-road , Hammersmith , the wife of A . T . Britton , Esq ., of a daughter . DAVIS . —On the 1 st ult ., at Shahjahanpur , India , the wife of Dr . J . N . Davis , of a daughter .
JACKSON . —On the 13 th ult ., at Lancaster , the wife of Bro . T . Jackson , of a son . LEVY . —On the 22 nd ult ., at Commercial-road East , thc wife of L . Levy , of a son . MALDSLAY . —On thc 27 th ult ., at Upton Grove , Tctbury , the wife of H . C . Maudslay , of a son .
MARRIAGES . PAHSONS—CA NIPBELL . —On Sept . 2 7 , atChristchurch , N . Z . Frederick J ames , son of thc late Commander W . Parsons , R . N ., of Parkstone , Dorsetshire , to Elizabeth Helen daughter of the late J . Campbell , Esq .
DEATHS . HAYWOOD . —On the 25 th ult ., George Haywood , of Derby , aged 45 . MELLON . —On the 25 th ult ., Bro . Henry Mellon , after great suffering . MOHIIIEW . —On thc 22 nd ult ., at King-street , Covcnt Garden , Lucinda Ann , wife of Bro . W . T . Morphcw ,
aged 42 . PAOET . —On the 27 th ult ,, at Aldersgate-strcct , Thomas Paget , aged 34 . VA . IU . KY . —On the 21 st ult ., at Aldcrshot , Staff-Veterinary Surgeon William Varlcv , aired 4 ; .
WILLIAMS . —On the 26 th ult , at Wrexham , George Harvey V . 'i ! liams , M . D ., aged 57 . WILLIS . —On thc 28 th ult ., at Chichestcr-tcrrace , Brighton , Henry Willis , Esq ., aged 67 . WVLILV— On the 27 th ult ., Bro . Thomas Wylic , P . P . G . R . West Lancashire , at the Hermitage , Southport .
The Freemason , SATURDAY , DEC . 2 , 1876 " .
Prince Leopold In Wiltshire.
Our brethren will have read with pleasure the account of our Royal brother ' s visit to the Provincial Grand Lodge of Wiltshire , under its noble and worthy chief , Lord Methuen , and his able and genial address will have gratified the Craft in general as much as it did the brethren of
Wiltshire in particular . It is very agreeable to all loyal Freemasons to note how the members of our Royal Family are " not ashamed " to call us " brethren , " to take part in our assemblies , and , in the words of our old song , do not disdain " our mysteries to put a good grace on . " May
this happy state of things long continue , and be the " decus columenque " of English Freemasonry . We hope our exalted brethren will believe that they do not and cannot give us more pleasure in coming among us , sympathizing with our labours , and sharing in our social
gatherings , than we do in seeing them in the midst of our loyal assemblies . We receive them , and ever shall receive them , with that becoming pride and gratification which are , so to say , innate in the bosom of every faithful Craftsman .
The Emulation Festival.
The Annual Festival of the Emulation Lodge of Improvement , which was held in the Grand Lodge Hall on Friday week , was presided over by the M . W . Pro G . Master , the Earl of Carnarvon , supported by the Earl of Limerick , thc Earl of Donoughmore , forty of the most distinguished
Grand Officers , present and past , and nearly 600 members of the Craft . One of the most interesting features connected with the meeting was the presentation of a silver inkstand to our worthy and distinguished G . Secretary , who has acted as Treasurer of the Emulation Lodge for 30 years .
The admirable remarks of Lord Carnarvon , cheered as they were by thc large assemblage , must have been peculiarly gratifying to Bro . Hervey , and we will add , that there is no brother in our Order who more truly deserves the regard and attachment and respect of all
who know him . The sections were worked by eig ht Past Gnmd Officers , who were in past years active members of the lodge , and it was universally admitted that on no former occasion was the work so correctly and so admirably delivered . The sanction and support thus
g iven to this celebrated lodge of improvement by the Pro Grand Master and other leading members of Grand Lodge undoubtedly places it at the head of all Lodges of Instruction , and goes far to authorize its mode of working as the model which should be universally adopted .
This distinguished lodge nas for some yearsunder the highest patronage—been extending its influence , and we trust it may ultimately be the means of establishing a uniformity of working throughout the Craft . We say all this , not dogmatically , as wc arc quite aware that a good
deal may be said on archrcological grounds for the existence of slight discrepancies of independent rituals , and we by no means forget the services of instructors like our Bro . Muggeridge , who vary a little from the admirable system of
the Emulation Lodge of Improvement . But we feel warranted in asserting that the Emulation working may well be adopted now as the general expression of the ritual and ceremonial of our English Craft .
Freemasonry In Belgium.
In consequence of the statement in the " Unita Cattolica , " that in Belgium all acknowledgment of belief in ihe G . A . O . T . U . has been already officially suppressed and erased from th-j
Constitution , we have taken means to ascertain the facts of the case , as we think the sooner we know the exact state of things the better . We are enabled to state that though it is true that some lodges by majorities have determined to commit
Freemasonry In Belgium.
this act of suicidal folly , all the lodges have not yet made their return , and the Grand Orient of Belgium has not yet , therefore , come to an official decision on the subject .
Another Religious Masonic Persecution.
" Le Messager d'Athenes" tells us in a recent number that a certain Mr . Arsene Pandis , a priest at Corfu , was about to commence a polemical warfare against the Corriote and Greek Masons , first of all by publishing in the Greek language Mgr . Dupanloup ' s famous "Etude . " The editor does not say whether this tolerant
priest is a member of the Greek or the Roman Church . We presume the former , and if so we shall deeply regret to learn that this rage of fanaticism is extending amongst that otherwise tolerant body , the orthodox Greek Church . Let us hope that Mr . Arsene Pandis will be more happily advised , and prove once again in the history of man that " second thoughts are best . "
The Last Lodge Of Benevolence.
At the last meeting of this important organization of our Order , and which was very numerously attended , various grants of £ 75 were confirmed , as will be seen by our special report , and new grants were made to the amount of
^ 554 . There were 32 cases on the list , two of which were dismissed , or rather one was deferred , and the other dismissed . We shall recur to this report in our next , as the subject , for many reasons , is becoming one which deserves the anxious consideration of the Craft .
The London Cabmen.
A very important portion of our Metropolitan community is that which is represented by the London Cabmen . When we remember the extent of locomotion , and the number of passengers , ministered to by our friend "Cabbie , " we shall all feel , not only how much our comfort as
a community depends on this influential section of our great aggregation , but how important it is for the safety and security of society and property that our licensed cabmen should be alike respectable , sober , and law-observing . Now without saying to-day that no improvement is needed in the cab-life and cab condition of
London , for that would be a mistaken optimism , we think it may be affirmed that matters are gradually improving in all that pertains to the cab system , and that we may hope ere long to see among us still more decided symptoms of permanent amelioration . The Chief Commissioner
of the Metropolitan Police , Col . Henderson , C . B ., addressed a crowded meeting of Cabmen and their wives at the fourth anniversary of the London Cabmen ' s Mission , on Monday , 20 th ult , and we take the following interesting extract from the " Times " of his speech , which we think is alike deserving of note and comment , and is
suggestive , in our humble opinion , of many most welcome and gratifying considerations : " Colonel Henderson , C . B ., speaking on Monday night , at the fourth anniversary of the London Cabmen ' s Mission , to a crowded audience of Cabmen and their wives , said he hoped the change which had lately been made in their licences in order to save them trouble would be
duly appreciated . Six hundred notices of renewal of licences had been up to Ihe present time dispatched to cabmen , and 90 per cent , of those were upon clear licences . With respect to the sobriety of cabmen , he said that , though drunkenness among the body was not on the
increase , still , it was not on thc decrease , as there were 1 . 3 , 000 cases of drunkenness last year ; but he hoped before long to see such a long list greatly diminished , as there was undoubtedly a steady and gradual improvement among the men-With regard to the cabs themselves , he would
just mention what an eminent French engineer said who came over to this country to report upon the comparative merits of the railways or France and England . That gentleman said that the Metropolitan Railway of London was as superior to anything of the ^ same kind in France
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Important Notice.
COLONIAL and FORBIGN SUBSCRIBERS are informed that acknowledgments of remittances received are published in the first number of every month .
It is very necessary for our readers to advise us of all money orders they remit , more especially those from the United States of America and India ; otherwise we cannot tell where to credit them .
Remittances Received.
£ s . d . Austen , A . E ., The Cape ( P . O . O . ) 29 6 Austin , W . W ., Indiana ( P . O . O . ) 117 4 Collins , B ., India ( Cheque ) 100 Davev . H .. San Francisco ( P . O . O . ) 220
Firmin , W . R ., Victoria ( P . O . O . ) 076 Jones , F . New York ( Draft ) 57 6 Peacock , J . R ., California , ( P . O . O . ; 1 4 3 Sly , F ., Victoria ( P . O . O . ) 1 o 0 Smith , D ., Africa ( P . O . O . ) 1 4 o
To Our Readers.
The Freemason is a sixteen-page weekly newspaper , price 2 d . It is published every Friday morning , and contains the most important , interesting , and useful information relating to Freemasonry in every degree . Annual subscription in the United Kingdom , Post free , 10 / - P . O . O . ' s to be made payable at thc chief office , London .
NEW POSTAL RATES . Owing to a reduction in the Postal Rates , the publisher is now enabled to send the " Freemason" to the following parts abroad for One Year for Twelve Shillings ( payable in advance ) : —Africa , Australia , Bombay , Canada , Cape of Good Hope , Ceylon , China , Constantinople , Demerara , France , Germany , Gibraltar , Jamaica , Malta , Ncwfoundand , New South Wales , New Zealand , Suez , Trinidad , L nited States of America . & c .
To Advertisers.
The Freemason has a large circulation in all parts of the Globe , its advantages as an advertising medium can therefore scarcely be overrated . ADVERTISEMENTS should reach thc Office , 19 S Fleet Street , London , not later than 12 o ' clock on Wednesday , to insure insertion in the following Saturday ' s number . The Rates for Advertisements may be had on application at the Office .
Answers To Correspondents.
Answers to Correspondents .
In answer to " Cape of Good Hope " we would say : — 1 . On thc right of the W . M ., though there is no fixed rule . l £ G . Lodge the G . Chaplain sits on thc left of the G . M . 2 . -The question has been answered by the G . S . It is a matter for the lodge bye-laws . 3 . We think not . 4 . We doubt the possibility of any such bye-law being enforced . No one can be compelled to vote . P . M . —We know of none of any official authority or
value . The following stand over -. —Reports of lodges 209 , 379 . 4 ^ 5 . 477 . I 0 un > H 96 , 1386 , 1 5 , 1531 , 153 6 , 1597 ; Lodges of Instruction , 579 , Victoria Metropolitan , Leopold . Southwark , Upper Norwood , Carnarvon ( Havant ) ; Chapters 340 , 862 , 446 ; Mark Lodge 109 ; Scotch lodges , o , 3 i > 73 > OS . 'OS . 307 , 317 , . 347 , 371 . Provincial Grand Mark Ledge of Devon . " Admission of Candidates" and Bro . Thomson's letter in our next .
Births, Marriages, And Deaths.
Births , Marriages , and Deaths .
[ The charge is 2 s . Gd . for announcements , not exceed ing four lines , under this heading . ]
Bill I HS BniTTos . —On the 24 th ult ., at 21 , Wingate-road , Hammersmith , the wife of A . T . Britton , Esq ., of a daughter . DAVIS . —On the 1 st ult ., at Shahjahanpur , India , the wife of Dr . J . N . Davis , of a daughter .
JACKSON . —On the 13 th ult ., at Lancaster , the wife of Bro . T . Jackson , of a son . LEVY . —On the 22 nd ult ., at Commercial-road East , thc wife of L . Levy , of a son . MALDSLAY . —On thc 27 th ult ., at Upton Grove , Tctbury , the wife of H . C . Maudslay , of a son .
MARRIAGES . PAHSONS—CA NIPBELL . —On Sept . 2 7 , atChristchurch , N . Z . Frederick J ames , son of thc late Commander W . Parsons , R . N ., of Parkstone , Dorsetshire , to Elizabeth Helen daughter of the late J . Campbell , Esq .
DEATHS . HAYWOOD . —On the 25 th ult ., George Haywood , of Derby , aged 45 . MELLON . —On the 25 th ult ., Bro . Henry Mellon , after great suffering . MOHIIIEW . —On thc 22 nd ult ., at King-street , Covcnt Garden , Lucinda Ann , wife of Bro . W . T . Morphcw ,
aged 42 . PAOET . —On the 27 th ult ,, at Aldersgate-strcct , Thomas Paget , aged 34 . VA . IU . KY . —On the 21 st ult ., at Aldcrshot , Staff-Veterinary Surgeon William Varlcv , aired 4 ; .
WILLIAMS . —On the 26 th ult , at Wrexham , George Harvey V . 'i ! liams , M . D ., aged 57 . WILLIS . —On thc 28 th ult ., at Chichestcr-tcrrace , Brighton , Henry Willis , Esq ., aged 67 . WVLILV— On the 27 th ult ., Bro . Thomas Wylic , P . P . G . R . West Lancashire , at the Hermitage , Southport .
The Freemason , SATURDAY , DEC . 2 , 1876 " .
Prince Leopold In Wiltshire.
Our brethren will have read with pleasure the account of our Royal brother ' s visit to the Provincial Grand Lodge of Wiltshire , under its noble and worthy chief , Lord Methuen , and his able and genial address will have gratified the Craft in general as much as it did the brethren of
Wiltshire in particular . It is very agreeable to all loyal Freemasons to note how the members of our Royal Family are " not ashamed " to call us " brethren , " to take part in our assemblies , and , in the words of our old song , do not disdain " our mysteries to put a good grace on . " May
this happy state of things long continue , and be the " decus columenque " of English Freemasonry . We hope our exalted brethren will believe that they do not and cannot give us more pleasure in coming among us , sympathizing with our labours , and sharing in our social
gatherings , than we do in seeing them in the midst of our loyal assemblies . We receive them , and ever shall receive them , with that becoming pride and gratification which are , so to say , innate in the bosom of every faithful Craftsman .
The Emulation Festival.
The Annual Festival of the Emulation Lodge of Improvement , which was held in the Grand Lodge Hall on Friday week , was presided over by the M . W . Pro G . Master , the Earl of Carnarvon , supported by the Earl of Limerick , thc Earl of Donoughmore , forty of the most distinguished
Grand Officers , present and past , and nearly 600 members of the Craft . One of the most interesting features connected with the meeting was the presentation of a silver inkstand to our worthy and distinguished G . Secretary , who has acted as Treasurer of the Emulation Lodge for 30 years .
The admirable remarks of Lord Carnarvon , cheered as they were by thc large assemblage , must have been peculiarly gratifying to Bro . Hervey , and we will add , that there is no brother in our Order who more truly deserves the regard and attachment and respect of all
who know him . The sections were worked by eig ht Past Gnmd Officers , who were in past years active members of the lodge , and it was universally admitted that on no former occasion was the work so correctly and so admirably delivered . The sanction and support thus
g iven to this celebrated lodge of improvement by the Pro Grand Master and other leading members of Grand Lodge undoubtedly places it at the head of all Lodges of Instruction , and goes far to authorize its mode of working as the model which should be universally adopted .
This distinguished lodge nas for some yearsunder the highest patronage—been extending its influence , and we trust it may ultimately be the means of establishing a uniformity of working throughout the Craft . We say all this , not dogmatically , as wc arc quite aware that a good
deal may be said on archrcological grounds for the existence of slight discrepancies of independent rituals , and we by no means forget the services of instructors like our Bro . Muggeridge , who vary a little from the admirable system of
the Emulation Lodge of Improvement . But we feel warranted in asserting that the Emulation working may well be adopted now as the general expression of the ritual and ceremonial of our English Craft .
Freemasonry In Belgium.
In consequence of the statement in the " Unita Cattolica , " that in Belgium all acknowledgment of belief in ihe G . A . O . T . U . has been already officially suppressed and erased from th-j
Constitution , we have taken means to ascertain the facts of the case , as we think the sooner we know the exact state of things the better . We are enabled to state that though it is true that some lodges by majorities have determined to commit
Freemasonry In Belgium.
this act of suicidal folly , all the lodges have not yet made their return , and the Grand Orient of Belgium has not yet , therefore , come to an official decision on the subject .
Another Religious Masonic Persecution.
" Le Messager d'Athenes" tells us in a recent number that a certain Mr . Arsene Pandis , a priest at Corfu , was about to commence a polemical warfare against the Corriote and Greek Masons , first of all by publishing in the Greek language Mgr . Dupanloup ' s famous "Etude . " The editor does not say whether this tolerant
priest is a member of the Greek or the Roman Church . We presume the former , and if so we shall deeply regret to learn that this rage of fanaticism is extending amongst that otherwise tolerant body , the orthodox Greek Church . Let us hope that Mr . Arsene Pandis will be more happily advised , and prove once again in the history of man that " second thoughts are best . "
The Last Lodge Of Benevolence.
At the last meeting of this important organization of our Order , and which was very numerously attended , various grants of £ 75 were confirmed , as will be seen by our special report , and new grants were made to the amount of
^ 554 . There were 32 cases on the list , two of which were dismissed , or rather one was deferred , and the other dismissed . We shall recur to this report in our next , as the subject , for many reasons , is becoming one which deserves the anxious consideration of the Craft .
The London Cabmen.
A very important portion of our Metropolitan community is that which is represented by the London Cabmen . When we remember the extent of locomotion , and the number of passengers , ministered to by our friend "Cabbie , " we shall all feel , not only how much our comfort as
a community depends on this influential section of our great aggregation , but how important it is for the safety and security of society and property that our licensed cabmen should be alike respectable , sober , and law-observing . Now without saying to-day that no improvement is needed in the cab-life and cab condition of
London , for that would be a mistaken optimism , we think it may be affirmed that matters are gradually improving in all that pertains to the cab system , and that we may hope ere long to see among us still more decided symptoms of permanent amelioration . The Chief Commissioner
of the Metropolitan Police , Col . Henderson , C . B ., addressed a crowded meeting of Cabmen and their wives at the fourth anniversary of the London Cabmen ' s Mission , on Monday , 20 th ult , and we take the following interesting extract from the " Times " of his speech , which we think is alike deserving of note and comment , and is
suggestive , in our humble opinion , of many most welcome and gratifying considerations : " Colonel Henderson , C . B ., speaking on Monday night , at the fourth anniversary of the London Cabmen ' s Mission , to a crowded audience of Cabmen and their wives , said he hoped the change which had lately been made in their licences in order to save them trouble would be
duly appreciated . Six hundred notices of renewal of licences had been up to Ihe present time dispatched to cabmen , and 90 per cent , of those were upon clear licences . With respect to the sobriety of cabmen , he said that , though drunkenness among the body was not on the
increase , still , it was not on thc decrease , as there were 1 . 3 , 000 cases of drunkenness last year ; but he hoped before long to see such a long list greatly diminished , as there was undoubtedly a steady and gradual improvement among the men-With regard to the cabs themselves , he would
just mention what an eminent French engineer said who came over to this country to report upon the comparative merits of the railways or France and England . That gentleman said that the Metropolitan Railway of London was as superior to anything of the ^ same kind in France