Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
was hi a highly prosperous and satisfactory position . Subscriptions , amounting to a considerable sum , were received on behalf ofthe AVest Lancashire Alasonic Educational Institution . After the transaction of some formal business , the lodge was closed , and the brethren retired i ' or refreshment .
CRas-rox . —Hesket / i Loge ( No . 9 86 . )—The usual monthly meeting of this lodge took p lace on Tuesday last , Bro . Roger Rig'b ye , AV . AI ., presiding ; Bro . Goggin , S . AV . ; Bro . Fletcher , J . AV . The lodge being opened in due form with solemn
prayer , Rev . Thomas Abbot Peters , Principal of Alston College , was duly initiated into Freemasonry in a most efficient manner . On the motion of Bro . Athelstone , a letter of condolence was ordered to be sent to the family of the late
Sir T . F . Hesketh , Bart ., Prov . Grand Master . The lodge being further opened , Bros . Topping and Howarth werc , after answering the several questions put to them , advanced to the sublime degree of Master Alason . The lodge was then
closed down with solemn prayer , several visiting brethren were present , Past Master Dr . Smith , and Bro . Dr . Haldanc , of . 314 ; Bros . Harding , and Dixon , of 314 ; Bro . Rev . Taylor , J . P .,
J . W ., of 343 ; Bro . AVilson , J . AV ., 333 , and sundry others . Thc brethren having adjourned for refreshments , thc usual loyal and Alasonic toasts were duly honoured , the brethren dispersing at an early hour .
B \ KRo \ v-1 x-Fu KxESS . —Hiiidpntil Lodge , ( A o . 1 225 ) . —On Tuesday last , the 1 7 th September , the brethren of the Hindpool Lotlge of Ancient , Honourable , Free , and Accepted Alasons , met at their Lodge-room , the Hartington Hotel ,
Dukestreet , Barrow-in-Furness , to instal their AVorshipful Alaster elect , Bro . R . W . Graham , S . AV The assembly was very numerous , and amongst the visiting brethren were Bro . AVylie , Grand Registrar of the Province of West Lancashire
Hamer P . Prov . G . Treasurer ; Relph , P . AL , 1021 , Hartington Lodge ; Pearson , AV . AI ., 995 , Furness Lodge , I'lvcrston , * vc , * vc . Alany prominent neighbouring brethren sent apologies for unavoidable absence through previous engagements . The recent decease of the Provincial
Grand Alaster of the Province ol West Lancashire , Sir Thomas Fermor Hesketh , Bart ., ALP . for Preston , required that the lodge room and brethren should be in deep mourning , which was duly observed , and several additional Alasonic
devices appropriate to the occasion were added to the other decorative appendages , giving the lodge the appearanee of sombre gracefulness , tending to devout contemplation ; and in keeping with the policy of the lotlge , that of constantly
maintaining their meeting place in a state of arrangement calculated to form those solemn impressions on the mind which the practice of the art is intended to foster . The brethren entered the lodge room in slow time , to the funereal music of the
" Dead Alarch . " The lodge having been opened in the ist and 2 nd degrees and the usual business gone through : the Provincial Grand Registrar rose and said ; AVorshi p ful Alaster , Wardens and brethren , it will be in the recollection of some of
you that we met a short time ago in this district npon a momentous and solemn , but a very joyful occasion , when I , along with other Provincial Grand Officers , were appointed to consecrate the the lodge at Dalton-in-Furness . As the representatives of our late highly esteemed and deeply
lamented Provincial Grand Master , Sir Thos . Fermor Hesketh , Bart ., who was then in his usual health and strength—alas ! how soon are we called to meet you , brethren , in North Lonsdale with your lodge decked in , and our costume exhibiting , the emblems of mourning . How true it is that " in thc midst of life wc are in
death , for these mournful signs are in acknowledgement of the grief we feel at the decease of our Provincial Grand Alaster , who has been so early in life called away . We can have no doubt , I ' or our Provincial Grand Chaplain , whose address . it Dalton . till who heard him will lout ; ' remember
as the pious effusions of a noble Christian clergyman , as well as the faithful exponent of our true Alasonic principles , informed me that he was in the service of his Divine Alaster , attending at the bed side of our departed brother , and that his end was peace , and he is now joining the
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
assembly of the Grand Lodge above , where all is peace and joy for ever , and where he is nov illustrating the great teaching of Alaster Masons , who contemplate death not as the end of affliction , but as the entrance of a better state , because an enduring unchanging of life . Brethren , let the
sudden removal of onr Provincial Grand Master lead us to contemplate our inevitable destiny ; work while it is day in all the services of the order ; never let us meet without endeavouring to fulfil the great duties and obligations Avhich we are taught to cultivate . Not only do we
meet as brethren , but also beyond the precincts of the lodge ; and now , when we look around and view these mournful emblems , " we raise our eyes to that bright morning star whose shining brought peace and salvation to the faithful and obedient of the human family , " and
enable His faithful followers to ascend to that Grand Lodge above where the AVorld ' s Great Architect lives and reigns for ever . The chair was vacated by the VVorshipful Alaster , Brother John Stanley Ormandy , who , in ancient form , introduced his successor to the
AV . AI . presiding , Brother Past Alaster Cornfield , whereupon the Provincial Grand Registrar put the usual interrogations , which , upon being satisfactorily answered , the obligation of a AV . M was taken , when the brethren below the rank of Alaster left the lodge and a Board of Installed
Alasters was formed . () n returning to the lodge the ceremony of congratulation was gone through , and the new AV . AI . appointed and invested his officers as follows : —Bros . Morris , Senior AVarden ; Jcavons , J nnior AVarden ; AVoodhouse , Treasurer ; Kckersley , Secretary ; Turvey ,
Senior Deacon ; Hadley , Junior Deacon ; Alorgan and AVclls , Stewards ; Hill , Organist ; Hillier , Ty ler . The installation ceremony was for the first time performed by Bro . P . AI . Cornfield , and elicited from those brethren who were competent to judge , the highest ¦ . commendation for
correctness of style antl propriety of action . The brethren then adjourned to the banquet , leaving the lodge room in processional order , to the-march of " Thc Israelites , " from "Costa ' s Eli . " The music was most effectually rendered by the
organist , Bro . Hill . After grace , the loving cup was passed round , and the brethren having regaled themselves with the well-served viands , and been well attended to by an efficient stall" of waiters , the . tables were cleared , and the toast list was commenced with . The toast on the list was
given by the AV . AI ., as follows : — " I'he Queen , the daughter , ncice , and mother of Alasons . " The AV . AI . next gave— " Bro . His Royal Highness the Prince of AVales , P . G . AI . ; the Princess of AVales , and the rest of the Royal Family . " The W . M . then gave— " The Alost AVorshipful
the Grand Alaster , the Marquis de Grey and Ripon , the Right AVorshipful thc Deputy Grand Alaster , the Earl of Carnarvon ; aud the Oflicers of the Grand Lodge of Kngland . " The toast was coupled with the name of Bro . W ylie . P . G . R . Bro . Wylie heartily thanked the brethren for
the manner in which the toast had been received . Those who knew the Grand Alaster , and had been priviledged to sit in Grand antl Provincial Lodges with him must have been struck with the manner in which he conducted thc business , and could not but conclude that the combination
of the Christian , nobleman , and Alason was tu be found in the Alarquis tie Grey and Ripon . ( Applause . ) Hc was grieved to hear that the Deputy Grand Alaster was not so well as was desired , and this , together with the absence from London ofthe G . AL , might in some measure
account for the fact that the Provincial Grand Alaster had not yet been appointed . But it was a principle with the Grand Alaster never to giye to the surbord ' mate oflicers carte blanche , or in other words , never to sign a document without seeing that it was filled up in proper form . For himself ,
he thanked them lor receiving the toast so cordially . As Alasons , they were desirous that the principles of Alasonry should be carried out in purity anil integrily , and it was gratifying to the Provincial officers to have seen lodges springing
up—not ephemeral lodges , but such as the one now met , which had been careful in the selection of their oflicers and * companions , and doing honour to the grand principles they were all so wishful fo disseminate . His earnest wish was that
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
they miglit never forget the first princi ples of Masonry , brotherly love and truth , for as they were good Masons so would they be good Christians . Thus , if they would all be true to the principles ofthe Order , Christian benevolence and Masonic charity would resound throughout the
globe . ( Applause . ) The W . M . then gave : — " The immortal memory of our beloved brother the late Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Alaster Sir Thomas George Fermor Hesketh , Bart ., AI . P . " The toast was
drunk in solemn silence . Other toasts followed , when the AV . AI . next gave the toast of " The Immediate Past Alaster of 1 , 225 , " ° f whom he spoke in hi g hly complimentary terms as a consistent and energetic Mason . It was his pleasing
duty to present , in the name of the brethren , to Bro . Ormandy , a P . AI ' s gold jewel , and also a beautifully engrossed scroll in frame . He had great pleasure in presenting him with these marks of the esteem of his brethren , and trusted that
they would be handed down to his children ' s children , unsullied , as they were now given into his hands . ( Applause . ) He concluded by proposing the toast , which was drank with full Alasonic honours . The following is a copy of the testimonial : —
" Ancient , Honourable , F ' ree and Accepted Alasons . At a regular meeting of the Hindpool Lodge , No . 122 5 , at the Hartington Hotel , Barrowin-Furness , in the County of Lancester , on Tuesday the 17 th day of September , A . L . - , 872 , A . D .
1872 , it was moved b y Bro . Graham , S . AV ., seconded b y Bro . Alorris , J . AV ., and resolved that the lodge congratulate their AVorshi pful Alaster , Bro . John Stanley Ormandy , on the successful termination of his eventful year of
office and in recognition of the constant attendance to his important duties zeal , and assiduity in performing the same , and for the fraternal courtesy he has ever exhibited to the lodge . His brethren have very great pleasure in
presenting him with a Past Alaster ' s gold jewel , and a copy of this resolution , illuminated on vellum , and appropriatel y framed . " ( Signed ) - " R . AV . Graham , AV . AI .
" John Alorris , S . AV . " jolm'Jettvons J . AV . " AV . AL Eckersby , Secretary . " Bro . J . S . Ormandy , P . AL , in responding to the toast , said he could not express all he felton
the occasion . He could only say that he was extremely obliged to them lor the kind manner in which they had drunk his health , and also for the handsome jewel they had presented to him . Lie felt that he scarcely deserved such a present ,
for he had not often done anything to merit such regard at their hands . It had been great pleasure to him to perform the duties of his office , and had they been fifty times as arduous he would still have done them , for there was a pleasure in
working the lodge , when there were such excellent oflicers to assist iu the work . He could onl y hope that the new AV . AI . would have the same pleasure as he had experienced during his year of office . He again thanked them , and assured
them he would treasure the gifts they had been so kind as to present to him as long as he lived . Bro . AVorrall , P . AL , gave the next toast , which was— " The Past Deputy Provincial G . AL , Lord Skelmersdale ; " and Past Provincial Officers of
West Lancashire . " I'he brethren were till well aware that since the introduction of Freemasonry into Barrow-in-Furness , the provincial officers of the Grand Lodge had been ever read y to give all the help they could . The brethren had been
very energetic in the advancement of the Order in Barrow , but all their efforts would have been but very moderately successful had it not been for the read y and able assistance thus rendered to them ( applause ) . The toast was drunk with
Alasonic honours . Bro . AV ylie responded to the toast , and said that his brethren of the Grand Lodge would at all times do what they could to assist lodges , and said he had to propose the toast of the VVorshipful Alaster of Hindpoo l
Lodge , No . 1225 , who had been that day installed , and he hoped that all who sat round that board might feel a desire the fill tlie W . M . ' s chair , and if so , they must cheerfull y ( ill the subordinate ofiices of the lod ge . He trusted they would support the Alaster during his term of
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
was hi a highly prosperous and satisfactory position . Subscriptions , amounting to a considerable sum , were received on behalf ofthe AVest Lancashire Alasonic Educational Institution . After the transaction of some formal business , the lodge was closed , and the brethren retired i ' or refreshment .
CRas-rox . —Hesket / i Loge ( No . 9 86 . )—The usual monthly meeting of this lodge took p lace on Tuesday last , Bro . Roger Rig'b ye , AV . AI ., presiding ; Bro . Goggin , S . AV . ; Bro . Fletcher , J . AV . The lodge being opened in due form with solemn
prayer , Rev . Thomas Abbot Peters , Principal of Alston College , was duly initiated into Freemasonry in a most efficient manner . On the motion of Bro . Athelstone , a letter of condolence was ordered to be sent to the family of the late
Sir T . F . Hesketh , Bart ., Prov . Grand Master . The lodge being further opened , Bros . Topping and Howarth werc , after answering the several questions put to them , advanced to the sublime degree of Master Alason . The lodge was then
closed down with solemn prayer , several visiting brethren were present , Past Master Dr . Smith , and Bro . Dr . Haldanc , of . 314 ; Bros . Harding , and Dixon , of 314 ; Bro . Rev . Taylor , J . P .,
J . W ., of 343 ; Bro . AVilson , J . AV ., 333 , and sundry others . Thc brethren having adjourned for refreshments , thc usual loyal and Alasonic toasts were duly honoured , the brethren dispersing at an early hour .
B \ KRo \ v-1 x-Fu KxESS . —Hiiidpntil Lodge , ( A o . 1 225 ) . —On Tuesday last , the 1 7 th September , the brethren of the Hindpool Lotlge of Ancient , Honourable , Free , and Accepted Alasons , met at their Lodge-room , the Hartington Hotel ,
Dukestreet , Barrow-in-Furness , to instal their AVorshipful Alaster elect , Bro . R . W . Graham , S . AV The assembly was very numerous , and amongst the visiting brethren were Bro . AVylie , Grand Registrar of the Province of West Lancashire
Hamer P . Prov . G . Treasurer ; Relph , P . AL , 1021 , Hartington Lodge ; Pearson , AV . AI ., 995 , Furness Lodge , I'lvcrston , * vc , * vc . Alany prominent neighbouring brethren sent apologies for unavoidable absence through previous engagements . The recent decease of the Provincial
Grand Alaster of the Province ol West Lancashire , Sir Thomas Fermor Hesketh , Bart ., ALP . for Preston , required that the lodge room and brethren should be in deep mourning , which was duly observed , and several additional Alasonic
devices appropriate to the occasion were added to the other decorative appendages , giving the lodge the appearanee of sombre gracefulness , tending to devout contemplation ; and in keeping with the policy of the lotlge , that of constantly
maintaining their meeting place in a state of arrangement calculated to form those solemn impressions on the mind which the practice of the art is intended to foster . The brethren entered the lodge room in slow time , to the funereal music of the
" Dead Alarch . " The lodge having been opened in the ist and 2 nd degrees and the usual business gone through : the Provincial Grand Registrar rose and said ; AVorshi p ful Alaster , Wardens and brethren , it will be in the recollection of some of
you that we met a short time ago in this district npon a momentous and solemn , but a very joyful occasion , when I , along with other Provincial Grand Officers , were appointed to consecrate the the lodge at Dalton-in-Furness . As the representatives of our late highly esteemed and deeply
lamented Provincial Grand Master , Sir Thos . Fermor Hesketh , Bart ., who was then in his usual health and strength—alas ! how soon are we called to meet you , brethren , in North Lonsdale with your lodge decked in , and our costume exhibiting , the emblems of mourning . How true it is that " in thc midst of life wc are in
death , for these mournful signs are in acknowledgement of the grief we feel at the decease of our Provincial Grand Alaster , who has been so early in life called away . We can have no doubt , I ' or our Provincial Grand Chaplain , whose address . it Dalton . till who heard him will lout ; ' remember
as the pious effusions of a noble Christian clergyman , as well as the faithful exponent of our true Alasonic principles , informed me that he was in the service of his Divine Alaster , attending at the bed side of our departed brother , and that his end was peace , and he is now joining the
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
assembly of the Grand Lodge above , where all is peace and joy for ever , and where he is nov illustrating the great teaching of Alaster Masons , who contemplate death not as the end of affliction , but as the entrance of a better state , because an enduring unchanging of life . Brethren , let the
sudden removal of onr Provincial Grand Master lead us to contemplate our inevitable destiny ; work while it is day in all the services of the order ; never let us meet without endeavouring to fulfil the great duties and obligations Avhich we are taught to cultivate . Not only do we
meet as brethren , but also beyond the precincts of the lodge ; and now , when we look around and view these mournful emblems , " we raise our eyes to that bright morning star whose shining brought peace and salvation to the faithful and obedient of the human family , " and
enable His faithful followers to ascend to that Grand Lodge above where the AVorld ' s Great Architect lives and reigns for ever . The chair was vacated by the VVorshipful Alaster , Brother John Stanley Ormandy , who , in ancient form , introduced his successor to the
AV . AI . presiding , Brother Past Alaster Cornfield , whereupon the Provincial Grand Registrar put the usual interrogations , which , upon being satisfactorily answered , the obligation of a AV . M was taken , when the brethren below the rank of Alaster left the lodge and a Board of Installed
Alasters was formed . () n returning to the lodge the ceremony of congratulation was gone through , and the new AV . AI . appointed and invested his officers as follows : —Bros . Morris , Senior AVarden ; Jcavons , J nnior AVarden ; AVoodhouse , Treasurer ; Kckersley , Secretary ; Turvey ,
Senior Deacon ; Hadley , Junior Deacon ; Alorgan and AVclls , Stewards ; Hill , Organist ; Hillier , Ty ler . The installation ceremony was for the first time performed by Bro . P . AI . Cornfield , and elicited from those brethren who were competent to judge , the highest ¦ . commendation for
correctness of style antl propriety of action . The brethren then adjourned to the banquet , leaving the lodge room in processional order , to the-march of " Thc Israelites , " from "Costa ' s Eli . " The music was most effectually rendered by the
organist , Bro . Hill . After grace , the loving cup was passed round , and the brethren having regaled themselves with the well-served viands , and been well attended to by an efficient stall" of waiters , the . tables were cleared , and the toast list was commenced with . The toast on the list was
given by the AV . AI ., as follows : — " I'he Queen , the daughter , ncice , and mother of Alasons . " The AV . AI . next gave— " Bro . His Royal Highness the Prince of AVales , P . G . AI . ; the Princess of AVales , and the rest of the Royal Family . " The W . M . then gave— " The Alost AVorshipful
the Grand Alaster , the Marquis de Grey and Ripon , the Right AVorshipful thc Deputy Grand Alaster , the Earl of Carnarvon ; aud the Oflicers of the Grand Lodge of Kngland . " The toast was coupled with the name of Bro . W ylie . P . G . R . Bro . Wylie heartily thanked the brethren for
the manner in which the toast had been received . Those who knew the Grand Alaster , and had been priviledged to sit in Grand antl Provincial Lodges with him must have been struck with the manner in which he conducted thc business , and could not but conclude that the combination
of the Christian , nobleman , and Alason was tu be found in the Alarquis tie Grey and Ripon . ( Applause . ) Hc was grieved to hear that the Deputy Grand Alaster was not so well as was desired , and this , together with the absence from London ofthe G . AL , might in some measure
account for the fact that the Provincial Grand Alaster had not yet been appointed . But it was a principle with the Grand Alaster never to giye to the surbord ' mate oflicers carte blanche , or in other words , never to sign a document without seeing that it was filled up in proper form . For himself ,
he thanked them lor receiving the toast so cordially . As Alasons , they were desirous that the principles of Alasonry should be carried out in purity anil integrily , and it was gratifying to the Provincial officers to have seen lodges springing
up—not ephemeral lodges , but such as the one now met , which had been careful in the selection of their oflicers and * companions , and doing honour to the grand principles they were all so wishful fo disseminate . His earnest wish was that
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
they miglit never forget the first princi ples of Masonry , brotherly love and truth , for as they were good Masons so would they be good Christians . Thus , if they would all be true to the principles ofthe Order , Christian benevolence and Masonic charity would resound throughout the
globe . ( Applause . ) The W . M . then gave : — " The immortal memory of our beloved brother the late Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Alaster Sir Thomas George Fermor Hesketh , Bart ., AI . P . " The toast was
drunk in solemn silence . Other toasts followed , when the AV . AI . next gave the toast of " The Immediate Past Alaster of 1 , 225 , " ° f whom he spoke in hi g hly complimentary terms as a consistent and energetic Mason . It was his pleasing
duty to present , in the name of the brethren , to Bro . Ormandy , a P . AI ' s gold jewel , and also a beautifully engrossed scroll in frame . He had great pleasure in presenting him with these marks of the esteem of his brethren , and trusted that
they would be handed down to his children ' s children , unsullied , as they were now given into his hands . ( Applause . ) He concluded by proposing the toast , which was drank with full Alasonic honours . The following is a copy of the testimonial : —
" Ancient , Honourable , F ' ree and Accepted Alasons . At a regular meeting of the Hindpool Lodge , No . 122 5 , at the Hartington Hotel , Barrowin-Furness , in the County of Lancester , on Tuesday the 17 th day of September , A . L . - , 872 , A . D .
1872 , it was moved b y Bro . Graham , S . AV ., seconded b y Bro . Alorris , J . AV ., and resolved that the lodge congratulate their AVorshi pful Alaster , Bro . John Stanley Ormandy , on the successful termination of his eventful year of
office and in recognition of the constant attendance to his important duties zeal , and assiduity in performing the same , and for the fraternal courtesy he has ever exhibited to the lodge . His brethren have very great pleasure in
presenting him with a Past Alaster ' s gold jewel , and a copy of this resolution , illuminated on vellum , and appropriatel y framed . " ( Signed ) - " R . AV . Graham , AV . AI .
" John Alorris , S . AV . " jolm'Jettvons J . AV . " AV . AL Eckersby , Secretary . " Bro . J . S . Ormandy , P . AL , in responding to the toast , said he could not express all he felton
the occasion . He could only say that he was extremely obliged to them lor the kind manner in which they had drunk his health , and also for the handsome jewel they had presented to him . Lie felt that he scarcely deserved such a present ,
for he had not often done anything to merit such regard at their hands . It had been great pleasure to him to perform the duties of his office , and had they been fifty times as arduous he would still have done them , for there was a pleasure in
working the lodge , when there were such excellent oflicers to assist iu the work . He could onl y hope that the new AV . AI . would have the same pleasure as he had experienced during his year of office . He again thanked them , and assured
them he would treasure the gifts they had been so kind as to present to him as long as he lived . Bro . AVorrall , P . AL , gave the next toast , which was— " The Past Deputy Provincial G . AL , Lord Skelmersdale ; " and Past Provincial Officers of
West Lancashire . " I'he brethren were till well aware that since the introduction of Freemasonry into Barrow-in-Furness , the provincial officers of the Grand Lodge had been ever read y to give all the help they could . The brethren had been
very energetic in the advancement of the Order in Barrow , but all their efforts would have been but very moderately successful had it not been for the read y and able assistance thus rendered to them ( applause ) . The toast was drunk with
Alasonic honours . Bro . AV ylie responded to the toast , and said that his brethren of the Grand Lodge would at all times do what they could to assist lodges , and said he had to propose the toast of the VVorshipful Alaster of Hindpoo l
Lodge , No . 1225 , who had been that day installed , and he hoped that all who sat round that board might feel a desire the fill tlie W . M . ' s chair , and if so , they must cheerfull y ( ill the subordinate ofiices of the lod ge . He trusted they would support the Alaster during his term of