Article Births, Marriages, and Deaths. Page 1 of 1 Article Answers to Correspondents. Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article "LABORARE EST ORARE." Page 1 of 1 Article "LABORARE EST ORARE." Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF WILTSHIRE. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF WILTSHIRE. Page 1 of 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Births, Marriages, And Deaths.
Births , Marriages , and Deaths .
[ Announcements of Births , Marriages , and Deaths relating ' to the Craft , or their families , will be inserted , free of charge , if properly authenticated . ]
DEATHS . CAPPER . —On the 21 st March , somewhat suddenly , at Upton , Essex , C . Capper , Esq ., M . P . for thc borough of Sandwich , in thc last Parliament , aged 4 G years —[ Bro . Capper was initiated iu the St . Michael ' s Lodge , . No . 211 , on the 8 th November , 1853 , served the office of AV . M . in 1857 , and continued a member up to thc time of his death . Ho was also a founder of the " Capper" Lodge , No . 1 Q 7 G , Victoria
Docks , AVest llam , whichwas named in honorof the lamented deceased . —ED . F . ~] HEDI . EY . —On the 22 nd March , Emma , thebelovecUvife , of Bro . Tom Abercrombic Hedlcy , of the Britannic Lodge , No . 33 , Civil Engineer , Moxhw , Wcdnesbury . in her -10 th year . MARSHAL * .. —On the 24 th March , at the Palmerston Tavern , Grosvenor Park , Camberwell , the residence of herson , ( Bro . Charles Lambert Marshall ) , Mrs . Emma Caroline Marshall , aged 61 , deeply regretted by all who knew her .
Answers To Correspondents.
Answers to Correspondents .
+ [ All communications for Tin ; FUEEMASON should be written legibly , on one side of thc paper only , and , if intended for insertion in the . current number must lie receive ! not later than 10 o'clock a . m . on Tharsdays , unless in very special cases . Tiie name and address of evcrv writer must he sent
to us in confidence ] A AVEIXAVISUKH . —Your letter , being anonymous , cannot bo inserted . A . J . W —AVe would gladly publish thc names of the ' ¦ Inauguration Stewards , " as well as of the lodges which they represent , but the list is not obtainable . M . —Wc cannot print remarks which , dealing in generalities .
are in effect grave charges against the members of a body many of whom hold high positions in the Craft . Give ua proofs , and we will readily insert your letter . ExcE-Sioit . —We know nothing of thc grievance to which you refer . Your Provincial Grand Master is the proper
officer to investigate thc matter , and not thc Grand Secretary . ENQUHIEB . —Yes ; the Prince of Wales is a " genuine" Craft Mason . AVe shall probably know more on His Koyal Ilighness's return to England . You are by no means thc only ' ' enquirer '' on thc subject .
SPECIAL NOTICE . With our number of the 17 th April wc intend issuing a SUPPLEMENT , containing a fall account of the ]» 'oceedinrjs at the INAUGURATION FESTIVAL AT FREEMASONS' HALL . EARLY ORDERS ARE REQUESTED .
CljcJrccnutiMtt, SATUHDAY , APKIL 3 , 1 SG 9 .
TUB FIUIKU - * - is published on Saturday Mornings in timo for tlio early trains . Tlio price of Tim Fni- 'i-jnsoif is Tdvoponco por week ; quarterly subscription ( including' postage ) 3 s . 3 d . Annual Subscription , Us . Subscriptiouspayablo in advance . AU comsminifaiii > ii » let ' . ers , . te ., to be addressed to the BDITOB , 3 Si 1 , Little Uritain , K . C . The Ediior will pay careful aituntion to all MSS . entrusted to him , but cannot undertake to return them unless accompanied by postage stamps .
"Laborare Est Orare."
THE earnest worker who toils with brain and hand in the varied scenes of life is a true worshipper of the Great Architect , by whom the manifold works of nature were created . This important truth is recognized to a great extent
in the science of Freemasonry , and as a rule the skilful artist attains to honor and distinction in his lodge . But thc ablo letter on "Past Masters as Preceptors , " which appeared in tho last number of THE FREEMASON , points to tho existence of a
defect which deserves tho serious attention of every thoughtful Mason , and it suggests thc adoption of a remedial measure which is equally worthy of consideration .
To a large number of intelligent brethren it has long been a source of mortification nnd pain to witness so many conflicting modes of conducting thc ceremonial work
"Laborare Est Orare."
of the Craft . Every professed teacher of Freemasonry has a system of his own , and the result is that a brother who has sat at the feet of one of these Gamaliels must , as stated by our correspondent , unlearn what he
has acquired to suit the views of another . Independent of minor deviations , there are actually two great Masonic schools in London , not only tolerated , but sanctioned by hi gh authorities , and which differs widely in their
working . We allude to tho " Emulation ' aud " Stability " lodges of instruction . This fact we have always considered a strange anomaly , because it precludes the possibility of uniformit y throughout the whole body of the Craft . Our
correspondent indicates a remedy which we believe would prove effectual , while at the same time it would operate beneficially by inducing many leading Masons to persevere in the labours of Freemasonry . The establishment of a Lodge of
Preceptors would remove the difficulties to which we have alluded , as , clothed with the authority cf Grand Lodge , their decisions on all matters relating to the Masonic ceremonies would necessarily be final . The promulgation of an "
orthodox and unchangeable ritual is one of . the most desirable reforms that cau be ••ccomplishcd in connection with the order ; and wc would , therefore , supplement the suggestions of a " P . M . and P . Z . by proposing that brethren entertaining
similar views should unite in pve .-entdng a respectful memorial to the M . W . Grand Master , praying his lordshi p to take the subject into consideration . It would confer additional lustre
upon the already brilliant reign of our Jiasonic Sovereign , the Earl of Zetland , if uniformity of working were established under his benign sway . We repeat , "the faithful woikman is the true worshipper . "
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Wiltshire.
TESTIMONIALS TO ISItO . SIR DANIEI . OOOC 1 I , DART ., M . V ., ASD nno . s . WITTEY . On Wednesday , the Provincial Grand Master of Freemasons' ( Wilts ) , Bro . Lord Methuen , held a Provincial Grand Lodgo of emergency at the new ball ,
Chippenham , when there was a very numerous assemblage of Grand Ofiicers and other Brethren belonging to the ' Provinces of Wilts , Somerset , and Berks ami Bucks , The chief feature in the day ' s programme was the presentation to Bro . Sir Daniel Gooch , M . P ., of a valuable testimonial , subscribed for with
the utmost readiness and pleasure by the officers and brethren in Wilts , who were anxious to testif y the high esteem in which they held one , who for a considerable period filled the oliice of Deputy Prov . Grand Master of that province , aud greatly promoted the interests of Freemasonry in that county .
The testimonial consisted of the handsome regalia of Grand Master of the province of Berks and Bucks , into which oilico Sir Daniel will be installed on Friday , the 21 st May next , at Windsor . Bro . Biggs , of Beading , undertook the arrangements connected with the testimonial , and admirably carried them
out . Shortly after two o clock , the Right lion . Lord Methuen , (! M ., accompanied by the Grand Oilicers , entered the lodge iu procession , aud thu lodge was then opened in solemn form . There were present the Bight lion , the Lord
Methuen , the R . W . the P . G . M . of Wilts , the R . W . the l \ G . M . of Berks and Bucks ; Sir Daniel Gooch , Bart , M . P . ; the W . the D . P . G . M of Wilts . Bro . Samuel Wittey ; the Rev . Sir . John Hayes , Bart ., D . P . G . M ., Berks and Bucks ; the D . P . G . M . of Somerset , Bro . Bridges , the D . B . G . M ., of Oxford ,
Br . Spiers , P . S . B ., Grand Lodge of England ; the Rev . IX . Simpson , ( Slough ) , Grand Chaplain ol England ; the Rev . Ravenshaw , ( Pewsey ) , Grand Chaplain of England ; the Rev . C . R . Davey , P . G . C . ; Bro . Tombs , P . O ., Secretary , ( Wilts ); Bro . Captain 11 . Bradford , P . G . W ., ( Wilts ); Bro . Wyndham , ( Salisbury ) , P . P . G , Registrar ; Dro . W .
Biggs , ( Reading ) , P . P . S . G . W ., ( Wilts ); Bro . Lawsou , P . P . J . G . W ., ( Wilts ); Bro . Nott , W . M ., ( Devizes , Lodge of Fidelity ); Bro . W . Bland , W . M ., ( Newbury Lodgo of Hope ); Bro . J . T . Morland , W . M ., ( Abingdon , Abbey Lodge ); Bro . E . A . Moore . ( Methuen Lodge ) , P . G . R . ; Bro . Wilton , P P . G . W ., ( Somerset ); Bro . Muttlcbury , P . P . G . R ., ( Somerset ); Bro . Botly , J . G . W ., ( Berks and Bucks ) ; Br . C .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Wiltshire.
Smith . P . P ., Supt . of Works , ( Berks and Bucks ); Bro . Dix , P . G . J . D ., ( Wilts ); Bro . Humphry , P . P . G ., Reg . ( Stafford ) ; Bro . Benham , P . P . S . G . W ., ( Wilts ) - Bro . Ford , P . P . G . R ., ( Somerset ); Bro . Gill , P . P . G . J . W .. Bros . Hood , Weightman , J . Smith , Chancellor ( Reading ) , Jones ( Frome ) , Johnston , Jos . Wheeler ,. G . Cosburn , Secretary , ( Lodge of Hope , Newbury ) ,.
Blandy—Jenkins , Frendell , ( Abbey Lodge , Abingdon ) ; Bro . Hard , P . G . P ., ( Wilts ); Bros . Toomer , Dark , Dr . Haynes , Robinson , Stokes ( Lodge 586 , Salisbury ); Bro . T . Chandler ( Devizes ); Bro . Wentworth , P . P . G . S . B . ; Bro . A . Braid , W . M ., ( 355 ) ; Bro . Tolley , P . P . G . O ., ( Berks aud Bucks ) ; Bros . Marriott and Biggs , ( Windsor ) , and other officers
and brethren . The first business was the installation of Bro . Samuel Wittey ( Devizes ) , late Provincial Grand Treasurer , as Deputy Provincial Grand Master , and after the ceremony , Bro . Nott , thc W . M . of the Devizes Lodge of Fidelity , stepped forward and presented Bro . Wittey with the D . P . G . Master ' s
jewel , subscribed for by the brethren of the Lodge of Fidelity , which Bro . Wittey had faithfully served iu the office of Secretary and otherwise for twelve years . Bro . Wittey acknowledged the presentation in a neat speech . Bro . B . Bradford was elected Provincial Grand Treasurer .
Bro . LORD METHUEN then proceeded to present the testimonial to Sir Daniel Gooch , and addressing him spoke of the high character by which he was known among Masons , and the esteem and regard in which he was specially held by thc Craft iu Wiltshire , in whose name it was his ( Lord Methuen ' s ) pleasure to present the beautiful testimonial . His
Lordship referred to Sir Daniels constant labours in the cause of Freemasonry , and concluded a feeling speech by expressing his hope that the Province of Berks and Bucks would benefit as much by the assiduity of Sir Daniel as Wiltshire had . Sir DANIEL GOOCH havirg been attired in the regalia , Paid lie would not attempt to express all that
lie felt in Ins heart , for , under the circumstances , it would be quite impossible , lie should value the testimonial far , fiir beyond its intrinsic worth , because it proved to him that what he had done had met with the approbation of the brethren with whom he had been associated for 15 or 10 years . There was no reward
he prized greater than that . Sir Daniel made other remarks , mainly in reference to the progress of Freemasonry in the Wilts Province , and in conclusion , said he felt much pleased that Bro . Wittey , whom he initiated many years ago , should havo been that day installed in the oflice which he ( Sir Daniel ) had himself held .
Hie lodge was closed shortly afterwards indue form . At four o ' clock the officers and brethren sat down to a banquet at thc Angel Hotel , thc chair being occupied by Lord Methuen . Grace having been said and the cloth cleared , Lord METHUEN proposed "The Queen and Craft , " and then gave the health of "The Rt . Hon . the . Earl
of Zetland , the M . W . the G . M . " His lordship next proposed tho health of "the lit . Hon . the Fail De Grey and Bipon , the M . W . the D . G . M ., and other Grand Oilicers of the Grand Lodge , " speaking of the liberality of the noble Earl in subscribing lo the Masonic charities . The Rev . It . SIMI-SON , G . Ch . of England , responded ,
and alluding to Sir D . Gooch , said he felt , that Sir Daniel would be handed up from the Province , of Wilts to that of Berks and Bucks , not as a mere ornament , but as a good working , practical Mason , and one who would fully sympathise not only with the officers but with every single member , however humble , in
tlio Province . He looked forward with great deli ght to the installation of Sir Daniel as ( 131 . of Berks and Bucks , when he trusted he should see at Windsor a large gathering of the biethren from Wiltshire . Bro . WITTEY , D . P . G . M ., proposed Lord Methuen ' s health , and his lordship having replied , gave the health of Sir Daniel Goueh ,
Sir DANIEL , in responding , thanked the brethren for the handsome mark of respect which they had presented him with , which he looked upon as being moro than a reward for any services ho had rendered . The worthy Brother traced the advance of Masonry since he had been associated with the Craft in Wiltshire , and observed that out of the GO masons whom
he had had tho pleasure of admitting , he could not p ick one who had not done credit to the position he had taken . Although he had been called by duty to another part of thc country he should not feel that his connection with the AViltshire province had been severed , and hoped to have the pleasure of frequently visiting it . Sir Daniel dwelt upon thc importance of being careful in admitting those candidates only who
would do credit to thc Craft , and make it respected and respectable ; and resumed his scat amidst loud applause . The proceedings wero very enthusiastic , and several toasts followed the above . The musical arrangements were under tho direction of Bro . Tolley , St . George ' s Chapel , Windsor . The gathering was one of the most successful ever held in Wilts .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Births, Marriages, And Deaths.
Births , Marriages , and Deaths .
[ Announcements of Births , Marriages , and Deaths relating ' to the Craft , or their families , will be inserted , free of charge , if properly authenticated . ]
DEATHS . CAPPER . —On the 21 st March , somewhat suddenly , at Upton , Essex , C . Capper , Esq ., M . P . for thc borough of Sandwich , in thc last Parliament , aged 4 G years —[ Bro . Capper was initiated iu the St . Michael ' s Lodge , . No . 211 , on the 8 th November , 1853 , served the office of AV . M . in 1857 , and continued a member up to thc time of his death . Ho was also a founder of the " Capper" Lodge , No . 1 Q 7 G , Victoria
Docks , AVest llam , whichwas named in honorof the lamented deceased . —ED . F . ~] HEDI . EY . —On the 22 nd March , Emma , thebelovecUvife , of Bro . Tom Abercrombic Hedlcy , of the Britannic Lodge , No . 33 , Civil Engineer , Moxhw , Wcdnesbury . in her -10 th year . MARSHAL * .. —On the 24 th March , at the Palmerston Tavern , Grosvenor Park , Camberwell , the residence of herson , ( Bro . Charles Lambert Marshall ) , Mrs . Emma Caroline Marshall , aged 61 , deeply regretted by all who knew her .
Answers To Correspondents.
Answers to Correspondents .
+ [ All communications for Tin ; FUEEMASON should be written legibly , on one side of thc paper only , and , if intended for insertion in the . current number must lie receive ! not later than 10 o'clock a . m . on Tharsdays , unless in very special cases . Tiie name and address of evcrv writer must he sent
to us in confidence ] A AVEIXAVISUKH . —Your letter , being anonymous , cannot bo inserted . A . J . W —AVe would gladly publish thc names of the ' ¦ Inauguration Stewards , " as well as of the lodges which they represent , but the list is not obtainable . M . —Wc cannot print remarks which , dealing in generalities .
are in effect grave charges against the members of a body many of whom hold high positions in the Craft . Give ua proofs , and we will readily insert your letter . ExcE-Sioit . —We know nothing of thc grievance to which you refer . Your Provincial Grand Master is the proper
officer to investigate thc matter , and not thc Grand Secretary . ENQUHIEB . —Yes ; the Prince of Wales is a " genuine" Craft Mason . AVe shall probably know more on His Koyal Ilighness's return to England . You are by no means thc only ' ' enquirer '' on thc subject .
SPECIAL NOTICE . With our number of the 17 th April wc intend issuing a SUPPLEMENT , containing a fall account of the ]» 'oceedinrjs at the INAUGURATION FESTIVAL AT FREEMASONS' HALL . EARLY ORDERS ARE REQUESTED .
CljcJrccnutiMtt, SATUHDAY , APKIL 3 , 1 SG 9 .
TUB FIUIKU - * - is published on Saturday Mornings in timo for tlio early trains . Tlio price of Tim Fni- 'i-jnsoif is Tdvoponco por week ; quarterly subscription ( including' postage ) 3 s . 3 d . Annual Subscription , Us . Subscriptiouspayablo in advance . AU comsminifaiii > ii » let ' . ers , . te ., to be addressed to the BDITOB , 3 Si 1 , Little Uritain , K . C . The Ediior will pay careful aituntion to all MSS . entrusted to him , but cannot undertake to return them unless accompanied by postage stamps .
"Laborare Est Orare."
THE earnest worker who toils with brain and hand in the varied scenes of life is a true worshipper of the Great Architect , by whom the manifold works of nature were created . This important truth is recognized to a great extent
in the science of Freemasonry , and as a rule the skilful artist attains to honor and distinction in his lodge . But thc ablo letter on "Past Masters as Preceptors , " which appeared in tho last number of THE FREEMASON , points to tho existence of a
defect which deserves tho serious attention of every thoughtful Mason , and it suggests thc adoption of a remedial measure which is equally worthy of consideration .
To a large number of intelligent brethren it has long been a source of mortification nnd pain to witness so many conflicting modes of conducting thc ceremonial work
"Laborare Est Orare."
of the Craft . Every professed teacher of Freemasonry has a system of his own , and the result is that a brother who has sat at the feet of one of these Gamaliels must , as stated by our correspondent , unlearn what he
has acquired to suit the views of another . Independent of minor deviations , there are actually two great Masonic schools in London , not only tolerated , but sanctioned by hi gh authorities , and which differs widely in their
working . We allude to tho " Emulation ' aud " Stability " lodges of instruction . This fact we have always considered a strange anomaly , because it precludes the possibility of uniformit y throughout the whole body of the Craft . Our
correspondent indicates a remedy which we believe would prove effectual , while at the same time it would operate beneficially by inducing many leading Masons to persevere in the labours of Freemasonry . The establishment of a Lodge of
Preceptors would remove the difficulties to which we have alluded , as , clothed with the authority cf Grand Lodge , their decisions on all matters relating to the Masonic ceremonies would necessarily be final . The promulgation of an "
orthodox and unchangeable ritual is one of . the most desirable reforms that cau be ••ccomplishcd in connection with the order ; and wc would , therefore , supplement the suggestions of a " P . M . and P . Z . by proposing that brethren entertaining
similar views should unite in pve .-entdng a respectful memorial to the M . W . Grand Master , praying his lordshi p to take the subject into consideration . It would confer additional lustre
upon the already brilliant reign of our Jiasonic Sovereign , the Earl of Zetland , if uniformity of working were established under his benign sway . We repeat , "the faithful woikman is the true worshipper . "
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Wiltshire.
TESTIMONIALS TO ISItO . SIR DANIEI . OOOC 1 I , DART ., M . V ., ASD nno . s . WITTEY . On Wednesday , the Provincial Grand Master of Freemasons' ( Wilts ) , Bro . Lord Methuen , held a Provincial Grand Lodgo of emergency at the new ball ,
Chippenham , when there was a very numerous assemblage of Grand Ofiicers and other Brethren belonging to the ' Provinces of Wilts , Somerset , and Berks ami Bucks , The chief feature in the day ' s programme was the presentation to Bro . Sir Daniel Gooch , M . P ., of a valuable testimonial , subscribed for with
the utmost readiness and pleasure by the officers and brethren in Wilts , who were anxious to testif y the high esteem in which they held one , who for a considerable period filled the oliice of Deputy Prov . Grand Master of that province , aud greatly promoted the interests of Freemasonry in that county .
The testimonial consisted of the handsome regalia of Grand Master of the province of Berks and Bucks , into which oilico Sir Daniel will be installed on Friday , the 21 st May next , at Windsor . Bro . Biggs , of Beading , undertook the arrangements connected with the testimonial , and admirably carried them
out . Shortly after two o clock , the Right lion . Lord Methuen , (! M ., accompanied by the Grand Oilicers , entered the lodge iu procession , aud thu lodge was then opened in solemn form . There were present the Bight lion , the Lord
Methuen , the R . W . the P . G . M . of Wilts , the R . W . the l \ G . M . of Berks and Bucks ; Sir Daniel Gooch , Bart , M . P . ; the W . the D . P . G . M of Wilts . Bro . Samuel Wittey ; the Rev . Sir . John Hayes , Bart ., D . P . G . M ., Berks and Bucks ; the D . P . G . M . of Somerset , Bro . Bridges , the D . B . G . M ., of Oxford ,
Br . Spiers , P . S . B ., Grand Lodge of England ; the Rev . IX . Simpson , ( Slough ) , Grand Chaplain ol England ; the Rev . Ravenshaw , ( Pewsey ) , Grand Chaplain of England ; the Rev . C . R . Davey , P . G . C . ; Bro . Tombs , P . O ., Secretary , ( Wilts ); Bro . Captain 11 . Bradford , P . G . W ., ( Wilts ); Bro . Wyndham , ( Salisbury ) , P . P . G , Registrar ; Dro . W .
Biggs , ( Reading ) , P . P . S . G . W ., ( Wilts ); Bro . Lawsou , P . P . J . G . W ., ( Wilts ); Bro . Nott , W . M ., ( Devizes , Lodge of Fidelity ); Bro . W . Bland , W . M ., ( Newbury Lodgo of Hope ); Bro . J . T . Morland , W . M ., ( Abingdon , Abbey Lodge ); Bro . E . A . Moore . ( Methuen Lodge ) , P . G . R . ; Bro . Wilton , P P . G . W ., ( Somerset ); Bro . Muttlcbury , P . P . G . R ., ( Somerset ); Bro . Botly , J . G . W ., ( Berks and Bucks ) ; Br . C .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Wiltshire.
Smith . P . P ., Supt . of Works , ( Berks and Bucks ); Bro . Dix , P . G . J . D ., ( Wilts ); Bro . Humphry , P . P . G ., Reg . ( Stafford ) ; Bro . Benham , P . P . S . G . W ., ( Wilts ) - Bro . Ford , P . P . G . R ., ( Somerset ); Bro . Gill , P . P . G . J . W .. Bros . Hood , Weightman , J . Smith , Chancellor ( Reading ) , Jones ( Frome ) , Johnston , Jos . Wheeler ,. G . Cosburn , Secretary , ( Lodge of Hope , Newbury ) ,.
Blandy—Jenkins , Frendell , ( Abbey Lodge , Abingdon ) ; Bro . Hard , P . G . P ., ( Wilts ); Bros . Toomer , Dark , Dr . Haynes , Robinson , Stokes ( Lodge 586 , Salisbury ); Bro . T . Chandler ( Devizes ); Bro . Wentworth , P . P . G . S . B . ; Bro . A . Braid , W . M ., ( 355 ) ; Bro . Tolley , P . P . G . O ., ( Berks aud Bucks ) ; Bros . Marriott and Biggs , ( Windsor ) , and other officers
and brethren . The first business was the installation of Bro . Samuel Wittey ( Devizes ) , late Provincial Grand Treasurer , as Deputy Provincial Grand Master , and after the ceremony , Bro . Nott , thc W . M . of the Devizes Lodge of Fidelity , stepped forward and presented Bro . Wittey with the D . P . G . Master ' s
jewel , subscribed for by the brethren of the Lodge of Fidelity , which Bro . Wittey had faithfully served iu the office of Secretary and otherwise for twelve years . Bro . Wittey acknowledged the presentation in a neat speech . Bro . B . Bradford was elected Provincial Grand Treasurer .
Bro . LORD METHUEN then proceeded to present the testimonial to Sir Daniel Gooch , and addressing him spoke of the high character by which he was known among Masons , and the esteem and regard in which he was specially held by thc Craft iu Wiltshire , in whose name it was his ( Lord Methuen ' s ) pleasure to present the beautiful testimonial . His
Lordship referred to Sir Daniels constant labours in the cause of Freemasonry , and concluded a feeling speech by expressing his hope that the Province of Berks and Bucks would benefit as much by the assiduity of Sir Daniel as Wiltshire had . Sir DANIEL GOOCH havirg been attired in the regalia , Paid lie would not attempt to express all that
lie felt in Ins heart , for , under the circumstances , it would be quite impossible , lie should value the testimonial far , fiir beyond its intrinsic worth , because it proved to him that what he had done had met with the approbation of the brethren with whom he had been associated for 15 or 10 years . There was no reward
he prized greater than that . Sir Daniel made other remarks , mainly in reference to the progress of Freemasonry in the Wilts Province , and in conclusion , said he felt much pleased that Bro . Wittey , whom he initiated many years ago , should havo been that day installed in the oflice which he ( Sir Daniel ) had himself held .
Hie lodge was closed shortly afterwards indue form . At four o ' clock the officers and brethren sat down to a banquet at thc Angel Hotel , thc chair being occupied by Lord Methuen . Grace having been said and the cloth cleared , Lord METHUEN proposed "The Queen and Craft , " and then gave the health of "The Rt . Hon . the . Earl
of Zetland , the M . W . the G . M . " His lordship next proposed tho health of "the lit . Hon . the Fail De Grey and Bipon , the M . W . the D . G . M ., and other Grand Oilicers of the Grand Lodge , " speaking of the liberality of the noble Earl in subscribing lo the Masonic charities . The Rev . It . SIMI-SON , G . Ch . of England , responded ,
and alluding to Sir D . Gooch , said he felt , that Sir Daniel would be handed up from the Province , of Wilts to that of Berks and Bucks , not as a mere ornament , but as a good working , practical Mason , and one who would fully sympathise not only with the officers but with every single member , however humble , in
tlio Province . He looked forward with great deli ght to the installation of Sir Daniel as ( 131 . of Berks and Bucks , when he trusted he should see at Windsor a large gathering of the biethren from Wiltshire . Bro . WITTEY , D . P . G . M ., proposed Lord Methuen ' s health , and his lordship having replied , gave the health of Sir Daniel Goueh ,
Sir DANIEL , in responding , thanked the brethren for the handsome mark of respect which they had presented him with , which he looked upon as being moro than a reward for any services ho had rendered . The worthy Brother traced the advance of Masonry since he had been associated with the Craft in Wiltshire , and observed that out of the GO masons whom
he had had tho pleasure of admitting , he could not p ick one who had not done credit to the position he had taken . Although he had been called by duty to another part of thc country he should not feel that his connection with the AViltshire province had been severed , and hoped to have the pleasure of frequently visiting it . Sir Daniel dwelt upon thc importance of being careful in admitting those candidates only who
would do credit to thc Craft , and make it respected and respectable ; and resumed his scat amidst loud applause . The proceedings wero very enthusiastic , and several toasts followed the above . The musical arrangements were under tho direction of Bro . Tolley , St . George ' s Chapel , Windsor . The gathering was one of the most successful ever held in Wilts .