Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
De Grey and Ripon Lodge , No . 837 . GRAND MASONIC FESTIVAL AT FOUNTAIN'S ABBEY , In aid of the De Grey Scholarships , On Wednesday , the 12 th July , 1871 , THE next PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE having been appointed to be held at RIPON , on thc i-lh of of JULY next , the Right Hon . EARL DE GKEY AND RIPON , K . G ., M . W . G . M ., and Prov . G . M . W . Yorks , has , with his usual liberality , given thc Craft the privilege of visiting the magnificent ruins of FOUNTAINS . BBEY and the adjacent grounds of STUDLEY on that day . d GRAND BANQUET rtillvj-c held t spacious Cloisters ( by special permission ) , and , in i ' -der to r-. ia » ¦ the gathering still more attractive , thc Ladies arc invited to add a charm and grace the festival by their presence . BVNQUET TICKET ( admitting to grounds ) : —Gentleman ' s Ticket , 5 s . 6 d . ; Lady ' s ditto , 5 s . TWO MILITARY BANDS have been engaged for Banquet and Quadrilles . . Excursion Trains will run from all parts of Yorkshire . Banquet Tickets may be had of Bro . W . Harrison . Market-place , Ripon , to whom application must he made on or before 1 st July next . P . O . O . must accompany all applications . By order of SAMUEL EVANS , W . M ., W . HARRISON , Secretary 837 . Town Hall , Ripon , May 19 th , 1871 .
To Architects . THE Committee of thc intended New Masonic Hall , LIVERPOOL , INVITE COMPETITION , PLANS , and ELEVATIONS for a NEW MASONIC HALL . A Premium of £ 100 will be awarded for thc best , and £ 50 for the second best , design . Both plans to become the property of the Committee , but should either of the successful competitors be employed in the erection of ihe building , thc premium to merge in his commission , which shall not exceed ^ 5 percent , on thc proposed outlay . Thc competition will be limited to those Architects who are subscribing members of a Masonic lodge in England . All plans to be deposited , not later than thc ist September next , sealed and addressed to thc Honorary Secretary of the Committee , Masonic Hall , 22 , Hope-street , Liverpool , being marked with a motto or device , and accompanied by a scaled envelope , similarl y marked , containing thc name , address , and number of lodge of its author , but which will not be opened until after thc Prizes arc awarded . Printed particulars and a plan of the site wil " . be lurnifhed to intending competitors by depositing 10 s . ( which will be returned to all parties sending in designs , except thc successful competitors ) on application to ROBERT WILSON , Hon . Secretary to thc Committee , 34 , South Castle Street , Liverpool .
qpHE FREEMASONS LIFE BOAT .-Jt Committee Room : Bro . FOKSTER ' , Railway Tavern , Londonstreet , E . C . COMMITTEE : Bro . A . E . Harris , P . M . 141 , Bro . Thos . White , W . M . = 2 . President . „ John Coutts , P . M . 7 , 1310 , „ S . Davis , 141 , the Promoter P . Z . 382 , 177 . A . G . P and Treasurer . „ C . A . Cottcbruhc , P . M . 733 ., ,, E . Gottheil , P . M . 141 , Hon . 957 , 1357 , P . _ . 177 733 , 77 . ¦ Secretary . ,, Jas . Wyld , 511 Prop . Lie . „ John Thomas , P . M . 507 , Vict . Guardian . P . G . D . C . „ Mann , P . M . and P . Z . 186 , „ Rev . I ) . Shahoc , P . M , P . W . M .- o 6 , & c . G . Chaplain Middlesex . „ T . Bartlett , W . M . 813 . ,, T . Kennett , I . G . 141 . „ Lacey , P . M , 174 . „ H . M . Levy , P . M . 188 . „ S . Levy , 14 ,. „ N . Gluckstcin , 141 , P . M . 51 , „ Wm . Carter . P . M . & T . 141 . P . P . S . G . W . „ J . K . Sicbbitig , P . M ., and „ C . C . Taylor , S . W . 141 . P . G . D . England . ,, Rev . M . B . Lcvy . P . M . iot ? . ,, Dr . Johnson , P . M .-49 .-1094 ,, E : iianuc ' , P . \\ . 205 . „ E . Grant , 228 and 742 , Hon . „ E . J . Page , W . M . Grand Mem . 435 . Stewards'Lodge , & P . M . „ Fred . Webb , W . M . 704 . _ * w nnd 860 . ,, John Coombe , P . M . t . Sec . ,. B . Salmon , 141 . 450 i . 1272 , P . G S ., P . G . „ T . S . Mortlock . P . M . 186 . Steward , and P P . S . W . „ J . Boyd , 1260 , P . M . 145 , 534 , Cornwall , etc ., etc . P . Z . MS . Z . 534 . ,. D- Beck , J . W . 1300 . „ R . W . Little , W . M . 1293 , „ Chas . J . Corder , P . M . 732 , P . M . 975 . P . M . & Sec 862 , 271 . 8 . 1 . P . Z . 732 , P . P . 1194 , 1319 , P . Z . 177 , 975 , S . G . W . Sussex . Prov . ( . 1 . Sec . Middlesex ,, Magnus Ohren , W . M . 452 , ,, Chas . Dairy 141 . JAV . 33 , S . E . 33 . „ Jas . W . Gillard , 180 . „ H . Emmctt , 186 . „ K . A . Philbrick , W . M . 18 . „ Ellis Berg , 14 :. BANKER-. London and Westminster Bank , Eastern Branch . The following brethren who are not on the Committee have promised their support : — Br . Col . Maletde Carteret , P . G . M . Channel Islands ; Br . Prosser , P . M . 244 , Jersey : Br . Gardiner , W . M . 84 , Guernsey ; Br . Ashley , P . M . 254 , Coventry , P . G . J . W . Warwickshire ; Br . De Gnite , Birmingham : and others . Thc C ( mmiltec meet at their Room on the first Thursday in every month .. ' * 1 p . m . All subscriptions , together with the names of the donor . . 'I be acknowledged in Tint FREEMASON . In order to ensure : i -. s , it is hoped that every Brother will personally interest tumsci ' . n the movement . Bro . E . GOTTHEIL , P . M . 141 . Hon . Sec , 120 , Mile End Road . E .
THE ROBT . WENTWORTH LITTLE TESTIMONIAL . CHAIRMAN . BROTHER COLONEL FRANCIS BURDETT , Prov . G . M . for Middlesex , _ - >_ -., S ° c . TREASURER . BROTHER JOHN HERVEY , GRAND SECRETARY , Freemasons * Halt . LIST OF COMMITTEE . Bro . Colonel FRANCIS BURDETT , P . G . M . for Middlesex , Cltairman . „ The Right Honourable EARL BECTIVE , Undcrley , Kirkby Lonsdale . „ The Right Honourable the EARL 01 * JERSEY , Middleton Park , Bicester . „ Sir FREDERICK M . WILLIAMS , Bart ., M . P ., Goonvrca . „ Sir GILBERT CAMPBELL , Bart ., iS , Albert Mansions , Victoria-street , S . W . „ JOHN HERVEY , Grand Secretary , Freemasons' Hall . „ Rev . C . J . MARTYN , Grand Chaplain , Long Melford Rectory , Suffolk . „ Rev . G . R . PORTAL , Albury Rectory , Guildford . „ Major FINNEY , Wobum Chambers , Henrietta-street , Covent Garden . „ JAMES BRETT , Jewin-crcscent , Cripplegate . „ JOHN BOYD , 9 8 , Buckingham Palace Road , Pimlico . „ W . J . HUGHAN , Truro , Cornwall . „ ANGELO LEWIS , 3 6 , Lincoln ' s Inn Fields . „ MAGNUS OHREN , Lower Sydenham , S . E . „ W . R . WOODMAN , Vittoria Villa , Stoke Newington . ., EDWARD SISSON , 353 , New Cross Road . „ JAMES WILLING , JUN ., 3 66 . Grav ' s Inn Road . „ EDWARD CLARK , 19 , Buckingham-street , Strand . „ T . BURDETT YEOMAN , 4 6 , Colveston-cresccnt , St . Martin ' s-squarc , West Hackney . „ JOHN W . BARRETT , Ramsfort-place , Plough-bridge , Rotherhithe . „ CHARLES GOSDEN , Masons * Hall , BasinS ha ! l . strcet . ,, W . ROEBUCK , _ i , Ellington-street , Arundcl-suuare . „ JAMES WEAVER . 4 s , Howland-strcet . Fitzroy-sipiarc . „ S . ROSENTHAL , 2 , Red Lion Square . „ J . L . THOMAS , _ ., Gloucester-street , Warwick-square . „ EDWIN SILLIFANT , -4 , Old Jewry . „ JAMES STEVENS , Clapham Common . „ GEORGE KENNING , Upper Sydcndam . With power to add to their number . The form of thc Testimonial , which must in some measure depend on the amount subscribed , will be carefully considered and made known to thc Subscribers , together with due notice of the day of presentation . All Subscriptions will be acknowledged in THE FREEMASON , In order to ensure success it is hoped that every Brother wiP personally interest himself iu thc movement . JOHN THOS . MOSS , W . M . 13 . 6 , P . M . 160 . * . 38 , Gracechurcli-slrcet , London . \ Hon . H . C . LEVANDER , P . M . 507 . P . M . G _ , j ' Sccys 37 6 , Wandsworth-road . S . W . 9
Auction ancl Estate Offices . T Have REMOVED from my Offices , 5 , PENTON-- *• vn . i . K ROAD , ISLINGTON , to a more central position . No . 54 , LONDON WALL , MOORGATE STREET . Cli'V . \ V . HENRY UETTS .
GRAND LODGE OF MARK MASTER MASONS England and Wales and the Colonies and Dependencies of the British Crorcn . Bro . Rev . G . R . PORTAL , M . A ., M . W . G . M . Bro . the EARL PERCY , M . P ., R . W . D . G . M . HTHE Summer Half-yearly COMMUNICATION I of this Grand Lodge will he held at FREEMASONS ' TAVERN , Great Quean-street , LincolnVinn-liclds . on TUESDAY , thc 6 th of June , 1871 , when and where all Grand Officers ( past and present ) , W . Masters , Past Masters , Wardens , and Overseers of private Lodges are hereby summoned to attend , and at which , by permission , all regularly registered Mark Master Masons may be present . The CEREMONY of ADVANCEMENT will be worked in a Lodge of Improvement , to meet at half-past Three o ' clock p . m . Grand Lodge will be opened at Five o'clock p . m . The BANQUET will be provided at Seven o ' clock . Tickets , Fifteen Shillings ( inclusive of wine and dessert ) , if taken before the 28 th instant ; if after that date , Seventeen Shillings and Sixpence . Brethren intending to be present are requested to send their names to the Grand Stewards , care of thc Grand Secretary , as under . By command , FREDERICK BINCKES , Grand Secretary . Ofiice : 2 , Red Lion Square , Holborn , London , W . C , 24 th May , 1871 .
MUSIC FOR THE CEREMONY OF ADVANCEMENT To the Degree of a MARK MASTER MASON , Composed by Brother EDWIN J . CROW . F . C . O ., P . G . O . Leicestershire . Published with thc approval of THE M . W G . M . BHO . Rtv . 0 . R . PORTAL . M . A ., to whom it is , by his permission , dedicated . POST FKEE , I /; , London : GEORGE KENNING , a , 3 and 4 , Little Britain .
The Great American Masonic Poem . Now rea-yj , . Price Tivpence , or sent / ostfree to any part of Great Britain or helaudou receipt of three J ' enny Postage Stamps . "KING SOLOMON'S TEMPLE , " A MASONIC rOJM . By Bro . AUGUSTINE J . H . DUGANNE , of New York City . Bros . TwttnDnLi- and SONS , Cleveland Printing and Publishing Offices and Masonic Ucpot , 87 , Lintliorp , - -ro 5 d , Middlesbrough . LonJon : G .: oua « RUNNING .
Now READY . PRICE THREE SHILLINGS . New Masonic Lyric . "THE FINAL TOAS T , " Written by Bro . D . L . RICHARDSON . Arranged , with Pianoforte Accompaniment , by Bro . EDWIN J . CROW , Fellow of thc College of Organists , J . W . 279 , P . G . O . Lcic . and Rutland . GEORGE KENNING , London ; Post-free 19 stamps .
NOW READY , Price One Shilling , Second Edition , Revised and Enlarged , Freemasonry in Relation to Civil Authority and the Family Circle , Bv BRO . CHALMERS I . PATON . THIS work is a perfect handbook of the principles of Freemasonry , founded on the Ancient Charges and Symbols , and will be found to be eminently practical and useful iu thc vindication and support of the Order . Members of the Craft wishing copie . 5 should order them from London : GEORGE KENNING , d ^ . and 4 , Little Britain . Edinburgh : J MENZIES , . ' , 'iuiunver-strcct . Dublin : CHARLES HEOGELUKG , eu , Grafton-strcct . And may be had of any Bookscll . r throughout thc Kingdom ,
WILLIAM WINSOR , of 8 , Miles ' s-lane , London-bridge , Imp-rtsCIGARSofthe very Finest Brands only , and Manufactures Cig . rs from thc ChoiccH Tobaccos . Wb , oi <;< sale and Retail .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
De Grey and Ripon Lodge , No . 837 . GRAND MASONIC FESTIVAL AT FOUNTAIN'S ABBEY , In aid of the De Grey Scholarships , On Wednesday , the 12 th July , 1871 , THE next PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE having been appointed to be held at RIPON , on thc i-lh of of JULY next , the Right Hon . EARL DE GKEY AND RIPON , K . G ., M . W . G . M ., and Prov . G . M . W . Yorks , has , with his usual liberality , given thc Craft the privilege of visiting the magnificent ruins of FOUNTAINS . BBEY and the adjacent grounds of STUDLEY on that day . d GRAND BANQUET rtillvj-c held t spacious Cloisters ( by special permission ) , and , in i ' -der to r-. ia » ¦ the gathering still more attractive , thc Ladies arc invited to add a charm and grace the festival by their presence . BVNQUET TICKET ( admitting to grounds ) : —Gentleman ' s Ticket , 5 s . 6 d . ; Lady ' s ditto , 5 s . TWO MILITARY BANDS have been engaged for Banquet and Quadrilles . . Excursion Trains will run from all parts of Yorkshire . Banquet Tickets may be had of Bro . W . Harrison . Market-place , Ripon , to whom application must he made on or before 1 st July next . P . O . O . must accompany all applications . By order of SAMUEL EVANS , W . M ., W . HARRISON , Secretary 837 . Town Hall , Ripon , May 19 th , 1871 .
To Architects . THE Committee of thc intended New Masonic Hall , LIVERPOOL , INVITE COMPETITION , PLANS , and ELEVATIONS for a NEW MASONIC HALL . A Premium of £ 100 will be awarded for thc best , and £ 50 for the second best , design . Both plans to become the property of the Committee , but should either of the successful competitors be employed in the erection of ihe building , thc premium to merge in his commission , which shall not exceed ^ 5 percent , on thc proposed outlay . Thc competition will be limited to those Architects who are subscribing members of a Masonic lodge in England . All plans to be deposited , not later than thc ist September next , sealed and addressed to thc Honorary Secretary of the Committee , Masonic Hall , 22 , Hope-street , Liverpool , being marked with a motto or device , and accompanied by a scaled envelope , similarl y marked , containing thc name , address , and number of lodge of its author , but which will not be opened until after thc Prizes arc awarded . Printed particulars and a plan of the site wil " . be lurnifhed to intending competitors by depositing 10 s . ( which will be returned to all parties sending in designs , except thc successful competitors ) on application to ROBERT WILSON , Hon . Secretary to thc Committee , 34 , South Castle Street , Liverpool .
qpHE FREEMASONS LIFE BOAT .-Jt Committee Room : Bro . FOKSTER ' , Railway Tavern , Londonstreet , E . C . COMMITTEE : Bro . A . E . Harris , P . M . 141 , Bro . Thos . White , W . M . = 2 . President . „ John Coutts , P . M . 7 , 1310 , „ S . Davis , 141 , the Promoter P . Z . 382 , 177 . A . G . P and Treasurer . „ C . A . Cottcbruhc , P . M . 733 ., ,, E . Gottheil , P . M . 141 , Hon . 957 , 1357 , P . _ . 177 733 , 77 . ¦ Secretary . ,, Jas . Wyld , 511 Prop . Lie . „ John Thomas , P . M . 507 , Vict . Guardian . P . G . D . C . „ Mann , P . M . and P . Z . 186 , „ Rev . I ) . Shahoc , P . M , P . W . M .- o 6 , & c . G . Chaplain Middlesex . „ T . Bartlett , W . M . 813 . ,, T . Kennett , I . G . 141 . „ Lacey , P . M , 174 . „ H . M . Levy , P . M . 188 . „ S . Levy , 14 ,. „ N . Gluckstcin , 141 , P . M . 51 , „ Wm . Carter . P . M . & T . 141 . P . P . S . G . W . „ J . K . Sicbbitig , P . M ., and „ C . C . Taylor , S . W . 141 . P . G . D . England . ,, Rev . M . B . Lcvy . P . M . iot ? . ,, Dr . Johnson , P . M .-49 .-1094 ,, E : iianuc ' , P . \\ . 205 . „ E . Grant , 228 and 742 , Hon . „ E . J . Page , W . M . Grand Mem . 435 . Stewards'Lodge , & P . M . „ Fred . Webb , W . M . 704 . _ * w nnd 860 . ,, John Coombe , P . M . t . Sec . ,. B . Salmon , 141 . 450 i . 1272 , P . G S ., P . G . „ T . S . Mortlock . P . M . 186 . Steward , and P P . S . W . „ J . Boyd , 1260 , P . M . 145 , 534 , Cornwall , etc ., etc . P . Z . MS . Z . 534 . ,. D- Beck , J . W . 1300 . „ R . W . Little , W . M . 1293 , „ Chas . J . Corder , P . M . 732 , P . M . 975 . P . M . & Sec 862 , 271 . 8 . 1 . P . Z . 732 , P . P . 1194 , 1319 , P . Z . 177 , 975 , S . G . W . Sussex . Prov . ( . 1 . Sec . Middlesex ,, Magnus Ohren , W . M . 452 , ,, Chas . Dairy 141 . JAV . 33 , S . E . 33 . „ Jas . W . Gillard , 180 . „ H . Emmctt , 186 . „ K . A . Philbrick , W . M . 18 . „ Ellis Berg , 14 :. BANKER-. London and Westminster Bank , Eastern Branch . The following brethren who are not on the Committee have promised their support : — Br . Col . Maletde Carteret , P . G . M . Channel Islands ; Br . Prosser , P . M . 244 , Jersey : Br . Gardiner , W . M . 84 , Guernsey ; Br . Ashley , P . M . 254 , Coventry , P . G . J . W . Warwickshire ; Br . De Gnite , Birmingham : and others . Thc C ( mmiltec meet at their Room on the first Thursday in every month .. ' * 1 p . m . All subscriptions , together with the names of the donor . . 'I be acknowledged in Tint FREEMASON . In order to ensure : i -. s , it is hoped that every Brother will personally interest tumsci ' . n the movement . Bro . E . GOTTHEIL , P . M . 141 . Hon . Sec , 120 , Mile End Road . E .
THE ROBT . WENTWORTH LITTLE TESTIMONIAL . CHAIRMAN . BROTHER COLONEL FRANCIS BURDETT , Prov . G . M . for Middlesex , _ - >_ -., S ° c . TREASURER . BROTHER JOHN HERVEY , GRAND SECRETARY , Freemasons * Halt . LIST OF COMMITTEE . Bro . Colonel FRANCIS BURDETT , P . G . M . for Middlesex , Cltairman . „ The Right Honourable EARL BECTIVE , Undcrley , Kirkby Lonsdale . „ The Right Honourable the EARL 01 * JERSEY , Middleton Park , Bicester . „ Sir FREDERICK M . WILLIAMS , Bart ., M . P ., Goonvrca . „ Sir GILBERT CAMPBELL , Bart ., iS , Albert Mansions , Victoria-street , S . W . „ JOHN HERVEY , Grand Secretary , Freemasons' Hall . „ Rev . C . J . MARTYN , Grand Chaplain , Long Melford Rectory , Suffolk . „ Rev . G . R . PORTAL , Albury Rectory , Guildford . „ Major FINNEY , Wobum Chambers , Henrietta-street , Covent Garden . „ JAMES BRETT , Jewin-crcscent , Cripplegate . „ JOHN BOYD , 9 8 , Buckingham Palace Road , Pimlico . „ W . J . HUGHAN , Truro , Cornwall . „ ANGELO LEWIS , 3 6 , Lincoln ' s Inn Fields . „ MAGNUS OHREN , Lower Sydenham , S . E . „ W . R . WOODMAN , Vittoria Villa , Stoke Newington . ., EDWARD SISSON , 353 , New Cross Road . „ JAMES WILLING , JUN ., 3 66 . Grav ' s Inn Road . „ EDWARD CLARK , 19 , Buckingham-street , Strand . „ T . BURDETT YEOMAN , 4 6 , Colveston-cresccnt , St . Martin ' s-squarc , West Hackney . „ JOHN W . BARRETT , Ramsfort-place , Plough-bridge , Rotherhithe . „ CHARLES GOSDEN , Masons * Hall , BasinS ha ! l . strcet . ,, W . ROEBUCK , _ i , Ellington-street , Arundcl-suuare . „ JAMES WEAVER . 4 s , Howland-strcet . Fitzroy-sipiarc . „ S . ROSENTHAL , 2 , Red Lion Square . „ J . L . THOMAS , _ ., Gloucester-street , Warwick-square . „ EDWIN SILLIFANT , -4 , Old Jewry . „ JAMES STEVENS , Clapham Common . „ GEORGE KENNING , Upper Sydcndam . With power to add to their number . The form of thc Testimonial , which must in some measure depend on the amount subscribed , will be carefully considered and made known to thc Subscribers , together with due notice of the day of presentation . All Subscriptions will be acknowledged in THE FREEMASON , In order to ensure success it is hoped that every Brother wiP personally interest himself iu thc movement . JOHN THOS . MOSS , W . M . 13 . 6 , P . M . 160 . * . 38 , Gracechurcli-slrcet , London . \ Hon . H . C . LEVANDER , P . M . 507 . P . M . G _ , j ' Sccys 37 6 , Wandsworth-road . S . W . 9
Auction ancl Estate Offices . T Have REMOVED from my Offices , 5 , PENTON-- *• vn . i . K ROAD , ISLINGTON , to a more central position . No . 54 , LONDON WALL , MOORGATE STREET . Cli'V . \ V . HENRY UETTS .
GRAND LODGE OF MARK MASTER MASONS England and Wales and the Colonies and Dependencies of the British Crorcn . Bro . Rev . G . R . PORTAL , M . A ., M . W . G . M . Bro . the EARL PERCY , M . P ., R . W . D . G . M . HTHE Summer Half-yearly COMMUNICATION I of this Grand Lodge will he held at FREEMASONS ' TAVERN , Great Quean-street , LincolnVinn-liclds . on TUESDAY , thc 6 th of June , 1871 , when and where all Grand Officers ( past and present ) , W . Masters , Past Masters , Wardens , and Overseers of private Lodges are hereby summoned to attend , and at which , by permission , all regularly registered Mark Master Masons may be present . The CEREMONY of ADVANCEMENT will be worked in a Lodge of Improvement , to meet at half-past Three o ' clock p . m . Grand Lodge will be opened at Five o'clock p . m . The BANQUET will be provided at Seven o ' clock . Tickets , Fifteen Shillings ( inclusive of wine and dessert ) , if taken before the 28 th instant ; if after that date , Seventeen Shillings and Sixpence . Brethren intending to be present are requested to send their names to the Grand Stewards , care of thc Grand Secretary , as under . By command , FREDERICK BINCKES , Grand Secretary . Ofiice : 2 , Red Lion Square , Holborn , London , W . C , 24 th May , 1871 .
MUSIC FOR THE CEREMONY OF ADVANCEMENT To the Degree of a MARK MASTER MASON , Composed by Brother EDWIN J . CROW . F . C . O ., P . G . O . Leicestershire . Published with thc approval of THE M . W G . M . BHO . Rtv . 0 . R . PORTAL . M . A ., to whom it is , by his permission , dedicated . POST FKEE , I /; , London : GEORGE KENNING , a , 3 and 4 , Little Britain .
The Great American Masonic Poem . Now rea-yj , . Price Tivpence , or sent / ostfree to any part of Great Britain or helaudou receipt of three J ' enny Postage Stamps . "KING SOLOMON'S TEMPLE , " A MASONIC rOJM . By Bro . AUGUSTINE J . H . DUGANNE , of New York City . Bros . TwttnDnLi- and SONS , Cleveland Printing and Publishing Offices and Masonic Ucpot , 87 , Lintliorp , - -ro 5 d , Middlesbrough . LonJon : G .: oua « RUNNING .
Now READY . PRICE THREE SHILLINGS . New Masonic Lyric . "THE FINAL TOAS T , " Written by Bro . D . L . RICHARDSON . Arranged , with Pianoforte Accompaniment , by Bro . EDWIN J . CROW , Fellow of thc College of Organists , J . W . 279 , P . G . O . Lcic . and Rutland . GEORGE KENNING , London ; Post-free 19 stamps .
NOW READY , Price One Shilling , Second Edition , Revised and Enlarged , Freemasonry in Relation to Civil Authority and the Family Circle , Bv BRO . CHALMERS I . PATON . THIS work is a perfect handbook of the principles of Freemasonry , founded on the Ancient Charges and Symbols , and will be found to be eminently practical and useful iu thc vindication and support of the Order . Members of the Craft wishing copie . 5 should order them from London : GEORGE KENNING , d ^ . and 4 , Little Britain . Edinburgh : J MENZIES , . ' , 'iuiunver-strcct . Dublin : CHARLES HEOGELUKG , eu , Grafton-strcct . And may be had of any Bookscll . r throughout thc Kingdom ,
WILLIAM WINSOR , of 8 , Miles ' s-lane , London-bridge , Imp-rtsCIGARSofthe very Finest Brands only , and Manufactures Cig . rs from thc ChoiccH Tobaccos . Wb , oi <;< sale and Retail .