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THE BEST PUDDING . MAYAl'S SEMOLINA . »» . » - l "«' Bi' » tltiMPM - ¦«• % - —' ¦ . J-wxK . ^ A ' -KKv & -i _ titsfi { Jw ' r ! Vt ** 5 '_ & ISS * wNTO * - r' ?_* " . ' . ¦ ¦ ¦ iSfi-- * " ?»¦> ^ 0 ^^^^ m Itpf ^ PEISE VSDAI & J 0 gf " W ^^^ r ^ ^ l ^^^^ ^&^^ mW 3 iW ^ 0 ^ 0 ^ r rMw ¦ « fti § p ^ ¦ * » ST- » lV 4 * " ^^ r _ £ j _ 5 rW / «« = "* ^ feigSgip ^ *> 'lii-l £ *¦ ¦ " * V » -M NOTICK . Head this with care and attention . ) THE MANUFACTORY of MAYAR'S SEMOLINA was established in 1815 . It is thc oldest and the largest in the World , Twenty-five Million pounds being yearly produced . ( 25 , 000 , 000 . ) Our SEMOLINA is the staple food in France , Russia , Spain , Italy , & C ., and will soon be that of England . It has obtained 24 PKtZ __ . MEDALS in the Great Exhibitions for its superiority over all others , and is prona meed by the most eminent members of the Medical Profession , both in London and in Paris , to be far more Nutritions than Tapioca , Arrowroot , corn flour ( which are o . ily Starch ) , or any farinaceous food already introduced into this country . See Dr . Hassali's Analytical Report in the column . " , of this paper . N . l .. —Being determined to maintain its reputation , we again CAUTION thc Public , that an imitation , to which a false and ridicuous name has been given , isintrodiiced by a well known Firm , taking advantage ° f its name and publicity to sell a similar article of very inferior quality , to realise extra profits , and who advertise in favour of that article the qualities possessed by our Semolina . As a proof of our assertion wc challenge a comparison , by analysis , between our SEMOLIXIXA and thc so-called Pearlina ,
M e \ Y " " S S E ' p L I " A S » is solely the heart " of the very best Wheat , B A Y A R' S S E M 0 ~ _ r " l ~ N ~ A ^ is richer than any other farinaceous food 2 . in Azotic matter , indispensable in the £ muscular formation of the body . S A Y A R ' S S E M O L 1 N A . © Highly recommended by the p » Faculty for Children and Invalids IA Y A R ' S SEMOLINA . >< Is extremely nourishing and easily digested . _ A Y A R ' S SEMOLINA * = * makes delicious Jf Puddings , Custards aud Pastry A Y AHr ' S S ~ _ f M O L I N ~ A £ unequalled for thickening s * Soups , Beef Tea , and Crucis ]¦ ¦ /[ f A Y A R ' S S E M O L I N A i-VX i * thc Rrciuest delicacy pj for Breakfast and Supper K \ Y A R ' S S E MO LI N A . 2 Is very economical . U May be used with or without Milk , % Recipes on each Package . r" t 6 J , lb . in i ' acket , Sd . in Canister . Sold by all Chemists , Grocers , & c .
II O M I N Y . \/ T A Y A R ' S II 0 M I N Y , 1 > J . produced from thc best Indian Maze , without any adulteration obtained by grind in ;; , is far superior to the Maize Corn Hour already introduced in this coiu . tr >; , which isonly Starch obtained by a process cf Hashing , which deieriotatcs entirely thc quality , and is t-uld at a very high price . Sold hy ail Chcmihts , Grocers , and Corn Dealer . * . Wholesale at MAYAR'S , ; j 6 , MARK LANI _ , LONDON , E . C . A Wholesale Agent wanted in every Town .
BRO . KEXN 1 NCS NEW TRACING BOARDS , Mounted on Cloth for thc pucker . Price j / 5 .
RUPTURES . —BY ROYAL LETTERS PATENT . WT'TTE ' s Moc-Main LEVER TRUSS fls allowed by upwards of £ 00 Medical Min to be the most cffeclivc invention in tbe curative treatment of HERN I A . The ti . se .. of a sttel spring , so often hurtful n its el'ferls is here . Huided : a son bandage being virn round lli _ bmlv . w ii ! e iheictjuisitcP ^ istinn nnwei 4 supplied !>> ' the J . IOC-V . A 1 N I'Ati and I' . Vl EN ' I , EY l'l < , lining witliMi nmdi case and closeness that il ; . uinot b . i delected , and may be worn during sleep . A descriptive c vcular may be h :: d , and the Truss , which cannot fail to lit , forwarded by post , on the circum . ferunce of the body , two inches below the hips , being ' sent to the MA . VL'FACTl'X _ R , Mr . WHITE , 22 S , I'ieimiilly , London . Price ui a _ Single Truss , io > ., _ ts ., -Gs . C 1 . and 31 s . 6 d . Postage is . ,, 01 a I ' uuble Tms * ilet < . <* d ., ''¦« . and 52 s . fc ) . Postage is . Sd . ., of Umbilical Tnisit , ; s . and jas . 6 d . Postage is . lod . Pes Office Orders to be made payable to J WHITE , Post Oflice , Piccadilly . A'Kile PA TENT ELASTIC S IOC KINGS , KNEECAPS , £ ri The material of which these are made is recommended b y thc faculty as being peculiarly ELASTIC i-ud COMPRESSIBLE and the best invention f * r giving efficient and permanent support in all ( cases of WEAKNESS , VARICOSE VEINS , & c . Price , 4 s . 6 d ., rs . cd ., 10 s . and 16 s . each . Postage _ d . SPINAL MACHINES , \ , Y \ i IKONS , and Every Description of Surgical Apphjuces . fOfir ' WHIT ?! . % ' *>> -Mfr '< 'W > ? " $ > r *'* * ' '** t J'V ^ ' ttonjiu .
MASONIC BOOKS IN STOCK AT Biio . KENNING'S MASONIC DEPOT . Sickcl ' s Ahiman Rezon ( cloth ) ... . . . « , 5 / - ,, Freemasons ' . Monitor ( tucks ) ... ... 4 / S R . A . Companion ... ... ... ... 3 / 6 < - uide to thc Chapter ( cloth ) ... . . . 5 / - Manual „ „ ... . . . ... 2 / 6 Book A . and A . Rite ,, ... ... 17 / 6 R . and S . M Council Monitor ... ... ... 3 / 6 Swedenborg Rite ... ... . . . 4 / 6 Masonic Token ( cloth gilt ) ... ... ... 7 / - Macoy ' s Manual E . Star ... . . . . . . 3 / 3 Simon ' s 12 . K . Commandery ( tuck ... ... 3 / 6 Origin of Masonry ... ... ... 3 / 6 Chase ' s Digest of Masonic Law ... ... 5 / 6 Pierson ' s Traditions . . . « .. » . 7 / - Signet of King Solomon ... ... 4 / 6 Rationale and Ethics ( cloth ) ... ... 5 / 6 Simon ' s Jurisprudence ... ... ... s / 6 " Washington and Compeers ( cloth ) ... ... oVObituary Rites ... ... ... » . */ 6 Masonic Gatherings , by Bro . G . T . iyior , P . JI . 5 / 0 Portal ' s Symbols ( cloth ) ... . . . ... 3 / S I . ockwood's Masonic Law ... ... 4 / - Wcbb ' s Monitor ( tucks ) . . . ... 3 t 6 Drew ' s Handbook „ . . . . . . ... 3 / 6 Lawrence ' s Moral Design ... ... ... 3 / 0 Woodruffs Masonic Code ... ... 2 / - Lights and Shadows ( cloth ) . .. ... ... 6 JCross True Masonic Chart .... ... 4 / 6 Mystic Tie ( cloth ) ... ... ... ... 5 / 6 Ritual of Freemasonry ... . . . ... 14 / - Reflccted Rays of Light ... . . . . . . 1 / - Red Cross Statutes ... ... ... 1 / 6 Freeman n y in Relation to Civil Authority and the Fam ; - ) ' Circle ... „_ . ... ... 1 / - Kingston Mason c A nual . . . ... 3 / - Km . jdit Temp ar Sermon ... ... ... - } o The Uosicnjc an , a Quarterly Record of thc Society ' s Transaction . The American Freemason S . G . C Regulations ... ... ... ... 2 / 6 Royal Arch „ ... .. * . . . s / 6 G L . Constitutions ... ... . . . ... 1 / 6 Mark Constitutions ... ... ... 2 / 6 Life of C ' .-Wt inline , by Kuscbius . . . ... 5 / - Knights Templar Sta'ute ... ... 3 / 0 and 5 / 6 Craft , Maik , R . A ., R . C , R .+, K . T . Books . Vols . I ., IL .-nd 111 . ofth : I-VKEMASOX , 4 / 6 , 7 / 6 and 15 / - Uook of Illustrations Clothi-g and Jewels ( coloured ) 2 / 6 Gen ; al History of Freemasonry ( Heboid in Europe ) 15 / - Wo Id's Masor . ic Rcgster , Hyneman ... ... 17 / 0 S ) ones o- the Fi csidc , liarbcr ... . . . 7 / 6 Cosmopolitan Masonic Calendar , 1 S 71 ... . . . 2 / - , , Tucks . . . . . . . . . a / 6 G . L . Calendar ... ... ... ... 2 / - Lodge Bible * ... . . . . . . i 1 / - 4 = / - Chapter B . blcs ... ... 15 / - ^ h < " *!• Laws ofthe Supre-ne G . C of Kr . ot aid ... ... 3 / 6 Jiasonic Trials , by H . M . Look . . . ... oj-
THE LONDON MIRROR . Published every Saturday ; price 4 d . The object of this journal is to set forth thc claim * of jhc many Religious . Educational , Benevolent , and Prudential Institutions of thc United Kingdom , and week by week to report their proceedings , whether as Meetings , r-ermons , Anniversaries , or Elections , so as to present these National Institutions to the favour of the Public , ^ Office . 5-1 , Southampton-row , RusscH'S-njarc , London , W . C .
" q ^ HE FREEMASON" OF ST . LOUIS . J . —The Largest Jte <; nic J / oiKhly in the V / orid . Published at St . Louis , Mc , by Geo . KKANI ; tjoui . ity . Griind Secrcuiry and Kccordcr of the four Grand Bodies of M issouri . The Freemason contains tidings from every quarter of the world , * : id will be found of great advantage to all Masons , especially those diterested in Amerir . an affairs . Terms i ?_ per annum , nnd lo those who subscribe for the London FHKKMASON the price will be Si 50 curr-ncj-. Postage free . Subscriptions received hy the London PRKEMASON .
THE GARDENER'S MAGAZINE . Conducted 1 by SHU . l . l'Y HllllJURD , Ksq ., 1 M .. H . S . _ TIVOCKNCB Weekly ; and in . Monthly Parts , Tcnpeuce . Superbly illustrated . I-uidon : —_ . W . AI . LV-K 11 . Slationevs' Hall Court
THE MASONIC TROWEL . —A Masonic A fournal , published on thc i ^ th of every month , by JL G . KISVNOLDS , Jun ., -priuaficld , Illinois , United States of America . Sixteen pages large , jn . i :-tt ' . Circulation . o . ooo monthly . Terms to be obtained , and Subscriptions received , at THK I ' KEEiiAson OlTica , 2 , 3 , and 4 , Utile J'rilain , and forwarded free of charee .
Masonic Note Paper and Envelopes , For Craft , Mark , Koyal Arch , Eed Cross of Ron . e and Constantine , Hose Croix , Knights Templar , 30 / A Degree . IN DOXES THK . BE SHILLINGS . V . | IO ' __ . AUK AHD KETAIL B . CJEORGE KKNNIXQ'S MASQJfJC PE ? OT . WTTV ? WITAW * VWPOP- .
NOW READY , REFLECTED RAYS OF LIGHT UPON FREEMASONRY : OR , The Freemason ' s Pocket Compendium , With an Emblematical Frontispiece . A Hand-Boole of the Principles of Freemasonry , and Pocket Vade Mecum and Guide to the various Ceremonies connected with Craft Masonry , so far as the same are allowed to be communicable , it . accordance with thc principles of the Order . Price One Shilling , Post-free for Fourteen Stamp Sold by Bro . GEO . KENNING , 2 , 3 & 4 , Little Britain , London , E . C .
BRO . REEVES , SON & Co ., Trade Lithographers , Engravers 5 ^ Die-Sinkers , PLAYHOUSE YARD , BLACKFRIARS , LONDON , E . C . Book of Specimens and Prices forwarded on receipt of 24 stamps
GENTLEMEN'S and BOYS' CLOTHING in all Textures , Fashions , and Prices : OUTFITS , HOSIERY , WATERPROOF-CLOTHING and SHIRTS in Long Cloth , Linen , and Shrank . Flannel ; supplied wholesale or retail by GANN , JONES AND CO ., OUTFITTING MANUFACTURERS , 171 , FENCHURCH-ST .
U RGENTLY WANTED , by a Brother , a position as Clerk , Book-keeper , Collector , or any place ofl ' tuat ; no objection to traveling . Age 35 ycars . _ Can furnish yood testimonials . —Address , C . F . Trauter , 301 , City-road , N .
VAUDEVILLE . —On last Saturday evening , at this fashionable theatre , Mr . James Albery ' s comic twoact drama , named "Tweddie's Rights , " was performed to a crowded house for the first time . It is unquestionably original . John Tweddie ( Bro . David J ames ) is admirably rendered . The
makeup is so good that no one would recognise him . Bro . T . Thorne was excellent as Tim Whiffler , a sporting man , ever anxious to put every body " up to a good thing . " Miss T . Lavis is very good as the Widow Potts . Miss A . Newton as the affectionate Millie , Mr . E . Dyas as Dr . Pritchard , and
Mr . Wyke Moore as the ill-uced nephew , all well sustain their parts . At the end of each act the principal performers had to appear , and after its performance Mr . Albcry had to bow his acknowledgments to the audience . We can pronounce this drama a decided success . It may not , perhaps ,
have a run of 300 nights , like its predecessor , " Two Roses , " but it is sure to be performed for a long time to come , at any rate until the return of Bro . H . Montague from his provincial tour . All who admire Mr . Albery's plays should see this drama , which in no way diminishes his reputation , but , if possible , adds to it . Bro . D . James has
proved himself a consummate actor by the masterly manner he renders the character of John Tweddie , and adds this character to his many triumphs . Mr . Uyron's extravaganza of "Tlie Orange Tree and the Humble Bee , " and Mr . Hay ' s farce of " Bubble and Squeak , " are still on the programme . The wellfilled houses prove how thc public appreciate the efforts made here to please them .
PRINCF . SS ' . — " Shadows , " by Sir C . L . Young , Bart ., was produced at this theatre on last Saturday morning . It is an original play , in four acts , with a prologue . Thc play lasted four hours , so , at the termination , the audience were dismissed . The
" Lottery Ticket" was to have concluded the pro gramme , but was not given on account of the length of time " Shadows " took performing . " Shadows " is a succcss . and likely to remain on the programme for some time to come .
JERUSALEM . —A movement is on foot to send abroad , under American auspices , an expedition for the purpose of making thorough explorations of Jerusalem and thc Holy Land . A committee is already organised in Iowa , U . S ., and is well under way towards carrying out such a plan .
REPORT of Dr . Arthur Hi ' .. Hassall , Analyst of the " Lancet" Sanitary Commission , Author of " pood and its Adulterations , " & c , & c , on Mayar's Semolina : " I have carefully tested , chemically and microscopically , the samples of Semolina sent liy Messrs . L . Mayar & Co ., 36 , Mark Lane , Lomlon , ICC . I find them lo he perfectly genuine , of excellent quality , anil eminently nutritious . They contain a very large percentage of nitro- ,
genotts matter , chiefly gluien , and are far more nutritious than any other food , such as Arrowroot , Tapioca , Sago , Com Flour , Parinaceous Pood , ordinary Wheat Plour , or any of the Cereals in use as food in this country . — ( Signed ) AI'TIIOK MILL HASSALL , M . D ., London . " - - Highly recommended by the Faculty for Infants , Invalids ,, See . Makes delicious Pudding , Custards , ISlanc Mange , & c . After a trial no family will he without Mayar ' s-SsrooUna .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
THE BEST PUDDING . MAYAl'S SEMOLINA . »» . » - l "«' Bi' » tltiMPM - ¦«• % - —' ¦ . J-wxK . ^ A ' -KKv & -i _ titsfi { Jw ' r ! Vt ** 5 '_ & ISS * wNTO * - r' ?_* " . ' . ¦ ¦ ¦ iSfi-- * " ?»¦> ^ 0 ^^^^ m Itpf ^ PEISE VSDAI & J 0 gf " W ^^^ r ^ ^ l ^^^^ ^&^^ mW 3 iW ^ 0 ^ 0 ^ r rMw ¦ « fti § p ^ ¦ * » ST- » lV 4 * " ^^ r _ £ j _ 5 rW / «« = "* ^ feigSgip ^ *> 'lii-l £ *¦ ¦ " * V » -M NOTICK . Head this with care and attention . ) THE MANUFACTORY of MAYAR'S SEMOLINA was established in 1815 . It is thc oldest and the largest in the World , Twenty-five Million pounds being yearly produced . ( 25 , 000 , 000 . ) Our SEMOLINA is the staple food in France , Russia , Spain , Italy , & C ., and will soon be that of England . It has obtained 24 PKtZ __ . MEDALS in the Great Exhibitions for its superiority over all others , and is prona meed by the most eminent members of the Medical Profession , both in London and in Paris , to be far more Nutritions than Tapioca , Arrowroot , corn flour ( which are o . ily Starch ) , or any farinaceous food already introduced into this country . See Dr . Hassali's Analytical Report in the column . " , of this paper . N . l .. —Being determined to maintain its reputation , we again CAUTION thc Public , that an imitation , to which a false and ridicuous name has been given , isintrodiiced by a well known Firm , taking advantage ° f its name and publicity to sell a similar article of very inferior quality , to realise extra profits , and who advertise in favour of that article the qualities possessed by our Semolina . As a proof of our assertion wc challenge a comparison , by analysis , between our SEMOLIXIXA and thc so-called Pearlina ,
M e \ Y " " S S E ' p L I " A S » is solely the heart " of the very best Wheat , B A Y A R' S S E M 0 ~ _ r " l ~ N ~ A ^ is richer than any other farinaceous food 2 . in Azotic matter , indispensable in the £ muscular formation of the body . S A Y A R ' S S E M O L 1 N A . © Highly recommended by the p » Faculty for Children and Invalids IA Y A R ' S SEMOLINA . >< Is extremely nourishing and easily digested . _ A Y A R ' S SEMOLINA * = * makes delicious Jf Puddings , Custards aud Pastry A Y AHr ' S S ~ _ f M O L I N ~ A £ unequalled for thickening s * Soups , Beef Tea , and Crucis ]¦ ¦ /[ f A Y A R ' S S E M O L I N A i-VX i * thc Rrciuest delicacy pj for Breakfast and Supper K \ Y A R ' S S E MO LI N A . 2 Is very economical . U May be used with or without Milk , % Recipes on each Package . r" t 6 J , lb . in i ' acket , Sd . in Canister . Sold by all Chemists , Grocers , & c .
II O M I N Y . \/ T A Y A R ' S II 0 M I N Y , 1 > J . produced from thc best Indian Maze , without any adulteration obtained by grind in ;; , is far superior to the Maize Corn Hour already introduced in this coiu . tr >; , which isonly Starch obtained by a process cf Hashing , which deieriotatcs entirely thc quality , and is t-uld at a very high price . Sold hy ail Chcmihts , Grocers , and Corn Dealer . * . Wholesale at MAYAR'S , ; j 6 , MARK LANI _ , LONDON , E . C . A Wholesale Agent wanted in every Town .
BRO . KEXN 1 NCS NEW TRACING BOARDS , Mounted on Cloth for thc pucker . Price j / 5 .
RUPTURES . —BY ROYAL LETTERS PATENT . WT'TTE ' s Moc-Main LEVER TRUSS fls allowed by upwards of £ 00 Medical Min to be the most cffeclivc invention in tbe curative treatment of HERN I A . The ti . se .. of a sttel spring , so often hurtful n its el'ferls is here . Huided : a son bandage being virn round lli _ bmlv . w ii ! e iheictjuisitcP ^ istinn nnwei 4 supplied !>> ' the J . IOC-V . A 1 N I'Ati and I' . Vl EN ' I , EY l'l < , lining witliMi nmdi case and closeness that il ; . uinot b . i delected , and may be worn during sleep . A descriptive c vcular may be h :: d , and the Truss , which cannot fail to lit , forwarded by post , on the circum . ferunce of the body , two inches below the hips , being ' sent to the MA . VL'FACTl'X _ R , Mr . WHITE , 22 S , I'ieimiilly , London . Price ui a _ Single Truss , io > ., _ ts ., -Gs . C 1 . and 31 s . 6 d . Postage is . ,, 01 a I ' uuble Tms * ilet < . <* d ., ''¦« . and 52 s . fc ) . Postage is . Sd . ., of Umbilical Tnisit , ; s . and jas . 6 d . Postage is . lod . Pes Office Orders to be made payable to J WHITE , Post Oflice , Piccadilly . A'Kile PA TENT ELASTIC S IOC KINGS , KNEECAPS , £ ri The material of which these are made is recommended b y thc faculty as being peculiarly ELASTIC i-ud COMPRESSIBLE and the best invention f * r giving efficient and permanent support in all ( cases of WEAKNESS , VARICOSE VEINS , & c . Price , 4 s . 6 d ., rs . cd ., 10 s . and 16 s . each . Postage _ d . SPINAL MACHINES , \ , Y \ i IKONS , and Every Description of Surgical Apphjuces . fOfir ' WHIT ?! . % ' *>> -Mfr '< 'W > ? " $ > r *'* * ' '** t J'V ^ ' ttonjiu .
MASONIC BOOKS IN STOCK AT Biio . KENNING'S MASONIC DEPOT . Sickcl ' s Ahiman Rezon ( cloth ) ... . . . « , 5 / - ,, Freemasons ' . Monitor ( tucks ) ... ... 4 / S R . A . Companion ... ... ... ... 3 / 6 < - uide to thc Chapter ( cloth ) ... . . . 5 / - Manual „ „ ... . . . ... 2 / 6 Book A . and A . Rite ,, ... ... 17 / 6 R . and S . M Council Monitor ... ... ... 3 / 6 Swedenborg Rite ... ... . . . 4 / 6 Masonic Token ( cloth gilt ) ... ... ... 7 / - Macoy ' s Manual E . Star ... . . . . . . 3 / 3 Simon ' s 12 . K . Commandery ( tuck ... ... 3 / 6 Origin of Masonry ... ... ... 3 / 6 Chase ' s Digest of Masonic Law ... ... 5 / 6 Pierson ' s Traditions . . . « .. » . 7 / - Signet of King Solomon ... ... 4 / 6 Rationale and Ethics ( cloth ) ... ... 5 / 6 Simon ' s Jurisprudence ... ... ... s / 6 " Washington and Compeers ( cloth ) ... ... oVObituary Rites ... ... ... » . */ 6 Masonic Gatherings , by Bro . G . T . iyior , P . JI . 5 / 0 Portal ' s Symbols ( cloth ) ... . . . ... 3 / S I . ockwood's Masonic Law ... ... 4 / - Wcbb ' s Monitor ( tucks ) . . . ... 3 t 6 Drew ' s Handbook „ . . . . . . ... 3 / 6 Lawrence ' s Moral Design ... ... ... 3 / 0 Woodruffs Masonic Code ... ... 2 / - Lights and Shadows ( cloth ) . .. ... ... 6 JCross True Masonic Chart .... ... 4 / 6 Mystic Tie ( cloth ) ... ... ... ... 5 / 6 Ritual of Freemasonry ... . . . ... 14 / - Reflccted Rays of Light ... . . . . . . 1 / - Red Cross Statutes ... ... ... 1 / 6 Freeman n y in Relation to Civil Authority and the Fam ; - ) ' Circle ... „_ . ... ... 1 / - Kingston Mason c A nual . . . ... 3 / - Km . jdit Temp ar Sermon ... ... ... - } o The Uosicnjc an , a Quarterly Record of thc Society ' s Transaction . The American Freemason S . G . C Regulations ... ... ... ... 2 / 6 Royal Arch „ ... .. * . . . s / 6 G L . Constitutions ... ... . . . ... 1 / 6 Mark Constitutions ... ... ... 2 / 6 Life of C ' .-Wt inline , by Kuscbius . . . ... 5 / - Knights Templar Sta'ute ... ... 3 / 0 and 5 / 6 Craft , Maik , R . A ., R . C , R .+, K . T . Books . Vols . I ., IL .-nd 111 . ofth : I-VKEMASOX , 4 / 6 , 7 / 6 and 15 / - Uook of Illustrations Clothi-g and Jewels ( coloured ) 2 / 6 Gen ; al History of Freemasonry ( Heboid in Europe ) 15 / - Wo Id's Masor . ic Rcgster , Hyneman ... ... 17 / 0 S ) ones o- the Fi csidc , liarbcr ... . . . 7 / 6 Cosmopolitan Masonic Calendar , 1 S 71 ... . . . 2 / - , , Tucks . . . . . . . . . a / 6 G . L . Calendar ... ... ... ... 2 / - Lodge Bible * ... . . . . . . i 1 / - 4 = / - Chapter B . blcs ... ... 15 / - ^ h < " *!• Laws ofthe Supre-ne G . C of Kr . ot aid ... ... 3 / 6 Jiasonic Trials , by H . M . Look . . . ... oj-
THE LONDON MIRROR . Published every Saturday ; price 4 d . The object of this journal is to set forth thc claim * of jhc many Religious . Educational , Benevolent , and Prudential Institutions of thc United Kingdom , and week by week to report their proceedings , whether as Meetings , r-ermons , Anniversaries , or Elections , so as to present these National Institutions to the favour of the Public , ^ Office . 5-1 , Southampton-row , RusscH'S-njarc , London , W . C .
" q ^ HE FREEMASON" OF ST . LOUIS . J . —The Largest Jte <; nic J / oiKhly in the V / orid . Published at St . Louis , Mc , by Geo . KKANI ; tjoui . ity . Griind Secrcuiry and Kccordcr of the four Grand Bodies of M issouri . The Freemason contains tidings from every quarter of the world , * : id will be found of great advantage to all Masons , especially those diterested in Amerir . an affairs . Terms i ?_ per annum , nnd lo those who subscribe for the London FHKKMASON the price will be Si 50 curr-ncj-. Postage free . Subscriptions received hy the London PRKEMASON .
THE GARDENER'S MAGAZINE . Conducted 1 by SHU . l . l'Y HllllJURD , Ksq ., 1 M .. H . S . _ TIVOCKNCB Weekly ; and in . Monthly Parts , Tcnpeuce . Superbly illustrated . I-uidon : —_ . W . AI . LV-K 11 . Slationevs' Hall Court
THE MASONIC TROWEL . —A Masonic A fournal , published on thc i ^ th of every month , by JL G . KISVNOLDS , Jun ., -priuaficld , Illinois , United States of America . Sixteen pages large , jn . i :-tt ' . Circulation . o . ooo monthly . Terms to be obtained , and Subscriptions received , at THK I ' KEEiiAson OlTica , 2 , 3 , and 4 , Utile J'rilain , and forwarded free of charee .
Masonic Note Paper and Envelopes , For Craft , Mark , Koyal Arch , Eed Cross of Ron . e and Constantine , Hose Croix , Knights Templar , 30 / A Degree . IN DOXES THK . BE SHILLINGS . V . | IO ' __ . AUK AHD KETAIL B . CJEORGE KKNNIXQ'S MASQJfJC PE ? OT . WTTV ? WITAW * VWPOP- .
NOW READY , REFLECTED RAYS OF LIGHT UPON FREEMASONRY : OR , The Freemason ' s Pocket Compendium , With an Emblematical Frontispiece . A Hand-Boole of the Principles of Freemasonry , and Pocket Vade Mecum and Guide to the various Ceremonies connected with Craft Masonry , so far as the same are allowed to be communicable , it . accordance with thc principles of the Order . Price One Shilling , Post-free for Fourteen Stamp Sold by Bro . GEO . KENNING , 2 , 3 & 4 , Little Britain , London , E . C .
BRO . REEVES , SON & Co ., Trade Lithographers , Engravers 5 ^ Die-Sinkers , PLAYHOUSE YARD , BLACKFRIARS , LONDON , E . C . Book of Specimens and Prices forwarded on receipt of 24 stamps
GENTLEMEN'S and BOYS' CLOTHING in all Textures , Fashions , and Prices : OUTFITS , HOSIERY , WATERPROOF-CLOTHING and SHIRTS in Long Cloth , Linen , and Shrank . Flannel ; supplied wholesale or retail by GANN , JONES AND CO ., OUTFITTING MANUFACTURERS , 171 , FENCHURCH-ST .
U RGENTLY WANTED , by a Brother , a position as Clerk , Book-keeper , Collector , or any place ofl ' tuat ; no objection to traveling . Age 35 ycars . _ Can furnish yood testimonials . —Address , C . F . Trauter , 301 , City-road , N .
VAUDEVILLE . —On last Saturday evening , at this fashionable theatre , Mr . James Albery ' s comic twoact drama , named "Tweddie's Rights , " was performed to a crowded house for the first time . It is unquestionably original . John Tweddie ( Bro . David J ames ) is admirably rendered . The
makeup is so good that no one would recognise him . Bro . T . Thorne was excellent as Tim Whiffler , a sporting man , ever anxious to put every body " up to a good thing . " Miss T . Lavis is very good as the Widow Potts . Miss A . Newton as the affectionate Millie , Mr . E . Dyas as Dr . Pritchard , and
Mr . Wyke Moore as the ill-uced nephew , all well sustain their parts . At the end of each act the principal performers had to appear , and after its performance Mr . Albcry had to bow his acknowledgments to the audience . We can pronounce this drama a decided success . It may not , perhaps ,
have a run of 300 nights , like its predecessor , " Two Roses , " but it is sure to be performed for a long time to come , at any rate until the return of Bro . H . Montague from his provincial tour . All who admire Mr . Albery's plays should see this drama , which in no way diminishes his reputation , but , if possible , adds to it . Bro . D . James has
proved himself a consummate actor by the masterly manner he renders the character of John Tweddie , and adds this character to his many triumphs . Mr . Uyron's extravaganza of "Tlie Orange Tree and the Humble Bee , " and Mr . Hay ' s farce of " Bubble and Squeak , " are still on the programme . The wellfilled houses prove how thc public appreciate the efforts made here to please them .
PRINCF . SS ' . — " Shadows , " by Sir C . L . Young , Bart ., was produced at this theatre on last Saturday morning . It is an original play , in four acts , with a prologue . Thc play lasted four hours , so , at the termination , the audience were dismissed . The
" Lottery Ticket" was to have concluded the pro gramme , but was not given on account of the length of time " Shadows " took performing . " Shadows " is a succcss . and likely to remain on the programme for some time to come .
JERUSALEM . —A movement is on foot to send abroad , under American auspices , an expedition for the purpose of making thorough explorations of Jerusalem and thc Holy Land . A committee is already organised in Iowa , U . S ., and is well under way towards carrying out such a plan .
REPORT of Dr . Arthur Hi ' .. Hassall , Analyst of the " Lancet" Sanitary Commission , Author of " pood and its Adulterations , " & c , & c , on Mayar's Semolina : " I have carefully tested , chemically and microscopically , the samples of Semolina sent liy Messrs . L . Mayar & Co ., 36 , Mark Lane , Lomlon , ICC . I find them lo he perfectly genuine , of excellent quality , anil eminently nutritious . They contain a very large percentage of nitro- ,
genotts matter , chiefly gluien , and are far more nutritious than any other food , such as Arrowroot , Tapioca , Sago , Com Flour , Parinaceous Pood , ordinary Wheat Plour , or any of the Cereals in use as food in this country . — ( Signed ) AI'TIIOK MILL HASSALL , M . D ., London . " - - Highly recommended by the Faculty for Infants , Invalids ,, See . Makes delicious Pudding , Custards , ISlanc Mange , & c . After a trial no family will he without Mayar ' s-SsrooUna .