Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Table Of Contents.
„ nRTs MASONIC MEETINGS : — Craft Masonry 257 Royal Arch 25 S Mark Masonry -1 ' ) Red Cross of Constantino 279 Scotland S 59 The Balance Sheet of the Boys' School 2 M Urn . Binckes ' s Letter 282 2 t
Masonic Justice . - Arch . rological Progress , No . VIII 2 S * Calendar of thc Great Priory 28 ' Provincial Funds 2 S 3 CoRRESI'ONnENCE : — tvlasonic Medals and Tokens 283 » Election of P Grand Master 2 S 3 ' Education 283 Masonic Notes and Queries 2 S 3 Consecration of a Red Cross Conclave in Sheffield = 84 2
jsjeM - Masonic Hall in Glasgow . S fhiyston New Public Schools 284 Comp limentary Banquet to a Swansea Brother 285 Roval Masonic Institution for Boys - $ i provincial Grand Lodge of AA ' orccstershire 2 ^ OlIlTUABV : — Bro . AVm . Bulky 286 Masonic Tidings" 2 S 5 Royal Masonic Institution for Girls 285 Lodge Meetings for next week 2 S 7 Advertisements i . ii . iii . iv . v
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Cmft Itatm
METROPOLITAN . LODGE OF UNITED STRENGTH ( No . 22 8 ) . —A meeting of thc members of this lodge was held on Tuesday ( 15 th ult . ) , at thc Old Gate of St . John of Jerusalem , St . John ' s-lanc , Clerkenwell , to consider the question whether a summer festival should be held . Thc AV . M ., Bro . J . AA'hile , presided , and was suppottcd by Past Masters Crump ,
Winsland , Davies , Brothers , Griggs , Halford , Pearcy , I ' atmorc , Sutton , Pcttct , Snell , Tallcrman , and others . Thc lodge unanimously agreed to have the festival , also unanimously agreeing to accept thc W . M . 's proposition that thc festival should be held at Bro . Stone ' s , the Ship Hotel , Sheppcrton , thc day fixed being Tuesday , thc 13 th
inst . Some of the brethren agreed to make up a stage coach party , while others set about organizing other road parties , to suit thc convenience of those for whom thc Thames A ' alley line of thc South Western would not be so readily available . A cordial vote of thanks to the W . M . for summoning thc brethren thus early closed proceedings .
PROVINCIAL . GIBRALTAR . —ST . J ' S LOUOE , ( No . 113 ) . —The installation meeting of this old lodge ( 101 years ) was held un Tuesday evening , June 15 th , at thc lodge rooms , Tuckey ' s . Lane , Bro . F . Ashton , AV . M ,, presiding at thc opening of the lodge . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . Thc W . M . resigned the chair
to Bro . T . J . Haynes , P . M ., who raisetl to the sublime degree of M . M . Bros . Espinosa and A'illalba . Bros . J . J . H . Morgan , P . M ., and J . Holliday , P . M . 325 , I . C , presented to the acting and installing W . M . ( Bro . F . J . Haynes ) , llro . John B . Haynes , S . W ., for installation , the AV . M . being also assisted by P . M . Cavana , and P . M . Franceri , I . M . -J 2 - * , I . C . Thc ceremony of installation having been
very impressively performed , the new W . M . invested Bros . F . Ashton , I . P . M . ; M . Gomez , S . AV . ; A . Gimenez , , | . AA . ; Valarino , Treas . ; Adolfo Gomez , Sec . ; Clavarcsso , S . D . ; Avellano , J , D . ; Cortes , D . C . ; Pau , I . G . ; G . Llamas , Tyler . The lodge was closed at the conclusion of business , and thc brethren adjourned to thc lodge refreshment rooms and partook of an elegant repast , and
nt which the brethren concluded the evening , in a most enjoyable manner , and was closed in peace and harmony . LEICESTER . — J O'G . U ' ST LODOE ( NO . 523 ) . —The annual festival and installation meeting of this distinguished lodge was held al the Freemasons' Hall on St . John's Day , 24 II 1 ult ., when thc well merited esteem in which both the AV . M . anti AV . M . Elect are held by all the brethren in the
province drew together one of thc most influential meetings ever assembled in thc district . In addition to a large muster of officers and brethren of the lodge , there were present—Bros . Kelly , P . P . G . M . ; George Toller , P . M ., l ' . P . O . M . ; AV . Sculthorpe , P . M ., P . P . G . D . ; F . | . Baines , i ' . M ., P . P . G . P . ; A . M . Duff , P . M ., P . P . G . S . D . ; Clement Stretton , P . M ., P . P . G . AV . ; Beaumont Smith , P . M ., Prov .
Grand Treasurer ; Rev . AV . Langley , P . M ., P . P . G . AV . ; | . M . McAllister , P . G . S . D . ; A . Palmer , P . M ., P . P . G . A . P . ; Dr . Clifton , P . M ., P . P . G . P . ; W . AVcare , P . M ., P . P . G . S . D . ; AV . M . Smith , P . P . S . B . ; R . A . Barber , AY . VV . 1391 , P . G . P . ; C E . Stretton , P . G . A . P . ; G . AV . Statham , P . G . Steward ; E . Mason , S . AV . 13-11 ; J . Farmer , -29 , U . S . A . ; C . S . Preston , J . W . 50 , P . G . S . B . ; T . Mason " , S . D . 50 ; T . White ,
776 , Ireland ; A . Chamberlain , S . D . 1591 ; R . B . Smith , I' . P . G . A . D . C . ; J . Ewcn , Sec , 1391 ; II . D . Palmer , P . M , 1322 ; G . A . Lohr , P . P . G . O ., Dr . Hunt , Dr . McCormack . S . Tebbutt , J . D . 279 , tec ., ccc . Thc lodge was opened in due form , and after thc usual business was disposed of , Brother ] . T . Thorp , S . W ., and W . M .-Elect , was presented by Brother F . J . Baines , P . M ., to Brother Partridge , W . M .,
' ° r installation . That very interesting aud important ceremony was performed by the brother in question in a manner which excited thc admiration ol every one present , and way be justly described as simply perfect . Thc newly-installed AV . M ., Brother J . T . Thorp , invested the following brethren as oflicers for the ensuing year : —Bros . AA * . T .
Rowlett , S . W . ; T . A . Wykes , J . AV . ; Rev . II . E . Von Slurn ' cr , Chaplain ; AV . B . Smith , P . M ., Treasurer ; Richard Taylor , Secretary ; W . C . Strout , S . D . ; G . Odell , J . D . ; C . Johnson , P . M ., Organist ; J . Voting , I . G . ; A . Sargeant ' l J * d J . F . Smith , Stewards ; C . Bembridge and T . Dunn , I ) 'lers . A most interesting feature in the evening's pro-
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
ceedings was the presentation of a P . M's . jewel , bearing a suitable inscription , to the retiring W . M ., Brother Partridge . Brother Kelly , F . R . H . S ., the Past Provincial Grand Master , in presenting this token of esteem , and in moving a heartily deserved vote of thanks , complimented Brother Partridge in thc highest terms on the able manner in which he had conducted thc business of the lodge during his year
of office , which had been marked by such a measure of success and prosperity as to fairly cam for him a lasting reputation , and whose rule over thc lodge certainly could never be excelled . Brother Kelly also gracefully alluded to his invaluable services as Prov . Grand Secretary . The resolution was ably seconded by Brother Toller , Past Prov . G . S . W ., and carried with enthusiastic approbation .
Bro . Partridge , in acknowledging this mark of respect , saitl he accepted it with feelings of more than ordinary pride and pleasure , from the fact that it was an unusual event in thc history of the lodge , only two similar presentations having taken place , and while holding it in high estimation as an evidence of their brotherly love ami esteem , it would serve as an incentive to encourage his
attendance amongst them so long as health and strength permitted . Other unimportant matters , and expressions of hearty good wishes from the visiting brethren , terminated the business of the lodge , and thc brethren adjourned to the banquet . Entering upon the pleasures of this " Fourth Degree , " upwards of sixty brethren sat down to enjoy the many tempting and varied delicacies , in and out of
season , which the indefatigable Stewards , Bros . Sargeant and Smith , Tiad amply provided . Bro . Charlesworth , from his extensive conservatories , gorgeously decorated the tables with rare and choice plants and flowers , and , in addition , furnished a goodly supply of strawberry plants in pots , heavily laden with fruit , which were duly appreciated . Thc AV . M ., in a scries of excellent speeches ,
indicative of great ability , submitted thc usual loyal anil Masonic toasts , which were enthusiastically responded to on the part of the brethren . Bro . Major Palmer , P . M ., 1329 , in acknowledging thc toast of the " Visitors , " paid a high compliment to thc officers of thc lodge for their first-class working , the appointments and decoration of thc hall , thc excellent arrangements for thc comfort and
enjoyment of all present , and the fraternal welcome accorded , and kind hospitality extended to the visitors . During thc evening , thc musical talent of thc lodge exhibited a proficiency and excellence in the performance of vocal anti instrumental music scarcely to be equalled in the province . The brethren who so ably and agreeably contributed to the harmony and enjoyment of the evening
were Bro . Rowlett , P . P . G . O ., solo-oboe and pianist ; Bro . T . A . Wykes , P . G . O ., solo-bassoon and organist ; Bros . Tebbutt , A . Palmer , P . M ., H . Atkins , and others . The Tyler ' s toast and parting song terminated a meeting which was distinguished by thc observance of those truly Masonic sentiments so happily expressed by His Royal Highness thc Grand Master as " Loyalty and
Charity . " LIVERPOOL . —DOWNSIIIIII- LODGE ( NO . 394 ) . —The annual installation day of the " Old Downshire , " as it is familiarly called , which took place on Thursday , the 24 th June , was perhaps one of the most pleasant ever yet experienced in connection with the annual ceremonial , and gives good promise of a highly successful year in
connection with this favourite lodge . Installation , presentations , and banquet were each parts of the day's proceedings , each of thc leading features being greatly enjoyed by the brethren present . The summons specified half-past ten o ' clock as the hour for commencing business at the Masonic Hall , Hope-street , Liverpool , and shortly after that hour thc lodge was opened in due form by Brother Henry
Hunt , W . M ., who was supported by a strong array of officers , members , and visitors . The officers and members of 594 present were—Bros . VV . D . Rowse , P . M . ; S . E . Ibbs , P . P . G . S . B ., P . M ., D . C . ; F . Sergeant , P . M . ; F . Dilcock , S . W . ; R . D . France , J . W . ; R . Ing , P . M ., Treasurer ; ) . L . Haughton , Secretary ; J . Lccombcr , S . D . ; | . II . Martin , J . D . ; T . Boswell , I . G . ; J . Whitfield , S . ;
VV . G . Veale , Organist ; P . M . Larsen , P . M ., Tyler ; W . L . Moss , C . A'ongcr , S . P . Pcttcrson , B . II . Mcnzics , G . II . Thomas , | . Milner , J . G . Hartley , AV . Jones , A . Rankin . R . J . Wilkinson , J . AVhite , G . Maxwell , S . Price , L . bV Goodman , 1 . DeFrcce , J . 1 lanes , R . Williams , R . Maddox , P . Stephenson , and H . A . Stewart . The list of visitors included thc names of Brothers T . Wylie , P . P . G .
Reg . ; W . Doyle , P . J . G . D . ; II . Nelson , P . M . 6 7 * , AV . M , 1505 ; J * . T . Callow , P . M . 6 73 , S . AV . 1305 ; J . W . Baker , P . M . 241 ; J . Hocken , P . M . 673 , Treasurer , 1305 ; M . Hart , Secretary , 1502 ; J . Edginton , W . M . 1182 ; J . Jones , P . M . 594 , 1 393 ; | . Pemberton , P . M . 1276 ; E . O . " ltothwell , W . M . ' 135 6 ; H . Hulme , 6 73 : T . Whitfield , 203 ; AV , F . Homer , in , S . C ; AV . P . Jennings , 249 ; J . O . Rca ,
11 S 2 ; and B . Russell , 1393 . Thc ceremony of installation was very effectively performed by Brother J . W . Baker , P . M . 241 , who placed Brother Thomas Dilcock in thc chair of AV . M . for the ensuing year , having been clectctl to that oflicc by thc unanimous vote of thc brethren . The following excellent staff of officers was subsequently invested by thc newly-chaired W . M . ;—
Brothers S . E . Ibbs , P . M ., D . C ; 11 . Hunt , I . P . M . ; R . P . France , S . W . ; J . Lccombcr , J . AV . ; R . Ing , P . M ., Treasurer ( re-elected ); J . L . Houghton , Secretary ; Josiah II . Martin , S . D . ; T . Boswell , | . D . ; G . W . Veale , Org . ; J . AVhitficId , I . G . ; J . P . A . ' / ,. Pcderseii , S . S . ; Gilbert Maxwell , J . S . ; and P . Larsen , Tyler ( rc-ckclcd ) , At the close of the installation ceremony , there were four
propositions ior initiation , and one for joining . Bro . F . Sargent , P . M ., tendered his resignation in the lodge , which was accepted . Ou the motion of Bro . S . E . Ibbs , seconded by Bro . Ing , it was unanimously resolved to increase thc initiation and joining fees of the lodge . Thc accounts were passed on thc motion of Bro . France , S . AV * . The S . W . also moved , and Bro . Hunt , I . P . M ., seconded , a vote of thanks to tlie Installing Master , which was carried by
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
acclamation . A similar compliment was paid to Bro . R . Ing for his services as Treasurer , and to Bro . W . G . Veale , as Organist , on the motion of Bro . Ibbs , seconded by Bro . I . DeFrece . The votes were suitably acknowledged by Bros . Ing and Veale . Bro . R . Ing , P . M ., Treasurer , then rose and said , I have a very pleasing duty to perform , brethren , which , though last on the list , is certainly not
thc least . You arc all well aware of the very able manner in which Bro . Ibbs has performed the several duties allotted to him during his term of connection with the lodge , working with great credit to himself anil with much honour to the Downshire Lodge . On behalf of several of the brethren , who admire and value his Masonic worth and services , I have much pleasure in presenting
him with this token of esteem in recognition of his valuable services to this lodge . The presentation consisted of a very splendid drawing-room timepiece , elegant and original in its tlesign , ami magnificently furnished . A silver plate in front , bore the following inscription : — " Presented to Bro . S . E . Ibbs , P . M . of the Downshire Lodge of FreemasonSjNo . 394 , by brethren of the lodge who
wish to mark their appreciation of valued services in the many important offices , most efficiently by him during his membership , extending over many years . June 24 th , 1875 . " Bro . Ibbs than said—I can hardly find words to express my thanks for this very handsome present which Bro . Ing has just given me in your name . I ditl not know of it until a few days ago , and then I was surprised
to hear of it . Believe me that any little service I have rendered this lodge has been a labour of love , and I hope to work in the futuie for its interests with as much heartiness as in thc past , so as to make thc " Downshire , " hold its proper place in thc Province of AVest Lancashire . ( Applause ) . The lodge was then closed in due form by Bro . T . Dilcock , VV . M ., and after partaking of luncheon , the
brethren started at 2-20 p . m . for the Palace Hotel , Birkdale , the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Co . again showing their extreme liberality in thc fares by conceding nothing . About 100 brethren sat down to a sumptuous banquet provided in splendid style by Bro . Cooke , thc manager . The W . M ., ( Bro . Dilcock ) gave in brief but pithy terms the leasts of " The Queen , " " Bro . Albert Edward Prince
of Wales , M . W . G . M ., the Princess of Wales , and thc rest of the Royal Family , " and " The Right Hon . the Earl of Carnarvon , M . W . Pro Grand Master , " the last toast being responded to by Bro . J . Wylie , P . P . G . Reg . W . L ., who referred to the valuable services his lordship had rendered to thc cause of Masonry . Bro . Wybe also congratulated the members of thc Downshire Lodge on having secured
so able and popular a brother as thc W . M . to preside over them . Thc " Downshire" was an old and respectable lodge , respectable not only in its numbers , but in its position , and he desired it should have long and continued success . The W . M . next gave "The Right Hon . Lord Skelmersdale , R . W . D . G . M ., R . W . Prov . G . M . ; the Hon . Fred . A . Stanley , M . P ., W . D . P . G . M . and
thc officers of the P . G . Lodge , coupled with the name of Bro . Ibbs , P . P . G . S . B ., who referred to the popularity of all who held office in conncctionwith the Provincial GrandLodge of West Lancashire . Bro . H . Hunt , I . P . M ., proposed the toast of " Thc Worshipful Master , " which was received very heartily . The W . M ., in reply , thanked the brethren for the manner in which the toast had been received , and
hoped that his year's services in thc chair would justify the confidence they had reposed in him . The best of his skill and ability would be to keep his mother lodge not only in its present position but to place in one of the first in the province . The W . M . then proposed " Thc Installing Master , " and subsequently " The Past Masters ' , " presenting Bro . Hunt , I . P . M ., with a handsome P . M . 's jewel in
token of thc respect and esteem of the brethren . Bro . Hunt acknowledged the compliment , and the toast was also acknowledged by Bro . P . M . 's Ibbs and Ing . " The Officers ot the Lodge" was acknowledged by the S . W . " The West Lancashire Masonic Educational Institution" by Bro . Wylie ; " The Visiting Brethren , " by Bro . Pemberton ,
P . M . 1276 ; and Bro . Edgmton . W . M . 1182 ; "The Host " by Bro . Clarke ; anti the proceedings were brought to a close with thc Tyler ' s toast . Several excellent songs were sung during the afternoon by Bros . M . Hart , Veale , Wylie , Ibbs , Edginton , and others . The brethren returned to town about 9 o ' clock , after spending a most enjoyable
afternoon . RUNCORN . —E 1 . 1 . ESMEHB LODI .-E , ( No . 758 ) . —The regular meeting of this now flourishing lodge was held in thc Freemasons' Hall , Runcorn , on Wednesday , June 16 th . The officers present were Bros . Robert Rigby , W . M . ; Edward Aston , S . AA' . ; James Warburton , J . AV . ; AVilliam Garnett , S . D . , Charles Gerrard , J . D . ; Thomas I lorsfall , Sec . ; J . W .
Lightburn , Organist ; AVilliam Wass , I . G . ; Geo . Purver , Tyler . The lodge was opened in due form , with solemn prayer , at 6- 30 , and the minutes of the previous lotlge were read and confirmed ; thc lodge was then opened in the Second Degree . Bros . John Longshaw Jones , and Thomas Gregson , candidates for the Third Degree , were then called upon to show their proficiency in thc former degrees , and having satisfied
thc brethren , they were entrusted anti retired ; t ! . e ledge was then opened in the Third Degree , when Bros . J . L . Jones and T . Gregson were admitted and raised to thc sublime degree of Master Mason , in a very creditable and effective manner , by Bro . Robert Rigby , AA . M . A gentleman was proposed by Iiro . Edward Aston , S . A \ ., for initiation . Other important business being done , thc Iodize was closed at 8 . 15 .
AVEST HARTLEPOOL . —THE HAHIIOUII OF REIIH . E LODOE ( NO . 7 64 ) . —On Tuesday afternoon , the 22 nd ult ., the installation of the W . M . of this lodge look place at West Hartlepool . The ceremony was impressively performed , in thc presence of a full lodge , by Brother AV . AV . Brnnton , P . M ., P . P . G . R . ; the AV . M . elect being Bro . C . T . Cascbournc . The following is a list of the brethren who were afterwards invested with office : Bro . Tate , S . W . ; Bro . Fisher , J . W . ; Bro . Tweedy ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Table Of Contents.
„ nRTs MASONIC MEETINGS : — Craft Masonry 257 Royal Arch 25 S Mark Masonry -1 ' ) Red Cross of Constantino 279 Scotland S 59 The Balance Sheet of the Boys' School 2 M Urn . Binckes ' s Letter 282 2 t
Masonic Justice . - Arch . rological Progress , No . VIII 2 S * Calendar of thc Great Priory 28 ' Provincial Funds 2 S 3 CoRRESI'ONnENCE : — tvlasonic Medals and Tokens 283 » Election of P Grand Master 2 S 3 ' Education 283 Masonic Notes and Queries 2 S 3 Consecration of a Red Cross Conclave in Sheffield = 84 2
jsjeM - Masonic Hall in Glasgow . S fhiyston New Public Schools 284 Comp limentary Banquet to a Swansea Brother 285 Roval Masonic Institution for Boys - $ i provincial Grand Lodge of AA ' orccstershire 2 ^ OlIlTUABV : — Bro . AVm . Bulky 286 Masonic Tidings" 2 S 5 Royal Masonic Institution for Girls 285 Lodge Meetings for next week 2 S 7 Advertisements i . ii . iii . iv . v
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Cmft Itatm
METROPOLITAN . LODGE OF UNITED STRENGTH ( No . 22 8 ) . —A meeting of thc members of this lodge was held on Tuesday ( 15 th ult . ) , at thc Old Gate of St . John of Jerusalem , St . John ' s-lanc , Clerkenwell , to consider the question whether a summer festival should be held . Thc AV . M ., Bro . J . AA'hile , presided , and was suppottcd by Past Masters Crump ,
Winsland , Davies , Brothers , Griggs , Halford , Pearcy , I ' atmorc , Sutton , Pcttct , Snell , Tallcrman , and others . Thc lodge unanimously agreed to have the festival , also unanimously agreeing to accept thc W . M . 's proposition that thc festival should be held at Bro . Stone ' s , the Ship Hotel , Sheppcrton , thc day fixed being Tuesday , thc 13 th
inst . Some of the brethren agreed to make up a stage coach party , while others set about organizing other road parties , to suit thc convenience of those for whom thc Thames A ' alley line of thc South Western would not be so readily available . A cordial vote of thanks to the W . M . for summoning thc brethren thus early closed proceedings .
PROVINCIAL . GIBRALTAR . —ST . J ' S LOUOE , ( No . 113 ) . —The installation meeting of this old lodge ( 101 years ) was held un Tuesday evening , June 15 th , at thc lodge rooms , Tuckey ' s . Lane , Bro . F . Ashton , AV . M ,, presiding at thc opening of the lodge . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . Thc W . M . resigned the chair
to Bro . T . J . Haynes , P . M ., who raisetl to the sublime degree of M . M . Bros . Espinosa and A'illalba . Bros . J . J . H . Morgan , P . M ., and J . Holliday , P . M . 325 , I . C , presented to the acting and installing W . M . ( Bro . F . J . Haynes ) , llro . John B . Haynes , S . W ., for installation , the AV . M . being also assisted by P . M . Cavana , and P . M . Franceri , I . M . -J 2 - * , I . C . Thc ceremony of installation having been
very impressively performed , the new W . M . invested Bros . F . Ashton , I . P . M . ; M . Gomez , S . AV . ; A . Gimenez , , | . AA . ; Valarino , Treas . ; Adolfo Gomez , Sec . ; Clavarcsso , S . D . ; Avellano , J , D . ; Cortes , D . C . ; Pau , I . G . ; G . Llamas , Tyler . The lodge was closed at the conclusion of business , and thc brethren adjourned to thc lodge refreshment rooms and partook of an elegant repast , and
nt which the brethren concluded the evening , in a most enjoyable manner , and was closed in peace and harmony . LEICESTER . — J O'G . U ' ST LODOE ( NO . 523 ) . —The annual festival and installation meeting of this distinguished lodge was held al the Freemasons' Hall on St . John's Day , 24 II 1 ult ., when thc well merited esteem in which both the AV . M . anti AV . M . Elect are held by all the brethren in the
province drew together one of thc most influential meetings ever assembled in thc district . In addition to a large muster of officers and brethren of the lodge , there were present—Bros . Kelly , P . P . G . M . ; George Toller , P . M ., l ' . P . O . M . ; AV . Sculthorpe , P . M ., P . P . G . D . ; F . | . Baines , i ' . M ., P . P . G . P . ; A . M . Duff , P . M ., P . P . G . S . D . ; Clement Stretton , P . M ., P . P . G . AV . ; Beaumont Smith , P . M ., Prov .
Grand Treasurer ; Rev . AV . Langley , P . M ., P . P . G . AV . ; | . M . McAllister , P . G . S . D . ; A . Palmer , P . M ., P . P . G . A . P . ; Dr . Clifton , P . M ., P . P . G . P . ; W . AVcare , P . M ., P . P . G . S . D . ; AV . M . Smith , P . P . S . B . ; R . A . Barber , AY . VV . 1391 , P . G . P . ; C E . Stretton , P . G . A . P . ; G . AV . Statham , P . G . Steward ; E . Mason , S . AV . 13-11 ; J . Farmer , -29 , U . S . A . ; C . S . Preston , J . W . 50 , P . G . S . B . ; T . Mason " , S . D . 50 ; T . White ,
776 , Ireland ; A . Chamberlain , S . D . 1591 ; R . B . Smith , I' . P . G . A . D . C . ; J . Ewcn , Sec , 1391 ; II . D . Palmer , P . M , 1322 ; G . A . Lohr , P . P . G . O ., Dr . Hunt , Dr . McCormack . S . Tebbutt , J . D . 279 , tec ., ccc . Thc lodge was opened in due form , and after thc usual business was disposed of , Brother ] . T . Thorp , S . W ., and W . M .-Elect , was presented by Brother F . J . Baines , P . M ., to Brother Partridge , W . M .,
' ° r installation . That very interesting aud important ceremony was performed by the brother in question in a manner which excited thc admiration ol every one present , and way be justly described as simply perfect . Thc newly-installed AV . M ., Brother J . T . Thorp , invested the following brethren as oflicers for the ensuing year : —Bros . AA * . T .
Rowlett , S . W . ; T . A . Wykes , J . AV . ; Rev . II . E . Von Slurn ' cr , Chaplain ; AV . B . Smith , P . M ., Treasurer ; Richard Taylor , Secretary ; W . C . Strout , S . D . ; G . Odell , J . D . ; C . Johnson , P . M ., Organist ; J . Voting , I . G . ; A . Sargeant ' l J * d J . F . Smith , Stewards ; C . Bembridge and T . Dunn , I ) 'lers . A most interesting feature in the evening's pro-
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
ceedings was the presentation of a P . M's . jewel , bearing a suitable inscription , to the retiring W . M ., Brother Partridge . Brother Kelly , F . R . H . S ., the Past Provincial Grand Master , in presenting this token of esteem , and in moving a heartily deserved vote of thanks , complimented Brother Partridge in thc highest terms on the able manner in which he had conducted thc business of the lodge during his year
of office , which had been marked by such a measure of success and prosperity as to fairly cam for him a lasting reputation , and whose rule over thc lodge certainly could never be excelled . Brother Kelly also gracefully alluded to his invaluable services as Prov . Grand Secretary . The resolution was ably seconded by Brother Toller , Past Prov . G . S . W ., and carried with enthusiastic approbation .
Bro . Partridge , in acknowledging this mark of respect , saitl he accepted it with feelings of more than ordinary pride and pleasure , from the fact that it was an unusual event in thc history of the lodge , only two similar presentations having taken place , and while holding it in high estimation as an evidence of their brotherly love ami esteem , it would serve as an incentive to encourage his
attendance amongst them so long as health and strength permitted . Other unimportant matters , and expressions of hearty good wishes from the visiting brethren , terminated the business of the lodge , and thc brethren adjourned to the banquet . Entering upon the pleasures of this " Fourth Degree , " upwards of sixty brethren sat down to enjoy the many tempting and varied delicacies , in and out of
season , which the indefatigable Stewards , Bros . Sargeant and Smith , Tiad amply provided . Bro . Charlesworth , from his extensive conservatories , gorgeously decorated the tables with rare and choice plants and flowers , and , in addition , furnished a goodly supply of strawberry plants in pots , heavily laden with fruit , which were duly appreciated . Thc AV . M ., in a scries of excellent speeches ,
indicative of great ability , submitted thc usual loyal anil Masonic toasts , which were enthusiastically responded to on the part of the brethren . Bro . Major Palmer , P . M ., 1329 , in acknowledging thc toast of the " Visitors , " paid a high compliment to thc officers of thc lodge for their first-class working , the appointments and decoration of thc hall , thc excellent arrangements for thc comfort and
enjoyment of all present , and the fraternal welcome accorded , and kind hospitality extended to the visitors . During thc evening , thc musical talent of thc lodge exhibited a proficiency and excellence in the performance of vocal anti instrumental music scarcely to be equalled in the province . The brethren who so ably and agreeably contributed to the harmony and enjoyment of the evening
were Bro . Rowlett , P . P . G . O ., solo-oboe and pianist ; Bro . T . A . Wykes , P . G . O ., solo-bassoon and organist ; Bros . Tebbutt , A . Palmer , P . M ., H . Atkins , and others . The Tyler ' s toast and parting song terminated a meeting which was distinguished by thc observance of those truly Masonic sentiments so happily expressed by His Royal Highness thc Grand Master as " Loyalty and
Charity . " LIVERPOOL . —DOWNSIIIIII- LODGE ( NO . 394 ) . —The annual installation day of the " Old Downshire , " as it is familiarly called , which took place on Thursday , the 24 th June , was perhaps one of the most pleasant ever yet experienced in connection with the annual ceremonial , and gives good promise of a highly successful year in
connection with this favourite lodge . Installation , presentations , and banquet were each parts of the day's proceedings , each of thc leading features being greatly enjoyed by the brethren present . The summons specified half-past ten o ' clock as the hour for commencing business at the Masonic Hall , Hope-street , Liverpool , and shortly after that hour thc lodge was opened in due form by Brother Henry
Hunt , W . M ., who was supported by a strong array of officers , members , and visitors . The officers and members of 594 present were—Bros . VV . D . Rowse , P . M . ; S . E . Ibbs , P . P . G . S . B ., P . M ., D . C . ; F . Sergeant , P . M . ; F . Dilcock , S . W . ; R . D . France , J . W . ; R . Ing , P . M ., Treasurer ; ) . L . Haughton , Secretary ; J . Lccombcr , S . D . ; | . II . Martin , J . D . ; T . Boswell , I . G . ; J . Whitfield , S . ;
VV . G . Veale , Organist ; P . M . Larsen , P . M ., Tyler ; W . L . Moss , C . A'ongcr , S . P . Pcttcrson , B . II . Mcnzics , G . II . Thomas , | . Milner , J . G . Hartley , AV . Jones , A . Rankin . R . J . Wilkinson , J . AVhite , G . Maxwell , S . Price , L . bV Goodman , 1 . DeFrcce , J . 1 lanes , R . Williams , R . Maddox , P . Stephenson , and H . A . Stewart . The list of visitors included thc names of Brothers T . Wylie , P . P . G .
Reg . ; W . Doyle , P . J . G . D . ; II . Nelson , P . M . 6 7 * , AV . M , 1505 ; J * . T . Callow , P . M . 6 73 , S . AV . 1305 ; J . W . Baker , P . M . 241 ; J . Hocken , P . M . 673 , Treasurer , 1305 ; M . Hart , Secretary , 1502 ; J . Edginton , W . M . 1182 ; J . Jones , P . M . 594 , 1 393 ; | . Pemberton , P . M . 1276 ; E . O . " ltothwell , W . M . ' 135 6 ; H . Hulme , 6 73 : T . Whitfield , 203 ; AV , F . Homer , in , S . C ; AV . P . Jennings , 249 ; J . O . Rca ,
11 S 2 ; and B . Russell , 1393 . Thc ceremony of installation was very effectively performed by Brother J . W . Baker , P . M . 241 , who placed Brother Thomas Dilcock in thc chair of AV . M . for the ensuing year , having been clectctl to that oflicc by thc unanimous vote of thc brethren . The following excellent staff of officers was subsequently invested by thc newly-chaired W . M . ;—
Brothers S . E . Ibbs , P . M ., D . C ; 11 . Hunt , I . P . M . ; R . P . France , S . W . ; J . Lccombcr , J . AV . ; R . Ing , P . M ., Treasurer ( re-elected ); J . L . Houghton , Secretary ; Josiah II . Martin , S . D . ; T . Boswell , | . D . ; G . W . Veale , Org . ; J . AVhitficId , I . G . ; J . P . A . ' / ,. Pcderseii , S . S . ; Gilbert Maxwell , J . S . ; and P . Larsen , Tyler ( rc-ckclcd ) , At the close of the installation ceremony , there were four
propositions ior initiation , and one for joining . Bro . F . Sargent , P . M ., tendered his resignation in the lodge , which was accepted . Ou the motion of Bro . S . E . Ibbs , seconded by Bro . Ing , it was unanimously resolved to increase thc initiation and joining fees of the lodge . Thc accounts were passed on thc motion of Bro . France , S . AV * . The S . W . also moved , and Bro . Hunt , I . P . M ., seconded , a vote of thanks to tlie Installing Master , which was carried by
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
acclamation . A similar compliment was paid to Bro . R . Ing for his services as Treasurer , and to Bro . W . G . Veale , as Organist , on the motion of Bro . Ibbs , seconded by Bro . I . DeFrece . The votes were suitably acknowledged by Bros . Ing and Veale . Bro . R . Ing , P . M ., Treasurer , then rose and said , I have a very pleasing duty to perform , brethren , which , though last on the list , is certainly not
thc least . You arc all well aware of the very able manner in which Bro . Ibbs has performed the several duties allotted to him during his term of connection with the lodge , working with great credit to himself anil with much honour to the Downshire Lodge . On behalf of several of the brethren , who admire and value his Masonic worth and services , I have much pleasure in presenting
him with this token of esteem in recognition of his valuable services to this lodge . The presentation consisted of a very splendid drawing-room timepiece , elegant and original in its tlesign , ami magnificently furnished . A silver plate in front , bore the following inscription : — " Presented to Bro . S . E . Ibbs , P . M . of the Downshire Lodge of FreemasonSjNo . 394 , by brethren of the lodge who
wish to mark their appreciation of valued services in the many important offices , most efficiently by him during his membership , extending over many years . June 24 th , 1875 . " Bro . Ibbs than said—I can hardly find words to express my thanks for this very handsome present which Bro . Ing has just given me in your name . I ditl not know of it until a few days ago , and then I was surprised
to hear of it . Believe me that any little service I have rendered this lodge has been a labour of love , and I hope to work in the futuie for its interests with as much heartiness as in thc past , so as to make thc " Downshire , " hold its proper place in thc Province of AVest Lancashire . ( Applause ) . The lodge was then closed in due form by Bro . T . Dilcock , VV . M ., and after partaking of luncheon , the
brethren started at 2-20 p . m . for the Palace Hotel , Birkdale , the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Co . again showing their extreme liberality in thc fares by conceding nothing . About 100 brethren sat down to a sumptuous banquet provided in splendid style by Bro . Cooke , thc manager . The W . M ., ( Bro . Dilcock ) gave in brief but pithy terms the leasts of " The Queen , " " Bro . Albert Edward Prince
of Wales , M . W . G . M ., the Princess of Wales , and thc rest of the Royal Family , " and " The Right Hon . the Earl of Carnarvon , M . W . Pro Grand Master , " the last toast being responded to by Bro . J . Wylie , P . P . G . Reg . W . L ., who referred to the valuable services his lordship had rendered to thc cause of Masonry . Bro . Wybe also congratulated the members of thc Downshire Lodge on having secured
so able and popular a brother as thc W . M . to preside over them . Thc " Downshire" was an old and respectable lodge , respectable not only in its numbers , but in its position , and he desired it should have long and continued success . The W . M . next gave "The Right Hon . Lord Skelmersdale , R . W . D . G . M ., R . W . Prov . G . M . ; the Hon . Fred . A . Stanley , M . P ., W . D . P . G . M . and
thc officers of the P . G . Lodge , coupled with the name of Bro . Ibbs , P . P . G . S . B ., who referred to the popularity of all who held office in conncctionwith the Provincial GrandLodge of West Lancashire . Bro . H . Hunt , I . P . M ., proposed the toast of " Thc Worshipful Master , " which was received very heartily . The W . M ., in reply , thanked the brethren for the manner in which the toast had been received , and
hoped that his year's services in thc chair would justify the confidence they had reposed in him . The best of his skill and ability would be to keep his mother lodge not only in its present position but to place in one of the first in the province . The W . M . then proposed " Thc Installing Master , " and subsequently " The Past Masters ' , " presenting Bro . Hunt , I . P . M ., with a handsome P . M . 's jewel in
token of thc respect and esteem of the brethren . Bro . Hunt acknowledged the compliment , and the toast was also acknowledged by Bro . P . M . 's Ibbs and Ing . " The Officers ot the Lodge" was acknowledged by the S . W . " The West Lancashire Masonic Educational Institution" by Bro . Wylie ; " The Visiting Brethren , " by Bro . Pemberton ,
P . M . 1276 ; and Bro . Edgmton . W . M . 1182 ; "The Host " by Bro . Clarke ; anti the proceedings were brought to a close with thc Tyler ' s toast . Several excellent songs were sung during the afternoon by Bros . M . Hart , Veale , Wylie , Ibbs , Edginton , and others . The brethren returned to town about 9 o ' clock , after spending a most enjoyable
afternoon . RUNCORN . —E 1 . 1 . ESMEHB LODI .-E , ( No . 758 ) . —The regular meeting of this now flourishing lodge was held in thc Freemasons' Hall , Runcorn , on Wednesday , June 16 th . The officers present were Bros . Robert Rigby , W . M . ; Edward Aston , S . AA' . ; James Warburton , J . AV . ; AVilliam Garnett , S . D . , Charles Gerrard , J . D . ; Thomas I lorsfall , Sec . ; J . W .
Lightburn , Organist ; AVilliam Wass , I . G . ; Geo . Purver , Tyler . The lodge was opened in due form , with solemn prayer , at 6- 30 , and the minutes of the previous lotlge were read and confirmed ; thc lodge was then opened in the Second Degree . Bros . John Longshaw Jones , and Thomas Gregson , candidates for the Third Degree , were then called upon to show their proficiency in thc former degrees , and having satisfied
thc brethren , they were entrusted anti retired ; t ! . e ledge was then opened in the Third Degree , when Bros . J . L . Jones and T . Gregson were admitted and raised to thc sublime degree of Master Mason , in a very creditable and effective manner , by Bro . Robert Rigby , AA . M . A gentleman was proposed by Iiro . Edward Aston , S . A \ ., for initiation . Other important business being done , thc Iodize was closed at 8 . 15 .
AVEST HARTLEPOOL . —THE HAHIIOUII OF REIIH . E LODOE ( NO . 7 64 ) . —On Tuesday afternoon , the 22 nd ult ., the installation of the W . M . of this lodge look place at West Hartlepool . The ceremony was impressively performed , in thc presence of a full lodge , by Brother AV . AV . Brnnton , P . M ., P . P . G . R . ; the AV . M . elect being Bro . C . T . Cascbournc . The following is a list of the brethren who were afterwards invested with office : Bro . Tate , S . W . ; Bro . Fisher , J . W . ; Bro . Tweedy ,