Article CONTENTS. Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 1 of 1 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 1 of 1 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 1 of 1 Article Craft Masonry. Page 1 of 2 →
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R EPORTS or MASONIC M EETINGS : — Craft Masonry , 37 ! ¦ Royal Arch 3 V 5 Complimentary Dinner to Distinguished American Freemasons 3 JS Thc Grand Lodge of Scotland 3 $ * Consecration of the West "Sniithlicld Mark Lodire 3 Sl
Consccra'ion of the Equality Chapter , No . 1145 3 ° Dramatic and Musical Notes 5- - * Notes cm Art , & c 3 *" r Our American Guests , 3 A Corrertiou 3 S 2 Gennanic Lovaltv 383 A Life S-rvicc .... ' 3 Sz Barhing Pl-ices 3 R J CoRRESi'oNDF . NCR : —
The Rite of Swedenborg 383 Original Research 3 $ 3 Masonic Notes and Queries 3 3 ProvineUl Grand Lodge of Hertford 383 The American M isonic Pilgrims 3 * > 4 Supreme Grand Chapter 38 " Grand Lodge of Greece 585
Masonic Hall at Bangalore : 385 Matomc Ball at Bangalore 3 ** 5 Bro . George Kenning ' s Annual Excursion 3 S 0 Freemasonry in Australia 3 ** -6 IMark Masonry in Australia 3 > * 7 Masonic and General Tidings 31 * / Lodge Meetings for Next Week 3 S 7 Advertisements i ., ii ., iii ., iv ., 383
REPORTS , etc ., intended for insertion in current number , should reach the Office , ( 198 , Fleet-street ) , by 12 o ' clock noon , on 'Wednesdays .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Craft BlRsmttij .
MANCHESTER . —Strangeways Lodge ( No . 1219 ) . —Saturday list was a gala day , with a number of the members of ihis lodge , and their wives and sweethearts , on the occasion of the picnic , which was originated , canied out , and brought to a successful termination through the excellent arrangements of Bro . Brandon , W . M ., and Bro . Past Master Schofield , assisted b y Bro .
Leech , S . W . The patty left the Empire Hotel , Strangeways , shortly after ten o'clock by buss , drawn by four splendid bays , to Knutsford . The first halting place was Cheadle , ten minutes being alloivcd , and before leaving the whole of the party were photographed by a Leal artist . The bugle sounding the advance , the party again started on the journey , passing some very eltlightfuly scenery .
After driving a few miles , Bro . Brandon , ever thoughtful for the comfort of the paity , ordered a halt , and improvised an al fresco luncheon by the roadside , in which he was most ably assisted by his estimable wife . This pirt of the daj ' s proceedings appeared to be enjoyed b y all , coming , as it did , so une . x ; cctedly . Time being up , the parly continued the journey through Withenshavv and
Bowden for Knutsford , arriving there about two o'clock . Dinner was shortly announced , the ladies anel gentlemen setting down to a most recherche repast , the tables being profusely laid wilh all the delicacies of the season . On the removal of the cloth , the toast of " The Queen , " and "The Grand Master of England , H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , " both of which were received most loyally . Bro .
Schofield , P . M ., then desired the company to " charge , " and in a neat and complimentary manner gave the toast of "The W . M . of Strangeways Lodge , " the reception of which was such as to convince the W . M . of the high estimation he is held by the members . In responding , Bro . Brandon thanked all present for the expression of good will towards him , and hoped ere long he should
have the pleasure of meeting the company at a similar gathering . Bro . Ntedhani , I . P . M ., in proposing the next toast , speike of the pleasure it was that on occasions like the present , they could have the company of the ladies , and called on the brethren to drink their health in a bumper . The name of Bro . Leech , S . W ., was coupled with this toast , who responded in a witty speech , paying
the most graceiul tributes to the endearing influence of the fair sex . Tatton Park was then visited , and a short ramble there passed away the time until the departure for Hoo Green , which was ultimately reached after an exceedingly pleasant drive . Merc the host and hostess of the "Kilton" had prepared a substantial tea , which the visitors thoroughly enjoyed . Tea heing concluded , some of the party commenced to trip it on the " light fantastic
toe , " others joined in a game if bowls , and others indulged in the fragrant weed . Punctually at tight o'clock thc word " homeward btiund " was given , and proceeding through Bowdon , Altrinclum and Sale , safely returned to the Empire at 1030 . The day ' s prcce-cilings were enlivened with strains fiom popular airs on the comet by Mr . Dodd , who as a solo player and artist stands high in his profession , and every one expressed themselves in the highest degree delighted with a most enj lyable day ' s pleasure .
H _ HAMPTON . —Lebanon Lodge ( No . 1326 ) . — The installation meeting of this well-established lodge was held on Salur 'ay , July 20 th , at the Red Lion Hotel . Bro . C . W . Fox , W . M ., opened the lodge . Thc minutes were read anil unanimously confirmed . The report cf the audit commitiee received , adc pled , and entered on the lodge minute book . By desire Bro . Frederick Walters , P . P . G . D . Middx ., P . M . and Secretary took the chair . He installed Bro . J . C . Woodrow , W . M .. who appointed as his officers
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
C . VV . Fox , I . P . M . ; C-plain R . W . Williams , P . P . G . Reg . Middx ., P . G . S . B . Middx ., W . M . 127- ; , S . W . ; J . Hanim-iid , P . G . S . Middx , P . M . 201 , W . M . 1512 , J . W . ; S . Wickens , P . M ., Treas . ; F . Walters , P . P . G . D . Middx ., P . M , 7-j , Secretary ( reappointed tor eighth time ); J . B , Shackleton , P . A . G . P . Middx ., P . M . 11524 , S . D . ; J . W . Baldwin , P . P . G . P . Middx ., P . M . 142-5 , J . D . ; H . Gloster ,
W . M . I-J-JI , I . G . j T . W . Stone , Organist ; D . Steinhauer , iM . C . ; H . Potter , P . M . 11 , W . S . ; . J . Laurence , C . S . ; J . Gilbert , P . G . Tyler Middx ., Tyler . The customary addresses were given by Bro . J . W . Baldwin , P . P . G . P . Middx ., P . M ., J . D . The W . M ., Bro . J . C . Woodrow , on behalf cd * the lodge presented Bro . C . VV . Fox with a massive ten-guinea Past Master ' s jewel . Bro .
F . Walters , Sec , on behalf of himself and a few friends , gave Bro . C . W . Fox a Past Master ' s ceillar and silvcr jewel . Bro . C . VV . Fox acknowledged the presents in a suitable speech . Two gentlemen ' s names were given in as candidates for initiation . There were present also Bros . H . G . Buss , A . G . Sec , P . G . Treas . Middx ., P . M . ; H . C . Levander , P . G . Sec , P . M . ; E . Gilbert , P . M . ; J . T .
Moss , P . P . G . Reg ., Middx ., P . M . The visitors were Bros . W . A . Barrett , P . P . G . Org . Oxon ., W . M . 1706 ; W . A . Simmons , C . G . Rushwortb , P . G . R . Middx ., P . M . 1309 , Hon . Sec . 1309 ; J . Hutchings , S . D . 147 , 15-jr ; W . Goldsmith , Sec . 1351 ; and others . Business ended , the lodge was closed and adjourned to meet on Saturday , August 1 / til at 3 . 30 p . m . Banquet followed .
STAINES . —Musgrave Lodge ( No . 1597 ) . — This lodge held its regular meeting on Saturday , the 20 th ult ., at the Angel and Crown Hotel . Present : Bros . Fred Keilv , Past G . Treas . Middlesex , W . M . ; E . Amphlctt , S . W . j Sindall , J . W . ; A . S . Paterson , Secretary ; Kentish , S . D . ; Gillard , j . D . ; Bing , I . G . ; Fane , Tyler ; also Bros . Wilson , G . Phythian , VV . M . 22 ; William Cock , Fred G .
Hubbard , and others . The lodge was opened in thc First Degree , and the minutes read and confirmed . Bro . Wm . Cock was examined and entrusted . The lodge was then opened in the Second Degree , and Bro . William Cock was passed to thc degree of F . C . The Secretary was requested to convey the regrets of the lodge to Mrs . Little , the widow of Robert Wentworth Little ( an hon . member ) and D . P .
G . M . of this province . The Secretary read several notices received from the Prov . Grand Secretary , also letters of apology for non-attendence on the part of sev * ral membeis . ' The lodge then voted a sum of money towards a testimonial to be presented to the R . W . P . G . M ., Colonel Francis Burdett . This being all the business before the lodge , it was closed in due form . Thc brethren then
adjourned to refreshment , under the presidency of the W . M ., and at an early hour returned to town . MAIDENHEAD . —Royal Savoy Lodge ( No . 1744 ) . —On the 75 th ult ., this lodge held its summer festival at Maidenhead , at Lewis ' s Hotel . Early in thc day the brethren left London , well knowing that if the weather did but lavour them it would be their own fault if they did not
have what our American friends call " a good time , " in such lovely scenery as i » to be found in that picturesque neighbourhood . It will bc remembered , however , that the weather in London was decidedly wet in t : ie earlier part of the day , and that f ^ ct no doubt kept many away who would otherwise have taken train to Taplow for Maidenhead Bridge . The energetic VV . M ., Bro . Willing ,
however , nothing daunted , convoyed a par-. y of ladles aud a brother or two to thc rendezvous , starting at eleven o ' clock in the thick of the rain ; but it would take very heavy rain to quench Bro . Willing . However , he was not very severely tried on the present occasion , as the rain gave over , and when the rest of the party arrived at Maidenhead , in the early afternoon , there was Bro . Willing
to receive them in the midst of sunshine . Of course it is of no use to go to Maidenhead if you don ' t go on the water , so boats were prepared , and pirties made , and away went the company to enjoy the beauties of the river before dinner . And they did enjoy the river scenery and the fresh air , and the sight of wild flowers and water lilies ,
and the making acquaintance with each other , to say nothing of merry talk and bad jokes , and snatches of song and a slight shower to whet their appetites , and ihen they returned and sat down to dinner at a little after five . Well , there is nothing much to say about a dinner , but as to this one we may say that it was eaten in a booth on the lawn of Lewis ' s Hotel . At the conclusion of the dinner
Bro . Willing , who presided , rose and said that as a short list of toasts had been printed , it was necessary for him to say a few words , and his idea was that it would be a great mistake , on an occasion like the present , for them to spend their time in that place in making and listening to speeches . After the usual loyal toast , " The Queen and the Craft , " he should combine all the remainder in one
big toast which they could drink in a bumper . This programme was carried out , and the brethren and ladies again separated into small parties , some chartering carriages for a drive , others going on the water again , while a few preferred strolling in the riverside garden of the hotel ; and at thc appointed hour all n , ei again at the lailway station and relumed to London , by thesame train , altera very enjovablc day .
SUNBURY ON THAMES—Sunbury Lodge ( No . 1733 ) . —The third regular niceiiug of this new lodge , which bids f . eir to be a great success , wa- * held at trie Maw pie Hotel on the 27 th ult . Amongst the brethren present were Bros . W . 1 ) . Stevens , W . M . ; A . Leigh , S . W . ; J . Herri- - , J . W . ; J . I . I . Jones , Treas . ; W .
Clillon Crick , Sec ; II . Whaley , S . D . ; Dr Thomas , J . D . ; J . N . Ward , I . G . ; Pciiniston Dunn , Steward ; VV . J * . Wood , F . Freeman . The lod ^ e was opened in the three degrees and Bros . VV . F . Wood and F . Kieeman were raised to the Sublime Degree of M . M . Tne lodge being closed the brethren adjourned to a banquet , served up in a style which
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
reflected great credit on Rro . F . Freeman . Some of the I'l-ahn-ri having to return to town , the party broke up at an early hou < , after a very pleasant evening . The next meeting of the lodgs will be held on the fourth Saturday in September next
INSTRUCTION . "WEST SMITHFIELD LODGE ( No . 1623 ) . — The Filteen Sections were worked in the above lodge on the 22 nd ult ., by the following brethren . Bro . Pennefather , P . M ., in thc chair , Bro . Stephens , S . W ., Bro . Lardner , J . W . ist Section Bro . Moss , 1 275
2 nd „ ... ... „ Walker , 429 3 rd „ „ McButt , 1623 4 * „ ... ... „ Musto , P . M . 933 5 th „ „ Lardner , 1623 6 th „ „ Stuart , P . M . 141
7 th „ ,, Stephens , 1623 8 th ,, ... ... „ Delefonds , 1623 gth „ ... ... „ Hewlett , 141 10 th „ „ Howes , J . W . 1623 nth „ „ Rumbold , J . W . 141 12 th „ „ Dairy , S . W . 141
13 th „ „ Hewlett , 141 14 th ,, ... ... „ Lardner , 1623 15 th „ „ Stuart , P . M . 141 Many other brethren were present , amongst whom were noticed Btos . P . M . Loewenstark , sen ., Butt , sen ., S . D . 907 ; E . Mallett , VV . M . 141 , acting Secretary in the absence of Bro . F . Walters , P . M . 73 , P . G . P . of Middlesex . A vote of thanks having been passed to Bro . Pennefather , P . M .,
Preceptor , for presiding , and hon . membership on Bro . Stephens , for presiding as S . W ., also vote of thanks to visitors , to be duly entered on the minutes , the W . M ., after usual observance , closed the lodge in due form , after receiving the congratulations of all the brethren present . It may be well to mention that the lodge has only been in existence eighteen months , and numbers over one hundred members , with good muster every Monday night .
Craft Masonry.
Craft Masonry .
"WHITEHAVEN . —Sun , Square , and Com passes Chapter ( No . 119 ) . —The quarterly convocation of this chapter was held on Tuesday , the 23 rd ult ., in the (¦ ' reemasons' Hall , College-street . Owing to various occurrences in the town , the principal of which was a flower show , there was a smaller attendance of the Whitehaven companions than usual , but those from a distance
mustered well . Meeting at half-past three , the following were present : Comps . W . Sandvvith , M . E . Z . ; J . Barr , P . Z ., P . G . Treas ., as H . ( in the unavoidable absence of Comp . Dr . Henry ) ; W . F . Lamonby , P . G . Std . Br ., J . ( Freemasui ); W . B . Gibson , P . Z ., P . G . J . ; G . W . Kenworthy , P . Z . ; E . Fearon , P . Z . ; E . Tyson , Sciibe E . ; J . Braithwaite , Steward , as Scribe N . ; J . Rothery , P . S . ; W . F . Hunter ,
ist Asst . S . ; E . Hodgson , Steward ; J . Spittal , J . Bell , W . Armstrong , [ . J . Atkinson , J . It . Banks , T . Dixon , J . W . Young , J . R . Smith , G . Sparrow , J . W . Miles , J . T . Kay , Dr . Ablitt , andG . Fitzgerald , J initor . After the minutes of the April convocation Wire read and confirmed , a ballot was taken for the admission of Bros . Dr . Dodgson , P . M . 1002 , P . P . G . J . D . ; Capt . Srwcll , S . W . 1002
anel J . L . Burns-Lindow , P . M . 1267 , P . G . J . D ., ex-High Sheriff of the County ; all of whom were unanimously accepted for exaltation . Comp . J . Mills , of Furness Chapter , 995 , was also balloted lor as a joining member , and accepted . Afterwards Bros . Burns-Lindow , 1267 ; W . Jackson , 119 ; and G . Brash , 1002 ( the two latter of whom had been pre-viouily balloted for ) , were admitted
and duly exalted to the Sublime Degree . The historical symbolical , and mystical lectures were delivered by Comps , Lamonby , Sandwith , and Barr . The election of officers for the ensuing twelve months was next on the agenda paper , and the Scribe E . having read over those qualified for Z . ; there was no opposition to Comp . Dr . Henry , H-, who was accordingly declared elected . For H . there were
two qualified candidates , in addition to the Past Principals , ancl the contest lay between these two , viz ., Comps . J . R . Tickle , P . J ., and W . F . Lamonby , J . On a ballot being taken , Comp . Lamonby was elected by a large majority to the Second Principal ' s chair . There were at least half-a-dozen candidates in the field for the position of I ., but , to use a sporting phrase , none of them " were
in it " with Comp . E . Tyson , who for two years has filled the onerous duties of Sciibe E . with infinite credit both to himself and the chapter , and this new recognition of his merits is a fitting corollary to his recent elevation to the chair of W . M . of Lodge 119 . There were numerous candidates for the minor offices , the balloting for which resulted as follows : Comps . J . Rothery , Scribe E . ; T . Dixon , Scribe N . ; and T . Atkinson , P . S . Finally ,
Comp . J . M'Kclvie was unanimously re-elected Treasurer f ,. r the tenth time , a- < was also Comp . Fi'zgerald , Janitor , for we dc > not remember how many times . This being tbe whole of the business on the proclatndtions being put , Bros E . Clarke . I ' . M . 121 * 17 , PC Stwd . ; J . Casson , 119 ; a-d J . Holloway , 872 , were proposed as candidates for exaltation , af'er which the chapter was clos ; el in ancient form . Tne annu . il convocation for the installation of Principals and investiture of offi-ers will be held in October .
PLYMOUTH . —Concord Chapter ( No . 223 ) . — The annual meeting of this chapter was held on the 9 th tnst . at the Masonic Rooms , Union-strcet . The Ex . Comp . the Principal elect was installed as the presiding officer for the ensuing year ; Comps . J . W . Cornish as Z . ; E . Patten , H . ; J . Treeby , J . Ex . Comp . lt . M . Andrews , P . P . G . D . C , the retiring Z . conducted the installations , sup-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
R EPORTS or MASONIC M EETINGS : — Craft Masonry , 37 ! ¦ Royal Arch 3 V 5 Complimentary Dinner to Distinguished American Freemasons 3 JS Thc Grand Lodge of Scotland 3 $ * Consecration of the West "Sniithlicld Mark Lodire 3 Sl
Consccra'ion of the Equality Chapter , No . 1145 3 ° Dramatic and Musical Notes 5- - * Notes cm Art , & c 3 *" r Our American Guests , 3 A Corrertiou 3 S 2 Gennanic Lovaltv 383 A Life S-rvicc .... ' 3 Sz Barhing Pl-ices 3 R J CoRRESi'oNDF . NCR : —
The Rite of Swedenborg 383 Original Research 3 $ 3 Masonic Notes and Queries 3 3 ProvineUl Grand Lodge of Hertford 383 The American M isonic Pilgrims 3 * > 4 Supreme Grand Chapter 38 " Grand Lodge of Greece 585
Masonic Hall at Bangalore : 385 Matomc Ball at Bangalore 3 ** 5 Bro . George Kenning ' s Annual Excursion 3 S 0 Freemasonry in Australia 3 ** -6 IMark Masonry in Australia 3 > * 7 Masonic and General Tidings 31 * / Lodge Meetings for Next Week 3 S 7 Advertisements i ., ii ., iii ., iv ., 383
REPORTS , etc ., intended for insertion in current number , should reach the Office , ( 198 , Fleet-street ) , by 12 o ' clock noon , on 'Wednesdays .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Craft BlRsmttij .
MANCHESTER . —Strangeways Lodge ( No . 1219 ) . —Saturday list was a gala day , with a number of the members of ihis lodge , and their wives and sweethearts , on the occasion of the picnic , which was originated , canied out , and brought to a successful termination through the excellent arrangements of Bro . Brandon , W . M ., and Bro . Past Master Schofield , assisted b y Bro .
Leech , S . W . The patty left the Empire Hotel , Strangeways , shortly after ten o'clock by buss , drawn by four splendid bays , to Knutsford . The first halting place was Cheadle , ten minutes being alloivcd , and before leaving the whole of the party were photographed by a Leal artist . The bugle sounding the advance , the party again started on the journey , passing some very eltlightfuly scenery .
After driving a few miles , Bro . Brandon , ever thoughtful for the comfort of the paity , ordered a halt , and improvised an al fresco luncheon by the roadside , in which he was most ably assisted by his estimable wife . This pirt of the daj ' s proceedings appeared to be enjoyed b y all , coming , as it did , so une . x ; cctedly . Time being up , the parly continued the journey through Withenshavv and
Bowden for Knutsford , arriving there about two o'clock . Dinner was shortly announced , the ladies anel gentlemen setting down to a most recherche repast , the tables being profusely laid wilh all the delicacies of the season . On the removal of the cloth , the toast of " The Queen , " and "The Grand Master of England , H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , " both of which were received most loyally . Bro .
Schofield , P . M ., then desired the company to " charge , " and in a neat and complimentary manner gave the toast of "The W . M . of Strangeways Lodge , " the reception of which was such as to convince the W . M . of the high estimation he is held by the members . In responding , Bro . Brandon thanked all present for the expression of good will towards him , and hoped ere long he should
have the pleasure of meeting the company at a similar gathering . Bro . Ntedhani , I . P . M ., in proposing the next toast , speike of the pleasure it was that on occasions like the present , they could have the company of the ladies , and called on the brethren to drink their health in a bumper . The name of Bro . Leech , S . W ., was coupled with this toast , who responded in a witty speech , paying
the most graceiul tributes to the endearing influence of the fair sex . Tatton Park was then visited , and a short ramble there passed away the time until the departure for Hoo Green , which was ultimately reached after an exceedingly pleasant drive . Merc the host and hostess of the "Kilton" had prepared a substantial tea , which the visitors thoroughly enjoyed . Tea heing concluded , some of the party commenced to trip it on the " light fantastic
toe , " others joined in a game if bowls , and others indulged in the fragrant weed . Punctually at tight o'clock thc word " homeward btiund " was given , and proceeding through Bowdon , Altrinclum and Sale , safely returned to the Empire at 1030 . The day ' s prcce-cilings were enlivened with strains fiom popular airs on the comet by Mr . Dodd , who as a solo player and artist stands high in his profession , and every one expressed themselves in the highest degree delighted with a most enj lyable day ' s pleasure .
H _ HAMPTON . —Lebanon Lodge ( No . 1326 ) . — The installation meeting of this well-established lodge was held on Salur 'ay , July 20 th , at the Red Lion Hotel . Bro . C . W . Fox , W . M ., opened the lodge . Thc minutes were read anil unanimously confirmed . The report cf the audit commitiee received , adc pled , and entered on the lodge minute book . By desire Bro . Frederick Walters , P . P . G . D . Middx ., P . M . and Secretary took the chair . He installed Bro . J . C . Woodrow , W . M .. who appointed as his officers
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
C . VV . Fox , I . P . M . ; C-plain R . W . Williams , P . P . G . Reg . Middx ., P . G . S . B . Middx ., W . M . 127- ; , S . W . ; J . Hanim-iid , P . G . S . Middx , P . M . 201 , W . M . 1512 , J . W . ; S . Wickens , P . M ., Treas . ; F . Walters , P . P . G . D . Middx ., P . M , 7-j , Secretary ( reappointed tor eighth time ); J . B , Shackleton , P . A . G . P . Middx ., P . M . 11524 , S . D . ; J . W . Baldwin , P . P . G . P . Middx ., P . M . 142-5 , J . D . ; H . Gloster ,
W . M . I-J-JI , I . G . j T . W . Stone , Organist ; D . Steinhauer , iM . C . ; H . Potter , P . M . 11 , W . S . ; . J . Laurence , C . S . ; J . Gilbert , P . G . Tyler Middx ., Tyler . The customary addresses were given by Bro . J . W . Baldwin , P . P . G . P . Middx ., P . M ., J . D . The W . M ., Bro . J . C . Woodrow , on behalf cd * the lodge presented Bro . C . VV . Fox with a massive ten-guinea Past Master ' s jewel . Bro .
F . Walters , Sec , on behalf of himself and a few friends , gave Bro . C . W . Fox a Past Master ' s ceillar and silvcr jewel . Bro . C . VV . Fox acknowledged the presents in a suitable speech . Two gentlemen ' s names were given in as candidates for initiation . There were present also Bros . H . G . Buss , A . G . Sec , P . G . Treas . Middx ., P . M . ; H . C . Levander , P . G . Sec , P . M . ; E . Gilbert , P . M . ; J . T .
Moss , P . P . G . Reg ., Middx ., P . M . The visitors were Bros . W . A . Barrett , P . P . G . Org . Oxon ., W . M . 1706 ; W . A . Simmons , C . G . Rushwortb , P . G . R . Middx ., P . M . 1309 , Hon . Sec . 1309 ; J . Hutchings , S . D . 147 , 15-jr ; W . Goldsmith , Sec . 1351 ; and others . Business ended , the lodge was closed and adjourned to meet on Saturday , August 1 / til at 3 . 30 p . m . Banquet followed .
STAINES . —Musgrave Lodge ( No . 1597 ) . — This lodge held its regular meeting on Saturday , the 20 th ult ., at the Angel and Crown Hotel . Present : Bros . Fred Keilv , Past G . Treas . Middlesex , W . M . ; E . Amphlctt , S . W . j Sindall , J . W . ; A . S . Paterson , Secretary ; Kentish , S . D . ; Gillard , j . D . ; Bing , I . G . ; Fane , Tyler ; also Bros . Wilson , G . Phythian , VV . M . 22 ; William Cock , Fred G .
Hubbard , and others . The lodge was opened in thc First Degree , and the minutes read and confirmed . Bro . Wm . Cock was examined and entrusted . The lodge was then opened in the Second Degree , and Bro . William Cock was passed to thc degree of F . C . The Secretary was requested to convey the regrets of the lodge to Mrs . Little , the widow of Robert Wentworth Little ( an hon . member ) and D . P .
G . M . of this province . The Secretary read several notices received from the Prov . Grand Secretary , also letters of apology for non-attendence on the part of sev * ral membeis . ' The lodge then voted a sum of money towards a testimonial to be presented to the R . W . P . G . M ., Colonel Francis Burdett . This being all the business before the lodge , it was closed in due form . Thc brethren then
adjourned to refreshment , under the presidency of the W . M ., and at an early hour returned to town . MAIDENHEAD . —Royal Savoy Lodge ( No . 1744 ) . —On the 75 th ult ., this lodge held its summer festival at Maidenhead , at Lewis ' s Hotel . Early in thc day the brethren left London , well knowing that if the weather did but lavour them it would be their own fault if they did not
have what our American friends call " a good time , " in such lovely scenery as i » to be found in that picturesque neighbourhood . It will bc remembered , however , that the weather in London was decidedly wet in t : ie earlier part of the day , and that f ^ ct no doubt kept many away who would otherwise have taken train to Taplow for Maidenhead Bridge . The energetic VV . M ., Bro . Willing ,
however , nothing daunted , convoyed a par-. y of ladles aud a brother or two to thc rendezvous , starting at eleven o ' clock in the thick of the rain ; but it would take very heavy rain to quench Bro . Willing . However , he was not very severely tried on the present occasion , as the rain gave over , and when the rest of the party arrived at Maidenhead , in the early afternoon , there was Bro . Willing
to receive them in the midst of sunshine . Of course it is of no use to go to Maidenhead if you don ' t go on the water , so boats were prepared , and pirties made , and away went the company to enjoy the beauties of the river before dinner . And they did enjoy the river scenery and the fresh air , and the sight of wild flowers and water lilies ,
and the making acquaintance with each other , to say nothing of merry talk and bad jokes , and snatches of song and a slight shower to whet their appetites , and ihen they returned and sat down to dinner at a little after five . Well , there is nothing much to say about a dinner , but as to this one we may say that it was eaten in a booth on the lawn of Lewis ' s Hotel . At the conclusion of the dinner
Bro . Willing , who presided , rose and said that as a short list of toasts had been printed , it was necessary for him to say a few words , and his idea was that it would be a great mistake , on an occasion like the present , for them to spend their time in that place in making and listening to speeches . After the usual loyal toast , " The Queen and the Craft , " he should combine all the remainder in one
big toast which they could drink in a bumper . This programme was carried out , and the brethren and ladies again separated into small parties , some chartering carriages for a drive , others going on the water again , while a few preferred strolling in the riverside garden of the hotel ; and at thc appointed hour all n , ei again at the lailway station and relumed to London , by thesame train , altera very enjovablc day .
SUNBURY ON THAMES—Sunbury Lodge ( No . 1733 ) . —The third regular niceiiug of this new lodge , which bids f . eir to be a great success , wa- * held at trie Maw pie Hotel on the 27 th ult . Amongst the brethren present were Bros . W . 1 ) . Stevens , W . M . ; A . Leigh , S . W . ; J . Herri- - , J . W . ; J . I . I . Jones , Treas . ; W .
Clillon Crick , Sec ; II . Whaley , S . D . ; Dr Thomas , J . D . ; J . N . Ward , I . G . ; Pciiniston Dunn , Steward ; VV . J * . Wood , F . Freeman . The lod ^ e was opened in the three degrees and Bros . VV . F . Wood and F . Kieeman were raised to the Sublime Degree of M . M . Tne lodge being closed the brethren adjourned to a banquet , served up in a style which
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
reflected great credit on Rro . F . Freeman . Some of the I'l-ahn-ri having to return to town , the party broke up at an early hou < , after a very pleasant evening . The next meeting of the lodgs will be held on the fourth Saturday in September next
INSTRUCTION . "WEST SMITHFIELD LODGE ( No . 1623 ) . — The Filteen Sections were worked in the above lodge on the 22 nd ult ., by the following brethren . Bro . Pennefather , P . M ., in thc chair , Bro . Stephens , S . W ., Bro . Lardner , J . W . ist Section Bro . Moss , 1 275
2 nd „ ... ... „ Walker , 429 3 rd „ „ McButt , 1623 4 * „ ... ... „ Musto , P . M . 933 5 th „ „ Lardner , 1623 6 th „ „ Stuart , P . M . 141
7 th „ ,, Stephens , 1623 8 th ,, ... ... „ Delefonds , 1623 gth „ ... ... „ Hewlett , 141 10 th „ „ Howes , J . W . 1623 nth „ „ Rumbold , J . W . 141 12 th „ „ Dairy , S . W . 141
13 th „ „ Hewlett , 141 14 th ,, ... ... „ Lardner , 1623 15 th „ „ Stuart , P . M . 141 Many other brethren were present , amongst whom were noticed Btos . P . M . Loewenstark , sen ., Butt , sen ., S . D . 907 ; E . Mallett , VV . M . 141 , acting Secretary in the absence of Bro . F . Walters , P . M . 73 , P . G . P . of Middlesex . A vote of thanks having been passed to Bro . Pennefather , P . M .,
Preceptor , for presiding , and hon . membership on Bro . Stephens , for presiding as S . W ., also vote of thanks to visitors , to be duly entered on the minutes , the W . M ., after usual observance , closed the lodge in due form , after receiving the congratulations of all the brethren present . It may be well to mention that the lodge has only been in existence eighteen months , and numbers over one hundred members , with good muster every Monday night .
Craft Masonry.
Craft Masonry .
"WHITEHAVEN . —Sun , Square , and Com passes Chapter ( No . 119 ) . —The quarterly convocation of this chapter was held on Tuesday , the 23 rd ult ., in the (¦ ' reemasons' Hall , College-street . Owing to various occurrences in the town , the principal of which was a flower show , there was a smaller attendance of the Whitehaven companions than usual , but those from a distance
mustered well . Meeting at half-past three , the following were present : Comps . W . Sandvvith , M . E . Z . ; J . Barr , P . Z ., P . G . Treas ., as H . ( in the unavoidable absence of Comp . Dr . Henry ) ; W . F . Lamonby , P . G . Std . Br ., J . ( Freemasui ); W . B . Gibson , P . Z ., P . G . J . ; G . W . Kenworthy , P . Z . ; E . Fearon , P . Z . ; E . Tyson , Sciibe E . ; J . Braithwaite , Steward , as Scribe N . ; J . Rothery , P . S . ; W . F . Hunter ,
ist Asst . S . ; E . Hodgson , Steward ; J . Spittal , J . Bell , W . Armstrong , [ . J . Atkinson , J . It . Banks , T . Dixon , J . W . Young , J . R . Smith , G . Sparrow , J . W . Miles , J . T . Kay , Dr . Ablitt , andG . Fitzgerald , J initor . After the minutes of the April convocation Wire read and confirmed , a ballot was taken for the admission of Bros . Dr . Dodgson , P . M . 1002 , P . P . G . J . D . ; Capt . Srwcll , S . W . 1002
anel J . L . Burns-Lindow , P . M . 1267 , P . G . J . D ., ex-High Sheriff of the County ; all of whom were unanimously accepted for exaltation . Comp . J . Mills , of Furness Chapter , 995 , was also balloted lor as a joining member , and accepted . Afterwards Bros . Burns-Lindow , 1267 ; W . Jackson , 119 ; and G . Brash , 1002 ( the two latter of whom had been pre-viouily balloted for ) , were admitted
and duly exalted to the Sublime Degree . The historical symbolical , and mystical lectures were delivered by Comps , Lamonby , Sandwith , and Barr . The election of officers for the ensuing twelve months was next on the agenda paper , and the Scribe E . having read over those qualified for Z . ; there was no opposition to Comp . Dr . Henry , H-, who was accordingly declared elected . For H . there were
two qualified candidates , in addition to the Past Principals , ancl the contest lay between these two , viz ., Comps . J . R . Tickle , P . J ., and W . F . Lamonby , J . On a ballot being taken , Comp . Lamonby was elected by a large majority to the Second Principal ' s chair . There were at least half-a-dozen candidates in the field for the position of I ., but , to use a sporting phrase , none of them " were
in it " with Comp . E . Tyson , who for two years has filled the onerous duties of Sciibe E . with infinite credit both to himself and the chapter , and this new recognition of his merits is a fitting corollary to his recent elevation to the chair of W . M . of Lodge 119 . There were numerous candidates for the minor offices , the balloting for which resulted as follows : Comps . J . Rothery , Scribe E . ; T . Dixon , Scribe N . ; and T . Atkinson , P . S . Finally ,
Comp . J . M'Kclvie was unanimously re-elected Treasurer f ,. r the tenth time , a- < was also Comp . Fi'zgerald , Janitor , for we dc > not remember how many times . This being tbe whole of the business on the proclatndtions being put , Bros E . Clarke . I ' . M . 121 * 17 , PC Stwd . ; J . Casson , 119 ; a-d J . Holloway , 872 , were proposed as candidates for exaltation , af'er which the chapter was clos ; el in ancient form . Tne annu . il convocation for the installation of Principals and investiture of offi-ers will be held in October .
PLYMOUTH . —Concord Chapter ( No . 223 ) . — The annual meeting of this chapter was held on the 9 th tnst . at the Masonic Rooms , Union-strcet . The Ex . Comp . the Principal elect was installed as the presiding officer for the ensuing year ; Comps . J . W . Cornish as Z . ; E . Patten , H . ; J . Treeby , J . Ex . Comp . lt . M . Andrews , P . P . G . D . C , the retiring Z . conducted the installations , sup-