Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. Page 1 of 2 Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. Page 1 of 2 Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. Page 1 of 2 →
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Reports of Masonic Meetings .
Lodge of Antiquity , No . 2 . —A meeting of this lodge was held at the Freemasons' Tavern , on Wednesday , the 23 rd ult . The W . M . ( Bro . J . Percy Leith , P . G . S . ) being abroad , the lodge was presided over by one ofthe P . M . ' s , the ceremony of raising Bro . Erasmus Wilson being very impressively and well worked by all the officers . The
visitors present were Bros . Marris Wilson ( P . M . 63 ) , A . G . Church ( W . M . 33 ) , Magnus Ohren ( W . M . 452 ) , G . A . Roxburgh , Thompson , and Smith . A vote of ^ 10 10 s . was made from the charity fund for the relief of foreigners in distress driven to this country by the present war . No further business presenting itself , the acting W . M . and brethren adjourned to refreshment .
Pythagorean Lodge , No . 79 . —At the Ship Hotel , Greenwich , this old lodge held its usual meeting on Monday , the 28 th ult . Bro . T . Perridge , W . M ., presided , and there were present Bros . Burls , S . W . ; C . Nash , J . W . ; W . C . Penny , P . M ., Treas . ; J . H . Ii Doughney , P . M ., Sec ; J . R . Nash , S . D . ; Roberts , J . D . ; Munyard , I . G . ; R . Boncey , P . M . ; and many others .
One brother was raised and one gentleman initiated , the work , as usual , being well done , the W . M . and officers all being proficient in their parts . The lodge was then closed , when the usual good banquet was served , and the regular toasts were given . The brethren separated at a reasonable hour . Visiiors : Bros . D . Rose ( P . M . 73 ) , E . Shalless ( 140 ) , West ( P . M . 548 ) , & c .
Moira Lodge , No . 92 . —This ancient lodge held its election meeting at the London Tavern , Bishopsgatestreet , on Tuesday , the 22 nd ult . In the unavoidable absence of the W . M ., Bro . Thorne , P . M ., presided as W . M . After the lodge was opened and the minutes
confirmed , the election for W . M . took place , and proved unanimous in favour of Bro . Brett , S . W . Bro . Potter , P . M ., was unanimously re-elected Treasurer , and Bro . Speight , P . M ., Tyler . The Audit Committee was formed , and the lodge was closed . Banquet followed .
Lodge of Temperance , No . 169 . —The regular meeting of this old lodge was held at the White Swan Tavern , High-street , Deptford , on Thursday evening , the 17 th ult . Bro . John Thomas Moss , W . M ., presided , assisted by Bros . Alfred Pultey as S . W ., and Marshall as J . W ., and the officers . The lodge being opened , and the minutes of the previous meeting read and confirmed , a
ballot then took place for the initiation of Messrs . Richard Debac , Charles Jonathan Sowton , and George Sowton , and which proving unanimous in their favour , the two latter gentlemen were initiated into Masonry , the ceremony being most ably performed . The W . M ., Bro . John Thomas Moss , then informed the brethren that he would be happy to receive the name of any brother who was willing to represent the Temperance Lodge at the
forthcoming Festival ofthe Royal Benovolent Institution , as owing to his already representing that excellent institution as Steward for the Lebanon Lodge . No . 1326 , of which he was also W . M ., he could not stand for the Temperance , and the subject of a Steward was postponed until the next meeting . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren then adjourned to banquet . Visitors : Bros . Alexander Rhodes ( 86 ) , J . F . Grossmith ( 169 ) , and Joseph Allsopp .
Lodgeof Tranquility , No . 1 S 5 . —On Monday , the 21 st ult ., at Radley ' s Hotel , New Bridge-street , Blackfriars , the first meeting of the season of this old lodge was held . In the unavoidable absence of the W . M . ( Bro . H . Beigel , professionally engaged in France at the war ) , the chair was taken by Bro . Harfield , P . M ., who was supported by the following members , viz ., Bros . Barnett , S . W .
Bluomheld , J . W . ; Peartree , P . M ., Treas .: P . Levi , P . M ., Sec ; Abrahams , S . D . ; Moss , J . D . ; Shutzer , I . G . ; Knapp , Organist ; Israel , Harris , and Sydney , P . M . ' s ; and many others . The visitors were Bros . H . Levy ( P . M 288 ) , and F . Walters ( W . M . 1309 ) . The work done was initiating Mr . Joseph Minuto , passing
Bros . Mathewes and Kroline , and raising Bro , Simons , all of which ccr .-monies were well rendered . An interesting letter was n id from the W . M ., which was ordered to be entered in the lodge minute-book . The lodge was closed , and banquet followed , served up in the wellknown superior style of Bro . Hart , which always gives great satisfaction . The usual loyal toasts , & c , followed .
Industry Lodge , A'o . 186 . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held at Freemasons' Hall , on . Tuesday , the 22 nd nit . Bros . J . Price , W . M . ; T . E . Talient , S . W . ; W . Mann , P . M ., Sec . ; C . XV . Noehmer , S . D . ; J . Seex , J . D . ; J . Wylie , I . G . ; F . llenly , Steward ; Mortlock , P . M . ; Cleaver , Dyne , Davis , Beck , Emmott , Thiers , J . Death , Fclton , Black , Hall , and other brethren
were present . Bro . C . Eldridge , 733 , was unanimously elected a joining member . Bro . W . H . Davis was raised , the work , as usual here , being well and £ . bly done . The lodge was then closed , and a first-class banquet was served , after which the customary toasts were given . During the evening Bro . Mortlock sang , " Good-bye at
the Door ; " Bro . Wylie , " Letter from Home ; " Bro . Kirk , "Black Banner ; " Bro . Henly , "Home sweet Home ; " Bro . Cyrus Kirk , " How to Ask and Have ;" Bro . Skeen , " The Mill Stream ; " Bro . Black , " The Properest thing to Do ; " and other brethren also contributed to the pleasures of the eveninr * . Visitors : Bro ? . F . Walters ( W . M . 1309 ) , Kirk ( S . D . 144 ) , C . Kirk
The A elson Lodge , A o . 700 , held its monthly meeting in the Masonic Hal ) , William-street , Woolwich , on Wednesday , the 161 I 1 ult ., under the direction of its esteemed W . M ., Bio . W . D . May , assisted by his officers and Past Masters . The lod ge was opened in ancient form , and
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
with solemn prayer . The minutes of the previous meeting were read , and unanimously confirmed . The cash account was also read and approved . The ballot was taken for Messrs . Burt and Dorey , candidates for initiation , which proved in each of their favour , and Mr . Dorey being in attendance , was , with Mr . Miller ( alread y balloted for ) introduced , and duly received into the mysteries of the
Craft . Bros . Lane , Ward , Attwood and Ashforth , candidates for preferment , were duly passed to the degree of F . C ., and Bros . Dibblin , Buhner , and Morris were raised to the sublime degree of M . Masons . On the motion of Bro . Rowland , P . M ., in reference to providing a hall for Masonic purposes , it was resolved that a committee of five be appointed to consider the matter , and
report thereon at the next meeting of the lodge . One guinea was voted from the funds of the lodge to the George Tedder fund , and the same amount was granted to the widow of a late brother . Another brother was relieved with 10 s . 6 d . It was resolved , that a letter of condolence be sent to the widows of the late Bros . Rose and Hawkes ,
expressive of sympathy at their bereavement . A gentleman was then proposed as a candidate for initiation , and nothing fuithei- being offered for the good of Freemasonry , the lodge was closed . The brethren partook of refreshment in the hall , and having spent a very pleasant evening , parted in perfect harmony . '
Royal Oak Lodge No . 871 . —On Wednesday , the 23 rd ult ., at the White Swan Tavern , Deptford , this lodge held its last meeting of the year . Bro . F . AValters , P . M . and Sec ., opened the lodge , and Bro . J . Truelove , W . M ., then took the chair . The minutes ofthe previous meeting were read and confirmed . Notice of motion was given ,
' 1 hat at the next meeting a five guinea P . M . ' s jewel should be voted from the lodge funds , and presented on the installation night to Bro . J . Truelove , for his efficient services as W . M ., during his year of office . " The lodge was closed , and there being no banquet , the brethren separated directly the meeting was over .
The Rose of Denmark Lodge , No . 975 . —The installation meeting of this lodge was held at the While Hart , Barnes , Surrey , on Friday , the 18 th ult ., under the presidency of Bro . G . T . Noyce , W . M ., supported by Bros . C . A . Smith , S . W . ; W . H . Barnard , J . W . ; and a very large muster of members and visitors . The business of the evening comprised three raisings Bros . Angel , Harris and Taylor , after which , Bro . Little , the senior Past Master , installed Bro C . A . Smith as W . M . The officers were then
invested as follows : —Bros . W . H . Barnard , S . W . ; S . H . Stephens , J . W . ; Rev . J . S . Darvell , Chaplain ; G . T . Noyce , I . P . M ., Treas . ; R . Wentworth Little , P . M ., Sec ; R . B . Huddleston , S . D . ; C . Butcher , J . D . ; XV Bell , I . G ; H . Kelley , D . C ; ami T . Farrell , W . S .
The W . M . then , in a very excellent manner , initiated five gentlemen into the Order , and the lodge was closed . At the banquet table Bro . (! . T . Noyce , P . M ., was presented with a ten-guinea P . M . 's jewel , in recognition of his zealous and efficient services as W . M .
Victoria Lodge , No . 1056 . —At the regular meeting of this lodge on Wednesday , the 23 rd ult . Bro . W . George White was raised to the third degree , the other candidate , Bro . Jno . Williams , being absent through illness . Ilro . William Perrin was duly passed to the degree of Fellow Craft , and Mr . James Charles Henry , regularly initiated into the Order by Bro . George Roberts , W . M ., assisted
by his officers , Bros . U . Latreille , S . W . ; Alfred Robbins , J . W . ; XV . Wrenn , P . M ., Trias ; Pendlebury , P . M ., Sec ; W . Ashby , S . D . ; Henry Wainwright , J . D . ; J . Slade Brown , I . G . ; F . V . Latreille and Geo . M . E . Snow , P . M . ' s . About thirty brethren were present , including the undermentioned visitors , Bros . Perrin ( P . M . 101 ) , W . Brearey ( 715 ) , T . E . Hardy ( S . W . 538 ) , C . Jardine
( 140 ) , W . Morris ( 122 S ) , and William Roach ( 49 ) . The sum of five pounds was voted from the funds of the lodge for the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons and the Widows of Freemasons , which will complete £ 10 to each fund , thereby entitling the lodge to four votes during its existence . Southern Star Lodge , No . II 58 . —The regular meeting
of this lodge was held on Tuesday evening , Nov . 22 , at the Montpelier Tavern , Walworth . Bro . D . S . Bayfield , W . M ., presided ; Bro . Charles E . Thompson , S . W . -, Bro . E . Ellis acted as J . W . pro tern ( in the absence of Bro . Towers ) ; and there were also present : Bros . H . Thompson , P . M . and Treas . ; T . H . Pulsford , P . M . and Sec . ; R . E . Clarke , I . P . M . ; I . Thomas , P . M . ;
Henry Potter , P . M . ; a goodly muster of members , and several visitors . The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of an Emergency Lodge and the regular meeting were read and confirmed . A ballot was taken for Bro . Edwin Dodson , W . M . of the Royal Jubilee Lodge , No . 72 , as a joining member of this lodge , which was unanimously in his favour . A ballot was then taken
fjr Mr . Charles Shepherd and Mr . William John Bevan , candidates for initiation , which was also unanimous in their favour ; and being in attendance , they were duly admitted to the mysteries and privileges of Freemasonry . Bros . Lowder and Trotman were then examined as to their proficiency in the science , and , being entrusted , retired . The lodge was opened in the second degree ,
and they were successively advanced to the degree of F . C ., both ceremonies being very ably performed by the W . M . The lodge was resumed to the first degree , when it was announced that one of the candidates that evening had met with a very serious accident , or he would have been with them that evening . Bro . H . Thompson proposed , and it was carried unanimously , that the by-law
relating to the admission of candidates be suspended in this case until such time as the Candida c should be so far recovered from his accident as to be able lo attend . After some other business had been disposed of , the lod ^ c was closed in due form and with solemn prayer , and tiic brethren adjourned to ihe large banqueling-hall for refreshment . The banquet was served up in liro . Allatt ' j usual style , and gave general satisfaction . The XV . M .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
( Bro . Bayfield ) being unable to remain , the chair was taken by Bro . R . E . Clarke , the Immediate Past Master , and in succession he gave the formal loyal and Masonic toasts , after which he gave " The health of their Newly-Initiated Brethren , " congratulating them upon their admission to the Order , and expressed his belief that they would both become good and worthy members . —The
toast was very cordially responded to , and Bros . Shepherd and Bevan , in very happy and appropriate terms , returned thanks for the honour conferred upon them , promising to do everything in their power to promote the interests of Freemasonry . — " The health of the Visitors " was next given , for which Bro . T . Qnelch , P . M ., of the Beadon Lodge , and other visiting brethren , returned
thanks . —The W . M . { pro tern . ) then gave "The health of the W . M . " , whom they all regretted was unable to remain to the banquet , but ' remarked that they all had an opportunity of observing how ably he had discharged his duties in the lodge , and was therefore entitled to all the honours so justly due to him . —The toast was well received , as was the next one , which was " The health
of the P . M . ' s of the Lodge . "—Bro . H . Thompson returned thanks for the P . M . ' s , expressing the great pleasure it was to them to receive these renewed marks of favour from the brethren ; but as he had so often to respond to this toast , he regretted he could not in adequate terms acknowledge the kindness they had always received , but assured the brethren that there was nothing
the Past Masters would not do to promote the interests and prosperity of the lodge . He took this occasion of inviting the younger members of the lodge to attend the Domatic Lodge of Instruction , held close by , where they would have explained tothem all they had passed through , andbyattendingtheywouldalso fit themselves for any office they might be called upon to perform , and so
renderthemselves worthy officers of the lodge . —The W . M . next gave "The Officers ofthe Lodge , " and remarked how much of its success depended upon the way in which the officers did their duty . —Bro . C . E . Thompson , S . W ., returned thanks for the officers , and said it was pleasing to them to receive that recognition of their services from
the W . M ., which would stimulate them to do their duty to the lodge , trusting as they advanced towards the chair to receive ihe confidence of the brethren . —The Tyler ' s toast was given , and a very harmonious evening brought to a close . Bro . Dodson , Bro . Walter , and several other brethren contributed some choice songs in ihe course of the evening .
Sphinx Lodge , No . 1329 . —The first meeting of this lodge since its consecration was held at the Stirling Castle , Camberwell , on Saturday , the 19 th ult , Present : Bros . E . Clark , P . G . Supt . of Works Middlesex , W . M .-Major II . W . Palmer . S . W . ; E . J . Bailey , J . W . ; J . C . Reynolds , Treas . ; Henry Allman , Sec . ; Dr . Bedolf , S . D . ; S . Saunders , J . D . ; Jas . Vockins , I . G . ; J .
Sugden , S . ; Jno . Thomas , P . M . ; Percival A . Nairne , P . M . Visitors : Bros . Kelham , P . M . ; Williams , P . M . ; W . J . N . Quilty , P . M . ; and Hastie . The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of previousmecting read and confirmed . The ballot was then taken for Messrs . J . S . Abbott Dunbar , Alfred Campbell , Geo . S . Mansell , W . Harwell Blanch , and Alfred Hancock for initiation , which
proved unanimous in each of their favour , and all being in attendance were duly admitted into Freemasonry , the ceremony being performed by the W . M . in his usually careful and impressive manner . He afterwards announced his intention of representing the lodge at the next Girls '
Festival The by-laws for the lodge having been read and confirmed , and Mr . George Champion proposed for initiation at the next meeting , all the Masonic business was ended , and the lodge was closed in due form . The brethren adjourned to substantial refreshment , and a very happy and comfortable evening was passed .
PROVINCIAL . LUTON . —Lodge of St . John Ihe Baptist , A ' o . 475 . —This lodge held it usual monthly meeting in the Town Hall , on Friday , the nth ult ., under the presidency of Bro . F . C . Scargill , W . M ., supported by the following officers : Bros . J . W . Cawdell , S . W . ; E . F . Green , ] . W . j T . W . Haselgrove , S . D . ; W . Alford , J . D . ; W . " Wadswortb ,
I . G . j and other brethren . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . Inwards was then invested with the collar and jewel of office as Organist . Bro . Wright was duly raised to the sublime degree of a M . M . by the W . M . in his usual impressive manner . Mr . Geo . Chambers and Mr . John Kingston were proposed as candidates for initiation , and the lodge was then closed in du ? form .
BLACKPOOL . —Clifton Lodge , No . 703 . —The annual festival of this lodge was held at the Clifton Arms Hotel on Tuesday , the 22 r . il ult ., under the presidency of Bro . R . Landless , P . M ., as W . M ., supported by the following officers , viz ., Bros . J . Crossley , E . Banks , and T . Cookson , P . M . ' s ; II . Tohns , S . W . ; R . Rushton , J . W . ; E . Brook , S . D . ; G . W . Sharpies , JD . ; P . Parker , I . G ;
and about twenty other brethren . The lodge being opened in the second degree , the W . M .-elect , Bro . R . Whalley , was duly presented by Bro . E . Banks , P . M . The Installing Master , Bro . R . Landless , P . M ., then obligated the W . M .-elect , and in a Board of Installing Masters , p laced him in the chair of K . S . according to anricnt custom . On the return of the brethren , he was
proclaimed and saluted . Bro . Landless gave the usual charges to the W . M ., Wardens , officers , and brethren . The follow-in ? brethren were appointed and invested - Bros . T . C . Preston . S . W . ; T . My .-ock , J . W .: Landless , Treasurer ; R . W . Brailhwaiie , Sec ; j . B . Fisher ,
S . D . ; G . W . Sharpies , J . D . ; W . Bailey , I . G . The lodi-e being closed in the second degree , the brethren were called , to refreshment , the banquet being under the presidency of Bro . R . Whalley , W . M . The usual loyal ami patriotic toasts having been given and suitably responded to , the customary Masonic toasts and sentiments
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Reports of Masonic Meetings .
Lodge of Antiquity , No . 2 . —A meeting of this lodge was held at the Freemasons' Tavern , on Wednesday , the 23 rd ult . The W . M . ( Bro . J . Percy Leith , P . G . S . ) being abroad , the lodge was presided over by one ofthe P . M . ' s , the ceremony of raising Bro . Erasmus Wilson being very impressively and well worked by all the officers . The
visitors present were Bros . Marris Wilson ( P . M . 63 ) , A . G . Church ( W . M . 33 ) , Magnus Ohren ( W . M . 452 ) , G . A . Roxburgh , Thompson , and Smith . A vote of ^ 10 10 s . was made from the charity fund for the relief of foreigners in distress driven to this country by the present war . No further business presenting itself , the acting W . M . and brethren adjourned to refreshment .
Pythagorean Lodge , No . 79 . —At the Ship Hotel , Greenwich , this old lodge held its usual meeting on Monday , the 28 th ult . Bro . T . Perridge , W . M ., presided , and there were present Bros . Burls , S . W . ; C . Nash , J . W . ; W . C . Penny , P . M ., Treas . ; J . H . Ii Doughney , P . M ., Sec ; J . R . Nash , S . D . ; Roberts , J . D . ; Munyard , I . G . ; R . Boncey , P . M . ; and many others .
One brother was raised and one gentleman initiated , the work , as usual , being well done , the W . M . and officers all being proficient in their parts . The lodge was then closed , when the usual good banquet was served , and the regular toasts were given . The brethren separated at a reasonable hour . Visiiors : Bros . D . Rose ( P . M . 73 ) , E . Shalless ( 140 ) , West ( P . M . 548 ) , & c .
Moira Lodge , No . 92 . —This ancient lodge held its election meeting at the London Tavern , Bishopsgatestreet , on Tuesday , the 22 nd ult . In the unavoidable absence of the W . M ., Bro . Thorne , P . M ., presided as W . M . After the lodge was opened and the minutes
confirmed , the election for W . M . took place , and proved unanimous in favour of Bro . Brett , S . W . Bro . Potter , P . M ., was unanimously re-elected Treasurer , and Bro . Speight , P . M ., Tyler . The Audit Committee was formed , and the lodge was closed . Banquet followed .
Lodge of Temperance , No . 169 . —The regular meeting of this old lodge was held at the White Swan Tavern , High-street , Deptford , on Thursday evening , the 17 th ult . Bro . John Thomas Moss , W . M ., presided , assisted by Bros . Alfred Pultey as S . W ., and Marshall as J . W ., and the officers . The lodge being opened , and the minutes of the previous meeting read and confirmed , a
ballot then took place for the initiation of Messrs . Richard Debac , Charles Jonathan Sowton , and George Sowton , and which proving unanimous in their favour , the two latter gentlemen were initiated into Masonry , the ceremony being most ably performed . The W . M ., Bro . John Thomas Moss , then informed the brethren that he would be happy to receive the name of any brother who was willing to represent the Temperance Lodge at the
forthcoming Festival ofthe Royal Benovolent Institution , as owing to his already representing that excellent institution as Steward for the Lebanon Lodge . No . 1326 , of which he was also W . M ., he could not stand for the Temperance , and the subject of a Steward was postponed until the next meeting . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren then adjourned to banquet . Visitors : Bros . Alexander Rhodes ( 86 ) , J . F . Grossmith ( 169 ) , and Joseph Allsopp .
Lodgeof Tranquility , No . 1 S 5 . —On Monday , the 21 st ult ., at Radley ' s Hotel , New Bridge-street , Blackfriars , the first meeting of the season of this old lodge was held . In the unavoidable absence of the W . M . ( Bro . H . Beigel , professionally engaged in France at the war ) , the chair was taken by Bro . Harfield , P . M ., who was supported by the following members , viz ., Bros . Barnett , S . W .
Bluomheld , J . W . ; Peartree , P . M ., Treas .: P . Levi , P . M ., Sec ; Abrahams , S . D . ; Moss , J . D . ; Shutzer , I . G . ; Knapp , Organist ; Israel , Harris , and Sydney , P . M . ' s ; and many others . The visitors were Bros . H . Levy ( P . M 288 ) , and F . Walters ( W . M . 1309 ) . The work done was initiating Mr . Joseph Minuto , passing
Bros . Mathewes and Kroline , and raising Bro , Simons , all of which ccr .-monies were well rendered . An interesting letter was n id from the W . M ., which was ordered to be entered in the lodge minute-book . The lodge was closed , and banquet followed , served up in the wellknown superior style of Bro . Hart , which always gives great satisfaction . The usual loyal toasts , & c , followed .
Industry Lodge , A'o . 186 . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held at Freemasons' Hall , on . Tuesday , the 22 nd nit . Bros . J . Price , W . M . ; T . E . Talient , S . W . ; W . Mann , P . M ., Sec . ; C . XV . Noehmer , S . D . ; J . Seex , J . D . ; J . Wylie , I . G . ; F . llenly , Steward ; Mortlock , P . M . ; Cleaver , Dyne , Davis , Beck , Emmott , Thiers , J . Death , Fclton , Black , Hall , and other brethren
were present . Bro . C . Eldridge , 733 , was unanimously elected a joining member . Bro . W . H . Davis was raised , the work , as usual here , being well and £ . bly done . The lodge was then closed , and a first-class banquet was served , after which the customary toasts were given . During the evening Bro . Mortlock sang , " Good-bye at
the Door ; " Bro . Wylie , " Letter from Home ; " Bro . Kirk , "Black Banner ; " Bro . Henly , "Home sweet Home ; " Bro . Cyrus Kirk , " How to Ask and Have ;" Bro . Skeen , " The Mill Stream ; " Bro . Black , " The Properest thing to Do ; " and other brethren also contributed to the pleasures of the eveninr * . Visitors : Bro ? . F . Walters ( W . M . 1309 ) , Kirk ( S . D . 144 ) , C . Kirk
The A elson Lodge , A o . 700 , held its monthly meeting in the Masonic Hal ) , William-street , Woolwich , on Wednesday , the 161 I 1 ult ., under the direction of its esteemed W . M ., Bio . W . D . May , assisted by his officers and Past Masters . The lod ge was opened in ancient form , and
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
with solemn prayer . The minutes of the previous meeting were read , and unanimously confirmed . The cash account was also read and approved . The ballot was taken for Messrs . Burt and Dorey , candidates for initiation , which proved in each of their favour , and Mr . Dorey being in attendance , was , with Mr . Miller ( alread y balloted for ) introduced , and duly received into the mysteries of the
Craft . Bros . Lane , Ward , Attwood and Ashforth , candidates for preferment , were duly passed to the degree of F . C ., and Bros . Dibblin , Buhner , and Morris were raised to the sublime degree of M . Masons . On the motion of Bro . Rowland , P . M ., in reference to providing a hall for Masonic purposes , it was resolved that a committee of five be appointed to consider the matter , and
report thereon at the next meeting of the lodge . One guinea was voted from the funds of the lodge to the George Tedder fund , and the same amount was granted to the widow of a late brother . Another brother was relieved with 10 s . 6 d . It was resolved , that a letter of condolence be sent to the widows of the late Bros . Rose and Hawkes ,
expressive of sympathy at their bereavement . A gentleman was then proposed as a candidate for initiation , and nothing fuithei- being offered for the good of Freemasonry , the lodge was closed . The brethren partook of refreshment in the hall , and having spent a very pleasant evening , parted in perfect harmony . '
Royal Oak Lodge No . 871 . —On Wednesday , the 23 rd ult ., at the White Swan Tavern , Deptford , this lodge held its last meeting of the year . Bro . F . AValters , P . M . and Sec ., opened the lodge , and Bro . J . Truelove , W . M ., then took the chair . The minutes ofthe previous meeting were read and confirmed . Notice of motion was given ,
' 1 hat at the next meeting a five guinea P . M . ' s jewel should be voted from the lodge funds , and presented on the installation night to Bro . J . Truelove , for his efficient services as W . M ., during his year of office . " The lodge was closed , and there being no banquet , the brethren separated directly the meeting was over .
The Rose of Denmark Lodge , No . 975 . —The installation meeting of this lodge was held at the While Hart , Barnes , Surrey , on Friday , the 18 th ult ., under the presidency of Bro . G . T . Noyce , W . M ., supported by Bros . C . A . Smith , S . W . ; W . H . Barnard , J . W . ; and a very large muster of members and visitors . The business of the evening comprised three raisings Bros . Angel , Harris and Taylor , after which , Bro . Little , the senior Past Master , installed Bro C . A . Smith as W . M . The officers were then
invested as follows : —Bros . W . H . Barnard , S . W . ; S . H . Stephens , J . W . ; Rev . J . S . Darvell , Chaplain ; G . T . Noyce , I . P . M ., Treas . ; R . Wentworth Little , P . M ., Sec ; R . B . Huddleston , S . D . ; C . Butcher , J . D . ; XV Bell , I . G ; H . Kelley , D . C ; ami T . Farrell , W . S .
The W . M . then , in a very excellent manner , initiated five gentlemen into the Order , and the lodge was closed . At the banquet table Bro . (! . T . Noyce , P . M ., was presented with a ten-guinea P . M . 's jewel , in recognition of his zealous and efficient services as W . M .
Victoria Lodge , No . 1056 . —At the regular meeting of this lodge on Wednesday , the 23 rd ult . Bro . W . George White was raised to the third degree , the other candidate , Bro . Jno . Williams , being absent through illness . Ilro . William Perrin was duly passed to the degree of Fellow Craft , and Mr . James Charles Henry , regularly initiated into the Order by Bro . George Roberts , W . M ., assisted
by his officers , Bros . U . Latreille , S . W . ; Alfred Robbins , J . W . ; XV . Wrenn , P . M ., Trias ; Pendlebury , P . M ., Sec ; W . Ashby , S . D . ; Henry Wainwright , J . D . ; J . Slade Brown , I . G . ; F . V . Latreille and Geo . M . E . Snow , P . M . ' s . About thirty brethren were present , including the undermentioned visitors , Bros . Perrin ( P . M . 101 ) , W . Brearey ( 715 ) , T . E . Hardy ( S . W . 538 ) , C . Jardine
( 140 ) , W . Morris ( 122 S ) , and William Roach ( 49 ) . The sum of five pounds was voted from the funds of the lodge for the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons and the Widows of Freemasons , which will complete £ 10 to each fund , thereby entitling the lodge to four votes during its existence . Southern Star Lodge , No . II 58 . —The regular meeting
of this lodge was held on Tuesday evening , Nov . 22 , at the Montpelier Tavern , Walworth . Bro . D . S . Bayfield , W . M ., presided ; Bro . Charles E . Thompson , S . W . -, Bro . E . Ellis acted as J . W . pro tern ( in the absence of Bro . Towers ) ; and there were also present : Bros . H . Thompson , P . M . and Treas . ; T . H . Pulsford , P . M . and Sec . ; R . E . Clarke , I . P . M . ; I . Thomas , P . M . ;
Henry Potter , P . M . ; a goodly muster of members , and several visitors . The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of an Emergency Lodge and the regular meeting were read and confirmed . A ballot was taken for Bro . Edwin Dodson , W . M . of the Royal Jubilee Lodge , No . 72 , as a joining member of this lodge , which was unanimously in his favour . A ballot was then taken
fjr Mr . Charles Shepherd and Mr . William John Bevan , candidates for initiation , which was also unanimous in their favour ; and being in attendance , they were duly admitted to the mysteries and privileges of Freemasonry . Bros . Lowder and Trotman were then examined as to their proficiency in the science , and , being entrusted , retired . The lodge was opened in the second degree ,
and they were successively advanced to the degree of F . C ., both ceremonies being very ably performed by the W . M . The lodge was resumed to the first degree , when it was announced that one of the candidates that evening had met with a very serious accident , or he would have been with them that evening . Bro . H . Thompson proposed , and it was carried unanimously , that the by-law
relating to the admission of candidates be suspended in this case until such time as the Candida c should be so far recovered from his accident as to be able lo attend . After some other business had been disposed of , the lod ^ c was closed in due form and with solemn prayer , and tiic brethren adjourned to ihe large banqueling-hall for refreshment . The banquet was served up in liro . Allatt ' j usual style , and gave general satisfaction . The XV . M .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
( Bro . Bayfield ) being unable to remain , the chair was taken by Bro . R . E . Clarke , the Immediate Past Master , and in succession he gave the formal loyal and Masonic toasts , after which he gave " The health of their Newly-Initiated Brethren , " congratulating them upon their admission to the Order , and expressed his belief that they would both become good and worthy members . —The
toast was very cordially responded to , and Bros . Shepherd and Bevan , in very happy and appropriate terms , returned thanks for the honour conferred upon them , promising to do everything in their power to promote the interests of Freemasonry . — " The health of the Visitors " was next given , for which Bro . T . Qnelch , P . M ., of the Beadon Lodge , and other visiting brethren , returned
thanks . —The W . M . { pro tern . ) then gave "The health of the W . M . " , whom they all regretted was unable to remain to the banquet , but ' remarked that they all had an opportunity of observing how ably he had discharged his duties in the lodge , and was therefore entitled to all the honours so justly due to him . —The toast was well received , as was the next one , which was " The health
of the P . M . ' s of the Lodge . "—Bro . H . Thompson returned thanks for the P . M . ' s , expressing the great pleasure it was to them to receive these renewed marks of favour from the brethren ; but as he had so often to respond to this toast , he regretted he could not in adequate terms acknowledge the kindness they had always received , but assured the brethren that there was nothing
the Past Masters would not do to promote the interests and prosperity of the lodge . He took this occasion of inviting the younger members of the lodge to attend the Domatic Lodge of Instruction , held close by , where they would have explained tothem all they had passed through , andbyattendingtheywouldalso fit themselves for any office they might be called upon to perform , and so
renderthemselves worthy officers of the lodge . —The W . M . next gave "The Officers ofthe Lodge , " and remarked how much of its success depended upon the way in which the officers did their duty . —Bro . C . E . Thompson , S . W ., returned thanks for the officers , and said it was pleasing to them to receive that recognition of their services from
the W . M ., which would stimulate them to do their duty to the lodge , trusting as they advanced towards the chair to receive ihe confidence of the brethren . —The Tyler ' s toast was given , and a very harmonious evening brought to a close . Bro . Dodson , Bro . Walter , and several other brethren contributed some choice songs in ihe course of the evening .
Sphinx Lodge , No . 1329 . —The first meeting of this lodge since its consecration was held at the Stirling Castle , Camberwell , on Saturday , the 19 th ult , Present : Bros . E . Clark , P . G . Supt . of Works Middlesex , W . M .-Major II . W . Palmer . S . W . ; E . J . Bailey , J . W . ; J . C . Reynolds , Treas . ; Henry Allman , Sec . ; Dr . Bedolf , S . D . ; S . Saunders , J . D . ; Jas . Vockins , I . G . ; J .
Sugden , S . ; Jno . Thomas , P . M . ; Percival A . Nairne , P . M . Visitors : Bros . Kelham , P . M . ; Williams , P . M . ; W . J . N . Quilty , P . M . ; and Hastie . The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of previousmecting read and confirmed . The ballot was then taken for Messrs . J . S . Abbott Dunbar , Alfred Campbell , Geo . S . Mansell , W . Harwell Blanch , and Alfred Hancock for initiation , which
proved unanimous in each of their favour , and all being in attendance were duly admitted into Freemasonry , the ceremony being performed by the W . M . in his usually careful and impressive manner . He afterwards announced his intention of representing the lodge at the next Girls '
Festival The by-laws for the lodge having been read and confirmed , and Mr . George Champion proposed for initiation at the next meeting , all the Masonic business was ended , and the lodge was closed in due form . The brethren adjourned to substantial refreshment , and a very happy and comfortable evening was passed .
PROVINCIAL . LUTON . —Lodge of St . John Ihe Baptist , A ' o . 475 . —This lodge held it usual monthly meeting in the Town Hall , on Friday , the nth ult ., under the presidency of Bro . F . C . Scargill , W . M ., supported by the following officers : Bros . J . W . Cawdell , S . W . ; E . F . Green , ] . W . j T . W . Haselgrove , S . D . ; W . Alford , J . D . ; W . " Wadswortb ,
I . G . j and other brethren . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . Inwards was then invested with the collar and jewel of office as Organist . Bro . Wright was duly raised to the sublime degree of a M . M . by the W . M . in his usual impressive manner . Mr . Geo . Chambers and Mr . John Kingston were proposed as candidates for initiation , and the lodge was then closed in du ? form .
BLACKPOOL . —Clifton Lodge , No . 703 . —The annual festival of this lodge was held at the Clifton Arms Hotel on Tuesday , the 22 r . il ult ., under the presidency of Bro . R . Landless , P . M ., as W . M ., supported by the following officers , viz ., Bros . J . Crossley , E . Banks , and T . Cookson , P . M . ' s ; II . Tohns , S . W . ; R . Rushton , J . W . ; E . Brook , S . D . ; G . W . Sharpies , JD . ; P . Parker , I . G ;
and about twenty other brethren . The lodge being opened in the second degree , the W . M .-elect , Bro . R . Whalley , was duly presented by Bro . E . Banks , P . M . The Installing Master , Bro . R . Landless , P . M ., then obligated the W . M .-elect , and in a Board of Installing Masters , p laced him in the chair of K . S . according to anricnt custom . On the return of the brethren , he was
proclaimed and saluted . Bro . Landless gave the usual charges to the W . M ., Wardens , officers , and brethren . The follow-in ? brethren were appointed and invested - Bros . T . C . Preston . S . W . ; T . My .-ock , J . W .: Landless , Treasurer ; R . W . Brailhwaiie , Sec ; j . B . Fisher ,
S . D . ; G . W . Sharpies , J . D . ; W . Bailey , I . G . The lodi-e being closed in the second degree , the brethren were called , to refreshment , the banquet being under the presidency of Bro . R . Whalley , W . M . The usual loyal ami patriotic toasts having been given and suitably responded to , the customary Masonic toasts and sentiments