Article REPORTS OF: MASONIC MEETINGS. ← Page 4 of 4 Article Mark Masonry. Page 1 of 1 Article Mark Masonry. Page 1 of 1 Article Red Cross of Constatine. Page 1 of 1 Article Obituary. Page 1 of 1 Article Obituary. Page 1 of 1 Article FREEMASONRY IN THE CITY. Page 1 of 1 Article DRAMATIC NOTES. Page 1 of 1
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Reports Of: Masonic Meetings.
Williams , W . M . 1356 ; J . H . Gregory , J . W . 667 ; Lindo Courtenay , W . M . 1609 ; T . Nickson , P . M . 1356 ; J . T . Amson , 1393 ; W . Roberts , 135 6 ; A . Woolrich , Treasurer 1609 ; E . " George , S . D . 1356 ; W . Parry , 1505 ; J . G . Hartley , 594 ; T . Boswell , S . W . 594 ; J . B . MacKcnzie , S . W . 1609 . After the minutes of the previous meeting had been read and confirmed , the W . M . ( Bro . Morrison ) closed
his year ' s work by performing the ceremony of initiation in a remarkably able manner . The chair of Installing Master was afterwards taken b y Bro . Thomas Evans , P . M ., of the Prince Arthur , whose Masonic zeal and ability arc so well known in Liverpool , and in a most excellent and hig hly impressive manner he p laced Bro . Samuel Hikins in thc chair of K . S . The following were invested as thc
officers for the ensuing year : Bros . A . Morrison , I . P . M . Thomas Evans , P . M ., Treasurer ; Robert Roberts , S . W . ; Henry Worthington , J . W . ( by proxy ); Ralph Webster , Secretary ; Walter W . Thomas , S . D . ; Wiiliam P . Vines , J . D . ; David Morris , I . G . ; and Peter M . Larsen , Tyler . The brethren subsequentl y dined together in the lodge room , the banquet being served by Bio . W . S . Vines ,
P . P . G . D . C , m a manner which left literally nothing to be desired . The W . M . in gi'ing the toast of "The Queen , " said that on the recent death of the Princess Alice , which had come so unexpectedly , Her Majesty would have no more wide-spread and heartfelt sympathy exhibited amongst any of her subjects than in the body of Masonry . ( Hear , hear . ) While Queen and subjects alike
must submit to the will of the G . A . O . T . U ., Her Majesty would , doubtless , feel the consolation of having thc sympathies of a loyal and loving people-. The W . M . next proposed the toasts , "The M . W . G . M . Bro . H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , thc Princess of Wales , and the rest of the Royal Family , " " The M . W . the . Pro Grand Master , Bro . the Right Hon . the Earl of Carnarvon , " and " The
Right W . Dep . G . M ., and Prov . G . M . of West Lancashire , the Right Hon . Lord Skelmersdale , and the Officers of the Prov . Grand Lodge , Present and Past . " Bro . H . S . Alpass responded to the last toast , and in doing so he said that as a P . M . of the Prince Arthur Lodge he naturally took a great intcicst in it . He was very glad to say that they had hitherto gone on very quietly , and he
was quite sure his lordship would be quite satisficel with the manner in which the W . Ms , and all their officers had invariably performed their duties . Thc I . P . M . gave " The Health of the W . M . " in highly eulogistic terms , and the toast , received with much enthusiasm , was most suitably ackiiowleelgcd by Bro . Hikins . "Thc I . P . M's . " health was next on the list , and , in proposing it , the W . M . presented Bro . Munisun , thc I . P . M ., with a very
handsome Past Master ' s jewel , as a token cf the esteem in which he was held by thc brethren eluring his connection with the lodge since its consecration . Thc toast and presentation were very feelingly acknowledged by Bro . Morrison , and the other toasts given during the evening were " The Installinr Master , " Bro . P . M . Evans ( most cordially received ) , " The Officers , " " The Visitors , " " The Press , " & c . Several capital songs were given during the pleasant evening ' s proceedings .
INSTRUCTION . YORK . —Eboracum Lods ^ e , ( No . iCn ) . —A meeting for instruction was held on Monday evening by this lodge at the Queen ' s Hotel . Bro . J . S . Cumberland , the W . S ? ., worked the First Degree ceremony , and the meeting was very interesting , several matters being discussed relative to the lodge affairs . Bro . J . Hanly , W . M .
elect of the St . Patrick ' s Lodge , was present by special invitation ' . A supper followed the closing of the lodge and a social evening was passed in all harmony and pood will . Bro . T . B . Whytehead , P . M ., presented to the lodge a copy of Dr . Oliver ' s " Twelve Lectures on Freemasonry " and some photographs of American brethren for the Lodee Album .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
BURY St . EDMUNDS . —Freeman Lodge ( No . 105 ) . —This lodge held its quarterly meeting on the 12 th ult ., and the business on the agenda paper was to install Hro . William H . Lucia , Grand Sword Bearer of England , as Worshipful Master for thc ensuing year , and , if elected , to advance thirteen brethren . Tlie ballot being taken , a unanimous voting wag declared for all the
candidates . Past Master Bro . R . N . Sanderson , of the Victor Albert Lodge , Ipswich , assisted by P . M . Bro . T . W . Westgate , of the same lodge , then advanced the following brethren : —Bros . I . Hedley Bevan , 100 S ; J . T . Hassall , 1008 ; H . Theimpson , 1008 ; J . D . Perrott , 100 S ; K . Sparkt , 1592 ; N . Tracey , 376 . The installation ceremony was performed by Past Master Bro . Thomas Poore , P . M . and
Secretary 131 ); assisted by Bro . George Lilly , P . M . and Treasurer 139 . The newly installed Master invested his officers as follows : —Bros . I . N . York , S . W . ; B . Chennell , J . W . ; C . T . Oakes , S . D . ; E . King , J . D . ; T . F . Lucia , M . O . ; I . Hedley Bevan , S . O . ; W . J . Nunn , J . O . ; R . Thompson , I . G ., Wm . Armstrong was appointed Secretary , and T . J . Huddleston , elected Treasurer . The
whole of the work was admirably done , and thanks were given and recorded on the minutes to the four brethren who had so kindly maele special journeys to carry out the duties of the evening . At the close of thc business , the addresse-s were delivered to the officers and brethren by the Installing
Master , after which the lodge \ va •: closed , and the brethren sat down to banquet . Loyal and . Masonic complimentary leasts followed , intermixed with harmony , and it was acknowledged that the evening was a most cnj .. yab ! e one , not only in sociability but from the satisfaction that M . irk Masonry was now firmly established in the town .
MARYPORT . — Whitwell Lodge ( No . 151 ) . — The monthly meeting of this lodge was held on ThurseUy evening , the 19 th ult ., in the Masonic td-lall . Eaglesfieldstreet . There were present : —Bros , [ . H . Banks , W . M . ; T . Maudle , I . P . M . ; W . Armstrong , S . W . ; P . Dodgsou ,
Mark Masonry.
J . W . ; E . G . Mitchell , M . O . ; J . Quay , as S . O . ; G . D Thompson , J . O . ; W . K . Lamouby , W . M . 229 , Chaplain ' ( Freemason ); Jos . Nicholson , P . M . and Treasurer , a S . D . ; J . Adair , Secretary ; J . W . Robinson , S . O ., as J . D . ; Js Gardiner , P . M . as I . G . ; and J . Smith , Oig . Thc minutes , of previous meeting having been rciel and confirmed , a
ballot was taken for the advancement of Bros . John Elliot , S . W . Lodge of Perseverance . No . 371 , Mary port , and John Wilson , of thc same lodge . Both ballots were unanimously clear , and Bro . Elliot , being in attendance , was duly advanced to the honourable degree of M . M . M . After the transaction of some other business the lodge was closed in harmony .
Red Cross Of Constatine.
Red Cross of Constatine .
PORTSMOUTH . —Naval and Military Conclave ( No . 35 ) . —The eiuarterly meeting was held at the Masonic Hall , on the 16 th ult . The conclave was opened by Sir Kt . G . A . Green , M . P . S ., at 6 . 30 p . m . The meeting was honoured with the attendance of Sir Kt . M . A . Bolton , M . P . S . Thanet Conclave , No . 121 . The minutes of the September Conclave were adopted . Bros . E . Good ,
P . M . S 04 ; A . Wendovcr , 1069 ; and G . K Brown , 342 , were balloted for and unanimously electeel . Bros . Brown and G . Whitehall being present , were entrusted , admitted , installed , and proclaimed . The M . P . S . delivered the Historical Oiation . The Recorder informed thc members that he had received letters from Lady Williams and Mrs . Little , acknowledg ing their receipt of addresses of condolence from
the Rcc . in the name of the officers and members generally . The Sir Kts . adjourned to the George Hotel , Highstreet , where a banquet hael been provided by Bro . Kemp , but some twenty only attended , the weather being unpropitious . The Sanctuary K . H . S . was held early in the evening , when Sir Kts . Clay , Triggs , Hall , and Health were received into this exalted Order .
Obituary .
BRO . B . HEAD , P . G . D . We are sorry to have to record the departure from this world of a good and kind brother who was much esteemed and valued by all who knew him , Bro . Bjnjimin Head , who died quite peacefully at his residence 12 , Earl ' s terrace , Kensington , on Tuesday afternoon , the 24 th ult . lie was interred in the grave of his late wife at Arnot ' s Vale ,
Bristol , em Monday the 30 th ult . Bro . Head was heini at Ipswich , September 28 th , 1801 , and was initiated into Freemasonry in the Doric Lodge , Woodbridge , 5 th October , 1826 , raised to the Third Degree 7 th December , 1826 , and remained " a member ; lill death . He was a Past Grand Junior Warden of Suffolk ; he joined the Cornerstone Loelge , No . 37 , (" previous to its amalgamation with
the . St . George ' s Lodge , No . 5 , ) remaining a member till death , and served as Grand Stewaul in 1856 ; he joine 1 a lodge at Bristol , and one or two at Ipswich , he was also a member of the Caveac Lodge , No . 17 6 , for many years , and an old member of the Stability Lodge of Instruction . Bro . I lead was appointed Grand Deacon in 186 3 by thc late M . W . G . M . the Earl of Zetland , he was exalted in the
Doric Chapter , Woodbridge-, joined the St . George Chapter , No . 3 , served the office of M . E . Z . in 18 5 6 , ami that of Treasurer from 1 S 59 till he resigned the office in the early part of 18 7 8 on account of advancing years , to the great regret of the members by whom he was much respected anel lo . e'd as a brother and a friend . He was appointed Sword Bearer of Grand Chapter in 1863 . Bro , Head was a Vice-Patmn of the Royal Masonic Institution
for Boys , Vice-President of the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls , Vice-President of the Royal Masonic Institution for the Aged , a member of the House Committees of e ? ch , and for some years Chairman of the House . Committee of the Boys' School . Njt onl / 1 ave the Misonic Charities lost a good supporter , but various charities outside Masonry will miss him very much , particularly some of our hospitals .
BRO . JOHN BOYD P . G . P . It is our painful duty also to record the death of Bro . John Boyd , which sad event took p lace suddenly on Monday last , the 30 th ult . The following brief account of his Masonic career will be ' read with interest by his numerous friends and admirers : —
Bro . John Boyd was lnniated on thc 3 rd January , 1848 , 111 the Robert Burns Lodge , No . 23 ; joined the Lodge of Prudent Brethren , 22 nd March , 1 S 33 ; and thc Globe Lodge , No . 23 . 14 th April , ifidii ; Polish National Lodge No . 534 , in 1 S 34 ; appointed Assistant Grand Pursuivant in 1871 , Grand Pursuivant in 1 S 72 ; exalted in Polish National Chapter , No . 534 , 011 the 2 ? th October , 1849 ; was First Z .
of Prudent Brethren Chapter , No . 145 , in 1869 ; one of the Founders of Burdett Chapter , No 1293 , Hampton Court , ar , d was at the time of his death G . N . in the Prov . Grand Chapter of Middlesex . Bro . Boyd took great interest in Royal Arch Masonry , and worked the ceremony and lectures with great taste from his thorough knowledge and meaning of the Ritual . He also took great interest in , and
rendered very valuable aid at , the Metropolitan Chapter of Instruction , which was established by the Prudent Brethren Chapter . lie conseciaied several lodges and chapteis , he was one of the committee of thc Wentworth Little Memorial Fund . It was only a few days ago that he paid
over to the Treasurer several sums for that Fund , and said he hoped to do much more yet . Bro . Boyd was a Kni ght Tempi ir , and al .-o tor . k great interest with Bro . Little in the Red Cross of Rome and Constmitinc . The funeral takes place : this ( Saturday ; afternoon , at Biompton Cemetery , at 2 o ' clock .
BRO . BRYAN WOKM-1 LD . On Thurselay , the 19 th ult . a number of the York brethren met at the York Cemetery to sec the last of the remains of their late Hro . Bryan Wormaid , who died on
the previous Tuesday after an illness of five years . Bro . Wormaid was initiated , in 1866 , in the York Lodge ( No . 236 ) , and was always an ardent admirer and supporter of the Craft . He was a member of the Zetland Chapter cf Royal Arch Masons , of the York Lodge of Mark Master Masons ( Time Immemorial ) , and nf the Hilda Chapter Rose Croix . His long illness prevented him from undertaking the chair of the York Lodge , but he served the office of Preceptor in
the Ancient Ebor Preceptory of Knight Templar , and cherished a very warm regard for that Order . According to his express wish the pall was supported by six members of the Preceptory , E . Sir Knts , N . B . Whytehead and G . Cooper and Sir Knts . J . S , Cumberland , J . Keswick , C . Palliser and F . Rawling . A beautiful cross formed of camellias and chrysanthemums , sent by the Preceptory , bearing the motto of the Order , " In Hoc Signo Vinces " Was placed upon the coffin .
Freemasonry In The City.
It appears from the calendar of the United Grand Lodge of England that there are now 1 , 785 lodges of Freemasons on the register of Grand Lodge , of which 50 have been registered in 18 78 , and warrants have been granted for three new lodges in the City during the year , viz .: No . 1 , 743 , thc Perseverance , held at the Imperial
Hotel , Holborn Viaduct ; No . 1 , 745 , the Farringdon , held at the Viaduct Hotel , Holborn ; and No . 176 9 , the Clarendon , held at the Guildhall Tavern ; making the total number of lodges held in the City , 79 of which 15 arc held at the Albion , and one at the Castle and Falcon , Aldersgate-street ; 16 are held at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , and three at the
London , in tbe same street ; 10 at thc Cannonstreet Hotel ; 10 at the Guildhall Tavern ; nir . e at the Ship and Turtle , Leadcnhall-street ; five at the Holborn Viaduct Hotel , and one at the Imperial Hotel , Holborn Viaduct ; four at the Masonic Club , Queen Victoria-street ; three at the Masons' Hall Tavern , Basinghall-stiect ; one at the Cheshire Cheese , Crutchedfriars ;
and one at the New Market Hotel , Smithfield . Fourteen Lodges of Instruction are held in the City , viz . -. At the Hercules Tavern , Leadenhall-street ( 2 ); Railway Tavern , London-street ; Bell Tavern , Carter-lane ; the Whittington , Moor-lane ; the White Hart , Bishopsgate-street ; tbe Guildhall Tavern ; thc London Masonic Club , Queen Victoria . strcet ; the Red Lion , Popnin ' s-court , Fleet-street ;
the Jamaica Coffee-house , Cornhill ; the White Hart , Abchurch-lane ; the Portugal Hotel , Fleet-street ; Punch ' s Hotel , Fleet-street ; and at Masons' Hall Tavern . In the City there are also 27 Royal Arch Chapters , of which seven are held at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street ; five at the Ship and Turtle , five at the Albion ; three at the Cannon-street
Hotel ; two at the Guildhall Tavern ; two at the Masons ' Hall ; one at the Cheshire Cheese , Crutchedfriars ; one at the White Hart Tavern , Abchurch-lane ; and one at the Masonic Club , Queen Victoria-street . Chapters of Instruction are held at the White Hart Tavern , Bishopsgate-street and at the Jamaica Coffee-house , St . Michael ' s-alley Cornhill . —City Press .
Dramatic Notes.
The Sheffield Masonic Ama ' eur Dramatic Society gave two more peiformances at the Freemasons' Hall there , on thc 21 st and 22 nd ult ., when " Friend Waggles , " " An Ugly Customer , " " Delicate Ground , " " Fish out of Water , " and " Rosebud ot Stinging-nettle Farm , " were successfully produced . Bro . Gatty was again to the fore ; good service
was also rendered by Bros . Capt . Mills , Garnetr , Reauev , Middleton , Brailsford , Townsend , Hoyland , Scargill , Holiday , B . M . Renton , S . B . Ellis , J . W . While , and Lei g hton , in their various parts . Bros . Blair and Bennett were efficient prompters , and the banel , under Bro . Webster , was all that could be desired . Last , but not least , these brethren were most ably assisted
by two lady professionals , Miss Marie Montgomery and Miss Frederica Taylor , of London . These ladies received a hearty welcome , which the impression they made oq their former visit fairly justified , and they fully sustained thc reputation tbey had gained . The Sheffield Masonic Amateur Dramatic Society is a
great success ; we hope it may be our lot to chronicle many more such pleasant and clever entertainments as those given in its first season , which certainly surprised us and many others , showing that if brethren work together much may be done , especially where there is such a manager at hand as our hardworking Bro . Rcaney .
MUSIC . Hearts yield easily when under the divine influence of music . Its soothing , thrilling , and softening effect , on us tender-hearted mortals is really charming , enchanting , sublime ! It gives rise to emotions which steal over and lift us completely above our common-place existence . The new pleasures that arc born within us , by the harmonious
strains of soul-inspiring melody , are often seraphic . The soul seems to expand anel to quit the body , to be wafted heavenward with the ascending sounds . Nature hath no greater or sweeter joy to give unto man than that which is conveyed to him by music ; the gift of which must be , in some degree , a compensation for that beautiful , that benign , and blissful paradise—Ihe Garden of Eden ; the
loss of which is a curse to the human race , and a cause of its utter degradation and souls' bondage . The first ray o bliss , of hope , and even of piety , may be , nay is often let in to the sleeping soul by the sweet sounds and heart touching chorels of refined , classical , and sacred music . The love of it grows apace , it fills our hearts with joy , and
those whose souls are not enraptured by its celestial strains , have hearts that cannot feel all the sublimity of the heaven-bestowed gift . Music cheers the heart , smooths the rough path of life , and makes the world bright and gay . Without it the earth would be dreary , and man less happy . —SAVABICUS ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of: Masonic Meetings.
Williams , W . M . 1356 ; J . H . Gregory , J . W . 667 ; Lindo Courtenay , W . M . 1609 ; T . Nickson , P . M . 1356 ; J . T . Amson , 1393 ; W . Roberts , 135 6 ; A . Woolrich , Treasurer 1609 ; E . " George , S . D . 1356 ; W . Parry , 1505 ; J . G . Hartley , 594 ; T . Boswell , S . W . 594 ; J . B . MacKcnzie , S . W . 1609 . After the minutes of the previous meeting had been read and confirmed , the W . M . ( Bro . Morrison ) closed
his year ' s work by performing the ceremony of initiation in a remarkably able manner . The chair of Installing Master was afterwards taken b y Bro . Thomas Evans , P . M ., of the Prince Arthur , whose Masonic zeal and ability arc so well known in Liverpool , and in a most excellent and hig hly impressive manner he p laced Bro . Samuel Hikins in thc chair of K . S . The following were invested as thc
officers for the ensuing year : Bros . A . Morrison , I . P . M . Thomas Evans , P . M ., Treasurer ; Robert Roberts , S . W . ; Henry Worthington , J . W . ( by proxy ); Ralph Webster , Secretary ; Walter W . Thomas , S . D . ; Wiiliam P . Vines , J . D . ; David Morris , I . G . ; and Peter M . Larsen , Tyler . The brethren subsequentl y dined together in the lodge room , the banquet being served by Bio . W . S . Vines ,
P . P . G . D . C , m a manner which left literally nothing to be desired . The W . M . in gi'ing the toast of "The Queen , " said that on the recent death of the Princess Alice , which had come so unexpectedly , Her Majesty would have no more wide-spread and heartfelt sympathy exhibited amongst any of her subjects than in the body of Masonry . ( Hear , hear . ) While Queen and subjects alike
must submit to the will of the G . A . O . T . U ., Her Majesty would , doubtless , feel the consolation of having thc sympathies of a loyal and loving people-. The W . M . next proposed the toasts , "The M . W . G . M . Bro . H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , thc Princess of Wales , and the rest of the Royal Family , " " The M . W . the . Pro Grand Master , Bro . the Right Hon . the Earl of Carnarvon , " and " The
Right W . Dep . G . M ., and Prov . G . M . of West Lancashire , the Right Hon . Lord Skelmersdale , and the Officers of the Prov . Grand Lodge , Present and Past . " Bro . H . S . Alpass responded to the last toast , and in doing so he said that as a P . M . of the Prince Arthur Lodge he naturally took a great intcicst in it . He was very glad to say that they had hitherto gone on very quietly , and he
was quite sure his lordship would be quite satisficel with the manner in which the W . Ms , and all their officers had invariably performed their duties . Thc I . P . M . gave " The Health of the W . M . " in highly eulogistic terms , and the toast , received with much enthusiasm , was most suitably ackiiowleelgcd by Bro . Hikins . "Thc I . P . M's . " health was next on the list , and , in proposing it , the W . M . presented Bro . Munisun , thc I . P . M ., with a very
handsome Past Master ' s jewel , as a token cf the esteem in which he was held by thc brethren eluring his connection with the lodge since its consecration . Thc toast and presentation were very feelingly acknowledged by Bro . Morrison , and the other toasts given during the evening were " The Installinr Master , " Bro . P . M . Evans ( most cordially received ) , " The Officers , " " The Visitors , " " The Press , " & c . Several capital songs were given during the pleasant evening ' s proceedings .
INSTRUCTION . YORK . —Eboracum Lods ^ e , ( No . iCn ) . —A meeting for instruction was held on Monday evening by this lodge at the Queen ' s Hotel . Bro . J . S . Cumberland , the W . S ? ., worked the First Degree ceremony , and the meeting was very interesting , several matters being discussed relative to the lodge affairs . Bro . J . Hanly , W . M .
elect of the St . Patrick ' s Lodge , was present by special invitation ' . A supper followed the closing of the lodge and a social evening was passed in all harmony and pood will . Bro . T . B . Whytehead , P . M ., presented to the lodge a copy of Dr . Oliver ' s " Twelve Lectures on Freemasonry " and some photographs of American brethren for the Lodee Album .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
BURY St . EDMUNDS . —Freeman Lodge ( No . 105 ) . —This lodge held its quarterly meeting on the 12 th ult ., and the business on the agenda paper was to install Hro . William H . Lucia , Grand Sword Bearer of England , as Worshipful Master for thc ensuing year , and , if elected , to advance thirteen brethren . Tlie ballot being taken , a unanimous voting wag declared for all the
candidates . Past Master Bro . R . N . Sanderson , of the Victor Albert Lodge , Ipswich , assisted by P . M . Bro . T . W . Westgate , of the same lodge , then advanced the following brethren : —Bros . I . Hedley Bevan , 100 S ; J . T . Hassall , 1008 ; H . Theimpson , 1008 ; J . D . Perrott , 100 S ; K . Sparkt , 1592 ; N . Tracey , 376 . The installation ceremony was performed by Past Master Bro . Thomas Poore , P . M . and
Secretary 131 ); assisted by Bro . George Lilly , P . M . and Treasurer 139 . The newly installed Master invested his officers as follows : —Bros . I . N . York , S . W . ; B . Chennell , J . W . ; C . T . Oakes , S . D . ; E . King , J . D . ; T . F . Lucia , M . O . ; I . Hedley Bevan , S . O . ; W . J . Nunn , J . O . ; R . Thompson , I . G ., Wm . Armstrong was appointed Secretary , and T . J . Huddleston , elected Treasurer . The
whole of the work was admirably done , and thanks were given and recorded on the minutes to the four brethren who had so kindly maele special journeys to carry out the duties of the evening . At the close of thc business , the addresse-s were delivered to the officers and brethren by the Installing
Master , after which the lodge \ va •: closed , and the brethren sat down to banquet . Loyal and . Masonic complimentary leasts followed , intermixed with harmony , and it was acknowledged that the evening was a most cnj .. yab ! e one , not only in sociability but from the satisfaction that M . irk Masonry was now firmly established in the town .
MARYPORT . — Whitwell Lodge ( No . 151 ) . — The monthly meeting of this lodge was held on ThurseUy evening , the 19 th ult ., in the Masonic td-lall . Eaglesfieldstreet . There were present : —Bros , [ . H . Banks , W . M . ; T . Maudle , I . P . M . ; W . Armstrong , S . W . ; P . Dodgsou ,
Mark Masonry.
J . W . ; E . G . Mitchell , M . O . ; J . Quay , as S . O . ; G . D Thompson , J . O . ; W . K . Lamouby , W . M . 229 , Chaplain ' ( Freemason ); Jos . Nicholson , P . M . and Treasurer , a S . D . ; J . Adair , Secretary ; J . W . Robinson , S . O ., as J . D . ; Js Gardiner , P . M . as I . G . ; and J . Smith , Oig . Thc minutes , of previous meeting having been rciel and confirmed , a
ballot was taken for the advancement of Bros . John Elliot , S . W . Lodge of Perseverance . No . 371 , Mary port , and John Wilson , of thc same lodge . Both ballots were unanimously clear , and Bro . Elliot , being in attendance , was duly advanced to the honourable degree of M . M . M . After the transaction of some other business the lodge was closed in harmony .
Red Cross Of Constatine.
Red Cross of Constatine .
PORTSMOUTH . —Naval and Military Conclave ( No . 35 ) . —The eiuarterly meeting was held at the Masonic Hall , on the 16 th ult . The conclave was opened by Sir Kt . G . A . Green , M . P . S ., at 6 . 30 p . m . The meeting was honoured with the attendance of Sir Kt . M . A . Bolton , M . P . S . Thanet Conclave , No . 121 . The minutes of the September Conclave were adopted . Bros . E . Good ,
P . M . S 04 ; A . Wendovcr , 1069 ; and G . K Brown , 342 , were balloted for and unanimously electeel . Bros . Brown and G . Whitehall being present , were entrusted , admitted , installed , and proclaimed . The M . P . S . delivered the Historical Oiation . The Recorder informed thc members that he had received letters from Lady Williams and Mrs . Little , acknowledg ing their receipt of addresses of condolence from
the Rcc . in the name of the officers and members generally . The Sir Kts . adjourned to the George Hotel , Highstreet , where a banquet hael been provided by Bro . Kemp , but some twenty only attended , the weather being unpropitious . The Sanctuary K . H . S . was held early in the evening , when Sir Kts . Clay , Triggs , Hall , and Health were received into this exalted Order .
Obituary .
BRO . B . HEAD , P . G . D . We are sorry to have to record the departure from this world of a good and kind brother who was much esteemed and valued by all who knew him , Bro . Bjnjimin Head , who died quite peacefully at his residence 12 , Earl ' s terrace , Kensington , on Tuesday afternoon , the 24 th ult . lie was interred in the grave of his late wife at Arnot ' s Vale ,
Bristol , em Monday the 30 th ult . Bro . Head was heini at Ipswich , September 28 th , 1801 , and was initiated into Freemasonry in the Doric Lodge , Woodbridge , 5 th October , 1826 , raised to the Third Degree 7 th December , 1826 , and remained " a member ; lill death . He was a Past Grand Junior Warden of Suffolk ; he joined the Cornerstone Loelge , No . 37 , (" previous to its amalgamation with
the . St . George ' s Lodge , No . 5 , ) remaining a member till death , and served as Grand Stewaul in 1856 ; he joine 1 a lodge at Bristol , and one or two at Ipswich , he was also a member of the Caveac Lodge , No . 17 6 , for many years , and an old member of the Stability Lodge of Instruction . Bro . I lead was appointed Grand Deacon in 186 3 by thc late M . W . G . M . the Earl of Zetland , he was exalted in the
Doric Chapter , Woodbridge-, joined the St . George Chapter , No . 3 , served the office of M . E . Z . in 18 5 6 , ami that of Treasurer from 1 S 59 till he resigned the office in the early part of 18 7 8 on account of advancing years , to the great regret of the members by whom he was much respected anel lo . e'd as a brother and a friend . He was appointed Sword Bearer of Grand Chapter in 1863 . Bro , Head was a Vice-Patmn of the Royal Masonic Institution
for Boys , Vice-President of the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls , Vice-President of the Royal Masonic Institution for the Aged , a member of the House Committees of e ? ch , and for some years Chairman of the House . Committee of the Boys' School . Njt onl / 1 ave the Misonic Charities lost a good supporter , but various charities outside Masonry will miss him very much , particularly some of our hospitals .
BRO . JOHN BOYD P . G . P . It is our painful duty also to record the death of Bro . John Boyd , which sad event took p lace suddenly on Monday last , the 30 th ult . The following brief account of his Masonic career will be ' read with interest by his numerous friends and admirers : —
Bro . John Boyd was lnniated on thc 3 rd January , 1848 , 111 the Robert Burns Lodge , No . 23 ; joined the Lodge of Prudent Brethren , 22 nd March , 1 S 33 ; and thc Globe Lodge , No . 23 . 14 th April , ifidii ; Polish National Lodge No . 534 , in 1 S 34 ; appointed Assistant Grand Pursuivant in 1871 , Grand Pursuivant in 1 S 72 ; exalted in Polish National Chapter , No . 534 , 011 the 2 ? th October , 1849 ; was First Z .
of Prudent Brethren Chapter , No . 145 , in 1869 ; one of the Founders of Burdett Chapter , No 1293 , Hampton Court , ar , d was at the time of his death G . N . in the Prov . Grand Chapter of Middlesex . Bro . Boyd took great interest in Royal Arch Masonry , and worked the ceremony and lectures with great taste from his thorough knowledge and meaning of the Ritual . He also took great interest in , and
rendered very valuable aid at , the Metropolitan Chapter of Instruction , which was established by the Prudent Brethren Chapter . lie conseciaied several lodges and chapteis , he was one of the committee of thc Wentworth Little Memorial Fund . It was only a few days ago that he paid
over to the Treasurer several sums for that Fund , and said he hoped to do much more yet . Bro . Boyd was a Kni ght Tempi ir , and al .-o tor . k great interest with Bro . Little in the Red Cross of Rome and Constmitinc . The funeral takes place : this ( Saturday ; afternoon , at Biompton Cemetery , at 2 o ' clock .
BRO . BRYAN WOKM-1 LD . On Thurselay , the 19 th ult . a number of the York brethren met at the York Cemetery to sec the last of the remains of their late Hro . Bryan Wormaid , who died on
the previous Tuesday after an illness of five years . Bro . Wormaid was initiated , in 1866 , in the York Lodge ( No . 236 ) , and was always an ardent admirer and supporter of the Craft . He was a member of the Zetland Chapter cf Royal Arch Masons , of the York Lodge of Mark Master Masons ( Time Immemorial ) , and nf the Hilda Chapter Rose Croix . His long illness prevented him from undertaking the chair of the York Lodge , but he served the office of Preceptor in
the Ancient Ebor Preceptory of Knight Templar , and cherished a very warm regard for that Order . According to his express wish the pall was supported by six members of the Preceptory , E . Sir Knts , N . B . Whytehead and G . Cooper and Sir Knts . J . S , Cumberland , J . Keswick , C . Palliser and F . Rawling . A beautiful cross formed of camellias and chrysanthemums , sent by the Preceptory , bearing the motto of the Order , " In Hoc Signo Vinces " Was placed upon the coffin .
Freemasonry In The City.
It appears from the calendar of the United Grand Lodge of England that there are now 1 , 785 lodges of Freemasons on the register of Grand Lodge , of which 50 have been registered in 18 78 , and warrants have been granted for three new lodges in the City during the year , viz .: No . 1 , 743 , thc Perseverance , held at the Imperial
Hotel , Holborn Viaduct ; No . 1 , 745 , the Farringdon , held at the Viaduct Hotel , Holborn ; and No . 176 9 , the Clarendon , held at the Guildhall Tavern ; making the total number of lodges held in the City , 79 of which 15 arc held at the Albion , and one at the Castle and Falcon , Aldersgate-street ; 16 are held at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , and three at the
London , in tbe same street ; 10 at thc Cannonstreet Hotel ; 10 at the Guildhall Tavern ; nir . e at the Ship and Turtle , Leadcnhall-street ; five at the Holborn Viaduct Hotel , and one at the Imperial Hotel , Holborn Viaduct ; four at the Masonic Club , Queen Victoria-street ; three at the Masons' Hall Tavern , Basinghall-stiect ; one at the Cheshire Cheese , Crutchedfriars ;
and one at the New Market Hotel , Smithfield . Fourteen Lodges of Instruction are held in the City , viz . -. At the Hercules Tavern , Leadenhall-street ( 2 ); Railway Tavern , London-street ; Bell Tavern , Carter-lane ; the Whittington , Moor-lane ; the White Hart , Bishopsgate-street ; tbe Guildhall Tavern ; thc London Masonic Club , Queen Victoria . strcet ; the Red Lion , Popnin ' s-court , Fleet-street ;
the Jamaica Coffee-house , Cornhill ; the White Hart , Abchurch-lane ; the Portugal Hotel , Fleet-street ; Punch ' s Hotel , Fleet-street ; and at Masons' Hall Tavern . In the City there are also 27 Royal Arch Chapters , of which seven are held at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street ; five at the Ship and Turtle , five at the Albion ; three at the Cannon-street
Hotel ; two at the Guildhall Tavern ; two at the Masons ' Hall ; one at the Cheshire Cheese , Crutchedfriars ; one at the White Hart Tavern , Abchurch-lane ; and one at the Masonic Club , Queen Victoria-street . Chapters of Instruction are held at the White Hart Tavern , Bishopsgate-street and at the Jamaica Coffee-house , St . Michael ' s-alley Cornhill . —City Press .
Dramatic Notes.
The Sheffield Masonic Ama ' eur Dramatic Society gave two more peiformances at the Freemasons' Hall there , on thc 21 st and 22 nd ult ., when " Friend Waggles , " " An Ugly Customer , " " Delicate Ground , " " Fish out of Water , " and " Rosebud ot Stinging-nettle Farm , " were successfully produced . Bro . Gatty was again to the fore ; good service
was also rendered by Bros . Capt . Mills , Garnetr , Reauev , Middleton , Brailsford , Townsend , Hoyland , Scargill , Holiday , B . M . Renton , S . B . Ellis , J . W . While , and Lei g hton , in their various parts . Bros . Blair and Bennett were efficient prompters , and the banel , under Bro . Webster , was all that could be desired . Last , but not least , these brethren were most ably assisted
by two lady professionals , Miss Marie Montgomery and Miss Frederica Taylor , of London . These ladies received a hearty welcome , which the impression they made oq their former visit fairly justified , and they fully sustained thc reputation tbey had gained . The Sheffield Masonic Amateur Dramatic Society is a
great success ; we hope it may be our lot to chronicle many more such pleasant and clever entertainments as those given in its first season , which certainly surprised us and many others , showing that if brethren work together much may be done , especially where there is such a manager at hand as our hardworking Bro . Rcaney .
MUSIC . Hearts yield easily when under the divine influence of music . Its soothing , thrilling , and softening effect , on us tender-hearted mortals is really charming , enchanting , sublime ! It gives rise to emotions which steal over and lift us completely above our common-place existence . The new pleasures that arc born within us , by the harmonious
strains of soul-inspiring melody , are often seraphic . The soul seems to expand anel to quit the body , to be wafted heavenward with the ascending sounds . Nature hath no greater or sweeter joy to give unto man than that which is conveyed to him by music ; the gift of which must be , in some degree , a compensation for that beautiful , that benign , and blissful paradise—Ihe Garden of Eden ; the
loss of which is a curse to the human race , and a cause of its utter degradation and souls' bondage . The first ray o bliss , of hope , and even of piety , may be , nay is often let in to the sleeping soul by the sweet sounds and heart touching chorels of refined , classical , and sacred music . The love of it grows apace , it fills our hearts with joy , and
those whose souls are not enraptured by its celestial strains , have hearts that cannot feel all the sublimity of the heaven-bestowed gift . Music cheers the heart , smooths the rough path of life , and makes the world bright and gay . Without it the earth would be dreary , and man less happy . —SAVABICUS ,