Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 1 of 1 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 1 Article ORDERS OF CHIVALRY. Page 1 of 1 Article INSTRUCTION. Page 1 of 2 →
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
( Continued from page 71 . )
JERSEY . St . Aubyn ' s Lodge , No . 958 . —Instead of their annual place of meeting , the brethren assembled on this occasion at the Temple , Jersey , on Tuesday , the 17 th ultimo , Bro . H . Gee , W . M ., presiding , assisted by Bros . Oatley , P . M ., as S . W . Le Cappellain , J . W . ; A . J . Boullier , P . M ., P . G . S ., Sec . ; Martel , J . D . ; and E . Le Gros , I . G .
There were also present : Bros . E . J . Newton , G . Allen , G . Preesley , R . G . F . Smith , P . M . ; & c . The lodge having been opened according to Masonic usage , the minutesof the last lodgemeetingwere read and confirmed . The lodge was opened in the higher degrees , and a brother was raised to the degree of M . M . 'by the W . M ., whose rendering of this most sublime ceremony could not
fail to make a lasting impression upon the mind of the candidate . An announcement was made that Bro . the Right Worshipful Colonel Ed . C . Malet de Carteret , P . G . M . Channel Islands , and the rest of the P . G . Officers , wished to be admitted . The Deacons , with their gilt wands , escorted them in procession into the lodge , where the P . G . M . took his seat on the dais at the
right of the W . M . The lodge was then resumed to the first degree , ancl a candidate being present for initiation in the ancient mysteries of the Craft was duly admitted , and the ceremony of this degree was also performed by the W . M . in a manner reflecting the hi ghest credit upon Bro . Gee , and the St . Aubyn ' s Lodge may well be congratulated upon having such a Master to direct their
proceedings . —The W . M . rose and directed the attention of the brethren to the fact of the Temple being draped in mourning in consequence of the decease of their late lamented Bro . Dr . Lowe , the S . D . —a-brother so highly esteemed among them all , so indefatigable in his exertions to promote the good of the Craft . The W . M . concluded a lengthened and most eloquent oration upon
the merits of their late brother by pointing to the shortness and uncertainty of this mortal life as a lesson for every one to take to heart , and to perform our allotted task while it is yet day , doing all the good wc can while health and strength is given us . —The lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment . The clcth having been removed , the usual loyal and Masonic
toasts were briefly given in silence . "The health of the P . G . Master and Grand Officers " was proposed by the W . M ., and responded to by Bros . Williams , P . G . C , and Pugsley , P . M . 245 . —The W . M . then proposed "The health ofthe Visitors , " and "Success to the Freemasons ' Life-Boat Movement , " coupling with the latter the name of Bro . S . Davis , 141 , London , to which Bro . Davis
replied , and called the attention of the brethren to the progress of the movement . He was happy to inform them that thc P . G . M . had kindly subscribed £ 3 to thc Fund , and also that , £ 5 5 s . had been received through Bro . Pugsley ; and hoped the brethren of the Channel Islands , who could better appreciate the value of lifeboats than himself—seeing that they lived on one of the
most dangerous of our rock-bound coasts—would rally round the W . M ., who had kindly consented to be one of the committee , and give him all the support in their power . He also expressed his gratitude lo Bro . G . Renouf , W . M . 590 , who had promised to exert himself in the movement . —Several other toasts were then proposed and responded to ; but the enjoyment of the evening was
marred in consequence of the painful loss the lodge had sustained by the demise of Iiro . Lowe . The visitors were : Bros . De Carteret , R . W . P . G . M . ; J . Le Cronier , M . D ., D . P . G . M . ; Ph . Blamfield , 245 , P . G . S . ; A . Schmitt , P . M . 590 , P . G . S . W . ; C . Kingsworth , P . M . 245 , P . G . Reg . ; M . Tracy , W . M . 244 , l ' . G . Sec . ; W . Jones , P . GS . ; R . Barrow , W . M . 491 , P . G . S . : T . B .
Pitcher , J . D . 1003 ; G . Grigg , W . M . 1003 ; W . II . Richards , j . W . 1003 ; K . Row , 491 ; C . Leigh , 1003 ; G . Renouf , W . M . 590 ; J . Blamfield , 590 ; M . J . Emanual , W . M . 205 , London ; S . Davis , 141 , London ; R . Mutton , 1003 ; E . Beadon , J . D . 1 S 7 ; R . Welsh , 37 S ; W . Pugsley , I' . M . 245 ; P . II . Mourant , 245 ; J . L . Hanan , 590 ; E . Gilley , I . G . 1003 ; Francis Bois , 1003 ; Le Eriffon , 590 ; D . Pallat , 590 ; and Turgis , 100 3 .
AUSTRALIA . WOODS POINT , VICTORIA . —Alpine Lodge , No . 107 S . —This lodge held their annual anniversary and installation meeting at the Masonic Hall , Bridge-street , Woods Point , on Friday , November 4 . Present : Bros . Peter Simpson , W . M . ; W . Harrison , P . M . ; R . Brookes Peters , S . W . ; John Holland , J . W . ; and a number of
the brethren ofthe lodge , wilh several visiting brethren . The financial business for the past year having been concluded , Bro . W , Harrison , presented Bro . R . Brookes Peters , W . M .-elect , to receive from his predecessor thc benefit of installation , llro Simpson then proceeded with thc ceremony , and installed Iiro . R . Brookes Peters in an able and impressive manner , assisted by Bro .
Harrison , P . M . The brethren having been readmitted , saluted the new Master in tlie several degrees . P . M . Simpson invested the followingofficers by direction ofthe W . M . ; Bros . John Holland , S . W . ; James Kayle . J . W . ; John Jones , I . G . ; William F . Roberts , S . D . ; Jonas Sly , J . D . ; and Mat . Marassovich , Tyler . Some other business having been disposed of , tlie lodge was closed in
due form wilh solemn prayer . The brethren then adjourned to a sumptuous banquet , ably provided by Bro . John Holland , al the Niagara Hotel . Grace was said by the W . M ., after which the usual attention was paid to thc good tilings of this life . The cloth having been
removed , the W . M . gave the loasts "The Queen and tbe Craft " ( National Anthem ) , and " Tlie Earl de Gray and Ripon and the Grand Masters of Scotland and Ireland . " P . M . Simpson gave " M . W . the Earl of Zetland and thc Prince of Wales , P . G . Masters . " Bro . S . W . Holland gave " The Provincial Grand Master of Victoria . " The
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
W . M . gave the toast of "TheM . W . G . Masters of the colonies of Canada , Nova Scotia , and New Brunswick " ( Dominion of Canada ) , stating that the R . W . G . M . of New Brunswick , Bro . B . L . Peters , was not only his brother in Masonry , but also in family . "The P . M . ' s of the Lodge " was then proposed , and replied to by P . M . Simpson , who proposed "Tlie new W . M . and his
Officers , all the officers m turn replying . S . D . Roberts gave the toast of "The Ladies" —song , "All Good Lasses . " The toast of "The Visitors" was acknowledged by Bros . Adam Hope , William Pitt , and P . M . Harrison . " The Host and Hostess " was replied to by Bro . Holland . "All Poor and Distressed Masons , " & c ., terminated the proceedings , and the brethren separated at high twelve in peace and harmony .
NEW ZEALAND . AUCKLAND . —Lodge Waitemata , No . 6 S 9 . —The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the lodgeroom , Masonic Hotel , on Monday , November 21 st , the W . M ., Bro . A . J . M'Math , in the chair . The minutes of the last regular and an emergency meeting were read and confirmed . Bros . Warren and Humphreys were
passed to the second degree , and the lodge was resumed in the first . The W . M . then presented to P . M . Louis A . Nathan a splendid gold P . M . ' s jewel , set with pearls , manufactured specially by Bro . George Kenning , and engraved with the following inscription : — " Presented to Bro . P . M . Louis A . Nathan by tlie officers and brethren of Lodge Waitemata , No . 6 S 9 , E . G ., as a token of their appreciation of his conduct as W . M . for the year A . D .
1869 , A . I .. 5 S 69 . " Bro . Nathan made a suitable reply , and the lodge then proceeded to the election of W . M . fornext year . Bro . Gledhill , S . W ,, having declined , Bro . W . R . Hayward , J . W ,, was unanimously elected W . M ., Bro . A . Rose was re-elected Treasurer , and Bro . Porter re-appointed Tyler . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren proceeded to refreshment , and after social enjoyment , separated much pleased with their evening ' s entertainment .
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . Caveac Chapter , Nf . 176 . —The regular meeting of this well-established chapter was held at Radley ' s Hotel , Blackfriars , on Thursday , the 2 nd instant , and was opened bv Comps . P . A . Nairne , M . E . Z . ; J . Lacey , P . Z ., as H . ; M . Scott , J . ; assisted by
F . Walters , P . Z ., Treasurer ; and W . Wanfor , P . Z . The companions were admitted , ancl the minutes of the preceding meeting read and confirmed . Apologies were received from absent candidates . The M . E . Z ., in a suitable speech , presented Comp . J . Lacey with a five-guinea jewel , which had been
unanimously voted to him at a previous meeting . Comp . Lacey , in an admirable speech , acknowledged the gift . Comp . F . Walters proposed , Comp . P . A . Nairne seconded , and it was carried unanimously that one guinea be transferred from the chapter funds to thc " Little Testimonial Fund . " The chapter was
closed , and the Companions partook of a superior banquet served up under the personal superintendance of Bro . G . Hart , who was , as usual , most assiduous in his attention to all present . Domatic Chapter , No . 177 . —This old chapter met on Thursday , thc 26 th ult ., at Anderton ' s
Hotel , Fleet-street , under the presidency of Comp . J . Coutts , M . E . Z . ; who was supported by Comps . W . J . Gilbert , 11 . ; G . Wilson , J . ; H . G . Buss , P . Z ., Scribe E . ; T . Cubitt , S . N . ; J . R . Foulger , P . S . ; A . T . Hayward , 2 nd Asst . ; W . Carpenter , J . Brett , C . B . Payne , C . A . Cottebrune , E . Sisson , and R .
W . Little , P . Z . ' s ; J . Weaver , Org . ; D . G . Berri , M . C ; Scott , W . Piatt , Webb , Roberts , and several other companions . After the usual ballot , Bros . Webb and Roberts were duly exalted into Royal Arch Masonry , after which the elections for the ensuing year were proceeded with , and resulted
unanimously as follows : —Comps . Gilbert , M . E . Z . ; Wilson , H . ; Cubitt , J . ; Buss , P . Z ., Treas . ; Little , P . Z ., S . E . ; Foulger , S . N . ; Barrett , P . S . A Past Principal ' s jewel was voted to Comp . Coutts for his efficient services as M . E . Z ., and the chapter was then closed . A very pleasant evening at the
social board succeeded the work in chapter , and the enjoyment of the companions was greatly enhanced by the talented exertions of Comps . Weaver , Foulger , ancl Webb , who rendered some good old songs , with musical accompaniments , while Comp . Scott gave , as usual , his inimitable
recitation of the " Showman . " It was a subject of congratulation amongst all the members present that this well-worked chapter is rapidly resuming its former influential position in thc Order , and what is more gratifying , there is every prospect of a continuance of the prosperity which now attends its labours .
PROVINCIAL . ULVEKSTON . —Furness Chapter , A o . 995 . —The regular convocation of this young ancl flourishing chapter was held on the 24 th ult . at thc Masonic Temple , Theatre-street . The chapter was opened
in ancient form by Comps . Case Z ; Wylie , as IL ; ancl Porter , J . ; assisted by Comps . Matthews , E . ; T . Dodgson , N . ; and Pearson , P . S . ; after which the minutes were read and confirmed . Comp . Case then proposed Comp . Thomas Wylie , Prov .
Royal Arch.
G . R ., as an honorary member , and referred to the many kind services and assistance rendered by him in the formation of the chapter , and subsequently in coming , at a moment ' s notice , so great a distance to assist in the working of it . Comp . Porter seconded the proposition , and on the ballot
being taken , proved unanimous in favour of the election . The ballot was afterwards taken for Bros , the Rev . John Park and Aymer Ainslie , which proved unanimous in their favour . The First Principal then requested Comp . T . Wylie , a distinguished and zealous officer of the Prov . G .
Chapter , to take the chair of Z ., and perform the ceremony of exalting the two brethren , which he did in his usual effective and impressive manner . The absence of Comps . R . Dodgson , Treas ., and R . James , S . E ., through indisposition havingbeen referred to , the chapter was closed in solemn prayer .
Mark Masonry.
HALIFAX . —Fearnley Lodge , Afo . 58 . —The annual meeting of this lodge was held in the Masonic Hall on Wednesday , the 25 th ult . The chair was taken by Bro . Normanton . P . M ., and the lodge having been duly opened and some formal business transacted , the brethren were called from labour to
refreshment in order to partake of tea . The brethren having refreshed themselves , at once returned to the lodge-room , when the chair was taken by Bro . W . Pilling , P . M . No . 14 , who had been invited to perform the ceremony of installation , for which purpose Bro . Normanton now presented the W . M .-elect ,
Bro . John Firth , who having given his assent to the declaration of obedience to the regulations of the Grand Lodge of Mark Master :, was duly placed in the East in due form by Bro . Pilling . The brethren were then re-admitted , and saluted the W . M . in ancient form , who then invested the officers for the
ensuing year , as follows , Bro . Pilling giving the address as the W . M . placed the collar upon each officer : —Bros . Wilkinson , S . W . ; Horsfall , J . W . ; F . Whitaker , M . O . ; Roberts , S . O . ; Wavell , J . O . ; Waddington , Reg . ; Fleming , Treas . ; Cooke , P . M ., Sec . ; Laidler , S . D . ; Ellis , J . D . ; Matthewman , D .
of Cers . ; T . Whitaker , Org . ; Barker , I . G . ; Hunt and Rhodes , Stewards ; Greenwood , P . M ., Tyler . A vote of thanks was passed to Bro . Pilling , a candidate was proposed for advancement , and the lodge was duly closed . The brethren afterwards passed an hour or two in social enjoyment .
Orders Of Chivalry.
RED CROSS OF ROME AND CONSTANTINE . Red Rose Conclave , No . 12 . The knights of this encampment met in conclave on Thursday evening , 26 th ult ., at the Masonic Rooms , Athenaeum , Lancaster . The chair of C . was occupied the M . P . S ., the Illus . Sir Knight J .
Daniel Moore , Intendant General for the Division of North Lancashire , who was supported by Em . Sir Knight Bagnall , V . E . and Recorder ; Sir Knights Wilson Barker , Treas . ; W . Hall , L . R . C . P ., Prefect ; F . Dean , Standard Bearer ; J . Tilly , and Frater R . Taylor , Sentinel . The conclave was
opened and general business transacted . The ballot was taken for Bro . Edward Airey , S . D . Lodge of Fortitude , No . 281 , and Bro . William John Sly , J . D . Lodge of Fortitude , No . 2 S 1 ; and proving unanimous in their favour , they were separately installed as knights ofthe Order by the M . P . S ., who afterward delivered the historical oration .
Eastern Star Lodge of Instruction , No . 95—A meeting of this lodge was held on the 23 rd ult , Bros . Wainwright , W . M . ; Taylor , S . W . ; W . Musko , J . W . ; Davis . S . D . ; and Kennett , I . G ., being in their places . The lodge was opened in due form , and thc minutes read and confirmed . Bro . Wainwright worked the ceremony of installation in
a very effective manner . Bro . Gottluel worked the first and second sections of the first lecture . There were also present Bros . Barnes , Stevens , Austin , Scurr , Rugg , Hogg , Weatherall . Field , Bowron , Jetton , Dempsey , and Bradbury . Bro . Mallett , 141 , was elected a joining member . The lodge was then closed .
Yarborough Lodge of Instruction , No . 554 . —A meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday , the 24 th ult . Present : Bros . Scurr , V / . M . ; Barnes , S . W . ; M . Davis , J . W . ; Mesurier , I . G . ; and Hood , Sec . pro tem . The lodge was opened in due form and the minutes of thc last meeting were read and
confirmed . The fifteen sections were worked by Bro . Scurr , assisted by the brethren as follows : —« 1 st Lecture : Section I , Bro . Salter ; Section 2 , Bro . Rugg ; Section 3 , Bro . Hood ; Section 4 , Bro . M . Davis ; Section 5 , Bro . Bowron ; Section 6 , Bro . Austin ; and Section 7 , Bro . Verry . 2 nd Lecture : Section 1 , Bro . Barnes ; Section 2 , Bro .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
( Continued from page 71 . )
JERSEY . St . Aubyn ' s Lodge , No . 958 . —Instead of their annual place of meeting , the brethren assembled on this occasion at the Temple , Jersey , on Tuesday , the 17 th ultimo , Bro . H . Gee , W . M ., presiding , assisted by Bros . Oatley , P . M ., as S . W . Le Cappellain , J . W . ; A . J . Boullier , P . M ., P . G . S ., Sec . ; Martel , J . D . ; and E . Le Gros , I . G .
There were also present : Bros . E . J . Newton , G . Allen , G . Preesley , R . G . F . Smith , P . M . ; & c . The lodge having been opened according to Masonic usage , the minutesof the last lodgemeetingwere read and confirmed . The lodge was opened in the higher degrees , and a brother was raised to the degree of M . M . 'by the W . M ., whose rendering of this most sublime ceremony could not
fail to make a lasting impression upon the mind of the candidate . An announcement was made that Bro . the Right Worshipful Colonel Ed . C . Malet de Carteret , P . G . M . Channel Islands , and the rest of the P . G . Officers , wished to be admitted . The Deacons , with their gilt wands , escorted them in procession into the lodge , where the P . G . M . took his seat on the dais at the
right of the W . M . The lodge was then resumed to the first degree , ancl a candidate being present for initiation in the ancient mysteries of the Craft was duly admitted , and the ceremony of this degree was also performed by the W . M . in a manner reflecting the hi ghest credit upon Bro . Gee , and the St . Aubyn ' s Lodge may well be congratulated upon having such a Master to direct their
proceedings . —The W . M . rose and directed the attention of the brethren to the fact of the Temple being draped in mourning in consequence of the decease of their late lamented Bro . Dr . Lowe , the S . D . —a-brother so highly esteemed among them all , so indefatigable in his exertions to promote the good of the Craft . The W . M . concluded a lengthened and most eloquent oration upon
the merits of their late brother by pointing to the shortness and uncertainty of this mortal life as a lesson for every one to take to heart , and to perform our allotted task while it is yet day , doing all the good wc can while health and strength is given us . —The lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment . The clcth having been removed , the usual loyal and Masonic
toasts were briefly given in silence . "The health of the P . G . Master and Grand Officers " was proposed by the W . M ., and responded to by Bros . Williams , P . G . C , and Pugsley , P . M . 245 . —The W . M . then proposed "The health ofthe Visitors , " and "Success to the Freemasons ' Life-Boat Movement , " coupling with the latter the name of Bro . S . Davis , 141 , London , to which Bro . Davis
replied , and called the attention of the brethren to the progress of the movement . He was happy to inform them that thc P . G . M . had kindly subscribed £ 3 to thc Fund , and also that , £ 5 5 s . had been received through Bro . Pugsley ; and hoped the brethren of the Channel Islands , who could better appreciate the value of lifeboats than himself—seeing that they lived on one of the
most dangerous of our rock-bound coasts—would rally round the W . M ., who had kindly consented to be one of the committee , and give him all the support in their power . He also expressed his gratitude lo Bro . G . Renouf , W . M . 590 , who had promised to exert himself in the movement . —Several other toasts were then proposed and responded to ; but the enjoyment of the evening was
marred in consequence of the painful loss the lodge had sustained by the demise of Iiro . Lowe . The visitors were : Bros . De Carteret , R . W . P . G . M . ; J . Le Cronier , M . D ., D . P . G . M . ; Ph . Blamfield , 245 , P . G . S . ; A . Schmitt , P . M . 590 , P . G . S . W . ; C . Kingsworth , P . M . 245 , P . G . Reg . ; M . Tracy , W . M . 244 , l ' . G . Sec . ; W . Jones , P . GS . ; R . Barrow , W . M . 491 , P . G . S . : T . B .
Pitcher , J . D . 1003 ; G . Grigg , W . M . 1003 ; W . II . Richards , j . W . 1003 ; K . Row , 491 ; C . Leigh , 1003 ; G . Renouf , W . M . 590 ; J . Blamfield , 590 ; M . J . Emanual , W . M . 205 , London ; S . Davis , 141 , London ; R . Mutton , 1003 ; E . Beadon , J . D . 1 S 7 ; R . Welsh , 37 S ; W . Pugsley , I' . M . 245 ; P . II . Mourant , 245 ; J . L . Hanan , 590 ; E . Gilley , I . G . 1003 ; Francis Bois , 1003 ; Le Eriffon , 590 ; D . Pallat , 590 ; and Turgis , 100 3 .
AUSTRALIA . WOODS POINT , VICTORIA . —Alpine Lodge , No . 107 S . —This lodge held their annual anniversary and installation meeting at the Masonic Hall , Bridge-street , Woods Point , on Friday , November 4 . Present : Bros . Peter Simpson , W . M . ; W . Harrison , P . M . ; R . Brookes Peters , S . W . ; John Holland , J . W . ; and a number of
the brethren ofthe lodge , wilh several visiting brethren . The financial business for the past year having been concluded , Bro . W , Harrison , presented Bro . R . Brookes Peters , W . M .-elect , to receive from his predecessor thc benefit of installation , llro Simpson then proceeded with thc ceremony , and installed Iiro . R . Brookes Peters in an able and impressive manner , assisted by Bro .
Harrison , P . M . The brethren having been readmitted , saluted the new Master in tlie several degrees . P . M . Simpson invested the followingofficers by direction ofthe W . M . ; Bros . John Holland , S . W . ; James Kayle . J . W . ; John Jones , I . G . ; William F . Roberts , S . D . ; Jonas Sly , J . D . ; and Mat . Marassovich , Tyler . Some other business having been disposed of , tlie lodge was closed in
due form wilh solemn prayer . The brethren then adjourned to a sumptuous banquet , ably provided by Bro . John Holland , al the Niagara Hotel . Grace was said by the W . M ., after which the usual attention was paid to thc good tilings of this life . The cloth having been
removed , the W . M . gave the loasts "The Queen and tbe Craft " ( National Anthem ) , and " Tlie Earl de Gray and Ripon and the Grand Masters of Scotland and Ireland . " P . M . Simpson gave " M . W . the Earl of Zetland and thc Prince of Wales , P . G . Masters . " Bro . S . W . Holland gave " The Provincial Grand Master of Victoria . " The
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
W . M . gave the toast of "TheM . W . G . Masters of the colonies of Canada , Nova Scotia , and New Brunswick " ( Dominion of Canada ) , stating that the R . W . G . M . of New Brunswick , Bro . B . L . Peters , was not only his brother in Masonry , but also in family . "The P . M . ' s of the Lodge " was then proposed , and replied to by P . M . Simpson , who proposed "Tlie new W . M . and his
Officers , all the officers m turn replying . S . D . Roberts gave the toast of "The Ladies" —song , "All Good Lasses . " The toast of "The Visitors" was acknowledged by Bros . Adam Hope , William Pitt , and P . M . Harrison . " The Host and Hostess " was replied to by Bro . Holland . "All Poor and Distressed Masons , " & c ., terminated the proceedings , and the brethren separated at high twelve in peace and harmony .
NEW ZEALAND . AUCKLAND . —Lodge Waitemata , No . 6 S 9 . —The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the lodgeroom , Masonic Hotel , on Monday , November 21 st , the W . M ., Bro . A . J . M'Math , in the chair . The minutes of the last regular and an emergency meeting were read and confirmed . Bros . Warren and Humphreys were
passed to the second degree , and the lodge was resumed in the first . The W . M . then presented to P . M . Louis A . Nathan a splendid gold P . M . ' s jewel , set with pearls , manufactured specially by Bro . George Kenning , and engraved with the following inscription : — " Presented to Bro . P . M . Louis A . Nathan by tlie officers and brethren of Lodge Waitemata , No . 6 S 9 , E . G ., as a token of their appreciation of his conduct as W . M . for the year A . D .
1869 , A . I .. 5 S 69 . " Bro . Nathan made a suitable reply , and the lodge then proceeded to the election of W . M . fornext year . Bro . Gledhill , S . W ,, having declined , Bro . W . R . Hayward , J . W ,, was unanimously elected W . M ., Bro . A . Rose was re-elected Treasurer , and Bro . Porter re-appointed Tyler . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren proceeded to refreshment , and after social enjoyment , separated much pleased with their evening ' s entertainment .
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . Caveac Chapter , Nf . 176 . —The regular meeting of this well-established chapter was held at Radley ' s Hotel , Blackfriars , on Thursday , the 2 nd instant , and was opened bv Comps . P . A . Nairne , M . E . Z . ; J . Lacey , P . Z ., as H . ; M . Scott , J . ; assisted by
F . Walters , P . Z ., Treasurer ; and W . Wanfor , P . Z . The companions were admitted , ancl the minutes of the preceding meeting read and confirmed . Apologies were received from absent candidates . The M . E . Z ., in a suitable speech , presented Comp . J . Lacey with a five-guinea jewel , which had been
unanimously voted to him at a previous meeting . Comp . Lacey , in an admirable speech , acknowledged the gift . Comp . F . Walters proposed , Comp . P . A . Nairne seconded , and it was carried unanimously that one guinea be transferred from the chapter funds to thc " Little Testimonial Fund . " The chapter was
closed , and the Companions partook of a superior banquet served up under the personal superintendance of Bro . G . Hart , who was , as usual , most assiduous in his attention to all present . Domatic Chapter , No . 177 . —This old chapter met on Thursday , thc 26 th ult ., at Anderton ' s
Hotel , Fleet-street , under the presidency of Comp . J . Coutts , M . E . Z . ; who was supported by Comps . W . J . Gilbert , 11 . ; G . Wilson , J . ; H . G . Buss , P . Z ., Scribe E . ; T . Cubitt , S . N . ; J . R . Foulger , P . S . ; A . T . Hayward , 2 nd Asst . ; W . Carpenter , J . Brett , C . B . Payne , C . A . Cottebrune , E . Sisson , and R .
W . Little , P . Z . ' s ; J . Weaver , Org . ; D . G . Berri , M . C ; Scott , W . Piatt , Webb , Roberts , and several other companions . After the usual ballot , Bros . Webb and Roberts were duly exalted into Royal Arch Masonry , after which the elections for the ensuing year were proceeded with , and resulted
unanimously as follows : —Comps . Gilbert , M . E . Z . ; Wilson , H . ; Cubitt , J . ; Buss , P . Z ., Treas . ; Little , P . Z ., S . E . ; Foulger , S . N . ; Barrett , P . S . A Past Principal ' s jewel was voted to Comp . Coutts for his efficient services as M . E . Z ., and the chapter was then closed . A very pleasant evening at the
social board succeeded the work in chapter , and the enjoyment of the companions was greatly enhanced by the talented exertions of Comps . Weaver , Foulger , ancl Webb , who rendered some good old songs , with musical accompaniments , while Comp . Scott gave , as usual , his inimitable
recitation of the " Showman . " It was a subject of congratulation amongst all the members present that this well-worked chapter is rapidly resuming its former influential position in thc Order , and what is more gratifying , there is every prospect of a continuance of the prosperity which now attends its labours .
PROVINCIAL . ULVEKSTON . —Furness Chapter , A o . 995 . —The regular convocation of this young ancl flourishing chapter was held on the 24 th ult . at thc Masonic Temple , Theatre-street . The chapter was opened
in ancient form by Comps . Case Z ; Wylie , as IL ; ancl Porter , J . ; assisted by Comps . Matthews , E . ; T . Dodgson , N . ; and Pearson , P . S . ; after which the minutes were read and confirmed . Comp . Case then proposed Comp . Thomas Wylie , Prov .
Royal Arch.
G . R ., as an honorary member , and referred to the many kind services and assistance rendered by him in the formation of the chapter , and subsequently in coming , at a moment ' s notice , so great a distance to assist in the working of it . Comp . Porter seconded the proposition , and on the ballot
being taken , proved unanimous in favour of the election . The ballot was afterwards taken for Bros , the Rev . John Park and Aymer Ainslie , which proved unanimous in their favour . The First Principal then requested Comp . T . Wylie , a distinguished and zealous officer of the Prov . G .
Chapter , to take the chair of Z ., and perform the ceremony of exalting the two brethren , which he did in his usual effective and impressive manner . The absence of Comps . R . Dodgson , Treas ., and R . James , S . E ., through indisposition havingbeen referred to , the chapter was closed in solemn prayer .
Mark Masonry.
HALIFAX . —Fearnley Lodge , Afo . 58 . —The annual meeting of this lodge was held in the Masonic Hall on Wednesday , the 25 th ult . The chair was taken by Bro . Normanton . P . M ., and the lodge having been duly opened and some formal business transacted , the brethren were called from labour to
refreshment in order to partake of tea . The brethren having refreshed themselves , at once returned to the lodge-room , when the chair was taken by Bro . W . Pilling , P . M . No . 14 , who had been invited to perform the ceremony of installation , for which purpose Bro . Normanton now presented the W . M .-elect ,
Bro . John Firth , who having given his assent to the declaration of obedience to the regulations of the Grand Lodge of Mark Master :, was duly placed in the East in due form by Bro . Pilling . The brethren were then re-admitted , and saluted the W . M . in ancient form , who then invested the officers for the
ensuing year , as follows , Bro . Pilling giving the address as the W . M . placed the collar upon each officer : —Bros . Wilkinson , S . W . ; Horsfall , J . W . ; F . Whitaker , M . O . ; Roberts , S . O . ; Wavell , J . O . ; Waddington , Reg . ; Fleming , Treas . ; Cooke , P . M ., Sec . ; Laidler , S . D . ; Ellis , J . D . ; Matthewman , D .
of Cers . ; T . Whitaker , Org . ; Barker , I . G . ; Hunt and Rhodes , Stewards ; Greenwood , P . M ., Tyler . A vote of thanks was passed to Bro . Pilling , a candidate was proposed for advancement , and the lodge was duly closed . The brethren afterwards passed an hour or two in social enjoyment .
Orders Of Chivalry.
RED CROSS OF ROME AND CONSTANTINE . Red Rose Conclave , No . 12 . The knights of this encampment met in conclave on Thursday evening , 26 th ult ., at the Masonic Rooms , Athenaeum , Lancaster . The chair of C . was occupied the M . P . S ., the Illus . Sir Knight J .
Daniel Moore , Intendant General for the Division of North Lancashire , who was supported by Em . Sir Knight Bagnall , V . E . and Recorder ; Sir Knights Wilson Barker , Treas . ; W . Hall , L . R . C . P ., Prefect ; F . Dean , Standard Bearer ; J . Tilly , and Frater R . Taylor , Sentinel . The conclave was
opened and general business transacted . The ballot was taken for Bro . Edward Airey , S . D . Lodge of Fortitude , No . 281 , and Bro . William John Sly , J . D . Lodge of Fortitude , No . 2 S 1 ; and proving unanimous in their favour , they were separately installed as knights ofthe Order by the M . P . S ., who afterward delivered the historical oration .
Eastern Star Lodge of Instruction , No . 95—A meeting of this lodge was held on the 23 rd ult , Bros . Wainwright , W . M . ; Taylor , S . W . ; W . Musko , J . W . ; Davis . S . D . ; and Kennett , I . G ., being in their places . The lodge was opened in due form , and thc minutes read and confirmed . Bro . Wainwright worked the ceremony of installation in
a very effective manner . Bro . Gottluel worked the first and second sections of the first lecture . There were also present Bros . Barnes , Stevens , Austin , Scurr , Rugg , Hogg , Weatherall . Field , Bowron , Jetton , Dempsey , and Bradbury . Bro . Mallett , 141 , was elected a joining member . The lodge was then closed .
Yarborough Lodge of Instruction , No . 554 . —A meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday , the 24 th ult . Present : Bros . Scurr , V / . M . ; Barnes , S . W . ; M . Davis , J . W . ; Mesurier , I . G . ; and Hood , Sec . pro tem . The lodge was opened in due form and the minutes of thc last meeting were read and
confirmed . The fifteen sections were worked by Bro . Scurr , assisted by the brethren as follows : —« 1 st Lecture : Section I , Bro . Salter ; Section 2 , Bro . Rugg ; Section 3 , Bro . Hood ; Section 4 , Bro . M . Davis ; Section 5 , Bro . Bowron ; Section 6 , Bro . Austin ; and Section 7 , Bro . Verry . 2 nd Lecture : Section 1 , Bro . Barnes ; Section 2 , Bro .