Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
ANNIVERSARY OF THE UNION LODGE , No . 332 . The fortieth anniversary of the above lodge , late Duntocher and Fifely Union , was celebrated in a true Masonic spirit on Wednesday evening , the 22 nd February , in the Assembly Rooms , Bathstreet , Glasgow , Bro . Robert Mitchell , R . W . M .,
presiding , and on the platform were Bros . James Balfour , P . M . ; Wm . Lindsay , R . W . M . of Lodge Clyde , No . 408 ; James B . M'Nair , S . W . ; W . H . Johnson , J . W . ; Robert Johnston , Sec . and P . G . S . ; William Dempster , Treas . ; Adams , S . W . of Lodge Commercial , No . 360 ; & c . The following lodges were also represented : Kilwinning , No . 4 ; Thistle
and Rose , No . 73 ; St . Mungo , No . 27 ; Neptune , No . 419 ; Clyde , No . 408 ; & c . There was a good attendance of the brethren , theirwives , sweethearts , and friends . After tea , the Chairman , who was well received , expressed the pleasure he felt in meeting with the members of tlie lodge and the fair sex on that
occasion , their fortieth anniversary , because such gatherings as that one gave them an opportunity and the sweet pleasure of intermingling with those whom they love and respect , and of enjoying a few hours of that happy and social intercourse which should characterize all such meetings . The Chairman , during his remarks , also adverted to the prosperous state of the lodge for the last twelve
months , during which period about forty-five members had been added and , £ 42 19 s . 1 id . placed in the hands of the Treasurer . The Benevolent Fund was also in a most satisfactory condition , so that in every respect , he believed , the lodge was second to none in the Glasgow province . The Chairman likewise referred to the moribund state of the lodge
many years ago , ana congratulated the brethren that it was now imst vigorous and bade fair to pursue a prosperous career . During the evening an excellent vocal programme was sustained by Bros . Gordon , Dempster , HaJley , Porter , Clarke , M'Nair , and Mullen . The following song , written for the occasion by Bro . Balfour , P . M ., and sung by that brother to the stirring air of" Scots , wha hae , " was received with great applause : —
Tae a ' , my freends , the nicht that ' s here , May we meet frae year tae year , And tae partake o' o ' or guid cheer In social harmony . The Union men are here a' na' , Wi' their wives ami sweethearts braw , Welcome ane , we'll welcome a ' , Tae this o ' or annual spree .
'Tis forty years since frae the Grand We a charter did command •Tae form a lodge and took o ' or stand Tae practise Masonry . Kilwinning men are here , Sc .
Masonry it is sublime , Which all men know who doth it join , Its purity abroad doth shine In love and unity . St . Mungo ' s men are here , & c . Masonry , though it is grand , We ' ve got the poor among o ' or band , To them we lend a helping hand , And spread o ' or charity . The Thistle and Rose are here , & e .
May health and strength be o ' or lot Tae wear the clothing wc hae got Without a stain , without a spot , Of inward impurity . Commercial men are here , & c . * The Union men are here a show , Decked out in clothing new and braw , But riches yet may leave them a ' , This pomp and vanity . The Union men are here fu' braw , Wi' their wives and sweethearts an a ' , Welcome ane , we'll welcome a ' , 'Tae tl . is o ' or annual spree .
The ladies here that ' s got nae man , Get a Mason if ye can , He winna say a word that ' s wrang , But serve ye faithfully . The Neptune men are here , & c . Freends , this night before we part Send three cheers frae the heart , And wish us perfect in the Art—This glorious Masonry . The Clyde men are here , & c .
Noo , worthy Chairman , I am done , I hope that I ' ve offended none ; I ' ve done my best , the best I ' ve done , In this lae please ye a ' . The Union men are here here , a na ' , Wi' their wives and sweethearts braw , Welcome ane , we'll welcome a ' , Tae this o ' or annual spree . Remarks were also made from Bros . Lindsay , Adams , M'Nair , and Johnson . An assembly fol-
lowed , which was kept up with great vigour until an advanced hour in the morning , all being highly satisfied and seemed " Happy to meet , sorry to part , and happy to meet again . " * The first night of new clothing .
The brethren of Shamrock Masonic Lodge , No . 93 , held their usual installation dinner at the Gresham Hotel , under the presidency of the W . M ., Bro . James Black ; Bro . Collier , S . W . ; and Bro . Gorton , J . W . After dinner , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly given and responded to , and an address
presented to Bro . North , expressive of the admiration and esteem in which the brethren hold him . The address was accompanied by a valuable testimonial , consisting of a tea ancl coffee service , with salver and kettle to match , the manufacture of Bro . Flavelle , jeweller , 43 , Grafton-street . Each article is ornamented with Bro . North ' s crest and
monogram , and bears the inscription : — " Presented to Bro . James H . North , P . M ., M . R ., A . C ., H . K . T ., by the brethren of Shamrock Masonic Lodge , No . 93 , as a small recognition of the prompt and untiring zeal he has shown in the discharge of his duties as Secretary to the lodge .
The W . M . presented the testimonial , and , in proposing the health of Bro . North , alluded to his many Masonic services in graceful and highly complimentary terms . The address was read by Bro . Pearsall , and is as follows : —
" Dear Sir and Brother , —We , the brethren of Shamrock Masonic Lodge , 93 , with whom you have laboured for many years , deem the present an appropriate time for placing on record our appreciation of your many virtues , and for conveying to you the expression of our sincere esteem and regard . " " We offer you our hearty congratulations on the
success which has invariably attended your efforts in upholding the dignity of our order , but more particularly on the happy result of your untiring zeal in endeavouring to promote the welfare and uphold the honour and respectability of Lodge 93 . " Whatever may be alleged to the contrary by
those who are ignorant of Masonry , it has in all ages , and in every clime , had a humanizing influence , and has shed a lustre and a halo on the people amongst whom it has been introduced . But the institution is too venerable and too sacred to require any laudation , or to render it necessary to be adverted to at any greater length on the present occasion .
" Since you came amongst us , you have shown a laudable desire to promote the interests of Freemasonry by every legitimate means in your power , to free it from misrepresentation , and to advance its usefulness . Your intelligence , your industry , and your singleness of purpose , have deservedly won for you the highest position in our power to
bestow . The result shows that we were not mistaken in committing so important a trust as that of the Secretaryship of our lodge to your charge . To say that you have discharged tlie duties , often difficult and onerous devolving on you , in a creditable and highly satisfactory manner , would be but saying little . By your judicious and wise counsel , you
have been instrumental in raising our lodge to the proud and prosperous position it now enjoys . Your generous liberality and support of our charities , have done much in enabling us to carry out one of the gieatcst objects of the Craft , in relieving the distressed and alleviating the miseries . of the widow and the orphan .
"The manner in which you have discharged your duty in the various offices you have from time to time held in our lodge , has been such as to secure to you our highest meed of approbation , but it is to the still greater efficiency with which you have acquitted yourself as our Secretary , that we wish more particularly to allude . In this capacity you
have at all times brought to bear no small amount of tact , discrimination , and sound judgment . Your time and attention have been freely given , and you have spared no pains in order to insure tlie efficient and harmonious working of your lodge , and while we feel that your devotion and solicitude in our behalf are beyond all praise and all recompense ; still small
as a token of our appreciation of your services , wc beg your acceptance of the accompanying salver and tea and coffee service , certain that a more deserving , high-minded , or larger hearted brother does not exist , and we feel satisfied that . vc only do you justice , by stating that your conduct in our lodge and in Masonry in general , entitles you to the warm approbation of every brother in the order .
Knowing as wc do your sincere attachment to everything pertaining to Masonry and its rites , we hardly think it necessary to request from you a
continuance of your services , persuaded as we are that the duties of the office you so creditably hold are to you a labour of love . " Permit us , in conclusion , again to offer you our hearty acknowledgements , and to express our
sincere hope that you may be long spared to assist in diffusing the blessings of Masonry . "Signed on behalf of the Brethren , " CHARLES BROWN , Chairman of the Committee of Presentation .
" WILLIAM H . HARRIS , Treasurer . "THOMAS PEARSALL . ) „ Secretaries " " WILLIAM BONIS , ] Won becretanes - The following is Bro . North's reply : —
" Worshipful Sir and Brethren , —Believe me , I am deeply conscious of the extreme kindness which prompted you in presenting me with your very flattering address , and the beautiful and costly testimonial which accompanies it , as a mark of your approbation of the manner in which I have
discharged my duties as Secretary of Lodge 93 . This marked and special token of your esteem has been as unexpected as it was undeserved , and on this account is the more highly prized by me . Any person placed in the position which I now occupy might well feel proud in receiving the assurances
that he has been considered a fitting recipient of the confidence and regard of your lodge , the members of which stand so high in the ordtr . I can unaffectedly assure you that the events of this evening have afforded me more sincere and heartfelt gratification than I have experienced on any other
occasion in my whole life . The effect of your kindness , you may rest assured , will be to stimulate me to rene . ved exertions in advancing Masonry , and promoting the interests of your lodge in particular by every means in my power . You have alluded to the part I have taken in the discharge of the
respective offices to which I have been at various times promoted by your kindness and generosity . If , in the various positions which I have filled , I have merited your approbation , I am more than repaid . I can sincerely assure you , that from the moment I entered the order it was my earnest
desire , so far as in me lay , to further the interests of your lodge , and to secure for myself the affection and regard of all the brethren . In accomplishing this I am aware that I never could have done so without your kind assistance . At all times and on all occasions , I have had the benefit of your counsel
and advice , and if I have been fortunate in attaining any of those objects which we had at heart , it is not from any merit of my own , but mainly through your co-operation . It is much to be deplored that those objects and aims have been so much misunderstood , or if understood , so misrepresented
from time to time . Persons have been found to stigmatise us in unmeasured terms , and to place the members of the order in the same category as those who plot for the overthrow of the State in which they live . They are unable to penetrate our mysteries , or to comprehend the grand principles
of Masonry , and hence the malevolent attacks made on us . Those who know ought of Freemasonry are aware that its principles are to banish feud and contentions , to allay enmity , to practise charity , to soothe the afflicted , to be temperate , faithful , generous and just . The grandest and most gorgeous
temples ever erected by the ingenuity of man have crumbled to decay , leaving not a trace behind . Empires have risen and fallen , cities , once the capitals of mighty kingdoms have become deserts , and yet amidst these mighty changes Masonry has lived and flourished to elevate and enlighten the human race .
" Despite opposition from without it is pleasing to know that our numbers are increasing in a greater ratio than at any other time within living memory . The good and the noble of the earth are among its ranks , engaged in bestowing additional blessings on mankind , and assisting to spread abroad the
privileges resulting from liberty and enlightenment . It is to be hoped that the time is not only coming , but that the time is not far distant , when mankind will be sufficiently educated to see more clearly than they have yet done the benefits of Freemasonry . And when the order will be co-extensive with
civilization and Christianity , for Masonry , like the sun , diffuses light and knowledge wherever its influence is felt . It presents a common platform where men of all creeds and classes can meet , and by an interchange of thought and feeling come to understand each other better than ever they did
before . It is an oasis in the desert , without which life would be a dreary and desolate waste . Let us then go forward and unite together in disseminating principles so exalted and commendable , fully persuaded that our efforts will be blessed by the Great
Architect of the Universe . Personally it will afford mc much gratification to be instrumental in any way in affecting so desirable an object . It will continue to be my anxious desire to merit your approbation and confidence by discharging the duties of Secretary of your lodge with increased energy and
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
ANNIVERSARY OF THE UNION LODGE , No . 332 . The fortieth anniversary of the above lodge , late Duntocher and Fifely Union , was celebrated in a true Masonic spirit on Wednesday evening , the 22 nd February , in the Assembly Rooms , Bathstreet , Glasgow , Bro . Robert Mitchell , R . W . M .,
presiding , and on the platform were Bros . James Balfour , P . M . ; Wm . Lindsay , R . W . M . of Lodge Clyde , No . 408 ; James B . M'Nair , S . W . ; W . H . Johnson , J . W . ; Robert Johnston , Sec . and P . G . S . ; William Dempster , Treas . ; Adams , S . W . of Lodge Commercial , No . 360 ; & c . The following lodges were also represented : Kilwinning , No . 4 ; Thistle
and Rose , No . 73 ; St . Mungo , No . 27 ; Neptune , No . 419 ; Clyde , No . 408 ; & c . There was a good attendance of the brethren , theirwives , sweethearts , and friends . After tea , the Chairman , who was well received , expressed the pleasure he felt in meeting with the members of tlie lodge and the fair sex on that
occasion , their fortieth anniversary , because such gatherings as that one gave them an opportunity and the sweet pleasure of intermingling with those whom they love and respect , and of enjoying a few hours of that happy and social intercourse which should characterize all such meetings . The Chairman , during his remarks , also adverted to the prosperous state of the lodge for the last twelve
months , during which period about forty-five members had been added and , £ 42 19 s . 1 id . placed in the hands of the Treasurer . The Benevolent Fund was also in a most satisfactory condition , so that in every respect , he believed , the lodge was second to none in the Glasgow province . The Chairman likewise referred to the moribund state of the lodge
many years ago , ana congratulated the brethren that it was now imst vigorous and bade fair to pursue a prosperous career . During the evening an excellent vocal programme was sustained by Bros . Gordon , Dempster , HaJley , Porter , Clarke , M'Nair , and Mullen . The following song , written for the occasion by Bro . Balfour , P . M ., and sung by that brother to the stirring air of" Scots , wha hae , " was received with great applause : —
Tae a ' , my freends , the nicht that ' s here , May we meet frae year tae year , And tae partake o' o ' or guid cheer In social harmony . The Union men are here a' na' , Wi' their wives ami sweethearts braw , Welcome ane , we'll welcome a ' , Tae this o ' or annual spree .
'Tis forty years since frae the Grand We a charter did command •Tae form a lodge and took o ' or stand Tae practise Masonry . Kilwinning men are here , Sc .
Masonry it is sublime , Which all men know who doth it join , Its purity abroad doth shine In love and unity . St . Mungo ' s men are here , & c . Masonry , though it is grand , We ' ve got the poor among o ' or band , To them we lend a helping hand , And spread o ' or charity . The Thistle and Rose are here , & e .
May health and strength be o ' or lot Tae wear the clothing wc hae got Without a stain , without a spot , Of inward impurity . Commercial men are here , & c . * The Union men are here a show , Decked out in clothing new and braw , But riches yet may leave them a ' , This pomp and vanity . The Union men are here fu' braw , Wi' their wives and sweethearts an a ' , Welcome ane , we'll welcome a ' , 'Tae tl . is o ' or annual spree .
The ladies here that ' s got nae man , Get a Mason if ye can , He winna say a word that ' s wrang , But serve ye faithfully . The Neptune men are here , & c . Freends , this night before we part Send three cheers frae the heart , And wish us perfect in the Art—This glorious Masonry . The Clyde men are here , & c .
Noo , worthy Chairman , I am done , I hope that I ' ve offended none ; I ' ve done my best , the best I ' ve done , In this lae please ye a ' . The Union men are here here , a na ' , Wi' their wives and sweethearts braw , Welcome ane , we'll welcome a ' , Tae this o ' or annual spree . Remarks were also made from Bros . Lindsay , Adams , M'Nair , and Johnson . An assembly fol-
lowed , which was kept up with great vigour until an advanced hour in the morning , all being highly satisfied and seemed " Happy to meet , sorry to part , and happy to meet again . " * The first night of new clothing .
The brethren of Shamrock Masonic Lodge , No . 93 , held their usual installation dinner at the Gresham Hotel , under the presidency of the W . M ., Bro . James Black ; Bro . Collier , S . W . ; and Bro . Gorton , J . W . After dinner , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly given and responded to , and an address
presented to Bro . North , expressive of the admiration and esteem in which the brethren hold him . The address was accompanied by a valuable testimonial , consisting of a tea ancl coffee service , with salver and kettle to match , the manufacture of Bro . Flavelle , jeweller , 43 , Grafton-street . Each article is ornamented with Bro . North ' s crest and
monogram , and bears the inscription : — " Presented to Bro . James H . North , P . M ., M . R ., A . C ., H . K . T ., by the brethren of Shamrock Masonic Lodge , No . 93 , as a small recognition of the prompt and untiring zeal he has shown in the discharge of his duties as Secretary to the lodge .
The W . M . presented the testimonial , and , in proposing the health of Bro . North , alluded to his many Masonic services in graceful and highly complimentary terms . The address was read by Bro . Pearsall , and is as follows : —
" Dear Sir and Brother , —We , the brethren of Shamrock Masonic Lodge , 93 , with whom you have laboured for many years , deem the present an appropriate time for placing on record our appreciation of your many virtues , and for conveying to you the expression of our sincere esteem and regard . " " We offer you our hearty congratulations on the
success which has invariably attended your efforts in upholding the dignity of our order , but more particularly on the happy result of your untiring zeal in endeavouring to promote the welfare and uphold the honour and respectability of Lodge 93 . " Whatever may be alleged to the contrary by
those who are ignorant of Masonry , it has in all ages , and in every clime , had a humanizing influence , and has shed a lustre and a halo on the people amongst whom it has been introduced . But the institution is too venerable and too sacred to require any laudation , or to render it necessary to be adverted to at any greater length on the present occasion .
" Since you came amongst us , you have shown a laudable desire to promote the interests of Freemasonry by every legitimate means in your power , to free it from misrepresentation , and to advance its usefulness . Your intelligence , your industry , and your singleness of purpose , have deservedly won for you the highest position in our power to
bestow . The result shows that we were not mistaken in committing so important a trust as that of the Secretaryship of our lodge to your charge . To say that you have discharged tlie duties , often difficult and onerous devolving on you , in a creditable and highly satisfactory manner , would be but saying little . By your judicious and wise counsel , you
have been instrumental in raising our lodge to the proud and prosperous position it now enjoys . Your generous liberality and support of our charities , have done much in enabling us to carry out one of the gieatcst objects of the Craft , in relieving the distressed and alleviating the miseries . of the widow and the orphan .
"The manner in which you have discharged your duty in the various offices you have from time to time held in our lodge , has been such as to secure to you our highest meed of approbation , but it is to the still greater efficiency with which you have acquitted yourself as our Secretary , that we wish more particularly to allude . In this capacity you
have at all times brought to bear no small amount of tact , discrimination , and sound judgment . Your time and attention have been freely given , and you have spared no pains in order to insure tlie efficient and harmonious working of your lodge , and while we feel that your devotion and solicitude in our behalf are beyond all praise and all recompense ; still small
as a token of our appreciation of your services , wc beg your acceptance of the accompanying salver and tea and coffee service , certain that a more deserving , high-minded , or larger hearted brother does not exist , and we feel satisfied that . vc only do you justice , by stating that your conduct in our lodge and in Masonry in general , entitles you to the warm approbation of every brother in the order .
Knowing as wc do your sincere attachment to everything pertaining to Masonry and its rites , we hardly think it necessary to request from you a
continuance of your services , persuaded as we are that the duties of the office you so creditably hold are to you a labour of love . " Permit us , in conclusion , again to offer you our hearty acknowledgements , and to express our
sincere hope that you may be long spared to assist in diffusing the blessings of Masonry . "Signed on behalf of the Brethren , " CHARLES BROWN , Chairman of the Committee of Presentation .
" WILLIAM H . HARRIS , Treasurer . "THOMAS PEARSALL . ) „ Secretaries " " WILLIAM BONIS , ] Won becretanes - The following is Bro . North's reply : —
" Worshipful Sir and Brethren , —Believe me , I am deeply conscious of the extreme kindness which prompted you in presenting me with your very flattering address , and the beautiful and costly testimonial which accompanies it , as a mark of your approbation of the manner in which I have
discharged my duties as Secretary of Lodge 93 . This marked and special token of your esteem has been as unexpected as it was undeserved , and on this account is the more highly prized by me . Any person placed in the position which I now occupy might well feel proud in receiving the assurances
that he has been considered a fitting recipient of the confidence and regard of your lodge , the members of which stand so high in the ordtr . I can unaffectedly assure you that the events of this evening have afforded me more sincere and heartfelt gratification than I have experienced on any other
occasion in my whole life . The effect of your kindness , you may rest assured , will be to stimulate me to rene . ved exertions in advancing Masonry , and promoting the interests of your lodge in particular by every means in my power . You have alluded to the part I have taken in the discharge of the
respective offices to which I have been at various times promoted by your kindness and generosity . If , in the various positions which I have filled , I have merited your approbation , I am more than repaid . I can sincerely assure you , that from the moment I entered the order it was my earnest
desire , so far as in me lay , to further the interests of your lodge , and to secure for myself the affection and regard of all the brethren . In accomplishing this I am aware that I never could have done so without your kind assistance . At all times and on all occasions , I have had the benefit of your counsel
and advice , and if I have been fortunate in attaining any of those objects which we had at heart , it is not from any merit of my own , but mainly through your co-operation . It is much to be deplored that those objects and aims have been so much misunderstood , or if understood , so misrepresented
from time to time . Persons have been found to stigmatise us in unmeasured terms , and to place the members of the order in the same category as those who plot for the overthrow of the State in which they live . They are unable to penetrate our mysteries , or to comprehend the grand principles
of Masonry , and hence the malevolent attacks made on us . Those who know ought of Freemasonry are aware that its principles are to banish feud and contentions , to allay enmity , to practise charity , to soothe the afflicted , to be temperate , faithful , generous and just . The grandest and most gorgeous
temples ever erected by the ingenuity of man have crumbled to decay , leaving not a trace behind . Empires have risen and fallen , cities , once the capitals of mighty kingdoms have become deserts , and yet amidst these mighty changes Masonry has lived and flourished to elevate and enlighten the human race .
" Despite opposition from without it is pleasing to know that our numbers are increasing in a greater ratio than at any other time within living memory . The good and the noble of the earth are among its ranks , engaged in bestowing additional blessings on mankind , and assisting to spread abroad the
privileges resulting from liberty and enlightenment . It is to be hoped that the time is not only coming , but that the time is not far distant , when mankind will be sufficiently educated to see more clearly than they have yet done the benefits of Freemasonry . And when the order will be co-extensive with
civilization and Christianity , for Masonry , like the sun , diffuses light and knowledge wherever its influence is felt . It presents a common platform where men of all creeds and classes can meet , and by an interchange of thought and feeling come to understand each other better than ever they did
before . It is an oasis in the desert , without which life would be a dreary and desolate waste . Let us then go forward and unite together in disseminating principles so exalted and commendable , fully persuaded that our efforts will be blessed by the Great
Architect of the Universe . Personally it will afford mc much gratification to be instrumental in any way in affecting so desirable an object . It will continue to be my anxious desire to merit your approbation and confidence by discharging the duties of Secretary of your lodge with increased energy and