Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
devotion . Again expressing my hearty acknowledgments for the marked compliment you have paid me , and praying for your individual welfare and happiness , believe me to be , dear brethren , very sincerely and fraternally yours , "J AMES H . NORTH . "
The Robert Wentworth Little Testimonial.
LIST OF SUBSCRIPTIONS . £ & d . Premier Conclave ... ... 10 10 o Whittington Lodge , S 62 ... ... 550 Rose and Lilly Conclave ... ... 550 Bro . W . B . Woodman , M . D ., P . M . 66 550 ,, George Kenning , W . M . 192 ... 5 5 o „ J . T . Moss , W . M . 1326 , P . M . 169 5 5 ° ,, Bayles , 297 ... ... ... 500 „ Paton , 393 3 3 ° ,, Col . F . Burdett , P . G . M . Middlesex 220 „ Rev . C . f . Martyn , Grand Chap ., P . M . 82 ... ... ... 220
,, Roebuck ... ... ... 220 „ Captain J . Bertram ! Payne ... 220
,, Capt . Irwin , Bristol 220 ,, Rev . G . R . Portal ... ... 220 „ J . L . Thomas ... ... 220 ,, Sir Gilbert Campbell ... 220 ,, Raynham Stewart ... ... 220 ,, A . Schmitt ... ... ... 1 10 o
,, Tanner , 177 ... ... I I o
,, Sillifant , P . M . 217 ... ... I 1 o „ Hughan , P . M . 137 ... ... 1 1 o
„ F . Walters , P . M . 73 ... ... 1 I o ,, Smeed , G . P . Middlesex ... I I o ,, Yeoman ... ... ... 1 1 o ,, Mann , W . M . 1306 ... ... 1 1 o ,, Rosenthal , P . M . ... ... I I o ,, Parker , Grand Organist .. I I o ,, Fairlie , 33 ... ... ... 1 I o ,, Gumbleton , 10 , P . G . D . ... I I o ,, Weaver , 862 .. ... I I o
„ Brett , G . P ., 862 ... ... I I o ,, Dr . Daniel Moore , Lancaster ... 1 1 o ,, John Dyer , 22 ... ... 110 ,, C . Coote , P . M . 1319 ... I I o ,, J . M'Kiernan , 192 ... ... 1 I o
,, Angelo Lewis , 78 S ... ... 1 1 o „ J . W . Barrett , P . M . 169 ... I I o ,, II . C . Levander , W . M . 507 ... I I o „ A . B . Donnithorne ... ... 1 1 o
,, E . H . Thiellay ... ... I I o ,, Caveac Chapter , 176 ... ... I I o ,, The Earl of Limeriek ... 100 „ W . C . Barlow , P . M . 174 ... o 10 6 ,, Commander Chas . Scott , R . N . o 10 6 ,, R . M . Bowman , 79 ... ... o 10 6
,, Rev . W . Church , 165 ... o 10 6 „ Ohren , W . M . 452 ... .. o 10 6 ,, Smith , 76 ... ... ... o 10 6 ,, Dr . Jones , Carlisle ... ... o 10 6 ,, Hurlstone , 862 ... ... o 10 6 ,, Quilty , „ ... ... o 10 6
„ Smith , ,, ... ... o 10 6 ,, Garu , ,, ... ... o 10 6 „ Kaye , „ ... ... o 10 6 ,, Whitehead , ,, ... ... o 10 6 „ Jones , ,, ... ... o 10 6
,, Frickenhus , „ ... ... 010 6 ,, Moll , ,, ... ... o 10 6 „ Voigt , „ ... ... o 10 6 ,, Bergmann , „ ... ... o 10 6 ,, Oswalt , ,, ... ... o 10 6
,, Sissons , ,, ... ... o 10 6 „ Haley , „ ... ... o 10 6 „ Kingston ,, ... ... o 10 6 ,, Steiner , ,, ... ... o 10 6 ,, Anderson , ,, ... ... o 10 6 ,, R . Robinson , 1002 ... ... o 10 6 ,, J . Pearson , ,, ... -. o 10 6 „ J . F . Taylor , „ o 10 6 ,, W . Taylor , ,, ... ... o 10 6 ,, J . D . Larsen , C . 177 ... ... o 10 6
,, Lord Eliot , 6 ... ... o 10 o ,, Morton , 9 ... ... ... o 10 o ,, T . J . Sabine ... ... o 10 o „ W . Coombes ... ... 050
GALVANISM . —Pulvermacher ' s Monthly Record of Cures is tuna ready for the benefit of . Sufferers , containing documentary evidence of remarkable Cures effected by Pulvermacher ' s Improved Patent Self-applicable Volta-Electric Chain-Bands and Pocket Batteries , and may be had on application to the Sole Inventor and Patentee—J . L . Pulvermacher , 200 , Regent-street ,
London , W . A lest on Loan sent gratis if required . Caution . —Spurious Electric Appliances being advertised by Quack Doctors , Patients should consult Pulvermacher ' s Pamphlet on that subject ( free by post ) , embodying other most interesting matter for those suffering from Rheumatic and Neuralgic Pains , Functional Disorders , & c , & c —[ Advt . l
Tic DOLOKKUX , Neuralgia , Rheumatism , Lum bago , and all singular complaints , cured by Dr . Gee ' Anodyne ( embrocation ) . Price , 2 s . 9 d ., or sent for 3 s It has never yet failed . Rend testimonials and judge fo yourselves . Agents , T . Ijuriuu and Co ., 269 , Strand , W . C - [ Advt . l
Mark Masonry.
CONSECRATION OF A M . M . LODGE AT BOURNEMOUTH . The ancient Craft Lodge of Hengist , the centenary festival of which we chronicled at some length three weeks ago , has now given proof of its inherent vitality by putting forth a new and vigorous
offshoot , in the shape of a lodge of Mark Masons , bearing the same name as itself . This new lodge ( 125 ) was formally launched upon its career of work on Shrove Tuesday at Bournemouth , under the auspices of Bro . F . Binckes , 33 ° , G . S . ; the visitors being Bros . J . M . P . Montagu , 33 , W . M . St .
Mary's Lodge , Bridport , No . 125 , and D . P . G . M . in Craft Masonry ; R . H . M . Lawson , 30 , W . M . St . Cuthberga's Lodge , Wimborne , No . 99 ; C . Wyndham , J . W . 99 ; W . Reade , S . D . 99 . Expressions of regret at their unavoidable absence were also sent from R . W . Bro . W . W . B . Beach
P . G . M . M . ; Bro . Gundrey , P . G . M . Dorset ; W . Bros . Stebbing and Sheppard . The lodge was opened in ancient form a few minutes after four o ' clock ; and ; after the necessary preliminaries , fourteen brethren were advanced to the honourable degree of Mark Master , Bro . F .
Binckes acting as W . M . By this arrangement of the proceedings the newly-advanced brethren were enabled to be present at the formal constitution and consecration of the lodge . The warrant of constitution having been read , Bro . Binckes , in the name of the R . W . G . M . M ., declared the lodge duly
constituted , and proceeded to consecrate it in solemn form . The ceremony being completed , the VV . M .-nominate , Bro . Rev . P . H . Newnham , 30 ° ( S . W . of Mark Lodge , No . 121 ) , was presented for installation by W . Bro . Montagu ; and , all below the degree of Installed Mark Master having retired ,
a Board of Installed Masters was declared open , and Bro . Newnham was regularly installed in the chair of Adonhiram by Bro . Binckes . The brethren having been readmitted , and having saluted the W . M ., he at once proceeded the Wardens nominated by the warrant , viz ., Bro . J . T . Briant , 18 ° ,
S . W . ; T . G . Horder , iS ° , J . W . The remaining officers were then appointed , as follows : —E . W . Rebbeck , 18 ° , M . O . ; E . Edsall , S . O . ; D . Sydenham , J . O . ; J . B . Atkinson , Sec ; M . Webb , 18 , R . M . ; R . Sydenham , 3 . D . ; H . F . Brouncker , 18 , J . D . ; H . Ling , D . C ; E . Waters , I . G . ; T . S . Biggs
and W . Turner , Stewards . Bro . Briant was unanimously elected as Treasurer , and Bro . Baverstock was chosen Tyler . Bro . Binckes then delivered the charges to the officers and the closing address in a manner which evidently made a lively impression upon all the brethren present .
The installation ceremony being thus completed , a ballot was taken for two brethren as joining members , which was unanimous in their favour . A code of by-laws was proposed , and ordered to be discussed at the next meeting . The W . M . then asked the brethren to pass a special vote of thanks
to Bro . Binckes , for the services which he had so cheerfully rendered , though suffering from indisposition ; observing that although on occasions like the present such a vote followed as a matter of course , he trusted Bro . Binckes would , under existing circumstances , receive it as something
than a mere formal tribute . A second hearty vote of thanks followed to the visitors ; of whom Bros . Montagu and Lawson had travelled a considerable distance in order to ensure the formation of a Board of Installed Masters . The lodge was then closed in antient form , and the brethren adjourned to the
commodious Assembly Rooms adjoining the lodge , where an excellent repast awaited them . Unfortunately , the W . M . and a considerable number of brethren compelled to leave by the eight o ' clock train , so that the greater part of the usual Masonic toasts had to be dispensed with ; but the W . M . on his health being proposed by Bro . Binckes ,
particularly begged the brethren to observe that their new lodge numbered among its members brethren from the Craft Lodges of Unity ( 132 ) . Amity ( 137 ) , and Faith and Unanimity ( 417 ) . «» -l while the Lodge of Hengist was sustained by such words as these , it was impossible that it could do anything but prosper .
REPORT of Dr . Arthur Hill Hassall , Analyst of the " Lancet" Sanitary Commission , Author of " Food and its Adulterations , " & c , & c , on Mayar ' s Semolina : " I have carefully tested , chemically and microscopically , the samples of Semolina sent by Messrs . L . Mayar & Co ., 36 , Mark Lane , London , E . C . I find them to be perfectly genuine , of excellent quality , and eminently nutritious . They contain a very large percentage of nitroand far nutritious
genous matter , chiefly gluten , are more than any other food , such as Arrowroot , Tapioca , Sago , Corn Flour , Farinaceous Food , ordinary Wheat Flour , or any of lhe Cereals in use as food in this country . — ( Signed ) ARTHUR HILL HASSALL , M . D ., London . " - - Highly recommended by the Faculty for Infants , Invalids , & c . Makes delirious Pudding , Custards , Blanc Mange , & c . After a trial no family will be without Mayar ' s Semolina .
Centenary Celebration Of Jerusalem Lodge,No. 197.
Probably the most important event in the history of any individual English lodge occurred on Friday , the 24 th Febuary , on the occasion , always an interesting and notable one , of the Centenary Celebration of Jerusalem Lodge , No . 197 , at the Freemasons' Hall , its ordinary _ i _ _ . r — _ .. TL . T . i _ r tt T . _ i it i .: _ r . lace of The brethren of Jerusalemwhich
p meeting . " , ( though by its bye-laws limited in numbers ) occupies a prominent position , among what are termed the " Red Apron Lodges " had elected to the W . M . ' s chair , for the second time in a quarter of a century , their Senior Past Master , Bro . Charles Hutton Gregory , P . G . D ., late President of the Institution of Civil Engineers , who
assisted as he was on this auspicious occasion by the Past Masters , by whom the whole of the lodge offices were filled , may well congratulate himself and his lodge on the end that has crowned the work of the past century . The Lodge having been opened in due form , and the usual formul business transacted , a communication was read from the M . W . the Grand Master , expressing his sincere
regret that his enforced absence from England on business of national importance , prevented his Lordship from being present as he had intended , and adding his heartiest wishes for the success of the meeting , and the continued welfare of the Jerusalem Lodge . The . W . M . then rose , and pursuant to notice in the lodge summons proposed that his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales , K . G ., Past
Grand Master , be elected by acclamation an Honorary Member of the Lodge , to which proposition His Royal Highness had already given ascent . This being seconded by the I . P . M ., Bro . J . B . Monckton , was at once earried unanimously . In like manner , the Right Honble . the Earl of Carnarvon , Deputy Grand Master , proposed by the W . M , and seconded by Bro . J . V . N . Bazelgette ,
P . M . and Treasurer , was unanimously elected an honorary member of "Jerusalem . " In vindication of the true principles of Masonry , the Lodge next proceeded to vote that the necessary funds ( in addition to a donation of , £ 10 ios . to the Girls School in the name the lodge by Mrs . J . V . N . Bazalgetle ) , be paid to the Boys' and Girls ' Schools to constitute the lodge a Vice-President of each
of those magnificent Institutions . Shortly after 7 o clock , it was announced lo the W . M . by Bro . Whichcord , P . M . ancl Director of Ceremonies , that the Earl of Carnarvon , as acting Grand Master , and II . R . H . The Prince of Wales , P . G . M . ( with Provincial Grand Masters and the Grand
Officers ) were about to enter the Lodge , and they were received in the 3 rd degree , by the brethren upstanding , ancl with the proper Masonic salute , the national anthem being well performed on the organ by Bro . Wilhelm Ganz , and the procession being marshalled by Garter King of Arms the Grand Director of Ceremonies .
A very interesting sketch of the Lodge history since its foundation by the I . P . M ., and a most eloquent and excellent Charge by Bro . Dr . Cox , P . G . Chaplain , were delivered with admirable effect , and ordered to be printed for distribution among the members Dr . Cox ' s charge was immediately proceeded by the singing in perfect style by Bros . Fielding , Montem Smith aud Winn , of the
charming Trio , " If I forget thee , O Jerusalem , " from Boyce ' s well-known anthem . The Lodge being duly closed , the brethren escorted their Royal and distinguished guests to a Banquet , in which the skill and taste of Bro . Francatelli , the new manager of the Freemasons' Tavern , could not have been surpassed . The W M Bro C . Hutton Gregory presided , supported 011 his right by tlie Earl of
Carnarvon , Acting G . M . ; the Earl of Fife , Prov . G . M . Banffshire ; Lord Methuen , Prov . G . M for Wiltshire ; the Earl of Limerick , Prov . G M . for Bristol ; and Bro . Haver ? , P . G . W . ; Tomkins G . T . ; LI . Evans , Pies . Bd . G . P ., and Bazalgeltc , P . M . and Treas . ; ancl on his left by H . R . I 1 . the Prince of Wales , PG . M . ; the Duke of Si . Albans , Prov . G . M . for Lincolnshire ; Lord De Tabley , Prov .
G . M . for Cheshire ; Lord Eliot , P . G . W . ; and Bros . Dr . Cox , P . G . Chaplain ; Mclntyre , G . Reg . ; and Monckton , I . P . M . Bros . Edwin Fiend and Octavius Hansard , P . M . ' s occupied the Wardens' chairs respectively ; the other Vice-Chairmen being Bros . Hollingsworth , P . M . and Secretary , and Bro . Horace Jones , P . M . and I . G . ; Mid there were also present , among many oilier brethren
of Masonic distinction , Bros Horace Lloyd , Q C , G S . D . ; E . B . Sutton . G . J . D . ; John Hervey , G . Sec . ; Sir Albert Woods ( Garter ) G . D . C . ; B . Head , PG . D . ; Major Creaton , P . G . D . ; D . Fenn , P . A . G . D . C . ; Dumas , A . G . D . C . ; Sir Michael Costa , P . G . O . : J . Coward . G . O ; F . P . Cockerell , G . S ., Wks . ; Bradford , P . A . G ; D . C . ; Bridges , P . G . S . B . and D . P . G . M ., Somerset ;
Wood , P . M . 26 , and P . P . I . G W . Sussex ; W . C Fooks Q . C ., P . M . and Prov . G . S . W ., Kent ; Col . Henderson , CIS . ; Dr . Pole , F . R . S . ; Major Piatt , P . M ., 6 ; C . A . Murton , P . M . 7 , James Glashier , P . M . 382 ; R . Glover , P . M . 181 ; William Hardman , P . M . 162 ; F . Bcnnock , P . M . 1 ; I . C . Parkinson , P . M . 181 ; E . Farmer , P . M . 2 S ; F . W . Shields , P . M . 33 ; T . II . Devonshire , P . M . 4 ;
A . Greatrex , P . M . 22 ; F . Knollys ; Rev . W . L . Onslow , ; and R . S . Warrington ; Admiral Currie ; J . Whichcord , Dir . of Cers ; C . E . Hollingsworth , Sec . ; A . F . Linn , S . D . ; Kemball Cook , J . D . ; Horace Jones , I . G . ; George Alexander ; and L . Crombie ; all P .-M's . of Jerusalem Lodge . 100 in all sat down to dinner , after which the usual Masonic toasts were given by the Master ,
enthusiastically received by the Brethren and eloquently responded to by the Royal and distinguished guests , whose presence added such lustre to the evening , and while the Jerusalem Lodge was heartily congratulated on the complete success of its Centenary Festival , the happiest
results to tlie Craft generally were argued from the readiness with which the Prince of Wales had joined , not only the Celebration , but the bodge itself ; and the cordial interest which His Royal I Ugliness showed in the Masonic proceedings . Much gratification was felt in the presence of the Earl of Carnarvon , whose accession to office as
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
devotion . Again expressing my hearty acknowledgments for the marked compliment you have paid me , and praying for your individual welfare and happiness , believe me to be , dear brethren , very sincerely and fraternally yours , "J AMES H . NORTH . "
The Robert Wentworth Little Testimonial.
LIST OF SUBSCRIPTIONS . £ & d . Premier Conclave ... ... 10 10 o Whittington Lodge , S 62 ... ... 550 Rose and Lilly Conclave ... ... 550 Bro . W . B . Woodman , M . D ., P . M . 66 550 ,, George Kenning , W . M . 192 ... 5 5 o „ J . T . Moss , W . M . 1326 , P . M . 169 5 5 ° ,, Bayles , 297 ... ... ... 500 „ Paton , 393 3 3 ° ,, Col . F . Burdett , P . G . M . Middlesex 220 „ Rev . C . f . Martyn , Grand Chap ., P . M . 82 ... ... ... 220
,, Roebuck ... ... ... 220 „ Captain J . Bertram ! Payne ... 220
,, Capt . Irwin , Bristol 220 ,, Rev . G . R . Portal ... ... 220 „ J . L . Thomas ... ... 220 ,, Sir Gilbert Campbell ... 220 ,, Raynham Stewart ... ... 220 ,, A . Schmitt ... ... ... 1 10 o
,, Tanner , 177 ... ... I I o
,, Sillifant , P . M . 217 ... ... I 1 o „ Hughan , P . M . 137 ... ... 1 1 o
„ F . Walters , P . M . 73 ... ... 1 I o ,, Smeed , G . P . Middlesex ... I I o ,, Yeoman ... ... ... 1 1 o ,, Mann , W . M . 1306 ... ... 1 1 o ,, Rosenthal , P . M . ... ... I I o ,, Parker , Grand Organist .. I I o ,, Fairlie , 33 ... ... ... 1 I o ,, Gumbleton , 10 , P . G . D . ... I I o ,, Weaver , 862 .. ... I I o
„ Brett , G . P ., 862 ... ... I I o ,, Dr . Daniel Moore , Lancaster ... 1 1 o ,, John Dyer , 22 ... ... 110 ,, C . Coote , P . M . 1319 ... I I o ,, J . M'Kiernan , 192 ... ... 1 I o
,, Angelo Lewis , 78 S ... ... 1 1 o „ J . W . Barrett , P . M . 169 ... I I o ,, II . C . Levander , W . M . 507 ... I I o „ A . B . Donnithorne ... ... 1 1 o
,, E . H . Thiellay ... ... I I o ,, Caveac Chapter , 176 ... ... I I o ,, The Earl of Limeriek ... 100 „ W . C . Barlow , P . M . 174 ... o 10 6 ,, Commander Chas . Scott , R . N . o 10 6 ,, R . M . Bowman , 79 ... ... o 10 6
,, Rev . W . Church , 165 ... o 10 6 „ Ohren , W . M . 452 ... .. o 10 6 ,, Smith , 76 ... ... ... o 10 6 ,, Dr . Jones , Carlisle ... ... o 10 6 ,, Hurlstone , 862 ... ... o 10 6 ,, Quilty , „ ... ... o 10 6
„ Smith , ,, ... ... o 10 6 ,, Garu , ,, ... ... o 10 6 „ Kaye , „ ... ... o 10 6 ,, Whitehead , ,, ... ... o 10 6 „ Jones , ,, ... ... o 10 6
,, Frickenhus , „ ... ... 010 6 ,, Moll , ,, ... ... o 10 6 „ Voigt , „ ... ... o 10 6 ,, Bergmann , „ ... ... o 10 6 ,, Oswalt , ,, ... ... o 10 6
,, Sissons , ,, ... ... o 10 6 „ Haley , „ ... ... o 10 6 „ Kingston ,, ... ... o 10 6 ,, Steiner , ,, ... ... o 10 6 ,, Anderson , ,, ... ... o 10 6 ,, R . Robinson , 1002 ... ... o 10 6 ,, J . Pearson , ,, ... -. o 10 6 „ J . F . Taylor , „ o 10 6 ,, W . Taylor , ,, ... ... o 10 6 ,, J . D . Larsen , C . 177 ... ... o 10 6
,, Lord Eliot , 6 ... ... o 10 o ,, Morton , 9 ... ... ... o 10 o ,, T . J . Sabine ... ... o 10 o „ W . Coombes ... ... 050
GALVANISM . —Pulvermacher ' s Monthly Record of Cures is tuna ready for the benefit of . Sufferers , containing documentary evidence of remarkable Cures effected by Pulvermacher ' s Improved Patent Self-applicable Volta-Electric Chain-Bands and Pocket Batteries , and may be had on application to the Sole Inventor and Patentee—J . L . Pulvermacher , 200 , Regent-street ,
London , W . A lest on Loan sent gratis if required . Caution . —Spurious Electric Appliances being advertised by Quack Doctors , Patients should consult Pulvermacher ' s Pamphlet on that subject ( free by post ) , embodying other most interesting matter for those suffering from Rheumatic and Neuralgic Pains , Functional Disorders , & c , & c —[ Advt . l
Tic DOLOKKUX , Neuralgia , Rheumatism , Lum bago , and all singular complaints , cured by Dr . Gee ' Anodyne ( embrocation ) . Price , 2 s . 9 d ., or sent for 3 s It has never yet failed . Rend testimonials and judge fo yourselves . Agents , T . Ijuriuu and Co ., 269 , Strand , W . C - [ Advt . l
Mark Masonry.
CONSECRATION OF A M . M . LODGE AT BOURNEMOUTH . The ancient Craft Lodge of Hengist , the centenary festival of which we chronicled at some length three weeks ago , has now given proof of its inherent vitality by putting forth a new and vigorous
offshoot , in the shape of a lodge of Mark Masons , bearing the same name as itself . This new lodge ( 125 ) was formally launched upon its career of work on Shrove Tuesday at Bournemouth , under the auspices of Bro . F . Binckes , 33 ° , G . S . ; the visitors being Bros . J . M . P . Montagu , 33 , W . M . St .
Mary's Lodge , Bridport , No . 125 , and D . P . G . M . in Craft Masonry ; R . H . M . Lawson , 30 , W . M . St . Cuthberga's Lodge , Wimborne , No . 99 ; C . Wyndham , J . W . 99 ; W . Reade , S . D . 99 . Expressions of regret at their unavoidable absence were also sent from R . W . Bro . W . W . B . Beach
P . G . M . M . ; Bro . Gundrey , P . G . M . Dorset ; W . Bros . Stebbing and Sheppard . The lodge was opened in ancient form a few minutes after four o ' clock ; and ; after the necessary preliminaries , fourteen brethren were advanced to the honourable degree of Mark Master , Bro . F .
Binckes acting as W . M . By this arrangement of the proceedings the newly-advanced brethren were enabled to be present at the formal constitution and consecration of the lodge . The warrant of constitution having been read , Bro . Binckes , in the name of the R . W . G . M . M ., declared the lodge duly
constituted , and proceeded to consecrate it in solemn form . The ceremony being completed , the VV . M .-nominate , Bro . Rev . P . H . Newnham , 30 ° ( S . W . of Mark Lodge , No . 121 ) , was presented for installation by W . Bro . Montagu ; and , all below the degree of Installed Mark Master having retired ,
a Board of Installed Masters was declared open , and Bro . Newnham was regularly installed in the chair of Adonhiram by Bro . Binckes . The brethren having been readmitted , and having saluted the W . M ., he at once proceeded the Wardens nominated by the warrant , viz ., Bro . J . T . Briant , 18 ° ,
S . W . ; T . G . Horder , iS ° , J . W . The remaining officers were then appointed , as follows : —E . W . Rebbeck , 18 ° , M . O . ; E . Edsall , S . O . ; D . Sydenham , J . O . ; J . B . Atkinson , Sec ; M . Webb , 18 , R . M . ; R . Sydenham , 3 . D . ; H . F . Brouncker , 18 , J . D . ; H . Ling , D . C ; E . Waters , I . G . ; T . S . Biggs
and W . Turner , Stewards . Bro . Briant was unanimously elected as Treasurer , and Bro . Baverstock was chosen Tyler . Bro . Binckes then delivered the charges to the officers and the closing address in a manner which evidently made a lively impression upon all the brethren present .
The installation ceremony being thus completed , a ballot was taken for two brethren as joining members , which was unanimous in their favour . A code of by-laws was proposed , and ordered to be discussed at the next meeting . The W . M . then asked the brethren to pass a special vote of thanks
to Bro . Binckes , for the services which he had so cheerfully rendered , though suffering from indisposition ; observing that although on occasions like the present such a vote followed as a matter of course , he trusted Bro . Binckes would , under existing circumstances , receive it as something
than a mere formal tribute . A second hearty vote of thanks followed to the visitors ; of whom Bros . Montagu and Lawson had travelled a considerable distance in order to ensure the formation of a Board of Installed Masters . The lodge was then closed in antient form , and the brethren adjourned to the
commodious Assembly Rooms adjoining the lodge , where an excellent repast awaited them . Unfortunately , the W . M . and a considerable number of brethren compelled to leave by the eight o ' clock train , so that the greater part of the usual Masonic toasts had to be dispensed with ; but the W . M . on his health being proposed by Bro . Binckes ,
particularly begged the brethren to observe that their new lodge numbered among its members brethren from the Craft Lodges of Unity ( 132 ) . Amity ( 137 ) , and Faith and Unanimity ( 417 ) . «» -l while the Lodge of Hengist was sustained by such words as these , it was impossible that it could do anything but prosper .
REPORT of Dr . Arthur Hill Hassall , Analyst of the " Lancet" Sanitary Commission , Author of " Food and its Adulterations , " & c , & c , on Mayar ' s Semolina : " I have carefully tested , chemically and microscopically , the samples of Semolina sent by Messrs . L . Mayar & Co ., 36 , Mark Lane , London , E . C . I find them to be perfectly genuine , of excellent quality , and eminently nutritious . They contain a very large percentage of nitroand far nutritious
genous matter , chiefly gluten , are more than any other food , such as Arrowroot , Tapioca , Sago , Corn Flour , Farinaceous Food , ordinary Wheat Flour , or any of lhe Cereals in use as food in this country . — ( Signed ) ARTHUR HILL HASSALL , M . D ., London . " - - Highly recommended by the Faculty for Infants , Invalids , & c . Makes delirious Pudding , Custards , Blanc Mange , & c . After a trial no family will be without Mayar ' s Semolina .
Centenary Celebration Of Jerusalem Lodge,No. 197.
Probably the most important event in the history of any individual English lodge occurred on Friday , the 24 th Febuary , on the occasion , always an interesting and notable one , of the Centenary Celebration of Jerusalem Lodge , No . 197 , at the Freemasons' Hall , its ordinary _ i _ _ . r — _ .. TL . T . i _ r tt T . _ i it i .: _ r . lace of The brethren of Jerusalemwhich
p meeting . " , ( though by its bye-laws limited in numbers ) occupies a prominent position , among what are termed the " Red Apron Lodges " had elected to the W . M . ' s chair , for the second time in a quarter of a century , their Senior Past Master , Bro . Charles Hutton Gregory , P . G . D ., late President of the Institution of Civil Engineers , who
assisted as he was on this auspicious occasion by the Past Masters , by whom the whole of the lodge offices were filled , may well congratulate himself and his lodge on the end that has crowned the work of the past century . The Lodge having been opened in due form , and the usual formul business transacted , a communication was read from the M . W . the Grand Master , expressing his sincere
regret that his enforced absence from England on business of national importance , prevented his Lordship from being present as he had intended , and adding his heartiest wishes for the success of the meeting , and the continued welfare of the Jerusalem Lodge . The . W . M . then rose , and pursuant to notice in the lodge summons proposed that his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales , K . G ., Past
Grand Master , be elected by acclamation an Honorary Member of the Lodge , to which proposition His Royal Highness had already given ascent . This being seconded by the I . P . M ., Bro . J . B . Monckton , was at once earried unanimously . In like manner , the Right Honble . the Earl of Carnarvon , Deputy Grand Master , proposed by the W . M , and seconded by Bro . J . V . N . Bazelgette ,
P . M . and Treasurer , was unanimously elected an honorary member of "Jerusalem . " In vindication of the true principles of Masonry , the Lodge next proceeded to vote that the necessary funds ( in addition to a donation of , £ 10 ios . to the Girls School in the name the lodge by Mrs . J . V . N . Bazalgetle ) , be paid to the Boys' and Girls ' Schools to constitute the lodge a Vice-President of each
of those magnificent Institutions . Shortly after 7 o clock , it was announced lo the W . M . by Bro . Whichcord , P . M . ancl Director of Ceremonies , that the Earl of Carnarvon , as acting Grand Master , and II . R . H . The Prince of Wales , P . G . M . ( with Provincial Grand Masters and the Grand
Officers ) were about to enter the Lodge , and they were received in the 3 rd degree , by the brethren upstanding , ancl with the proper Masonic salute , the national anthem being well performed on the organ by Bro . Wilhelm Ganz , and the procession being marshalled by Garter King of Arms the Grand Director of Ceremonies .
A very interesting sketch of the Lodge history since its foundation by the I . P . M ., and a most eloquent and excellent Charge by Bro . Dr . Cox , P . G . Chaplain , were delivered with admirable effect , and ordered to be printed for distribution among the members Dr . Cox ' s charge was immediately proceeded by the singing in perfect style by Bros . Fielding , Montem Smith aud Winn , of the
charming Trio , " If I forget thee , O Jerusalem , " from Boyce ' s well-known anthem . The Lodge being duly closed , the brethren escorted their Royal and distinguished guests to a Banquet , in which the skill and taste of Bro . Francatelli , the new manager of the Freemasons' Tavern , could not have been surpassed . The W M Bro C . Hutton Gregory presided , supported 011 his right by tlie Earl of
Carnarvon , Acting G . M . ; the Earl of Fife , Prov . G . M . Banffshire ; Lord Methuen , Prov . G . M for Wiltshire ; the Earl of Limerick , Prov . G M . for Bristol ; and Bro . Haver ? , P . G . W . ; Tomkins G . T . ; LI . Evans , Pies . Bd . G . P ., and Bazalgeltc , P . M . and Treas . ; ancl on his left by H . R . I 1 . the Prince of Wales , PG . M . ; the Duke of Si . Albans , Prov . G . M . for Lincolnshire ; Lord De Tabley , Prov .
G . M . for Cheshire ; Lord Eliot , P . G . W . ; and Bros . Dr . Cox , P . G . Chaplain ; Mclntyre , G . Reg . ; and Monckton , I . P . M . Bros . Edwin Fiend and Octavius Hansard , P . M . ' s occupied the Wardens' chairs respectively ; the other Vice-Chairmen being Bros . Hollingsworth , P . M . and Secretary , and Bro . Horace Jones , P . M . and I . G . ; Mid there were also present , among many oilier brethren
of Masonic distinction , Bros Horace Lloyd , Q C , G S . D . ; E . B . Sutton . G . J . D . ; John Hervey , G . Sec . ; Sir Albert Woods ( Garter ) G . D . C . ; B . Head , PG . D . ; Major Creaton , P . G . D . ; D . Fenn , P . A . G . D . C . ; Dumas , A . G . D . C . ; Sir Michael Costa , P . G . O . : J . Coward . G . O ; F . P . Cockerell , G . S ., Wks . ; Bradford , P . A . G ; D . C . ; Bridges , P . G . S . B . and D . P . G . M ., Somerset ;
Wood , P . M . 26 , and P . P . I . G W . Sussex ; W . C Fooks Q . C ., P . M . and Prov . G . S . W ., Kent ; Col . Henderson , CIS . ; Dr . Pole , F . R . S . ; Major Piatt , P . M ., 6 ; C . A . Murton , P . M . 7 , James Glashier , P . M . 382 ; R . Glover , P . M . 181 ; William Hardman , P . M . 162 ; F . Bcnnock , P . M . 1 ; I . C . Parkinson , P . M . 181 ; E . Farmer , P . M . 2 S ; F . W . Shields , P . M . 33 ; T . II . Devonshire , P . M . 4 ;
A . Greatrex , P . M . 22 ; F . Knollys ; Rev . W . L . Onslow , ; and R . S . Warrington ; Admiral Currie ; J . Whichcord , Dir . of Cers ; C . E . Hollingsworth , Sec . ; A . F . Linn , S . D . ; Kemball Cook , J . D . ; Horace Jones , I . G . ; George Alexander ; and L . Crombie ; all P .-M's . of Jerusalem Lodge . 100 in all sat down to dinner , after which the usual Masonic toasts were given by the Master ,
enthusiastically received by the Brethren and eloquently responded to by the Royal and distinguished guests , whose presence added such lustre to the evening , and while the Jerusalem Lodge was heartily congratulated on the complete success of its Centenary Festival , the happiest
results to tlie Craft generally were argued from the readiness with which the Prince of Wales had joined , not only the Celebration , but the bodge itself ; and the cordial interest which His Royal I Ugliness showed in the Masonic proceedings . Much gratification was felt in the presence of the Earl of Carnarvon , whose accession to office as