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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
erform , and if they performed them to the best of their ' ? ¦? :. IPS thev could not do more . It vvas a pleasant duty to oDOse the health of the Master-Bro . J . D . Tarr-and in T V so he sincerely wished him good health throughout the ! , iino - year , which he had not had during the past . He c 0 L . i .,- _ . Tarr . W . M ., would have as good health as he
" \ i . l wish , and to that end he proposed the toast . Bro . J . D . E . Tarr , Prov . G . D . Middx ., VV . M ., said the I p M . had ably proposed the toast and had said kind ilinW which he did not deserve . He thanked him sincerely nd also the brethren for the hearty reception given it . He a as pleased to see so many present , and especially such a hro-e : number from his mother lodge—the Burdett
Lodgeid felt it a proud moment ot his lite to preside over such an old and prosperous lodge as the Lodge of Unity . He ' as sure he was supported by the brethren and that he 4 iotild receive every assistance from the Past Masters , ilavinn - had an initiate proposed he vvas certain his ycat
would be a successful one . He would do his best to make ; t so and make it worthy of the old Lodge of Unity . " The Initiate" having been given and responded to , "The Visitors" vvas proposed by the VV . M . in cordial
Bro . Sir Norman Pringle , P . M . 92 , replying for the visitors , said there vvere many distinguished _ brethren nresent vvho were much older in Masonry than himself , but the first duty of a Mason vvas obedience to the chair . He Ind visited many lodges and had always gone away vvith a
lesson that had improved his Masonic mind . I hc whole of the duties that evening had been performed vvith an earnestness that must commend itself to all Masonic students . There vvas nothing that could carry greater conviction to an initiate more than to see the Masonic ritual rendered with seriousness and dignity , and it must also have
•» reat effect on older Masons . He vvas present that night for the first time , and had the great felicity of being introduced by one of the oldest Past Masters vvho did honour to the lodge and to Masonry—a man who had not only taken his part in Masonry but vvas becoming an authority in Masonic literature . What struck him particularly that
nMit was the name of the lodge , and he vvas certain that under the reign of the VV . M . unity would continue unbroken as in the past . Bro . H . W . Roberts , P . P . G . W . Middx ., congratulated the W . M . on his position and the lodge on having - such a Master as Bro . Tarr , vvho had passed through the lire in another lodge
in such a manner as to gain for him Provincial Grand Office . With his previous experience , the VV . M . would preside in such a manner as to do credit and honour to the lodge . He vvas only expressing the opinion of all the visitors when he said they vvere grateful for the welcome extended , and only looked forward to the time when they would again have the
chance of being guests and witnessing the excellent work . Bro . W . H . Lee , VV . M . 23 S 1 , P . P . G . D . Middx ., endorsed the remarks of those vvho had preceded him . He had had the privilege of being associated with the W . M . for some time past in connection vvith another lodge—the Bushey Park Lodge—where Bro . Tarr occupied the honourable
position of Treasurer , and on behalf of that lodge he congratulated the VV . M . on attaining the chair of so old and distinguished a lodge as the Lodge of Unity . Bro . Lewis Hirsch , P . M ., Treas . 1 S 3 S , also replied . Bro . G . R . Langley , P . M ., said the VV . M . had entrusted him with the toast of "The Masonic Charities , " and he
could have wished it had been placed in the hands of one who had done greater service to the Charities than he had , but as far as that vvas concerned he would do the best he could . In reference to the Lodge of Unity he thought vvith some amount of egotism
that they endeavoured to do what they could as a small lodge to support those Charities to the best of their ability . Iheir Stewardships for some years past had been fairly successful . Bro . S . Richardson , P . M ., vvas the first to step out boldly , and had served many Stewardships and taken up successful lists . He ventured to follow , and took up 100 guineas for the Benevolent Institution , and then came
_ ro . 1 ' rancis , P . M ., who in a year of exceptional difficulty realised So guineas for . the Girls' School Centenary , vvhich "j 'he result of very hard work . Then came Bro . Hooper , J -ijl-, with 150 guineas for the Boys' School , and then , not ™ be outdone , he ( Bro . Langley ) obtained for the Boys ' school 175 guineas . The Boys' School Festival this year to
was be an immense success . He should be happy to couple that toast with the name of Bro . Terry , who was anxious to obtain all the support he could for the Jubilee I ' estivaj of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution . In ' 10 tlge he deserved some support , and he hoped would jo ' . 'arm their hearts as to make them subscribe to that
sa 11 1 . aunn S the coming year , so that it should not be nf ' that tnat lod ge was behind in reference to one or other ° tt , ie three great Institutions . In . - i ° V mes 1 ' erry ) Secretary Royal Masonic Benevolent I ,,. ! " > , ' response , said that although Bro . Langley n ... " ? ^ small lodge , yet they must be large in ee The of the
M ^ •A P m pocket . Festival Royal neail ' . i' r nevu ' Institution had gone by with a total of vpir 1 r * * no inconsiderable sum to commence the Gil , ' , festivals vvith . In May would follovv that of the adv . 1 ool > wllIcl > he was afraid laboured under the dis-School n havin - Chairman at present . The Boys ' it ,,,.. . w , . . hkel y to have a most successful Festival , and
imd . i-. _ j , desil ' e for the one Institution vvhich had been on , [ ,. r c ' ° ™ that the sun of prosperity would again shine tin" ,, ; u * i Unes - It would take place in June under the dis-[ icrl . au , 1 , residency o £ the Deputy Grand Master , when likely t 1 second highest sum ever yet announced vvas would . ! « . aimounced then * ' After these Festivals they ' ' ' cstival f _ WOrk he had before him for the Benevolent the comin W ' l ! ch the Craft must make tlle success of out of ¦ ,- ** I 2 ™ onths . There vvere 19 girls to be elected I ,, ced on th f at 6 S ' " October the whole might be and j , me funds . Of the boys there were 29 vacancies 'hcr ,. . 1 ' 1 'dates , while for the Benevolent Institution
'" can I 2-, V •c ? ' dates and only 26 places—wliich would girls > but ah ' 0 Vei to l 8 92- ' ^ ese vvere not boys or ° vcr Ho an !! ° 'ler 6 o " many over 7 ° > and some live or six Cll i ° y their - not Possible they could live long to "" 'Mrs 0 fY " ni"ties , and therefore he asked Masters and a' 1 ( l heln tn ° , ' oear h '" 1 in mind for the coming- year , Sl " - ' Wss th . /? the J ubi'ee of the R . M . B . I . the grand llro r e Lei'tenary of the Girls' School had been . . ' MasTeR ™ ' V' ^** P » ed for "The Installing and s dl | ty in sal he had a' > vays endeavoured to do a . durinp- n , ' man "er , and to the best of his ability , 0 f a 11 the ml , , past yeai' he had had the sympathy and help "embers . He was sure the Past Master ' s jewel
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
had been presented to him vvith the best of intentions , and if he had not quite deserved it as Past Masters vvho had gone before , he had endeavoured to do so . Bro . Hooper , P . M ., also replied , after which Bros . Pinnock , P . M ., Treasurer , responded for "The Treasurer and Secretary . " Bro . G . VV . Speth , P . M ., Sec , in response , said that
whatever pride he misfit take in another lodge in vvhich he vvas a member and also the Secretary , nothing could cvei detract from the pride he felt in being thc Secretary of the Lodge of Unity . It vvas to him a family lodge , for his father vvas its father for years and years . For some years the lodge had fought on through fine and stormy weather , and had been brought throu 5 . l 1 all dangers . They had
made no great fuss , hut for 120 years the lodge had worked on , and although they hid done their duty they had never put themselves forward or attracted the attention of the Grand Master and received a collar for a single member . The lodg-e had a record to be proud of , and it afforded him great satisfaction to be the Secretary of such a lodge . " The Officers " having been honoured , the Tyler ' s toast closed a pleasant and successful evening .
United Pilgrims Lodge ( No . 507 ) .--The installation meeting of this flourishing and successful lodge took place at the Bridge House Hotel on Thursday , the aGth ult ., when there vvere present Bros . Cockell , VV . M . ; Ellson , J . W . j Thomas , S . D . j C . H . Stone , J . D . ; Grellett , P . M ., Treas . ; Watts , P . M . ; Terry , P . M . j Joyce , P . M . j Levy , P . M . j Sharman , I . P . M . j J . A . Laing , Beste ,
Gilson , Casson , Knowles , Giggins , and others . Visitors Bros . H . Shaw , P . M . S 34 ; VV . J . Nutting , VV . M . 231 ; H . VV . Percy , VV . M . 1 S 53 ; J . B . Evans , S . W . 172 ; H . B . May , S . VV . 1237 j Frank Swinford , 2272 ; and J . H . Laing , ijf ' 4-The minutes of last meeting having been confirmed , Bro . Iillson , J . W ., was presented by Bro . J . Terry , P . M ., to
receive at the hands of Bro . Watts , P . M ., the beneht of installation , vvhich was rehearsed in a most impressive and masterly way . The VV . M . invested his ofiicers as follows : Bros . Thomas , S . W . ; C . H . Stone , J . W . j Gilson , S . D . j J . A . Laing , J . D . ; Beste , I . G . ; Grellett , P . M ., Treas . ; Watts , P . M ., D . of C . j Terry , P . M ., Stwd . j and Giggins , Charity Stwd . Bro . C . VV . Peters , P . M ., Sec , vvas
unavoidably absent . The addresses vvere given in an excellent manner by Bro . Watts , P . M . Bro . C H . Stone , J . VV ., having announced his intention of standing as Steward at the next Festival of the Girls' Institution and representing the lodge , the brethren very generously voted the handsome sum of 15 guineas from the lodge funds to be placed upon his list . Several brethren likewise gave very liberally .
The W . M . proposed a candidate for initiation at next meeting in April , vvhich augurs well . The lodge being closed , the brethren adjourned to an excellent supper provided by the host , Bro . Pearce . Supper ended , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were suitably given by the VV . M . and responded to most heartily . The W . M . next gave "The D . G . M ., Earl Lathom , and
the rest of the Grand Officers , Present and Past , " in a few very appropriate words , vvhich was well received . Bro . Joyce , P . M ., next gave the toast of " The W . M . " in excellent style , remarking that lie hacl refrained from leaving town that he might do honour to him . Without fear of challenge , he would say he vvas one of the best of men and of Masons . He was grateful to the I . P . M ., Bro .
Cockell , for allowing him to propose the toast vvhich he vvas proud to do , and to express the admiration in which he was held by all thebrethren . He was thankful tothe G . A . O . T . U . for sparing him through such a serious illness and to see him restored to health . He had the confidence of all the brethren and their undivided support , and he would say if the younger brethren needed a model , copy the VV . M ., as
he vvas one of the very best . The toast vvas drunk with acclamation . The Worshipful Master , in reply , thanked the brethren for so heartily drinking to the toast , and for unanimously voting him to the chair of K . S . He vvas deeply grateful to all for the many kind expressions of sympathy during his severe illness , and he heartily thanked all . He must say he
had to follow a most efficient I . P . M ., but he knew he was ever ready to render assistance in the lodge , and he should never have to ask in vain for that assistance . Also his musical abilities could not be excelled in the lodge , vvhich had ^ added greatly to his very successful year of office . The Worshipful Master next gave the toast of " The I . P . M ., " remarking that they had climbed together through
the various offices , and there was no brother that he so heartily served as the I . P . M ., as he had such a happy manner vvith him vvhich had endeared him to all the brethren . He would state the _ immense pleasure it gave him to pin the Past Master ' s jewel upon his breast , as a mark of the excellent manner he had carried out his duties for the past year , and he trusted he might live many , many years to
wear the same , and that his children too might look upon it with delight in future years . He hoped he would long grace the United Pilgrims Lodge . The toast vvas enthusiastically drunk . The Immediate Past Master replied that he vvas glad to receive such expressions from the brethren , and also to the VV . M . for such eulogiums . He must say he had done his
best , vvhich was only his duty . He felt proud of the handsome jewel just presented him , and for vvhich he heartily thanked the brethren . He had thought at one time that he should never arrive at such a pinnacle , but he supposed excelsior belonged to Masonry , and he might at some future time still advance . He vvas very glad to be deposed that night , for he knew the VV . M . would uphold the honour and
be a credit to the lodge . He should like to take that opportunity of reminding the officers hoiv important it vvas that they should make themselves efficient in their various offices . The toast of " The Visitors " was next very ably given by the VV . M ., and well responded to . The VV . M . remarked there were several worthy brethren present . The lodge
prided itselt upon always having a goodly array , and the brethren gave them all a most hearty welcome . He must specially thank one brother visitor , Bro . Frank Swinford , vvho had so ably presided as Organist during the ceremonies and at the banqueting table .
This vvas most ably replied to by the whole of the visitors , vvho , one and all , congratulated the lodge upon having such a W . M ., and the excellent manner the ceremonies had been performed , likewise upon the capital staff of officers . The toast of "'The P . M . 's" was given in excellent style by the VV . M ., vvho stated that it was impossible for any lodge to go on without them , and he was proud to have the
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
assistance of such a splendid array . He would ask Bro . Levy , P . M ., thc father of the lodge , to reply first . Bro . Levy , P . M ., said he thanked the W . M . and brethren for so cordially receiving the toast . He would promise all would be done that vvas possible to assist thc VV . M ., " and he must say that the lodge vvas very fortunate , in having such a good one .
Bros . Watts , Terry , Grellett , Sharman , and Cockell also very suitably replied . The toast of " The Officers " vvas next given , the VV . M . stating he vvas proud of such a body , and hoped all would make themselves efficient , and attach themselves to lodges of instruction for that purpose . This was replied to by all pledging themselves to do their
utmost in furthering the lodge . The Tyler's toast brought a most enjoyable evening to a close . The musical arrangements were under the able I . P . M ., who vvas most efficiently assisted at the organ and piano by Bro . Frank Swinford , Bros . Cockell , Beste , Knowles , Frank Swinford , and Wilford Price being the vocalists , who sang excellently .
Provincial Meetings.
BATTLE . Abbey Lodge ( No . 1184 ) . —A meeting was held on Thursday , the 19 th ult ., at the Masonic Hall , when there were present Bros . VV . A . Raper , W . M . ; J . B . Foster , S . VV . ; VV . J . Pepper , J . VV . ; H . G . F . Wells , P . M ., P . P . G . P ., Treas . ; R . Hughes , P . M ., P . P . G . Std . Br ., Sec . ; F . G . Ticehurst , as S . D . ; T . VV . Avis ,
J . D . j VV . T . Jordan , P . M ., D . C ; F . VV . Hotham , I . G . ; J . Fielding , Org . j VV . J . Newman , Tyler j R . T . Davison , M . D ., I . P . M . ; VV . Lamborn , P . M ., P . P . G . P . ; B . H . Thorpe , P . M ., P . P . S . G . D . ; Till , Martin , Chance , Honisett , Belchamber , Hodson , St . John , Towner , and others . The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , Mr . Sidney Edgar McMillen , who had been previously approved , presented himself for initiation into
the Craft , and the ceremony was duly performed in an able manner by the VV . M ., assisted by the I . P . M . and S . W ., the former giving the charge and the latter the address . A proposition to give £ 2 ios . to the Pension Indemnity Fund elicited animated discussion , and was ultimately carried by a small majority . A candidate having been proposed , and some lodge business connected vvith a fresh lease of the premises having been settled , the lodge vvas closed .
BRADFORD . Acacia Lodge ( No . 2321 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held on Thursday , the 12 th inst ., at the Masonic Hall , Darley-street , when Bro . Samuel A . Auty , P . M ., W . M ., vvas supported by Bros . Alfred Stephenson , P . P . G . D . C , I . P . M . j T . Jowett , S . W . j John Niven , J . W . ; C H . Ellis , Treas . j John T . Last , Sec . j
T . VV . Holmes , P . M ., P . P . G . O ., Org . j John Ihornton , S . D . j Alfred James Boyle , j . D . j J . Morton , as I . G . ; S . Arthur Bailey , P . M ., D . C ; John Haigh , P . M ., Chap . ; John Hill , Tyler j G . Althorp , P . M ., P . P . G . P . j A . E . Harris , Sangwine , and R . S . llird . Visitors : Bros . A . II . Stamford , VV . M ., J . Dewhirst , P . M ., Chas . Crabtrec , P . M ., P . P . G . D ., VV . Kingdom , S . VV ., T . Norfolk , I . P . M .,
J . T . Mugglestone , C . T . Rhodes , Samuel Smithies , R . A . Pullan , James Tilley , Geo . Martin , and Geo . C . Gamble , all of 600 j Albert Swaine , Org . 3 S 7 ; Geo . IT . Field , W . M ., VV . I-I . Haley , S . VV . and VV . M . elect , A . B . Fisher , VV . O . Hinchliffe , P . M ., and D . G . Peacock , all of 101 S ; J . Kenworthy Blakey , VV . M . 1214 J T . Heyes , 342 j A . T . Akeroyd , P . M . 1432 , P . P . G . D . C . Shropshire ; I . 1 ..:
Fretwell , VV . M ., Tudor Trevor , P . M ., Tom Atkinson , S . VV ., Robt . Abbott , J . W ., R . A . Smithson , J . D ., A . B . Abbott , I . G ., J . J . Jones , J . C . Kirk , J . J . Wilkinson , L . J . F . Watson , F . S . Duncan , C . Hannam , and Diminy , P . M ., all of 206 9 . The lodge . was opened by the VV . M ., after vvhich the minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed .
Bro . R . S . Hird was then passed to the Degree of a F . C . in a satisfactory manner by Bro . A . Stephenson , P . M ., P . P . G . D . C , the working tools being given by Bro . John Niven , J . VV ., and the charge delivered by Bro . Bailey , P . M ., D . of C . The meeting was rendered exceedingly pleasant and interesting by reason of the fraternal visit of the W . M . ' s and a number of the officers and brethren of Lodges Nos . 20 C 9 , Coo , and 101 S , who expressed themselves
as well pleased vvith their reception , and complimented the lodge on the progress it had made during the short period of its existence . After the lodge had been closed , the brethren adjourned for refreshment , when the usual toasts were given and responded to . The songs and recitations of Bros . Hinchliffe , Heyes , Diminy , Atkinson , and Tilley added much to the harmony of the evening .
CROWLE . Isle of Axholme Lodge ( No . 1482 ) . —This lodge vvas held on Tuesday , thc 24 th ult ., at the Masonic Hall , when there were present Bros . J . Constable , VV . M . j J . M . Behrendt , S . VV . ; VV . Chamberlain , acting J . W . ; T . Staniforth , P . P . G . P ., Chap . j R . Wood , P . P . G . S . B ., Sec ; J . F . Wats . n , Treas . j C Fox , S . D . j J . Faulkner , J . D . j W . Pickering , I . G . j Horobin , P . P . G . D ., Charity
Steward j C Wressle , J . W . Wroot , VV . Scholey , W . Thompson , and others . Visitors : Bros . J . F . Forth , W . M . 242 , and W . P . Robotham , Sec . 2259 , The lodge having been opened , Mr . R . Meadley vvas duly initiated , the ceremony being performed by the VV . M ., Bro . Forth giving the charge . As a result of the late
Masonic concert , the Secretary ' s chair vvas endowed ( 10 guineas ) for the R . M . I . B . The brethren afterwards adjourned to the banquetingrjom , where a very pleasant hour was spent . The toasts ol "The Initiate , " "The Visitors , " and "The VV . M . " were honoured , and responded to .
GATESHEAD . Lodge Of Industry ( No . 48 ) . —The installation meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Hall , Jackson-street , on the 23 rd ult . Bro . VVilliam Richardson vvas installed VV . M ., the Installing Master being Bro . W . Brown , I . P . M . The W . M . appointed Bros . M . R . Wright , S . VV . ; VV . J . Johnson , J . W . j G . Craighill , Sec . ; " VV .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
erform , and if they performed them to the best of their ' ? ¦? :. IPS thev could not do more . It vvas a pleasant duty to oDOse the health of the Master-Bro . J . D . Tarr-and in T V so he sincerely wished him good health throughout the ! , iino - year , which he had not had during the past . He c 0 L . i .,- _ . Tarr . W . M ., would have as good health as he
" \ i . l wish , and to that end he proposed the toast . Bro . J . D . E . Tarr , Prov . G . D . Middx ., VV . M ., said the I p M . had ably proposed the toast and had said kind ilinW which he did not deserve . He thanked him sincerely nd also the brethren for the hearty reception given it . He a as pleased to see so many present , and especially such a hro-e : number from his mother lodge—the Burdett
Lodgeid felt it a proud moment ot his lite to preside over such an old and prosperous lodge as the Lodge of Unity . He ' as sure he was supported by the brethren and that he 4 iotild receive every assistance from the Past Masters , ilavinn - had an initiate proposed he vvas certain his ycat
would be a successful one . He would do his best to make ; t so and make it worthy of the old Lodge of Unity . " The Initiate" having been given and responded to , "The Visitors" vvas proposed by the VV . M . in cordial
Bro . Sir Norman Pringle , P . M . 92 , replying for the visitors , said there vvere many distinguished _ brethren nresent vvho were much older in Masonry than himself , but the first duty of a Mason vvas obedience to the chair . He Ind visited many lodges and had always gone away vvith a
lesson that had improved his Masonic mind . I hc whole of the duties that evening had been performed vvith an earnestness that must commend itself to all Masonic students . There vvas nothing that could carry greater conviction to an initiate more than to see the Masonic ritual rendered with seriousness and dignity , and it must also have
•» reat effect on older Masons . He vvas present that night for the first time , and had the great felicity of being introduced by one of the oldest Past Masters vvho did honour to the lodge and to Masonry—a man who had not only taken his part in Masonry but vvas becoming an authority in Masonic literature . What struck him particularly that
nMit was the name of the lodge , and he vvas certain that under the reign of the VV . M . unity would continue unbroken as in the past . Bro . H . W . Roberts , P . P . G . W . Middx ., congratulated the W . M . on his position and the lodge on having - such a Master as Bro . Tarr , vvho had passed through the lire in another lodge
in such a manner as to gain for him Provincial Grand Office . With his previous experience , the VV . M . would preside in such a manner as to do credit and honour to the lodge . He vvas only expressing the opinion of all the visitors when he said they vvere grateful for the welcome extended , and only looked forward to the time when they would again have the
chance of being guests and witnessing the excellent work . Bro . W . H . Lee , VV . M . 23 S 1 , P . P . G . D . Middx ., endorsed the remarks of those vvho had preceded him . He had had the privilege of being associated with the W . M . for some time past in connection vvith another lodge—the Bushey Park Lodge—where Bro . Tarr occupied the honourable
position of Treasurer , and on behalf of that lodge he congratulated the VV . M . on attaining the chair of so old and distinguished a lodge as the Lodge of Unity . Bro . Lewis Hirsch , P . M ., Treas . 1 S 3 S , also replied . Bro . G . R . Langley , P . M ., said the VV . M . had entrusted him with the toast of "The Masonic Charities , " and he
could have wished it had been placed in the hands of one who had done greater service to the Charities than he had , but as far as that vvas concerned he would do the best he could . In reference to the Lodge of Unity he thought vvith some amount of egotism
that they endeavoured to do what they could as a small lodge to support those Charities to the best of their ability . Iheir Stewardships for some years past had been fairly successful . Bro . S . Richardson , P . M ., vvas the first to step out boldly , and had served many Stewardships and taken up successful lists . He ventured to follow , and took up 100 guineas for the Benevolent Institution , and then came
_ ro . 1 ' rancis , P . M ., who in a year of exceptional difficulty realised So guineas for . the Girls' School Centenary , vvhich "j 'he result of very hard work . Then came Bro . Hooper , J -ijl-, with 150 guineas for the Boys' School , and then , not ™ be outdone , he ( Bro . Langley ) obtained for the Boys ' school 175 guineas . The Boys' School Festival this year to
was be an immense success . He should be happy to couple that toast with the name of Bro . Terry , who was anxious to obtain all the support he could for the Jubilee I ' estivaj of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution . In ' 10 tlge he deserved some support , and he hoped would jo ' . 'arm their hearts as to make them subscribe to that
sa 11 1 . aunn S the coming year , so that it should not be nf ' that tnat lod ge was behind in reference to one or other ° tt , ie three great Institutions . In . - i ° V mes 1 ' erry ) Secretary Royal Masonic Benevolent I ,,. ! " > , ' response , said that although Bro . Langley n ... " ? ^ small lodge , yet they must be large in ee The of the
M ^ •A P m pocket . Festival Royal neail ' . i' r nevu ' Institution had gone by with a total of vpir 1 r * * no inconsiderable sum to commence the Gil , ' , festivals vvith . In May would follovv that of the adv . 1 ool > wllIcl > he was afraid laboured under the dis-School n havin - Chairman at present . The Boys ' it ,,,.. . w , . . hkel y to have a most successful Festival , and
imd . i-. _ j , desil ' e for the one Institution vvhich had been on , [ ,. r c ' ° ™ that the sun of prosperity would again shine tin" ,, ; u * i Unes - It would take place in June under the dis-[ icrl . au , 1 , residency o £ the Deputy Grand Master , when likely t 1 second highest sum ever yet announced vvas would . ! « . aimounced then * ' After these Festivals they ' ' ' cstival f _ WOrk he had before him for the Benevolent the comin W ' l ! ch the Craft must make tlle success of out of ¦ ,- ** I 2 ™ onths . There vvere 19 girls to be elected I ,, ced on th f at 6 S ' " October the whole might be and j , me funds . Of the boys there were 29 vacancies 'hcr ,. . 1 ' 1 'dates , while for the Benevolent Institution
'" can I 2-, V •c ? ' dates and only 26 places—wliich would girls > but ah ' 0 Vei to l 8 92- ' ^ ese vvere not boys or ° vcr Ho an !! ° 'ler 6 o " many over 7 ° > and some live or six Cll i ° y their - not Possible they could live long to "" 'Mrs 0 fY " ni"ties , and therefore he asked Masters and a' 1 ( l heln tn ° , ' oear h '" 1 in mind for the coming- year , Sl " - ' Wss th . /? the J ubi'ee of the R . M . B . I . the grand llro r e Lei'tenary of the Girls' School had been . . ' MasTeR ™ ' V' ^** P » ed for "The Installing and s dl | ty in sal he had a' > vays endeavoured to do a . durinp- n , ' man "er , and to the best of his ability , 0 f a 11 the ml , , past yeai' he had had the sympathy and help "embers . He was sure the Past Master ' s jewel
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
had been presented to him vvith the best of intentions , and if he had not quite deserved it as Past Masters vvho had gone before , he had endeavoured to do so . Bro . Hooper , P . M ., also replied , after which Bros . Pinnock , P . M ., Treasurer , responded for "The Treasurer and Secretary . " Bro . G . VV . Speth , P . M ., Sec , in response , said that
whatever pride he misfit take in another lodge in vvhich he vvas a member and also the Secretary , nothing could cvei detract from the pride he felt in being thc Secretary of the Lodge of Unity . It vvas to him a family lodge , for his father vvas its father for years and years . For some years the lodge had fought on through fine and stormy weather , and had been brought throu 5 . l 1 all dangers . They had
made no great fuss , hut for 120 years the lodge had worked on , and although they hid done their duty they had never put themselves forward or attracted the attention of the Grand Master and received a collar for a single member . The lodg-e had a record to be proud of , and it afforded him great satisfaction to be the Secretary of such a lodge . " The Officers " having been honoured , the Tyler ' s toast closed a pleasant and successful evening .
United Pilgrims Lodge ( No . 507 ) .--The installation meeting of this flourishing and successful lodge took place at the Bridge House Hotel on Thursday , the aGth ult ., when there vvere present Bros . Cockell , VV . M . ; Ellson , J . W . j Thomas , S . D . j C . H . Stone , J . D . ; Grellett , P . M ., Treas . ; Watts , P . M . ; Terry , P . M . j Joyce , P . M . j Levy , P . M . j Sharman , I . P . M . j J . A . Laing , Beste ,
Gilson , Casson , Knowles , Giggins , and others . Visitors Bros . H . Shaw , P . M . S 34 ; VV . J . Nutting , VV . M . 231 ; H . VV . Percy , VV . M . 1 S 53 ; J . B . Evans , S . W . 172 ; H . B . May , S . VV . 1237 j Frank Swinford , 2272 ; and J . H . Laing , ijf ' 4-The minutes of last meeting having been confirmed , Bro . Iillson , J . W ., was presented by Bro . J . Terry , P . M ., to
receive at the hands of Bro . Watts , P . M ., the beneht of installation , vvhich was rehearsed in a most impressive and masterly way . The VV . M . invested his ofiicers as follows : Bros . Thomas , S . W . ; C . H . Stone , J . W . j Gilson , S . D . j J . A . Laing , J . D . ; Beste , I . G . ; Grellett , P . M ., Treas . ; Watts , P . M ., D . of C . j Terry , P . M ., Stwd . j and Giggins , Charity Stwd . Bro . C . VV . Peters , P . M ., Sec , vvas
unavoidably absent . The addresses vvere given in an excellent manner by Bro . Watts , P . M . Bro . C H . Stone , J . VV ., having announced his intention of standing as Steward at the next Festival of the Girls' Institution and representing the lodge , the brethren very generously voted the handsome sum of 15 guineas from the lodge funds to be placed upon his list . Several brethren likewise gave very liberally .
The W . M . proposed a candidate for initiation at next meeting in April , vvhich augurs well . The lodge being closed , the brethren adjourned to an excellent supper provided by the host , Bro . Pearce . Supper ended , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were suitably given by the VV . M . and responded to most heartily . The W . M . next gave "The D . G . M ., Earl Lathom , and
the rest of the Grand Officers , Present and Past , " in a few very appropriate words , vvhich was well received . Bro . Joyce , P . M ., next gave the toast of " The W . M . " in excellent style , remarking that lie hacl refrained from leaving town that he might do honour to him . Without fear of challenge , he would say he vvas one of the best of men and of Masons . He was grateful to the I . P . M ., Bro .
Cockell , for allowing him to propose the toast vvhich he vvas proud to do , and to express the admiration in which he was held by all thebrethren . He was thankful tothe G . A . O . T . U . for sparing him through such a serious illness and to see him restored to health . He had the confidence of all the brethren and their undivided support , and he would say if the younger brethren needed a model , copy the VV . M ., as
he vvas one of the very best . The toast vvas drunk with acclamation . The Worshipful Master , in reply , thanked the brethren for so heartily drinking to the toast , and for unanimously voting him to the chair of K . S . He vvas deeply grateful to all for the many kind expressions of sympathy during his severe illness , and he heartily thanked all . He must say he
had to follow a most efficient I . P . M ., but he knew he was ever ready to render assistance in the lodge , and he should never have to ask in vain for that assistance . Also his musical abilities could not be excelled in the lodge , vvhich had ^ added greatly to his very successful year of office . The Worshipful Master next gave the toast of " The I . P . M ., " remarking that they had climbed together through
the various offices , and there was no brother that he so heartily served as the I . P . M ., as he had such a happy manner vvith him vvhich had endeared him to all the brethren . He would state the _ immense pleasure it gave him to pin the Past Master ' s jewel upon his breast , as a mark of the excellent manner he had carried out his duties for the past year , and he trusted he might live many , many years to
wear the same , and that his children too might look upon it with delight in future years . He hoped he would long grace the United Pilgrims Lodge . The toast vvas enthusiastically drunk . The Immediate Past Master replied that he vvas glad to receive such expressions from the brethren , and also to the VV . M . for such eulogiums . He must say he had done his
best , vvhich was only his duty . He felt proud of the handsome jewel just presented him , and for vvhich he heartily thanked the brethren . He had thought at one time that he should never arrive at such a pinnacle , but he supposed excelsior belonged to Masonry , and he might at some future time still advance . He vvas very glad to be deposed that night , for he knew the VV . M . would uphold the honour and
be a credit to the lodge . He should like to take that opportunity of reminding the officers hoiv important it vvas that they should make themselves efficient in their various offices . The toast of " The Visitors " was next very ably given by the VV . M ., and well responded to . The VV . M . remarked there were several worthy brethren present . The lodge
prided itselt upon always having a goodly array , and the brethren gave them all a most hearty welcome . He must specially thank one brother visitor , Bro . Frank Swinford , vvho had so ably presided as Organist during the ceremonies and at the banqueting table .
This vvas most ably replied to by the whole of the visitors , vvho , one and all , congratulated the lodge upon having such a W . M ., and the excellent manner the ceremonies had been performed , likewise upon the capital staff of officers . The toast of "'The P . M . 's" was given in excellent style by the VV . M ., vvho stated that it was impossible for any lodge to go on without them , and he was proud to have the
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
assistance of such a splendid array . He would ask Bro . Levy , P . M ., thc father of the lodge , to reply first . Bro . Levy , P . M ., said he thanked the W . M . and brethren for so cordially receiving the toast . He would promise all would be done that vvas possible to assist thc VV . M ., " and he must say that the lodge vvas very fortunate , in having such a good one .
Bros . Watts , Terry , Grellett , Sharman , and Cockell also very suitably replied . The toast of " The Officers " vvas next given , the VV . M . stating he vvas proud of such a body , and hoped all would make themselves efficient , and attach themselves to lodges of instruction for that purpose . This was replied to by all pledging themselves to do their
utmost in furthering the lodge . The Tyler's toast brought a most enjoyable evening to a close . The musical arrangements were under the able I . P . M ., who vvas most efficiently assisted at the organ and piano by Bro . Frank Swinford , Bros . Cockell , Beste , Knowles , Frank Swinford , and Wilford Price being the vocalists , who sang excellently .
Provincial Meetings.
BATTLE . Abbey Lodge ( No . 1184 ) . —A meeting was held on Thursday , the 19 th ult ., at the Masonic Hall , when there were present Bros . VV . A . Raper , W . M . ; J . B . Foster , S . VV . ; VV . J . Pepper , J . VV . ; H . G . F . Wells , P . M ., P . P . G . P ., Treas . ; R . Hughes , P . M ., P . P . G . Std . Br ., Sec . ; F . G . Ticehurst , as S . D . ; T . VV . Avis ,
J . D . j VV . T . Jordan , P . M ., D . C ; F . VV . Hotham , I . G . ; J . Fielding , Org . j VV . J . Newman , Tyler j R . T . Davison , M . D ., I . P . M . ; VV . Lamborn , P . M ., P . P . G . P . ; B . H . Thorpe , P . M ., P . P . S . G . D . ; Till , Martin , Chance , Honisett , Belchamber , Hodson , St . John , Towner , and others . The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , Mr . Sidney Edgar McMillen , who had been previously approved , presented himself for initiation into
the Craft , and the ceremony was duly performed in an able manner by the VV . M ., assisted by the I . P . M . and S . W ., the former giving the charge and the latter the address . A proposition to give £ 2 ios . to the Pension Indemnity Fund elicited animated discussion , and was ultimately carried by a small majority . A candidate having been proposed , and some lodge business connected vvith a fresh lease of the premises having been settled , the lodge vvas closed .
BRADFORD . Acacia Lodge ( No . 2321 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held on Thursday , the 12 th inst ., at the Masonic Hall , Darley-street , when Bro . Samuel A . Auty , P . M ., W . M ., vvas supported by Bros . Alfred Stephenson , P . P . G . D . C , I . P . M . j T . Jowett , S . W . j John Niven , J . W . ; C H . Ellis , Treas . j John T . Last , Sec . j
T . VV . Holmes , P . M ., P . P . G . O ., Org . j John Ihornton , S . D . j Alfred James Boyle , j . D . j J . Morton , as I . G . ; S . Arthur Bailey , P . M ., D . C ; John Haigh , P . M ., Chap . ; John Hill , Tyler j G . Althorp , P . M ., P . P . G . P . j A . E . Harris , Sangwine , and R . S . llird . Visitors : Bros . A . II . Stamford , VV . M ., J . Dewhirst , P . M ., Chas . Crabtrec , P . M ., P . P . G . D ., VV . Kingdom , S . VV ., T . Norfolk , I . P . M .,
J . T . Mugglestone , C . T . Rhodes , Samuel Smithies , R . A . Pullan , James Tilley , Geo . Martin , and Geo . C . Gamble , all of 600 j Albert Swaine , Org . 3 S 7 ; Geo . IT . Field , W . M ., VV . I-I . Haley , S . VV . and VV . M . elect , A . B . Fisher , VV . O . Hinchliffe , P . M ., and D . G . Peacock , all of 101 S ; J . Kenworthy Blakey , VV . M . 1214 J T . Heyes , 342 j A . T . Akeroyd , P . M . 1432 , P . P . G . D . C . Shropshire ; I . 1 ..:
Fretwell , VV . M ., Tudor Trevor , P . M ., Tom Atkinson , S . VV ., Robt . Abbott , J . W ., R . A . Smithson , J . D ., A . B . Abbott , I . G ., J . J . Jones , J . C . Kirk , J . J . Wilkinson , L . J . F . Watson , F . S . Duncan , C . Hannam , and Diminy , P . M ., all of 206 9 . The lodge . was opened by the VV . M ., after vvhich the minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed .
Bro . R . S . Hird was then passed to the Degree of a F . C . in a satisfactory manner by Bro . A . Stephenson , P . M ., P . P . G . D . C , the working tools being given by Bro . John Niven , J . VV ., and the charge delivered by Bro . Bailey , P . M ., D . of C . The meeting was rendered exceedingly pleasant and interesting by reason of the fraternal visit of the W . M . ' s and a number of the officers and brethren of Lodges Nos . 20 C 9 , Coo , and 101 S , who expressed themselves
as well pleased vvith their reception , and complimented the lodge on the progress it had made during the short period of its existence . After the lodge had been closed , the brethren adjourned for refreshment , when the usual toasts were given and responded to . The songs and recitations of Bros . Hinchliffe , Heyes , Diminy , Atkinson , and Tilley added much to the harmony of the evening .
CROWLE . Isle of Axholme Lodge ( No . 1482 ) . —This lodge vvas held on Tuesday , thc 24 th ult ., at the Masonic Hall , when there were present Bros . J . Constable , VV . M . j J . M . Behrendt , S . VV . ; VV . Chamberlain , acting J . W . ; T . Staniforth , P . P . G . P ., Chap . j R . Wood , P . P . G . S . B ., Sec ; J . F . Wats . n , Treas . j C Fox , S . D . j J . Faulkner , J . D . j W . Pickering , I . G . j Horobin , P . P . G . D ., Charity
Steward j C Wressle , J . W . Wroot , VV . Scholey , W . Thompson , and others . Visitors : Bros . J . F . Forth , W . M . 242 , and W . P . Robotham , Sec . 2259 , The lodge having been opened , Mr . R . Meadley vvas duly initiated , the ceremony being performed by the VV . M ., Bro . Forth giving the charge . As a result of the late
Masonic concert , the Secretary ' s chair vvas endowed ( 10 guineas ) for the R . M . I . B . The brethren afterwards adjourned to the banquetingrjom , where a very pleasant hour was spent . The toasts ol "The Initiate , " "The Visitors , " and "The VV . M . " were honoured , and responded to .
GATESHEAD . Lodge Of Industry ( No . 48 ) . —The installation meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Hall , Jackson-street , on the 23 rd ult . Bro . VVilliam Richardson vvas installed VV . M ., the Installing Master being Bro . W . Brown , I . P . M . The W . M . appointed Bros . M . R . Wright , S . VV . ; VV . J . Johnson , J . W . j G . Craighill , Sec . ; " VV .