Article Untitled ← Page 2 of 2 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1 Article Mark Masonry. Page 1 of 1 Article Mark Masonry. Page 1 of 1 Article Royal Ark Mariners. Page 1 of 1 Article Cryptic Masonry. Page 1 of 1 Article Allied Masonic Degrees. Page 1 of 2 →
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the choice of H . R . H . the AI . W . G . AI . When Bro . _ Cousans asked him to come dosvn and instal the W . AL , he informed him if svas a promise of the late Grand Secretary to perform the installation , and he , therefore , regarded it almost as a sacred duty to perform the ceremony that evening . It had given him the greatest possible pleasure to install the W . M ., and he had to thank them not only for the cordial
svelcome accorded him but also for the honour done him in electing him a member . He trusted it ss'ould not be long before the pleasure svas repeated , and he hoped the pleasure svould be repeated on an occasion , not far distant , svhen they should svelcome back from his foreign travels their Bro . Cousans , P . M . The W . AL proposed "The LP AL , " and said they
all knesv that Bro . Col . Ellison performed his duties in a manner leaving nothing to be desired , and they svere sorry his year had come to an end . Bro . Col . Ellison , I . P . M ., in response , said he helped the lodge svould alsvays continue to succeed , and that it svould be second to none in the province . Bro . 1 . Fosvler , Dep . Prov . G . AL , replied for "The
Visitors , " and said that on former occasions he had had pleasure in attending , and that evening the visitors had been most cordially received . Bro . the Earl of Yarborough , S . W ., on behalf of " The Officers , " returned their svarmest thanks for the kind reception given the toast , and assured the W . M . they svould endeavour to support him in the same svay in svhich previous Masters had been supported . For himself he had
to offer some apology for having caused delay in the lodge . He felt extremely honoured to be in the position of S . W ., and he svould endeavour to follosv in the steps svhich the W . AI . had trod svith so much success . He felt the lodge svas honoured by the presence of so many visitors , and if he could say so as a junior officer , the lodge svould alsvays svelcome them . He thanked them for the kind reception given the toast . The Tyler's toast then closed a successful and pleasant evening .
MANCHESTER . Manchester Dramatic Lodge ( No . 23 S 7 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge svas held on the 2 Gth ult ., at the Freemasons' Hall , Cooper-street , Bro . T . Ramsey , W . M ., presiding . The minutes of the previous meeting svere read and confirmed . The ballot svas taken for tsvo joining members and tsvo candidates for initiation svhich
proved favourable . The W . AL performed the ceremony in a manner svhich called forth great praise from all present . Bro . Chas . Ssvinn , P . AL , . Sec , gave the charge . All business being completed , the lodge svas closed . The follosving svere present : Bros . T . Ramsey , W . AL j J . Al . Simpson , J . W . j J . Barlow , Treas . j C . Ssvinn ,
P . AL , Sec . ; Elliott Crompton , S . D . ; J . H . Gore , LG . j E . G . Simpson , P . AL , P . P . G . D . C . j Thomas Cavanale , P . M . j F . R . Cooper , P . AL ; J . T . Richardson , P . P . G . D . j and Herbert Brooks . A'isitors : Bros . Jas . A . Walsh , G . S . Smith , P . M . ; F . Neebe , Edgar Tosvell , P . M . j and Thos . Wood , W . AL
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
Westbourne Chapter ( No . 733 ) . —This chapter met at the Holborn Restaurant on Thursday , the 19 th ult ., when the follosving companions svere present : Comps . G . Alarch , ALE . Z . ; John Davies , H . j C A . Cottebrune , J . ; T . VV . Allen , S . E . ; G . S . Wright , S . N . ; C J . Davison , P . S . ; C . Hutt , ist A . S . ; T . Shepherd , Janitor ; W . C . Williams , P . Z . ; L . Ascott , P . Z . ; John Welford , P . Z . ; F . Earner , P . Z . ; T . Haynes , P . J .
Davies , C E . Belts , S . biddens , F . Cox , Thos . Jobson , H . Robinson , F . Thomas , Wm . Burton , A . Arross'smith , J . W . Belsham , F . Fosvler , J . West , and others . Visitors i Comps . T . Spink , 753 ; J . Cruttenden , 779 ; H . E . Dehane , P . Z . S 90 ; E . E . Geflosvski , 534 ; and J . J . Cantle , P . Z . 1 S 6 . The chapter svas opened , and the minutes of the last convocation svere read and confirmed . 'The Auditors '
report shosved the chapter to be in a flourishing condition . Bro . Edsvin H . Johnson , S . W . 1 G 9 , was exalted . The Principals and officers for the ensuing year svere then installed and invested as follosvs : Comps . John Davies , Z . ; C . A . Cottebrune , H . ; G . S . Wright , J . ; T . VV . Allen , S . E . ; C . J . Davison , S . N . j P . J . Davies , P . S . j C Hatt , ist A . S . ; T . Jobson , 2 nd A . S . j L . Ascott , P . Z ., Treas . ; and T . Shepherd , Janitor .
After the banquet , the usual loyal and Royal Arch toasts having been honoured , Comp . Alarch , in proposing "The AI . E . Z ., " said it svould be a great pleasure to everyone svho came to the chapter meetings to hear his admirable svorking and general management of the affairs . This toast svas received svith the greatest enthusiasm . Comp . Davies , in the course of his reply , thanked the
companions sincerely , and promised to do all that lay in his posver to promote the svelfare of the chapter . He knew there svould be svork to do , especially as he had one or tsvo apples in the basket , although hc had introduced an exaltee during his predecessor ' s year of ofiice , and concluded by proposing the toast of "The H . and J ., " saying they all knesv svhat a good officer Comp . Cottebrune svas , and that the J . had his eiualities also , so that the companions might
congratulate themselves on having elected them , as they svould add lustre to the chapter . Comp . Cottebrune svas afraid his voice svould not be heard quite so often as in former years , as svith the present ollicers it svould not be required , excepting in the discharge of his osvn particular duty . It svas a strange coincidence that 24 years ago that night he held the same ollice as he occupied at that moment , and next year it svould be the same if he
svas re-elected their M . E . Z . He had been obliged to resign the Treasurership in order that he might hold thc office to svhich they had elected him . Comp . Wright also thanked the companions for the flattering reception they had given him , and said he svould do his best to merit their approbation . The AI . E . Z . in giving " ihe I . P . Z ., " referred to him in
terms of endearment and hoped that the jesvel svhich he had the greatest pleasure to affix to his breast svould be svorn by him for many years to come tu remind him of the many pleasant evenings he had spent in the chapter . Comp . Alarch expressed his thanks in very felicitous terms . He had looked forward for many years to be M . E . Z . and nosv he had passed to the left of the ALE . Z . yet he hoped to be of service should it be required .
Royal Arch.
The Exaltee , in response , said he was delighted to have been received into Royal Arch Masonry . From the time he joined Freemasonry he had alsvays considered it as the most splendid of institutions . He had follosved their M . E . Z . step by step in the Temperance Lodge , and since he had been put into office he had been faithful to his duty and svould continue so in the future . The M . E . Z ., in proposing "The Health of the Visitors , "
coupled the names of Comps . Dehane and Cantle , saying they svere svell-knosvn companions . Comp . Dehane svas svell pleased to respond on behalf of the visitors , and said he had svatched the Royal Arch career of many in the Westbourne Chapter , and svas delighted at the excellent , correct , and admirable svork that he had svitnessed that night . He advised those svho svere coming on to follosv the example of their present officers , and
attend those excellent schools of instruction , and make themselves familiar not only svith the ritual but also with the precepts taught by Royal Arch Masonry . Comp . Cantle also responded , and congratulated the chapter on its present prosperous condition . "The Past Principals '" toast svas svell received . The AI . E . Z ., alluding to a vote of thanks passed to Comp . W . C . Williams , said it svas due to his exertions and great
popularity that the chapter had made such headivay . Comp . Williams responded suitably and svith much feeling . " The Offipers " and Janitor's toast follosved . The musical arrangements by Coinp . Spink—assisted by Comps . J . Davies , AI . E . Z ., Cantle , Cruttenden , Robinson , and Comp . Thomas svith his violion solos—svere carried out so svell as materially to enhance the pleasure of the companions .
CROYDON . Mozart Chapter ( No . 1929 ) . —This chapter met for the dispatch of business at the Greyhound Hotel on the 17 th ult . Amongst those present svere Comps . H . H . Shirley , M . A ., P . Z . 2 , P . P . A . G . S ., ALE . Z . ; Major T . Richareison , P . Z ., acting H . ; J . Castello , J . ; Capt . T . C . Walls , S . E . j Alliston , S . N . j and H . j . Lardner , P . Z ., P . P . G . Std . Br ., Treas . Visitors : Comps N . Prosver ,
ALA ., ALE . Z . elect 1745 ; E . B . Lane , Alus . Bac , H . elect 1745 ; and Caple . The minutes of the previous convocation svere read and confirmed . Comps . Felix Weiss , H ., svas elected M . E . Z . ; J . Castello , H . ; and Alajor Richardson , J . Coinps . Capt . Walls svas invested as S . E . ; Alliston , S . N . ; and H . J . Lardner , Treas . A vote of thanks svas passed to the ALE . Z ., and he svas also voted a P . Z . 's jesvel . Apologies for nonattendance were received from Comps . F . Weiss , H ., and
E . J . Hoare , P . Z . The resignation of Comp . Dr . E . AL Lott , Alus . Doc , P . Z ., P . G . Org . England , & c , svas received svith regret . The chapter svas then closed , and the companions adjourned to refreshment . The customary toasts received full justice . During the proceedings Comps . J . Castello and E . B . Lane instrumentally , vocally , and dramatically entertained the brethren .
TWICKENHAM . Era Chapter ( No . 1423 ) . —This prosperous chapter met at the Albany Hotel on the 14 th ult . Among those present svere Comps . H . Higgins , P . P . G . D . C , Z . ; C . H . Kohler , P . Z . 13 S 1 , H . j VV . Fisher , J . j Capt . T . C . Walls , S . E . j E . H . Thiellay , P . Z ., P . P . G . D . C , Treas . j R . Poore , P . S . j and G . L . Wingate , P . Z ., P . P . A . G . S . The minutes of the previous convocation were read and
confirmed . The election of Principals and officers for the year ensuing resulted as follosvs : Comps . C . H . Kohler , ALE . Z . j W . Fisher , H . j G . Moss , J . ; Capt . Walls , S . E . j R . Poore , S . N . j Thiellay , P . Z ., Treas . ; Kirkland , P . S . j Robinson , ist A . S . j and Gilbert , Janitor . A vote of thanks svas passed to the AI . E . Z . Apologies for non-attendance svere received from Comps . VV . H . Lee , P . Z ., P . G . S . E . j W . II . Matthesvs , P . Z . j Kirkland , and
Robinson . The chapter svas then closed , and the companions adjourned to the banquet . Upon the removal of the cloth , the usual toasts received full justice . The AI . E . Z . presided most genially and svell . Comp . E . H . Thiellay responded on behalf of " The Provincial Grand Officers , Present and Fast , " in a neat speech . The proceedings terminated at an early hour .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
Prince of Wales Lodge ( No . 4 ) . —The installation meeting was held at Alark Alasons' Hall on Alonday , the 23 rd ult . Bro . W . F . Bates , W . M ., opened the lodge , and , after the transaction of the ordinary business , Bro . W . A . Scurrah svas requested to take the chair , r : __ .-n i , 11 / r . F-. •( .. i > u * - \\ J i , r . , _ r 117 install oi jugutuu 1
, anu u , vv . u . - , . I- . KJ . SV ., I . SJ . I . oe sv . England , Prov . G . Sec . The officers invested svere as follosvs : Bros . E . VV . Lesvcock , S . W . j VV . Hunt , J . W . j H . Lovegrove , P . M ., P . P . G . W ., P . G . L of VV . England , Treas . ; and C . Pulman , P . M ., P . P . G . O ., P . G . I . G ., Sec . The brethren aftersvards dined at the Holborn Restaurant .
GREAT YARMOUTH . The Youell Lodge ( No . 317 ) . —This lodge held its installation meeting at the Norfolk Artillery Aless House on the 30 th ult , and after Bros . J . VV . Nightingale , G . H . L . Blake , and J . Hunan had been impressively advanced to the Mark Degree , Bro . Richard Alartins svas installed in the chair , the Installing Alaster being Bro . | . B .
Bridgman , P . A . G . D . C , P . P . S . G . W . East Anglia , svho performed thc ceremony faultlessly . The Worshipful Master invested his ollicers as follows : Bros . Major VV . Diver , S . W . j J . Bellamy , J . W . j J . Bond , P . M ., Sec . ; A . Smith , ALU . ; II . Blagg , S . O . ; Sill , J . O . j Durrant , S . D . j Lieut . VV . R . Arnold , S . W . and W . AL elect 411 , J . D . j Youngman , I . G . j and Knights , Tyler .
TWICKENHAM . Sir Francis Burdett Lodge ( No . i 8 i ) - — This lodge met at the Albany Hotel , on the 18 th ult . Among those present svere Bros . VV . Thomas , W . M . ; Davis , S . W . j Woodruff , J . W . j H . Von Joel , AI . O . ; VV . Fisher , P . AL , G . S ., Treas . ; Capt . Walls , P . M ., P . G . S . B ., Sec . j J . T . Briggs , P . M ., P . G . Std . Br . j H . Higgins , P . AI . j C H . Kohler , P . M . j W . J . Porter , P . M . j and A . J . R . Simmonds , P . M .
Mark Masonry.
The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , the ballot svas taken on behalf of Bro . W . Bass Pentelosv , 2032 , and it proving to be unanimous , he was advanced to the Degree of M . M . by the Secretary . Apologies for non-attendance svere received from Bros . VV W . Westley , S . D . j D . P . Cama , P . M . j and others . The lodge svas closed and adjourned to November next . The W . AL presided over the banquet in a manner that left but little to be desired .
Bro . W . Fisher responded on behalf of 'The Grand Officers , " and Bro . J . T . Briggs for "The Provincial Grand Officers . " Bro . A . J . R . Simmonds responded on behalf of " The Alark Benevolent Fund , " and trusted that the members of No . 1 S 1 svould largely contribute to his Stesvard ' s list at the forthcoming Festival of that excellent Institution . A fesv other toasts follosved , and the proceedings closed .
Royal Ark Mariners.
Royal Ark Mariners .
Matier Lodge ( No . 400 ) . —A meeting of this lodge svas held en Thursday , the 26 th ult ., at Mark Masons' Hall , svhen there svere present Bros . Wm . Vincent , P . J . G . D . ( visitor ) , acting as VV . CN . j Lennox Brosvne , J . ; Belgrave Ninnis , P . C . N ., acting as S . ; C . M , jessop , Scribe ; Dr . Danford Thomas , S . D . j Raymond Tucker , Guardian j Edsvard J . Mills , Warden ; Gordon Miller , P . C . N ., G . Treas . ; and C . F . Matier ( Hon .
Alember ) , P . C . N . Bro . H . W . Kiallmark , P . C . N ., was unavoidably absent . The minutes having been read and confirmed , the Treasurer ' s statement , svhich showed a balance in hand , svas read . Bros . Henry Edward Juler , 400 , and Geo . E . Lake , P . G . D ., and Charles Edsvard Keyser , J . G . D ., of 241 , svere then elevated . Bro . Lennox Brosvne naving been installed
by Bro . Wm . Vincent , P . J . G . D ., 5 the investiture of officers took place . Bro . Belgrave Ninnis , P . G . S . B ., svas elected as Treasurer . Letters of apology and regret from Bros . Brodie , W . C . N ., Wm . Thomas , A . W . Peckham , and Deputy Inspector-General T . B . Purchas , R . N ., svere read . The brethren afterwards dined together at Freemasons ' Tavern , svhen the usual ^ Masonic toasts svere given and responded to .
Cryptic Masonry.
Cryptic Masonry .
Grand Masters' Council ( No . i ) . —This influential council met at Mark Alasons' Hall , Great Oueen-street , on the 19 th ult . Among those present svere bros . Baron de Ferrieres , T . l . AL ; H . J . Lardner , P . D . AL ; B . R . Bryant , D . AL ; Capt . T . C Walls , P . G . D . AL , & c , Recorder ; H . H . Shirley , M . A ., C . of C ; R . Roy , ALA ., and A . AIcDowall , Marshals ,- Alajor VV . B . Williamson ,
J . P ., S . S . j J . J . Pakes , J . S . j G . Gregory , J . S . j R . L . Loveland , P . T . I . AL ; D . P . Cama , P . T . I . M . j H . Higgins , H . Rogers , B . Stewart , J . N . Frye , G . Briggs , J . T . Rowe , J . J . Thomas , S . H , Parkhouse , Hay , P . G . Stwd . j N . Prosver , ALA ., P . G . Marshal j C . A . Harris , J . - . J . Perkins , F . C . Pocock , M . D ., and others . Bro . A . F . Lamette , P . T . I . M . 15 , svas a visitor . The minutes of the last meeting svere read and confirmed .
The ballot svas taken on behalf of Bros . W . H . Toye and Major-General T . Cuming , R . A ., and it | being unanimous , they svere most impressively admitted , received , and greeted as AI . E . AL , R . M ., S . AL , and S . E . M ., by thc T . l . AL , assisted by Bros . H . J . Lardner and B . R . Bryant . Bro . Bryant svas inducted into the chair of T . l . M . by Bra . Baron de Ferrieres . The follosving appointments and investitures took place : Bros . Baron de 1 ' errieres , P . D . AL j
Edsvin Storr , D . AL j G . Posvell , P . C . W . ; G . Graveley , Treas . j Capt . Walls , Recorder ; Rev . Dr . W . Lemon , P . G . Chap ., Chap . ; Rev . R . Peek , M . A ., Asst . Chap . ; H . H . Shirley , M . A ., C of G . ; R . Roy , M . A ., C of C ; A . McDosvall , W . A . Scurrah , and Major Williamson , Marshals ; J . J . Pakes and Dr . Pocock , Stsvds . ; G . Gregory , Warder ; Hay , Asst . Warder ; I . J . Thomas , J . S . j and E . Alills , O . S . A vote of thanks svas passed to III . Bro . H . . ]•
Lardner for his services . Apologies for non-attendance svere received from Bros . Graveley , P . T . I . M ., Treas . ; Rev . Dr . W . Lemon , P . G . Chap . ; E . Storr , fl . AI . j Carman , G . Posvell , and many others . The council was then closed in the Degree of Select Alasters , and the brethren adjourned to the Holborn Restaurant ,. svhere the annual festival svas held . The Thrice Illustrious Master proved to be an excellent chairman . The ordinary toasts received full justice .
Allied Masonic Degrees.
Allied Masonic Degrees .
TODMORDEN . Prince Edward Council ( T . L ) . —A numb " of enthusiastic and zealous Freemasons belonging to the Knights Templar and other Degrees meeting in this toivii , having repeatedly expressed an earnest desire that the Council of St . Lasvrence the Martyr , K . of C , R . C . of a-, and G . H . P ., lately svorking here , should be revived ,
requested Bro . John Alarshall , of . Manchester , a member the Order , and Registrar of the Prince Edward Encampment , No . 18 , to take such steps as he might find necessary in carrying out the same . He accordingly undertook the duties , first premising he could only do so providing tne surviving members would consent to sign a petition to tn Grand Council for a confirmatory svarrant to svork uneie
the Grand Council of Allied Masonic Degrees . A petition , signed by Bros . Wm . Shackleton , James Lord , lhomw Schofield , and John Alarshall , was forsvarded to the Gr . -inu Secretary , Bro . C F . Alatier , and in due time Bro . Marshall received notice that the prayer of the petition iw granted , svith an intimation that if so desired the W- j Grand Alaster , the Earl of Euston , and other < J « " * Ollicers svould attend the re-inauguration meeting . , 0
Bro . Marshall made arrangements for the meeting the 25 th ult ., at the Station House Hotel . ' rhe ' re . Hon . the Earl of Euston , Grand Master of England , l » sided , and svas supported by Bro . C . F . Alatier , u- ' P . D . G . M . j A . H . Jefferis , P . G . W . j William J » " «' P . Z . j John Patterson , P . G . W . ; John Marshall , ' . Reg . ; Wm . Shackleton , P . M . ; G . S . Smith , * ' P . Z . ; G . A . Myers , P . M ., Z . j James Lord , P . M .,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
the choice of H . R . H . the AI . W . G . AI . When Bro . _ Cousans asked him to come dosvn and instal the W . AL , he informed him if svas a promise of the late Grand Secretary to perform the installation , and he , therefore , regarded it almost as a sacred duty to perform the ceremony that evening . It had given him the greatest possible pleasure to install the W . M ., and he had to thank them not only for the cordial
svelcome accorded him but also for the honour done him in electing him a member . He trusted it ss'ould not be long before the pleasure svas repeated , and he hoped the pleasure svould be repeated on an occasion , not far distant , svhen they should svelcome back from his foreign travels their Bro . Cousans , P . M . The W . AL proposed "The LP AL , " and said they
all knesv that Bro . Col . Ellison performed his duties in a manner leaving nothing to be desired , and they svere sorry his year had come to an end . Bro . Col . Ellison , I . P . M ., in response , said he helped the lodge svould alsvays continue to succeed , and that it svould be second to none in the province . Bro . 1 . Fosvler , Dep . Prov . G . AL , replied for "The
Visitors , " and said that on former occasions he had had pleasure in attending , and that evening the visitors had been most cordially received . Bro . the Earl of Yarborough , S . W ., on behalf of " The Officers , " returned their svarmest thanks for the kind reception given the toast , and assured the W . M . they svould endeavour to support him in the same svay in svhich previous Masters had been supported . For himself he had
to offer some apology for having caused delay in the lodge . He felt extremely honoured to be in the position of S . W ., and he svould endeavour to follosv in the steps svhich the W . AI . had trod svith so much success . He felt the lodge svas honoured by the presence of so many visitors , and if he could say so as a junior officer , the lodge svould alsvays svelcome them . He thanked them for the kind reception given the toast . The Tyler's toast then closed a successful and pleasant evening .
MANCHESTER . Manchester Dramatic Lodge ( No . 23 S 7 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge svas held on the 2 Gth ult ., at the Freemasons' Hall , Cooper-street , Bro . T . Ramsey , W . M ., presiding . The minutes of the previous meeting svere read and confirmed . The ballot svas taken for tsvo joining members and tsvo candidates for initiation svhich
proved favourable . The W . AL performed the ceremony in a manner svhich called forth great praise from all present . Bro . Chas . Ssvinn , P . AL , . Sec , gave the charge . All business being completed , the lodge svas closed . The follosving svere present : Bros . T . Ramsey , W . AL j J . Al . Simpson , J . W . j J . Barlow , Treas . j C . Ssvinn ,
P . AL , Sec . ; Elliott Crompton , S . D . ; J . H . Gore , LG . j E . G . Simpson , P . AL , P . P . G . D . C . j Thomas Cavanale , P . M . j F . R . Cooper , P . AL ; J . T . Richardson , P . P . G . D . j and Herbert Brooks . A'isitors : Bros . Jas . A . Walsh , G . S . Smith , P . M . ; F . Neebe , Edgar Tosvell , P . M . j and Thos . Wood , W . AL
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
Westbourne Chapter ( No . 733 ) . —This chapter met at the Holborn Restaurant on Thursday , the 19 th ult ., when the follosving companions svere present : Comps . G . Alarch , ALE . Z . ; John Davies , H . j C A . Cottebrune , J . ; T . VV . Allen , S . E . ; G . S . Wright , S . N . ; C J . Davison , P . S . ; C . Hutt , ist A . S . ; T . Shepherd , Janitor ; W . C . Williams , P . Z . ; L . Ascott , P . Z . ; John Welford , P . Z . ; F . Earner , P . Z . ; T . Haynes , P . J .
Davies , C E . Belts , S . biddens , F . Cox , Thos . Jobson , H . Robinson , F . Thomas , Wm . Burton , A . Arross'smith , J . W . Belsham , F . Fosvler , J . West , and others . Visitors i Comps . T . Spink , 753 ; J . Cruttenden , 779 ; H . E . Dehane , P . Z . S 90 ; E . E . Geflosvski , 534 ; and J . J . Cantle , P . Z . 1 S 6 . The chapter svas opened , and the minutes of the last convocation svere read and confirmed . 'The Auditors '
report shosved the chapter to be in a flourishing condition . Bro . Edsvin H . Johnson , S . W . 1 G 9 , was exalted . The Principals and officers for the ensuing year svere then installed and invested as follosvs : Comps . John Davies , Z . ; C . A . Cottebrune , H . ; G . S . Wright , J . ; T . VV . Allen , S . E . ; C . J . Davison , S . N . j P . J . Davies , P . S . j C Hatt , ist A . S . ; T . Jobson , 2 nd A . S . j L . Ascott , P . Z ., Treas . ; and T . Shepherd , Janitor .
After the banquet , the usual loyal and Royal Arch toasts having been honoured , Comp . Alarch , in proposing "The AI . E . Z ., " said it svould be a great pleasure to everyone svho came to the chapter meetings to hear his admirable svorking and general management of the affairs . This toast svas received svith the greatest enthusiasm . Comp . Davies , in the course of his reply , thanked the
companions sincerely , and promised to do all that lay in his posver to promote the svelfare of the chapter . He knew there svould be svork to do , especially as he had one or tsvo apples in the basket , although hc had introduced an exaltee during his predecessor ' s year of ofiice , and concluded by proposing the toast of "The H . and J ., " saying they all knesv svhat a good officer Comp . Cottebrune svas , and that the J . had his eiualities also , so that the companions might
congratulate themselves on having elected them , as they svould add lustre to the chapter . Comp . Cottebrune svas afraid his voice svould not be heard quite so often as in former years , as svith the present ollicers it svould not be required , excepting in the discharge of his osvn particular duty . It svas a strange coincidence that 24 years ago that night he held the same ollice as he occupied at that moment , and next year it svould be the same if he
svas re-elected their M . E . Z . He had been obliged to resign the Treasurership in order that he might hold thc office to svhich they had elected him . Comp . Wright also thanked the companions for the flattering reception they had given him , and said he svould do his best to merit their approbation . The AI . E . Z . in giving " ihe I . P . Z ., " referred to him in
terms of endearment and hoped that the jesvel svhich he had the greatest pleasure to affix to his breast svould be svorn by him for many years to come tu remind him of the many pleasant evenings he had spent in the chapter . Comp . Alarch expressed his thanks in very felicitous terms . He had looked forward for many years to be M . E . Z . and nosv he had passed to the left of the ALE . Z . yet he hoped to be of service should it be required .
Royal Arch.
The Exaltee , in response , said he was delighted to have been received into Royal Arch Masonry . From the time he joined Freemasonry he had alsvays considered it as the most splendid of institutions . He had follosved their M . E . Z . step by step in the Temperance Lodge , and since he had been put into office he had been faithful to his duty and svould continue so in the future . The M . E . Z ., in proposing "The Health of the Visitors , "
coupled the names of Comps . Dehane and Cantle , saying they svere svell-knosvn companions . Comp . Dehane svas svell pleased to respond on behalf of the visitors , and said he had svatched the Royal Arch career of many in the Westbourne Chapter , and svas delighted at the excellent , correct , and admirable svork that he had svitnessed that night . He advised those svho svere coming on to follosv the example of their present officers , and
attend those excellent schools of instruction , and make themselves familiar not only svith the ritual but also with the precepts taught by Royal Arch Masonry . Comp . Cantle also responded , and congratulated the chapter on its present prosperous condition . "The Past Principals '" toast svas svell received . The AI . E . Z ., alluding to a vote of thanks passed to Comp . W . C . Williams , said it svas due to his exertions and great
popularity that the chapter had made such headivay . Comp . Williams responded suitably and svith much feeling . " The Offipers " and Janitor's toast follosved . The musical arrangements by Coinp . Spink—assisted by Comps . J . Davies , AI . E . Z ., Cantle , Cruttenden , Robinson , and Comp . Thomas svith his violion solos—svere carried out so svell as materially to enhance the pleasure of the companions .
CROYDON . Mozart Chapter ( No . 1929 ) . —This chapter met for the dispatch of business at the Greyhound Hotel on the 17 th ult . Amongst those present svere Comps . H . H . Shirley , M . A ., P . Z . 2 , P . P . A . G . S ., ALE . Z . ; Major T . Richareison , P . Z ., acting H . ; J . Castello , J . ; Capt . T . C . Walls , S . E . j Alliston , S . N . j and H . j . Lardner , P . Z ., P . P . G . Std . Br ., Treas . Visitors : Comps N . Prosver ,
ALA ., ALE . Z . elect 1745 ; E . B . Lane , Alus . Bac , H . elect 1745 ; and Caple . The minutes of the previous convocation svere read and confirmed . Comps . Felix Weiss , H ., svas elected M . E . Z . ; J . Castello , H . ; and Alajor Richardson , J . Coinps . Capt . Walls svas invested as S . E . ; Alliston , S . N . ; and H . J . Lardner , Treas . A vote of thanks svas passed to the ALE . Z ., and he svas also voted a P . Z . 's jesvel . Apologies for nonattendance were received from Comps . F . Weiss , H ., and
E . J . Hoare , P . Z . The resignation of Comp . Dr . E . AL Lott , Alus . Doc , P . Z ., P . G . Org . England , & c , svas received svith regret . The chapter svas then closed , and the companions adjourned to refreshment . The customary toasts received full justice . During the proceedings Comps . J . Castello and E . B . Lane instrumentally , vocally , and dramatically entertained the brethren .
TWICKENHAM . Era Chapter ( No . 1423 ) . —This prosperous chapter met at the Albany Hotel on the 14 th ult . Among those present svere Comps . H . Higgins , P . P . G . D . C , Z . ; C . H . Kohler , P . Z . 13 S 1 , H . j VV . Fisher , J . j Capt . T . C . Walls , S . E . j E . H . Thiellay , P . Z ., P . P . G . D . C , Treas . j R . Poore , P . S . j and G . L . Wingate , P . Z ., P . P . A . G . S . The minutes of the previous convocation were read and
confirmed . The election of Principals and officers for the year ensuing resulted as follosvs : Comps . C . H . Kohler , ALE . Z . j W . Fisher , H . j G . Moss , J . ; Capt . Walls , S . E . j R . Poore , S . N . j Thiellay , P . Z ., Treas . ; Kirkland , P . S . j Robinson , ist A . S . j and Gilbert , Janitor . A vote of thanks svas passed to the AI . E . Z . Apologies for non-attendance svere received from Comps . VV . H . Lee , P . Z ., P . G . S . E . j W . II . Matthesvs , P . Z . j Kirkland , and
Robinson . The chapter svas then closed , and the companions adjourned to the banquet . Upon the removal of the cloth , the usual toasts received full justice . The AI . E . Z . presided most genially and svell . Comp . E . H . Thiellay responded on behalf of " The Provincial Grand Officers , Present and Fast , " in a neat speech . The proceedings terminated at an early hour .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
Prince of Wales Lodge ( No . 4 ) . —The installation meeting was held at Alark Alasons' Hall on Alonday , the 23 rd ult . Bro . W . F . Bates , W . M ., opened the lodge , and , after the transaction of the ordinary business , Bro . W . A . Scurrah svas requested to take the chair , r : __ .-n i , 11 / r . F-. •( .. i > u * - \\ J i , r . , _ r 117 install oi jugutuu 1
, anu u , vv . u . - , . I- . KJ . SV ., I . SJ . I . oe sv . England , Prov . G . Sec . The officers invested svere as follosvs : Bros . E . VV . Lesvcock , S . W . j VV . Hunt , J . W . j H . Lovegrove , P . M ., P . P . G . W ., P . G . L of VV . England , Treas . ; and C . Pulman , P . M ., P . P . G . O ., P . G . I . G ., Sec . The brethren aftersvards dined at the Holborn Restaurant .
GREAT YARMOUTH . The Youell Lodge ( No . 317 ) . —This lodge held its installation meeting at the Norfolk Artillery Aless House on the 30 th ult , and after Bros . J . VV . Nightingale , G . H . L . Blake , and J . Hunan had been impressively advanced to the Mark Degree , Bro . Richard Alartins svas installed in the chair , the Installing Alaster being Bro . | . B .
Bridgman , P . A . G . D . C , P . P . S . G . W . East Anglia , svho performed thc ceremony faultlessly . The Worshipful Master invested his ollicers as follows : Bros . Major VV . Diver , S . W . j J . Bellamy , J . W . j J . Bond , P . M ., Sec . ; A . Smith , ALU . ; II . Blagg , S . O . ; Sill , J . O . j Durrant , S . D . j Lieut . VV . R . Arnold , S . W . and W . AL elect 411 , J . D . j Youngman , I . G . j and Knights , Tyler .
TWICKENHAM . Sir Francis Burdett Lodge ( No . i 8 i ) - — This lodge met at the Albany Hotel , on the 18 th ult . Among those present svere Bros . VV . Thomas , W . M . ; Davis , S . W . j Woodruff , J . W . j H . Von Joel , AI . O . ; VV . Fisher , P . AL , G . S ., Treas . ; Capt . Walls , P . M ., P . G . S . B ., Sec . j J . T . Briggs , P . M ., P . G . Std . Br . j H . Higgins , P . AI . j C H . Kohler , P . M . j W . J . Porter , P . M . j and A . J . R . Simmonds , P . M .
Mark Masonry.
The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , the ballot svas taken on behalf of Bro . W . Bass Pentelosv , 2032 , and it proving to be unanimous , he was advanced to the Degree of M . M . by the Secretary . Apologies for non-attendance svere received from Bros . VV W . Westley , S . D . j D . P . Cama , P . M . j and others . The lodge svas closed and adjourned to November next . The W . AL presided over the banquet in a manner that left but little to be desired .
Bro . W . Fisher responded on behalf of 'The Grand Officers , " and Bro . J . T . Briggs for "The Provincial Grand Officers . " Bro . A . J . R . Simmonds responded on behalf of " The Alark Benevolent Fund , " and trusted that the members of No . 1 S 1 svould largely contribute to his Stesvard ' s list at the forthcoming Festival of that excellent Institution . A fesv other toasts follosved , and the proceedings closed .
Royal Ark Mariners.
Royal Ark Mariners .
Matier Lodge ( No . 400 ) . —A meeting of this lodge svas held en Thursday , the 26 th ult ., at Mark Masons' Hall , svhen there svere present Bros . Wm . Vincent , P . J . G . D . ( visitor ) , acting as VV . CN . j Lennox Brosvne , J . ; Belgrave Ninnis , P . C . N ., acting as S . ; C . M , jessop , Scribe ; Dr . Danford Thomas , S . D . j Raymond Tucker , Guardian j Edsvard J . Mills , Warden ; Gordon Miller , P . C . N ., G . Treas . ; and C . F . Matier ( Hon .
Alember ) , P . C . N . Bro . H . W . Kiallmark , P . C . N ., was unavoidably absent . The minutes having been read and confirmed , the Treasurer ' s statement , svhich showed a balance in hand , svas read . Bros . Henry Edward Juler , 400 , and Geo . E . Lake , P . G . D ., and Charles Edsvard Keyser , J . G . D ., of 241 , svere then elevated . Bro . Lennox Brosvne naving been installed
by Bro . Wm . Vincent , P . J . G . D ., 5 the investiture of officers took place . Bro . Belgrave Ninnis , P . G . S . B ., svas elected as Treasurer . Letters of apology and regret from Bros . Brodie , W . C . N ., Wm . Thomas , A . W . Peckham , and Deputy Inspector-General T . B . Purchas , R . N ., svere read . The brethren afterwards dined together at Freemasons ' Tavern , svhen the usual ^ Masonic toasts svere given and responded to .
Cryptic Masonry.
Cryptic Masonry .
Grand Masters' Council ( No . i ) . —This influential council met at Mark Alasons' Hall , Great Oueen-street , on the 19 th ult . Among those present svere bros . Baron de Ferrieres , T . l . AL ; H . J . Lardner , P . D . AL ; B . R . Bryant , D . AL ; Capt . T . C Walls , P . G . D . AL , & c , Recorder ; H . H . Shirley , M . A ., C . of C ; R . Roy , ALA ., and A . AIcDowall , Marshals ,- Alajor VV . B . Williamson ,
J . P ., S . S . j J . J . Pakes , J . S . j G . Gregory , J . S . j R . L . Loveland , P . T . I . AL ; D . P . Cama , P . T . I . M . j H . Higgins , H . Rogers , B . Stewart , J . N . Frye , G . Briggs , J . T . Rowe , J . J . Thomas , S . H , Parkhouse , Hay , P . G . Stwd . j N . Prosver , ALA ., P . G . Marshal j C . A . Harris , J . - . J . Perkins , F . C . Pocock , M . D ., and others . Bro . A . F . Lamette , P . T . I . M . 15 , svas a visitor . The minutes of the last meeting svere read and confirmed .
The ballot svas taken on behalf of Bros . W . H . Toye and Major-General T . Cuming , R . A ., and it | being unanimous , they svere most impressively admitted , received , and greeted as AI . E . AL , R . M ., S . AL , and S . E . M ., by thc T . l . AL , assisted by Bros . H . J . Lardner and B . R . Bryant . Bro . Bryant svas inducted into the chair of T . l . M . by Bra . Baron de Ferrieres . The follosving appointments and investitures took place : Bros . Baron de 1 ' errieres , P . D . AL j
Edsvin Storr , D . AL j G . Posvell , P . C . W . ; G . Graveley , Treas . j Capt . Walls , Recorder ; Rev . Dr . W . Lemon , P . G . Chap ., Chap . ; Rev . R . Peek , M . A ., Asst . Chap . ; H . H . Shirley , M . A ., C of G . ; R . Roy , M . A ., C of C ; A . McDosvall , W . A . Scurrah , and Major Williamson , Marshals ; J . J . Pakes and Dr . Pocock , Stsvds . ; G . Gregory , Warder ; Hay , Asst . Warder ; I . J . Thomas , J . S . j and E . Alills , O . S . A vote of thanks svas passed to III . Bro . H . . ]•
Lardner for his services . Apologies for non-attendance svere received from Bros . Graveley , P . T . I . M ., Treas . ; Rev . Dr . W . Lemon , P . G . Chap . ; E . Storr , fl . AI . j Carman , G . Posvell , and many others . The council was then closed in the Degree of Select Alasters , and the brethren adjourned to the Holborn Restaurant ,. svhere the annual festival svas held . The Thrice Illustrious Master proved to be an excellent chairman . The ordinary toasts received full justice .
Allied Masonic Degrees.
Allied Masonic Degrees .
TODMORDEN . Prince Edward Council ( T . L ) . —A numb " of enthusiastic and zealous Freemasons belonging to the Knights Templar and other Degrees meeting in this toivii , having repeatedly expressed an earnest desire that the Council of St . Lasvrence the Martyr , K . of C , R . C . of a-, and G . H . P ., lately svorking here , should be revived ,
requested Bro . John Alarshall , of . Manchester , a member the Order , and Registrar of the Prince Edward Encampment , No . 18 , to take such steps as he might find necessary in carrying out the same . He accordingly undertook the duties , first premising he could only do so providing tne surviving members would consent to sign a petition to tn Grand Council for a confirmatory svarrant to svork uneie
the Grand Council of Allied Masonic Degrees . A petition , signed by Bros . Wm . Shackleton , James Lord , lhomw Schofield , and John Alarshall , was forsvarded to the Gr . -inu Secretary , Bro . C F . Alatier , and in due time Bro . Marshall received notice that the prayer of the petition iw granted , svith an intimation that if so desired the W- j Grand Alaster , the Earl of Euston , and other < J « " * Ollicers svould attend the re-inauguration meeting . , 0
Bro . Marshall made arrangements for the meeting the 25 th ult ., at the Station House Hotel . ' rhe ' re . Hon . the Earl of Euston , Grand Master of England , l » sided , and svas supported by Bro . C . F . Alatier , u- ' P . D . G . M . j A . H . Jefferis , P . G . W . j William J » " «' P . Z . j John Patterson , P . G . W . ; John Marshall , ' . Reg . ; Wm . Shackleton , P . M . ; G . S . Smith , * ' P . Z . ; G . A . Myers , P . M ., Z . j James Lord , P . M .,