Article Allied Masonic Degrees. ← Page 2 of 2 Article MASONIC LECTURE BY BRO. HUGHAN AT BRIGHTON. Page 1 of 1 Article INTERESTING PRESENTATION TO BRO. PERCY WALLIS. Page 1 of 1 Article INTERESTING PRESENTATION TO BRO. PERCY WALLIS. Page 1 of 1 Article PRESENTATION TO BRO. G. W. CASTLE, ASST. SEO. BRIXTON LODGE OF INSTRUCTION Page 1 of 1 Article Obituary. Page 1 of 1 Article Obituary. Page 1 of 1 Article DISTRICT GRAND MARK LODGE OF NATAL. Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1
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Allied Masonic Degrees.
( hers . The brethren assembled and duly received the frand ' Master and ofiicers . After they had been saluted , [ he council svas opened by Bro . A . H . Jefferis , and Bro . r F . Matier subsequently took tbe chair and conferred the rwrees upon the follosving brethren : Bros . Thos . Wrigley , j i . Green , Wm . Haigh , Herbert King , Wm . Cockcroft , David Bradley , Thos . Uttley , R . D . Kendall , Thomas
Gaukroger , J . Hardsvicke Marsh , Uamel Hargreaves , / \ V . Alonckman , James Winterbottom , S . F . Simons , and Thomas Hodgson . The Grand Master took the chair , and said svhat a great pleasure it svas for him and the other Grand Officers of the Council to be there on that occasion to assist the Yorkshire brethren to resuscitate the ancient council Prince Edsvard , and he svas very much gratified indeed to see such a large
amount of interest in this honourable Degree , as evidently ivas evinced by the large number of candidates svho had received tbe Degree that day . He hoped they svould continue as they had commenced , and svork svith great energy to try and make these beautiful Degrees better knosvn . By such surroundings as they had that day it could not help being a great success . He concluded by saying it gave him great pleasure in granting them a nesv svarrant , so that svill be under the Grand Council of land
nosv it strictly Eng , and called upon Bro . C . F . Matier , G . Sec , to read the warrant , svhich svas received svith great applause . Bro . Alatier resumed the chair , and installed Bro . T . Wrigley as VV AL for the ensuing year , and the follosving svere invested as officers : Bros . K . Green , S . W . j Wm . Haigh , J . W . ; T . Uttley , Treas . ; John Marshall , Sec j H . King , S . D . j VV . Cockcroft , J . D . j Dr . Bradley , I . G . ; and T . Hodges , Steward .
Masonic Lecture By Bro. Hughan At Brighton.
Under the auspices of the Provincial Grand Lodgeof Sussex a very enjoyable evening was spent on the 27 th ult ., svhen a most interesting lecture on " Freemasonry " svas delivered in the Masonic Room at the Royal Pavilion , Brighton , by that svell-known member of the
Craft , Bro . W . J . Hughan , P . G . D . ot England , & c , to a very appreciative audience . Bro . R . Clowes , P . G . Std . Br . of England , P . P . S . G . W ., occupied the chair , and svas supported by Bros . T . Trollope , M . D ., P . P . S . G . W . ; V . P . Freeman , P . G . D ., P . G . Sec . ; W . E . Morrison ( Mayor of Eastbourne ) , P . P . J . G . W . ; A . King , P . G . O . ; J . Slingsby Roberts , P . G . Stsvd . ; W .
Wright , P . J . G . W . ; C . B . Warre , P . P . S . G . D . ; and others . Letters of apology were read regretting their absence from Bros , the Right Hon . Sir W . Marriott , Q . C , M . P ., D . P . G . M . ; Rev . E . Currie ( Dean of Battle ) , P . G . C . ; and Gen . Randolph , Grand Superintendent . Bro . CLOWES then introduced Bro . Hughan in
suitable terms , svho selected for his lecture " Ancient and Modern Freemasonry—a Retrospect of Five Centuries , " of which the following is a syllabus : Legends of the Craft—their use and abuse . —Masonic Assembly at York , and Ancient Charters . —The old charges of British Freemasons—their English origin and Christian character . —Earliest references to Freemasons , and
meaning of the prefix free . —The Society Speculative as svell as Operative ior many Centuries . —Secrets to " Hele Conceal and never reveal . "—Loyalty and Charity . —Permanent pre-requisites and characteristics of the Fraternity . —The continuity of the Brotherhood . —I . odge Records from 1599 . —Membership of noblemen , gentlemen , and also tradesmen during the
Seventeenth Century . —Mark Books . — " The Mason ' s Word " and litigation thereon , 1714 . —Cowans and Eavesdroppers . —Origin of Grand Lodges . —York Masonry , —Rival organisations . —Four Grand Lodges in England , and then but one united Organisation . —Metropolitan , Provincial , and Foreign Lodges . —The Queen and the Craft . —Peace and Prosperity , " so mote it be . "
A hearty vote of thanks at the conclusion was given to Bro . Hughan , proposed by Bro . MORRISON ( Mayor of Eastbourne ) , seconded by Bro . Dr . TROLLOPE , and carried unanimously , for his able , instructive , and comprehensive lecture , svhich delighted all svho had the good fortune to hear it . A vote of thanks lo the Chairman and Honorary Secretary concluded the proceedings .
Interesting Presentation To Bro. Percy Wallis.
A very graceful compliment was paid our genial and popular Bro . Percy Wallis on Thursday evening , 'he 26 th u ) t ., svhen , to commemorate his 50 th birthday , «• Was entertained at dinner at the Bell Hotel , Derby . . 'though oripinallv desipned uoon a verv limited scale
"e project in the course of a few days grew rapidly , an u at the last moment the promoters found them-, es ^ sieged svith applications from friends anxious 0 Partici pate in it—applications svhich , to their deep 8 ret , existing arrangements did not enable them to
tertam . It may be remarked that the gathering in rs " oi the most delightful of its kind ever held « Derb y . Mr . F . Rayner , the svorthy host of the Bell , tahf Sa ''* to nave exce " ed himself , placing on the e a banquet of the most elegant description , and Se 'V | ng it admimhlv .
J . P l > n * "' " was 0 CCll P ' ty Bro . Wm . Heathcote , tin . ' 'S . G . D ., who was supported by the guest of H , vf n ^ Bro- G- H . Turner , 47 ; Bro . W . B . "it-ill , P . P . S . G . W . ; Mr . G . Fletcher , Mr . Clement n ¦ "" ''• . LP ., and Rrn Dr Kiplriiner P M ir . Sc Mr
Prp « . Clemson occupied the vice-chair , and those Mr ) p ere Bro Ald Roe ' M P '' Prov' G' Treas * >' C 0 x J ' ,. Gascoyne , J . P ., Col . Gascoyne , Mr . S . R . Co ,, ' . „ * -Col . Delacombe , Mr . George Morral ) , Mr . " » or Doherty , Bro , Councillor F . Stone , P . P . G .
Interesting Presentation To Bro. Percy Wallis.
Reg . ; Bro . Councillor F . E . Leech , J . W . S 84 ; Mr . J . H . Richardson , Bro . W . J . Piper , P . P . G . Treas . ; Bro . T . R . Gee , 253 ; Mr . John Close , Bro . W . Whittaker , P . P . G . D . C . ; Mr . S . Briddon , Mr . ] . Bland , Mr . J . E , Murphy . Bro . L . Russell , W . M . 10 S 5 ; Mr . J . Maxey , Mr . E . Cassell , Mr . T . Goddard , Mr . T . Webster , Mr . E . Whitney , Mr . S . A . W . Howmann , Mr . G . P .
Knapton , and Bro . W . L . Dodd , P . P . G . O . "The Health of Mr . Wallis" svas proposed most effectively by the CHAIRMAN * , who congratulated that gentleman upon being the happy possessor of troops of friends . Incidentally , Bro . Heathcote invited his acceptance of a beautifully bound address , prepared in book form . In this tangible token of goodsvill
testimony was ungrudgingly born to Bro . Wallis ' s many admirable personal tjualities—to his sturdy independence and straightforsvardness as a public man , to his geniality in social life , to his readiness to serve a friend , and , above ali , to his large-hearted labours in the cause of Charity . The Chairman dsvelt especially upon the last-mentioned point in the address , and said no man
had done more , according to his opportunities , for the noble svork of alleviating the distresses of his unfortunate fellowmen , than Bro . Percy Wallis . Amid cordial cheering , he expressed the hope that Bro . Wallis's useful life might long be spared , and that prosperity might attend him and every member of his
family . Bro . WALLIS , in the course of a happy little speech , modestly disclaimed having done more than his duty . He gratefully acknowledged the compliments which had been bestowed upon him , and promised that the gift he had received should be treasured by him as long
as he lived . Other toasts were given , and svere pleasantly interspersed with music . It should be added that to the address were attached the signatures of all those present . Among the old
personal friends of Bro . Wallis svho svere prevented from attending was the Mayor of Derby ( Mr . T . H . Harrison ) . His ss'orship svrote ss-armly sympathising with the object of the gathering , and remarked that only a very pressing engagement could have kept him away .
Presentation To Bro. G. W. Castle, Asst. Seo. Brixton Lodge Of Instruction
At a largely attended meeting of the Brixton Lodge of Instruction , held at the Prince Regent , Dulsvichroad , S . E ., on Tuesday , the 17 th ult ., a handsome clock was presented to Bro . G . W . Castle , on the occasion of his approaching marriage .
Bro . E . A . FRANCIS , P . M ., Preceptor , in making the presentation , said he had to move that the hearty congratulations of that lodgeof instruction should be given to Bro . G . W . Castle , Asst . Secretary , on his approaching marriage , svith best svishes for his future health and happiness . He asked Bro . Castle to accept this resolution in good faith from the brethren , and , in order to
demonstrate that they meant what they said , they wished him to accept a slight present . It took the form of a beautiful clock , svhich they trusted Bro . Castle svould receive in the same spirit in svhich it svas given . The brethren sincerely hoped that Bro . Castle and his svife svould Jive many years in perfect health and happiness , and that svhenever they heard
that clock strike they svould remember it was but reechoing the sentiments of the brethren of that lodge of instruction . Bro . H . Hooi'KR endorsed the remarks of Bro . Francis , and said that having knosvn Bro . Castle both in business and in Alasonry for some years , he svas sure all the members svished him everything he could
possibly wish himself . Bro . G . W . CASTLE said the svind had been completely taken out of his sails , for hc had not the slightest idea of svhat was about to take place . He svas deficient in words in which to adequately thank them for their kindness , for the small services he had been able to render to be the recipient of such a handsome present
was more than generous . Whatever services he had rendered had been done with the greatest pleasure , and he should always look upon their gift with delight . For obvious reasons he had not been able to give so much attention to his duties as he hoped to do in the future . He thanked them sincerely for the handsome present , svhich he should alsvays prize and cherish .
Obituary .
BRO . JAMES SRAWLEY . We regret to announce the death of Bro . James Srasvley , of Birmingham , svho during a period of 18 years rendered much valuable service to the various Masonic bodies of svhich he svas or had been a member . He was W . M . of the Temperance Lodge , No . 739 , in 1880-1 , and M . E . / -: . of the Grosvenor Chapter , No .
93 8 , in 1884-5 , and was a ' member of the Rose Croix and other Masonic orders . During the course of his Masonic career he delivered ses'eral lectures to the brethren of his lodge and others at the Masonic Hall , Birmingham , including one upon " Ancient Masonic Literature in the British Museum , " and in the
year 1880 , with the sanction and authority of Lord Leigh , P . G . AI . Warsvickshire , he published " A short History of the origin and grosvth of Freemasonry in England . " He was a staunch supporter and advocate of the Masonic Charities and for five years svas the Charity Steward of his lodge , during * svhich time he collected over ^ 300 for various charitable objects . B y
his kind and genial nature he won the respect of all svho knesv him , and his loss svill be much felt by the brethren of his lodge , many of svhom attended his funeral at Handssvorth Church , on the 28 th ult . Amongst those present ss'e noticed Bros . J . Bragg , P . M ., P . P . G . W . ; Haseler , P . M ., P . G . P . ; Pepper , P . M ., P . P . G . W . ; Bosvley , P . M ., P . P . G . S . B . ; Wilkinson ,
P . M ., P . P . G . P . ; Thomason , P . M ., P . P . A . G . S . ; Lees , P . M ., P . P . G . S . B . ; Taylor , P . M . ; Bancroft , P . AL ; Candelent , P . M . ; Stackhouse , P . M . ; Parkes , P . AL ; Parker , Brooke , Lamsdale , Miles , Bennett , Wilkes , Reading , Trevitt and others . Bro . Srasvley has left a svidosv and one son ( Mr . J . H . Srasvley , B . A ., of Caius College , Cambridge ) .
BRO . STEPHEN AUSTIN . A notable figure in public as svell as Masonic life in Hertfordshire has disappeared from amongst us during the last sveek . Bro . Stephen Austin svas the founder and for over 50 years the proprietor of the Hertfordshire Mercury . Born in 1804 , he early in life entered
on the profession of journalism , and during the existing political events of the early part of this century svas engaged in many svell fought fights . During his long life , Bro . Austin took a very active interest in all public matters connected svith the town and county of Hertford , and was one of the earliest initiated members
of the Hertford Lodge ( svhich svas founded in 1829 ) , and of svhich he svas Worshi pful Master upon tsvo occasions , the first time in 1847-8 , and the second time in 18 7 8-9 . He svas also P . P . G . S of W ., having been invested by Bro . Stuart , Prov . Grand Master of Herts . Upon the second occasion upon which Bro . Austin was
W . AL a lodge of emergency svas held ( on the 21 st October , 18 79 ) followed by a banquet , to celebrate both the jubilee of the lodge and Bro . Austin ' s jubilee as a Mason . There svas a large attendance of members and of visitors from all parts of the country ; and as a memento of the interesting occasion Bro . Austin was
presented svith a handsome dining-room clock , a pair of antique bronze esvers , and an illuminated address . In the address reference svas made to the fact that throughout those 50 years Bro . Austin had been a continuously subscribing member of one and the same Iodge—a circumstance , it svas remarked , "
unprecedented in the annals of the Craft . " If it was " unprecedented" in 18 79 , it is still more remarkable nosv , 13 years later , and the fact remains as one svorthy of being recorded that for the long period of 6 3 years the deceased brother svas . 1 subscribing member of the Hertford Lodge .
BRO . RICHARD DYSON . A respected citizen and svorthy Mason passed away last sveek in the person of Bro . Richard Dyson . Our deceased brother svas closely connected with the Ward of Cripplegate in the City , and took an active interest in all public matters connected svith the Ward . He svas also much esteemed amongst his brother Alasons ,
having filled the chair of his lodge , and for tsvo consecutive years the chair of AI . E . Z . in his chapter . Bro . Dyson had been suffering for some months from an attack of paralysis , so that the sad event svill occasion little or no surprise to those svho had the privilege ol his acquaintance . Deceased svas the senior partner in the firm of Messrs . Dyson and Co ., 15 , Australianas-enue .
District Grand Mark Lodge Of Natal.
The annual installation meeting of the above District Grand Alark Lodge svas held in the Alasonic Temple on the 22 nd of Alarch , svhen the follosving officers were appointed for the ensuing year , and other Masonic business svas transacted , under the presidency of Bro . R . I . Finnemore , District Grand AIaster :
Bro . Capt . F . Dickinson D . S . G . W . „ A . W . Rowsell D . J . G . W . „ A . R . Payne D . G . AI . O . „ G . Leask D . S . G . O . „ B . S . Kelly D . J . G . O . „ Rev . J . Oxley Oxland ... >„„ „ . „ A . Ikin , D . D . ^ D . G . Chaps . „ W . H . Harris ... ... D . G . Reg .
„ B . Ireland ... Pres . C . of G . P . „ A . Chapman D . G . Sec . „ H . Rutherford , J . P D . G . Treas . „ C . Penny D . S . G . D . „ W . Alunro D . J . G . D . „ L . C . Hodgkins D . G . I , of W . „ G . Pullock D . G . Org .
There svas a large attendance of brethren from various parts of the colony , and a most harmonious and pleasant meeting svas spent .
The 22 nd annual meeting of thc Coaching Club took place near the Alagazine , Hyde Park , on Saturday last . The sveather svas beautiful in the extreme , and the crowd of spectators immense , the one subject of regret being the absence of the Prince and Princess of VVales and their daughters , and the Duchess of Teck and her daughters .
Among the teams present svere those of Bro . Col . Le Gendre N . Starkie , Prince Hans Henry of Pless , Bro . Lord Hothfield , Bro . Albert Brassey , Bro . F . Seager Hunt , ALP ., and Bro . Baron de Stern , M . P . In the absence of the President of Vise Club ( tbe Duke of Beaufort ) , Bro . Lord Hothfield led the parade round the Park .
Dll CQ "PILANTRA , " Pile Cure . Immediate relief I IL . L . U and a permanent cure guaranteed . Sample Free . Postage 3 d . —Address , THE GEDDES MANU . FACTURING COMPANY , 249 , High Holhorn , London .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Allied Masonic Degrees.
( hers . The brethren assembled and duly received the frand ' Master and ofiicers . After they had been saluted , [ he council svas opened by Bro . A . H . Jefferis , and Bro . r F . Matier subsequently took tbe chair and conferred the rwrees upon the follosving brethren : Bros . Thos . Wrigley , j i . Green , Wm . Haigh , Herbert King , Wm . Cockcroft , David Bradley , Thos . Uttley , R . D . Kendall , Thomas
Gaukroger , J . Hardsvicke Marsh , Uamel Hargreaves , / \ V . Alonckman , James Winterbottom , S . F . Simons , and Thomas Hodgson . The Grand Master took the chair , and said svhat a great pleasure it svas for him and the other Grand Officers of the Council to be there on that occasion to assist the Yorkshire brethren to resuscitate the ancient council Prince Edsvard , and he svas very much gratified indeed to see such a large
amount of interest in this honourable Degree , as evidently ivas evinced by the large number of candidates svho had received tbe Degree that day . He hoped they svould continue as they had commenced , and svork svith great energy to try and make these beautiful Degrees better knosvn . By such surroundings as they had that day it could not help being a great success . He concluded by saying it gave him great pleasure in granting them a nesv svarrant , so that svill be under the Grand Council of land
nosv it strictly Eng , and called upon Bro . C . F . Matier , G . Sec , to read the warrant , svhich svas received svith great applause . Bro . Alatier resumed the chair , and installed Bro . T . Wrigley as VV AL for the ensuing year , and the follosving svere invested as officers : Bros . K . Green , S . W . j Wm . Haigh , J . W . ; T . Uttley , Treas . ; John Marshall , Sec j H . King , S . D . j VV . Cockcroft , J . D . j Dr . Bradley , I . G . ; and T . Hodges , Steward .
Masonic Lecture By Bro. Hughan At Brighton.
Under the auspices of the Provincial Grand Lodgeof Sussex a very enjoyable evening was spent on the 27 th ult ., svhen a most interesting lecture on " Freemasonry " svas delivered in the Masonic Room at the Royal Pavilion , Brighton , by that svell-known member of the
Craft , Bro . W . J . Hughan , P . G . D . ot England , & c , to a very appreciative audience . Bro . R . Clowes , P . G . Std . Br . of England , P . P . S . G . W ., occupied the chair , and svas supported by Bros . T . Trollope , M . D ., P . P . S . G . W . ; V . P . Freeman , P . G . D ., P . G . Sec . ; W . E . Morrison ( Mayor of Eastbourne ) , P . P . J . G . W . ; A . King , P . G . O . ; J . Slingsby Roberts , P . G . Stsvd . ; W .
Wright , P . J . G . W . ; C . B . Warre , P . P . S . G . D . ; and others . Letters of apology were read regretting their absence from Bros , the Right Hon . Sir W . Marriott , Q . C , M . P ., D . P . G . M . ; Rev . E . Currie ( Dean of Battle ) , P . G . C . ; and Gen . Randolph , Grand Superintendent . Bro . CLOWES then introduced Bro . Hughan in
suitable terms , svho selected for his lecture " Ancient and Modern Freemasonry—a Retrospect of Five Centuries , " of which the following is a syllabus : Legends of the Craft—their use and abuse . —Masonic Assembly at York , and Ancient Charters . —The old charges of British Freemasons—their English origin and Christian character . —Earliest references to Freemasons , and
meaning of the prefix free . —The Society Speculative as svell as Operative ior many Centuries . —Secrets to " Hele Conceal and never reveal . "—Loyalty and Charity . —Permanent pre-requisites and characteristics of the Fraternity . —The continuity of the Brotherhood . —I . odge Records from 1599 . —Membership of noblemen , gentlemen , and also tradesmen during the
Seventeenth Century . —Mark Books . — " The Mason ' s Word " and litigation thereon , 1714 . —Cowans and Eavesdroppers . —Origin of Grand Lodges . —York Masonry , —Rival organisations . —Four Grand Lodges in England , and then but one united Organisation . —Metropolitan , Provincial , and Foreign Lodges . —The Queen and the Craft . —Peace and Prosperity , " so mote it be . "
A hearty vote of thanks at the conclusion was given to Bro . Hughan , proposed by Bro . MORRISON ( Mayor of Eastbourne ) , seconded by Bro . Dr . TROLLOPE , and carried unanimously , for his able , instructive , and comprehensive lecture , svhich delighted all svho had the good fortune to hear it . A vote of thanks lo the Chairman and Honorary Secretary concluded the proceedings .
Interesting Presentation To Bro. Percy Wallis.
A very graceful compliment was paid our genial and popular Bro . Percy Wallis on Thursday evening , 'he 26 th u ) t ., svhen , to commemorate his 50 th birthday , «• Was entertained at dinner at the Bell Hotel , Derby . . 'though oripinallv desipned uoon a verv limited scale
"e project in the course of a few days grew rapidly , an u at the last moment the promoters found them-, es ^ sieged svith applications from friends anxious 0 Partici pate in it—applications svhich , to their deep 8 ret , existing arrangements did not enable them to
tertam . It may be remarked that the gathering in rs " oi the most delightful of its kind ever held « Derb y . Mr . F . Rayner , the svorthy host of the Bell , tahf Sa ''* to nave exce " ed himself , placing on the e a banquet of the most elegant description , and Se 'V | ng it admimhlv .
J . P l > n * "' " was 0 CCll P ' ty Bro . Wm . Heathcote , tin . ' 'S . G . D ., who was supported by the guest of H , vf n ^ Bro- G- H . Turner , 47 ; Bro . W . B . "it-ill , P . P . S . G . W . ; Mr . G . Fletcher , Mr . Clement n ¦ "" ''• . LP ., and Rrn Dr Kiplriiner P M ir . Sc Mr
Prp « . Clemson occupied the vice-chair , and those Mr ) p ere Bro Ald Roe ' M P '' Prov' G' Treas * >' C 0 x J ' ,. Gascoyne , J . P ., Col . Gascoyne , Mr . S . R . Co ,, ' . „ * -Col . Delacombe , Mr . George Morral ) , Mr . " » or Doherty , Bro , Councillor F . Stone , P . P . G .
Interesting Presentation To Bro. Percy Wallis.
Reg . ; Bro . Councillor F . E . Leech , J . W . S 84 ; Mr . J . H . Richardson , Bro . W . J . Piper , P . P . G . Treas . ; Bro . T . R . Gee , 253 ; Mr . John Close , Bro . W . Whittaker , P . P . G . D . C . ; Mr . S . Briddon , Mr . ] . Bland , Mr . J . E , Murphy . Bro . L . Russell , W . M . 10 S 5 ; Mr . J . Maxey , Mr . E . Cassell , Mr . T . Goddard , Mr . T . Webster , Mr . E . Whitney , Mr . S . A . W . Howmann , Mr . G . P .
Knapton , and Bro . W . L . Dodd , P . P . G . O . "The Health of Mr . Wallis" svas proposed most effectively by the CHAIRMAN * , who congratulated that gentleman upon being the happy possessor of troops of friends . Incidentally , Bro . Heathcote invited his acceptance of a beautifully bound address , prepared in book form . In this tangible token of goodsvill
testimony was ungrudgingly born to Bro . Wallis ' s many admirable personal tjualities—to his sturdy independence and straightforsvardness as a public man , to his geniality in social life , to his readiness to serve a friend , and , above ali , to his large-hearted labours in the cause of Charity . The Chairman dsvelt especially upon the last-mentioned point in the address , and said no man
had done more , according to his opportunities , for the noble svork of alleviating the distresses of his unfortunate fellowmen , than Bro . Percy Wallis . Amid cordial cheering , he expressed the hope that Bro . Wallis's useful life might long be spared , and that prosperity might attend him and every member of his
family . Bro . WALLIS , in the course of a happy little speech , modestly disclaimed having done more than his duty . He gratefully acknowledged the compliments which had been bestowed upon him , and promised that the gift he had received should be treasured by him as long
as he lived . Other toasts were given , and svere pleasantly interspersed with music . It should be added that to the address were attached the signatures of all those present . Among the old
personal friends of Bro . Wallis svho svere prevented from attending was the Mayor of Derby ( Mr . T . H . Harrison ) . His ss'orship svrote ss-armly sympathising with the object of the gathering , and remarked that only a very pressing engagement could have kept him away .
Presentation To Bro. G. W. Castle, Asst. Seo. Brixton Lodge Of Instruction
At a largely attended meeting of the Brixton Lodge of Instruction , held at the Prince Regent , Dulsvichroad , S . E ., on Tuesday , the 17 th ult ., a handsome clock was presented to Bro . G . W . Castle , on the occasion of his approaching marriage .
Bro . E . A . FRANCIS , P . M ., Preceptor , in making the presentation , said he had to move that the hearty congratulations of that lodgeof instruction should be given to Bro . G . W . Castle , Asst . Secretary , on his approaching marriage , svith best svishes for his future health and happiness . He asked Bro . Castle to accept this resolution in good faith from the brethren , and , in order to
demonstrate that they meant what they said , they wished him to accept a slight present . It took the form of a beautiful clock , svhich they trusted Bro . Castle svould receive in the same spirit in svhich it svas given . The brethren sincerely hoped that Bro . Castle and his svife svould Jive many years in perfect health and happiness , and that svhenever they heard
that clock strike they svould remember it was but reechoing the sentiments of the brethren of that lodge of instruction . Bro . H . Hooi'KR endorsed the remarks of Bro . Francis , and said that having knosvn Bro . Castle both in business and in Alasonry for some years , he svas sure all the members svished him everything he could
possibly wish himself . Bro . G . W . CASTLE said the svind had been completely taken out of his sails , for hc had not the slightest idea of svhat was about to take place . He svas deficient in words in which to adequately thank them for their kindness , for the small services he had been able to render to be the recipient of such a handsome present
was more than generous . Whatever services he had rendered had been done with the greatest pleasure , and he should always look upon their gift with delight . For obvious reasons he had not been able to give so much attention to his duties as he hoped to do in the future . He thanked them sincerely for the handsome present , svhich he should alsvays prize and cherish .
Obituary .
BRO . JAMES SRAWLEY . We regret to announce the death of Bro . James Srasvley , of Birmingham , svho during a period of 18 years rendered much valuable service to the various Masonic bodies of svhich he svas or had been a member . He was W . M . of the Temperance Lodge , No . 739 , in 1880-1 , and M . E . / -: . of the Grosvenor Chapter , No .
93 8 , in 1884-5 , and was a ' member of the Rose Croix and other Masonic orders . During the course of his Masonic career he delivered ses'eral lectures to the brethren of his lodge and others at the Masonic Hall , Birmingham , including one upon " Ancient Masonic Literature in the British Museum , " and in the
year 1880 , with the sanction and authority of Lord Leigh , P . G . AI . Warsvickshire , he published " A short History of the origin and grosvth of Freemasonry in England . " He was a staunch supporter and advocate of the Masonic Charities and for five years svas the Charity Steward of his lodge , during * svhich time he collected over ^ 300 for various charitable objects . B y
his kind and genial nature he won the respect of all svho knesv him , and his loss svill be much felt by the brethren of his lodge , many of svhom attended his funeral at Handssvorth Church , on the 28 th ult . Amongst those present ss'e noticed Bros . J . Bragg , P . M ., P . P . G . W . ; Haseler , P . M ., P . G . P . ; Pepper , P . M ., P . P . G . W . ; Bosvley , P . M ., P . P . G . S . B . ; Wilkinson ,
P . M ., P . P . G . P . ; Thomason , P . M ., P . P . A . G . S . ; Lees , P . M ., P . P . G . S . B . ; Taylor , P . M . ; Bancroft , P . AL ; Candelent , P . M . ; Stackhouse , P . M . ; Parkes , P . AL ; Parker , Brooke , Lamsdale , Miles , Bennett , Wilkes , Reading , Trevitt and others . Bro . Srasvley has left a svidosv and one son ( Mr . J . H . Srasvley , B . A ., of Caius College , Cambridge ) .
BRO . STEPHEN AUSTIN . A notable figure in public as svell as Masonic life in Hertfordshire has disappeared from amongst us during the last sveek . Bro . Stephen Austin svas the founder and for over 50 years the proprietor of the Hertfordshire Mercury . Born in 1804 , he early in life entered
on the profession of journalism , and during the existing political events of the early part of this century svas engaged in many svell fought fights . During his long life , Bro . Austin took a very active interest in all public matters connected svith the town and county of Hertford , and was one of the earliest initiated members
of the Hertford Lodge ( svhich svas founded in 1829 ) , and of svhich he svas Worshi pful Master upon tsvo occasions , the first time in 1847-8 , and the second time in 18 7 8-9 . He svas also P . P . G . S of W ., having been invested by Bro . Stuart , Prov . Grand Master of Herts . Upon the second occasion upon which Bro . Austin was
W . AL a lodge of emergency svas held ( on the 21 st October , 18 79 ) followed by a banquet , to celebrate both the jubilee of the lodge and Bro . Austin ' s jubilee as a Mason . There svas a large attendance of members and of visitors from all parts of the country ; and as a memento of the interesting occasion Bro . Austin was
presented svith a handsome dining-room clock , a pair of antique bronze esvers , and an illuminated address . In the address reference svas made to the fact that throughout those 50 years Bro . Austin had been a continuously subscribing member of one and the same Iodge—a circumstance , it svas remarked , "
unprecedented in the annals of the Craft . " If it was " unprecedented" in 18 79 , it is still more remarkable nosv , 13 years later , and the fact remains as one svorthy of being recorded that for the long period of 6 3 years the deceased brother svas . 1 subscribing member of the Hertford Lodge .
BRO . RICHARD DYSON . A respected citizen and svorthy Mason passed away last sveek in the person of Bro . Richard Dyson . Our deceased brother svas closely connected with the Ward of Cripplegate in the City , and took an active interest in all public matters connected svith the Ward . He svas also much esteemed amongst his brother Alasons ,
having filled the chair of his lodge , and for tsvo consecutive years the chair of AI . E . Z . in his chapter . Bro . Dyson had been suffering for some months from an attack of paralysis , so that the sad event svill occasion little or no surprise to those svho had the privilege ol his acquaintance . Deceased svas the senior partner in the firm of Messrs . Dyson and Co ., 15 , Australianas-enue .
District Grand Mark Lodge Of Natal.
The annual installation meeting of the above District Grand Alark Lodge svas held in the Alasonic Temple on the 22 nd of Alarch , svhen the follosving officers were appointed for the ensuing year , and other Masonic business svas transacted , under the presidency of Bro . R . I . Finnemore , District Grand AIaster :
Bro . Capt . F . Dickinson D . S . G . W . „ A . W . Rowsell D . J . G . W . „ A . R . Payne D . G . AI . O . „ G . Leask D . S . G . O . „ B . S . Kelly D . J . G . O . „ Rev . J . Oxley Oxland ... >„„ „ . „ A . Ikin , D . D . ^ D . G . Chaps . „ W . H . Harris ... ... D . G . Reg .
„ B . Ireland ... Pres . C . of G . P . „ A . Chapman D . G . Sec . „ H . Rutherford , J . P D . G . Treas . „ C . Penny D . S . G . D . „ W . Alunro D . J . G . D . „ L . C . Hodgkins D . G . I , of W . „ G . Pullock D . G . Org .
There svas a large attendance of brethren from various parts of the colony , and a most harmonious and pleasant meeting svas spent .
The 22 nd annual meeting of thc Coaching Club took place near the Alagazine , Hyde Park , on Saturday last . The sveather svas beautiful in the extreme , and the crowd of spectators immense , the one subject of regret being the absence of the Prince and Princess of VVales and their daughters , and the Duchess of Teck and her daughters .
Among the teams present svere those of Bro . Col . Le Gendre N . Starkie , Prince Hans Henry of Pless , Bro . Lord Hothfield , Bro . Albert Brassey , Bro . F . Seager Hunt , ALP ., and Bro . Baron de Stern , M . P . In the absence of the President of Vise Club ( tbe Duke of Beaufort ) , Bro . Lord Hothfield led the parade round the Park .
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