Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic And General Tidings.
The Council of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys svill hold its regular monthly meeting at Freemasons' Hall on Saturday , the nth instant , at 3 p . m . The Committee of Alanagement of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution svill hold its regular monthly meeting at Freemasons' Hall on Wednesday next , the Sth instant , at 4 p . m .
Bro . R . J . P . Laundy svas installed VV . AL of the George Gardner Lodge , 2309 , on Saturday last . Bro . John Aird , M . P ., Master ( for the second time ) of the Needlemakers' Company , entertained Bro . Lord Alayor Evans and the Sheriffs , svith the members of the Court of Assistants , at his residence in Hyde Park-terrace on Saturday last .
Bro . Lord Halsbury ( Lord Chancellor ) , Bro . Lord Ashbourne ( Lord Chancellor of Ireland ) , and Bros . Lord George Hamilton , Sir Al . E . Hicks-Beach , Bart ., and W . L . Jackson attended the Cabinet Council svhich svas held at the Foreign Office on the 27 th ult .
Among the guests at the dinner party given at Lambeth Palace on Saturday last by the Archbishop of Canterbury and Airs . Benson svere Bro . the Earl of Alount Edgcumbe and Lady Edith Edgcumbe , Bros . Lord Norton and the Hon . A . Adderley , and Bro . Lord and Lady Herschell .
Princess Christian has consented to lay the foundationstone of the Nesv British Home for Incurables at Streatham , on the afternoon of Saturday , the iGth July , svhen invitations to a garden party svill be issued by the President and Committee .
Princess Christian attended a meeting on the 26 th ult . of the Ladies Committee of the English Section of the Chicago Exhibition , among those present being the Duchess of Abercorn , the Alarchioness of Salisbury , Lady Egerton of Tatton , Lady Knutsford , Airs . Tyssen-Amherst , and Aliss Fasvcett .
By permission of the French War Alinister , AL de Freycinct , the band ot the Garde Republicaine has arrived in this country , and is playing at the International Horticultural Exhibition at Earl ' s Court . Their performances are very attractive , and svill greatly enhance the pleasure of the visitors to the " Flosveries . "
The Duke of Cambridge reviesved the troops , consisting of regulars , militia , yeomanry , and volunteers , svhich had been engaged in a sveek ' s man-euvres near Ashford , on Friday , the 27 th ult ., and on the follosving day the camps svere broken up and the troops returned to their respective destinations . His Royal Highness took especial interest in the yeomanry , militia , and volunteers , svho had been camping out the svhole time .
De Beauvoir-square , Kingsland-road , svhich has been presented to the public by Air . R . Benyon , svas opened by Mrs . Tyssen-Amherst , svho svas accompanied by her husband , Bro . Tyssen-Amherst , ALP . A vote of thanks to the donor , to the Hackney District Board , and to Bro . and Airs . Tyssen-Amherst , svas proposed by Bro . Sir VV . Guyer Hunter , Al . P ., and carried by acclamation . Bro . Tyssen-Amherst has promised a contribution of £ . 5000 tosvards acquiring Hackney marshes for the public .
Admiral Sir W . Dosvell presided at a meeting held on the 26 th ult . for the purpose of svinding up the affairs of the late Royal Naval Exhibition , svhen it svas arranged that the trustees of the fund formed out of the surplus for the relief of the svidosvs , orphans , or other relatives of seamen and
Alarines dying on her Majesty ' s service should be the Prince of Wales , Bro . Lord George Hamilton , ALP ., Bro . Sir G . Hayter Chubb , Admiral Sir VV . Dosvell , Captain Sir A . Jephson , R . N ., Sir A . K . Roller , ALP ., and Lieut .-Col . C . ti . Scafc .
Bro . Lord Alayor Evans entertained a distinguished company , in all respects representative of the Principality of VVales , at dinner at the Alansion House on Saturday last , among the principal guests being the Duke of Beaufort , the Earl of Posvis , Bros , the Earl of Dunraven , Lord
Kensington , F . Hanbury-lracy , ALP ., Sir | . R . Bailey , Bart ., ALP ., Sir Reginald Hanson , Bart ., ALP ., Sir George Elliot , Bart ., ALP ., Sir | ohn Puleston , ALP ., Sir Pryse-Pryse , Col . North , S . Pope , O . C , Sir Horatio Lloyd , O . C , and others .
The marriage of the Earl of Westmoreland and Lady Sybil St . Clair-Erskine , second daughter of the late Bro . the Earl of Rosslyn , and Blanche , Countess of Rosslyn , and sister of the present Earl , svas solemnised in St . Alichael ' s Church , Chester-square , on Saturday last , among those present at the ceremony being Bro . the Earl and Countess of Londesborough , Bro . the Earl
of Wharncliffe , Lady Brooke , Bro . Lord Algernon Gordon Lennox , and others . Afterwards on their journey to Spye Park , Wilts , the nesvly-svedded pair met svith an accident . As they svere driving from the station , the horse shied and fell , throsving Lord and Lady Westmoreland into the road , the latter being a good deal shaken . After a short delay , hosvever , they svere able to proceed on their journey .
Bro . Charles Pfeiffer , W . AL of 1833 , svho svas injured in the Birmingham railsvay collision , had so far recovered on Saturday evening that he svas able to return in company svith his wife to Clifton . He svas conveyed in a cab to Nesv-street Station , Birmingham , and the Alidland Company made special arrangements for his comfort in travelling . He is being attended by Dr . 1 lerapath and Dr . Allies , but it is
impossible at present to ascertain the extent of his internal injuries . Bro . Pfeiffer is svell known in Bristol , and since the accident has been the subje : tof many kind inquiries . He svas formerly in thc ioth Hussars , and svent through the Afghan campaign , in svhich he received a couple of svounds . His father , Herr Pfeiffer , for many years bandmaster of the liristol Rifles , svas one of the most talented musicians of his day , and much respected in Alasonry .
A Goon PLAN . — 'The Eleventh Annual Edition of Explanatory Book , sent free , gives valuable and reliable information hosv to operate successfully in Stocks and Shares and obtain handsome profits . —Address , Geo . Evans and Co ., Stockbrokers , 11 , Poultry , London , E . C .
Masonic And General Tidings.
The Duke of Connaught ' visited the Exhibition of Lady Waterford ' s Pictures , at S , Carlton House Terrace , on Wednesday . A marble bust of the late Duke of Clarence is to be placed at the entrance to the nesv Lasv | Courts as York , in memory of his Royal Highness . The Westbourne Lodge of Instruction , No . 733 , nosv hold its meetings at the Red House Hotel , St . John ' s Woodroad , every Alonday , at S p . m .
Bro . VV . J . Spratling , late Head Alaster of Aske ' s ( Haberdashers' ) Hatcham Schools , has been re-elected a member of St . Paul , Deptford , Vestry . Bro . H . Husted , of the George Gardner Lodge , 2309 , has been awarded Answers silver medal ( first-class award ) for saving life from drosvning near Windsor Bridge at great personal risk . It appears from the Master of the Alint's report for the
past year that the total number of good pieces coined svas 87 , 686 , 317 as against 70 , 894 , 045 the year previous . Their value amounted to £ 8 , 325 , 302 9 s . 4- } d . The Archbishop of Canterbury svill pay a visit to his cathedral city on Saturday , the nth inst ., and remain until the following Tuesday . On Trinity Sunday his Grace holds an Ordination in the cathedral , and on the follosving day svill conduct a Confirmation service .
On the 26 th ult . the Prince of Wales decorated Sir Hugh AlacDosvell , the British Alinister at Copenhagen , svith the Order of St . Michael and St . George , just conferred on him by her Majesty . His Royal Highness svill leave Copenhagen for England to-morrow ( Saturday ) , but the Princess of VVales and the other members of the family svill accompany the King and Queen of Denmark to the Castle of Bernstorff . ***
Bro . Alderman VV . V . Alorgan presided for the first time since his election at the Cordsvainer Wardmote on Tuesday last , svhen Bro . Sidney Alatthcsvs svas proposed by Bro . Henry Lovegrove as a member of the Common Council , and duly elected to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Bro . Frank Tayler .
At the meeting ot the Liverpool City Council on Wednesday , the Alayor announced that the Duke of Connaught had consented to visit Liverpool for the purpose of opening the nesv svater supply from Lake Vyrnsvy . The Duke ' s visit svill be upon the 14 th of July . A resolution svas passed voting a sum of £ 1500 for the expenses attending the Royal visit .
The installation meeting of the Ubique Chapter , No . 17 S 9 , svill be held at the Criterion , Piccadilly , W ., on Alonday , the 13 th inst ., at 6 p . m ., svhen Comps . Lieut . W . R . Arnold , Alajor-General T . Cuming , and Major-General A . H . W . Williams svill be installed as First , Second , and Third Principals respectively , the Installing Officer being Comp . James Alontgomery , P . Z .
The Zetland Lodge , No . 1157 , Alexandria , on the roll of the Grand Lodge of England , held its installation meeting recently svhen Bro . Gilhespy svas installed W . M . for the ensuing year by the outgoing AIaster , Bro . Burt . A banquet aftersvards took place . During the proceedings a valuable Past Alaster ' s jesvel svas presented to Bro . Burt in recognition of his zealous and efficient duties in the chair .
Bro . Lord Alayor Evans presided at a meeting on the 27 th ult . of the Alansion House Committee ot the Fund for the Relief of the Sufferers by the recent disastrous hurricane in the Mauritius , svhen it svas announced that £ 2700 had been already received . It svas arranged that his lordship should make a special appeal to the leading provincial mayors , and that an immediate remittance should be made of 30 , 00 c rupees .
The Board of Trade have asvarded their silver medal for gallantry in saving life at sea to Mr . Paul Holland Millar , late fifth officer , and their bronze medal to James Orman , late quartermaster , of the steamship Aloselle , of London , in recognition of their gallant attempt to rescue the master of that vessel when she stranded off Point Toro , near Colon , on October 20 th last .
The Lord Alayor of York svrote to the Queen ' s private Secretary to congratulate her Majesty on her birthday , and at the same time to assure her Alajesty that the citizens gratefully appreciated the honour done to their ancient city by the revival of the Dukedom of York in the person of her grandson , Prince George of VVales . His lordship received a most gracious acknowledgment in reply . A telegram of congratulation to his Royal Highness svas similarly acknowledged by Prince George himself .
Bro . Sir Polydore De Keyser has notified to Bro . Lord Alayor Evans his resignation of his Aldermanic gosvn , increasing deafness rendering it impossible for him to continue satisfactorily his magisterial duties . Our respected brother became Alderman'and Sheriff in 1 S 82 , and Lord Alayor in iSSS , and received the honour of knighthood for bis services in the latter position . This has created a vacancy in the Court of Aldermen for the Ward of Farringdon Without , and the only candidate is Bro . W . T . Treloar , C . C .
The Company of Turners offer this year the sum of live guineas , their silver medal , and the freedom of the company to , and ( subject to the consent of the Court of Aldermen ) svill also obtain the freedom of the City of l . ondon for , any svorkman , svhether master , journeyman , or apprentice in the trade , in the United Kingdom , svho may send in
the best specimen of turning , in either svood turning or in pottery . Prizes will be asvarded . Competitors are at libeity to send in any number of specimens , svhich may be of any dimensions they prefer . The bono ary Secretary of the Competition Committee is Air . Edgar Sydney , 53 , Gresham House , Old Broad-streer .
HOLLOWAY S I ' ILLS . — Weak Stomachs . — The svisest cannot enumerate one quarter of the distressing symptoms arising from enfeebled digestion , all ol' svhich might be readily dispelled by these admiraMe I'ills . They rcmoi-c all unpleasant tastes from the mouth , flatulency , and constipation . Ilolloss-ay ' s Hills rouse tin ; stomach , liver , and e * very other organ , helping digestion to
that healthy tone svlucli fully enables it to convert alt sve eat and drink to the nourishment of our bodies . Heice these Pills are the surest strengtlieners and tlie safest restoratives in nervousness , svasting , and chronic debility . Ilolloss-ay's I'ills are infallible remedies for impaired appetite , enietalions , and a multitude of other disagreeable symptoms sshich render miserable the lives of thousands . These I'ills are approved by all classes . —Anvr ,
Masonic And General Tidings.
Bro . the Duke of Portland has accepted the presiden of the Notts County Football Club for the ensuing seaso ^ The Duchess of Connaught left Charing Cross Wednesday morning for Germany , on a visit to he " familv . ' On the 21 st ult . Bro . Lennox Brosvne , F . R . C . S ., iVas unanimously elected W . M . of the Iodge svhich bears his name .
A portrait of Bro . W . W . B . Beach , Prov . Grand Alaster of Hampshire and thejlsle of Wight , is hung in this year ' s Academy . A lodge of instruction is in formation at Eton in connection svith the George Gardner Lodge , 2309 , svhich svill be of great assistance to the young members of the lod ge .
At the last meeting of the Aldersgate Lodge , No . 16 57 it svas resolved to invite Bro . M . R . Webb and Mrs . Webl ' to a complimentary banquet at the Hotel Metropole on the 2 ist instant . The Leopold Lodge of Instruction , No . 1571 , has adjourned for the summer , and svill not meet again until the first Thursday in September , svhen it will resume its meet , ings at the lodge rooms , the City Arms'Restaurant , St . Mary Axe , E . G ., at 7 o ' clock , each Thursday .
The Grand Festival of the Order of the Secret Monitor svill take place at Alark Masons' Hall on the 22 nd instant . 'The Grand Council meeting svill be held at 5 . 45 , and Grami Conclave will be opened at 6 . 15 . A banquet will take place at the Holborn Restaurant at 7 o ' clock .
Mr . and Mrs . Gladstone entertained at dinner on Wednesday the French Ambassador and Aladame Waddington the Archbishop of Canterbury and Mrs . Benson , Earl and Countess Spencer , the Speaker , Air . Dugdale , and Air , Herbert Gardner .
In consequence of the success of "Cleopatra" at the Royal English Opera House , Mr . Abbey has decided to devote the first tsvo sveeks of Madame Sarah Bernhardt ' season exclusively to M . Sardou ' s play . On Alonday , Tuesday , and Wednesday , the 13 th , 14 th , and 15 th inst ., " La Tosca , " by the same author , svill be presented . The Duchess and Princesses of Edinburgh svill leave
Potsdam to-day ( I'nday ) or to-morrosv . After the revieis on Tuesday , the Emperor Alexander ' s Grenadier Guards , of which the Emperor William has made the Duchess honorary chief officer , svas drasvn up , and the Duchess , accompanied by the Emperoron horseback , drove along the front , svhereupon the regiment marched past her Royal Highness .
Prince Ferdinand of Bulgaria on Wednesday visited Knightsbridge Barracks , svhere the Royal Horse Guards ( Blue ) are stationed . His Highness was received by the commanding officer , and there svas a special parade of the regiment . The Prince aftersvards visited the Royal Academy , and lunched svith Earl and Countess De Grey in Bruton-street . In the evening he svas present at Lady Salisbury's reception at the Foreign Office .
Bro . the Lord Mayor is to be honoured by his countrymen . A Committee is about to be formed to promote a national presentation from the Welsh people as a mirk of their high appreciation of his services as the chief magistrate of the City . The keen interest he has taken in all Welsh matters during his year of office , and his successful efforts in bringing together , for the good of Wales , representatives of all classes of the Welsh nation , is to be especially recognised .
At the last meeting of the Liverpool Dramatic Lodge , No . 1609 , Bro . H . Heard , the indefatigable Secretary , svas presented by the W . AL , Bro . J . H . Light , and the officers and brethren of the lodge , svith a token of their regard and esteem . Bro . Heard has been Secretary of this lodge foi six years , and the brethren , in order to shosv their
appreciation of his services , determined to present him svith a souvenir . The presentation took the shape of a valuable gold svatch and chain to Mrs . Heard , and a breastpin to Bro . Heard . The lodge svas numerously attended . Amongst those present svere Bros . Mein , A . E . Workman , J . Fineberg , H . Round , L . Peake , VV . Savage , H . A . Bruce , Josef Cantor , T . Shasv , Clark , Volt , and about <« other brethren .
King Humbert on Wednesday attended the inauguration ceremony of the monument which has been erected at Turin in memory of the Crimean War . There svere also present the Count of Turin , Princesses Letizia and Isabella , all the Municipal authorities , numerous Associations , and Crimean veterans . Count Cadorna , a member ot the Senate , and the Alayor of Turin delivered speeches , svhich of
were loudly applauJed by the enormous concourse spectators . After inspecting the monument , the Kin ? svalked dosvn the line of Crimean veterans , and spoke a fesv svords to each in turn . His Alajesty svas enthusiastically cheered both on his arrival and departure . We have great pleasure in calling attention to Beringer s p * reat snectacle of Er / vnt in its trrandeur . now open at
Niagara Hall , Westminster . The scene at " Egypt' J " London is beautiful at any time—even on the dullest pay ** - but nosv that summer has arrived , the view is positively enchanting . There is so much to be seen that one sisit rarely suffices , even for those who have lived or travelled m the Land of the Pharaohs j and it is not surprising to Know that all who journey to Niagara Hall are desirous of t J * | - 'J ° a nrolonrred stav . It is a ereat mistake to suonose that tn
cyclorama consists of a collection of colossal statues an mummies . On the contrary , sve see the cloudless sky , * J "' miles of beautiful scenery , including the Nile , svith pal ™ - covered islets , and villas surrounded by choice p lants an flowers j and as to the human element , it may safely asserted that no phase of Egyptian city life is unrepresente ; In the front hall , which represents a "Street in £ | "' there is a comfortable lounge and restaurant and East ^ bazaar , and the entire cost to see the exhibition—w' ,, c ' open from 10 to 10—is only is .
FISH ! FISH ! FISH ! The CO-OI -KRATIVK F ISH SIIPJ ' ^ Co ., LTD ., are now sending out cheap BASKETS or ior OYSTERS , carriage paid , to any part of the " . '' ~ i ' r from 2 s . Gd . each and upsvards , direct from the , a" ° jv j stage . Address orders and remittances to the Go-Oper Fish Supply Co ., Ltd ., Pontoon , Grimsby , or to Bjlling s ? Buildings , London , E . G ., as may be most convenient , our London House for their celebrated Bloaters , ' Haddocks , Kippers , Sic ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic And General Tidings.
The Council of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys svill hold its regular monthly meeting at Freemasons' Hall on Saturday , the nth instant , at 3 p . m . The Committee of Alanagement of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution svill hold its regular monthly meeting at Freemasons' Hall on Wednesday next , the Sth instant , at 4 p . m .
Bro . R . J . P . Laundy svas installed VV . AL of the George Gardner Lodge , 2309 , on Saturday last . Bro . John Aird , M . P ., Master ( for the second time ) of the Needlemakers' Company , entertained Bro . Lord Alayor Evans and the Sheriffs , svith the members of the Court of Assistants , at his residence in Hyde Park-terrace on Saturday last .
Bro . Lord Halsbury ( Lord Chancellor ) , Bro . Lord Ashbourne ( Lord Chancellor of Ireland ) , and Bros . Lord George Hamilton , Sir Al . E . Hicks-Beach , Bart ., and W . L . Jackson attended the Cabinet Council svhich svas held at the Foreign Office on the 27 th ult .
Among the guests at the dinner party given at Lambeth Palace on Saturday last by the Archbishop of Canterbury and Airs . Benson svere Bro . the Earl of Alount Edgcumbe and Lady Edith Edgcumbe , Bros . Lord Norton and the Hon . A . Adderley , and Bro . Lord and Lady Herschell .
Princess Christian has consented to lay the foundationstone of the Nesv British Home for Incurables at Streatham , on the afternoon of Saturday , the iGth July , svhen invitations to a garden party svill be issued by the President and Committee .
Princess Christian attended a meeting on the 26 th ult . of the Ladies Committee of the English Section of the Chicago Exhibition , among those present being the Duchess of Abercorn , the Alarchioness of Salisbury , Lady Egerton of Tatton , Lady Knutsford , Airs . Tyssen-Amherst , and Aliss Fasvcett .
By permission of the French War Alinister , AL de Freycinct , the band ot the Garde Republicaine has arrived in this country , and is playing at the International Horticultural Exhibition at Earl ' s Court . Their performances are very attractive , and svill greatly enhance the pleasure of the visitors to the " Flosveries . "
The Duke of Cambridge reviesved the troops , consisting of regulars , militia , yeomanry , and volunteers , svhich had been engaged in a sveek ' s man-euvres near Ashford , on Friday , the 27 th ult ., and on the follosving day the camps svere broken up and the troops returned to their respective destinations . His Royal Highness took especial interest in the yeomanry , militia , and volunteers , svho had been camping out the svhole time .
De Beauvoir-square , Kingsland-road , svhich has been presented to the public by Air . R . Benyon , svas opened by Mrs . Tyssen-Amherst , svho svas accompanied by her husband , Bro . Tyssen-Amherst , ALP . A vote of thanks to the donor , to the Hackney District Board , and to Bro . and Airs . Tyssen-Amherst , svas proposed by Bro . Sir VV . Guyer Hunter , Al . P ., and carried by acclamation . Bro . Tyssen-Amherst has promised a contribution of £ . 5000 tosvards acquiring Hackney marshes for the public .
Admiral Sir W . Dosvell presided at a meeting held on the 26 th ult . for the purpose of svinding up the affairs of the late Royal Naval Exhibition , svhen it svas arranged that the trustees of the fund formed out of the surplus for the relief of the svidosvs , orphans , or other relatives of seamen and
Alarines dying on her Majesty ' s service should be the Prince of Wales , Bro . Lord George Hamilton , ALP ., Bro . Sir G . Hayter Chubb , Admiral Sir VV . Dosvell , Captain Sir A . Jephson , R . N ., Sir A . K . Roller , ALP ., and Lieut .-Col . C . ti . Scafc .
Bro . Lord Alayor Evans entertained a distinguished company , in all respects representative of the Principality of VVales , at dinner at the Alansion House on Saturday last , among the principal guests being the Duke of Beaufort , the Earl of Posvis , Bros , the Earl of Dunraven , Lord
Kensington , F . Hanbury-lracy , ALP ., Sir | . R . Bailey , Bart ., ALP ., Sir Reginald Hanson , Bart ., ALP ., Sir George Elliot , Bart ., ALP ., Sir | ohn Puleston , ALP ., Sir Pryse-Pryse , Col . North , S . Pope , O . C , Sir Horatio Lloyd , O . C , and others .
The marriage of the Earl of Westmoreland and Lady Sybil St . Clair-Erskine , second daughter of the late Bro . the Earl of Rosslyn , and Blanche , Countess of Rosslyn , and sister of the present Earl , svas solemnised in St . Alichael ' s Church , Chester-square , on Saturday last , among those present at the ceremony being Bro . the Earl and Countess of Londesborough , Bro . the Earl
of Wharncliffe , Lady Brooke , Bro . Lord Algernon Gordon Lennox , and others . Afterwards on their journey to Spye Park , Wilts , the nesvly-svedded pair met svith an accident . As they svere driving from the station , the horse shied and fell , throsving Lord and Lady Westmoreland into the road , the latter being a good deal shaken . After a short delay , hosvever , they svere able to proceed on their journey .
Bro . Charles Pfeiffer , W . AL of 1833 , svho svas injured in the Birmingham railsvay collision , had so far recovered on Saturday evening that he svas able to return in company svith his wife to Clifton . He svas conveyed in a cab to Nesv-street Station , Birmingham , and the Alidland Company made special arrangements for his comfort in travelling . He is being attended by Dr . 1 lerapath and Dr . Allies , but it is
impossible at present to ascertain the extent of his internal injuries . Bro . Pfeiffer is svell known in Bristol , and since the accident has been the subje : tof many kind inquiries . He svas formerly in thc ioth Hussars , and svent through the Afghan campaign , in svhich he received a couple of svounds . His father , Herr Pfeiffer , for many years bandmaster of the liristol Rifles , svas one of the most talented musicians of his day , and much respected in Alasonry .
A Goon PLAN . — 'The Eleventh Annual Edition of Explanatory Book , sent free , gives valuable and reliable information hosv to operate successfully in Stocks and Shares and obtain handsome profits . —Address , Geo . Evans and Co ., Stockbrokers , 11 , Poultry , London , E . C .
Masonic And General Tidings.
The Duke of Connaught ' visited the Exhibition of Lady Waterford ' s Pictures , at S , Carlton House Terrace , on Wednesday . A marble bust of the late Duke of Clarence is to be placed at the entrance to the nesv Lasv | Courts as York , in memory of his Royal Highness . The Westbourne Lodge of Instruction , No . 733 , nosv hold its meetings at the Red House Hotel , St . John ' s Woodroad , every Alonday , at S p . m .
Bro . VV . J . Spratling , late Head Alaster of Aske ' s ( Haberdashers' ) Hatcham Schools , has been re-elected a member of St . Paul , Deptford , Vestry . Bro . H . Husted , of the George Gardner Lodge , 2309 , has been awarded Answers silver medal ( first-class award ) for saving life from drosvning near Windsor Bridge at great personal risk . It appears from the Master of the Alint's report for the
past year that the total number of good pieces coined svas 87 , 686 , 317 as against 70 , 894 , 045 the year previous . Their value amounted to £ 8 , 325 , 302 9 s . 4- } d . The Archbishop of Canterbury svill pay a visit to his cathedral city on Saturday , the nth inst ., and remain until the following Tuesday . On Trinity Sunday his Grace holds an Ordination in the cathedral , and on the follosving day svill conduct a Confirmation service .
On the 26 th ult . the Prince of Wales decorated Sir Hugh AlacDosvell , the British Alinister at Copenhagen , svith the Order of St . Michael and St . George , just conferred on him by her Majesty . His Royal Highness svill leave Copenhagen for England to-morrow ( Saturday ) , but the Princess of VVales and the other members of the family svill accompany the King and Queen of Denmark to the Castle of Bernstorff . ***
Bro . Alderman VV . V . Alorgan presided for the first time since his election at the Cordsvainer Wardmote on Tuesday last , svhen Bro . Sidney Alatthcsvs svas proposed by Bro . Henry Lovegrove as a member of the Common Council , and duly elected to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Bro . Frank Tayler .
At the meeting ot the Liverpool City Council on Wednesday , the Alayor announced that the Duke of Connaught had consented to visit Liverpool for the purpose of opening the nesv svater supply from Lake Vyrnsvy . The Duke ' s visit svill be upon the 14 th of July . A resolution svas passed voting a sum of £ 1500 for the expenses attending the Royal visit .
The installation meeting of the Ubique Chapter , No . 17 S 9 , svill be held at the Criterion , Piccadilly , W ., on Alonday , the 13 th inst ., at 6 p . m ., svhen Comps . Lieut . W . R . Arnold , Alajor-General T . Cuming , and Major-General A . H . W . Williams svill be installed as First , Second , and Third Principals respectively , the Installing Officer being Comp . James Alontgomery , P . Z .
The Zetland Lodge , No . 1157 , Alexandria , on the roll of the Grand Lodge of England , held its installation meeting recently svhen Bro . Gilhespy svas installed W . M . for the ensuing year by the outgoing AIaster , Bro . Burt . A banquet aftersvards took place . During the proceedings a valuable Past Alaster ' s jesvel svas presented to Bro . Burt in recognition of his zealous and efficient duties in the chair .
Bro . Lord Alayor Evans presided at a meeting on the 27 th ult . of the Alansion House Committee ot the Fund for the Relief of the Sufferers by the recent disastrous hurricane in the Mauritius , svhen it svas announced that £ 2700 had been already received . It svas arranged that his lordship should make a special appeal to the leading provincial mayors , and that an immediate remittance should be made of 30 , 00 c rupees .
The Board of Trade have asvarded their silver medal for gallantry in saving life at sea to Mr . Paul Holland Millar , late fifth officer , and their bronze medal to James Orman , late quartermaster , of the steamship Aloselle , of London , in recognition of their gallant attempt to rescue the master of that vessel when she stranded off Point Toro , near Colon , on October 20 th last .
The Lord Alayor of York svrote to the Queen ' s private Secretary to congratulate her Majesty on her birthday , and at the same time to assure her Alajesty that the citizens gratefully appreciated the honour done to their ancient city by the revival of the Dukedom of York in the person of her grandson , Prince George of VVales . His lordship received a most gracious acknowledgment in reply . A telegram of congratulation to his Royal Highness svas similarly acknowledged by Prince George himself .
Bro . Sir Polydore De Keyser has notified to Bro . Lord Alayor Evans his resignation of his Aldermanic gosvn , increasing deafness rendering it impossible for him to continue satisfactorily his magisterial duties . Our respected brother became Alderman'and Sheriff in 1 S 82 , and Lord Alayor in iSSS , and received the honour of knighthood for bis services in the latter position . This has created a vacancy in the Court of Aldermen for the Ward of Farringdon Without , and the only candidate is Bro . W . T . Treloar , C . C .
The Company of Turners offer this year the sum of live guineas , their silver medal , and the freedom of the company to , and ( subject to the consent of the Court of Aldermen ) svill also obtain the freedom of the City of l . ondon for , any svorkman , svhether master , journeyman , or apprentice in the trade , in the United Kingdom , svho may send in
the best specimen of turning , in either svood turning or in pottery . Prizes will be asvarded . Competitors are at libeity to send in any number of specimens , svhich may be of any dimensions they prefer . The bono ary Secretary of the Competition Committee is Air . Edgar Sydney , 53 , Gresham House , Old Broad-streer .
HOLLOWAY S I ' ILLS . — Weak Stomachs . — The svisest cannot enumerate one quarter of the distressing symptoms arising from enfeebled digestion , all ol' svhich might be readily dispelled by these admiraMe I'ills . They rcmoi-c all unpleasant tastes from the mouth , flatulency , and constipation . Ilolloss-ay ' s Hills rouse tin ; stomach , liver , and e * very other organ , helping digestion to
that healthy tone svlucli fully enables it to convert alt sve eat and drink to the nourishment of our bodies . Heice these Pills are the surest strengtlieners and tlie safest restoratives in nervousness , svasting , and chronic debility . Ilolloss-ay's I'ills are infallible remedies for impaired appetite , enietalions , and a multitude of other disagreeable symptoms sshich render miserable the lives of thousands . These I'ills are approved by all classes . —Anvr ,
Masonic And General Tidings.
Bro . the Duke of Portland has accepted the presiden of the Notts County Football Club for the ensuing seaso ^ The Duchess of Connaught left Charing Cross Wednesday morning for Germany , on a visit to he " familv . ' On the 21 st ult . Bro . Lennox Brosvne , F . R . C . S ., iVas unanimously elected W . M . of the Iodge svhich bears his name .
A portrait of Bro . W . W . B . Beach , Prov . Grand Alaster of Hampshire and thejlsle of Wight , is hung in this year ' s Academy . A lodge of instruction is in formation at Eton in connection svith the George Gardner Lodge , 2309 , svhich svill be of great assistance to the young members of the lod ge .
At the last meeting of the Aldersgate Lodge , No . 16 57 it svas resolved to invite Bro . M . R . Webb and Mrs . Webl ' to a complimentary banquet at the Hotel Metropole on the 2 ist instant . The Leopold Lodge of Instruction , No . 1571 , has adjourned for the summer , and svill not meet again until the first Thursday in September , svhen it will resume its meet , ings at the lodge rooms , the City Arms'Restaurant , St . Mary Axe , E . G ., at 7 o ' clock , each Thursday .
The Grand Festival of the Order of the Secret Monitor svill take place at Alark Masons' Hall on the 22 nd instant . 'The Grand Council meeting svill be held at 5 . 45 , and Grami Conclave will be opened at 6 . 15 . A banquet will take place at the Holborn Restaurant at 7 o ' clock .
Mr . and Mrs . Gladstone entertained at dinner on Wednesday the French Ambassador and Aladame Waddington the Archbishop of Canterbury and Mrs . Benson , Earl and Countess Spencer , the Speaker , Air . Dugdale , and Air , Herbert Gardner .
In consequence of the success of "Cleopatra" at the Royal English Opera House , Mr . Abbey has decided to devote the first tsvo sveeks of Madame Sarah Bernhardt ' season exclusively to M . Sardou ' s play . On Alonday , Tuesday , and Wednesday , the 13 th , 14 th , and 15 th inst ., " La Tosca , " by the same author , svill be presented . The Duchess and Princesses of Edinburgh svill leave
Potsdam to-day ( I'nday ) or to-morrosv . After the revieis on Tuesday , the Emperor Alexander ' s Grenadier Guards , of which the Emperor William has made the Duchess honorary chief officer , svas drasvn up , and the Duchess , accompanied by the Emperoron horseback , drove along the front , svhereupon the regiment marched past her Royal Highness .
Prince Ferdinand of Bulgaria on Wednesday visited Knightsbridge Barracks , svhere the Royal Horse Guards ( Blue ) are stationed . His Highness was received by the commanding officer , and there svas a special parade of the regiment . The Prince aftersvards visited the Royal Academy , and lunched svith Earl and Countess De Grey in Bruton-street . In the evening he svas present at Lady Salisbury's reception at the Foreign Office .
Bro . the Lord Mayor is to be honoured by his countrymen . A Committee is about to be formed to promote a national presentation from the Welsh people as a mirk of their high appreciation of his services as the chief magistrate of the City . The keen interest he has taken in all Welsh matters during his year of office , and his successful efforts in bringing together , for the good of Wales , representatives of all classes of the Welsh nation , is to be especially recognised .
At the last meeting of the Liverpool Dramatic Lodge , No . 1609 , Bro . H . Heard , the indefatigable Secretary , svas presented by the W . AL , Bro . J . H . Light , and the officers and brethren of the lodge , svith a token of their regard and esteem . Bro . Heard has been Secretary of this lodge foi six years , and the brethren , in order to shosv their
appreciation of his services , determined to present him svith a souvenir . The presentation took the shape of a valuable gold svatch and chain to Mrs . Heard , and a breastpin to Bro . Heard . The lodge svas numerously attended . Amongst those present svere Bros . Mein , A . E . Workman , J . Fineberg , H . Round , L . Peake , VV . Savage , H . A . Bruce , Josef Cantor , T . Shasv , Clark , Volt , and about <« other brethren .
King Humbert on Wednesday attended the inauguration ceremony of the monument which has been erected at Turin in memory of the Crimean War . There svere also present the Count of Turin , Princesses Letizia and Isabella , all the Municipal authorities , numerous Associations , and Crimean veterans . Count Cadorna , a member ot the Senate , and the Alayor of Turin delivered speeches , svhich of
were loudly applauJed by the enormous concourse spectators . After inspecting the monument , the Kin ? svalked dosvn the line of Crimean veterans , and spoke a fesv svords to each in turn . His Alajesty svas enthusiastically cheered both on his arrival and departure . We have great pleasure in calling attention to Beringer s p * reat snectacle of Er / vnt in its trrandeur . now open at
Niagara Hall , Westminster . The scene at " Egypt' J " London is beautiful at any time—even on the dullest pay ** - but nosv that summer has arrived , the view is positively enchanting . There is so much to be seen that one sisit rarely suffices , even for those who have lived or travelled m the Land of the Pharaohs j and it is not surprising to Know that all who journey to Niagara Hall are desirous of t J * | - 'J ° a nrolonrred stav . It is a ereat mistake to suonose that tn
cyclorama consists of a collection of colossal statues an mummies . On the contrary , sve see the cloudless sky , * J "' miles of beautiful scenery , including the Nile , svith pal ™ - covered islets , and villas surrounded by choice p lants an flowers j and as to the human element , it may safely asserted that no phase of Egyptian city life is unrepresente ; In the front hall , which represents a "Street in £ | "' there is a comfortable lounge and restaurant and East ^ bazaar , and the entire cost to see the exhibition—w' ,, c ' open from 10 to 10—is only is .
FISH ! FISH ! FISH ! The CO-OI -KRATIVK F ISH SIIPJ ' ^ Co ., LTD ., are now sending out cheap BASKETS or ior OYSTERS , carriage paid , to any part of the " . '' ~ i ' r from 2 s . Gd . each and upsvards , direct from the , a" ° jv j stage . Address orders and remittances to the Go-Oper Fish Supply Co ., Ltd ., Pontoon , Grimsby , or to Bjlling s ? Buildings , London , E . G ., as may be most convenient , our London House for their celebrated Bloaters , ' Haddocks , Kippers , Sic ,