Article Untitled ← Page 2 of 2 Article CONSECRATION OF THE WOOD GREEN LODGE, No. 2426. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL GRAND OF CHAPTER OF BERKSHIRE Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL GRAND OF CHAPTER OF BERKSHIRE Page 1 of 1 Article GRAND MARK LODGE. Page 1 of 3 →
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Louis be confirmed , and that the District Grand Master ' s ruling be upheld , and the appeal dismissed . The motion was carried . Before closing Grand Lodge , Bro . BEACH said , as the Scrutineers had not completed their work , he would take their report in the Grand Master ' s pris'ate room . Grand Lodge was then closed in form .
The following is the result of the election of the Board of General Purposes : Masters—Bros . William James Mason , William Shurmur , Arthur Blenkarn , P . H . Waterlow , F . G . Ivey , John G . Albert , and C . L . Hudson , M . D . Past Masters—Bros . E . C . Mulvey , G . E . Fairchild , S . Cochrane , George Read , F . E . Pocock , J . J . Thomas , and Captain T . C . Walls .
Consecration Of The Wood Green Lodge, No. 2426.
The consecration of this lodge took place on Monday , the 23 rd ult ., at the Fishmongers' Arms Hotel , Wood Green . The ceremony was performed by Bro . E . Letchworth , Grand Secretary , assisted b y Bros . Geo . Everett , P . G . Treas ., as S . W . ; VV . E . Stewart . P . A . G . D . C . . is T . W Frank
Richardson , P . G . D ., as D . C ; and C F . Hogard , P . G . Std . Br ., as I . G . In the unavoidable absence of Bro . the Rev . R . J . Simpson , P . G . Chap ., Bro . C . F . Matier , P . G . Std . Br ., officiated as Chaplain . The choir was under the direction of Bro . Vernon Lee .
There was a numerous attendance of brethren ( including the 25 founders all residing in Wood Green ) , and among the visitors were Bros . Wm . Shurmur , P . P . G . T . ; H . Pritchard , P . P . G . T . ; J . Terry , P . G . S . B ., Sec . R . M . Benevolent Institution ; J . Morrison McLeod , P . P . S . G . W ., Sec . R . M . Institution for Boys ; A . Durrant , P . M . 569 and 1185 ; R- W . Hunter , P . M . 1685 ; J . Westerby , P . M . 1613 ; E . Lovell , P . M . 754 ; W . F .
Bull , P . M . 1707 ; Harry Price , W . M . 2420 ; Stallard , P . M . 1613 ; G . Powell , P . M . 1185 ; J . Bladon , W . M . 1839 ; N . G . Boswell , P . M . 1339 ; and VV . J . Duck , W . M . 1950 . J In addressing the founders , Bro . LETCHWORTH congratulated them on their success in obtaining the warrant for the lod ge , reminding them that it was the opinion of H . R . H . the Grand Master that it was not advisable at present to increase to any great extent the number of lodges in the London district .
After the consecration , Bro . Letchworth installed Bro . N . Salmon , P . M . 177 , as VV . M ., and the following brethren were invested as officers . * Bros . J . T . Davies , I . G . 1348 , S . VV . ; S . H . Wright , D . C . 233 1 , J . W . ; T . B . Goodfellow , P . M . 177 and 1185 , Treas . ; II . E . Case , I . G . n 85 , Sec . ; I . W . Murray , 145 , S . D . ; G . B . Wood , 1580 , J . D . ; A . Wood , Stwd . 1185 , ' l . G . ; J . R . Duff , W . M . 145 , D . C ; J . J . Cook , 1185 , A . D . C ; F . W . Drew ,
I . G . 14 S > Org . ; G . T . P . Pointer , W . M . 1613 , and G . Vinton , 145 , Stwds . ; and VV . Webb , Tyler . The Consecrating Officers were unanimousl y elected honorary members of the lodge , and a founder ' s jewel was presented to Bro . Letchworth . Alter the names of several candidates for initiation had been proposed and seconded , the lodge was closed , and adjourned to July . A banquet followed , at which about 80 brethren sat dosvn .
The toasts of "The Queen and the Craft " and " The Most Worshipful Grand Master " were proposed by the W . M ., and dul y honoured . In proposing the toast of " The Pro Grand Master , the Deputy Grand Master , and the rest of the Grand Officers , Present and Past , " the W . M . acknowledged thc kindness of the Grand Officers who had attended and taken part in the consecration ceremony . Bro . FRANK RICHARDSON , P . G . D ., in responding , expressed the pleasure
which the Grand Ofiicers who had attended felt in being elected honorary members of the lodge . They did not at all regard it as an empty compliment , and would probably surprise the brethren by coining among them at an earl y date . The WoRsmri'UL MASTER proposed " Thc Health of the V . W . Bro . E . Letchworth , Grand Secretary , the Consecrating Officer , " and referred in graceful terms to the admirable manner in which the ceremony of consecrating the lodge had been performed .
. In responding , Bro . LETCHWORTH stated that he had peculiar pleasure m consecrating a lodge in a neighbourhood with which he had been connected for so many years . Hc little thought when he was accustomed to drive through Wood Green upwards of 30 years ago that it would become such an important suburb . He acknowledged the assistance he had received
from the other Grand Officers who taken part in the ceremony , and Particularly thanked Bro . G . Everett , who had attended , notwithstanding he was suifering from illness . Bro . LETCHWORTH then proposed " The Health of the VV . M ., " and alluded to the good work done by Bro . Salmon as W . M . of 177 . He congratulated thc brethren in having a lirst Master so well able to guide the destinies 0 f a young lodge .
Ihe WoRsiiu'i'UL MASTER , in responding lo the toast , acknowledged | he kindness of Bro . Goodfellow , who , having passed the chair in the Lewis and Domatic Lodges , had stood aside and accepted the office of Treasurer '" this lodge . l'he toast of " The Visitors " was acknosvledged by Bros . WM . SIRRMIU , "• PRITCUARD , H . PRICE , A . DURRANT , G . POWELL , and N . G . BOSWELL
Bro . J . TERRY , Sec . R . M . B . I ., and Bro . J . MORRISON McLrou , J " cc R . M . I , for Boys , acknowledged the toast of " The Masonic Charities , " "iu spoke eloquently and earnestly in suport of the claims of the Institutions . flic remaining toasts were "Thc Treasurer and Secretary , " "The u mcers , " and the T yler ' s toast . 1 yuring the evening an excellent musical programme was rendered Jy Bro . Vernon Lee ' s Opera Pari Singers and by Bros . I . Bayne and - '• W . Drew .
Provincial Grand Of Chapter Of Berkshire
lb . \ i an ' meeiing of the above Provincial Grand Chapter was held at j ^ -Masonic Hall , Reading , on Tuesday , the 24 th ult ., Comp . John Thornhill Tn i * ' * ' Grand Superintendent , presided , supported by Comps . John , ° » 'kms , P . G . H . ; Edward Grisbrook , P . G . J . ; and the other officers of l " Provinr-r . ' J '
Q l hose present also includedp ( ?¦? * ¦ J-VV . Martin , P . G . S . E . ; R . C . Mount , P . G . S . N . ; Charles Stephens , ' ' cas . ; J , O . Carter , P . Z ., R . Nicholson , P . Z ., and W . S . Cantrell , jun ., P . Z .,
Provincial Grand Of Chapter Of Berkshire
of 771 ; T . Kingston , P . Z . 771 and S 6 " 2 ; S . Payne , P . Z . 945 ; E . Mann-eft , P . Z ., F . Blackwell , P . Z ., and W . H . Belcher , of 414 ; W . H . Gardener , P ! Z . ; H . J . Stollery , M . E . Z . 771 ; W . G . Flanagan , H ., W . Ravenscroft , J ., and M . J . Withers , S . N ., of 414 ; E . Barber , P . P . G . S . B . Surrey ; and others .
Comp . J . W . MARTIN , P . G . S . E ., having called the roll of chapters in the province , then read the financial statement of the Provincial Grand Treasurer , which showed a balance in hand of £ 48 3 s . 3 d ., out of which the Provincial Grand Chapter voted the sum of / io 10 s . to no on Como .
Mount ' s list for the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys . The Provincial Grand Officers for the year were appointed and invested as under .-Comp . E . Grisbrook , P . Z . 414 , 771 ... ... Prov . G . H . „ R . C Mount , P . Z . 414 ... ... ... Prov . G . J .
„ J . W . Martin , M . E . Z . 414 ... ... Prov . G . S . E . „ E . L . Shepherd , P . Z . 945 ... ... Prov . G . S . N . „ Charles Stephens , 414 ... ... ... Prov . G . Treas . „ W . H . Belcher , P . Z . iu ... ... Prov . G . Resr .
„ R . Nicholson , P . Z . 771 ... ... ... Prov . G . P . S . „ H . J . Stollery , M . E . Z . 771 ... ... Prov . ist A . G . S . „ W . G . Flanagan , H . 414 ,.. ... Prov . 2 nd A . G . S . „ W . Ravenscroft , J . 414 ... ... ... Prov . G . S . B .
„ A . H . Simpson , S . E . 945 ... ... Prov . G . Std . Br . „ G . H . Morland , 945 ... ... ... Prov . G . D . of C . „ W . Hemmings ... ... ... Prov . G . Janitor .
1 he nesv by-Iasvs of the province , as prepared by the Special Committee appointed for that purpose , were approved and adopted . The Provincial Grand Chanter u' / is then r-lnsfvl
The companions then adjourned to the Great Western Hotel , where the Grand Superintendent presided at a banquet , svell served b y Comp . W . G . Flanagan , P . A . G . S . There were 30 companions present , and a very pleasant evening was spent , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts being honoured .
Grand Mark Lodge.
Ihe Quarterly Communication of Grand Lodgeof Mark Master Masons of England and VVales , and the Colonies and Dependencies of the British Crosvn , was held on Tuesday evening , at Mark Masons' Hall , Great Queen Street . The Marquess of Hertford , Pro Grand Master , presided . Bro . the Earl of Euston , D . G . M ., occupied his seat as Dep . Grand Master . Bro . W . J . Hughan acted as Grand Senior Warden , and Bro . Sir Reginald Hanson , M . P ., Grand Junior Warden ; and Bros . Charles Belton , G . M . O . ; Jabez Church , G . S . O . ; Richard Clowes , G . J . O . ; Gordon Miller , G . Treas ;
the Earl of Varborough , Frank Richardson , G . Reg . ; C F . Matier , G . Sec ; Robert Berridge , G . D . C ; Capt . N . G . Philips , J . E . Le Feuvre , Edward Letchworth , C . H . Driver , Col . A . B . Cook , J . li . Matthews , Sir J . B . Monckton , the Earl of Radnor , G . J . McKay , J . S . Eastes , Col . Harding , E . Monteuuis , George Gardner , Alderman E . G . Harsvood , Sir Augustus ^ Harris , CoL Somerville Burney , Alfred Williams , James Moon , P . G . Treas ., and about 200 other brethren were present . lion . Mr . Justice Boucaut , from New South Wales , ss * as present as an honoured
visitor . After Grand Lodge had been opened , Bro . MATIER read the minutes of the last Quarterly Communication . Before Ihcy were put for confirmation , Bro . Matier said he would read the following letter from the Home Secretary , addressed to the Marquess of Hertford , in answer to the address voted by Grand Lodge to her Majesty the Queen on the death of the Duke of Clarence and Avondale : —
Whitehall , 29 th February , 1892 , My Lord , —I have had the honour to lay before the Queen the loyal and dutiful address of the Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons on the occasion of the death of his Royal Highness the Duke of Clarence and Avondale , K . G ., and I have to inform your lordship that her Majesty svas pleased to receive the address very graciously . —I have the honour to be , my lord , your lordship ' s obedient servant , Marquis of Hertford , 115 , Eaton-place , S . VV . HENRY MATTHEWS . The Earl of EUSTON moved , and Bro . ALFRED WILLIAMS seconded , that this letter be entered on thc minutes .
The motion was carried . The minutes were then confirmed . Bros . Col . Harding , F . Mead , Major Probyn , Ward , and Tipper having been appointed and entrusted as Scrutineers of votes for the election of five members of the General Board , collected the balloting papers and withdrew . The following Report of the General Board was , on the motion of Bro . Col . A . B . COOK , President , seconded by Bro . FRANK RICHARDSON , Grand Registrar , taken as read , received , and ordered to be entered on thc minutes :
During the three months ending 31 st March , 1892 , there have been issued : Mark certificates , 3 86 ; total number registered , 29 , 474 . Warrants for nesv lodges , three , viz .: No . 440 , Sincerity , Cairo , Egypt . „ 441 , Si . Michael , Barbados .
„ 442 , Weyside , Woking , Surrey . Royal Ark Mariner certificates , 50 ; total number registered , 3578 . H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , K . G ., M . W . Grand Master , has been pleased to appoint the Right Hon . the Earl of Yarborough to be Provincial Grand Master for Lincolnshire , in succession to R . W . Bro . Jack Sutcliffe , whose term of office has expired , and to svhom the thanks of Grand Lodge are due for his services to the Order since 1883 .
The Right Worshipful Lieut .-Col . George Montgomerie John Moore , J . P ., has been re-appointed District Grand Master for Madras , for a further term of three years . On examination of the returns of St . John ' s Lodge , No . 214 , it was discovered that Bro . John Nesbitt had been installed in the chair of W . M ., he not having previously served as the Master of a lodge of Craft Freemasons , and the dispensation of the Grand Master not liaving been applied for or granted according to Art . 99 . On consideration of this irregularity the Board ruled—That the lodge shall apply for a dispensation at once .
lhat so soon as this is granted , Bro . John Nesbitt shall be re-obligated as an Installed Master at the next regular meeting of the Iodge , previously to which the dispensation shall be read and recorded on the minutes . And further that the lodge be fined the sum of two guineas .
FUND OF BENEVOLENCE . The Board have great pleasure in announcing that the 24 th Annual Festival svill be held on Wednesday , the 20 th of July . R . VV . Bro . Sir Reginald Hanson , Bart ., M . P ., Past Grand Warden , has most kindly consented to preside , and the Grand Secretary will be happy to receive the names of brethren svilling to act as Stewards .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Louis be confirmed , and that the District Grand Master ' s ruling be upheld , and the appeal dismissed . The motion was carried . Before closing Grand Lodge , Bro . BEACH said , as the Scrutineers had not completed their work , he would take their report in the Grand Master ' s pris'ate room . Grand Lodge was then closed in form .
The following is the result of the election of the Board of General Purposes : Masters—Bros . William James Mason , William Shurmur , Arthur Blenkarn , P . H . Waterlow , F . G . Ivey , John G . Albert , and C . L . Hudson , M . D . Past Masters—Bros . E . C . Mulvey , G . E . Fairchild , S . Cochrane , George Read , F . E . Pocock , J . J . Thomas , and Captain T . C . Walls .
Consecration Of The Wood Green Lodge, No. 2426.
The consecration of this lodge took place on Monday , the 23 rd ult ., at the Fishmongers' Arms Hotel , Wood Green . The ceremony was performed by Bro . E . Letchworth , Grand Secretary , assisted b y Bros . Geo . Everett , P . G . Treas ., as S . W . ; VV . E . Stewart . P . A . G . D . C . . is T . W Frank
Richardson , P . G . D ., as D . C ; and C F . Hogard , P . G . Std . Br ., as I . G . In the unavoidable absence of Bro . the Rev . R . J . Simpson , P . G . Chap ., Bro . C . F . Matier , P . G . Std . Br ., officiated as Chaplain . The choir was under the direction of Bro . Vernon Lee .
There was a numerous attendance of brethren ( including the 25 founders all residing in Wood Green ) , and among the visitors were Bros . Wm . Shurmur , P . P . G . T . ; H . Pritchard , P . P . G . T . ; J . Terry , P . G . S . B ., Sec . R . M . Benevolent Institution ; J . Morrison McLeod , P . P . S . G . W ., Sec . R . M . Institution for Boys ; A . Durrant , P . M . 569 and 1185 ; R- W . Hunter , P . M . 1685 ; J . Westerby , P . M . 1613 ; E . Lovell , P . M . 754 ; W . F .
Bull , P . M . 1707 ; Harry Price , W . M . 2420 ; Stallard , P . M . 1613 ; G . Powell , P . M . 1185 ; J . Bladon , W . M . 1839 ; N . G . Boswell , P . M . 1339 ; and VV . J . Duck , W . M . 1950 . J In addressing the founders , Bro . LETCHWORTH congratulated them on their success in obtaining the warrant for the lod ge , reminding them that it was the opinion of H . R . H . the Grand Master that it was not advisable at present to increase to any great extent the number of lodges in the London district .
After the consecration , Bro . Letchworth installed Bro . N . Salmon , P . M . 177 , as VV . M ., and the following brethren were invested as officers . * Bros . J . T . Davies , I . G . 1348 , S . VV . ; S . H . Wright , D . C . 233 1 , J . W . ; T . B . Goodfellow , P . M . 177 and 1185 , Treas . ; II . E . Case , I . G . n 85 , Sec . ; I . W . Murray , 145 , S . D . ; G . B . Wood , 1580 , J . D . ; A . Wood , Stwd . 1185 , ' l . G . ; J . R . Duff , W . M . 145 , D . C ; J . J . Cook , 1185 , A . D . C ; F . W . Drew ,
I . G . 14 S > Org . ; G . T . P . Pointer , W . M . 1613 , and G . Vinton , 145 , Stwds . ; and VV . Webb , Tyler . The Consecrating Officers were unanimousl y elected honorary members of the lodge , and a founder ' s jewel was presented to Bro . Letchworth . Alter the names of several candidates for initiation had been proposed and seconded , the lodge was closed , and adjourned to July . A banquet followed , at which about 80 brethren sat dosvn .
The toasts of "The Queen and the Craft " and " The Most Worshipful Grand Master " were proposed by the W . M ., and dul y honoured . In proposing the toast of " The Pro Grand Master , the Deputy Grand Master , and the rest of the Grand Officers , Present and Past , " the W . M . acknowledged thc kindness of the Grand Officers who had attended and taken part in the consecration ceremony . Bro . FRANK RICHARDSON , P . G . D ., in responding , expressed the pleasure
which the Grand Ofiicers who had attended felt in being elected honorary members of the lodge . They did not at all regard it as an empty compliment , and would probably surprise the brethren by coining among them at an earl y date . The WoRsmri'UL MASTER proposed " Thc Health of the V . W . Bro . E . Letchworth , Grand Secretary , the Consecrating Officer , " and referred in graceful terms to the admirable manner in which the ceremony of consecrating the lodge had been performed .
. In responding , Bro . LETCHWORTH stated that he had peculiar pleasure m consecrating a lodge in a neighbourhood with which he had been connected for so many years . Hc little thought when he was accustomed to drive through Wood Green upwards of 30 years ago that it would become such an important suburb . He acknowledged the assistance he had received
from the other Grand Officers who taken part in the ceremony , and Particularly thanked Bro . G . Everett , who had attended , notwithstanding he was suifering from illness . Bro . LETCHWORTH then proposed " The Health of the VV . M ., " and alluded to the good work done by Bro . Salmon as W . M . of 177 . He congratulated thc brethren in having a lirst Master so well able to guide the destinies 0 f a young lodge .
Ihe WoRsiiu'i'UL MASTER , in responding lo the toast , acknowledged | he kindness of Bro . Goodfellow , who , having passed the chair in the Lewis and Domatic Lodges , had stood aside and accepted the office of Treasurer '" this lodge . l'he toast of " The Visitors " was acknosvledged by Bros . WM . SIRRMIU , "• PRITCUARD , H . PRICE , A . DURRANT , G . POWELL , and N . G . BOSWELL
Bro . J . TERRY , Sec . R . M . B . I ., and Bro . J . MORRISON McLrou , J " cc R . M . I , for Boys , acknowledged the toast of " The Masonic Charities , " "iu spoke eloquently and earnestly in suport of the claims of the Institutions . flic remaining toasts were "Thc Treasurer and Secretary , " "The u mcers , " and the T yler ' s toast . 1 yuring the evening an excellent musical programme was rendered Jy Bro . Vernon Lee ' s Opera Pari Singers and by Bros . I . Bayne and - '• W . Drew .
Provincial Grand Of Chapter Of Berkshire
lb . \ i an ' meeiing of the above Provincial Grand Chapter was held at j ^ -Masonic Hall , Reading , on Tuesday , the 24 th ult ., Comp . John Thornhill Tn i * ' * ' Grand Superintendent , presided , supported by Comps . John , ° » 'kms , P . G . H . ; Edward Grisbrook , P . G . J . ; and the other officers of l " Provinr-r . ' J '
Q l hose present also includedp ( ?¦? * ¦ J-VV . Martin , P . G . S . E . ; R . C . Mount , P . G . S . N . ; Charles Stephens , ' ' cas . ; J , O . Carter , P . Z ., R . Nicholson , P . Z ., and W . S . Cantrell , jun ., P . Z .,
Provincial Grand Of Chapter Of Berkshire
of 771 ; T . Kingston , P . Z . 771 and S 6 " 2 ; S . Payne , P . Z . 945 ; E . Mann-eft , P . Z ., F . Blackwell , P . Z ., and W . H . Belcher , of 414 ; W . H . Gardener , P ! Z . ; H . J . Stollery , M . E . Z . 771 ; W . G . Flanagan , H ., W . Ravenscroft , J ., and M . J . Withers , S . N ., of 414 ; E . Barber , P . P . G . S . B . Surrey ; and others .
Comp . J . W . MARTIN , P . G . S . E ., having called the roll of chapters in the province , then read the financial statement of the Provincial Grand Treasurer , which showed a balance in hand of £ 48 3 s . 3 d ., out of which the Provincial Grand Chapter voted the sum of / io 10 s . to no on Como .
Mount ' s list for the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys . The Provincial Grand Officers for the year were appointed and invested as under .-Comp . E . Grisbrook , P . Z . 414 , 771 ... ... Prov . G . H . „ R . C Mount , P . Z . 414 ... ... ... Prov . G . J .
„ J . W . Martin , M . E . Z . 414 ... ... Prov . G . S . E . „ E . L . Shepherd , P . Z . 945 ... ... Prov . G . S . N . „ Charles Stephens , 414 ... ... ... Prov . G . Treas . „ W . H . Belcher , P . Z . iu ... ... Prov . G . Resr .
„ R . Nicholson , P . Z . 771 ... ... ... Prov . G . P . S . „ H . J . Stollery , M . E . Z . 771 ... ... Prov . ist A . G . S . „ W . G . Flanagan , H . 414 ,.. ... Prov . 2 nd A . G . S . „ W . Ravenscroft , J . 414 ... ... ... Prov . G . S . B .
„ A . H . Simpson , S . E . 945 ... ... Prov . G . Std . Br . „ G . H . Morland , 945 ... ... ... Prov . G . D . of C . „ W . Hemmings ... ... ... Prov . G . Janitor .
1 he nesv by-Iasvs of the province , as prepared by the Special Committee appointed for that purpose , were approved and adopted . The Provincial Grand Chanter u' / is then r-lnsfvl
The companions then adjourned to the Great Western Hotel , where the Grand Superintendent presided at a banquet , svell served b y Comp . W . G . Flanagan , P . A . G . S . There were 30 companions present , and a very pleasant evening was spent , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts being honoured .
Grand Mark Lodge.
Ihe Quarterly Communication of Grand Lodgeof Mark Master Masons of England and VVales , and the Colonies and Dependencies of the British Crosvn , was held on Tuesday evening , at Mark Masons' Hall , Great Queen Street . The Marquess of Hertford , Pro Grand Master , presided . Bro . the Earl of Euston , D . G . M ., occupied his seat as Dep . Grand Master . Bro . W . J . Hughan acted as Grand Senior Warden , and Bro . Sir Reginald Hanson , M . P ., Grand Junior Warden ; and Bros . Charles Belton , G . M . O . ; Jabez Church , G . S . O . ; Richard Clowes , G . J . O . ; Gordon Miller , G . Treas ;
the Earl of Varborough , Frank Richardson , G . Reg . ; C F . Matier , G . Sec ; Robert Berridge , G . D . C ; Capt . N . G . Philips , J . E . Le Feuvre , Edward Letchworth , C . H . Driver , Col . A . B . Cook , J . li . Matthews , Sir J . B . Monckton , the Earl of Radnor , G . J . McKay , J . S . Eastes , Col . Harding , E . Monteuuis , George Gardner , Alderman E . G . Harsvood , Sir Augustus ^ Harris , CoL Somerville Burney , Alfred Williams , James Moon , P . G . Treas ., and about 200 other brethren were present . lion . Mr . Justice Boucaut , from New South Wales , ss * as present as an honoured
visitor . After Grand Lodge had been opened , Bro . MATIER read the minutes of the last Quarterly Communication . Before Ihcy were put for confirmation , Bro . Matier said he would read the following letter from the Home Secretary , addressed to the Marquess of Hertford , in answer to the address voted by Grand Lodge to her Majesty the Queen on the death of the Duke of Clarence and Avondale : —
Whitehall , 29 th February , 1892 , My Lord , —I have had the honour to lay before the Queen the loyal and dutiful address of the Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons on the occasion of the death of his Royal Highness the Duke of Clarence and Avondale , K . G ., and I have to inform your lordship that her Majesty svas pleased to receive the address very graciously . —I have the honour to be , my lord , your lordship ' s obedient servant , Marquis of Hertford , 115 , Eaton-place , S . VV . HENRY MATTHEWS . The Earl of EUSTON moved , and Bro . ALFRED WILLIAMS seconded , that this letter be entered on thc minutes .
The motion was carried . The minutes were then confirmed . Bros . Col . Harding , F . Mead , Major Probyn , Ward , and Tipper having been appointed and entrusted as Scrutineers of votes for the election of five members of the General Board , collected the balloting papers and withdrew . The following Report of the General Board was , on the motion of Bro . Col . A . B . COOK , President , seconded by Bro . FRANK RICHARDSON , Grand Registrar , taken as read , received , and ordered to be entered on thc minutes :
During the three months ending 31 st March , 1892 , there have been issued : Mark certificates , 3 86 ; total number registered , 29 , 474 . Warrants for nesv lodges , three , viz .: No . 440 , Sincerity , Cairo , Egypt . „ 441 , Si . Michael , Barbados .
„ 442 , Weyside , Woking , Surrey . Royal Ark Mariner certificates , 50 ; total number registered , 3578 . H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , K . G ., M . W . Grand Master , has been pleased to appoint the Right Hon . the Earl of Yarborough to be Provincial Grand Master for Lincolnshire , in succession to R . W . Bro . Jack Sutcliffe , whose term of office has expired , and to svhom the thanks of Grand Lodge are due for his services to the Order since 1883 .
The Right Worshipful Lieut .-Col . George Montgomerie John Moore , J . P ., has been re-appointed District Grand Master for Madras , for a further term of three years . On examination of the returns of St . John ' s Lodge , No . 214 , it was discovered that Bro . John Nesbitt had been installed in the chair of W . M ., he not having previously served as the Master of a lodge of Craft Freemasons , and the dispensation of the Grand Master not liaving been applied for or granted according to Art . 99 . On consideration of this irregularity the Board ruled—That the lodge shall apply for a dispensation at once .
lhat so soon as this is granted , Bro . John Nesbitt shall be re-obligated as an Installed Master at the next regular meeting of the Iodge , previously to which the dispensation shall be read and recorded on the minutes . And further that the lodge be fined the sum of two guineas .
FUND OF BENEVOLENCE . The Board have great pleasure in announcing that the 24 th Annual Festival svill be held on Wednesday , the 20 th of July . R . VV . Bro . Sir Reginald Hanson , Bart ., M . P ., Past Grand Warden , has most kindly consented to preside , and the Grand Secretary will be happy to receive the names of brethren svilling to act as Stewards .