Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article To Correspondents. Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article Masonic Notes. Page 1 of 1 Article Masonic Notes. Page 1 of 1 Article Correspondence. Page 1 of 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
THE SHADWELL CLERKE TRUST . TRUSTEES . The M . W . Pro G . M ., the Right Hon . the EARL OF LATHOM . The R . W . Deputy G . M ., the Right Hon . the EARL OF MOUNT EDGCUMBE . The R . W . Bro . Sir ALBERT W . WOODS ( Garter ) , P . G . Warden . CHAIRMAN . The V . W . Bro . THOMAS FENN , Pres . B . of G . P . TREASURER . The V . W . Bro . ROBERT GREY , Pres . B . of B . ^ K C R F T * A "RV The V . W . Bro . FRANK RICHARDSON , P . G . D . Cheques to be sent to the Treasurer , Bro . ROBERT G KEY , Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street , W . C . The next meeting of the Committee svill be held here on M ONDAY , 4 th July , at FIVE o'clock , of which this is to be taken as notice . FRANK RICHARDSON , Freemasons' Hall , Secretary . 3 rd May , 1892 .
WANTED . — FURNITURE for a ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER , Nesv or Secondhand , the . latter preferred . —Particulars to CRAFTSMAN , Freemason Ofiice , iC , Great Queen-street , W . C .
A NATIONAL DRINK REFORM . Our prisons and our workhouses are filled svith people ruined through drink . Our Judges attribute the majority of the crimes committed to the same cause , and our people are now thoroughly convinced that some radical cure must be found to reduce this national failing . A great temperance svave is passing over the country , but the rock which so far has stopped its progress was the entire absence of a really good non-alcoholic beverage . How are the people to do without liquor , svhen no proper non-alcoholic substitute offers '** It svas my happy lot to remove this great stumbling block in the progress of temperance , and to discover a sound substitute for alcoholic beverages . This is a bold statement to make . I , hosvever , make it without fear of contradiction , as I have the unimpeachable testimony of thousands to back me up ; and I have not only discovered the Drink , but I have also built a large brewery capable of producing 150 , 000 bottles of this new national beverage per day . The Editor of the Lancet thought the subject of my discovery of sufficient importance to svarrant the sending of a Special Analytical Commission to my brewery . The report of this Commission ( Lancet , 21 st May , 1892 ) winds up as follows : Kops Ale affords an excellent and satisfying drink in hot sveather , and svhile it contains all the tonic and refreshing qualities of beer , it can never be accused of stealing a march upon the mental faculties . It keeps well , as our examination of samples some months old shosvs . The public , and especially the teetotal public , may evidentl y drink Kops Ale svith confidence j it contains nothing that is injurious but is on the contrary a salutary and palatable beverage possessing distinct tonic and stimulating properties py virtue of the choice ingredients svhich form the basis of its preparation . Full copies of this report can be obtained from mc free . Hundreds of scientific men have made similarl y favourable statements . Clergymen of all denominations are my strongest supporters ; tsvo great menwho , unfortunately , are no longer among us—Cardinal Manning and the Rev . Mr . Spurgeon , gave me their aid , the latter using Kops Ale at his osvn table , and it is onl y necessary to read the reports in The Christian World , The Presbyterian , and others , to obtain a reflex of the opinion of the clergy ; I have even succeeded in convincing the most unlikely community—sportsmen —that there is more virtue in Kops Ale as a thirst quencher and for training purposes than in alcoholic li quor ( vide Sportsman , Sporting Times , Man of the World , Cycling , C . T . C . Monthly Gasette , Field , Football , & c . J . For farmers and farm labourers Kops Ale is equally valuable ( vide Farmer and Stockbreeder ) , and to the working man the nesv comer has proved a real blessing . I ne Working Men's Union have awarded me a Gold Medal , and in my immediate neighbourhood the 'abouring classes to-day spend their money cheerfully on J ^ P i" preference to alcoholic liquors . Thus grand results have been achieved , and still I nave onl y worked in a small circle . There are to-day pillions of people in England svho have never heard of ° i's ALE . I can now conclusively prove that Kops as the right to be called a national drink reformer , "a I nosv call upon every right-minded man to help Ti , " '"" e •** reat ' ' wh ' ' ' nave undertaken . in 11 , " wav out ° ' Dar ' ' it England is a reduction t " drink traffic . It will empty our prisons , it svill and ° ° * ? 00 r rates , anc - ' P revent much of the misery En Cr ' wmc ' 1 now P reva 'h Let 'he people of , 2 'and knosv that they need drink alcoholic beverages I * i > sa drink has been invented which svill be e ||" y acceptable to them , and still pioduce no foul lrinlT' . *"* " * ' the publican knosv that he can nosv sell a prtl ' ''* ' * " B ive n - m as mucl * P rout as * - " - * > * - " - * fac [ er t rea' by his customer , and not ruin him . Let these of ' . Proclaimed throughout the length and breadth ( lrn „ i ' " ancl we shall soon hear no more of runk wness and crime . knn n H . LOWENFELD . ps . Brewery , Fulham , London . % 3 o « i , 1892 .
FISH , POULTRY , GAME , OYSTERS . JOHN GOW , LIMITED , J S 6 , OLD BROAD STREET , E . C . ( late 17 , Nesv Broad Street , E . G . ) , 12 , HONEY LANE MARKET , CHEAPSIDE , AND 93 , THEOBALD'S RD ., HOLBORN , W . C , JOHN GOW , Limited , always have on sale the Largest Stock in London of tne Very Best Quality at Lowest Prices . HIGH-CLASS PKO / ISION STORES ( NOSV OPENED ) , 50 , 51 , and 52 , OLD BROAD STREET , E . C .
/ GEORGE REES . ENGRAVINGS by the Principal Artists . Eight " * Hundred Subjects in Stock . . Liberal Discount . ETCHINGS , Large and Choice Variety on Viesv by Leading Artists . Liberal Cash Discount . SPORTING PICTURES , both Old and New . Hunting , Racing , Coaching , & c . Large Assortment . Liberal Discount for Cash . PICTURE FRAMES . Special Masonic Designs for Certificate Frames , & c , at Losvest Prices . A Nesv Catalogue , svith Prices , & c , post free , id . Stamp . GEORGE REES , SAVOY HOUSE , 115 , STRAND . Established 30 Years .
GILLIAM ( Successors to Makepeace and Walford ) , SILVERSMITHS , JEWELLERS , AND DIAMOND MOUNTERS , DEALERS IN ANTIQUE PLATE & JEWELLERY . 6 , SERLE STREET , LINCOLN ' S INN , 44 ( 5 , OXFORD STREET , NEAR ORCHARD STREET . Tho Freemason ot Hay loth , 1801 , says— " Messrs . Gilliam Bros ., Gold and Silversmiths , of 6 , Serle Street , Lincoln's lun , have beon very fortunate in scouring sofmo a site for thoii * nesv establishment as 4 W , Oxford Street ( near Orchard Streot ) , nnd we congratulate them on tho beauty and artistic design displayed m tlieir now premises ; tho Block is oJ tlio most rare and choice kind , and our brethren , svho arc fond ot old nnd good things in precious metals , svould do svell to pay them a visit . "
PARTRIDGE & COOPER , "THE" STATIONERS , 191 & 192 , FLEET STREET , LONDON . THE ROYAL COURTS NOTE PAPER . This is the cheapest paper ever introduced to the public , it being slightly tinted , thick , and pleasant to svrite upon . Price 4 s . per ream . THE VELLUM WOVE CLUB-HOUSE PAPER . The best paper made . Send for sample box of paper and envelopes , post free for 2 s .
To Correspondents.
To Correspondents .
The follosving communications amongst others unavoidably stand over : CRM'T LOUGHS . —Temperancc-in-tlie-1 ' ast , No . 8 9 8 ; Hesketh , No . 950 ; Zetland , No . 1005 ; Henry Muggeridge , No . 1679 ; Cordsvainer Ward , No . ai-ii ; and Hiram , No . 2411 ) . ROVAL ARCH CHAI'TE * . —Rose , No . 1633 . Provincial Giand Lodge of Gloucestershire . Provincial Grand Chapter of North and East Yorkshire . Consecration of the Ferdinand de Rothschild Lodge , No . 2420 , Numerous reports of lodges of instruction also stand over , but svill appear next sveek .
r SATURDAY , J 4 , 1892 .
Masonic Notes.
Masonic Notes .
The meeting of Grand Lodge on Wednesday was a crowded one , and it svas found necessary to set apart an overflosv room to enable the votes for members of the Board of General Purposes to be duly recorded-Increasing interest appears to be taken in the elections to the Masonic Parliament , and the process of election
svhich anssvered well enough in the old days is not unlikely soon to be inadequate to present day requirements . The election of Grand Treasurer also strains the capacity of the Hall to the utmost , and sve think that if some plan could be devised to take the votes
of the members of Grand Lodge—something after the method adopted recently at thc election of the House Committee of thc Girls' School—it svould be accepted as a boon by the Craft generally . * * *
It svill be seen by an advertisement in another column that the Deputy Grand Master in charge of the Province of Middlesex has called a special meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge , on Friday next , for the purpose of passing a vote of condolence to Lady Burdett andfamilyon the lamented death of the Provincial Grand Master . This svill not aftecl thc annual Provincial
Masonic Notes.
Grand Lodge meeting on the 25 th , which will be held as previously arranged . The annual convocation of the Provincial Grand Chapter svill also take place on the iSth instant . = •¦ * * We are informed that the Provincial Grand Lodge
of Kent svill be held at Ramsgate on Friday , the 24 th inst . The preparatory meeting svas held at Gravesend on Thursday , the 26 th ult ., under the presidency of Earl Amherst , a good number of the brethren of the Province of Kent attending , and aftersvards dining together at the Nesv Falcon Hotel .
It svill interest many of our readers to knosv that Bro . George Dalrymple , of Whitehaven , P . P . S . G . W ., P . A . G . Sec , and ^ P . G . S . E . for Cumberland and Westmorland , has been appointed Prov . G . Secretary , in succession to Bro . G . J . McKay , P . G . Std . Br ., svhom
sve announced last sveek had received the appointment of D . P . G . M ., vice Bro . L . F . B . Dykes , P . G . D ., resigned . Bro . Dalrymple has for many years past been a most assiduous and energetic svorker in many departments of Masonry in the Border Province ,
besides taking an active part in the Charitable Institutions of the Order , and , as he is a iiuuouam . dermis in Craft matters , the onerous duties of P . G . Secretary
could not possibly be in better hands . Bro . Dalrymple , it may be added , is to be named as the first M . E . Z . of a nesv Royal Arch chapter proposed to be attached to Whitsvell Lodge , No . 1300 , Millom .
A remarkable incident , illustrating the peculiar circumstances under svhich people occasionally run against one another , after a long lapse of years , transpired at Grand Mark Lodge last Tuesday evening . Tsventy years ago an ollicer in the army advanced a journalist
to the honourable Degree of M . M . M . in a lodge in thc North of England , long ago extinct , and from that day up till the present sveek the brethren in question had not met . During the past score years each had played an active part in the svork of Masonry in different parts of the svorld , and the " foregathering" svas in this svise .
I he soldier svas summoned to the dais of Grand Mark Lodge to receive the honours and insignia of a Grand Officer for the ensuing year . Grand Lodge closed , the journalist at once sought out his father in Mark
Masonry . It further transpired that the latter had actually signed the attendance book—both are Past Provincial Ollicers—consecutive to the long time debutante , svhose name had arrested his attention . Thus the recognition svas , in a practical measure , mutual .
Correspondence .
I We do not hold ourselves responsible for the opinions expressed b y our correspondents , but sve svish in a spirit of fair play tu all to permit—within certain necessary limits—free discussion . ]
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR GIRLS . To the Editor of the " Freemason . " Dear Sir and Brother ,
I notice in your report of the election of members of the House Committee of the Girls' School , on the 27 th ult ., you did not give the number of votes polled for each candidate . I think many of your readers svould like to see the figures , unless there is any objection to their publication . —Yours fraternally ,
LIFE GOVERNOR . [ As the meeting only took place at the moment of our going to press , sve had time for a brief report only , but we now give thc figures asked for . —ED . F .. U . J Bros . Sir J . B . Monckton , 490 ; Robert Grey , 4 8 9 ; Thomas Fenn , 487 * , Ed . Lctchsvorth , 481 ; C .
Hammerton , 481 ; rratik Richardson , 478 ; James Moon , 477 ; Peter de Lande Long , 47-3 ; 11 . A . Hunt , 472 ; J . H . Matthesvs , 471 ; Alderman Sir Joseph Savory , Bart ., 459 ; Ralph Glutton , 458 ; Richard Eve , 112 ; George Everett , 104 ; and VV . A . Scurrah , 85 .
ROYAL MASONIC BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION . To the Editor of thc "Freemason . " Dear Sir and Brother , Permit me to call your attention to the report ofthe animal meeting of the Royal Masonic Benevolent
Institution , held on the 20 th ult ., in svhich you slate that my amendment to the motion of Bro . Perceval svas put to the vole and lust by 17 to y . It svas just the reverse , othersvise it svould not have stood over for consideration at the annual meeting , svhen I regret the motion was not allosved to be discussed and disposed
of . As it is , the motion nosv stands for consideration at the meeting of the Committee of Management on the Sth inst ., svhen I trust a decision may be arrived at svithout in any svay affecting the well-being of the Institution . —Allosv me to remain , dear Sir and Brother , yours faithfully and fraternally , CHAS . DANIEL , June 1 st . P . M . and t' . Z . 65 .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
THE SHADWELL CLERKE TRUST . TRUSTEES . The M . W . Pro G . M ., the Right Hon . the EARL OF LATHOM . The R . W . Deputy G . M ., the Right Hon . the EARL OF MOUNT EDGCUMBE . The R . W . Bro . Sir ALBERT W . WOODS ( Garter ) , P . G . Warden . CHAIRMAN . The V . W . Bro . THOMAS FENN , Pres . B . of G . P . TREASURER . The V . W . Bro . ROBERT GREY , Pres . B . of B . ^ K C R F T * A "RV The V . W . Bro . FRANK RICHARDSON , P . G . D . Cheques to be sent to the Treasurer , Bro . ROBERT G KEY , Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street , W . C . The next meeting of the Committee svill be held here on M ONDAY , 4 th July , at FIVE o'clock , of which this is to be taken as notice . FRANK RICHARDSON , Freemasons' Hall , Secretary . 3 rd May , 1892 .
WANTED . — FURNITURE for a ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER , Nesv or Secondhand , the . latter preferred . —Particulars to CRAFTSMAN , Freemason Ofiice , iC , Great Queen-street , W . C .
A NATIONAL DRINK REFORM . Our prisons and our workhouses are filled svith people ruined through drink . Our Judges attribute the majority of the crimes committed to the same cause , and our people are now thoroughly convinced that some radical cure must be found to reduce this national failing . A great temperance svave is passing over the country , but the rock which so far has stopped its progress was the entire absence of a really good non-alcoholic beverage . How are the people to do without liquor , svhen no proper non-alcoholic substitute offers '** It svas my happy lot to remove this great stumbling block in the progress of temperance , and to discover a sound substitute for alcoholic beverages . This is a bold statement to make . I , hosvever , make it without fear of contradiction , as I have the unimpeachable testimony of thousands to back me up ; and I have not only discovered the Drink , but I have also built a large brewery capable of producing 150 , 000 bottles of this new national beverage per day . The Editor of the Lancet thought the subject of my discovery of sufficient importance to svarrant the sending of a Special Analytical Commission to my brewery . The report of this Commission ( Lancet , 21 st May , 1892 ) winds up as follows : Kops Ale affords an excellent and satisfying drink in hot sveather , and svhile it contains all the tonic and refreshing qualities of beer , it can never be accused of stealing a march upon the mental faculties . It keeps well , as our examination of samples some months old shosvs . The public , and especially the teetotal public , may evidentl y drink Kops Ale svith confidence j it contains nothing that is injurious but is on the contrary a salutary and palatable beverage possessing distinct tonic and stimulating properties py virtue of the choice ingredients svhich form the basis of its preparation . Full copies of this report can be obtained from mc free . Hundreds of scientific men have made similarl y favourable statements . Clergymen of all denominations are my strongest supporters ; tsvo great menwho , unfortunately , are no longer among us—Cardinal Manning and the Rev . Mr . Spurgeon , gave me their aid , the latter using Kops Ale at his osvn table , and it is onl y necessary to read the reports in The Christian World , The Presbyterian , and others , to obtain a reflex of the opinion of the clergy ; I have even succeeded in convincing the most unlikely community—sportsmen —that there is more virtue in Kops Ale as a thirst quencher and for training purposes than in alcoholic li quor ( vide Sportsman , Sporting Times , Man of the World , Cycling , C . T . C . Monthly Gasette , Field , Football , & c . J . For farmers and farm labourers Kops Ale is equally valuable ( vide Farmer and Stockbreeder ) , and to the working man the nesv comer has proved a real blessing . I ne Working Men's Union have awarded me a Gold Medal , and in my immediate neighbourhood the 'abouring classes to-day spend their money cheerfully on J ^ P i" preference to alcoholic liquors . Thus grand results have been achieved , and still I nave onl y worked in a small circle . There are to-day pillions of people in England svho have never heard of ° i's ALE . I can now conclusively prove that Kops as the right to be called a national drink reformer , "a I nosv call upon every right-minded man to help Ti , " '"" e •** reat ' ' wh ' ' ' nave undertaken . in 11 , " wav out ° ' Dar ' ' it England is a reduction t " drink traffic . It will empty our prisons , it svill and ° ° * ? 00 r rates , anc - ' P revent much of the misery En Cr ' wmc ' 1 now P reva 'h Let 'he people of , 2 'and knosv that they need drink alcoholic beverages I * i > sa drink has been invented which svill be e ||" y acceptable to them , and still pioduce no foul lrinlT' . *"* " * ' the publican knosv that he can nosv sell a prtl ' ''* ' * " B ive n - m as mucl * P rout as * - " - * > * - " - * fac [ er t rea' by his customer , and not ruin him . Let these of ' . Proclaimed throughout the length and breadth ( lrn „ i ' " ancl we shall soon hear no more of runk wness and crime . knn n H . LOWENFELD . ps . Brewery , Fulham , London . % 3 o « i , 1892 .
FISH , POULTRY , GAME , OYSTERS . JOHN GOW , LIMITED , J S 6 , OLD BROAD STREET , E . C . ( late 17 , Nesv Broad Street , E . G . ) , 12 , HONEY LANE MARKET , CHEAPSIDE , AND 93 , THEOBALD'S RD ., HOLBORN , W . C , JOHN GOW , Limited , always have on sale the Largest Stock in London of tne Very Best Quality at Lowest Prices . HIGH-CLASS PKO / ISION STORES ( NOSV OPENED ) , 50 , 51 , and 52 , OLD BROAD STREET , E . C .
/ GEORGE REES . ENGRAVINGS by the Principal Artists . Eight " * Hundred Subjects in Stock . . Liberal Discount . ETCHINGS , Large and Choice Variety on Viesv by Leading Artists . Liberal Cash Discount . SPORTING PICTURES , both Old and New . Hunting , Racing , Coaching , & c . Large Assortment . Liberal Discount for Cash . PICTURE FRAMES . Special Masonic Designs for Certificate Frames , & c , at Losvest Prices . A Nesv Catalogue , svith Prices , & c , post free , id . Stamp . GEORGE REES , SAVOY HOUSE , 115 , STRAND . Established 30 Years .
GILLIAM ( Successors to Makepeace and Walford ) , SILVERSMITHS , JEWELLERS , AND DIAMOND MOUNTERS , DEALERS IN ANTIQUE PLATE & JEWELLERY . 6 , SERLE STREET , LINCOLN ' S INN , 44 ( 5 , OXFORD STREET , NEAR ORCHARD STREET . Tho Freemason ot Hay loth , 1801 , says— " Messrs . Gilliam Bros ., Gold and Silversmiths , of 6 , Serle Street , Lincoln's lun , have beon very fortunate in scouring sofmo a site for thoii * nesv establishment as 4 W , Oxford Street ( near Orchard Streot ) , nnd we congratulate them on tho beauty and artistic design displayed m tlieir now premises ; tho Block is oJ tlio most rare and choice kind , and our brethren , svho arc fond ot old nnd good things in precious metals , svould do svell to pay them a visit . "
PARTRIDGE & COOPER , "THE" STATIONERS , 191 & 192 , FLEET STREET , LONDON . THE ROYAL COURTS NOTE PAPER . This is the cheapest paper ever introduced to the public , it being slightly tinted , thick , and pleasant to svrite upon . Price 4 s . per ream . THE VELLUM WOVE CLUB-HOUSE PAPER . The best paper made . Send for sample box of paper and envelopes , post free for 2 s .
To Correspondents.
To Correspondents .
The follosving communications amongst others unavoidably stand over : CRM'T LOUGHS . —Temperancc-in-tlie-1 ' ast , No . 8 9 8 ; Hesketh , No . 950 ; Zetland , No . 1005 ; Henry Muggeridge , No . 1679 ; Cordsvainer Ward , No . ai-ii ; and Hiram , No . 2411 ) . ROVAL ARCH CHAI'TE * . —Rose , No . 1633 . Provincial Giand Lodge of Gloucestershire . Provincial Grand Chapter of North and East Yorkshire . Consecration of the Ferdinand de Rothschild Lodge , No . 2420 , Numerous reports of lodges of instruction also stand over , but svill appear next sveek .
r SATURDAY , J 4 , 1892 .
Masonic Notes.
Masonic Notes .
The meeting of Grand Lodge on Wednesday was a crowded one , and it svas found necessary to set apart an overflosv room to enable the votes for members of the Board of General Purposes to be duly recorded-Increasing interest appears to be taken in the elections to the Masonic Parliament , and the process of election
svhich anssvered well enough in the old days is not unlikely soon to be inadequate to present day requirements . The election of Grand Treasurer also strains the capacity of the Hall to the utmost , and sve think that if some plan could be devised to take the votes
of the members of Grand Lodge—something after the method adopted recently at thc election of the House Committee of thc Girls' School—it svould be accepted as a boon by the Craft generally . * * *
It svill be seen by an advertisement in another column that the Deputy Grand Master in charge of the Province of Middlesex has called a special meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge , on Friday next , for the purpose of passing a vote of condolence to Lady Burdett andfamilyon the lamented death of the Provincial Grand Master . This svill not aftecl thc annual Provincial
Masonic Notes.
Grand Lodge meeting on the 25 th , which will be held as previously arranged . The annual convocation of the Provincial Grand Chapter svill also take place on the iSth instant . = •¦ * * We are informed that the Provincial Grand Lodge
of Kent svill be held at Ramsgate on Friday , the 24 th inst . The preparatory meeting svas held at Gravesend on Thursday , the 26 th ult ., under the presidency of Earl Amherst , a good number of the brethren of the Province of Kent attending , and aftersvards dining together at the Nesv Falcon Hotel .
It svill interest many of our readers to knosv that Bro . George Dalrymple , of Whitehaven , P . P . S . G . W ., P . A . G . Sec , and ^ P . G . S . E . for Cumberland and Westmorland , has been appointed Prov . G . Secretary , in succession to Bro . G . J . McKay , P . G . Std . Br ., svhom
sve announced last sveek had received the appointment of D . P . G . M ., vice Bro . L . F . B . Dykes , P . G . D ., resigned . Bro . Dalrymple has for many years past been a most assiduous and energetic svorker in many departments of Masonry in the Border Province ,
besides taking an active part in the Charitable Institutions of the Order , and , as he is a iiuuouam . dermis in Craft matters , the onerous duties of P . G . Secretary
could not possibly be in better hands . Bro . Dalrymple , it may be added , is to be named as the first M . E . Z . of a nesv Royal Arch chapter proposed to be attached to Whitsvell Lodge , No . 1300 , Millom .
A remarkable incident , illustrating the peculiar circumstances under svhich people occasionally run against one another , after a long lapse of years , transpired at Grand Mark Lodge last Tuesday evening . Tsventy years ago an ollicer in the army advanced a journalist
to the honourable Degree of M . M . M . in a lodge in thc North of England , long ago extinct , and from that day up till the present sveek the brethren in question had not met . During the past score years each had played an active part in the svork of Masonry in different parts of the svorld , and the " foregathering" svas in this svise .
I he soldier svas summoned to the dais of Grand Mark Lodge to receive the honours and insignia of a Grand Officer for the ensuing year . Grand Lodge closed , the journalist at once sought out his father in Mark
Masonry . It further transpired that the latter had actually signed the attendance book—both are Past Provincial Ollicers—consecutive to the long time debutante , svhose name had arrested his attention . Thus the recognition svas , in a practical measure , mutual .
Correspondence .
I We do not hold ourselves responsible for the opinions expressed b y our correspondents , but sve svish in a spirit of fair play tu all to permit—within certain necessary limits—free discussion . ]
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR GIRLS . To the Editor of the " Freemason . " Dear Sir and Brother ,
I notice in your report of the election of members of the House Committee of the Girls' School , on the 27 th ult ., you did not give the number of votes polled for each candidate . I think many of your readers svould like to see the figures , unless there is any objection to their publication . —Yours fraternally ,
LIFE GOVERNOR . [ As the meeting only took place at the moment of our going to press , sve had time for a brief report only , but we now give thc figures asked for . —ED . F .. U . J Bros . Sir J . B . Monckton , 490 ; Robert Grey , 4 8 9 ; Thomas Fenn , 487 * , Ed . Lctchsvorth , 481 ; C .
Hammerton , 481 ; rratik Richardson , 478 ; James Moon , 477 ; Peter de Lande Long , 47-3 ; 11 . A . Hunt , 472 ; J . H . Matthesvs , 471 ; Alderman Sir Joseph Savory , Bart ., 459 ; Ralph Glutton , 458 ; Richard Eve , 112 ; George Everett , 104 ; and VV . A . Scurrah , 85 .
ROYAL MASONIC BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION . To the Editor of thc "Freemason . " Dear Sir and Brother , Permit me to call your attention to the report ofthe animal meeting of the Royal Masonic Benevolent
Institution , held on the 20 th ult ., in svhich you slate that my amendment to the motion of Bro . Perceval svas put to the vole and lust by 17 to y . It svas just the reverse , othersvise it svould not have stood over for consideration at the annual meeting , svhen I regret the motion was not allosved to be discussed and disposed
of . As it is , the motion nosv stands for consideration at the meeting of the Committee of Management on the Sth inst ., svhen I trust a decision may be arrived at svithout in any svay affecting the well-being of the Institution . —Allosv me to remain , dear Sir and Brother , yours faithfully and fraternally , CHAS . DANIEL , June 1 st . P . M . and t' . Z . 65 .