Article Masonic Notes and Queries. Page 1 of 1 Article Craft Masonry. Page 1 of 1 Article Craft Masonry. Page 1 of 1 Article Craft Masonry. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL MEETINGS. Page 1 of 1
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Masonic Notes And Queries.
Masonic Notes and Queries .
936 ] LES FREEMASSON'S PLATE FROM PICART'S "CEREMONIES . " The large plate in this svork of A . D . 1736 is svell knosvn to the Masonic student . It represents in the foreground the Worshipful Master , his Wardens , and brethren , all in the costume of the early part of last
century ; beyond them stretches a table in the shape of a square , and behind this table rises a high-panelled svainscoting . This panel is divided into 129 smaller squares , on each of svhich appears a number , the copy of a tavern sign , and the name of the tavern in question . Oh the cornice in the centre sve have the coat-of-arms of Lord Weymouth , and immediately belosv this a
medallion likeness of Sir Richard Steele . The panel is , in fact , an artistically arranged version of Pine's " Engraved List of Lodges for 1 735 . " The plate is valuable as shosving us the Masonic costume of the period , and curious as suggesting that Sir Richard Steele must have been a Freemason . It is , indeed , our only evidence on that point , as , although many
expressions in his writings might be held to confirm such a view , we have no records in lodge minutes or members' lists that such svas the case . Picart ' s " Ceremonies" svas published in many editions at various times and places , and in more than one language , and I believe all of them originally contained the plate in eiuestion , although the book is oftener svithout it , some
Masonic collector having evidently taken it out . In many of the later editions the plate is reversed , and the numbers of the lodges run from right to left , instead of from left to right . At the same time some inaccuracies in the spelling of English names has'e been corrected . But , on the other hand , in one of these reversed copies ( owned by our lodge ) Sir Richard is entitled "Richcard " —a blunder not made in the first edition . All those I
have seen are of the same size—16 inches by 12 inches —exclusive of the margin , but the plate in any addition is becoming somesvhat scarce , and the last one I sasv advertised , of a later and reversed edition , was quoted at 25 s . Bro . T . W . Embleton , of the " Cedars , " Methley , Leeds , held till he lately presented it to the library of the Province of West Yorks an original
edition of Picart , with a very line specimen of the plate , and he has deserved well of all students by issuing a s-ery fine and well-executed facsimile of the plate in question , with a handsome margin all round of five inches , which , if nicely framed , would be a desirable addition to any lodge room or Masonic library . We
fear , however , he has made a mistake in confining the prints to such a very small number , and svould-be purchasers must be disappointed . The price—5 s . —brings it svell svithin the reach of the humble student . Copies may be procured direct from Bro . Embleton or from Bro . G . W . Speth . G . W . SPETH .
Craft Masonry.
Craft Masonry .
RgP 0 KP ^ jE ^^^ 3
METROPOLITAN MEETINGS . Polish National Lodge ( No . 534 ) . —The installation meeting of this lodge svas held at Freemasons ' Hall on Thursday , the 12 th ult ., svhen Bro . E . Edward Geflowski svas installed VV . M . for the ensuing scar . Bro . Dr . Corrie Jackson , P . M ., svas the Installing Master , and
performed the ceremony in a most impressive : manner . Among the visitors present svere Bros , thu Rev . Offord , M . M . Bhasvnaggree , CLE ., P . M ., Arnold Birch , Thomas , Moody , Segc-rt , and many others . After tho lodge svas closed , the brethren adjourned tn Freemasons' Tavern , svhere a most enjoyable evening svas spent .
St . Mark's College Lodge ( No . 2157 ) . — A regular meeting of this successful lodge svas held at the Holborn Restaurant , W . C ., on Friday , the Joth ult ., svhen - there svere present Bros . John Tidmarsh , VV . M . ; VV . Goulden , S . VV . ; A . Preece Lye , J . W . ; Rev . J . H . Smith , P . M ., P . P . G . C . Leicestershire and Rutland , Treas . ; lohn Stanton , Sec ; Rev . C . J . Smith , Chap . ; J . R .
Phillips , S . D . ; R . IL Catling , J . D . ; G . H . Heathcote , I . G . ; L . II . Walker , Org . ; W . T . Thompson , Stesvard ; W . Whiteman , Tyler ; J . Easterbrook , P . M . ; J . O'Connell , P . M ., P . P . G . O . Surrey ; E . VV . Cox , R . H . Elkin , T . Gunning , H . Kinsey , J . Parry , T . Simpson , and A . Williams . Visitors : Bros . E . G . Feild , VV . M . 1362 ; C . Mead , S . W . 3 S 2 ; and T . K . Pearce , 1362 .
The lodge svas opened , and the minutes of the last regular meeting svere read and confirmed . The svork for the evening consisted of raising Bro . Hamlet Kinsey to the Sublime Degree . This svas done by the VV . M . and his ollicers in a highly efficient manner , the VV . M . giving the traditional history , and the S . W . presenting thc working tools , after svhich tsvo candidates svere proposed for initiation .
After " Hearty good svishes had been tendered by the visiting brethren , the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to the bane ] uet room , svhere an admirably arranged menu had been prepared . " Non nobis Domine " svas sung as the grace after meat , and svas rendered in good old St . Mark's style .
The usual loyal toasts svere submitted from the chair , and sverc duly honoured . "The Health of the W . M . " svas proposed in a very complimentary manner by Bro . Rev . J . II . Smith , the "father of the lodge . " He referred to the great interest Bro . Tidmarsh had taken in the founding of the lodge , and
Craft Masonry.
from the manner in svhich he had performed his duties in the various offices the brethren svere led to expect great things from him svhen he reached the chair . Nor had they been disappointed , for both in the lodge and at the banquet table their Worshipful Master's conduct had been beyond reproach . Their lodge svas nosv firmly established , and it svas a matter for mutual congratulation that they had been able this year to support their W . M . in his Stesvardship of
one of the Charities . Under the genial rule of their W . M . they had spent a very happy year and , nosv that his term of office svas drasvintr to a close , the Past Masters svould svelcome his accession to their ranks , and they and all the brethren trusted that Bro . Tidmarsh would long be spared to take his place amongst them . The toast was very heartily received . The Worshipful Master , in responding , said the
Mastership of a lodge svas a position svhich any Mason svould naturally and justifiably be proud of having attained . But , from the character of its constitution , there svere special reasons for pride and gratification in being Master of the St . Mark ' s College Lodge . Personally , he svas exceedingly proud of that position , and that feeling svas increased svhen he found that he svas performing his duties to the satisfaction of the distinguished brethren svho had preceded him as
svell as to the members generally . He thanked them most sincerely for the handsome manner jn svhich the toast of his health had been proposed and ' received , and joined them in hoping that he might long continue amongst them to svitness a continuance ' of the harmony and hearty good fellosvship at present existing in their lodge . ln svelcoming "The Visitors , " the VVorshipfuI Master svas clad to say that in neither case svas there any
necessity for an introduction , for they had all visited the lodge before . He , therefore , considered their presence that evening as a great compliment , and- one svhich he trusted svould be repeated . Bro . E . G . Field , W . M . 13 G 2 , thanked the brethren for their hearty svelcome . As their W . M . had said , that svas not his first appearance amongst them . He had very pleasant recollections of a former visit , svhen he met with a
very cordial reception , and much admired the svork he sasv performed in the lodge , and the true fraternal spirit that existed amongst the members . The favourable impression then made had been confirmed , and , indeed , enhanced on the present occasion . He could assure them it svas not as a " matter of form " that he complimented them on the excellence of their svorking . He could only characterise it as the acme of perfection . He should like to say a special
svord of praise on the manner in svhich the minutes were kept . He had never heard any that svere so comprehensive and that gave so strong an evidence of a lodge having a painstaking Secretary . They reminded him of the minutes of some of the old lodges that have afforded so much help to the compilers of Masonic histories . Bros . Mead and Pearce also responded .
The toast of " The Past Masters " follosved . After referring to them as a body of svhich any lodge might be proud , and acknosvledging the support he had received from them , the W . M . said he svas sure the brethren would like to hear their voices in lodge once more . As tsvo initiates svere coming forsvard next time , he intended so distributing the svork that the Past Masters should all have a share
in it-After the toast of "The Officers" had been duly honoured , and responded to by Bros . Stanton , Secretary ; Walker , Organist ; and Heathcote , LG ., the Tyler's toast brought a most successful meeting to a close . During the evening the lodge , under Bro . Walker's direction , maintained its reputation as a musical lodge by rendering several glees and part songs in admirable style . Songs svere also contributed by Bros . Heathcote , Feild , Smith , and Williams , and Bro . Pearce gave tsvo recitations .
London Scottish Rifles Lodge ( No . 2 . 510 ) . —A regular meeting of this successful lodge svas held at the Criterion Restaurant , Piccadilly , VV ., on the 19 th ult ., svhen Bro . J . T . Norman Callasvay svas installed as VV . M . in the presence of numerous brethren , including many members of Metropolitan Volunteer Corps . The lodge svas opened by Bro . Capt . W . H . Glynn Smith , VV . M ., supported by Bros . Col . II . Lumsden , I . P . M . ;
J . T . Norman Callasvay , S . W . ; S . A . Hardiman , J . VV . ; VV . H . Pardoe , M . D ., Secretary ; E . I . Husey , Treasurer ; J . J . Mackay , S . D . ; S . F . Macksvay , J . D . ; R . B . Fosvler , D . C ; J . A . Braik , I . G . ; W . Y . Carlin , Stsvd . ; J . Hepburn Hastie , P . M . ; Stanley J . Attenborough , P . M . ; J . A . Watkins , C J . Downer , J . Anderson , J . McKinlay , R . Grant , and A . Hourling . Visitors : Bros . E . Letchsvorth , G . Sec . ; P . A . Nairne ,
G . D . ; H . H . Nuding , P . M . 1902 ; VV . Stanley , 63 ; J , Lancaster , P . M ., Sec . 534 : E . Watkins , Treas . 15 S 5 ; J . G . Carson , VV . M . 1 O 91 ; G . M . Wilson , P . P . G . S . Wilts ; W . T . Warner , S . W . 1297 ; W . Dasvson , P . M . 122 S ; E . Marquet , 1107 ; VV . Collings , 2014 ; E . E . Posv , A . D . C . 1901 ; F . L . Smith , Org . 2272 ; R . A . Marshall , 121 G ; Major G . H . Nesvington Bridges , P . M . 121 C ; C . Sims , 1210 ; VV . T . Taylor , 159 S ; E . Tilling ,
121 C ; E . Scantlebury , 913 ; J . M . McLeod , Sec . R . M . I , for Boys ; Col . Villiers , VV . W . Lee , S . W . 23 S 1 ; and others . The minutes having been confirmed , Bro . C . J . Dosvner was raised to the Third Degree by the VV . M ., svho then proceeded to install Bro . J . T . Norman Callasvay as W . M ., and rendered the ceremony in a very excellent and impressive manner . The follosving officers svere appointed : Bros .
Capt . W . H . Glynn Smith , P . M ., I . P . M . ; S . A . Hardiman , S . VV . ; J . J . Mackay , J . W . ; Ernest I . Husey , Treas . ; W . II . Pardoe , AI . D ., Sec ; S . F . Afacktvay , S . D . ; J . Alexander Braik , J . D . ; R . B . Eosvler , I . G . ; Col . VV . E . Nicol , D . C . j R . Grant , A . D . C ; Capt . Grab im Gordon , Org . j VV . Y . Carlin and James Gosv , Stwds . j and VV . Robertson , T y ler . A Past Master ' s jesvel svas presented by the nesvly-installed VV . M . to Bro . Capt . Glynn Smith
I . P . M ., in recognition ot his services during the past year , and the gift svas suitably acknosvledged . Several propositions svere received , and the lodge svas closed . An excellent banquet svas then enjoyed , the menu , as usual on these occasions , including the favourite dish of " haggis , " svhich svas ushered in to the strains of the
bagpipes . After dessert the customary toasts svere given and received svith enthusiasm . Bro . E . Letchsvorth , G . Sec , replying for " The Grand Officers , Presentand Past , " tendered the warmest thanks of that body for the compliment paid in the proposition and reception of the toast . The W . M . had alluded in most
Craft Masonry.
feeling terms to the great loss Masonry had sustained by the death of their dear friend , Bro . Col . Shadsvell H . Clerke . He could not claim to possess either the knosvledge , ability , or experience of their late brother , but this he could say ~ that he svas animated b y no less a desire to discharge his duty to the best of his ability , and advance by every means in his posver the interests' of their important Order . He
could not sit dosvn svithout expressing his extreme gratification at being present , through the kindness of Bro . Colonel Lumsden , and making the acquaintance of that distinguished lodge . He felt sure svhen he entered the lodge the svork svould be thoroughly well done , and he had not been disappointed . Everything svas done as it should be , svith regularity and precision , and svhile that svas the case the
lodge svould continue to * occupy a high position in the Craft . Bro . P . A . Nairne , G . D ., also responded , and said he had knosvn the W . M . for many years , and svas sure that under such a Master the lodge svould flourish . Bro . Capt . Glynn Smith , I . P . M ., in proposing "The W . M ., " said most of the members svere asvare of Bro .
Norman Callasvay ' s services in the past for the benefit of that lodge , but for the benefit of the numerous visitors he svould like to say that the present Worshipful Master svas their first Secretary , and that it svas chiefly through his hard svork and tact that the lodge svas got into svorking order . Since then Bro . Callasvay had performed the duties of Warden svith zeal and ability , and that night
he had been installed into the highest honour it svas in their posver to bestosv . Not only wastheir W . M . nosv presiding in the Craft , but he also occupied chairs in three other branches of Masonry . Bro . J . T . Norman Callasvay , W . M ., said he had been so much interested in the Highland reel just danced by four brethren present , that hehad forgotten the duty of thanking the I . P . M . and brethren for the kind manner in svhich his
health had been proposed and received . It svas one of the proudest moments of his life to have attained the chair in the Craft . During the years he had been a Mason it svas a position he had looked forsvard to attain some day , and nosv that he had attained it , it had taken him by surprise . By their kindness they had elected him and he felt unsvorthy to fill the post . He hoped that the example ol
his father in Masonry , Bro . Hastie , P . M ., and of Bro . Col . Lumsden and the I . P . M . svould induce him to do his best to follosv in their footsteps . He svas initiated into Fresmasonry by Bro . Hastie in a lodge svhich had some happy traditions indeed , and the impressions he gained never had and he trusted never svould be dispelled . The svorking of Bro . Hastie so impressed him that he should endeavour
during his year of office to follosv upon his lines , and he hoped that at the expiration of that time they svould consider he had acquitted himself svith as much satisfaction to himself and credit to the lodge as he knesv the Past Masters had . During the past year , osving to illness , his voice had not been strong , but he hoped to have health and strength to carry out the svork , and he hoped the members
svould supply plenty of it . They knesv by the number of years he had been in the regiment—23 years—that he had always been a hard svorker , and in that lodge he should carry out the same idea if they would give him opportunities of demonstrating that he could do something in Masonry as svell as in drill . Theirs was a young lodge , and there svas room for nesv members , and he hoped they
svould raise their numbers to 40 or possibly half a century . Up to the present they had had excellent gentlemen joining as initiates . He thanked the I . P . M . for the kind manner in svhich he had proposed the toast and for the far too eulogistic terms in svhich he had referred to him . The VVorshipfuI Master next gave "The I . P . M ., " and referred to Bro . Capt . Glynn Smith , I . P . M ., as a thorough
good Mason and a good officer of the regiment . During the past year the I . P . M . had endeared himself tothem . and had distinguished himself by the able manner in svhich he had carried out his duties . In Masonry as svell as in thc regiment , all svho knew the I . P . M . appreciated him in the fullest sense of the svord . Bro . Capt . Glynn Smith , I . P . M ., in response , said he svas
very sorry to leave the chair of that lodge , for he had been svell supported by all the officers , and he thought the visitors svould say they had not seen better svorking officers . Bro . Major Nesvington Bridges , P . M ., replied for " 'I lie Visitors , " and said there svas no meeting he looked forsvard to svith more pleasure than this . He svas present at thc consecration , and made a forecast that in a fesv years the
lodge svould attain a considerable amount of success in thc Craft , and that prediction svas nosv fulfilled . The svork ivas alsvays performed svith a great deal of accuracy and precision , and their military drill had had something to do svith that result . He congratulated thc lodge on its Master , for Bro . Callasvay svas initiated in a lodge of svhich he svas thc father .
Bro . Carson having responded , Bro . Col . Villiers referred to the brotherly and fraternal feeling existing betsveen the ist Surrey and the London Scottish Regiments . The lodges svhich had sprung up helped the Volunteer Regiments and he had generally found that a good volunteer svould make a good Mason , and a good Mason svould make a good soldier . Their interests
svere identical and one svould help the other . , Bro . J . M . McLeod , Secretary R . M . L for Boys , on beliill of " The Masonic Charities , " made an eloquent api > e ] for support for the Institutions in general and the Hoys School in particular . , Other toasts follosved , and the proceedings terminated svith " Auld lang syne . "
Provincial Meetings.
BRADFORD . Acacia Lodge ( No . 2321 ) . — The . _ regular monthly meeting of this lodge was beld on Thursday ' the 12 th ult ., at the Masonic Hall , Darley-street , v ' - ** Bro . E . Pearson Peterson , VV . M ., svas supported by uros . S . A . Auty , I . P . M . j John Niven , S . W . ; John T . La * J . W . ; Chas . H . Ellis , Treas . ; [ as . B . Fearnley , Sec .,
John Morton , as S . D . ; John Thornton , as J . D . J ' Hird , as I . G . j Goodman Root , Tyler j Alfred Step hens < P . M ., P . P . G . D . C , D . C ; Thos . Wainman Holmes , F-i- ' v P . P . G . O ., Org . j S . A . Bailey , P . M ., Chap . j J . T . Wilson , P . M ., P . P . G . Std . Br . j A . E . Harris , M'vd .-Isaac Hirst , J . Armitage Drake , and John W . oW ' Visitors . * Bros . F . VV . Reuss , P . M . 2 o 3 ; W . A . O . SutclH | 5 ' 97 j II . J . Marten , Sec . 302 j W . B . Sesvell , X , \\ . Rhodes , 101 S ; R . Wilson , 1303 ; A . Buttersvorth , ' *'
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Notes And Queries.
Masonic Notes and Queries .
936 ] LES FREEMASSON'S PLATE FROM PICART'S "CEREMONIES . " The large plate in this svork of A . D . 1736 is svell knosvn to the Masonic student . It represents in the foreground the Worshipful Master , his Wardens , and brethren , all in the costume of the early part of last
century ; beyond them stretches a table in the shape of a square , and behind this table rises a high-panelled svainscoting . This panel is divided into 129 smaller squares , on each of svhich appears a number , the copy of a tavern sign , and the name of the tavern in question . Oh the cornice in the centre sve have the coat-of-arms of Lord Weymouth , and immediately belosv this a
medallion likeness of Sir Richard Steele . The panel is , in fact , an artistically arranged version of Pine's " Engraved List of Lodges for 1 735 . " The plate is valuable as shosving us the Masonic costume of the period , and curious as suggesting that Sir Richard Steele must have been a Freemason . It is , indeed , our only evidence on that point , as , although many
expressions in his writings might be held to confirm such a view , we have no records in lodge minutes or members' lists that such svas the case . Picart ' s " Ceremonies" svas published in many editions at various times and places , and in more than one language , and I believe all of them originally contained the plate in eiuestion , although the book is oftener svithout it , some
Masonic collector having evidently taken it out . In many of the later editions the plate is reversed , and the numbers of the lodges run from right to left , instead of from left to right . At the same time some inaccuracies in the spelling of English names has'e been corrected . But , on the other hand , in one of these reversed copies ( owned by our lodge ) Sir Richard is entitled "Richcard " —a blunder not made in the first edition . All those I
have seen are of the same size—16 inches by 12 inches —exclusive of the margin , but the plate in any addition is becoming somesvhat scarce , and the last one I sasv advertised , of a later and reversed edition , was quoted at 25 s . Bro . T . W . Embleton , of the " Cedars , " Methley , Leeds , held till he lately presented it to the library of the Province of West Yorks an original
edition of Picart , with a very line specimen of the plate , and he has deserved well of all students by issuing a s-ery fine and well-executed facsimile of the plate in question , with a handsome margin all round of five inches , which , if nicely framed , would be a desirable addition to any lodge room or Masonic library . We
fear , however , he has made a mistake in confining the prints to such a very small number , and svould-be purchasers must be disappointed . The price—5 s . —brings it svell svithin the reach of the humble student . Copies may be procured direct from Bro . Embleton or from Bro . G . W . Speth . G . W . SPETH .
Craft Masonry.
Craft Masonry .
RgP 0 KP ^ jE ^^^ 3
METROPOLITAN MEETINGS . Polish National Lodge ( No . 534 ) . —The installation meeting of this lodge svas held at Freemasons ' Hall on Thursday , the 12 th ult ., svhen Bro . E . Edward Geflowski svas installed VV . M . for the ensuing scar . Bro . Dr . Corrie Jackson , P . M ., svas the Installing Master , and
performed the ceremony in a most impressive : manner . Among the visitors present svere Bros , thu Rev . Offord , M . M . Bhasvnaggree , CLE ., P . M ., Arnold Birch , Thomas , Moody , Segc-rt , and many others . After tho lodge svas closed , the brethren adjourned tn Freemasons' Tavern , svhere a most enjoyable evening svas spent .
St . Mark's College Lodge ( No . 2157 ) . — A regular meeting of this successful lodge svas held at the Holborn Restaurant , W . C ., on Friday , the Joth ult ., svhen - there svere present Bros . John Tidmarsh , VV . M . ; VV . Goulden , S . VV . ; A . Preece Lye , J . W . ; Rev . J . H . Smith , P . M ., P . P . G . C . Leicestershire and Rutland , Treas . ; lohn Stanton , Sec ; Rev . C . J . Smith , Chap . ; J . R .
Phillips , S . D . ; R . IL Catling , J . D . ; G . H . Heathcote , I . G . ; L . II . Walker , Org . ; W . T . Thompson , Stesvard ; W . Whiteman , Tyler ; J . Easterbrook , P . M . ; J . O'Connell , P . M ., P . P . G . O . Surrey ; E . VV . Cox , R . H . Elkin , T . Gunning , H . Kinsey , J . Parry , T . Simpson , and A . Williams . Visitors : Bros . E . G . Feild , VV . M . 1362 ; C . Mead , S . W . 3 S 2 ; and T . K . Pearce , 1362 .
The lodge svas opened , and the minutes of the last regular meeting svere read and confirmed . The svork for the evening consisted of raising Bro . Hamlet Kinsey to the Sublime Degree . This svas done by the VV . M . and his ollicers in a highly efficient manner , the VV . M . giving the traditional history , and the S . W . presenting thc working tools , after svhich tsvo candidates svere proposed for initiation .
After " Hearty good svishes had been tendered by the visiting brethren , the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to the bane ] uet room , svhere an admirably arranged menu had been prepared . " Non nobis Domine " svas sung as the grace after meat , and svas rendered in good old St . Mark's style .
The usual loyal toasts svere submitted from the chair , and sverc duly honoured . "The Health of the W . M . " svas proposed in a very complimentary manner by Bro . Rev . J . II . Smith , the "father of the lodge . " He referred to the great interest Bro . Tidmarsh had taken in the founding of the lodge , and
Craft Masonry.
from the manner in svhich he had performed his duties in the various offices the brethren svere led to expect great things from him svhen he reached the chair . Nor had they been disappointed , for both in the lodge and at the banquet table their Worshipful Master's conduct had been beyond reproach . Their lodge svas nosv firmly established , and it svas a matter for mutual congratulation that they had been able this year to support their W . M . in his Stesvardship of
one of the Charities . Under the genial rule of their W . M . they had spent a very happy year and , nosv that his term of office svas drasvintr to a close , the Past Masters svould svelcome his accession to their ranks , and they and all the brethren trusted that Bro . Tidmarsh would long be spared to take his place amongst them . The toast was very heartily received . The Worshipful Master , in responding , said the
Mastership of a lodge svas a position svhich any Mason svould naturally and justifiably be proud of having attained . But , from the character of its constitution , there svere special reasons for pride and gratification in being Master of the St . Mark ' s College Lodge . Personally , he svas exceedingly proud of that position , and that feeling svas increased svhen he found that he svas performing his duties to the satisfaction of the distinguished brethren svho had preceded him as
svell as to the members generally . He thanked them most sincerely for the handsome manner jn svhich the toast of his health had been proposed and ' received , and joined them in hoping that he might long continue amongst them to svitness a continuance ' of the harmony and hearty good fellosvship at present existing in their lodge . ln svelcoming "The Visitors , " the VVorshipfuI Master svas clad to say that in neither case svas there any
necessity for an introduction , for they had all visited the lodge before . He , therefore , considered their presence that evening as a great compliment , and- one svhich he trusted svould be repeated . Bro . E . G . Field , W . M . 13 G 2 , thanked the brethren for their hearty svelcome . As their W . M . had said , that svas not his first appearance amongst them . He had very pleasant recollections of a former visit , svhen he met with a
very cordial reception , and much admired the svork he sasv performed in the lodge , and the true fraternal spirit that existed amongst the members . The favourable impression then made had been confirmed , and , indeed , enhanced on the present occasion . He could assure them it svas not as a " matter of form " that he complimented them on the excellence of their svorking . He could only characterise it as the acme of perfection . He should like to say a special
svord of praise on the manner in svhich the minutes were kept . He had never heard any that svere so comprehensive and that gave so strong an evidence of a lodge having a painstaking Secretary . They reminded him of the minutes of some of the old lodges that have afforded so much help to the compilers of Masonic histories . Bros . Mead and Pearce also responded .
The toast of " The Past Masters " follosved . After referring to them as a body of svhich any lodge might be proud , and acknosvledging the support he had received from them , the W . M . said he svas sure the brethren would like to hear their voices in lodge once more . As tsvo initiates svere coming forsvard next time , he intended so distributing the svork that the Past Masters should all have a share
in it-After the toast of "The Officers" had been duly honoured , and responded to by Bros . Stanton , Secretary ; Walker , Organist ; and Heathcote , LG ., the Tyler's toast brought a most successful meeting to a close . During the evening the lodge , under Bro . Walker's direction , maintained its reputation as a musical lodge by rendering several glees and part songs in admirable style . Songs svere also contributed by Bros . Heathcote , Feild , Smith , and Williams , and Bro . Pearce gave tsvo recitations .
London Scottish Rifles Lodge ( No . 2 . 510 ) . —A regular meeting of this successful lodge svas held at the Criterion Restaurant , Piccadilly , VV ., on the 19 th ult ., svhen Bro . J . T . Norman Callasvay svas installed as VV . M . in the presence of numerous brethren , including many members of Metropolitan Volunteer Corps . The lodge svas opened by Bro . Capt . W . H . Glynn Smith , VV . M ., supported by Bros . Col . II . Lumsden , I . P . M . ;
J . T . Norman Callasvay , S . W . ; S . A . Hardiman , J . VV . ; VV . H . Pardoe , M . D ., Secretary ; E . I . Husey , Treasurer ; J . J . Mackay , S . D . ; S . F . Macksvay , J . D . ; R . B . Fosvler , D . C ; J . A . Braik , I . G . ; W . Y . Carlin , Stsvd . ; J . Hepburn Hastie , P . M . ; Stanley J . Attenborough , P . M . ; J . A . Watkins , C J . Downer , J . Anderson , J . McKinlay , R . Grant , and A . Hourling . Visitors : Bros . E . Letchsvorth , G . Sec . ; P . A . Nairne ,
G . D . ; H . H . Nuding , P . M . 1902 ; VV . Stanley , 63 ; J , Lancaster , P . M ., Sec . 534 : E . Watkins , Treas . 15 S 5 ; J . G . Carson , VV . M . 1 O 91 ; G . M . Wilson , P . P . G . S . Wilts ; W . T . Warner , S . W . 1297 ; W . Dasvson , P . M . 122 S ; E . Marquet , 1107 ; VV . Collings , 2014 ; E . E . Posv , A . D . C . 1901 ; F . L . Smith , Org . 2272 ; R . A . Marshall , 121 G ; Major G . H . Nesvington Bridges , P . M . 121 C ; C . Sims , 1210 ; VV . T . Taylor , 159 S ; E . Tilling ,
121 C ; E . Scantlebury , 913 ; J . M . McLeod , Sec . R . M . I , for Boys ; Col . Villiers , VV . W . Lee , S . W . 23 S 1 ; and others . The minutes having been confirmed , Bro . C . J . Dosvner was raised to the Third Degree by the VV . M ., svho then proceeded to install Bro . J . T . Norman Callasvay as W . M ., and rendered the ceremony in a very excellent and impressive manner . The follosving officers svere appointed : Bros .
Capt . W . H . Glynn Smith , P . M ., I . P . M . ; S . A . Hardiman , S . VV . ; J . J . Mackay , J . W . ; Ernest I . Husey , Treas . ; W . II . Pardoe , AI . D ., Sec ; S . F . Afacktvay , S . D . ; J . Alexander Braik , J . D . ; R . B . Eosvler , I . G . ; Col . VV . E . Nicol , D . C . j R . Grant , A . D . C ; Capt . Grab im Gordon , Org . j VV . Y . Carlin and James Gosv , Stwds . j and VV . Robertson , T y ler . A Past Master ' s jesvel svas presented by the nesvly-installed VV . M . to Bro . Capt . Glynn Smith
I . P . M ., in recognition ot his services during the past year , and the gift svas suitably acknosvledged . Several propositions svere received , and the lodge svas closed . An excellent banquet svas then enjoyed , the menu , as usual on these occasions , including the favourite dish of " haggis , " svhich svas ushered in to the strains of the
bagpipes . After dessert the customary toasts svere given and received svith enthusiasm . Bro . E . Letchsvorth , G . Sec , replying for " The Grand Officers , Presentand Past , " tendered the warmest thanks of that body for the compliment paid in the proposition and reception of the toast . The W . M . had alluded in most
Craft Masonry.
feeling terms to the great loss Masonry had sustained by the death of their dear friend , Bro . Col . Shadsvell H . Clerke . He could not claim to possess either the knosvledge , ability , or experience of their late brother , but this he could say ~ that he svas animated b y no less a desire to discharge his duty to the best of his ability , and advance by every means in his posver the interests' of their important Order . He
could not sit dosvn svithout expressing his extreme gratification at being present , through the kindness of Bro . Colonel Lumsden , and making the acquaintance of that distinguished lodge . He felt sure svhen he entered the lodge the svork svould be thoroughly well done , and he had not been disappointed . Everything svas done as it should be , svith regularity and precision , and svhile that svas the case the
lodge svould continue to * occupy a high position in the Craft . Bro . P . A . Nairne , G . D ., also responded , and said he had knosvn the W . M . for many years , and svas sure that under such a Master the lodge svould flourish . Bro . Capt . Glynn Smith , I . P . M ., in proposing "The W . M ., " said most of the members svere asvare of Bro .
Norman Callasvay ' s services in the past for the benefit of that lodge , but for the benefit of the numerous visitors he svould like to say that the present Worshipful Master svas their first Secretary , and that it svas chiefly through his hard svork and tact that the lodge svas got into svorking order . Since then Bro . Callasvay had performed the duties of Warden svith zeal and ability , and that night
he had been installed into the highest honour it svas in their posver to bestosv . Not only wastheir W . M . nosv presiding in the Craft , but he also occupied chairs in three other branches of Masonry . Bro . J . T . Norman Callasvay , W . M ., said he had been so much interested in the Highland reel just danced by four brethren present , that hehad forgotten the duty of thanking the I . P . M . and brethren for the kind manner in svhich his
health had been proposed and received . It svas one of the proudest moments of his life to have attained the chair in the Craft . During the years he had been a Mason it svas a position he had looked forsvard to attain some day , and nosv that he had attained it , it had taken him by surprise . By their kindness they had elected him and he felt unsvorthy to fill the post . He hoped that the example ol
his father in Masonry , Bro . Hastie , P . M ., and of Bro . Col . Lumsden and the I . P . M . svould induce him to do his best to follosv in their footsteps . He svas initiated into Fresmasonry by Bro . Hastie in a lodge svhich had some happy traditions indeed , and the impressions he gained never had and he trusted never svould be dispelled . The svorking of Bro . Hastie so impressed him that he should endeavour
during his year of office to follosv upon his lines , and he hoped that at the expiration of that time they svould consider he had acquitted himself svith as much satisfaction to himself and credit to the lodge as he knesv the Past Masters had . During the past year , osving to illness , his voice had not been strong , but he hoped to have health and strength to carry out the svork , and he hoped the members
svould supply plenty of it . They knesv by the number of years he had been in the regiment—23 years—that he had always been a hard svorker , and in that lodge he should carry out the same idea if they would give him opportunities of demonstrating that he could do something in Masonry as svell as in drill . Theirs was a young lodge , and there svas room for nesv members , and he hoped they
svould raise their numbers to 40 or possibly half a century . Up to the present they had had excellent gentlemen joining as initiates . He thanked the I . P . M . for the kind manner in svhich he had proposed the toast and for the far too eulogistic terms in svhich he had referred to him . The VVorshipfuI Master next gave "The I . P . M ., " and referred to Bro . Capt . Glynn Smith , I . P . M ., as a thorough
good Mason and a good officer of the regiment . During the past year the I . P . M . had endeared himself tothem . and had distinguished himself by the able manner in svhich he had carried out his duties . In Masonry as svell as in thc regiment , all svho knew the I . P . M . appreciated him in the fullest sense of the svord . Bro . Capt . Glynn Smith , I . P . M ., in response , said he svas
very sorry to leave the chair of that lodge , for he had been svell supported by all the officers , and he thought the visitors svould say they had not seen better svorking officers . Bro . Major Nesvington Bridges , P . M ., replied for " 'I lie Visitors , " and said there svas no meeting he looked forsvard to svith more pleasure than this . He svas present at thc consecration , and made a forecast that in a fesv years the
lodge svould attain a considerable amount of success in thc Craft , and that prediction svas nosv fulfilled . The svork ivas alsvays performed svith a great deal of accuracy and precision , and their military drill had had something to do svith that result . He congratulated thc lodge on its Master , for Bro . Callasvay svas initiated in a lodge of svhich he svas thc father .
Bro . Carson having responded , Bro . Col . Villiers referred to the brotherly and fraternal feeling existing betsveen the ist Surrey and the London Scottish Regiments . The lodges svhich had sprung up helped the Volunteer Regiments and he had generally found that a good volunteer svould make a good Mason , and a good Mason svould make a good soldier . Their interests
svere identical and one svould help the other . , Bro . J . M . McLeod , Secretary R . M . L for Boys , on beliill of " The Masonic Charities , " made an eloquent api > e ] for support for the Institutions in general and the Hoys School in particular . , Other toasts follosved , and the proceedings terminated svith " Auld lang syne . "
Provincial Meetings.
BRADFORD . Acacia Lodge ( No . 2321 ) . — The . _ regular monthly meeting of this lodge was beld on Thursday ' the 12 th ult ., at the Masonic Hall , Darley-street , v ' - ** Bro . E . Pearson Peterson , VV . M ., svas supported by uros . S . A . Auty , I . P . M . j John Niven , S . W . ; John T . La * J . W . ; Chas . H . Ellis , Treas . ; [ as . B . Fearnley , Sec .,
John Morton , as S . D . ; John Thornton , as J . D . J ' Hird , as I . G . j Goodman Root , Tyler j Alfred Step hens < P . M ., P . P . G . D . C , D . C ; Thos . Wainman Holmes , F-i- ' v P . P . G . O ., Org . j S . A . Bailey , P . M ., Chap . j J . T . Wilson , P . M ., P . P . G . Std . Br . j A . E . Harris , M'vd .-Isaac Hirst , J . Armitage Drake , and John W . oW ' Visitors . * Bros . F . VV . Reuss , P . M . 2 o 3 ; W . A . O . SutclH | 5 ' 97 j II . J . Marten , Sec . 302 j W . B . Sesvell , X , \\ . Rhodes , 101 S ; R . Wilson , 1303 ; A . Buttersvorth , ' *'