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Inhn Virr , I . P-M ., H . F . Hartmann , Sec , Richard Revell , p . - Vl ., John Haley , S . W ., Wm . Small , S . D ., J . Lightfoot , Tvler , John Akam , and E . Schuman , all of 1034 ; J . Pelham Brosvne , P . M ., F . W . H . Durant , S . W ., S . Nutter , S " 0 ; ]• E- Russell , LG ., Joseph Fry , and J . W . Hainssvorth , all of 164 S . After the Iodge had been opened , the minutes of the previous meeting svere read and confirmed . The ballot svas
taken for Mr . C . Wood , a candidate for initiation , svhich resulted in his favour , and , being in attendance , he svas initiated by the W . M . Bro . Last , J . W ., explained the working tools , and Bro . Niven , S . VV ., delivered the charge . A resolution changing the date of meeting from the second to the first Thursday in the month svas unanimously passed , on the motion of Bro . Stephenson , P . P . G . D . C , the first
W . AL of the lodge . After " Hearty good svishes " from the numerous visitors , the lodge svas closed , and the brethren adjourned for refreshment . After the usual loyal and Masonic toasts had been duly honoured , Bro . Morton , S . D ., proposed the toast of "The Initiate . "
Bro . Wood suitably responded . The toast of "The Visiting Brethren " was proposed by the VV . AL , svho , on behalf of the lodge , gave the numerous sisitors a very hearty welcome . Bros . Butterivo th , W . M . 1034 ; F . W . Reuss , P . M . JOSJ and W . Pelham Brosvne , P . M . 164 S , responded , and , after complimenting the W . M . and the officers on the
satisfactory manner in svhich the ceremonies in the Iodge had been conducted , they expressed the pleasure it had afforded them to visit the lodge—many of them for the first time . Bro . Butterworth , W . M . 1034 , in felicitous terms , proposed the toast of "The VV . M . " Bro . Peterson , W . AL , in responding , svarmly thanked the brethren for the cordial manner in svhich the loast had been
received , and alluded to a remark once made to him by his friend , Bro . T . B . Whytehead , P . G . S . B ., of York , that there svas no test like a Masonic lodge for gauging a man ' s character ; if he had sveak points they svere soon brought out , and if he had abilities they svere speedily discovered and appreciated by the brethren . The members of a lodge svere very jealous of the dignity of the chair , and svhen any
brother received the appointment of W . M ., he took it svith this grave responsibility upon him , and felt the honour attached to it accordingly , and in order that the dignity of the chair might be upheld , the assistance and support of the Past Alasters and brethren to any Master who endeavoured to do his duty might always be relied upon . Eight months of his year of office had gone by , and he svas looking forsvard svith pleasure to vacate his office , but he could not
even nosv contemplate the end of his term svithout some anxiety as to whether he should be able to leave the chair as unsullied as he found it , and he thanked the brethren heartily for their kindly svishes and svarm support . The Tyler ' s toast concluded a most enjoyable and happy evening . Bros . Reuss , Durant , Hirst , Fearnley , Holmes , and Last contributed songs , recitations , and musical solos , svhich added much to the harmony of the meeting .
BURSLEM . St . Martin ' s Lodge ( No . 98 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this ancient lodge svas held at the Municipal Buildings on Thursday , the 19 th ult ., svhen Bro . John Mason , W . M ., svas supported by the follosving : Bros . W . Garner , l . P . AI . ; j . Scarratt , S . W . j A . Boulton , J . W . j Rev . L . C A . Edgesvorth , ALA ., LL . D ., Chap . ; R . Dain , P . AL , P . P . A . G . D . C , Treas . ; T . K .
Peelley , P . M ., P . P . G . S . of W ., Sec . ; ] . Beech , S . D . j R . Wilkinson , J . D . j R . Osven , I . G . j F . Weston , P . AL , P . P . G . S . B ., D . C ; I . B . Davis , Org ; H . W . Critchlosv , Stesvard ; J . Boardman , Tyler ; J . Godsvin , P . AL , P . G . S . B . ; E . Pearson , P . AL ; VV . Brickel , P . AI . 54 G ; J . Berriford , W . H . Emery , \ . Roden , VV . S . Kcllern , W . Bentley , S . Pointon , and I . Minshull . Visitors : Bros . W .
H . Hosvson , W . AL 20 G 4 ; J . White , W . M . 2214 ; R . looth , P . M . 2214 , P . P . G . S . B . ; G . Wilks , S . VV . 20 G 4 ; S . G . Torr , 20 G 4 ; and Boughey , Org . 54 G . The Iodge being opened , and the minutes of the previous meeting read and confirmed , Bro . J . Alinshull svas passed by the VV . AL , the svorking tools being explained and the charge given by the S . VV ., Bro . J . Scarratt , in a very able manner , and the svork of all the officers svas carried nut in
a highly creditable style . Apologies were received from several absent brethren . After the usual greetings thc lodge svas closed , and the brethren adjourned for refreshment , after svhich the usual toasts were briefly but efficiently disposed of , Bros . Tooth , White , Hosvson , Wilks , Torr , and Boughey replying for I he Health of the Visitors , " and the brethren dispersed after having had a pleasant evening .
CANTERBURY . . United Industrious Lodge ( No . 31 ) . —A [? Se muster of brethren attended at the Alasonic Temple , jit . Peter ' s-street , on Tuesday , the 17 th ult ., to hear a lecture on " The Progress of Freemasonry during the past lye centuries" b y Bro . VV . J . Hughan , P . S . G . D . England , [ He syelbknoivn historian of the Craft . The chair svas taken . -..-n . wHi , matunau ui ure s-iau . lilGUldll svas eaitcil
h J the W . AL , Bro . the Rev . H . AL Alaugham , P . Prov . Jj" , V " P- Ke"t > and supported by the Worshipful Masters « the other Canterbury lodges , the VVorshipfuI Alaster of ¦ fi e ' jiaystone Lodge , Whitstable , and many other visitors . « monnrst those present svere Bros . G . VV . Speth , Sec . 207 G ; {• . Ward , P . P . G . W . Wilts , P . P . G . W . Kent ; J . E . Wiltwe , P . M ., P . P . G . Supt . of Wks . Kent ; Blamiers , P . M . ' 44 'J > P . P . G . Std . Br . j W . B . S . Saunders , P . AL 1915 , I ' M , ; , ? tvvd " l'lant > l ' - - ' - - - 0 c - E - LA-key , , ; ?••¦ P . P . G . D . ; Dr . Longhurst , P . P . G . Org . ; SI . "" gner , P . P . G . Std . Br .: T . Easton . VV . AI . nY , ¦ Inhn
• Ch ^ ' ^' . , ' <; ' ° P ' W'M' 'Wi 1 , ranC'S ' - " » unt , R . I-airbrother , F . Gierke , R . Wheeler , C Richardu ' . Py * 1 Desvhurst , S . Aloorcroft , K . Plume , D . Laing , "' " > al < e , E . Mills , A . J . Pilcher , | . Whichcord , S . Nesv-Va ? ' - ' - ¦ L - Gardener , J . Rennie , E . G . Walthesv , J . VV . Th 7 ' others ' hij ^ lecturer svas received svith much cordiality , and all fte leT 1 -stene ' 1 to with great interest . At the close of to him c " l" ' 5 re" , ren svere invited to put any questions Hurt' ) ' ch permission many availed themselves . Bro . ChaV ' rought with him copies of many of the Old m uch anc * ° t ' very interesting documents , which were P " oceeH PP ' Cciated ¦* , y t ' le brethren . At the close of the wings a very hearty vote of thanks svas accorded to
Bro . Hughan , svho svas also unanimously elected a hon . member of the lodge . The brethren felt deeply grateful for the great treat afforded to them , and many expressed a hope that at no distant date another lecture of the series might be given . Altogether a most enjoyable evening svas spent .
All the brethren , present being invited by the W . M ., in the name of the lodge , to adjourn to the Royal Fountain Hotel for light refreshments , svhere " The Health of the Lecturer" and "The Visitors" svere received svith great enthusiasm , information , instruction , and discussion svere then continued , and closed a very pleasant and agreeable evening .
CHINGFORD . William Shurmur Lodge ( No . 2374 ) . —A regular meeting of this munificent lodge svas held at the Royal Forest Hotel on Thursday , the 19 th ult ., svhen a large number of distinguished brethren were in attendance . The lodge svas opened by Bro . Wm . Shurmur , P . P . G . Treas ., LP . AL , and the minutesof the last regular meeting ,
and also of three emergency meetings , svere confirmed . The ballot svas taken for five candidates , viz .: Messrs . P . Barnett , J . Hopsvood , John Carey , VV . Schofield , and J . VV . Thurlosv , all of svhom svere elected unanimously , and the three present svere initiated . Tsvelve brethren svere passed to the Second Degree , and four raised to the Degree of M . M . Several propositions for initiation and joining
svere received . The vote of 400 guineas to the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution svas unanimously confirmed . " Hearty good wishes" having been expressed , 9 S brethren adjourned to the banqueting hall for refreshment , under the genial presidency of the VV . AL , Bro . D . P . Holness . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts svere given , and responded to with heartiness and enthusiasm . Bro . Joseph Wilson , P . M ., and representative of the
lodge at the Essex Charity Committee , reported that he had forsvarded to Bro . T . J . Railing , Prov . G . Sec , over 1300 votes , svhich included the 600 lodge votes and 240 from the J . W ., Bro . N . Fortescue , C . C . The musical arrangements were under the able and skilful management of Bro . Dr . Haskins , R . A ., Prov . G . Org ., assisted by Bros . Joseph Cutler , T . H . Lloyd , and S . J . Gray . Altogether a most enjoyable evening svas spent .
GRAYS . St . John ' s Lodge ( No . 1343 ) . —The installation meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Hall , King's Arms Hotel , on the iSth ultimo . There svas a large attendance , and amongst those present svere Bros . J . H . Potter , W . AL , in the chair ; M . T . Tuck , S . VV . ; VV . J . Godsvin , J . W . ; J . Hosvell , P . AL , P . G . S . B ., Treas . ; G .
R . Cobham , P . AL , Sec . ; F . S . Guy , S . D . ; C Cobham , P . M . 949 , P . P . G . S . of W . Durham , I . D . ; C . Westwood , I . G . j F . I . Wingrove , Org . ; F . VV . Pelling and G . VV . Forsdick , Stsvds . ; G . Alartin , Tyler ; VV . B . Heagerty , P . M ., P . P . G . Reg . ; R . Atkins , P . M . ; A . J . Baldock , Edsvard Ayres , VV . H . Scott , Dr . H . Harley , F . J . Clark , H . L . Coates , J . Weymouth , A . Dyson , T . Baldsvin , T . K .
Bohn , C . B . Chattey , J . Capstick , F . J . Dover , VVm . Robertson , and E . Reynolds . Visitors : Bros . B . Thomas , W . M . 1000 ; G . Pritchard , VV . AI . 9 ; R . Jennings , VV . AI . 1437 ; G . Alay , 771 ; E . Hobbs , 453 , - W . R . Skinner , Percy Lodge j J . Cook , S . W . 907 ; E . Gilbert , I . G . 173 ; J . Solomon , W . M . 77 ; J . C . Biggs , P . AL 77 ; W . Norton , 907 ; H . Hyde , 1227 ; Felix Bohers , 2066 j J . VV . Joyes ,
21 S 4 ; G . Burt , jun ., iS , P . P . J . G . W . Dorset j A . Clemosv , VV . M . 2205 , J . W . Elfick , 1259 j VV . E . Warren , 1536 j VV . AL Taylor , 1076 j G . Cunningham , 347 ; J . Taylor , 45 ; and others . The lodge havingbeen opened . and the niinutes confirmed , and the Auditors' report received and adopted , Bro . Alatthesv Thomas Tuck , S . VV ., W . M . elect , svas presented by Bro . Atkins , P . AL , acting as D . C , and svas duly
installed into the chair of Iv . S . The ofiicers for the ensuing year were then appointed and invested as follosvs Bros . W . | . Godsvin , S . W . j F . S . Guy , J . VV . ; J . Howell , P . AL , P . P . G . S . B ., Treas . ; Gen . R . Cobham , P . AL , Sec . j C . Cobham , P . AI . 9 J 9 , P . P . G . S . of W . Durham , S . D . j P . C Westwood , J . D . j F . VV . Pelling , LG . ; J . Wingrove , Org . j W . B . Heagerty , P . M ., P . P . G . R ., D . C . ; G . VV . Forsdick , T . K . Bohn , E . Ayres , and A . J . Baldock ,
Stsvds . j and G . Martin , Tyler . The W . AL then invested the retiring VV . M ., Bro . J . H . Potter , svith a handsome Past Alaster ' s jesvel , voted to him at the previous meeting . Four candidates for initiation having been proposed and seconded , and " Hearty good svishes" liaving been expressed by the visitors , the lodge svas closed .
After an excellent banquet the customary toasts svere given , the speeches being commendably brief in order to allosv the brethren to catch the last train for tosvn . The proceedings svere enlivened by the musical abilities of Bros . Pritchard , VV . AL y ; G , Alay , 771 , and of St . Paul ' s Cathedral ; and Taylor .
HAMPTON COURT . Bushey Park Lodge ( No . 2381 ) . —A regular meeting of this lodge svas held at the Greyhound Hotel on the - 'ist ult . Bro . G . R . Langley , VV . AL , svas supported by Bros . W . H . Lee , P . P . G . D ., I . P . M . ; VV . VV . Lee , S . W . j A . Blenkarn , J . VV . ; H . Hooper , P . AL . Sec . ; G . Castle , I . D . ; S . Latham , I . Galbraith , C . Fruen ,
P . M . ; A . Alayer , P . ALj and many others . Lodge svas opened , anel the minutes confirmed , and Alessrs . E . F . Williams and VV . J . Barton svere initiated . Bro . A . S . Bailey svas passed to the Second Degree , and Bros . H . J . Syrett and J . S . Sherwood svere raised to the Degree of AI . AL The election for VV . AL svas next
proceeded svith , and resulted unanimously in favour of Bro . W . W . Ue , S . W . liro . J . D . E . Tarr , P . P . G . D ., was re-elected Treasurer , and Bro . Mitchell re elected Tyler . A Past Alaster ' s jesvel svas voted to Bro . G . R . Langley , VV . AL , as a token of esteem , and in appreciation of eminent services rendered to the lodge . Lodge svas closed , and a pleasant evening svas spent under the presidency of the W . AL
LINCOLN . Ermine Lodge ( No . 2351 ) . —The installation meeting of this lodge svas held at the County Assembly Rooms , on the 24 th ult ., svhen there was a good attendance . The members present included Bros . Col . R . G . Ellison , VV . AL ,- the Hon . Victor A . Pelham , S . VV ., W . AI . elect ; E . A . Cousans , J . W . ; H . E . Cousans , P . P . G . W ., LP . AL ; Rev . T . Gregory , P . G . Chap ., Chaplain ; R . C . Carline , P . P . A . G . D . C ., Treas . j E . P . Dalton , Sec . j the Earl of
Yarborough ; F . L . Thornton j R . C Hallosves , P . M . 33 , D . C ; C . P . Kemp , I . G . ; E . Whitton , the Hon . H . C A . Pelham , H . C N . Allanby , H . Watson , VV . Scorer , VV . H . Sissons , P . A . G . D . C . j W . H . Smyth , P . G . M . j and others . Visitors : Bros . E . Letchsvorth , P . G . D ., G . Sec ; J . Fosvler , D . P . G . AI . ; P . Colville Smith , P . P . G . W . ; A . Dixon , P . M . 297 ; J . J . Sale , W . M . 13 S 6 ; F . VV . Shasv , I . W . 297 ; VV . VV . Smith ,
S . VV . 297 ; J . L . Pragnell , P . M ., Sec . 297 ; E . G . Foster , Treas . 297 ; VV . Mortimer , P . P . G . S . B ., * M . Dasvson , P . P . G . W . ; II . B . Kirkby , I . G . 297 ; VV . R . Lily , Org . 297 ; and VV . VV . Lee , VV . AL elect 23 S 1 . The lodge svas opened by Bro . H . E . Cousans , I . P . M ., the minutes svere confirmed , and the audit report adopted . Bro . E . Letchsvorth , G . Sec , then assumed the chair , and impressively installed Bro . the Hon . Victor
A . Pelham as VV . AI . for the ensuing year . The follosving officers were appointed : Bros , the Earl of Yarborough , S . W . j E . A . Cousans , J . W . ; Rev . T . Gregory , P . G . Chap ., Chaplain ; R . C Carline , P . P . A . G . D . C , Treas . ; E . P . Dalton , Sec . ; F . L . Thornton , S . D . ; the Hon . H . C . A . Pelham , J . D . j R . C Hallosves , P . M ., D . C ; C . P . Kemp , LG . ; and R . Whitton , Stsvd . On the proposition of the W . AL , seconded by Bro . H . E . Cousans
P . M ., a hearty vote of thanks svas accorded the Grand Secretary for attending and performing the installation ceremony , and he was unanimously elected an honorary member . Bro . E . Letchworth , G . Sec , thanked the brethren for their kindly svelcome , and accepted the honour conferred upon him svith the greatest possible pleasure . The W . M ., on behalf of the lodge , presented Bro . H . E . Cousans , P . AL , svith a very handsome diamond stud as a
small memento of the services he had rendered thc lodge . He said the county osved a great deal to Bro . Cousans , P . AL , for his valuable svork , and there svas no better Alason in Lincoln than he . He hoped that as Bro . Cousans svas leaving them , he svould svear their gift as a slight memento of them . Bro . H . E , Cousans , P . M ., said it svas impossible to adequately thank them , as he had not the slightest idea that a
presentation svas to be made to him . He svould , hosvever , endeavour to express svhat he felt for the kindness of the brethren svho had been good enough to give that handsome present . It svas needless for him to say that nothing svas required to remind him of the province or that lodge , but their present svould bring that occasion to his mind many
times , and he should appreciate most heartily the kindly svay in svhich it had been given him . It svas a pleasure to feel one ' s services , hosvever small , svere appreciated by the members . He thanked them for their handsome present , and more for the kind svay in svhich it had been given . Lodge svas closed , and a banquet svas held at the White Hart Hotel , and the usual toasts followed .
Bro . H . E . Cousans , P . AL , P . P . G . W ., proposed " The Grand Ofiicers , Present and Past , " and said he must refer to the loss of one svhom they looked upon as one of themselves . The late Bro . Col . Clerke took a great interest in that lodge , having consecrated it and installed the Alasters , and he svas looking forsvard to be present to install their W . AL on the present occasion . His death svas a loss the Craft svould have to look back upon very seriously for
many years . That evening they svere honoured by thc presence of his successor—a Mason svhose name had been svell known in the provinces and in London as a hard-working and enthusiastic Alason for some years yast . They svere also honoured svith the presence of another Grand Officer , svho svas also a member of their province , and his services had been acknosvledged by the Al . VV . Grand Alaster and the Pro Grand Alaster .
Bro . VV . H . Sissons , P . A . G . D . C , in response , said the Grand Ofiicers svere , he svas sure , asvare of the fact that great office brought great responsibilities , and that svas a point they must emphasise in every one appointed . He svas an humble illustration that everyone , like the French soldier , bears in his knapsack the baton of a Field Alarshal , for he did not think 30 years ago that he should ever be the Deputy Prov . Grand Alaster , but he svas proud to say he should
succeed Bro . Fosvler in that position next month . They all regretted that Bro . Cousans svas about to leave them , for hc had been energetic in his Alasonic svork , and svas respected and esteemed by a large body of Alisons . Bro . VV . H . Smyth , Prov . G . AL , in returning thanks for the toast of his health proposed by Bro . Allanby , said hc svas delighted to be present . It svas a great delight to him to knosv the present Grand Secretary , svho had been
svelcomed on the part of that lodge , and svhom he svelcomed on the pact of the province . He svas happy to report that there svas no hitch in the province , and that everything svas going on svell . During the time he had ruled over the province he had received the greatest kindness , and all had done their best to ensure its prosperity . Their Provincial Grand Lodge svould celebrate the centenary of its existence
at Grantham , svhere the first meeting svas held in June , 1792 . He trusted all svho could svould attend , antl that they svould have the largest meeting yet held in Lincolnshire . Bro . Col . R . G . Ellison , LP . AL , gave "The VV . AL , " and said he svas sorry the toast had not fallen into more able hands . The last year had been a very pleasant one , and he hoped the coming year svould be equally as successful .
Bro . the Hon . V ictor A . Pelham , W . AL , having thanked the LP . AL and brethren , said it svasditlicult to follow Bro . Col . Ellison , svho svas a much older Alason . He wished to refer to Bro . Cousans , P . M ., for nobody realised more than he svhat he had done for that lodge . Bro . Cousans started it and put it on its legs , and he hoped it svould be kept going for many years . It svas nosv his ( the W . AI . ' s ) duty to propose "The Health of the Installing Alaster . " Personally
he considered it a great honour to be installed by the Grand Secretary , and he hoped Bro . Letchworth svould continue the connection svith the lodge formed by the late Grand Secretary . Bro . E . Letchsvorth . P . G . D ., G . Sec , acknosvledged the high compliment paid him in thc toast so kindly proposed by the VV . AL and received by the brethren . Bro . Cousans referred in most feeling terms to the great loss Freemasonry
had sustained by the lamented death of his dear friend , Col . Clerke , and he had also kindly referred to the great honour the Al . W . G . M . had done him ( Bro , Letchworth ) in appointing him to the ofiice . He could not claim either the knosvledge , ability , or experience of their late brother , but he could say that his utmost endeavour svould be to follow his example as far as he could . He knesv he had a bright and shining example to follow , and he trusted to be able to discharge his duties in a manner to justify , lo some extent ,
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Inhn Virr , I . P-M ., H . F . Hartmann , Sec , Richard Revell , p . - Vl ., John Haley , S . W ., Wm . Small , S . D ., J . Lightfoot , Tvler , John Akam , and E . Schuman , all of 1034 ; J . Pelham Brosvne , P . M ., F . W . H . Durant , S . W ., S . Nutter , S " 0 ; ]• E- Russell , LG ., Joseph Fry , and J . W . Hainssvorth , all of 164 S . After the Iodge had been opened , the minutes of the previous meeting svere read and confirmed . The ballot svas
taken for Mr . C . Wood , a candidate for initiation , svhich resulted in his favour , and , being in attendance , he svas initiated by the W . M . Bro . Last , J . W ., explained the working tools , and Bro . Niven , S . VV ., delivered the charge . A resolution changing the date of meeting from the second to the first Thursday in the month svas unanimously passed , on the motion of Bro . Stephenson , P . P . G . D . C , the first
W . AL of the lodge . After " Hearty good svishes " from the numerous visitors , the lodge svas closed , and the brethren adjourned for refreshment . After the usual loyal and Masonic toasts had been duly honoured , Bro . Morton , S . D ., proposed the toast of "The Initiate . "
Bro . Wood suitably responded . The toast of "The Visiting Brethren " was proposed by the VV . AL , svho , on behalf of the lodge , gave the numerous sisitors a very hearty welcome . Bros . Butterivo th , W . M . 1034 ; F . W . Reuss , P . M . JOSJ and W . Pelham Brosvne , P . M . 164 S , responded , and , after complimenting the W . M . and the officers on the
satisfactory manner in svhich the ceremonies in the Iodge had been conducted , they expressed the pleasure it had afforded them to visit the lodge—many of them for the first time . Bro . Butterworth , W . M . 1034 , in felicitous terms , proposed the toast of "The VV . M . " Bro . Peterson , W . AL , in responding , svarmly thanked the brethren for the cordial manner in svhich the loast had been
received , and alluded to a remark once made to him by his friend , Bro . T . B . Whytehead , P . G . S . B ., of York , that there svas no test like a Masonic lodge for gauging a man ' s character ; if he had sveak points they svere soon brought out , and if he had abilities they svere speedily discovered and appreciated by the brethren . The members of a lodge svere very jealous of the dignity of the chair , and svhen any
brother received the appointment of W . M ., he took it svith this grave responsibility upon him , and felt the honour attached to it accordingly , and in order that the dignity of the chair might be upheld , the assistance and support of the Past Alasters and brethren to any Master who endeavoured to do his duty might always be relied upon . Eight months of his year of office had gone by , and he svas looking forsvard svith pleasure to vacate his office , but he could not
even nosv contemplate the end of his term svithout some anxiety as to whether he should be able to leave the chair as unsullied as he found it , and he thanked the brethren heartily for their kindly svishes and svarm support . The Tyler ' s toast concluded a most enjoyable and happy evening . Bros . Reuss , Durant , Hirst , Fearnley , Holmes , and Last contributed songs , recitations , and musical solos , svhich added much to the harmony of the meeting .
BURSLEM . St . Martin ' s Lodge ( No . 98 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this ancient lodge svas held at the Municipal Buildings on Thursday , the 19 th ult ., svhen Bro . John Mason , W . M ., svas supported by the follosving : Bros . W . Garner , l . P . AI . ; j . Scarratt , S . W . j A . Boulton , J . W . j Rev . L . C A . Edgesvorth , ALA ., LL . D ., Chap . ; R . Dain , P . AL , P . P . A . G . D . C , Treas . ; T . K .
Peelley , P . M ., P . P . G . S . of W ., Sec . ; ] . Beech , S . D . j R . Wilkinson , J . D . j R . Osven , I . G . j F . Weston , P . AL , P . P . G . S . B ., D . C ; I . B . Davis , Org ; H . W . Critchlosv , Stesvard ; J . Boardman , Tyler ; J . Godsvin , P . AL , P . G . S . B . ; E . Pearson , P . AL ; VV . Brickel , P . AI . 54 G ; J . Berriford , W . H . Emery , \ . Roden , VV . S . Kcllern , W . Bentley , S . Pointon , and I . Minshull . Visitors : Bros . W .
H . Hosvson , W . AL 20 G 4 ; J . White , W . M . 2214 ; R . looth , P . M . 2214 , P . P . G . S . B . ; G . Wilks , S . VV . 20 G 4 ; S . G . Torr , 20 G 4 ; and Boughey , Org . 54 G . The Iodge being opened , and the minutes of the previous meeting read and confirmed , Bro . J . Alinshull svas passed by the VV . AL , the svorking tools being explained and the charge given by the S . VV ., Bro . J . Scarratt , in a very able manner , and the svork of all the officers svas carried nut in
a highly creditable style . Apologies were received from several absent brethren . After the usual greetings thc lodge svas closed , and the brethren adjourned for refreshment , after svhich the usual toasts were briefly but efficiently disposed of , Bros . Tooth , White , Hosvson , Wilks , Torr , and Boughey replying for I he Health of the Visitors , " and the brethren dispersed after having had a pleasant evening .
CANTERBURY . . United Industrious Lodge ( No . 31 ) . —A [? Se muster of brethren attended at the Alasonic Temple , jit . Peter ' s-street , on Tuesday , the 17 th ult ., to hear a lecture on " The Progress of Freemasonry during the past lye centuries" b y Bro . VV . J . Hughan , P . S . G . D . England , [ He syelbknoivn historian of the Craft . The chair svas taken . -..-n . wHi , matunau ui ure s-iau . lilGUldll svas eaitcil
h J the W . AL , Bro . the Rev . H . AL Alaugham , P . Prov . Jj" , V " P- Ke"t > and supported by the Worshipful Masters « the other Canterbury lodges , the VVorshipfuI Alaster of ¦ fi e ' jiaystone Lodge , Whitstable , and many other visitors . « monnrst those present svere Bros . G . VV . Speth , Sec . 207 G ; {• . Ward , P . P . G . W . Wilts , P . P . G . W . Kent ; J . E . Wiltwe , P . M ., P . P . G . Supt . of Wks . Kent ; Blamiers , P . M . ' 44 'J > P . P . G . Std . Br . j W . B . S . Saunders , P . AL 1915 , I ' M , ; , ? tvvd " l'lant > l ' - - ' - - - 0 c - E - LA-key , , ; ?••¦ P . P . G . D . ; Dr . Longhurst , P . P . G . Org . ; SI . "" gner , P . P . G . Std . Br .: T . Easton . VV . AI . nY , ¦ Inhn
• Ch ^ ' ^' . , ' <; ' ° P ' W'M' 'Wi 1 , ranC'S ' - " » unt , R . I-airbrother , F . Gierke , R . Wheeler , C Richardu ' . Py * 1 Desvhurst , S . Aloorcroft , K . Plume , D . Laing , "' " > al < e , E . Mills , A . J . Pilcher , | . Whichcord , S . Nesv-Va ? ' - ' - ¦ L - Gardener , J . Rennie , E . G . Walthesv , J . VV . Th 7 ' others ' hij ^ lecturer svas received svith much cordiality , and all fte leT 1 -stene ' 1 to with great interest . At the close of to him c " l" ' 5 re" , ren svere invited to put any questions Hurt' ) ' ch permission many availed themselves . Bro . ChaV ' rought with him copies of many of the Old m uch anc * ° t ' very interesting documents , which were P " oceeH PP ' Cciated ¦* , y t ' le brethren . At the close of the wings a very hearty vote of thanks svas accorded to
Bro . Hughan , svho svas also unanimously elected a hon . member of the lodge . The brethren felt deeply grateful for the great treat afforded to them , and many expressed a hope that at no distant date another lecture of the series might be given . Altogether a most enjoyable evening svas spent .
All the brethren , present being invited by the W . M ., in the name of the lodge , to adjourn to the Royal Fountain Hotel for light refreshments , svhere " The Health of the Lecturer" and "The Visitors" svere received svith great enthusiasm , information , instruction , and discussion svere then continued , and closed a very pleasant and agreeable evening .
CHINGFORD . William Shurmur Lodge ( No . 2374 ) . —A regular meeting of this munificent lodge svas held at the Royal Forest Hotel on Thursday , the 19 th ult ., svhen a large number of distinguished brethren were in attendance . The lodge svas opened by Bro . Wm . Shurmur , P . P . G . Treas ., LP . AL , and the minutesof the last regular meeting ,
and also of three emergency meetings , svere confirmed . The ballot svas taken for five candidates , viz .: Messrs . P . Barnett , J . Hopsvood , John Carey , VV . Schofield , and J . VV . Thurlosv , all of svhom svere elected unanimously , and the three present svere initiated . Tsvelve brethren svere passed to the Second Degree , and four raised to the Degree of M . M . Several propositions for initiation and joining
svere received . The vote of 400 guineas to the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution svas unanimously confirmed . " Hearty good wishes" having been expressed , 9 S brethren adjourned to the banqueting hall for refreshment , under the genial presidency of the VV . AL , Bro . D . P . Holness . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts svere given , and responded to with heartiness and enthusiasm . Bro . Joseph Wilson , P . M ., and representative of the
lodge at the Essex Charity Committee , reported that he had forsvarded to Bro . T . J . Railing , Prov . G . Sec , over 1300 votes , svhich included the 600 lodge votes and 240 from the J . W ., Bro . N . Fortescue , C . C . The musical arrangements were under the able and skilful management of Bro . Dr . Haskins , R . A ., Prov . G . Org ., assisted by Bros . Joseph Cutler , T . H . Lloyd , and S . J . Gray . Altogether a most enjoyable evening svas spent .
GRAYS . St . John ' s Lodge ( No . 1343 ) . —The installation meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Hall , King's Arms Hotel , on the iSth ultimo . There svas a large attendance , and amongst those present svere Bros . J . H . Potter , W . AL , in the chair ; M . T . Tuck , S . VV . ; VV . J . Godsvin , J . W . ; J . Hosvell , P . AL , P . G . S . B ., Treas . ; G .
R . Cobham , P . AL , Sec . ; F . S . Guy , S . D . ; C Cobham , P . M . 949 , P . P . G . S . of W . Durham , I . D . ; C . Westwood , I . G . j F . I . Wingrove , Org . ; F . VV . Pelling and G . VV . Forsdick , Stsvds . ; G . Alartin , Tyler ; VV . B . Heagerty , P . M ., P . P . G . Reg . ; R . Atkins , P . M . ; A . J . Baldock , Edsvard Ayres , VV . H . Scott , Dr . H . Harley , F . J . Clark , H . L . Coates , J . Weymouth , A . Dyson , T . Baldsvin , T . K .
Bohn , C . B . Chattey , J . Capstick , F . J . Dover , VVm . Robertson , and E . Reynolds . Visitors : Bros . B . Thomas , W . M . 1000 ; G . Pritchard , VV . AI . 9 ; R . Jennings , VV . AI . 1437 ; G . Alay , 771 ; E . Hobbs , 453 , - W . R . Skinner , Percy Lodge j J . Cook , S . W . 907 ; E . Gilbert , I . G . 173 ; J . Solomon , W . M . 77 ; J . C . Biggs , P . AL 77 ; W . Norton , 907 ; H . Hyde , 1227 ; Felix Bohers , 2066 j J . VV . Joyes ,
21 S 4 ; G . Burt , jun ., iS , P . P . J . G . W . Dorset j A . Clemosv , VV . M . 2205 , J . W . Elfick , 1259 j VV . E . Warren , 1536 j VV . AL Taylor , 1076 j G . Cunningham , 347 ; J . Taylor , 45 ; and others . The lodge havingbeen opened . and the niinutes confirmed , and the Auditors' report received and adopted , Bro . Alatthesv Thomas Tuck , S . VV ., W . M . elect , svas presented by Bro . Atkins , P . AL , acting as D . C , and svas duly
installed into the chair of Iv . S . The ofiicers for the ensuing year were then appointed and invested as follosvs Bros . W . | . Godsvin , S . W . j F . S . Guy , J . VV . ; J . Howell , P . AL , P . P . G . S . B ., Treas . ; Gen . R . Cobham , P . AL , Sec . j C . Cobham , P . AI . 9 J 9 , P . P . G . S . of W . Durham , S . D . j P . C Westwood , J . D . j F . VV . Pelling , LG . ; J . Wingrove , Org . j W . B . Heagerty , P . M ., P . P . G . R ., D . C . ; G . VV . Forsdick , T . K . Bohn , E . Ayres , and A . J . Baldock ,
Stsvds . j and G . Martin , Tyler . The W . AL then invested the retiring VV . M ., Bro . J . H . Potter , svith a handsome Past Alaster ' s jesvel , voted to him at the previous meeting . Four candidates for initiation having been proposed and seconded , and " Hearty good svishes" liaving been expressed by the visitors , the lodge svas closed .
After an excellent banquet the customary toasts svere given , the speeches being commendably brief in order to allosv the brethren to catch the last train for tosvn . The proceedings svere enlivened by the musical abilities of Bros . Pritchard , VV . AL y ; G , Alay , 771 , and of St . Paul ' s Cathedral ; and Taylor .
HAMPTON COURT . Bushey Park Lodge ( No . 2381 ) . —A regular meeting of this lodge svas held at the Greyhound Hotel on the - 'ist ult . Bro . G . R . Langley , VV . AL , svas supported by Bros . W . H . Lee , P . P . G . D ., I . P . M . ; VV . VV . Lee , S . W . j A . Blenkarn , J . VV . ; H . Hooper , P . AL . Sec . ; G . Castle , I . D . ; S . Latham , I . Galbraith , C . Fruen ,
P . M . ; A . Alayer , P . ALj and many others . Lodge svas opened , anel the minutes confirmed , and Alessrs . E . F . Williams and VV . J . Barton svere initiated . Bro . A . S . Bailey svas passed to the Second Degree , and Bros . H . J . Syrett and J . S . Sherwood svere raised to the Degree of AI . AL The election for VV . AL svas next
proceeded svith , and resulted unanimously in favour of Bro . W . W . Ue , S . W . liro . J . D . E . Tarr , P . P . G . D ., was re-elected Treasurer , and Bro . Mitchell re elected Tyler . A Past Alaster ' s jesvel svas voted to Bro . G . R . Langley , VV . AL , as a token of esteem , and in appreciation of eminent services rendered to the lodge . Lodge svas closed , and a pleasant evening svas spent under the presidency of the W . AL
LINCOLN . Ermine Lodge ( No . 2351 ) . —The installation meeting of this lodge svas held at the County Assembly Rooms , on the 24 th ult ., svhen there was a good attendance . The members present included Bros . Col . R . G . Ellison , VV . AL ,- the Hon . Victor A . Pelham , S . VV ., W . AI . elect ; E . A . Cousans , J . W . ; H . E . Cousans , P . P . G . W ., LP . AL ; Rev . T . Gregory , P . G . Chap ., Chaplain ; R . C . Carline , P . P . A . G . D . C ., Treas . j E . P . Dalton , Sec . j the Earl of
Yarborough ; F . L . Thornton j R . C Hallosves , P . M . 33 , D . C ; C . P . Kemp , I . G . ; E . Whitton , the Hon . H . C A . Pelham , H . C N . Allanby , H . Watson , VV . Scorer , VV . H . Sissons , P . A . G . D . C . j W . H . Smyth , P . G . M . j and others . Visitors : Bros . E . Letchsvorth , P . G . D ., G . Sec ; J . Fosvler , D . P . G . AI . ; P . Colville Smith , P . P . G . W . ; A . Dixon , P . M . 297 ; J . J . Sale , W . M . 13 S 6 ; F . VV . Shasv , I . W . 297 ; VV . VV . Smith ,
S . VV . 297 ; J . L . Pragnell , P . M ., Sec . 297 ; E . G . Foster , Treas . 297 ; VV . Mortimer , P . P . G . S . B ., * M . Dasvson , P . P . G . W . ; II . B . Kirkby , I . G . 297 ; VV . R . Lily , Org . 297 ; and VV . VV . Lee , VV . AL elect 23 S 1 . The lodge svas opened by Bro . H . E . Cousans , I . P . M ., the minutes svere confirmed , and the audit report adopted . Bro . E . Letchsvorth , G . Sec , then assumed the chair , and impressively installed Bro . the Hon . Victor
A . Pelham as VV . AI . for the ensuing year . The follosving officers were appointed : Bros , the Earl of Yarborough , S . W . j E . A . Cousans , J . W . ; Rev . T . Gregory , P . G . Chap ., Chaplain ; R . C Carline , P . P . A . G . D . C , Treas . ; E . P . Dalton , Sec . ; F . L . Thornton , S . D . ; the Hon . H . C . A . Pelham , J . D . j R . C Hallosves , P . M ., D . C ; C . P . Kemp , LG . ; and R . Whitton , Stsvd . On the proposition of the W . AL , seconded by Bro . H . E . Cousans
P . M ., a hearty vote of thanks svas accorded the Grand Secretary for attending and performing the installation ceremony , and he was unanimously elected an honorary member . Bro . E . Letchworth , G . Sec , thanked the brethren for their kindly svelcome , and accepted the honour conferred upon him svith the greatest possible pleasure . The W . M ., on behalf of the lodge , presented Bro . H . E . Cousans , P . AL , svith a very handsome diamond stud as a
small memento of the services he had rendered thc lodge . He said the county osved a great deal to Bro . Cousans , P . AL , for his valuable svork , and there svas no better Alason in Lincoln than he . He hoped that as Bro . Cousans svas leaving them , he svould svear their gift as a slight memento of them . Bro . H . E , Cousans , P . M ., said it svas impossible to adequately thank them , as he had not the slightest idea that a
presentation svas to be made to him . He svould , hosvever , endeavour to express svhat he felt for the kindness of the brethren svho had been good enough to give that handsome present . It svas needless for him to say that nothing svas required to remind him of the province or that lodge , but their present svould bring that occasion to his mind many
times , and he should appreciate most heartily the kindly svay in svhich it had been given him . It svas a pleasure to feel one ' s services , hosvever small , svere appreciated by the members . He thanked them for their handsome present , and more for the kind svay in svhich it had been given . Lodge svas closed , and a banquet svas held at the White Hart Hotel , and the usual toasts followed .
Bro . H . E . Cousans , P . AL , P . P . G . W ., proposed " The Grand Ofiicers , Present and Past , " and said he must refer to the loss of one svhom they looked upon as one of themselves . The late Bro . Col . Clerke took a great interest in that lodge , having consecrated it and installed the Alasters , and he svas looking forsvard to be present to install their W . AL on the present occasion . His death svas a loss the Craft svould have to look back upon very seriously for
many years . That evening they svere honoured by thc presence of his successor—a Mason svhose name had been svell known in the provinces and in London as a hard-working and enthusiastic Alason for some years yast . They svere also honoured svith the presence of another Grand Officer , svho svas also a member of their province , and his services had been acknosvledged by the Al . VV . Grand Alaster and the Pro Grand Alaster .
Bro . VV . H . Sissons , P . A . G . D . C , in response , said the Grand Ofiicers svere , he svas sure , asvare of the fact that great office brought great responsibilities , and that svas a point they must emphasise in every one appointed . He svas an humble illustration that everyone , like the French soldier , bears in his knapsack the baton of a Field Alarshal , for he did not think 30 years ago that he should ever be the Deputy Prov . Grand Alaster , but he svas proud to say he should
succeed Bro . Fosvler in that position next month . They all regretted that Bro . Cousans svas about to leave them , for hc had been energetic in his Alasonic svork , and svas respected and esteemed by a large body of Alisons . Bro . VV . H . Smyth , Prov . G . AL , in returning thanks for the toast of his health proposed by Bro . Allanby , said hc svas delighted to be present . It svas a great delight to him to knosv the present Grand Secretary , svho had been
svelcomed on the part of that lodge , and svhom he svelcomed on the pact of the province . He svas happy to report that there svas no hitch in the province , and that everything svas going on svell . During the time he had ruled over the province he had received the greatest kindness , and all had done their best to ensure its prosperity . Their Provincial Grand Lodge svould celebrate the centenary of its existence
at Grantham , svhere the first meeting svas held in June , 1792 . He trusted all svho could svould attend , antl that they svould have the largest meeting yet held in Lincolnshire . Bro . Col . R . G . Ellison , LP . AL , gave "The VV . AL , " and said he svas sorry the toast had not fallen into more able hands . The last year had been a very pleasant one , and he hoped the coming year svould be equally as successful .
Bro . the Hon . V ictor A . Pelham , W . AL , having thanked the LP . AL and brethren , said it svasditlicult to follow Bro . Col . Ellison , svho svas a much older Alason . He wished to refer to Bro . Cousans , P . M ., for nobody realised more than he svhat he had done for that lodge . Bro . Cousans started it and put it on its legs , and he hoped it svould be kept going for many years . It svas nosv his ( the W . AI . ' s ) duty to propose "The Health of the Installing Alaster . " Personally
he considered it a great honour to be installed by the Grand Secretary , and he hoped Bro . Letchworth svould continue the connection svith the lodge formed by the late Grand Secretary . Bro . E . Letchsvorth . P . G . D ., G . Sec , acknosvledged the high compliment paid him in thc toast so kindly proposed by the VV . AL and received by the brethren . Bro . Cousans referred in most feeling terms to the great loss Freemasonry
had sustained by the lamented death of his dear friend , Col . Clerke , and he had also kindly referred to the great honour the Al . W . G . M . had done him ( Bro , Letchworth ) in appointing him to the ofiice . He could not claim either the knosvledge , ability , or experience of their late brother , but he could say that his utmost endeavour svould be to follow his example as far as he could . He knesv he had a bright and shining example to follow , and he trusted to be able to discharge his duties in a manner to justify , lo some extent ,