Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
cialed . He concluded by acknowledging to Bro . Blakey . his ( Bro . Leach ' s ) own gratitude for the kind services which had often been rendered to him during his year of office , and hoped that Bro . Blakey would long live to wear the jewel that day presented to him . Bro . P . M . Sewcll
seconded this presentation , and remarked that no one had reason to thank and esteem Bro . Blakey more than he ( Bro . Sewell ) himself , and that it gave him the greatest pleasure to advocate the very high opinion he held of that worthy brother . Bro . P . M . Taylor , was then called upon , and
rising , said that he begged to thank the brethren for the handsome jewel , of which lie was the recipient , and that whatever he had done in the way of promulgating Masonry and its principles , had been considered and looked upon by him as a thorough dulv , therefore he thought he had
done nothing more than he ought to have done , and in bi < humble spline w : is still anxious to do all he could . Bro . Taylor continued that he thought Bro . P . M . Sefh S . B ' akey , was more worthy of a presentation than himself , inasmuch as he had so generously come forward to assist
him ( Bro . Taylor ) at a time when his services were indispensable , Bro . Taylor being then unable , through sickness , to visit the lodge r ? . t all . The W . M . then called upon Bro . P . M . Blakey , who in very few words expressed his deep gratitude for the manner in which the brethren
had acknowledged his humble services , and said he highly appreciated the handsome gift so generously bestowed , and begged to assure the brethren that it would still be his study to advance the noble sentiments of Freemasonry , and render any assistance in his power to the
Scientific Lodge . He was g lad to say that it was now in a very promising condition , and in little need of help from him , and he trusted the lodge would continue to prosper . The W . M . afterwards called upon Bros . Webster , Hodgson , Mnrgatroyd , and Leach , each of whom
unanimously expressed the pleasure it gave them to participate in such a deli ghtful al fresco gathering . The toast of " The Ladies" wis then given by Bro . P . M . Sewell , and heartily received , Bro . Dean responding on their behalf . Bro . P . M . Sewell then proposed a vote of thanks to the
\ V . M ., Bro . P . Robinson ., and his good lady , for the admirable manner in which they had catered for the party , the viands , & c , being of n choice and sumptuous descri ption . Bro . Atherton , in seconding this proposition , remarked that special
thanks were due to Bro . and Mrs . Robinson , for the way in which the arrangements in this important department had been carried out , considering that Saturday was the most inconvenient day in the week for Bro . Robinson to leave his business . Bro . Atherfnn further added that
were another squad of rank ami file to have put in an appearance , the commissariat department would have been found equal to the occasion . After a brief reply from Bro . Robinson , acknowledg ing the vote of thanks , the proceedings of this very interesting party were brought to a
close by all expressing a hope that it would not be long before the . brethren of the Scientific again assembhd at Goitstock , a place which had proved itself such a favourite resort . In conclusion , it should be mentioned that the jewels were selected from the extensive and well-assorted
' -lock o Bro . George Kenning . Li ; KI ' . STI-. U . —jfuliu <>/ ( jaunt Lodge ( No . < J 2 ]) . —The annual festival of the | olm of Gaunt Lodge , No . j " , 23 , was held at the Freemasons ' Hall , Leicester , on Wednesday , J une 2 . J . 1 I 1 , when there were present the R . W . Bro ., I lie
Right lion Lad F . rrers , '< Y ., v ( -.. si .-, \ V . liro Sir llenty St . [ oho liallord , B . irt ., Deputy l ' rov . G . M . ; R . W . I ' . ro . Win . Killy , I ' . I ' . G . il . ; Bros . F . | . Barnes , P . P . G . P .. W ' . M . ; . S . S . Partridge , P 10 V . G . See ., W . M . elect ; G . Toller , l ' rov . S . G . W ., P . M . ; A . M . Dull ' , P . M . ; W . B . Smith , P . M . ; R . Bivwin , P . M . ; Reverend ( .
F . liallord , P . M . 13 . 50 ; A . Palmer , W . M . 279 ;\ V . Weare , P . M . 279 ; C . Stretton , P . M . 279 ; J . B . Hdi , P . M . 1391 ; J . Halford , P . M . . l . j'jl : G . ( . 'lift ' ii , W . M . IJ 91 ; R . Wake , P . M . ' 1310 ; R-terend \ V . i .-. n-k-y , P . M . rG J . M . Mooie , P . M . io : i : j ; j . S . Kennedy , P . M . io ; i ; iiud a very l . ngi : number ol officers and In ' ' thieii . Aft' -r the transaction of the formal b-. hii ; e . ~ .-, the W . M . el . el , !»;• . > . S . S . Partihke .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
having given his assent to the ancient charges and regulations , was presented to a Board of Installed Masters , consisting of upwards of twenty , installed in accordance with ancient form , and saluted with the customary honours . The ceremony of installation was performed
in a very able manner by the R . W . Prov . G . M ., Earl Ferrers ; Bro . J . P . Hall , Prov . G . D . C ., acting as an efficient Director of Ceremonies . The W . M . then proceeded to invest his officers as follows : —Bros . F . J . Baines , I . P . M . ; [ . F . Thorp , S . W . ; W . T . Rowlett , J . W . ;
W . B . Smith , P . M ., Treasurer ; T . A . Wykes , Secretary , A . Ross , S . D . ; 11 . Tavlor , J . D . ; C . Johnson , P . M ., Organist ; W . ' C . Shout , I . G . ; A . Sargeant , and J . T . Smith , Stewards ; C . Bembvidge and T . Dunn , Tylers . A hearty vote of thanks was presented
to the R . W . Prov . G . M . for his kindness in visiting on the occasion and performing the duties of Installing Master , to which a suitable response was made . After the lodge was closed the brethren sat down to an excellent banquet , under the presidency of the newly installed W . M .,
who gave the usual loyal and Masonic ( oasts with great ability and good taste . In replying to the toast of his health , Earl Ferrers expressed the pleasure he felt in being present , and regretted he had been unable to attend the lodges in Leicester as often as he could have wished , but
he hoped in future to be a more frequent visitor . Bro . Baines , I . P . M ., proposed " The Health of the W . M ., " who replied in suitable terms . Other toasts followed , and the enjoyment of the evening was enhanced by the vocal and
instrumental performance of the musical brethren . Bro . Charlcsworth , with his usual good nature , placed the contents of his conservatories at the disposal of the brethren , and the tables were decorated with a choice collection of flowers
and plants . The whole of the proceedings passed off in the most successful manner , and the large attendance on the occasion served to show the great respect and esteem with which Bro . Partridge is regarded by the brethren of the
province . LIVERPOOL . —Downshirc Lodge ( No . . ¦ 594 ) . — The brethren attached to this most prosperous lodge were summoned to attend their Masonic duties at the Masonic Temple , Hope-street , at ten o ' clock prompt , on the 2 r ; th ult ., the reason
for this early gathering being , that the installation and pic-nic were fixed to take place on the same day . In conformity with the notice on the circular there was a capital muster of the brethren at the hour named , and under the able presidency of Bro . Wm . D . Rowsc , W . M .,
business was quickly set agoing . 'Ihe minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , the W . M . as the closing act of his year of office , proceeded to initiate three candidates , Messrs Piatt , Harnett , and Thomas , into the mysteries of the Order . Bro . Peter M .
Larsen , P . M ., then took the chair , and proceeded to instal Bro . Henry Hunt as W . M . of the lodge , the presentation being made by Bro . P . M . Harrer and Bro . P . M . Doyle . The following brethren were subsequently investe : ! as officers
for the tnsumg year : •—Bros . Thos . Dileock , S . W . ; R . F . France , J . W , R . lug , P . M ., Treasurer ; W . K . Cattell , Sec . , Jas . I / jcomber , S . D . ; J . II . Martin , J . D . ; Thos . Boswell , S . S . : foim T . Houghton , J . S . ; Henry Worthington , I . G . ; W . G . Vealc , Org . ; W . Crawford , Tyler ;
and F . Sergeant , P . M ., D . C . Previous to the lodge being closed , the l . P . M . ( liro . Rowsc ) , presented the W . M . with the lodge jewel . left by the late . Bro . Hayes , to be worn by ' the W . M . dii'ing his year of office . A beautiful P . M . ' s jewel was also presented to liro . Rowse in
recognition of hi . s vnhudilc scnici-s li > Uu lodge , : uu ) as a mark of the great esteem of the brethren . The ceremony of installation was most admirably performed by Bro . Larsen , P . M ., who justly elicited the admiration of ail who were present . At the conclusion of the morning ' s business , the
brethren , after joiniu r . th : l . tdi . ' -i , took Ut . 'ir way to the river side , and cro- , ¦ ¦[ by th : SI / VMIKY lo the Royal Rock Hotel , Ro : k ferry , for tit : purpose , of pic-nicking . The '' out" was O . VJ of the most agreeable nature , and as the arrangements were of the most complete , and satisfactory kind , there was nolhimr to detract from the
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
p leasure of the day . During the afternoon a very excellent banquet was served , after which the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given . " The Health of the Worshipful Master , " capitallv given by Bro . Immediate Past Master
Rowse , was greeted with the greatest enthusiasm by all who were present , and was admirably responded to by Bro . Hunt , W . M . Games , dancing , and a variety of other amusements , formed the staple of a most enjoyable day ' s outing in Cheshire .
WORKINGTON . —Sun and Sector Lodge ( No . 9 62 ) . —The brethren of this lodge held the festival of St . John the Baptist , on Tuesday , the 23 rd ult . At four o ' clock Bro . Brooker , P . P . G . P ., the Worshipful Master , opened the
lodge in form , at the Assembly Room , Portlandsquare . The minutes of the preceding meeting having been read and confirmed , the lodge was raised to the third degree ,- when Bro . Brooker vacated the chair , which was assumed by Bro . W . B . Gibson . P . P . G . S . W . and P . G . Seethe
Installing Master of the day . Bro . J . J . Beattie , the Worship ful Master clwrt , was then presented to Bro . Gibson , and was duly installed info the chair of K . S ., the impressive ceremony being most correctly and efficiently performed by the Installhiff Master . Afterwards the new
Worship ful Master was saluted by the brethren m the three degrees , and before the lodge was closed his officers were appointed and invested as follows : —Bros . J . Price , jun ., S . W . ; A . Salkeld , J . W . ; C . B . Pitblado , Secretary ; G . Archibald , Treasurer ; Williams , Organist ;
J . McHarry , D . of C ; N . Topping , S . D . ; R . Thomas , J . D ; G . R . McMullin , I . G . ; J . Johnstone , Steward ; R . Scott , Tyler . Subsequently the brethren adjourned to the Green Dragon Hotel , where Bro . 11 . Barnes and Mrs . Barnes had provided a sumptuous banquet . Bro .
Gibson , the Installing Master , presided , supported b y the retiring and new Masters of the lodge , and faced by Bro . Price . After grace , the Chairman proposed " the Health of her Majesty the Queen . " He said , if any society
could lay claim to loyalty it was the brotherhood of Freemasons . The beautiful incidents of their beloved ruler ' s life , that were continually cropping up , demonstrated beyond all doubt , that one touch of nature makes all the world kin .
Ihe Chairman next proposed the " Prince and Princess of Wales , and the rest of the Royal Family . " but he remarked he should amend the toast , b y including the names of the Duke of Edinburgh and Duke of Connaught . The Prince of Wales and the Duke of
Connaught they could speak of as Masons , and although their distinguished brother the Duke of Edinburgh had not as yet been initiated into the fraternity , he had no doubt that ere long he , too , would become one of the Craft . ( Applause . ) The Princess of Wales could not be a Mason ;
but she was warm-hearted , and that was one of the attributes of Masonry . The Chairman then gave the " Most Worshipful Grand Master of England , the Marquess of Ripon . " To those brethren who had read the reports of the proceedings in Grand Lodge , on important
occasions when large assemblages of the most distinguished members of the Craft were present , they must be satisfied that the Marquess ol Ripon is a thorough working Mason . His lordship has given every proof of being the fittest man to be at the head of the English Masonic
Craft . The toast was drank with full honours . Tile" Chairman then proposed , " The Rig ht \ Vor ; . l * ipf ( il Deputy Grand Master of England , the Karl of Carnarvon , and the rest of the Grand Officers . " On a recent occasion , he happened to be in London on the business of the Girls '
Si . 'hoo ) , ,-md quite HatiiivjJJy he went to the Grand Lodge-. He there witnessed a noble array of Grand Officers , ami he was convinced that , from the Karl of Carnarvon downwards , they were a first-rate holy of men , who had the . "Tcatest virtue of the Craft at heart—that of
charity . The . to : ist was received with f ' ]' honours . The Chairman then gave the health of the " Karl of lieetive , M . P ., j ' rovincial Grand Master of Cumbeilaud and Westmorland . Their noble brother hid endeared himself 1 " every one under his authority wherever they hornet him , by his courteous manner oil every
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
cialed . He concluded by acknowledging to Bro . Blakey . his ( Bro . Leach ' s ) own gratitude for the kind services which had often been rendered to him during his year of office , and hoped that Bro . Blakey would long live to wear the jewel that day presented to him . Bro . P . M . Sewcll
seconded this presentation , and remarked that no one had reason to thank and esteem Bro . Blakey more than he ( Bro . Sewell ) himself , and that it gave him the greatest pleasure to advocate the very high opinion he held of that worthy brother . Bro . P . M . Taylor , was then called upon , and
rising , said that he begged to thank the brethren for the handsome jewel , of which lie was the recipient , and that whatever he had done in the way of promulgating Masonry and its principles , had been considered and looked upon by him as a thorough dulv , therefore he thought he had
done nothing more than he ought to have done , and in bi < humble spline w : is still anxious to do all he could . Bro . Taylor continued that he thought Bro . P . M . Sefh S . B ' akey , was more worthy of a presentation than himself , inasmuch as he had so generously come forward to assist
him ( Bro . Taylor ) at a time when his services were indispensable , Bro . Taylor being then unable , through sickness , to visit the lodge r ? . t all . The W . M . then called upon Bro . P . M . Blakey , who in very few words expressed his deep gratitude for the manner in which the brethren
had acknowledged his humble services , and said he highly appreciated the handsome gift so generously bestowed , and begged to assure the brethren that it would still be his study to advance the noble sentiments of Freemasonry , and render any assistance in his power to the
Scientific Lodge . He was g lad to say that it was now in a very promising condition , and in little need of help from him , and he trusted the lodge would continue to prosper . The W . M . afterwards called upon Bros . Webster , Hodgson , Mnrgatroyd , and Leach , each of whom
unanimously expressed the pleasure it gave them to participate in such a deli ghtful al fresco gathering . The toast of " The Ladies" wis then given by Bro . P . M . Sewell , and heartily received , Bro . Dean responding on their behalf . Bro . P . M . Sewell then proposed a vote of thanks to the
\ V . M ., Bro . P . Robinson ., and his good lady , for the admirable manner in which they had catered for the party , the viands , & c , being of n choice and sumptuous descri ption . Bro . Atherton , in seconding this proposition , remarked that special
thanks were due to Bro . and Mrs . Robinson , for the way in which the arrangements in this important department had been carried out , considering that Saturday was the most inconvenient day in the week for Bro . Robinson to leave his business . Bro . Atherfnn further added that
were another squad of rank ami file to have put in an appearance , the commissariat department would have been found equal to the occasion . After a brief reply from Bro . Robinson , acknowledg ing the vote of thanks , the proceedings of this very interesting party were brought to a
close by all expressing a hope that it would not be long before the . brethren of the Scientific again assembhd at Goitstock , a place which had proved itself such a favourite resort . In conclusion , it should be mentioned that the jewels were selected from the extensive and well-assorted
' -lock o Bro . George Kenning . Li ; KI ' . STI-. U . —jfuliu <>/ ( jaunt Lodge ( No . < J 2 ]) . —The annual festival of the | olm of Gaunt Lodge , No . j " , 23 , was held at the Freemasons ' Hall , Leicester , on Wednesday , J une 2 . J . 1 I 1 , when there were present the R . W . Bro ., I lie
Right lion Lad F . rrers , '< Y ., v ( -.. si .-, \ V . liro Sir llenty St . [ oho liallord , B . irt ., Deputy l ' rov . G . M . ; R . W . I ' . ro . Win . Killy , I ' . I ' . G . il . ; Bros . F . | . Barnes , P . P . G . P .. W ' . M . ; . S . S . Partridge , P 10 V . G . See ., W . M . elect ; G . Toller , l ' rov . S . G . W ., P . M . ; A . M . Dull ' , P . M . ; W . B . Smith , P . M . ; R . Bivwin , P . M . ; Reverend ( .
F . liallord , P . M . 13 . 50 ; A . Palmer , W . M . 279 ;\ V . Weare , P . M . 279 ; C . Stretton , P . M . 279 ; J . B . Hdi , P . M . 1391 ; J . Halford , P . M . . l . j'jl : G . ( . 'lift ' ii , W . M . IJ 91 ; R . Wake , P . M . ' 1310 ; R-terend \ V . i .-. n-k-y , P . M . rG J . M . Mooie , P . M . io : i : j ; j . S . Kennedy , P . M . io ; i ; iiud a very l . ngi : number ol officers and In ' ' thieii . Aft' -r the transaction of the formal b-. hii ; e . ~ .-, the W . M . el . el , !»;• . > . S . S . Partihke .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
having given his assent to the ancient charges and regulations , was presented to a Board of Installed Masters , consisting of upwards of twenty , installed in accordance with ancient form , and saluted with the customary honours . The ceremony of installation was performed
in a very able manner by the R . W . Prov . G . M ., Earl Ferrers ; Bro . J . P . Hall , Prov . G . D . C ., acting as an efficient Director of Ceremonies . The W . M . then proceeded to invest his officers as follows : —Bros . F . J . Baines , I . P . M . ; [ . F . Thorp , S . W . ; W . T . Rowlett , J . W . ;
W . B . Smith , P . M ., Treasurer ; T . A . Wykes , Secretary , A . Ross , S . D . ; 11 . Tavlor , J . D . ; C . Johnson , P . M ., Organist ; W . ' C . Shout , I . G . ; A . Sargeant , and J . T . Smith , Stewards ; C . Bembvidge and T . Dunn , Tylers . A hearty vote of thanks was presented
to the R . W . Prov . G . M . for his kindness in visiting on the occasion and performing the duties of Installing Master , to which a suitable response was made . After the lodge was closed the brethren sat down to an excellent banquet , under the presidency of the newly installed W . M .,
who gave the usual loyal and Masonic ( oasts with great ability and good taste . In replying to the toast of his health , Earl Ferrers expressed the pleasure he felt in being present , and regretted he had been unable to attend the lodges in Leicester as often as he could have wished , but
he hoped in future to be a more frequent visitor . Bro . Baines , I . P . M ., proposed " The Health of the W . M ., " who replied in suitable terms . Other toasts followed , and the enjoyment of the evening was enhanced by the vocal and
instrumental performance of the musical brethren . Bro . Charlcsworth , with his usual good nature , placed the contents of his conservatories at the disposal of the brethren , and the tables were decorated with a choice collection of flowers
and plants . The whole of the proceedings passed off in the most successful manner , and the large attendance on the occasion served to show the great respect and esteem with which Bro . Partridge is regarded by the brethren of the
province . LIVERPOOL . —Downshirc Lodge ( No . . ¦ 594 ) . — The brethren attached to this most prosperous lodge were summoned to attend their Masonic duties at the Masonic Temple , Hope-street , at ten o ' clock prompt , on the 2 r ; th ult ., the reason
for this early gathering being , that the installation and pic-nic were fixed to take place on the same day . In conformity with the notice on the circular there was a capital muster of the brethren at the hour named , and under the able presidency of Bro . Wm . D . Rowsc , W . M .,
business was quickly set agoing . 'Ihe minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , the W . M . as the closing act of his year of office , proceeded to initiate three candidates , Messrs Piatt , Harnett , and Thomas , into the mysteries of the Order . Bro . Peter M .
Larsen , P . M ., then took the chair , and proceeded to instal Bro . Henry Hunt as W . M . of the lodge , the presentation being made by Bro . P . M . Harrer and Bro . P . M . Doyle . The following brethren were subsequently investe : ! as officers
for the tnsumg year : •—Bros . Thos . Dileock , S . W . ; R . F . France , J . W , R . lug , P . M ., Treasurer ; W . K . Cattell , Sec . , Jas . I / jcomber , S . D . ; J . II . Martin , J . D . ; Thos . Boswell , S . S . : foim T . Houghton , J . S . ; Henry Worthington , I . G . ; W . G . Vealc , Org . ; W . Crawford , Tyler ;
and F . Sergeant , P . M ., D . C . Previous to the lodge being closed , the l . P . M . ( liro . Rowsc ) , presented the W . M . with the lodge jewel . left by the late . Bro . Hayes , to be worn by ' the W . M . dii'ing his year of office . A beautiful P . M . ' s jewel was also presented to liro . Rowse in
recognition of hi . s vnhudilc scnici-s li > Uu lodge , : uu ) as a mark of the great esteem of the brethren . The ceremony of installation was most admirably performed by Bro . Larsen , P . M ., who justly elicited the admiration of ail who were present . At the conclusion of the morning ' s business , the
brethren , after joiniu r . th : l . tdi . ' -i , took Ut . 'ir way to the river side , and cro- , ¦ ¦[ by th : SI / VMIKY lo the Royal Rock Hotel , Ro : k ferry , for tit : purpose , of pic-nicking . The '' out" was O . VJ of the most agreeable nature , and as the arrangements were of the most complete , and satisfactory kind , there was nolhimr to detract from the
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
p leasure of the day . During the afternoon a very excellent banquet was served , after which the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given . " The Health of the Worshipful Master , " capitallv given by Bro . Immediate Past Master
Rowse , was greeted with the greatest enthusiasm by all who were present , and was admirably responded to by Bro . Hunt , W . M . Games , dancing , and a variety of other amusements , formed the staple of a most enjoyable day ' s outing in Cheshire .
WORKINGTON . —Sun and Sector Lodge ( No . 9 62 ) . —The brethren of this lodge held the festival of St . John the Baptist , on Tuesday , the 23 rd ult . At four o ' clock Bro . Brooker , P . P . G . P ., the Worshipful Master , opened the
lodge in form , at the Assembly Room , Portlandsquare . The minutes of the preceding meeting having been read and confirmed , the lodge was raised to the third degree ,- when Bro . Brooker vacated the chair , which was assumed by Bro . W . B . Gibson . P . P . G . S . W . and P . G . Seethe
Installing Master of the day . Bro . J . J . Beattie , the Worship ful Master clwrt , was then presented to Bro . Gibson , and was duly installed info the chair of K . S ., the impressive ceremony being most correctly and efficiently performed by the Installhiff Master . Afterwards the new
Worship ful Master was saluted by the brethren m the three degrees , and before the lodge was closed his officers were appointed and invested as follows : —Bros . J . Price , jun ., S . W . ; A . Salkeld , J . W . ; C . B . Pitblado , Secretary ; G . Archibald , Treasurer ; Williams , Organist ;
J . McHarry , D . of C ; N . Topping , S . D . ; R . Thomas , J . D ; G . R . McMullin , I . G . ; J . Johnstone , Steward ; R . Scott , Tyler . Subsequently the brethren adjourned to the Green Dragon Hotel , where Bro . 11 . Barnes and Mrs . Barnes had provided a sumptuous banquet . Bro .
Gibson , the Installing Master , presided , supported b y the retiring and new Masters of the lodge , and faced by Bro . Price . After grace , the Chairman proposed " the Health of her Majesty the Queen . " He said , if any society
could lay claim to loyalty it was the brotherhood of Freemasons . The beautiful incidents of their beloved ruler ' s life , that were continually cropping up , demonstrated beyond all doubt , that one touch of nature makes all the world kin .
Ihe Chairman next proposed the " Prince and Princess of Wales , and the rest of the Royal Family . " but he remarked he should amend the toast , b y including the names of the Duke of Edinburgh and Duke of Connaught . The Prince of Wales and the Duke of
Connaught they could speak of as Masons , and although their distinguished brother the Duke of Edinburgh had not as yet been initiated into the fraternity , he had no doubt that ere long he , too , would become one of the Craft . ( Applause . ) The Princess of Wales could not be a Mason ;
but she was warm-hearted , and that was one of the attributes of Masonry . The Chairman then gave the " Most Worshipful Grand Master of England , the Marquess of Ripon . " To those brethren who had read the reports of the proceedings in Grand Lodge , on important
occasions when large assemblages of the most distinguished members of the Craft were present , they must be satisfied that the Marquess ol Ripon is a thorough working Mason . His lordship has given every proof of being the fittest man to be at the head of the English Masonic
Craft . The toast was drank with full honours . Tile" Chairman then proposed , " The Rig ht \ Vor ; . l * ipf ( il Deputy Grand Master of England , the Karl of Carnarvon , and the rest of the Grand Officers . " On a recent occasion , he happened to be in London on the business of the Girls '
Si . 'hoo ) , ,-md quite HatiiivjJJy he went to the Grand Lodge-. He there witnessed a noble array of Grand Officers , ami he was convinced that , from the Karl of Carnarvon downwards , they were a first-rate holy of men , who had the . "Tcatest virtue of the Craft at heart—that of
charity . The . to : ist was received with f ' ]' honours . The Chairman then gave the health of the " Karl of lieetive , M . P ., j ' rovincial Grand Master of Cumbeilaud and Westmorland . Their noble brother hid endeared himself 1 " every one under his authority wherever they hornet him , by his courteous manner oil every