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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
occasion of the provincial festivals . His lordship took a warm and very close interest in Masonry , and was always ready to study the interests and time of his brethren . He ( the chairman ) had therefore every confidence in proposing the health of a nobleman who had so ably acquitted himself during the seven or eight years he had been Grand Master of the Province . The
toast was drunk with every Masonic honour . The Vice-Chairman proposed the health of the ' ' Deputy Provincial Grand Master , Colonel Whitvvell , M . P ., and the rest of the Provincial Grand Officers . " The two most worthy and gentlemanly men as Masons he ever met in his life were Bros . Whitvvell and W . Romaine
Callender . He coupled with the toast the name of their excellent Chairman , the Provincial Grand Secretary . The Chairman , in responding to the toast , said he should take an early opportunity of acquainting Colonel Whitwell with the fact that his health had been drunk
with so much cordiality by the Working ten brethren . With regard to himself , it was difficult to reply to the toast , when he remembered the great talents of his predecessor ; but he intended to follow in the footsteps of Bro . Busher , who was a giant in comparison
with him , a mere pigmy . He should do his utmost for the province in the office of Grand Secretary . It was a very proud circumstance when recently , he had the opportunity to return above 800 members on the books of the Provincial Grand Lodge , and he had no doubt that
before long they would be increased to 1 , 000 . As he before remarked , he had had the pleasure and honour to be present at the last annual festival of the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls , as Steward from this province . Some hundreds of Stewards were there like himself , from all
parts of England ; but it was a proud thing to say that of all that great number only half-adozen carried more money for the Girls' School than he did ; the Province of Cumberland and Westmorland had always come out strong for their charities , and particularly he complimented
West Cumberland . Dr . Dick , Provincial Grand Steward , likewise returned thank s Bro . Brooker proposed the " Newly Installed Master , Bro . Beattie . " It was a pleasurable duty to him on two accounts—one was that lie
was relieved from very arduous duties , and the second was that it was an extreme pleasure to him to have to propose the health of their newly elected Master . He could say without fear of contradiction that Bro . Beattie was one of the
hardest workers in the lodge . He had never missed a meeting to his knowledge , and the selection made by the brethren of this lodge , last month , could not have fallen into better hands . Bro . Beattie , in response , remembered being present at a social
gathering some seven or eight years since , when the Chairman told the company to prepare for an elegant speech , but they must not expect an elegant speech from him tonight . He thought Bro . Brooker had spoken more of him than he deserved , but it was his full intention to
strive to do his duty as Master of the lodge . The Vice-Chairman proposed " the Health of the Retiring Master , Bro . Brooker , " who , he said , had scarcely been anything but Master of Sun and Sector Lodge for the last three years . Last year he was Master , the year before he did duty
for their departed Bro : Brown in his last ihness , and the year before that also he was Master . Bro . Brooker replied in suitable terms . The remaining toasts were " The Visiting Brethren , " " The Masonic Charities , " and the Tyler ' s toast . " The company broke up about eight o ' clock .
LIVICRI ' . — Staulei ) Lodge , ( No . 132 . 5 ) . — The annual meeting of the brethren connected with this lodge was held at the Masonic Hall , Kirkdale , Liverpool , on the 24 th ultimo , the principal business being the installation of Bro . Crosby Leighton , the W . M . elect , and the investiture of officers . The " Stanley ' s "
existence has been somewhat chequered , but under the ? ar-seeing and discreet guidance of Bro . Crosb y Leighton , who has acted in a self-sacrificing iianner towards its interest , there seems now to ie a strong possibility that it will battle bravely , < md quickly assume the position to which it it entitled . ' There was a very large gathering < . f the brethren on this special occa-
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
sion . Shortly after three o ' clock , Bro . Thomas Leighton , P . M . ( in the absence of Bro . J . \ M . Eccles , W . M . ) opened the lodge according to ancient form , assisted by the following officers of the lodge : —¦
Bros . Crosby Leighton , S . W . ; Henry Ash more , J . W . ; H . A . Bell , S . D . ; D . R . Davies , J . D . ; F . Knight , I . G . ; John Horbury , P . M ., Treas . ; J . W . Burgess , S . S . ; and Geo . W . Chirnside , ¦ S . There , was a full attendance of the members
of the lodge . Ihe minutes were read and confirmed , after which the chair was taken by ]> ro . Dr . J . K . Smith , P . M . 249 , who proceeded to instal Bro . Crosby Leighton , as W . M ., in an exceedingly able and impressive manner , the presentation being made by Bro . P . M . R a deli tie , and Bro . P . M . Thomas Leighton , II . A . Bell , Sec . At the close of the ceremony the following :
officers were appointed and invested for the ensuing year : —Bros . II . Ashmore , S . W " . : F . Knight , J . W . ; J . W . Burgess , S . D . ; G . Smith , J . D . ; arid G . W . Chirnside , I . G . Later in the evening the brethren dined together at
Milbourn ' s-rooms , St . Anne-street , where Mr . Milbourne provided a very fair dinner , though the manner in which it was served did not elicit much praise . Bro . Crosby Leighto . n , W . M ., presided , and he was supported by nearly all the brethren who had witnessed his installation .
The usual loyal and patriotic toasts were duly honoured , including " The Health of Bro . Albert Edward , P . G . M ., Prince of Wales , the Princess of Wales , and the rest of the Royal Family , " after which the W . M . proposed " The Health of the Right Hon . Lord Skehnersdale ,
R . W . Prov . G . M . West Lancashire , and the Hon . Frederick Stanley , W . D . Prov . G . M . which was duly honoured . Bro . J . Kellett Smith , P . M . 24 6 and 1094 , then proposed " The Health of the Worshipful Master of Stanley Lodge , Bro . Crosby Leighton . " He thought they would all
agree that so far the career of the lodge had not been very brilliant , but he hoped and trusted it had now taken a favourable turn , and would ere long attain an important position in the province of West Lancashire . At all events , if anyone would be able to bring the Stanley Lodge to the fore , it was the Worshipful Master , whom he
had had the pleasure of installing that day . The toast was very cordially received , and Bro . Leighton , in responding , expressed a hope that whatever had been the past of the lodge it still had a bright future before it . "The Health of the Installing Master , " " The P . M . ' s of Lodge 1325 , " "The Officers of the Lodge , " " The West Lancashire Masonic Educational
Institution . " " The Visiting Brethren , and " Poor and Distressed Brethren , " were amongst the other toasts which followed , a most agreeable evening being spent .
LIVKRI ' . —Hamer Lodge ( No . 1393 ) . —The installation meeting of this flourishing lodge took place on Tuesday , the 23 rd ult ., at the Clarence Hotel , Everton-road , and was most largely and iniluentially attended , no fewer than 22 P . M ' s gracing the occasion with their presence . The
lodge was opened at 2 p . m ., by Bro . John Jones , W . M ., who was supported by Bros . W . T . May , P . M . ; R . H . Evans , J . W . ; Charles Friar , Treasurer ; E . Wilson , Secretary ; H . Jackson , S . D . ; John McCarthy , J . D . The members present were Bros . Jas . Hamer ,
P . P . G . Treasurer ; Robert Prince , N . G . Veale , Alfred Henry Brooke , F . Green , F . Brooke , fames Harding , George Lunt , John Merrilees , John Bluck , James Tomlin , John Slack , H . Burrows , Jas . A . McCrobie , Benjamin Price , R . W . Rowlands , Thomas Piddington , Joseph
Williams , J . J . Griffith , Henry Hmdle , Ihomas Sam mans , Arch . Gilfillan , Robert Leason , Noah Thornthwaite , John Moulding , Thomas Lloyd Jones , Thomas Roberts , John Price , J . Thompson , E . B . Ingham , CroftonjjC . Davidson , J . F . Jackson . The visitors present were Bros . C . H . Hill . P . G . Reg . ; A . V . Speere ,
P . G . Secretary , Ireland ; J ohn Pemberton , 1276 , P . M . 126 4 ; Thomas Clark , P . M . 673 ; John Parsons , P . M . 205 ; Thomas Ashmore , P . M . 823 ; J . Hocken , 1 \ M . 673 ; R . N . Holt , P . M . 1276 ; J . Holland , P . M . 823 ; G . H . Wilson , 1013 , W . M . 557 ; W . Sephtbn , W . M . ro 86 " ; N . Boulton , W . M . 823 ; R . H . Forester , W . M . 371 ; T . K . j Hughes , P . M . 1013-, Joseph
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Wood , Treasurer 1094 ; Thomas Shaw , J . W . 823 ; John Taylor , S . D . 1276 ; Crosbie Leighton , S . W . 1325 ; Robert Williams , Secretary 1035 ; Qckleshaw , S . W . 66 7 Henry A . Tobias , J . . r 28 , U . S . A . ; William Hiles , 1299 ; John
C . Calev , ; 473 ; R . R . Forshaw , 7035 ; N - Brooksbank , 823 ; Joseph liarlow , 103 5 ; ' N . H . Lidbetter , George Purvcs , S 23 ; L . B . Goodman , 594 ; James Steven , 17 , St . Mary , Scotland ; S . Hague , 6 73 ; Lucius Lenian , 1182 ; J . P . fennings , 249 ; H . W . Harris , 1380 ; P . W . Oglesby ,
' 023 ; i \ . M . Shame , 442 ; J . F . Norman , 203 . Letters of apology were read from liro . the Rev . H . Carpenter , Henry Nelson , P . M . 673 , and others , expressing their regret at not being able to be present , and conveying cordial good wishes for the continued success of the lodge .
The chair was taken by Bro . Jas . Hamer , P . P . G . Treasurer , who proceeded to instal the W . M . elect , Bro 11 . W . Evans , into the chair of K . S . The manner in which this beautiful ceremony was performed excited the profoundest admiration , and fully ju . itilied the cordial vote to
the veteran Installing Master . The newl y chaired W . M . then invested his officers for the ensuing year as follows : —Bros- Henrv Jackson , S . W . ; John McCarthy , j . W . ; Charles Tyzer , Treasurer ; Edward Wilson , Secretary ; Charles Dutch , S . D- ( by proxy ) ; Thomas Large , J . D-
( by proxy ) ; Robert Price , I-G . ; Thomas Sammons , M-C . j Robert Leason , S . S . ; K . B . Ingham , J . S- ; Alfred Brooke , Assistant S- ; W . G . Veale , Organist ; and Michael Williamson , Tyler . The W . M- then proceeded to initiate Messrs . Lingham and Richardson into the mysteries and
privileges of the Order , which he did in a manner that proved him to be possessed of Masonic ability of the highest order , and the lodge is to be congratulated on having elected a W . M . who can perform the duties in such a splendid style . The brethren were then called from labour to
refreshment , and subsequently sat down to an excellent banquet , presided over by the newly installed W . M ., who gave still further proof of his fitness for the position by the elegant and masterly manner in which he gave the usual loyal and Masonic toasts . The " Health of the vV . M . " was proposed by Bro . John Jones ,
I . P . M ., in well chosen terms , and was received with the greatest enthusiasm . The W . M ., in responding , promised the brethren , that , during his year of office , it would be his aim to promote the prosperity of the lodge and the happiness of its members , to the utmost of his power , and that he would consider no self-sacrifice too great to brinsr about those results . The W . M . then
proposed the " Health of the Past and Installing Masters , " which was responded to by Bro . [ ones , I . P . M ., and W . T . May , P . M . The W . M . next gave the " Healths of the Newly-Initiated . " which was responded to in a most admirable manner by Bro . Lingham . The W . M . next proposed " The Officers of the Hamer Lodge , No .
1 . 39 . 3 . " Bro . Jackson , S . W ., in responding , expressed a hope that the W . M . would have no occasion to regret the selection that he had made , and Bro . McCarthy , J . W ., said that he would endeavour to perform his duties to the
satisfaction of the W . M . and thebrethren . The remainder of the officers responded in similar terms . The-W . M ., in proposing the " West Lancashire Masonic Educational Institution , " paid a tribute of respect to the memory of the late Bro . Mott , and expressed his opinion that the present
Secretary , Lro . Richard Brown , would be found a worthy successor to that much lamented brother , and also made a strong appeal to every member of 1393 , to become a subscriber to the funds of the Institution , which he characterised as the most deserving Masonic Institution he was acquainted
with . The W . M . next gave the "Visiting Brethren , " which was responded to by Bros . Rose , WM ., 249 ; Shepton , W M . ioS < S ; J . Hocken , P . M . 673 ; C . Lei-hton , W . M . elect ; and Ockleshaw , S . W ., 66 ; . The pleasures of ihe evening were greatly enhanced hy several
glees and solos , most excellently rendered by Bros . Gilfillan , Wilson , Robert . Merriles , Veale , Price , and others . TI 13 recitations of Bros Jackson and McCarthy were also much admired . The Tyler ' s toast brought to a conclusion one of the pleasantest evenings ever held under the auspices of the Hamer , the proceedings through-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
occasion of the provincial festivals . His lordship took a warm and very close interest in Masonry , and was always ready to study the interests and time of his brethren . He ( the chairman ) had therefore every confidence in proposing the health of a nobleman who had so ably acquitted himself during the seven or eight years he had been Grand Master of the Province . The
toast was drunk with every Masonic honour . The Vice-Chairman proposed the health of the ' ' Deputy Provincial Grand Master , Colonel Whitvvell , M . P ., and the rest of the Provincial Grand Officers . " The two most worthy and gentlemanly men as Masons he ever met in his life were Bros . Whitvvell and W . Romaine
Callender . He coupled with the toast the name of their excellent Chairman , the Provincial Grand Secretary . The Chairman , in responding to the toast , said he should take an early opportunity of acquainting Colonel Whitwell with the fact that his health had been drunk
with so much cordiality by the Working ten brethren . With regard to himself , it was difficult to reply to the toast , when he remembered the great talents of his predecessor ; but he intended to follow in the footsteps of Bro . Busher , who was a giant in comparison
with him , a mere pigmy . He should do his utmost for the province in the office of Grand Secretary . It was a very proud circumstance when recently , he had the opportunity to return above 800 members on the books of the Provincial Grand Lodge , and he had no doubt that
before long they would be increased to 1 , 000 . As he before remarked , he had had the pleasure and honour to be present at the last annual festival of the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls , as Steward from this province . Some hundreds of Stewards were there like himself , from all
parts of England ; but it was a proud thing to say that of all that great number only half-adozen carried more money for the Girls' School than he did ; the Province of Cumberland and Westmorland had always come out strong for their charities , and particularly he complimented
West Cumberland . Dr . Dick , Provincial Grand Steward , likewise returned thank s Bro . Brooker proposed the " Newly Installed Master , Bro . Beattie . " It was a pleasurable duty to him on two accounts—one was that lie
was relieved from very arduous duties , and the second was that it was an extreme pleasure to him to have to propose the health of their newly elected Master . He could say without fear of contradiction that Bro . Beattie was one of the
hardest workers in the lodge . He had never missed a meeting to his knowledge , and the selection made by the brethren of this lodge , last month , could not have fallen into better hands . Bro . Beattie , in response , remembered being present at a social
gathering some seven or eight years since , when the Chairman told the company to prepare for an elegant speech , but they must not expect an elegant speech from him tonight . He thought Bro . Brooker had spoken more of him than he deserved , but it was his full intention to
strive to do his duty as Master of the lodge . The Vice-Chairman proposed " the Health of the Retiring Master , Bro . Brooker , " who , he said , had scarcely been anything but Master of Sun and Sector Lodge for the last three years . Last year he was Master , the year before he did duty
for their departed Bro : Brown in his last ihness , and the year before that also he was Master . Bro . Brooker replied in suitable terms . The remaining toasts were " The Visiting Brethren , " " The Masonic Charities , " and the Tyler ' s toast . " The company broke up about eight o ' clock .
LIVICRI ' . — Staulei ) Lodge , ( No . 132 . 5 ) . — The annual meeting of the brethren connected with this lodge was held at the Masonic Hall , Kirkdale , Liverpool , on the 24 th ultimo , the principal business being the installation of Bro . Crosby Leighton , the W . M . elect , and the investiture of officers . The " Stanley ' s "
existence has been somewhat chequered , but under the ? ar-seeing and discreet guidance of Bro . Crosb y Leighton , who has acted in a self-sacrificing iianner towards its interest , there seems now to ie a strong possibility that it will battle bravely , < md quickly assume the position to which it it entitled . ' There was a very large gathering < . f the brethren on this special occa-
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
sion . Shortly after three o ' clock , Bro . Thomas Leighton , P . M . ( in the absence of Bro . J . \ M . Eccles , W . M . ) opened the lodge according to ancient form , assisted by the following officers of the lodge : —¦
Bros . Crosby Leighton , S . W . ; Henry Ash more , J . W . ; H . A . Bell , S . D . ; D . R . Davies , J . D . ; F . Knight , I . G . ; John Horbury , P . M ., Treas . ; J . W . Burgess , S . S . ; and Geo . W . Chirnside , ¦ S . There , was a full attendance of the members
of the lodge . Ihe minutes were read and confirmed , after which the chair was taken by ]> ro . Dr . J . K . Smith , P . M . 249 , who proceeded to instal Bro . Crosby Leighton , as W . M ., in an exceedingly able and impressive manner , the presentation being made by Bro . P . M . R a deli tie , and Bro . P . M . Thomas Leighton , II . A . Bell , Sec . At the close of the ceremony the following :
officers were appointed and invested for the ensuing year : —Bros . II . Ashmore , S . W " . : F . Knight , J . W . ; J . W . Burgess , S . D . ; G . Smith , J . D . ; arid G . W . Chirnside , I . G . Later in the evening the brethren dined together at
Milbourn ' s-rooms , St . Anne-street , where Mr . Milbourne provided a very fair dinner , though the manner in which it was served did not elicit much praise . Bro . Crosby Leighto . n , W . M ., presided , and he was supported by nearly all the brethren who had witnessed his installation .
The usual loyal and patriotic toasts were duly honoured , including " The Health of Bro . Albert Edward , P . G . M ., Prince of Wales , the Princess of Wales , and the rest of the Royal Family , " after which the W . M . proposed " The Health of the Right Hon . Lord Skehnersdale ,
R . W . Prov . G . M . West Lancashire , and the Hon . Frederick Stanley , W . D . Prov . G . M . which was duly honoured . Bro . J . Kellett Smith , P . M . 24 6 and 1094 , then proposed " The Health of the Worshipful Master of Stanley Lodge , Bro . Crosby Leighton . " He thought they would all
agree that so far the career of the lodge had not been very brilliant , but he hoped and trusted it had now taken a favourable turn , and would ere long attain an important position in the province of West Lancashire . At all events , if anyone would be able to bring the Stanley Lodge to the fore , it was the Worshipful Master , whom he
had had the pleasure of installing that day . The toast was very cordially received , and Bro . Leighton , in responding , expressed a hope that whatever had been the past of the lodge it still had a bright future before it . "The Health of the Installing Master , " " The P . M . ' s of Lodge 1325 , " "The Officers of the Lodge , " " The West Lancashire Masonic Educational
Institution . " " The Visiting Brethren , and " Poor and Distressed Brethren , " were amongst the other toasts which followed , a most agreeable evening being spent .
LIVKRI ' . —Hamer Lodge ( No . 1393 ) . —The installation meeting of this flourishing lodge took place on Tuesday , the 23 rd ult ., at the Clarence Hotel , Everton-road , and was most largely and iniluentially attended , no fewer than 22 P . M ' s gracing the occasion with their presence . The
lodge was opened at 2 p . m ., by Bro . John Jones , W . M ., who was supported by Bros . W . T . May , P . M . ; R . H . Evans , J . W . ; Charles Friar , Treasurer ; E . Wilson , Secretary ; H . Jackson , S . D . ; John McCarthy , J . D . The members present were Bros . Jas . Hamer ,
P . P . G . Treasurer ; Robert Prince , N . G . Veale , Alfred Henry Brooke , F . Green , F . Brooke , fames Harding , George Lunt , John Merrilees , John Bluck , James Tomlin , John Slack , H . Burrows , Jas . A . McCrobie , Benjamin Price , R . W . Rowlands , Thomas Piddington , Joseph
Williams , J . J . Griffith , Henry Hmdle , Ihomas Sam mans , Arch . Gilfillan , Robert Leason , Noah Thornthwaite , John Moulding , Thomas Lloyd Jones , Thomas Roberts , John Price , J . Thompson , E . B . Ingham , CroftonjjC . Davidson , J . F . Jackson . The visitors present were Bros . C . H . Hill . P . G . Reg . ; A . V . Speere ,
P . G . Secretary , Ireland ; J ohn Pemberton , 1276 , P . M . 126 4 ; Thomas Clark , P . M . 673 ; John Parsons , P . M . 205 ; Thomas Ashmore , P . M . 823 ; J . Hocken , 1 \ M . 673 ; R . N . Holt , P . M . 1276 ; J . Holland , P . M . 823 ; G . H . Wilson , 1013 , W . M . 557 ; W . Sephtbn , W . M . ro 86 " ; N . Boulton , W . M . 823 ; R . H . Forester , W . M . 371 ; T . K . j Hughes , P . M . 1013-, Joseph
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Wood , Treasurer 1094 ; Thomas Shaw , J . W . 823 ; John Taylor , S . D . 1276 ; Crosbie Leighton , S . W . 1325 ; Robert Williams , Secretary 1035 ; Qckleshaw , S . W . 66 7 Henry A . Tobias , J . . r 28 , U . S . A . ; William Hiles , 1299 ; John
C . Calev , ; 473 ; R . R . Forshaw , 7035 ; N - Brooksbank , 823 ; Joseph liarlow , 103 5 ; ' N . H . Lidbetter , George Purvcs , S 23 ; L . B . Goodman , 594 ; James Steven , 17 , St . Mary , Scotland ; S . Hague , 6 73 ; Lucius Lenian , 1182 ; J . P . fennings , 249 ; H . W . Harris , 1380 ; P . W . Oglesby ,
' 023 ; i \ . M . Shame , 442 ; J . F . Norman , 203 . Letters of apology were read from liro . the Rev . H . Carpenter , Henry Nelson , P . M . 673 , and others , expressing their regret at not being able to be present , and conveying cordial good wishes for the continued success of the lodge .
The chair was taken by Bro . Jas . Hamer , P . P . G . Treasurer , who proceeded to instal the W . M . elect , Bro 11 . W . Evans , into the chair of K . S . The manner in which this beautiful ceremony was performed excited the profoundest admiration , and fully ju . itilied the cordial vote to
the veteran Installing Master . The newl y chaired W . M . then invested his officers for the ensuing year as follows : —Bros- Henrv Jackson , S . W . ; John McCarthy , j . W . ; Charles Tyzer , Treasurer ; Edward Wilson , Secretary ; Charles Dutch , S . D- ( by proxy ) ; Thomas Large , J . D-
( by proxy ) ; Robert Price , I-G . ; Thomas Sammons , M-C . j Robert Leason , S . S . ; K . B . Ingham , J . S- ; Alfred Brooke , Assistant S- ; W . G . Veale , Organist ; and Michael Williamson , Tyler . The W . M- then proceeded to initiate Messrs . Lingham and Richardson into the mysteries and
privileges of the Order , which he did in a manner that proved him to be possessed of Masonic ability of the highest order , and the lodge is to be congratulated on having elected a W . M . who can perform the duties in such a splendid style . The brethren were then called from labour to
refreshment , and subsequently sat down to an excellent banquet , presided over by the newly installed W . M ., who gave still further proof of his fitness for the position by the elegant and masterly manner in which he gave the usual loyal and Masonic toasts . The " Health of the vV . M . " was proposed by Bro . John Jones ,
I . P . M ., in well chosen terms , and was received with the greatest enthusiasm . The W . M ., in responding , promised the brethren , that , during his year of office , it would be his aim to promote the prosperity of the lodge and the happiness of its members , to the utmost of his power , and that he would consider no self-sacrifice too great to brinsr about those results . The W . M . then
proposed the " Health of the Past and Installing Masters , " which was responded to by Bro . [ ones , I . P . M ., and W . T . May , P . M . The W . M . next gave the " Healths of the Newly-Initiated . " which was responded to in a most admirable manner by Bro . Lingham . The W . M . next proposed " The Officers of the Hamer Lodge , No .
1 . 39 . 3 . " Bro . Jackson , S . W ., in responding , expressed a hope that the W . M . would have no occasion to regret the selection that he had made , and Bro . McCarthy , J . W ., said that he would endeavour to perform his duties to the
satisfaction of the W . M . and thebrethren . The remainder of the officers responded in similar terms . The-W . M ., in proposing the " West Lancashire Masonic Educational Institution , " paid a tribute of respect to the memory of the late Bro . Mott , and expressed his opinion that the present
Secretary , Lro . Richard Brown , would be found a worthy successor to that much lamented brother , and also made a strong appeal to every member of 1393 , to become a subscriber to the funds of the Institution , which he characterised as the most deserving Masonic Institution he was acquainted
with . The W . M . next gave the "Visiting Brethren , " which was responded to by Bros . Rose , WM ., 249 ; Shepton , W M . ioS < S ; J . Hocken , P . M . 673 ; C . Lei-hton , W . M . elect ; and Ockleshaw , S . W ., 66 ; . The pleasures of ihe evening were greatly enhanced hy several
glees and solos , most excellently rendered by Bros . Gilfillan , Wilson , Robert . Merriles , Veale , Price , and others . TI 13 recitations of Bros Jackson and McCarthy were also much admired . The Tyler ' s toast brought to a conclusion one of the pleasantest evenings ever held under the auspices of the Hamer , the proceedings through-