Article CONTENTS. Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 1 of 4 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 1 of 4 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 1 of 4 →
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REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINCS—( raft Mase nry 3 § 5 Rojai Arch 3 S 8 Mark Masorry 38 S Knights Templar 3 SS Ancient and Accepted Rite 3 *> 8 Royal Ark Mariners 389 Provincial Grand Loelge of Montreal 38 9 Provincial Grand Lodof Cumberland and Westmorland 389
ge ... Provincial Grand Lodge of Dorset 389 The Grand Lodge of Sro-land and the G-and Lodge of Quebec 39 ° Maseimy Returning Homewards 39 ° Ce . RRF . SP 0 ^ nE * CE : — Boys ' and Girls' Schools Election 39 ' Laughton Phi'rch Tower Restoration Fund 39 ' The New Forest HoM 39 r
The October Elections 3 gr Proeincial Grand Preccpt ^ ry of Cornwall 391 Provincial Grand Lod « : e eif Tunis and Malta 39 1 Consecration of the Brixton Royal Ark Mariners' Lodge 393 Freemasonry in Norfolk 392 Wentworth Little Memorial Fund 393 Masonic Notes and Queries S 93 Masonic and General Tidintrs 393 Lodge Meetings for Next Week 394 Advertisements i ., ii ., iv „ v ., vi ,
REPORTS , etc ., intended for insertion in current number , should reach the Office , ( 198 , Fleet-street ) , by Six o'clock p . m ., on "Wednesdays .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
( Craft jlascmrg . PILGRIM LODGE ( No . 23 S ) . —A very interesting ceremony took 1 lace on Wednesday last at Freemasons ' Hall , viz ., the celebration of the centenary of the " Loge de Pilger , No . 238 . " This is the only lodge under the English Constitution working in the German language , and the members are deservedly proud of its having attained its 100 th birthday under such circumstances . It was
established in 1779 by German residents in London at the Old Mitre Tavern , in Fleet-strcit , its then number on the roll being 516 . From there it migrated to the Old London Tavern , and rtmained there for many ytars . As the members increased this house was found too small , and it moved thence to the Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall-street . It has new found a resting place at the head-quaiters of
Freemasonry in London—the Freemasons' Hall . It is very evideit from the members assembled on Wedr . tsdaj , and the long list of apologies for non-attendance and expressions of goodwill , that the " Pilger Loge" stands high in the estimation , not only of the German community in London , but of a very large number of English Freemasons . As a proof of this , we may mention that letters of
congratulation were received from the M . W . the Grand Master , H . H . R . the Prince of Wales , the Duke of Connaught , Prince feopold , Lord Carnarvon , Lord Skelmersdale , and a large number of distinguished brethren . There were present many deputations from Hanover , Hamburg , and other parts of Germany . The Grand Lodge of England was represented by Bros . Wendt , Sec . for German
Correspondence ; T . Fenn , Past Grand Deacon ; H . G . Bus ? , A . G . Sec . ; Dr . Martini , Grand Master of Frankfort ; C . Hoffmann , Past G . Steward ; and Handewerk , Prov . G . W . of Gloucester and P . G . M . of the Royal Gloucestershire . The lodge was opened in due form and with solemn prayer , the W . M ., Bro . A . Beygrau , presiding , supported by Bro . A . Vcgt , Deputy , or Past Master ; Bro . Charles
Sevin , for thirty years Treasurer of the loelge ; and Bro . Karl Bergmann , P . M . and Sec . The Wardens were Bros . Furst , S . W ., anel Neuhaus , J . W . ; Bro . Harrer , M . D ., occupied the position cf Orator , or speaker . The whole of the proceedings were conducted in the German language , and the W . M ., in an eloquent and telling speech , warmly welcomed the visiting brethren , and expressed the pleasure he
felt , which was fully shared in by the whole loelge , at receiving brothers from the beloved Fatherland . Bro . Wendt , on behalf cf the Grand Lodge of England , congratulated the lodge on having preserved unbroken the records of proceedings , which had entitled them to the much-coveted distinction of a centenary jewel . He also congratulated the members on its past career and present position . Dr .
Martini , Grand Matter of Frankfort , wished the greatest possible success to their brethren in England , for whom they all had the greatest respect , and took the opportunity of expressing the appreciation of the Craft in Germany for the way in which the ancient landmarks of the Order had been preserved . He remarked that the first lodge established in Frankfort was the Union , under the charter of
the English Grand Lodge , which was afterwards , by the ourtesy of the English Grand Lod ^ e , transferred to the German Grand Lodge , when it came into existence , yet the origin of the lodge would never be forgotten , and the sacred precepts handed down to them would always be preserved . Addresses were also delivered by the deputies of other German lodges ,
and the enjoyment of the brethren was much enhanced by the performance , by a select beidy of the brethren , of two original compositions , viz .: a poem , set to music by Bro . Wilhelm Ganz , in memory of the founders of the lodge , and a Fest-Cantate , compeised by Bro . Martin Muller . paring the singing of a hymn by members and visitors , fraternal greetings in unity took place according to the custom in German lodges . The ceremony lasted for more thari
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
two hours , and on ihe lodge being closed , the brethren adjourned to a banquet . The toasts , " The Queen and the Craft , " " The M . W . Grand Master the Prince of Wales , " "The Deutcher Kaiser , " " The Visitors , " responded to by Bro . R . F . Gould on bthalf of the English brethren present , and by Bro . Martini for the German visitors . The Tyler ' s
toast brought the proceedings to a close . We may mention that the musical programme , as might have been expected from such a music-loving people , was of the highest character , the principal contributors being Bros . Wilhelm Ganz , M . Mueller , Eugen Kapff , Josef Ludwig , Dr . Harrer , A . Siegle , Hugo Daubert , W . Lotz , anel G . W . C . Starke .
-WILLIAM PRESTON LODGE ( No . 766 ) . —The Septemhcr meeting or this , one of the few Banner Lodges , was held at the Cannon-street Hotel , on Thursday week , the 25 th ult . On this occasion an innovation was made , in the form of admitting ladies to the banquet table . This experiment , for which we are indebted to Bros . George Newman , P . M ., anel Wm . Worrell , P . M ., proved a most
decided success , and its occasional observance would no doubt tend to lessen the severity of the charge of selfishness which the ladies oft make against the brethren . The lodge was opened at 2 . 30 by the W . M ., Bro . Dr . C . R . Cutmore , assisted by the following officers and brethren : Bros . E . Kidman , S . W . ; W . Drake , J . W . ; Capt . G . J . Kain , P . M ., Treas . ; Wm . Worrell , P . M ., Sec ; W . J .
Roberts , S . D . ; E . B . Broomhall , D . of C . ; George Newman , P . M ., Steward ; W . J . Collens , I . G . ; John Pringle , P . M . ; W . Manfield Newton ( W . M . elect ) ; H . E . Heath , J . W . Hutchison , Turle Lee , Wm . Johnston , L . S . Burt , J . G . Appell , A . G . Rees , F . G . Barnes , P . Steinmann , and the following visitors : Bios . H . Garrod , P . M . 749 ; L . Beck , W . M . 1559 , P . G . O . Middx . ; H . Harman , 15 , 41 ; W . W .
Morgan , 1385 ; S . Smith , 742 ; and F . A . | Kelly , 1524 { Freemason ) . Bro . Worrell , P . M ., Sec , read the minutes of the last meeting , which were confirmed . The lodge was then opened in the Third Degree , when Bro . Lawrence S . Burt was raised to the Degree of a Master Mason . The ballot was taken for Messrs . C . W . Lenox Hall , Geo . Hutchison , and Alfred Wortham . Proving unanimous in
their favour , each gentleman was separately initiated into the mysteries and privileges of ancient Freemasonry by the Worshipful Master , Bro . Cutmore . The election of W . M ., Treas ., and Tyler for the ensuing year was then proceeeled with . On the motion of Bro . Captain Kain , P . M ., seconded by Bro . John Pringle , P . M ., Bro . Wm . M . Newton was elected to fill the chair of K . S . for the
ensuing year , Bro . E . Kidman , S . W ., having gracefully declined that honour in favour of Bro . Newton , who was eligible for the office in 1876 , but had retired in favour of his father , the late Bro . W . E . Newton . Bro . Capt . Kain was re-elected Treasurer , an office which he has ably filled for several years . Bro . Grant was also re-elected Tyler . Bro . Kain then , in very feeling terms , referred to the loss
the lodge had sustaineel in the death of Bro . Past Master W . E . Newton , and proposed that a letter of condolence should be sent to Mrs . Newton . The Worshipful Master seconded the motion , which was carried unanimously . After the appointment of the Audit Committee the lodge was duly closed , and the brethren forthwith joined the ladies and non-Masonic gentlemen in the drawing-room .
The company shortly afterwards assembled in the banqueting-hall , which , by a very tasteful grouping of the banners of the various Worshipful Masters of this lodge , looked certainly very effective . Bro . Dr . C . R . Cutmore , Worshipful Master , prtsided , and among the company present , in addition to those already mentioned , were Dr . D . M . Forbes . Mr . Lockwood , Mr . F . Ullmer and
Miss Ullmer , Mrs . Newman , Madame Worrell , Mrs . Manfield Newton , Mr . M . A . Trass and Mrs . Trass , Mrs . Smith , Mrs . Marshall , Mrs . Rees , Miss Marian Burton , Mr . A . S . A . Dodson , Mr . Alfred Kenningham , and Mr . E . Powell { City Press ) . After the dinner , which was exceptionally good and ably served under the superintendence of Bro . E . H . Rand , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts
weie given . Bro . Capt . Kain , with great humour , proposed " The Health of the Worshipful Master , " to which Bro . Cutmore replied . The W . M . then proposed " The Initiates , " to which the newly-enlightened brethren responded . To the toast of "The Past Masters , " Bros . Capt . Kain , Miller , Newman , Pringle , and Worrell replied in fitting terms . Bro . George Newman related some
interesting facts concerning the lodge from the time when it consisted of but seven members to its present successful condition . The toast of "The Non-Masonic Visitors " was proposed in complimentary terms by the Worshipful Master , and was responded to by several gentlemen , including Messrs . Dodson , Lockwood , Dr . Forbes , and E . Powe'l . Bro . Williams ably responeled on behalf of "The
Ladies . " In reply to the toast of "the W . M . elect , " Bro . W . Manfield Newton sincerely thanked the biethren for electing him , also Bro . Kidman , S . W ., for kindly waiving his claim to the chair . Several other toasts were given and responded to . During the evening an elegant musical entertainment was given under the direction of Bro .
Seymour Smith , the artistes being Madame Worrell , Miss Marian Burton , and Mr . Alfred Kenningham , accompanicel on the pianoforte by Bro . Turle Lee . Bro . Garrod gave a most laughable recitation entitled " The Ouack Doctor , " which was very warmly applauded . The infant Salvini also recited , with great power for so young an artist , " The Charge of the Light Biigade . "
SIR HUGH MYDDELTON LODGE ( No . 1602 ) . —The ordinary meeting ot this lodge was held in the Agricultural Hall , on Friday , the 26 th ult . Theie were present Bros . A . F . Rnwl y , W . M . ; Eelward G . Sim , P . M . ; E . Somers , P . M . ; Th s . J . Ceiombs , P . VI . ; J . Weston , S . W . ; J . Osborn , J . W . ; J . Greenfield , Treas . ; C . F . Parslow , Sec . ; W . Norris , S . D . ; W . F . Poulton , J . D . ; G . Thomas . Org . ; H . Field , I . G . ; A . G . Rummell ,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Steward ; T . B . Adison , A . S . ; F . F . E . Hevse , Percy Taylor , G . W . Parker , S . Hollidge , E . Payne , John Gibbs , E . Abrams , C . Gwyn , G . W . Latter , and A . H . Chisholm { Frcemaso 7 i ) . Visitors : Bros . R . Pearcy , W . M . 228 ; Wm . Brown Kidder , P . M . 12 ; Wm . Weaver , P . M . 820 ; T . Tupward , S . D . 1662 ; Albert Yates , J . D . 948 . The lodge having been opened , the minutes of the
prtvious meeting were read and confirmed . Bros . C . Gwyn , P . G . S . Taylor , and G . W . Larter were then formally raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Masons . Bro . F . F . E . Heise was afterwarels passed to the F . C . Degree . This concluding the business before the meeting , the lodge was closed in due form , and the brethren reti red to the banqueting-room , where they were served with an
excellent dinner , presided over by the W . M . A vellum testimonial , bearing a suitable inscription , was presented by the W . M . to Bro , R . Pearcy , the Preceptor of the lodge of instruction , by way of a mark of congratulation on his recovery from a late severe illness . Bro . Pearcy very appropriately acknowledged the presentation . The usual Masonic and patriotic toasts were duly honoured , interspersed with some capital songs by several members of the company .
HENRY MUGGERIDGE LODGE ( No . 1679 ) . —A meeting of the above lodge was held on Saturday , the 27 th ult ., at the Prince George , Parkholme-road , Dalston . There were present Bros . E . F . Storr , W . M . ; J Lorkin , S . W . ; Henry John , J . W . ; J . H . Wilkin , S . D . ; Charles Arnold , J . D . ( pro tem . ); Alfred Sack , I . G . ; E . Dyer , D . C . ; Henry Muggeridge , P . M . ; J . Bagot Scriven ,
Treas . ; Henry Leah , Hon . Sec . ; E . Hyde Hewett , and several other brethren . Bro . Sandland was raised to the Degree of Master Mason , and Bro . Street passed to the Degree of Fellow Craft . The lodge was then closed in due form , and the brethren partook of a very nice plain supper , provided by the hostess in her usual admirable manner . Bro . Scriven , the generous Treasurer , told the
brethren that he intended to have the pleasure of presenting the lodge with a new set of lodge boards and an emblem of meirtality . Great anxiety was expressed for the success of the Widow Fellow ' s daughter , Charlotte Amelia , at the ensuing election of the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls , it being her last chance . The brethren separated at an early hour , much pleased with a very agreeable meeting .
ROTHESAY LODGE ( No . 1687 ) . —The third installation meeting of this young but flourishing lodge was held on Wednesday last , the 1 st inst ., at the Inns of Court Hotel , Holborn . The lodge was opened by the W . M ., Bro . Frank Kirk , and among the members and visitors present we noticed Bros . John Hancock , S . W . ( W . M . elect ) ; J . Docker , J . W . ; Louis Beck , P . M ., P . G . Org . Mid'llese ' x ,
Treas . ; William C . Parsons , P . M ., Secretary ; Jas . Crossland , S . D . ; Henry Outhwaite , J . D . ; E . Duret , D . of C ; E . W . Levermore , A . D . of C ; J . Berrow , Org . ; B . H . Swallow , P . M ., W . S . ; H . E . Forscutt , I . G . ; Potter , Tyler ; F . Green , sen ., John Butler , F . Farr , T . Wallace , A . H . Levy , Fred . V . Green , Thomas Lloyd , Warner Sleigh , Wm . Mole , E . Blewitt , John Wake , E . Valeriani ,
E . C . Newell ; and the following visitors : Breis . W . H . Dean , P . M . 417 , P . P . G . S . B . Dorset ; Joseph Wrighr , P . M . u 8 , P . G . P . ; E . W . Farwig , W . M . 180 ; S . Watkins , P . M . 212 ; E . T . Scott , P . M . 749 ; H . M . Levy , 188 ; W . H . Perryman , 3 ; G . Detraz , 145 ; E . P . Festa , 834 ; R . F . Giles , 1328 ; J . W . Lakin , 180 ; James Inge , 156 3 ; H . Stewart , 780 ; and F . A . Kelly , 1524 { Freemason ) .
The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . The report of the Audit Committee was also read , received , and adopted . Ballot was then taken for two candidates , Mr . Thomas Lloyd and Mr . Wm . Mole , which proved unanimous in their favour . The brethren below the chair of Installed Master having retired , Bro . John Hancock was installed into the Worshipful Master's chair in a most
impressive manner , by Bro . Louis Beck , P . M ., Provincial Grand Organist Middlesex , in the presence of a numerous Board of Installed Masters . Bro . Beck was heartil y congratulated on the very efficient manner in which he had performed the ceremony of installation . Bro . John Hancock , W . M ., then appointed and invested the following brethren as his officers for the ensuing year : Bros . Frank
Kirk , I . P . M . ; J . Docker , S . W . ; James Crossland , J . W . ; Rev . P . M . Holden , Chap . ; Louis Beck , P . M ., P . G . Org . Middx ., Treas . ; Wm . C . Parsons , Sec . ; Henry Outhwaite , S . D . ; H . E . Forscutt , J . D . ; E . Duret , I . G . ; E . W . Levermore , D . of C . ; F . Green , sen ., A . D . of C . ; J . Berrow , Org . ; B . H . Swallow , P . M ., P . P . G . D . Middx ., W . S . ; Macgillivray , A . W . S . ; and Potter , Tyler . Loelge was
then lowered to the First Degree , when Messrs . Mole anel Lloyd , having been properly prepared , were introduced and duly initiated into the mystic . rder , the ceremony being most impressively given by the W . M ., assisted by his newly-appointed office rs . After a notice of motion for the next meeting by Bro . Green , sen ., and " Hearty good wishes " had been expressed from the numerous visitors
present , the lodge was closed , anel the brethren shortly afterwards sat down to a choice- anil elegant I anquet , provideel by Bro . Gosdcn . Bro . John Hancock , W . M ., in proposing "The Health of the I . P . M ., " made some very complimentary remarks upon that brother ' s services , and concluded , amid the applause of the brethren , by placing upon Bro . Kirk's breast a handsome gold Past Master ' s jewel , with the following inscription at the back : —
Presented by the brethren of the Rothesay Lodge , No . 1687 , to Bro . Frank Kirk , I . P . M ., as a slight acknowledgement of his services as Weirshiptul Master eluring his year of office ending September , 18 79 . Several other toasts followed , and were einly honoured . The pleasures of the evening were considerably enhanced by the vocal and other contributions of Bros . Warner Sleigh , Louis Beck , Lloyd , anil Levy .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINCS—( raft Mase nry 3 § 5 Rojai Arch 3 S 8 Mark Masorry 38 S Knights Templar 3 SS Ancient and Accepted Rite 3 *> 8 Royal Ark Mariners 389 Provincial Grand Loelge of Montreal 38 9 Provincial Grand Lodof Cumberland and Westmorland 389
ge ... Provincial Grand Lodge of Dorset 389 The Grand Lodge of Sro-land and the G-and Lodge of Quebec 39 ° Maseimy Returning Homewards 39 ° Ce . RRF . SP 0 ^ nE * CE : — Boys ' and Girls' Schools Election 39 ' Laughton Phi'rch Tower Restoration Fund 39 ' The New Forest HoM 39 r
The October Elections 3 gr Proeincial Grand Preccpt ^ ry of Cornwall 391 Provincial Grand Lod « : e eif Tunis and Malta 39 1 Consecration of the Brixton Royal Ark Mariners' Lodge 393 Freemasonry in Norfolk 392 Wentworth Little Memorial Fund 393 Masonic Notes and Queries S 93 Masonic and General Tidintrs 393 Lodge Meetings for Next Week 394 Advertisements i ., ii ., iv „ v ., vi ,
REPORTS , etc ., intended for insertion in current number , should reach the Office , ( 198 , Fleet-street ) , by Six o'clock p . m ., on "Wednesdays .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
( Craft jlascmrg . PILGRIM LODGE ( No . 23 S ) . —A very interesting ceremony took 1 lace on Wednesday last at Freemasons ' Hall , viz ., the celebration of the centenary of the " Loge de Pilger , No . 238 . " This is the only lodge under the English Constitution working in the German language , and the members are deservedly proud of its having attained its 100 th birthday under such circumstances . It was
established in 1779 by German residents in London at the Old Mitre Tavern , in Fleet-strcit , its then number on the roll being 516 . From there it migrated to the Old London Tavern , and rtmained there for many ytars . As the members increased this house was found too small , and it moved thence to the Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall-street . It has new found a resting place at the head-quaiters of
Freemasonry in London—the Freemasons' Hall . It is very evideit from the members assembled on Wedr . tsdaj , and the long list of apologies for non-attendance and expressions of goodwill , that the " Pilger Loge" stands high in the estimation , not only of the German community in London , but of a very large number of English Freemasons . As a proof of this , we may mention that letters of
congratulation were received from the M . W . the Grand Master , H . H . R . the Prince of Wales , the Duke of Connaught , Prince feopold , Lord Carnarvon , Lord Skelmersdale , and a large number of distinguished brethren . There were present many deputations from Hanover , Hamburg , and other parts of Germany . The Grand Lodge of England was represented by Bros . Wendt , Sec . for German
Correspondence ; T . Fenn , Past Grand Deacon ; H . G . Bus ? , A . G . Sec . ; Dr . Martini , Grand Master of Frankfort ; C . Hoffmann , Past G . Steward ; and Handewerk , Prov . G . W . of Gloucester and P . G . M . of the Royal Gloucestershire . The lodge was opened in due form and with solemn prayer , the W . M ., Bro . A . Beygrau , presiding , supported by Bro . A . Vcgt , Deputy , or Past Master ; Bro . Charles
Sevin , for thirty years Treasurer of the loelge ; and Bro . Karl Bergmann , P . M . and Sec . The Wardens were Bros . Furst , S . W ., anel Neuhaus , J . W . ; Bro . Harrer , M . D ., occupied the position cf Orator , or speaker . The whole of the proceedings were conducted in the German language , and the W . M ., in an eloquent and telling speech , warmly welcomed the visiting brethren , and expressed the pleasure he
felt , which was fully shared in by the whole loelge , at receiving brothers from the beloved Fatherland . Bro . Wendt , on behalf cf the Grand Lodge of England , congratulated the lodge on having preserved unbroken the records of proceedings , which had entitled them to the much-coveted distinction of a centenary jewel . He also congratulated the members on its past career and present position . Dr .
Martini , Grand Matter of Frankfort , wished the greatest possible success to their brethren in England , for whom they all had the greatest respect , and took the opportunity of expressing the appreciation of the Craft in Germany for the way in which the ancient landmarks of the Order had been preserved . He remarked that the first lodge established in Frankfort was the Union , under the charter of
the English Grand Lodge , which was afterwards , by the ourtesy of the English Grand Lod ^ e , transferred to the German Grand Lodge , when it came into existence , yet the origin of the lodge would never be forgotten , and the sacred precepts handed down to them would always be preserved . Addresses were also delivered by the deputies of other German lodges ,
and the enjoyment of the brethren was much enhanced by the performance , by a select beidy of the brethren , of two original compositions , viz .: a poem , set to music by Bro . Wilhelm Ganz , in memory of the founders of the lodge , and a Fest-Cantate , compeised by Bro . Martin Muller . paring the singing of a hymn by members and visitors , fraternal greetings in unity took place according to the custom in German lodges . The ceremony lasted for more thari
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
two hours , and on ihe lodge being closed , the brethren adjourned to a banquet . The toasts , " The Queen and the Craft , " " The M . W . Grand Master the Prince of Wales , " "The Deutcher Kaiser , " " The Visitors , " responded to by Bro . R . F . Gould on bthalf of the English brethren present , and by Bro . Martini for the German visitors . The Tyler ' s
toast brought the proceedings to a close . We may mention that the musical programme , as might have been expected from such a music-loving people , was of the highest character , the principal contributors being Bros . Wilhelm Ganz , M . Mueller , Eugen Kapff , Josef Ludwig , Dr . Harrer , A . Siegle , Hugo Daubert , W . Lotz , anel G . W . C . Starke .
-WILLIAM PRESTON LODGE ( No . 766 ) . —The Septemhcr meeting or this , one of the few Banner Lodges , was held at the Cannon-street Hotel , on Thursday week , the 25 th ult . On this occasion an innovation was made , in the form of admitting ladies to the banquet table . This experiment , for which we are indebted to Bros . George Newman , P . M ., anel Wm . Worrell , P . M ., proved a most
decided success , and its occasional observance would no doubt tend to lessen the severity of the charge of selfishness which the ladies oft make against the brethren . The lodge was opened at 2 . 30 by the W . M ., Bro . Dr . C . R . Cutmore , assisted by the following officers and brethren : Bros . E . Kidman , S . W . ; W . Drake , J . W . ; Capt . G . J . Kain , P . M ., Treas . ; Wm . Worrell , P . M ., Sec ; W . J .
Roberts , S . D . ; E . B . Broomhall , D . of C . ; George Newman , P . M ., Steward ; W . J . Collens , I . G . ; John Pringle , P . M . ; W . Manfield Newton ( W . M . elect ) ; H . E . Heath , J . W . Hutchison , Turle Lee , Wm . Johnston , L . S . Burt , J . G . Appell , A . G . Rees , F . G . Barnes , P . Steinmann , and the following visitors : Bios . H . Garrod , P . M . 749 ; L . Beck , W . M . 1559 , P . G . O . Middx . ; H . Harman , 15 , 41 ; W . W .
Morgan , 1385 ; S . Smith , 742 ; and F . A . | Kelly , 1524 { Freemason ) . Bro . Worrell , P . M ., Sec , read the minutes of the last meeting , which were confirmed . The lodge was then opened in the Third Degree , when Bro . Lawrence S . Burt was raised to the Degree of a Master Mason . The ballot was taken for Messrs . C . W . Lenox Hall , Geo . Hutchison , and Alfred Wortham . Proving unanimous in
their favour , each gentleman was separately initiated into the mysteries and privileges of ancient Freemasonry by the Worshipful Master , Bro . Cutmore . The election of W . M ., Treas ., and Tyler for the ensuing year was then proceeeled with . On the motion of Bro . Captain Kain , P . M ., seconded by Bro . John Pringle , P . M ., Bro . Wm . M . Newton was elected to fill the chair of K . S . for the
ensuing year , Bro . E . Kidman , S . W ., having gracefully declined that honour in favour of Bro . Newton , who was eligible for the office in 1876 , but had retired in favour of his father , the late Bro . W . E . Newton . Bro . Capt . Kain was re-elected Treasurer , an office which he has ably filled for several years . Bro . Grant was also re-elected Tyler . Bro . Kain then , in very feeling terms , referred to the loss
the lodge had sustaineel in the death of Bro . Past Master W . E . Newton , and proposed that a letter of condolence should be sent to Mrs . Newton . The Worshipful Master seconded the motion , which was carried unanimously . After the appointment of the Audit Committee the lodge was duly closed , and the brethren forthwith joined the ladies and non-Masonic gentlemen in the drawing-room .
The company shortly afterwards assembled in the banqueting-hall , which , by a very tasteful grouping of the banners of the various Worshipful Masters of this lodge , looked certainly very effective . Bro . Dr . C . R . Cutmore , Worshipful Master , prtsided , and among the company present , in addition to those already mentioned , were Dr . D . M . Forbes . Mr . Lockwood , Mr . F . Ullmer and
Miss Ullmer , Mrs . Newman , Madame Worrell , Mrs . Manfield Newton , Mr . M . A . Trass and Mrs . Trass , Mrs . Smith , Mrs . Marshall , Mrs . Rees , Miss Marian Burton , Mr . A . S . A . Dodson , Mr . Alfred Kenningham , and Mr . E . Powell { City Press ) . After the dinner , which was exceptionally good and ably served under the superintendence of Bro . E . H . Rand , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts
weie given . Bro . Capt . Kain , with great humour , proposed " The Health of the Worshipful Master , " to which Bro . Cutmore replied . The W . M . then proposed " The Initiates , " to which the newly-enlightened brethren responded . To the toast of "The Past Masters , " Bros . Capt . Kain , Miller , Newman , Pringle , and Worrell replied in fitting terms . Bro . George Newman related some
interesting facts concerning the lodge from the time when it consisted of but seven members to its present successful condition . The toast of "The Non-Masonic Visitors " was proposed in complimentary terms by the Worshipful Master , and was responded to by several gentlemen , including Messrs . Dodson , Lockwood , Dr . Forbes , and E . Powe'l . Bro . Williams ably responeled on behalf of "The
Ladies . " In reply to the toast of "the W . M . elect , " Bro . W . Manfield Newton sincerely thanked the biethren for electing him , also Bro . Kidman , S . W ., for kindly waiving his claim to the chair . Several other toasts were given and responded to . During the evening an elegant musical entertainment was given under the direction of Bro .
Seymour Smith , the artistes being Madame Worrell , Miss Marian Burton , and Mr . Alfred Kenningham , accompanicel on the pianoforte by Bro . Turle Lee . Bro . Garrod gave a most laughable recitation entitled " The Ouack Doctor , " which was very warmly applauded . The infant Salvini also recited , with great power for so young an artist , " The Charge of the Light Biigade . "
SIR HUGH MYDDELTON LODGE ( No . 1602 ) . —The ordinary meeting ot this lodge was held in the Agricultural Hall , on Friday , the 26 th ult . Theie were present Bros . A . F . Rnwl y , W . M . ; Eelward G . Sim , P . M . ; E . Somers , P . M . ; Th s . J . Ceiombs , P . VI . ; J . Weston , S . W . ; J . Osborn , J . W . ; J . Greenfield , Treas . ; C . F . Parslow , Sec . ; W . Norris , S . D . ; W . F . Poulton , J . D . ; G . Thomas . Org . ; H . Field , I . G . ; A . G . Rummell ,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Steward ; T . B . Adison , A . S . ; F . F . E . Hevse , Percy Taylor , G . W . Parker , S . Hollidge , E . Payne , John Gibbs , E . Abrams , C . Gwyn , G . W . Latter , and A . H . Chisholm { Frcemaso 7 i ) . Visitors : Bros . R . Pearcy , W . M . 228 ; Wm . Brown Kidder , P . M . 12 ; Wm . Weaver , P . M . 820 ; T . Tupward , S . D . 1662 ; Albert Yates , J . D . 948 . The lodge having been opened , the minutes of the
prtvious meeting were read and confirmed . Bros . C . Gwyn , P . G . S . Taylor , and G . W . Larter were then formally raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Masons . Bro . F . F . E . Heise was afterwarels passed to the F . C . Degree . This concluding the business before the meeting , the lodge was closed in due form , and the brethren reti red to the banqueting-room , where they were served with an
excellent dinner , presided over by the W . M . A vellum testimonial , bearing a suitable inscription , was presented by the W . M . to Bro , R . Pearcy , the Preceptor of the lodge of instruction , by way of a mark of congratulation on his recovery from a late severe illness . Bro . Pearcy very appropriately acknowledged the presentation . The usual Masonic and patriotic toasts were duly honoured , interspersed with some capital songs by several members of the company .
HENRY MUGGERIDGE LODGE ( No . 1679 ) . —A meeting of the above lodge was held on Saturday , the 27 th ult ., at the Prince George , Parkholme-road , Dalston . There were present Bros . E . F . Storr , W . M . ; J Lorkin , S . W . ; Henry John , J . W . ; J . H . Wilkin , S . D . ; Charles Arnold , J . D . ( pro tem . ); Alfred Sack , I . G . ; E . Dyer , D . C . ; Henry Muggeridge , P . M . ; J . Bagot Scriven ,
Treas . ; Henry Leah , Hon . Sec . ; E . Hyde Hewett , and several other brethren . Bro . Sandland was raised to the Degree of Master Mason , and Bro . Street passed to the Degree of Fellow Craft . The lodge was then closed in due form , and the brethren partook of a very nice plain supper , provided by the hostess in her usual admirable manner . Bro . Scriven , the generous Treasurer , told the
brethren that he intended to have the pleasure of presenting the lodge with a new set of lodge boards and an emblem of meirtality . Great anxiety was expressed for the success of the Widow Fellow ' s daughter , Charlotte Amelia , at the ensuing election of the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls , it being her last chance . The brethren separated at an early hour , much pleased with a very agreeable meeting .
ROTHESAY LODGE ( No . 1687 ) . —The third installation meeting of this young but flourishing lodge was held on Wednesday last , the 1 st inst ., at the Inns of Court Hotel , Holborn . The lodge was opened by the W . M ., Bro . Frank Kirk , and among the members and visitors present we noticed Bros . John Hancock , S . W . ( W . M . elect ) ; J . Docker , J . W . ; Louis Beck , P . M ., P . G . Org . Mid'llese ' x ,
Treas . ; William C . Parsons , P . M ., Secretary ; Jas . Crossland , S . D . ; Henry Outhwaite , J . D . ; E . Duret , D . of C ; E . W . Levermore , A . D . of C ; J . Berrow , Org . ; B . H . Swallow , P . M ., W . S . ; H . E . Forscutt , I . G . ; Potter , Tyler ; F . Green , sen ., John Butler , F . Farr , T . Wallace , A . H . Levy , Fred . V . Green , Thomas Lloyd , Warner Sleigh , Wm . Mole , E . Blewitt , John Wake , E . Valeriani ,
E . C . Newell ; and the following visitors : Breis . W . H . Dean , P . M . 417 , P . P . G . S . B . Dorset ; Joseph Wrighr , P . M . u 8 , P . G . P . ; E . W . Farwig , W . M . 180 ; S . Watkins , P . M . 212 ; E . T . Scott , P . M . 749 ; H . M . Levy , 188 ; W . H . Perryman , 3 ; G . Detraz , 145 ; E . P . Festa , 834 ; R . F . Giles , 1328 ; J . W . Lakin , 180 ; James Inge , 156 3 ; H . Stewart , 780 ; and F . A . Kelly , 1524 { Freemason ) .
The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . The report of the Audit Committee was also read , received , and adopted . Ballot was then taken for two candidates , Mr . Thomas Lloyd and Mr . Wm . Mole , which proved unanimous in their favour . The brethren below the chair of Installed Master having retired , Bro . John Hancock was installed into the Worshipful Master's chair in a most
impressive manner , by Bro . Louis Beck , P . M ., Provincial Grand Organist Middlesex , in the presence of a numerous Board of Installed Masters . Bro . Beck was heartil y congratulated on the very efficient manner in which he had performed the ceremony of installation . Bro . John Hancock , W . M ., then appointed and invested the following brethren as his officers for the ensuing year : Bros . Frank
Kirk , I . P . M . ; J . Docker , S . W . ; James Crossland , J . W . ; Rev . P . M . Holden , Chap . ; Louis Beck , P . M ., P . G . Org . Middx ., Treas . ; Wm . C . Parsons , Sec . ; Henry Outhwaite , S . D . ; H . E . Forscutt , J . D . ; E . Duret , I . G . ; E . W . Levermore , D . of C . ; F . Green , sen ., A . D . of C . ; J . Berrow , Org . ; B . H . Swallow , P . M ., P . P . G . D . Middx ., W . S . ; Macgillivray , A . W . S . ; and Potter , Tyler . Loelge was
then lowered to the First Degree , when Messrs . Mole anel Lloyd , having been properly prepared , were introduced and duly initiated into the mystic . rder , the ceremony being most impressively given by the W . M ., assisted by his newly-appointed office rs . After a notice of motion for the next meeting by Bro . Green , sen ., and " Hearty good wishes " had been expressed from the numerous visitors
present , the lodge was closed , anel the brethren shortly afterwards sat down to a choice- anil elegant I anquet , provideel by Bro . Gosdcn . Bro . John Hancock , W . M ., in proposing "The Health of the I . P . M ., " made some very complimentary remarks upon that brother ' s services , and concluded , amid the applause of the brethren , by placing upon Bro . Kirk's breast a handsome gold Past Master ' s jewel , with the following inscription at the back : —
Presented by the brethren of the Rothesay Lodge , No . 1687 , to Bro . Frank Kirk , I . P . M ., as a slight acknowledgement of his services as Weirshiptul Master eluring his year of office ending September , 18 79 . Several other toasts followed , and were einly honoured . The pleasures of the evening were considerably enhanced by the vocal and other contributions of Bros . Warner Sleigh , Louis Beck , Lloyd , anil Levy .