Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. ← Page 4 of 4 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1 Article Mark Masonry. Page 1 of 1 Article Mark Masonry. Page 1 of 1 Article Knights Templar. Page 1 of 1 Article Ancient and Accepted Rite. Page 1 of 2 Article Ancient and Accepted Rite. Page 1 of 2 →
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
io 35 ( Mayor of Bootle ) . He observed that the Liverpool Dramatic Lodge was second to none in the estimation of the Province of West Lancashire . During the several years in which he ( the Mayor ) had been passing through the several offices eif the Order he hael been supported by tluir W . M ., and Bro . MacKcnz ' e had also been present on several occasions on which he had been placed in the
Worshipful Mastei ' s chair . No other Mason in Liverpool would have induced him to have left home that evening . There was rarely an evening on which he was not occupied with duties arising from his official position , and , besides that , he had felt far from well that day . II owever , he had considered it us little as he could do to accept Bro . MacKenzie ' s kind invitaton , and it hael afforded him great pleasure
to be presenjt at the installation . He felt assured that there would be no fear as to the future of the Dramatic Lodge so long as it continued to possess such offictis as at present conducted its work . ( Hear , hear , and applause . ) The W . M . next gave "The Officers of the Loelge , " which was acknowledged by Bro . W . Sandbrook , S . W ., and Bro . lohn Atkinson , J . W ., both of whom promised the W . M .
their hearty and constant assistance during the coming year . " The Masonic Charities" was proposed by Bro . B . B . Marson , in most suitable and eloquent terms . Bro . R . Brown , one of the Honorary Secretaries of the West Lancashire Masonic Educational Institution , replied . He said that their West Lancashire Charity was the glory and the beauty of the province . One of its many glories and
beauties was that it did its work so silently and so well . It was not like many charities . It did not pain its recipients with the feeling of charity , but left them with perfect freedom and without the knowledge that they had been the children of charity at all , and just as their own children might be if they were left to look after them . Another of it-, glories and beauties was that its work was
done for love by every one connected with it . 1 he money was not spent in salaries anil commissions , but for the very object for which it was contributed , and every penny which was not so spent was well invested , and went to form another fund to help the exigencies of the Institution in years to come . Another of its glories was that it was ex ^ eedin My progressive . During the first fifc en years of
its establishment it spent some £ 700 in educating the children under its charge , whilst during the latt fifteen years it had spent about £ ' 1000 , and last year nearly £ 600 in the celucational advancement of their Masonic offspring . ( Applause . ) All this was to be attributed to the continued geneiosity of the brethren . Si ice its commencement the Dramatic Lodge had always borne this Institution in
mind , and in years to come they would be exceedingly proud that they had not forgotten their duty in that respect . Brethren could not spend their money better than in promoting the interests of the charity . If they saw how thankful the widows and children were for the good which the brethren did with so little , but which to tnem was so much , they would not require any speech from
him in recommendation of the Institution . ( Hear , hear . ) " The Health of the Musical Brethren" who had contributed to the enjoyment of the evening was given from the chair , Bro . Sidney responding , and the proceedings concluded with the toast " To all Poor and Distressed Mas ns , " proposed by the S .-uior Warden . The brethren were again called to labour , when Bro . J . Atkinson , J . W .,
presented the lodge with a handsomely-carved collecting box , for the purposes of the Fund of Benevolence and the general Charities of the Order . During the evening an excellent musical programme was almira ' ily rendcied by Bros . Webster Williams , T . J . Hughes , C . H . Du Val , J .
Hill , J . H . Greenwood , J . Buslield , T . Armstrong , D . Saunders , Captain Turvey , H . C . Sidney , Penny , Elstone , Harmon , Cass m , and others . A piominent feature of the evening ' s selections was Bro . Hargreavcs Gill's delightful performance 011 the fairy hells . The accompaniments were well played by Bros . R . Burgess and J . Skeaf .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
LEWES . —South Saxon Chapter ( No . 311 ) . — The annual convocation of the above chapter was held at Freemasons' Hall , on Wednesday , the 24 th ult . The following companions were installed as offi .-ers for the ensuing year : Comps . R . H . Ellman , M . E . Z . ; Jos . Farncombe , H . ; S . Tanner , J . ; R . Crosskey , Treasurer and
I . P . Z . ; G . Stone , S . E . ; W . H . Hodgkin , S . N . ; J . Stedman , P . S . ; W . Kraeullcr aud F . H . Hauxwell , Assistant S . The installation ceremonies were efficiently performed by Comp . C . A . Woolley , H . Z . On behalf of the chapter the M . E . Z . presented to Bro . R . Crosskey a P . Z . jewel fur his services as first Principal during the ' year just completed . The financial condition of the chapter was
reported to be good , although the number of members was not large . The chapter being closed , a banquet was held at the Bear Hotel , Bro . Whitcomb providing a very excellent repast , on which he was deservedly complimented . Among those present were Comps . J . H . Scott
( Deputy Piov . G . Master of Sussex ); C . Sandeman , Royal Pavilion Chapter ; Day , Royal Sussex Chapter ; J .-M . Kidd , Ltmnox Chapter ; J . C . Lucas , P . Z . ; C . Briscoe , A . Holman , and others . The proceedings were very enjoyable , and concluded early that several companions might reach home by train .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
MALTA .-Broatiley Lodge ( No . 248 , EX . )—A meeting ol this loelge was held at the M iSO : ) ic Hall , Val-ttn , on the 13 th ult ., when the W . M . M ., Bro . C . E . Ce . ffey , also the P . G . M . M . M ., Bro . A . M . Broa lley , W . M . M ., Urej . W . Read , and a large number of Mark Masters were present . The W . M . M ., after opening his
Mark Masonry.
lodge , vacated his chair of favour of the W . P . G . M . M . M ., Bro . Broadley , who advanced a brother to the Degree of a Mark Master in a most impressive manner , and to the admiration of all present . Bro . Coffey , W . M . M ., having resumed the chair , tenelered his warmest acknowledgments , coupled with those of the members of the Bruail ^ y L- > dge , to tne P . G . M . M . M ., for acceding to their request that the
lodge might bear his name , as well as for his kindness m working the Degree in the splendid manner he had done . The P . G . M . M . M . replying , said he deeply felt the honour the brethren had conferred on him in naming their lodge after him . He experienced great satisfaction in being with them on that occasion , and complimented the officers on the excellence of their working ; after which Bro . Coffey , W . M . M ., closed the lodge in due form .
Knights Templar.
Knights Templar .
NEWPORT . —Gwent Preceptory ( No . 115 ) , —The members of the Supreme Council of the A . and A , S . R . having paid an official visit to the Ivnr Hael Chapter on Thursday , the 18 th ult ., an emergency meeting of the Gwent Preceptory , stitioned in this town , was called for the 19 th ult ., by direction of the E . P . Sir Knight Captain E . O . V . Haldane , when the
following illus : rious visitors were present : —Bros . Shadwell H , Clerke , Grand Sub-Prior ; Hugh D . Sandeman , P . P . G . Const . ; J . M . C . Montagu , P . E . Prior Djrset ; R . W . H . Giddy , Prov . G . Prior Sjuth Africa ; H . E . D . Diherty , K . E . T ., 1 st G . Captain , P . E . C . Bladud . The Granel Sub-Prior , Bro . S . H . Clerke , opened a Piiory of Malta , and installed Sir Knight J . L . C . Hunter Little ( Registrar of the Gwent Preceptoiy ) into the Order of Malta .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
Ancient and Accepted Rite .
WESTON-SUPER-MARE . —William de Irwin Rose Croix Chapter ( No . 27 ) . —An emergent meeting of this chapter was held on the 22 nd ult ., at their chapter-rooms , York Hotel , when the following illustrious members of the Supreme Council were present : — Bros . J . Montagu Pulteney Montagu , 33 , P . D . P . G . M ., G . Supt ., and Prov . Prior of the Temple of Dorset ; Leut .-
Col . Shadwell Henry Clerke , 3 ^ ° , Capt . of the Royal Body Guard , P . Prov . G . S . W . of * Devon , D . P . G . M . R . O . of Scotland , Prov . Prior of the Temple for Sussex , and Great Sub-Prior of England ar . d Wales ; Hugh D . Sandeman , 33 ° , P . Dist . G . M ., G . Supt ., P . Prov . Prior cf the Temple , and P . G . M . M . Mason for Bengal ; K . Giddy , 33 , Inspector General of South Africa , and Prov . G . M ., Prov . G . Mark
Master and Prov . G . Sup . of South Africa ; Genl . H . E . Doherty , C . B ., 33 , Inspector Genl . of South Western District , and Prov . Grand Mark Master of Somerset ; the Rev . C . R . Davy , 32 , Past Giand Chaplain of the Grand Lodge of England ; together with the following members of tne chapter , viz ., Bros . Benjamin Cox , M . W . S . ; the Kcv . C . R . Davey , 32 , Acting High Prelate ; Sidney
Jones , First General , and Treasurer ; Edwanl Gregory , Second General , pro tern . ; Dr . VVcslcott , G . Marshal ; W . Nott , Raphael ; Edward B ith , Reconler , pro tem . ; and other members . Bro . Ernest Edwanl Baker , of this town , was admitted a member of this high Order of Masonry , the ceremony of perfection being pcrfoimed by the Grand Secretary General , Lieut .-
Colonel Shadwell H . Clerke . The members of the Supreme Council expressed great satisfaction at the way in which they had been accommodated , the chapter having been fitted up so nicely . In addition to thirty-three lights on the altar , it was decorated with a hundred scarlet rose blooms . On the conclusion of the third point the members of the chapter , with the Supreme Council , sat down
to an excellent banquet ( which was a la Russe ) , under the presidency of Bro . B . Cox , M . W . S ., supported on the right by 111 . Bros . J . M . P . Montagu , G . Chancellor ; General Doherty , C . B ., Inspector General of the South-Western District ; R . Giddy , Inspector General of South Africa ; and on the left by 111 . Bros . Lieut .-Col . S . H . Clerke , Captain of the Royal Boely Guard , G . Secretary General ;
H . D . Sandeman , G . Sec . for Foreign Correspondence ; and the Rev . C . H . Davcy , Past G . Chaplain ol the Grand Loelge of England . By permission of the Supreme Council , Koyal Arch Masons were allowed to dine w th them , Upon the removal of the cloth the Chairman submitted the following toasts : — "The Queen ; " " H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , the I lead and Pjatron of all Freemasonry ;"
" The Supreme Council , " associating with this toast the name of Bro . Gen . Doherty . The G . Chancellor proposed " The Health of the M . W . S . of the Chapter , Bro . Benj . Cox , " which was duly acknowledged . 111 . Bro . R . Giddy , Inspector General of South Africa , very humorously invited all the members of the chapter to meet him in South Africa at an early date . The toast of " Royal Arch
Masons" was very suitably responded to by Bro . Matthews and Bro . J . J . E . Willmott ; the newly-admitted , Bro . E . E . Baker , very cordially acknowledged the honour done him ; and the last toast , that of " The Visitors , " was acknowledged by Bro . the Rev . C . R . Davey , Prov . G . Mark Master of Gloucestershire . We would state that , by the kind permission of Bro . B . Cox , Masons with their
fnends were allowed an inspection of the chapier-ro . nns , which were illuminated on the following evening for the puipeise of showing to the Craft the handsome elecorations of this high Degree in Freemasonry . The Oth Somerset Rifle Volunteer band plated a selection of music during the evening , after which the men partook of the hospitality of the members of the Supreme Council and the members of the chapter . PLYMOUTH . — Huyshe Rose Croix Chapter ( No . 40 ) . —Some members of the Supreme
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
Council of the 33 ° , now on a tour of inspection in the western counties , visited the above chapter at the Masonic Temple , Princess-pl ice , on Monday last , Michaelmas Day . The deputation consisted of III . Bros . I . M . P , Montague , 33 ° , Grand Chancellor ; Colonel Shaehvcll H . Clerke , 33 , Grand Secretary General ; H . D . Sandeman , 33 ° , Grand Secretary for Foreign Correspondence . They
were accompanied by 111 . Bros . General Doherty , C . B . K . C . T ., 33 ° , Inspector General of the South Western District , and the Hon . R . W . H . Giddy ( who is Cilonial Treasurer of Griqualand , we believe ) 33 ° , Inspector General for South Africa . A Sovereign Tribunal of the Thirty . First Degree was opened , at which were present the members of the Supreme Council and 111 . Bros . W . J . Hughan , 0
32 , and Emra Holmes , 31 ° K . C . T ., & c , when the Degree of Grand Inquisitor Commander , 31 , was conferred on Bros . J . E . Curteis , Arch Treasurer of the Order of the Temple , and Col . Peard , Provincial Prior of Cjrnwall . A Grand Chap ' er of Illustrious Knights K . H ., 30 , was then opened , at which the above wer < : present , together with 111 . Bros , the Rev . T . W . Lemon , M . A ., 30 ; the Rev . 0
W . H . Bloxsome , 30 ° ; Vincent Bird , 30 ° ; Dr . Paul , 31 ; J . Chandler , 30 , & c . E . P . Bros . Major Desmond Adair , 18 ; Dr . Mason , 18 ; E . D . Anderton , 18 ; J . S . Short , 18 ; T . Hart , i 8 ° ; and S . R . T . Templer , were duly obligated , and having received the intermeeliate degrees at the hands of Col . Clerke were with the usual imposing ceremonies admitted to the Degree of Gran . I Elected Knight
K . H ., 111 . Bros . Sandeman and Montagu conferring the Degree with that dignity which could not fail to deeply impress the candidates . At the conclusion of the ceremony III . Bro . Hughan rose to express on behalf of the western brethren their thanks to the Supreme Council for visiting the district and holding such meetings as the pre-ent , when brethren who often found it difficult to attend in London
had the opportunity afforded them 01 taking the Thirtieth Degree and other Degrees , which otherwise they might be precluded from advancing to . He dwelt on the unexampled progress of the Order within the last few years owing ti the admirable way in which it wis managed at headquarters , and to the visits of the Supreme Council to their various chapters thre'Uthout England . When he was
made a Rose Croix , some yeais ago , there were but twenty chapters in England ; there were now eighty-five . Bro . Anderton also desited to thank the Cc-uncil for holding a meeting of the Thirtieth Degree , which enabled brethren in the west to take that Degree . The business
being over , the Grand Chapter was then closed , and later in the day the Rose Cioix chapter was held , at which Admiral Glasse , C . B ., and Bro . Baker were installed as S . P . R . C . A large number of the members of the Ancient and Accepted Rite were present . A banquet followed at the Globe Hotel .
TRURO . —Cornwall Rose Croix Chapter ( No . 61 ) . —On Saturday afternoon last the members of this chapter assembled in considerable strength , nearly all the officers and resident brethren being present , and received a visit from several members of the Supreme Council of Engl ind , viz .: Bros . J . Montagu Pulteney Montagu , Grand Chancellor , 33 ° ; Lieut .-Colonel Shadwell H .
Clerke , Grand S ; c . General , 33 ; Hugh David Suideman , Gran-1 S ,-c . for Foreign Correiponelence , 33 ; R . W . H . Giddy , Inspector General , 33 , for South Africa ; and Gen H . E . Doherty , C . B ., ihe Inspector General , 33 ° , for the Western District , as well as other distinguiuied visitors . The Supreme Council , were pleased to find the chanter in such an efficient state , anil appeared highly gratified at
tne coreliahty and heartiness of their reception . One candidate was exalted by the M . W . S . in a pleasing manner , and a joining member was also unanimously elected . At this meeting a special consistory of the 32 was held for the purpose of raising Bro . W . J . Hughan to that Degree , and Cobnel Clerke , announcing the fact , said that on account of his great Masonic erudition and services to the
Order the Supreme Council with great pleasure conferred the Degree on Bro . Hughan . Bros . Anderton and Emra Holmes thanked the Council for this mark of their favour , and the latter said that Bro . Hughan was known and honoured in both hemispheres , and the Council in honouring him had done honour to the Ancient and Accepted Rite , which they represented . The aopointment has given
universal satisfaction . The Supreme Council , in the course of their western tour , have already visited the Si . Peler and St . Paul Chapter , at Bath ; the Ivor Hael Chaptei , at Newport ( Wales ) ; the Morganivag- Chapter , at Swansea ; the William de Irwin Chapter , at Weston-super-Mare ; the Alfred Chapter , at Taunton ; and the Coryton and Rougeinont Chapter , at Exeter . On Saturday , the 27 th ult ., they attended the St . Aubyn Chapter , at Morice Town ,
and on Monday , the 29 th ult ., the Huyshe Chapter , at Plymouth , at which a chapter of the Thirtieth Degree was held—an occurrence so rare that many were present who have attained that distinction . These visits have given a great impetus to the Rose Croix chapters , as well as to the Preceptories of the Kni ghts Templar , which have also been visited , and all concerned have every reason to be pleased with the success of the tour .
SWANSEA . —Morganwg Rose Croix Chapter ( No . 70 ) . —The Supreme Council having informed the M . V . S ., Bio . J . L . C . Hunter Little , that they intended to pay an official visit to Swansea on the 2 o : h ult ., a chapter of emergency was held to receive them . Tne Supreme Council was repr . senb-d by III . Bros . J . M . C Montegu , 35 ; S . H . Clerke , G . S . U ., 33 ° ; H . D . Sandeman . 33 ° :
Genl . Doherty , D . G . I . G . for South Wales District , 33 ; md It . W . H . Giddy , D . G . I . G . for South Africa , 33 . Notwithstamling that the day ( Saturday ) was very inconvenient to the members , some of whom reside in the neig hbouring counties , there was a very fair attendance . By their oivn desire , the illustrious visitors entered the hill before the chapter was opened , aad 111 , Bro . Montagu , having K :
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
io 35 ( Mayor of Bootle ) . He observed that the Liverpool Dramatic Lodge was second to none in the estimation of the Province of West Lancashire . During the several years in which he ( the Mayor ) had been passing through the several offices eif the Order he hael been supported by tluir W . M ., and Bro . MacKcnz ' e had also been present on several occasions on which he had been placed in the
Worshipful Mastei ' s chair . No other Mason in Liverpool would have induced him to have left home that evening . There was rarely an evening on which he was not occupied with duties arising from his official position , and , besides that , he had felt far from well that day . II owever , he had considered it us little as he could do to accept Bro . MacKenzie ' s kind invitaton , and it hael afforded him great pleasure
to be presenjt at the installation . He felt assured that there would be no fear as to the future of the Dramatic Lodge so long as it continued to possess such offictis as at present conducted its work . ( Hear , hear , and applause . ) The W . M . next gave "The Officers of the Loelge , " which was acknowledged by Bro . W . Sandbrook , S . W ., and Bro . lohn Atkinson , J . W ., both of whom promised the W . M .
their hearty and constant assistance during the coming year . " The Masonic Charities" was proposed by Bro . B . B . Marson , in most suitable and eloquent terms . Bro . R . Brown , one of the Honorary Secretaries of the West Lancashire Masonic Educational Institution , replied . He said that their West Lancashire Charity was the glory and the beauty of the province . One of its many glories and
beauties was that it did its work so silently and so well . It was not like many charities . It did not pain its recipients with the feeling of charity , but left them with perfect freedom and without the knowledge that they had been the children of charity at all , and just as their own children might be if they were left to look after them . Another of it-, glories and beauties was that its work was
done for love by every one connected with it . 1 he money was not spent in salaries anil commissions , but for the very object for which it was contributed , and every penny which was not so spent was well invested , and went to form another fund to help the exigencies of the Institution in years to come . Another of its glories was that it was ex ^ eedin My progressive . During the first fifc en years of
its establishment it spent some £ 700 in educating the children under its charge , whilst during the latt fifteen years it had spent about £ ' 1000 , and last year nearly £ 600 in the celucational advancement of their Masonic offspring . ( Applause . ) All this was to be attributed to the continued geneiosity of the brethren . Si ice its commencement the Dramatic Lodge had always borne this Institution in
mind , and in years to come they would be exceedingly proud that they had not forgotten their duty in that respect . Brethren could not spend their money better than in promoting the interests of the charity . If they saw how thankful the widows and children were for the good which the brethren did with so little , but which to tnem was so much , they would not require any speech from
him in recommendation of the Institution . ( Hear , hear . ) " The Health of the Musical Brethren" who had contributed to the enjoyment of the evening was given from the chair , Bro . Sidney responding , and the proceedings concluded with the toast " To all Poor and Distressed Mas ns , " proposed by the S .-uior Warden . The brethren were again called to labour , when Bro . J . Atkinson , J . W .,
presented the lodge with a handsomely-carved collecting box , for the purposes of the Fund of Benevolence and the general Charities of the Order . During the evening an excellent musical programme was almira ' ily rendcied by Bros . Webster Williams , T . J . Hughes , C . H . Du Val , J .
Hill , J . H . Greenwood , J . Buslield , T . Armstrong , D . Saunders , Captain Turvey , H . C . Sidney , Penny , Elstone , Harmon , Cass m , and others . A piominent feature of the evening ' s selections was Bro . Hargreavcs Gill's delightful performance 011 the fairy hells . The accompaniments were well played by Bros . R . Burgess and J . Skeaf .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
LEWES . —South Saxon Chapter ( No . 311 ) . — The annual convocation of the above chapter was held at Freemasons' Hall , on Wednesday , the 24 th ult . The following companions were installed as offi .-ers for the ensuing year : Comps . R . H . Ellman , M . E . Z . ; Jos . Farncombe , H . ; S . Tanner , J . ; R . Crosskey , Treasurer and
I . P . Z . ; G . Stone , S . E . ; W . H . Hodgkin , S . N . ; J . Stedman , P . S . ; W . Kraeullcr aud F . H . Hauxwell , Assistant S . The installation ceremonies were efficiently performed by Comp . C . A . Woolley , H . Z . On behalf of the chapter the M . E . Z . presented to Bro . R . Crosskey a P . Z . jewel fur his services as first Principal during the ' year just completed . The financial condition of the chapter was
reported to be good , although the number of members was not large . The chapter being closed , a banquet was held at the Bear Hotel , Bro . Whitcomb providing a very excellent repast , on which he was deservedly complimented . Among those present were Comps . J . H . Scott
( Deputy Piov . G . Master of Sussex ); C . Sandeman , Royal Pavilion Chapter ; Day , Royal Sussex Chapter ; J .-M . Kidd , Ltmnox Chapter ; J . C . Lucas , P . Z . ; C . Briscoe , A . Holman , and others . The proceedings were very enjoyable , and concluded early that several companions might reach home by train .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
MALTA .-Broatiley Lodge ( No . 248 , EX . )—A meeting ol this loelge was held at the M iSO : ) ic Hall , Val-ttn , on the 13 th ult ., when the W . M . M ., Bro . C . E . Ce . ffey , also the P . G . M . M . M ., Bro . A . M . Broa lley , W . M . M ., Urej . W . Read , and a large number of Mark Masters were present . The W . M . M ., after opening his
Mark Masonry.
lodge , vacated his chair of favour of the W . P . G . M . M . M ., Bro . Broadley , who advanced a brother to the Degree of a Mark Master in a most impressive manner , and to the admiration of all present . Bro . Coffey , W . M . M ., having resumed the chair , tenelered his warmest acknowledgments , coupled with those of the members of the Bruail ^ y L- > dge , to tne P . G . M . M . M ., for acceding to their request that the
lodge might bear his name , as well as for his kindness m working the Degree in the splendid manner he had done . The P . G . M . M . M . replying , said he deeply felt the honour the brethren had conferred on him in naming their lodge after him . He experienced great satisfaction in being with them on that occasion , and complimented the officers on the excellence of their working ; after which Bro . Coffey , W . M . M ., closed the lodge in due form .
Knights Templar.
Knights Templar .
NEWPORT . —Gwent Preceptory ( No . 115 ) , —The members of the Supreme Council of the A . and A , S . R . having paid an official visit to the Ivnr Hael Chapter on Thursday , the 18 th ult ., an emergency meeting of the Gwent Preceptory , stitioned in this town , was called for the 19 th ult ., by direction of the E . P . Sir Knight Captain E . O . V . Haldane , when the
following illus : rious visitors were present : —Bros . Shadwell H , Clerke , Grand Sub-Prior ; Hugh D . Sandeman , P . P . G . Const . ; J . M . C . Montagu , P . E . Prior Djrset ; R . W . H . Giddy , Prov . G . Prior Sjuth Africa ; H . E . D . Diherty , K . E . T ., 1 st G . Captain , P . E . C . Bladud . The Granel Sub-Prior , Bro . S . H . Clerke , opened a Piiory of Malta , and installed Sir Knight J . L . C . Hunter Little ( Registrar of the Gwent Preceptoiy ) into the Order of Malta .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
Ancient and Accepted Rite .
WESTON-SUPER-MARE . —William de Irwin Rose Croix Chapter ( No . 27 ) . —An emergent meeting of this chapter was held on the 22 nd ult ., at their chapter-rooms , York Hotel , when the following illustrious members of the Supreme Council were present : — Bros . J . Montagu Pulteney Montagu , 33 , P . D . P . G . M ., G . Supt ., and Prov . Prior of the Temple of Dorset ; Leut .-
Col . Shadwell Henry Clerke , 3 ^ ° , Capt . of the Royal Body Guard , P . Prov . G . S . W . of * Devon , D . P . G . M . R . O . of Scotland , Prov . Prior of the Temple for Sussex , and Great Sub-Prior of England ar . d Wales ; Hugh D . Sandeman , 33 ° , P . Dist . G . M ., G . Supt ., P . Prov . Prior cf the Temple , and P . G . M . M . Mason for Bengal ; K . Giddy , 33 , Inspector General of South Africa , and Prov . G . M ., Prov . G . Mark
Master and Prov . G . Sup . of South Africa ; Genl . H . E . Doherty , C . B ., 33 , Inspector Genl . of South Western District , and Prov . Grand Mark Master of Somerset ; the Rev . C . R . Davy , 32 , Past Giand Chaplain of the Grand Lodge of England ; together with the following members of tne chapter , viz ., Bros . Benjamin Cox , M . W . S . ; the Kcv . C . R . Davey , 32 , Acting High Prelate ; Sidney
Jones , First General , and Treasurer ; Edwanl Gregory , Second General , pro tern . ; Dr . VVcslcott , G . Marshal ; W . Nott , Raphael ; Edward B ith , Reconler , pro tem . ; and other members . Bro . Ernest Edwanl Baker , of this town , was admitted a member of this high Order of Masonry , the ceremony of perfection being pcrfoimed by the Grand Secretary General , Lieut .-
Colonel Shadwell H . Clerke . The members of the Supreme Council expressed great satisfaction at the way in which they had been accommodated , the chapter having been fitted up so nicely . In addition to thirty-three lights on the altar , it was decorated with a hundred scarlet rose blooms . On the conclusion of the third point the members of the chapter , with the Supreme Council , sat down
to an excellent banquet ( which was a la Russe ) , under the presidency of Bro . B . Cox , M . W . S ., supported on the right by 111 . Bros . J . M . P . Montagu , G . Chancellor ; General Doherty , C . B ., Inspector General of the South-Western District ; R . Giddy , Inspector General of South Africa ; and on the left by 111 . Bros . Lieut .-Col . S . H . Clerke , Captain of the Royal Boely Guard , G . Secretary General ;
H . D . Sandeman , G . Sec . for Foreign Correspondence ; and the Rev . C . H . Davcy , Past G . Chaplain ol the Grand Loelge of England . By permission of the Supreme Council , Koyal Arch Masons were allowed to dine w th them , Upon the removal of the cloth the Chairman submitted the following toasts : — "The Queen ; " " H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , the I lead and Pjatron of all Freemasonry ;"
" The Supreme Council , " associating with this toast the name of Bro . Gen . Doherty . The G . Chancellor proposed " The Health of the M . W . S . of the Chapter , Bro . Benj . Cox , " which was duly acknowledged . 111 . Bro . R . Giddy , Inspector General of South Africa , very humorously invited all the members of the chapter to meet him in South Africa at an early date . The toast of " Royal Arch
Masons" was very suitably responded to by Bro . Matthews and Bro . J . J . E . Willmott ; the newly-admitted , Bro . E . E . Baker , very cordially acknowledged the honour done him ; and the last toast , that of " The Visitors , " was acknowledged by Bro . the Rev . C . R . Davey , Prov . G . Mark Master of Gloucestershire . We would state that , by the kind permission of Bro . B . Cox , Masons with their
fnends were allowed an inspection of the chapier-ro . nns , which were illuminated on the following evening for the puipeise of showing to the Craft the handsome elecorations of this high Degree in Freemasonry . The Oth Somerset Rifle Volunteer band plated a selection of music during the evening , after which the men partook of the hospitality of the members of the Supreme Council and the members of the chapter . PLYMOUTH . — Huyshe Rose Croix Chapter ( No . 40 ) . —Some members of the Supreme
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
Council of the 33 ° , now on a tour of inspection in the western counties , visited the above chapter at the Masonic Temple , Princess-pl ice , on Monday last , Michaelmas Day . The deputation consisted of III . Bros . I . M . P , Montague , 33 ° , Grand Chancellor ; Colonel Shaehvcll H . Clerke , 33 , Grand Secretary General ; H . D . Sandeman , 33 ° , Grand Secretary for Foreign Correspondence . They
were accompanied by 111 . Bros . General Doherty , C . B . K . C . T ., 33 ° , Inspector General of the South Western District , and the Hon . R . W . H . Giddy ( who is Cilonial Treasurer of Griqualand , we believe ) 33 ° , Inspector General for South Africa . A Sovereign Tribunal of the Thirty . First Degree was opened , at which were present the members of the Supreme Council and 111 . Bros . W . J . Hughan , 0
32 , and Emra Holmes , 31 ° K . C . T ., & c , when the Degree of Grand Inquisitor Commander , 31 , was conferred on Bros . J . E . Curteis , Arch Treasurer of the Order of the Temple , and Col . Peard , Provincial Prior of Cjrnwall . A Grand Chap ' er of Illustrious Knights K . H ., 30 , was then opened , at which the above wer < : present , together with 111 . Bros , the Rev . T . W . Lemon , M . A ., 30 ; the Rev . 0
W . H . Bloxsome , 30 ° ; Vincent Bird , 30 ° ; Dr . Paul , 31 ; J . Chandler , 30 , & c . E . P . Bros . Major Desmond Adair , 18 ; Dr . Mason , 18 ; E . D . Anderton , 18 ; J . S . Short , 18 ; T . Hart , i 8 ° ; and S . R . T . Templer , were duly obligated , and having received the intermeeliate degrees at the hands of Col . Clerke were with the usual imposing ceremonies admitted to the Degree of Gran . I Elected Knight
K . H ., 111 . Bros . Sandeman and Montagu conferring the Degree with that dignity which could not fail to deeply impress the candidates . At the conclusion of the ceremony III . Bro . Hughan rose to express on behalf of the western brethren their thanks to the Supreme Council for visiting the district and holding such meetings as the pre-ent , when brethren who often found it difficult to attend in London
had the opportunity afforded them 01 taking the Thirtieth Degree and other Degrees , which otherwise they might be precluded from advancing to . He dwelt on the unexampled progress of the Order within the last few years owing ti the admirable way in which it wis managed at headquarters , and to the visits of the Supreme Council to their various chapters thre'Uthout England . When he was
made a Rose Croix , some yeais ago , there were but twenty chapters in England ; there were now eighty-five . Bro . Anderton also desited to thank the Cc-uncil for holding a meeting of the Thirtieth Degree , which enabled brethren in the west to take that Degree . The business
being over , the Grand Chapter was then closed , and later in the day the Rose Cioix chapter was held , at which Admiral Glasse , C . B ., and Bro . Baker were installed as S . P . R . C . A large number of the members of the Ancient and Accepted Rite were present . A banquet followed at the Globe Hotel .
TRURO . —Cornwall Rose Croix Chapter ( No . 61 ) . —On Saturday afternoon last the members of this chapter assembled in considerable strength , nearly all the officers and resident brethren being present , and received a visit from several members of the Supreme Council of Engl ind , viz .: Bros . J . Montagu Pulteney Montagu , Grand Chancellor , 33 ° ; Lieut .-Colonel Shadwell H .
Clerke , Grand S ; c . General , 33 ; Hugh David Suideman , Gran-1 S ,-c . for Foreign Correiponelence , 33 ; R . W . H . Giddy , Inspector General , 33 , for South Africa ; and Gen H . E . Doherty , C . B ., ihe Inspector General , 33 ° , for the Western District , as well as other distinguiuied visitors . The Supreme Council , were pleased to find the chanter in such an efficient state , anil appeared highly gratified at
tne coreliahty and heartiness of their reception . One candidate was exalted by the M . W . S . in a pleasing manner , and a joining member was also unanimously elected . At this meeting a special consistory of the 32 was held for the purpose of raising Bro . W . J . Hughan to that Degree , and Cobnel Clerke , announcing the fact , said that on account of his great Masonic erudition and services to the
Order the Supreme Council with great pleasure conferred the Degree on Bro . Hughan . Bros . Anderton and Emra Holmes thanked the Council for this mark of their favour , and the latter said that Bro . Hughan was known and honoured in both hemispheres , and the Council in honouring him had done honour to the Ancient and Accepted Rite , which they represented . The aopointment has given
universal satisfaction . The Supreme Council , in the course of their western tour , have already visited the Si . Peler and St . Paul Chapter , at Bath ; the Ivor Hael Chaptei , at Newport ( Wales ) ; the Morganivag- Chapter , at Swansea ; the William de Irwin Chapter , at Weston-super-Mare ; the Alfred Chapter , at Taunton ; and the Coryton and Rougeinont Chapter , at Exeter . On Saturday , the 27 th ult ., they attended the St . Aubyn Chapter , at Morice Town ,
and on Monday , the 29 th ult ., the Huyshe Chapter , at Plymouth , at which a chapter of the Thirtieth Degree was held—an occurrence so rare that many were present who have attained that distinction . These visits have given a great impetus to the Rose Croix chapters , as well as to the Preceptories of the Kni ghts Templar , which have also been visited , and all concerned have every reason to be pleased with the success of the tour .
SWANSEA . —Morganwg Rose Croix Chapter ( No . 70 ) . —The Supreme Council having informed the M . V . S ., Bio . J . L . C . Hunter Little , that they intended to pay an official visit to Swansea on the 2 o : h ult ., a chapter of emergency was held to receive them . Tne Supreme Council was repr . senb-d by III . Bros . J . M . C Montegu , 35 ; S . H . Clerke , G . S . U ., 33 ° ; H . D . Sandeman . 33 ° :
Genl . Doherty , D . G . I . G . for South Wales District , 33 ; md It . W . H . Giddy , D . G . I . G . for South Africa , 33 . Notwithstamling that the day ( Saturday ) was very inconvenient to the members , some of whom reside in the neig hbouring counties , there was a very fair attendance . By their oivn desire , the illustrious visitors entered the hill before the chapter was opened , aad 111 , Bro . Montagu , having K :