Article Ancient and Accepted Rite. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Royal Ark Mariners. Page 1 of 1 Article DISTRICT GRAND LODGE OF MONTREAL. Page 1 of 1 Article DISTRICT GRAND LODGE OF MONTREAL. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF CUMBERLAND AND WESTMORLAND. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF CUMBERLAND AND WESTMORLAND. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF DORSET. Page 1 of 1
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Ancient And Accepted Rite.
turned the baton to the M . W . S ., opened the chapter , and then perfected the candidate . Votes of thanks to the Supreme Council and also to the illustrious brethren for having come so far to visit this chapter were passed , and ordered to be recore ' ed on the minutes . The chapter being closed , the brethren a- 'j mrned to a banquet at the Cameron Arms Hotel , after which the usual toasts were duly honoured , and the brethren separated after spending a very p leasant evening .
Royal Ark Mariners.
Eogal & rfc JSariitttS ,
MALTA . —Sanct' Elmo Lodge . —The second meeting of the above lodge took place on the 19 th ult ., at the Masonic Hall , La Valetta . Present : W . C . N . Bro . Lieut . C . E . Coffey , R . A . ; Bros . Capt . Blake , R . A ., S . ( acting ) ; W . J . Jones , J . ( acting ); and numerous brethren . Lodge having been opened , a ballot was taken for a member of the Keystone Mark Lodge , which proved
unanimous . W . Bros . A . M . Broadley , P . G . M . M . of Tunis and Malta ; W . Read , W . M . of the Keystone Mark Lodge , both honorary members of the Broadley Mark Lodge , another brother of this lodge , as well as the brother of the Keystone Lodge in whose favour the ballot was taken , were then admitted , and by the W . C . N , advanced to the Degree of Royal Ark Mariners . The authority from the
Grand Mark Lodge of England to instal W . Bro . A . M . Broadley in the chair of N . was then read , and W . C . N . Bro . Coffey performed the ceremony of installation in a most impressive manner . W . C . N . Bro . Broadley , addressing the meeting , expressed the pleasure he felt in having taken this Degree in the Sanct' Elmo Lodge attached
to the Broadley Mark Lodge , and in particular to W . C . N . Bro . Coffey for installing him in the chair of N . in order that he might found a lodge of Royal Ark Mariners at Tunis , whither he would shortly proceed . W . C . N . Bro . Broadley also complimented all the officers on their excellent working on this occasion . Lodge was then closed by W . C . N . Bro . Coffey with the usual solemnities .
District Grand Lodge Of Montreal.
Bv BRO . ROBERT RAMSEY , ORILLIA , ONT . The Grand Lodge of Scotland , at her recent Quarterly Communication , held at the Freemasons' Hall , on the 7 th ult ., was apparently so satisfied with her invasion of the Territorial jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge cf Quebec ,
that , in order to encourage these malcontents in that pre ,-vince , the Grand Committee reportcel that they had g it-en the Provincial Grand Lodge of Montreal the necessary power to be designated for the future as a " District Grand Lodge . " We confess our ignorance as to what further privilege this designation bestows , but doubtless it is meant as a reward to these men , who are degrading and debasing
Masonrj not only in Montreal and the Province of Quebec , but everywhere throughout the Dominion and the United States . Many Grand Lodges on this continent have apparently viewed this invasion of Quebec as a local matter , and , although they have acknowledged the Grand Lodge of Quebec as a Sovereign Masonic Power , and exchanged
Grand Representatives with her , they have egregiously failed in their dmy towards her . Some have uttered mild protests , others have passed the matter by in silence , while only , so far as we are aware , the Granel Lodges of Illinois and the District of Columbia have acted in an honourably fearless and , straightforward manner—the former by at once severing all connection with the Grand
Lodge of Scotland until such time as she does justice to her younger sister of Quebec by withdrawing the charters of her spurious bantlings from the commercial metropolis of that jarisdicticn , and the latter by closing her doors against all Masonic visitors from Quebec unless they present a diploma from that Grand Lodge . But , ask your readers , how does this thing , termed the
District Grand Lodge of Montreal , S . R ., affect us , as Masons , in New York ? Simply in this manner . There are three lodges working in Montreal , called Elgin , Argyle and King Solomon , holding warrants from the Grand Lodge of Scotland , under the District Grand Lodge of Montreal . These lodges pay no regard to our rules of jurisdiction . I . They accept material from any and
every jurisdiction . 2 . They confer the Three Degrees in one evening upon such material . 3 . They willingly manufacture boys of eighteen into Masons . What is the consequence ? A man rejected in a lodge in New York has only to pay a flying visit to Montreal , present his petition to one of these lodges , and the same evening receive the Three Degrees of Ancient Craft Masonry , and return
to New York armed with a diploma from the Grand Lodge of Scotland . Is not the Grand Lodge of New York therefore interested in this bastard foundling in Montreal as well as the Grand Lodge of Quebec . ' Will she sit idly by and permit this outrage to go on , without throwing her great influence into the balance on the side of right , honour , and justice ?
Any man rejected in New York city can became a Mason (?) in one night from Elgin , King Solomon , or Argyle Lodges , and that too for a mere nominal fee . It is a Masonry of the cheapest and lowest kind . " But what can you expect for tuppence . " Street Arabs of eighteen from the dark slums of Gotham , if any , anxious
to learn the mysteries of our Royal art , had better pick an extra pocket or two , and with the proceeds purchase their admission to one of these pest houses in Montreal . The whole thing is a vile outrage on Masonry , and so long as 'V \ permitted i 0 exist on 'his continent the Grand Lodges ° f North America need not pass any laws regarding the black ball or territorial jurisdiction , for the Grand Lodge
District Grand Lodge Of Montreal.
of Scotland laughs at their edicts , and defies their mandates by throwing open the portals of Masonry to the unworthy and the rejected . Let the Grand Lodges of the United States act as Illinois has done , and if the Grand Lodge of Quebec at her annual communication this month seems fit to convene
a conference of the representatives of the different Grand Lodges on this continent , let the response be unanimous . Protest and advice are thrown away upon the Grand Lodge of Scotland , who in her arrogance shelters herself behind her hoary locks , and viciously derides the earnest solicitations and wishes of the six hundred thousand Masons of the United States and Canada .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Cumberland And Westmorland.
The annual meeting of the Freemasons forming the Province of Cumberland and Westmorland was held at Appleby , under the banner of Eden Valley Lodge , No . 812 , on Tuesday , the 23 rd ult . It is nineteen years since the Provincial Grand Lodge visited the little county town of
Westmorland , under the presidency of the late Sir James Graham , M . P ., when the Eden Valley Lodge was consecrated , and when the great statesman , formerly Provincial Grand Master of Cumberland only , was appointed to preside over the two counties combined . On Tuesday , the 23 rd ult ., the Provincial Grand Lodge was held in the Mechanics' Institute . The Karl of Bective ,
M . P ., Prov . G . M ., presided , supported by Bros . Colonel Whitwell , M . P ., Deputy Prov . G . M . ; Jos . Iredale , P . M . 310 , Past Deputy Prov . G . M . ; W . Kiikbride , P . M . 339 , P . P . G . S . W . ; Jos . Nicholson , P . M . 371 , P . P . G . S . W . ; J . Holme , P . M . 129 , P . P . G . J . W . ; Rev . Dr . Simpson , P . M . 129 , P . P . G . Chap ., P . G . C . of England ; F . W . Hayward , P . M . 310 , P . P . G . S . W . ; W . Talbot , P . M . 129 , P . P . G . J . W . ;
Dr . Henry , P . M . 119 , P . P . G . J . W . ; . J . A . Wheatley , P . M . 310 , P . P . G . J . W . ; J . Bowes , P . M . 129 , P . P . G . J . W . ; Rev . W . E . Strickland , P . M . 1267 , P . G . Chap . ; G . W . Kenworthy , P . M . 119 , P . G . Treas . ; W . B . Gibson , P . M . 119 , P . G . Sec . ; J . Whitehead , P . M . 812 , P . P . G . Reg . ; W . F . Lamonby , P . M . 1002 , P . P . Reg . { Freemason ) ; E . Clark , W . M . 1660 , P . G . J . D . ; J . Cook ,
P . M . 1532 , P . P . G . J . D . ; J . Slack , P . M . 3 , 10 , P . P . G . J . H . J . Gardiner , P . M . 371 , P . G . Supt . Wks . ; W . Armstrong , P . M . 371 , P . P . G . D . C ; G . J . M'Kay , P . M . 129 , P . G . D . C ; H . Bewes , P . M . 327 , P . G . Swd . Br . ; J . Taitcrsail , P . M . 129 , P . P . G . Supt . Wks . ; W . Court , P . M . 310 , P . P . G . Swd . Br . ; A . Walter , P . M . 371 , P . P . ' . ; . Swd . Br . ; W . H . Lewthwaite , P . M . 1002 , P . P . G . Org . ; J . Salisbury , P . M .
872 , P . G . Tyler ; G . Potter , P . M . 1 . 532 , P . G . Stwd . ; T . Mandle , P . M . 371 , P . G . Stwel . ; G . T . Archibald , P . M . 926 , P . G . Stwd . ; J . Barron , P . M . 339 ; J . B . Thwaites , P . M . 339 ; Capt . Sewell , W . M . 1002 ; W . Carlyle , W . M . 1400 J J . Haswell , W . M . 1532 ; J . R . Banks , W . M . 371 ; R . Warlon , P . M . 812 ; J . Milligan , W . M . 119 ; E . Tyson , P . M . 119 ; W . Bell , W .. M . 1390 ; J . Bowman ,
P . M . 327 ; J . C . Hunter , P . M . 962 ; J . Banks , W . M . 129 , and others . There were also a great number of brethren present from Lodges 119 and 872 , Whitehaven ; 129 , Kendal ; 310 , Carlisle ; 327 , Wigton ; 339 , Penrith ; 371 , Maryport ; 812 , Appleby ; 9 62 , Workington ; 1002 , Cockermcuth ; 1073 , Keswick ; 1074 , Kirkby Lonsdale ; 1267 , Egreraont ; 1390 , Millom ; 1400 , Harrington ;
1532 , Catlisle ; and 1660 , Frizington ; whilst a few visitors attended from other provinces , and one from France . Afrer the minutes were read and confirmed , Bro . Kenworthy presented his statement of accounts lor the year endisg June 30 . The balance in hand from last year was £ 192 14 s . 3 d ., and the amount received in dues from the nineteen lodges in the province was £ 105 14 s . 6 J ., the total
receipts being £ 311 16 s . gd . Amongst the payments were : £ 52 10 s . to the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , and £ 50 to the Provincial Benevolent Fund . The balance in hand was £ 175 6 s . 1 id ., which , with that of the Benevolent Fund , amounted to , £ 21 9 6 s . 8 d . Bro . Kenworthy was re-elected Treasurer for the ensuing year , and Bro . Schofield , S . W . Appleby Lodge , was elected
Prov . G . Tyler . The report of the Charity Committee was next presented , and it was recommended to give the support of the province to the election of a daughter of a late Harrington brother into the Royal Masonic School for Girls ; and , subject to her election , a son of a late Maryport brother into the Buys' School . Three grants of £ 10 , £ 5 , and £ 5
were also recommended to be given to an aged brother and two widows . The report was adopted unanimously . The officers for the ensuing year were next appointed and invested as follows , a great number by proxy : — Bro . J . L . Burns Lindow , P . M . 1267 Prov . G . S . W . „ G . J . M'Kay , P . M . 129 Prov . G . J . W . „ Rev . W . Barton , P . M . 1390 ... Prov . G . Chap . „ Rev . G . B . Armes , 1267 ... Prov . G . A . Chap .
„ G . W . Kenworthy , P . M . 119 ... Prov . G . Treas . „ J . Tattersall , P . M . 129 Prov . G . Reg . „ W . B . Gibson , P . M . 119 ... Prov . G . Sec . „ Dr . Dinwoodie , P . M . 812 ... Prov . G . S . D . „ J . Foulton , P . M . 812 Prov . G . J . D . „ J . Gardiner , P . M . 371 Prov . G . S . of W .
„ W . Court , P . M . 310 Prov . G . D . C . „ T . Mandle , P . M . 371 Prov . G . A . D . C „ P . de E . Collin , P . M . 962 ... Prov . 3 . S . B . ,, W . H . Hoodless , P . M . 327 ... Prov . G . P .
„ J . Godfrey , P . M . 129 Prov . G . Org . „ J . Schofield , S . W . 812 Prov . G . Tyler . Bros . E . Tyson , P . M . ug ; W . Bell , " l W . M 1390 ; J . Black , P . M . 1002 ; I W . Carlyle , W . M . 1400 ; J . C . }¦ Prov . G . Stewards . Hunter , P . M . 9 62 ; J . Barron , P-M . 339 J The Prov . G . Secretary intimated that he had been in communication with the Grand Secretary , relative to the
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Cumberland And Westmorland.
question whether a Warden of a lodge , not invested on the day of installation , was eligible for the chair of W . M . the following year . The Grand Secretary had replied that a Warden could not be eligible for the chair under such circumstances , for in every case the Wardens must serve as such for twelve months prior to installation , which they could not do if not present for investment . He 'the Prov .
Grand Sec . ) knew it was a custom for s ime lodges to invest Wardens by proxy ; but this opinion of the Grand Secretary decid d their ineligibility for the Master ' s chair . The R . W . Prov . G . M . intimated his intention to hold the annual meetings in future on , say , the first Friday in August , and the biethren chosen for Provincial Grand Wardens would be communicated with beforehand , so as
to ensure their attendance for investiture . He knew that the month of September was not a suitable time . Bro . the Rev . Dr . Simpson approved of this , which , he said , was the rule of Grand Lodge , but it applied to the whole of the Grand Officers . Bro . Kirkbride , P . M . 33 a , P . P . G . S . W ., then brought forward a notice of motion , as follows : " Tfiat any brother
in the Province of Cumberland and Westmorland who shall allow his subscription to remain unpaid for the space of two years , the said brother shall not be returned to Grand Lodge , nor shall he be allowed to vote at any Provincial Grand Lodge , until such arrears shall have been paid . " He produced a letter from the Grand Secretary , ruling that the dues of brethren in arrears need not be
paid to either Grand Loelge or Provincial Grant Lodge , or , in other words , that such hrethrm be not returned . Bro . Lamonby , P . M . 1002 , P . G . Reg ., supposing that Bro . Kirelliride wished to alter or n . ake a new Provincial bye-law , seconded the motion . The R . W . P . G . M ., the R . V . D . P . G . M ., the P . G . Secretary , and other brethren having spoken againstany
alteration of the bye-laws , for the reason that each lodge had the power in their own ha : ids already , the motion was withdrawn . The Provincial Grand Ledge was then closed in due form . The brethren were then formed in procession , and , headed by the band of the Royal Westmorland Militia , they
marched to the parish church , where an appropriate sermon was preached by the Rev . W . E . Sticklaml , P . M . 1267 , Egremont , P . P . G . Chaplain . After returning to the loelge room , the brethren adjourned to the Tufton Arms Hotel , where about 200 partook of dinner . The Earl of Bective , M . P ., presided , and the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Dorset.
On Thurselay , the 25 th ult ., the annual meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of D . irset was held at the Town Hall , Doichester , under the prcsielency of the Prov . G . Master , Bro . Montague J . Guest . The room was well fitted up for the occasion , and proved admirably a lapted for the assembl About 200 brethren from the lod
y . ges in the province were present , and after an oration by the Prov . G . Chap ., the Rev . Bro . J . G . Brymer , the P . G . M . addressed the brethren on various matters affecting the Freemasons , particularly in regarel to the formation of a Charity Fund for the province . We understand official duties on this day prevented the
attendance of two brethren of this province—Sir C . Whetham , the Lord Mayor of London , and Mr . Sheriff Burtand amongst the appointments made to-day the sons of these brethren were selected to fill two important offices . The following i-j a list of the appointments- : — Bro .. C . J . T . Hambro , W . M . 1266 ... Prov . G . D . M .
„ W . E . Brymer , W . M . 417 ... Prov . G . S . W . „ J . Mowlem Burt , W . M . 1136 ... Prov . G . | . W . „ Rev . T . Russell-Wright ... Prov . G . Chap . „ Robert Case , P . M . 417 ... Prov . G . Treas . „ Stephen Whctham , P . M . 707 ... Prov . G . Reg . „ R . N . Howard , P . P . S . G . W .
P . M . 1037 Prov , G . Sec . „ R . D . Thornton , J . W . 1037 ... Prov . G . S . D . „ Hatton Smyth , W . M . 137 ... Prov . G . J . D . „ W . L . Chitty , W . M . 472 ... Prov . G . S . of W . ' „ W . Smith , Weymouth , P . P .
G . J . W ., P . M . 170 Prov . G . D . C . „ G . H . Masters , W . M . 1168 ... Prov . G . eV . D . C . „ J . B . C . Best , W . M . 386 ... Prov . G . S . B . j „ Joseph Robinson , jun ., 417 ... Prov . G . Org . „ S . Webb , W . M . 707 Prov . G . Purst ]' W . H . Roberts 665 JRowc ' a D
„ , ; . ,. 417 ; R . A . Ayles , 170 ;) H . A . Lawton , 386 ; W . > Prov . G . Stewards Knight , 707 ; A . Graham , \ 170 J „ Francis Long , 707 Prov . G . Tyler . After the business the brethren paitook of a bine ; t
provided in the Corn Exchange , the Worshipful P . G , . in the chair , and the customary Masonic toasts were \ - - posed . The duties of catering were very satisfactorily e . ; .-charged by Mr . Frost , of the King ' s Arms Hotel . The tables were rendcreel bright by an abundant supply of floral bouquets . Bro . Brymer provi led a magnificent dessert .
About £ 200 was promise ! to the Masonic Charities . The banquet was enlivened by the services of an admirable glee party from London , provieleei by the kindness of Bro . Brymer , of Ilsington House , the W . M . of the lodge visited on this occasion , and we congratulate him and the brethren of this lodge on the complete succesr which attended their reception of the Prov . Grand Lodge in the county town .
^ . WORDSWORTH ' S "COCA PILLS" the successfa rcmeely for sleeplessness , neuralgia , and Hay fever , as , per box , 'tHomce pathic Chemist , 6 , Sloanc-strcet , London , Kittr'SH
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Ancient And Accepted Rite.
turned the baton to the M . W . S ., opened the chapter , and then perfected the candidate . Votes of thanks to the Supreme Council and also to the illustrious brethren for having come so far to visit this chapter were passed , and ordered to be recore ' ed on the minutes . The chapter being closed , the brethren a- 'j mrned to a banquet at the Cameron Arms Hotel , after which the usual toasts were duly honoured , and the brethren separated after spending a very p leasant evening .
Royal Ark Mariners.
Eogal & rfc JSariitttS ,
MALTA . —Sanct' Elmo Lodge . —The second meeting of the above lodge took place on the 19 th ult ., at the Masonic Hall , La Valetta . Present : W . C . N . Bro . Lieut . C . E . Coffey , R . A . ; Bros . Capt . Blake , R . A ., S . ( acting ) ; W . J . Jones , J . ( acting ); and numerous brethren . Lodge having been opened , a ballot was taken for a member of the Keystone Mark Lodge , which proved
unanimous . W . Bros . A . M . Broadley , P . G . M . M . of Tunis and Malta ; W . Read , W . M . of the Keystone Mark Lodge , both honorary members of the Broadley Mark Lodge , another brother of this lodge , as well as the brother of the Keystone Lodge in whose favour the ballot was taken , were then admitted , and by the W . C . N , advanced to the Degree of Royal Ark Mariners . The authority from the
Grand Mark Lodge of England to instal W . Bro . A . M . Broadley in the chair of N . was then read , and W . C . N . Bro . Coffey performed the ceremony of installation in a most impressive manner . W . C . N . Bro . Broadley , addressing the meeting , expressed the pleasure he felt in having taken this Degree in the Sanct' Elmo Lodge attached
to the Broadley Mark Lodge , and in particular to W . C . N . Bro . Coffey for installing him in the chair of N . in order that he might found a lodge of Royal Ark Mariners at Tunis , whither he would shortly proceed . W . C . N . Bro . Broadley also complimented all the officers on their excellent working on this occasion . Lodge was then closed by W . C . N . Bro . Coffey with the usual solemnities .
District Grand Lodge Of Montreal.
Bv BRO . ROBERT RAMSEY , ORILLIA , ONT . The Grand Lodge of Scotland , at her recent Quarterly Communication , held at the Freemasons' Hall , on the 7 th ult ., was apparently so satisfied with her invasion of the Territorial jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge cf Quebec ,
that , in order to encourage these malcontents in that pre ,-vince , the Grand Committee reportcel that they had g it-en the Provincial Grand Lodge of Montreal the necessary power to be designated for the future as a " District Grand Lodge . " We confess our ignorance as to what further privilege this designation bestows , but doubtless it is meant as a reward to these men , who are degrading and debasing
Masonrj not only in Montreal and the Province of Quebec , but everywhere throughout the Dominion and the United States . Many Grand Lodges on this continent have apparently viewed this invasion of Quebec as a local matter , and , although they have acknowledged the Grand Lodge of Quebec as a Sovereign Masonic Power , and exchanged
Grand Representatives with her , they have egregiously failed in their dmy towards her . Some have uttered mild protests , others have passed the matter by in silence , while only , so far as we are aware , the Granel Lodges of Illinois and the District of Columbia have acted in an honourably fearless and , straightforward manner—the former by at once severing all connection with the Grand
Lodge of Scotland until such time as she does justice to her younger sister of Quebec by withdrawing the charters of her spurious bantlings from the commercial metropolis of that jarisdicticn , and the latter by closing her doors against all Masonic visitors from Quebec unless they present a diploma from that Grand Lodge . But , ask your readers , how does this thing , termed the
District Grand Lodge of Montreal , S . R ., affect us , as Masons , in New York ? Simply in this manner . There are three lodges working in Montreal , called Elgin , Argyle and King Solomon , holding warrants from the Grand Lodge of Scotland , under the District Grand Lodge of Montreal . These lodges pay no regard to our rules of jurisdiction . I . They accept material from any and
every jurisdiction . 2 . They confer the Three Degrees in one evening upon such material . 3 . They willingly manufacture boys of eighteen into Masons . What is the consequence ? A man rejected in a lodge in New York has only to pay a flying visit to Montreal , present his petition to one of these lodges , and the same evening receive the Three Degrees of Ancient Craft Masonry , and return
to New York armed with a diploma from the Grand Lodge of Scotland . Is not the Grand Lodge of New York therefore interested in this bastard foundling in Montreal as well as the Grand Lodge of Quebec . ' Will she sit idly by and permit this outrage to go on , without throwing her great influence into the balance on the side of right , honour , and justice ?
Any man rejected in New York city can became a Mason (?) in one night from Elgin , King Solomon , or Argyle Lodges , and that too for a mere nominal fee . It is a Masonry of the cheapest and lowest kind . " But what can you expect for tuppence . " Street Arabs of eighteen from the dark slums of Gotham , if any , anxious
to learn the mysteries of our Royal art , had better pick an extra pocket or two , and with the proceeds purchase their admission to one of these pest houses in Montreal . The whole thing is a vile outrage on Masonry , and so long as 'V \ permitted i 0 exist on 'his continent the Grand Lodges ° f North America need not pass any laws regarding the black ball or territorial jurisdiction , for the Grand Lodge
District Grand Lodge Of Montreal.
of Scotland laughs at their edicts , and defies their mandates by throwing open the portals of Masonry to the unworthy and the rejected . Let the Grand Lodges of the United States act as Illinois has done , and if the Grand Lodge of Quebec at her annual communication this month seems fit to convene
a conference of the representatives of the different Grand Lodges on this continent , let the response be unanimous . Protest and advice are thrown away upon the Grand Lodge of Scotland , who in her arrogance shelters herself behind her hoary locks , and viciously derides the earnest solicitations and wishes of the six hundred thousand Masons of the United States and Canada .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Cumberland And Westmorland.
The annual meeting of the Freemasons forming the Province of Cumberland and Westmorland was held at Appleby , under the banner of Eden Valley Lodge , No . 812 , on Tuesday , the 23 rd ult . It is nineteen years since the Provincial Grand Lodge visited the little county town of
Westmorland , under the presidency of the late Sir James Graham , M . P ., when the Eden Valley Lodge was consecrated , and when the great statesman , formerly Provincial Grand Master of Cumberland only , was appointed to preside over the two counties combined . On Tuesday , the 23 rd ult ., the Provincial Grand Lodge was held in the Mechanics' Institute . The Karl of Bective ,
M . P ., Prov . G . M ., presided , supported by Bros . Colonel Whitwell , M . P ., Deputy Prov . G . M . ; Jos . Iredale , P . M . 310 , Past Deputy Prov . G . M . ; W . Kiikbride , P . M . 339 , P . P . G . S . W . ; Jos . Nicholson , P . M . 371 , P . P . G . S . W . ; J . Holme , P . M . 129 , P . P . G . J . W . ; Rev . Dr . Simpson , P . M . 129 , P . P . G . Chap ., P . G . C . of England ; F . W . Hayward , P . M . 310 , P . P . G . S . W . ; W . Talbot , P . M . 129 , P . P . G . J . W . ;
Dr . Henry , P . M . 119 , P . P . G . J . W . ; . J . A . Wheatley , P . M . 310 , P . P . G . J . W . ; J . Bowes , P . M . 129 , P . P . G . J . W . ; Rev . W . E . Strickland , P . M . 1267 , P . G . Chap . ; G . W . Kenworthy , P . M . 119 , P . G . Treas . ; W . B . Gibson , P . M . 119 , P . G . Sec . ; J . Whitehead , P . M . 812 , P . P . G . Reg . ; W . F . Lamonby , P . M . 1002 , P . P . Reg . { Freemason ) ; E . Clark , W . M . 1660 , P . G . J . D . ; J . Cook ,
P . M . 1532 , P . P . G . J . D . ; J . Slack , P . M . 3 , 10 , P . P . G . J . H . J . Gardiner , P . M . 371 , P . G . Supt . Wks . ; W . Armstrong , P . M . 371 , P . P . G . D . C ; G . J . M'Kay , P . M . 129 , P . G . D . C ; H . Bewes , P . M . 327 , P . G . Swd . Br . ; J . Taitcrsail , P . M . 129 , P . P . G . Supt . Wks . ; W . Court , P . M . 310 , P . P . G . Swd . Br . ; A . Walter , P . M . 371 , P . P . ' . ; . Swd . Br . ; W . H . Lewthwaite , P . M . 1002 , P . P . G . Org . ; J . Salisbury , P . M .
872 , P . G . Tyler ; G . Potter , P . M . 1 . 532 , P . G . Stwd . ; T . Mandle , P . M . 371 , P . G . Stwel . ; G . T . Archibald , P . M . 926 , P . G . Stwd . ; J . Barron , P . M . 339 ; J . B . Thwaites , P . M . 339 ; Capt . Sewell , W . M . 1002 ; W . Carlyle , W . M . 1400 J J . Haswell , W . M . 1532 ; J . R . Banks , W . M . 371 ; R . Warlon , P . M . 812 ; J . Milligan , W . M . 119 ; E . Tyson , P . M . 119 ; W . Bell , W .. M . 1390 ; J . Bowman ,
P . M . 327 ; J . C . Hunter , P . M . 962 ; J . Banks , W . M . 129 , and others . There were also a great number of brethren present from Lodges 119 and 872 , Whitehaven ; 129 , Kendal ; 310 , Carlisle ; 327 , Wigton ; 339 , Penrith ; 371 , Maryport ; 812 , Appleby ; 9 62 , Workington ; 1002 , Cockermcuth ; 1073 , Keswick ; 1074 , Kirkby Lonsdale ; 1267 , Egreraont ; 1390 , Millom ; 1400 , Harrington ;
1532 , Catlisle ; and 1660 , Frizington ; whilst a few visitors attended from other provinces , and one from France . Afrer the minutes were read and confirmed , Bro . Kenworthy presented his statement of accounts lor the year endisg June 30 . The balance in hand from last year was £ 192 14 s . 3 d ., and the amount received in dues from the nineteen lodges in the province was £ 105 14 s . 6 J ., the total
receipts being £ 311 16 s . gd . Amongst the payments were : £ 52 10 s . to the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , and £ 50 to the Provincial Benevolent Fund . The balance in hand was £ 175 6 s . 1 id ., which , with that of the Benevolent Fund , amounted to , £ 21 9 6 s . 8 d . Bro . Kenworthy was re-elected Treasurer for the ensuing year , and Bro . Schofield , S . W . Appleby Lodge , was elected
Prov . G . Tyler . The report of the Charity Committee was next presented , and it was recommended to give the support of the province to the election of a daughter of a late Harrington brother into the Royal Masonic School for Girls ; and , subject to her election , a son of a late Maryport brother into the Buys' School . Three grants of £ 10 , £ 5 , and £ 5
were also recommended to be given to an aged brother and two widows . The report was adopted unanimously . The officers for the ensuing year were next appointed and invested as follows , a great number by proxy : — Bro . J . L . Burns Lindow , P . M . 1267 Prov . G . S . W . „ G . J . M'Kay , P . M . 129 Prov . G . J . W . „ Rev . W . Barton , P . M . 1390 ... Prov . G . Chap . „ Rev . G . B . Armes , 1267 ... Prov . G . A . Chap .
„ G . W . Kenworthy , P . M . 119 ... Prov . G . Treas . „ J . Tattersall , P . M . 129 Prov . G . Reg . „ W . B . Gibson , P . M . 119 ... Prov . G . Sec . „ Dr . Dinwoodie , P . M . 812 ... Prov . G . S . D . „ J . Foulton , P . M . 812 Prov . G . J . D . „ J . Gardiner , P . M . 371 Prov . G . S . of W .
„ W . Court , P . M . 310 Prov . G . D . C . „ T . Mandle , P . M . 371 Prov . G . A . D . C „ P . de E . Collin , P . M . 962 ... Prov . 3 . S . B . ,, W . H . Hoodless , P . M . 327 ... Prov . G . P .
„ J . Godfrey , P . M . 129 Prov . G . Org . „ J . Schofield , S . W . 812 Prov . G . Tyler . Bros . E . Tyson , P . M . ug ; W . Bell , " l W . M 1390 ; J . Black , P . M . 1002 ; I W . Carlyle , W . M . 1400 ; J . C . }¦ Prov . G . Stewards . Hunter , P . M . 9 62 ; J . Barron , P-M . 339 J The Prov . G . Secretary intimated that he had been in communication with the Grand Secretary , relative to the
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Cumberland And Westmorland.
question whether a Warden of a lodge , not invested on the day of installation , was eligible for the chair of W . M . the following year . The Grand Secretary had replied that a Warden could not be eligible for the chair under such circumstances , for in every case the Wardens must serve as such for twelve months prior to installation , which they could not do if not present for investment . He 'the Prov .
Grand Sec . ) knew it was a custom for s ime lodges to invest Wardens by proxy ; but this opinion of the Grand Secretary decid d their ineligibility for the Master ' s chair . The R . W . Prov . G . M . intimated his intention to hold the annual meetings in future on , say , the first Friday in August , and the biethren chosen for Provincial Grand Wardens would be communicated with beforehand , so as
to ensure their attendance for investiture . He knew that the month of September was not a suitable time . Bro . the Rev . Dr . Simpson approved of this , which , he said , was the rule of Grand Lodge , but it applied to the whole of the Grand Officers . Bro . Kirkbride , P . M . 33 a , P . P . G . S . W ., then brought forward a notice of motion , as follows : " Tfiat any brother
in the Province of Cumberland and Westmorland who shall allow his subscription to remain unpaid for the space of two years , the said brother shall not be returned to Grand Lodge , nor shall he be allowed to vote at any Provincial Grand Lodge , until such arrears shall have been paid . " He produced a letter from the Grand Secretary , ruling that the dues of brethren in arrears need not be
paid to either Grand Loelge or Provincial Grant Lodge , or , in other words , that such hrethrm be not returned . Bro . Lamonby , P . M . 1002 , P . G . Reg ., supposing that Bro . Kirelliride wished to alter or n . ake a new Provincial bye-law , seconded the motion . The R . W . P . G . M ., the R . V . D . P . G . M ., the P . G . Secretary , and other brethren having spoken againstany
alteration of the bye-laws , for the reason that each lodge had the power in their own ha : ids already , the motion was withdrawn . The Provincial Grand Ledge was then closed in due form . The brethren were then formed in procession , and , headed by the band of the Royal Westmorland Militia , they
marched to the parish church , where an appropriate sermon was preached by the Rev . W . E . Sticklaml , P . M . 1267 , Egremont , P . P . G . Chaplain . After returning to the loelge room , the brethren adjourned to the Tufton Arms Hotel , where about 200 partook of dinner . The Earl of Bective , M . P ., presided , and the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Dorset.
On Thurselay , the 25 th ult ., the annual meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of D . irset was held at the Town Hall , Doichester , under the prcsielency of the Prov . G . Master , Bro . Montague J . Guest . The room was well fitted up for the occasion , and proved admirably a lapted for the assembl About 200 brethren from the lod
y . ges in the province were present , and after an oration by the Prov . G . Chap ., the Rev . Bro . J . G . Brymer , the P . G . M . addressed the brethren on various matters affecting the Freemasons , particularly in regarel to the formation of a Charity Fund for the province . We understand official duties on this day prevented the
attendance of two brethren of this province—Sir C . Whetham , the Lord Mayor of London , and Mr . Sheriff Burtand amongst the appointments made to-day the sons of these brethren were selected to fill two important offices . The following i-j a list of the appointments- : — Bro .. C . J . T . Hambro , W . M . 1266 ... Prov . G . D . M .
„ W . E . Brymer , W . M . 417 ... Prov . G . S . W . „ J . Mowlem Burt , W . M . 1136 ... Prov . G . | . W . „ Rev . T . Russell-Wright ... Prov . G . Chap . „ Robert Case , P . M . 417 ... Prov . G . Treas . „ Stephen Whctham , P . M . 707 ... Prov . G . Reg . „ R . N . Howard , P . P . S . G . W .
P . M . 1037 Prov , G . Sec . „ R . D . Thornton , J . W . 1037 ... Prov . G . S . D . „ Hatton Smyth , W . M . 137 ... Prov . G . J . D . „ W . L . Chitty , W . M . 472 ... Prov . G . S . of W . ' „ W . Smith , Weymouth , P . P .
G . J . W ., P . M . 170 Prov . G . D . C . „ G . H . Masters , W . M . 1168 ... Prov . G . eV . D . C . „ J . B . C . Best , W . M . 386 ... Prov . G . S . B . j „ Joseph Robinson , jun ., 417 ... Prov . G . Org . „ S . Webb , W . M . 707 Prov . G . Purst ]' W . H . Roberts 665 JRowc ' a D
„ , ; . ,. 417 ; R . A . Ayles , 170 ;) H . A . Lawton , 386 ; W . > Prov . G . Stewards Knight , 707 ; A . Graham , \ 170 J „ Francis Long , 707 Prov . G . Tyler . After the business the brethren paitook of a bine ; t
provided in the Corn Exchange , the Worshipful P . G , . in the chair , and the customary Masonic toasts were \ - - posed . The duties of catering were very satisfactorily e . ; .-charged by Mr . Frost , of the King ' s Arms Hotel . The tables were rendcreel bright by an abundant supply of floral bouquets . Bro . Brymer provi led a magnificent dessert .
About £ 200 was promise ! to the Masonic Charities . The banquet was enlivened by the services of an admirable glee party from London , provieleei by the kindness of Bro . Brymer , of Ilsington House , the W . M . of the lodge visited on this occasion , and we congratulate him and the brethren of this lodge on the complete succesr which attended their reception of the Prov . Grand Lodge in the county town .
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