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MUSIC FOR THE CEREMONY OF ADVANCEMENT To the Degree of a MARK MASTER MASON , Composed by Brother EDWIN J . CROW . F . C . O ., P . G . O . Leicestershire . Published with the approval ol THE M . W . G . M . B RO . Rav . G . R . PORTAL , M . A ., whom it is , by his permission , dedicated . POST FREE , 1 / 7 . London : G EOKGE KEHNI . NG , 2 , 3 and 4 , Little Britain .
" What better theme than Masonry ?" MASONIC ! SONG . Words by Dro . JAMES STEVENS , P . M . 7 = 0 and 1 = 16 , P . Z . 720 , G . J . O . Mark , W M . 104 Marl :, M . P . s . 14 , & c . Music by Bro . WILHGLM GANZ , Grand Organist , P . M . 435 Org . No . 4 , and of British Chapter No . 8 . GrtouOE KKNNIN-G . 2 , 3 & 4 . Little Uritain , and 10 S , Flccl-strcet , London , and e . Monument-place , Liverpool . Post-free 25 Stamps .
Now READY . PRICE TIIKEC SHILLINGS . New Masonic Lyric . "THE FINAL TOAS T , " Written by Bro . D . L . RICHARDSON . Arranged , with Pianoforte Accompaniment , by LVo . EDWIN J . CROW , Fellow cr the College of Organists , S . W . 275 , P . G . O . Lcic . ami Rutland . Gi'XiUGiS KHN-NING , London and Liverpool ; Tost-frec 19 stamps .
The Great American Masonic Poem . A ' rm rea-y , Price Tw •fence , or sent fast-frc fp any fart of Great liritiiin cr J . eland on teeeift 0 / tiiree t ' crr . y Pcstr . gc Sta : ; : fs . "KING SOLOMON'S TEMPLE , " A MASONIC I'Ol'M , lly Bro . AUGUSTINE J . H . DUGANNE , of New York City . Bros . TwuottEI . ! , and SONS , Cleveland Printing and Publishing Offices auJ Masonic Depot , E 7 , Linihori'C-road , Middlesbrough . London : G ^ oitGts KUNMING .
NOW READY , Price One Shilling , Second Edition . Revised and Enlarged , Freemasonry in Relation to Civil Authority and . the Family Circle , By BKO . CHALMERS I . PATON . THIS work is a perfect handbook of the principles of Freemasonry , founded on the Ancient Charges and Symbols , and will be found to be eminently practical and useful in the vindication and support of the Order . Members of the Craft wishing copies should order them from Loqdon : Gi ' . onc : t KI ::: NING , 2 , 3 and 4 , Little Britain . Lrwrpoul : ,, 2 , Monument pl . icc . Edinburgh Joim Menus , e , Ilanover-strcct . Dublin : CltAKt-CS HUEKJIXOM ; , Z 6 . Gr .-ifton-strcct . And may be had of any Bookseller throughout the Kingdom .
NOW READY , REFLECTED RAYS OF LIGHT UPON FREEMASONRY : on . The Freemason ' s Pocket Compendium , With an Emblematical Frontispiece . A Hand-Book of the Principles of Freemasonry , and Pocket Vade Mecum and Guide to the various Ceremonies connected with Craft Masonry , so far as the same arc allowed to be communicable , in accordance with the principles of the Order . Price One Shilling , Post-free for Fourteen Stamp Sold by Bro . GRO . KEHHIHG , e , 3 & 4 , Little Britain , London , E . C .
Rose Croix Tracing Boards , Five Guineas the Pair . THE MASONIC DEPOT , LITTLE BRITAIN , LONDON .
17 MOSES and SON'S Vy INTER SUITS , 32 s . to £ 4 4 s . VyiNTER OVERCOATS , " 19 s , to £ 5 .
E MOSES and SON supply every descrip-. tion of clothing , ready made , or made to measure , for all ages , all occasions , and all classes ; also Hosiery and Drapery , Hats and Caps , Boots and Shoes , and complete outfits for all climates . All Goods marked in Plain Figures . Any Article exchanged if not worn or injured . List of Prices , with Rules for Self-measure , Patterns , and Fashion-sheet , gratis and post free . E MOSES and SON'S easy and accurate . system of self-measure enables them to execute orders by post , with the guarantee of a faultless fit . E MOSES and SON'S Establishments are . closed every Friday evening at sunset , till Saturday evening at sunset , when business is resumed until II o ' clock . The following are the only Addresses of E . MOSES and SON : LONDON . CORNER of MINORIES and ALDGATE . NEW OXFORD-STREET , CORNER of HART-St . CORNER of TOTTENHAM-COURT-ROAD and EUSTON-ROAD . Country Branch . BRADFORD , YORKSHIRE .
MASONIC ASSURANCE OFFICE 9 , NEW BRIDGE STREET . Chairman London Board ... DR . BEAMAN . ,, Portsmouth ,, ... ALD . FORD . ,, Leeds ,, ... AI . D . ADDYMAN . ,, Plymouth ,, ... MAJOR STUDDY . This Company invites the attention oC the Craft to its entirely novel and ori ginal instrument of Positive Life Policy . FREDK . BIGG , P . M ., Manager & Actuary . LOANS GRANTED .
Norwich & London Accident Insurance Association . ESTABLISHED 1 S 56 . SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL . - 6100 , 000 . For Insuring against ACCIDENTAL DEATH , With Compensation for Personal Injury Caused by Accidents . CIUKI - Ori-ici-s- ST . GILES' STREET , NORWICH . LONDON : io , OLD JEWRY CHAMBERS . Secretary : CHAUI . ES R . OILMAN , Esq . London Manager : Mr . GF . OKGI-: I ' OWKLL .
The Lombard Exchange & News Room , LOMBARD STREET , LONDON , E . C . TERMS : £ s . d . Entrance Fee ... ... ... ... 3 3 o Annual Subscription ... ... ... 330 Members residing and carrying en business at a distance of fifty miles and upwards from London , Merchant Captains , & Clerks to Subscribers ( no entrance fee ) ... I I o The Room is well supplied willi newspapers , telegrams , and books of reference . It includes a Post-office , 1 ' oslc Rcstante , Telegraph-office , Reading and Writing Room , Restaurant , Lavatories , & c . ; also copying machines for the use of subscribers . BRO . JOHN II . YO UNCI ! USB AN I J , T . M ., P . Z ., P . E . C ., P . P . J . G . W ., & c , Mauaycr . GENTLEMEN'S and HOYS' CLOTHING in all Textures , fashions , and Prices ; OU 1 T 1 TS , UOSIKUY WATERPROOF-CLOTHING- and SHIRTS in Lous Cloth Linen , and Shrunk Flannel ; supplied wholesale or retail by GANN , JONES AND CO ., OUTFITTING MANUFACTURERS , 171 , FENCIIURCH-ST .
3 / - Assam Pekoe Souchong . Is it not a universal complaint that you cannot get good Tea , pay what you will ? That difficulty we obviate by suppplying NEW SEASON'S ASSAM PEKOE SOUCHONG At 3 / " Pound , which is the most delicious Tea you can buy . Delivered free to any Railway-station or Market Town in England . Terms Cash . PARTRIDGE AND CO ., CHINA AND INDIAN TEA DEALERS , 356 , Edgware-road , W .
Now READY . PRICE TWO SHILLINGS . ( Roan , Tuck , Gdt edges . ) THE COSMOPOLITAN MASONICCALENDAR AND Pocket-Book for 1872 . Containing - . — LISTS OF LODGES , CHAPTERS , CONCLAVES , AND ENCAMPMENTS , With the NAMES OP OFFICERS , In the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland , the Colonial Dependencies , Europe , the United States , South American Empires , & c , & c . To be had of all Booksellers , Tylers , Janitors , Sentinels , Equerries , & c . Publishing Office , 19 s , FLEET STREET , LONDON .
STILL & SPARKLING RHINK WINES AT GROWERS' PRICES . A PURE NIERSTEINER , 21 / -perdoz . In original 3-dozcn cases . A First-class SPARKLING HOCK or MOSELLE , 33 / - per doz . SAMPLE BOTTLES ON APPLICATION . The above Wines for shipping charged less the duty . NUT c . v : u rmciiii . NO CHANGE rou CASKS on BOTTLES . Cheques ciosscd GLYX , MILLS & Co . SOLK AGENT : Bro . H . W . WICKINS , 6 , Gutter Lane
Bro . R . P . ATKINS and Co ., General Shipping , Foncardiug , Custom-house , ami Commission Agents , cV Universal I'oreign Parcels Express . PARCELS and GOODS regularly despatched by the overland routes , mail stcamci . ' ,, clipper ships , and express railways lo all parts of the world . Insurances effected . Baggage sliippe . 1 and cleared . Passages engaged . Indents executed . Taiills at chief office , 10 , St . Mary-axe , EC . ; 155 , Piccadilly , \ V . ; 26 , Siockbi idy c-lei race , Pimiico , S . W .. London ; 4 , Scatonbuiidin ^ s , Liverpool ; Meadow-street , Bombay .
YARMOUTH HERRINGS . DURING the months of October , NOVEMBER and DECEMIiER , GEORGE HARVEY " will send , carriage paid on receipt of remittance , REAL YARMOUTH HERRINGS of very best Jjuilily , carefully cured and smoked , 6 s . per box . Best Kiip . rjd Herrings , 7 s . per box . Letters ami Cash remittances payable to GEORGE HARVEY , Office , No . 9 , I'isU Wharf , Great Yarmouth , will receive prompt attention . BRO . ADLARD'S JEWEL ATTACHER Registered . Masonic Clothier , Ac ., 11 s , High llolbom , YV . C .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
MUSIC FOR THE CEREMONY OF ADVANCEMENT To the Degree of a MARK MASTER MASON , Composed by Brother EDWIN J . CROW . F . C . O ., P . G . O . Leicestershire . Published with the approval ol THE M . W . G . M . B RO . Rav . G . R . PORTAL , M . A ., whom it is , by his permission , dedicated . POST FREE , 1 / 7 . London : G EOKGE KEHNI . NG , 2 , 3 and 4 , Little Britain .
" What better theme than Masonry ?" MASONIC ! SONG . Words by Dro . JAMES STEVENS , P . M . 7 = 0 and 1 = 16 , P . Z . 720 , G . J . O . Mark , W M . 104 Marl :, M . P . s . 14 , & c . Music by Bro . WILHGLM GANZ , Grand Organist , P . M . 435 Org . No . 4 , and of British Chapter No . 8 . GrtouOE KKNNIN-G . 2 , 3 & 4 . Little Uritain , and 10 S , Flccl-strcet , London , and e . Monument-place , Liverpool . Post-free 25 Stamps .
Now READY . PRICE TIIKEC SHILLINGS . New Masonic Lyric . "THE FINAL TOAS T , " Written by Bro . D . L . RICHARDSON . Arranged , with Pianoforte Accompaniment , by LVo . EDWIN J . CROW , Fellow cr the College of Organists , S . W . 275 , P . G . O . Lcic . ami Rutland . Gi'XiUGiS KHN-NING , London and Liverpool ; Tost-frec 19 stamps .
The Great American Masonic Poem . A ' rm rea-y , Price Tw •fence , or sent fast-frc fp any fart of Great liritiiin cr J . eland on teeeift 0 / tiiree t ' crr . y Pcstr . gc Sta : ; : fs . "KING SOLOMON'S TEMPLE , " A MASONIC I'Ol'M , lly Bro . AUGUSTINE J . H . DUGANNE , of New York City . Bros . TwuottEI . ! , and SONS , Cleveland Printing and Publishing Offices auJ Masonic Depot , E 7 , Linihori'C-road , Middlesbrough . London : G ^ oitGts KUNMING .
NOW READY , Price One Shilling , Second Edition . Revised and Enlarged , Freemasonry in Relation to Civil Authority and . the Family Circle , By BKO . CHALMERS I . PATON . THIS work is a perfect handbook of the principles of Freemasonry , founded on the Ancient Charges and Symbols , and will be found to be eminently practical and useful in the vindication and support of the Order . Members of the Craft wishing copies should order them from Loqdon : Gi ' . onc : t KI ::: NING , 2 , 3 and 4 , Little Britain . Lrwrpoul : ,, 2 , Monument pl . icc . Edinburgh Joim Menus , e , Ilanover-strcct . Dublin : CltAKt-CS HUEKJIXOM ; , Z 6 . Gr .-ifton-strcct . And may be had of any Bookseller throughout the Kingdom .
NOW READY , REFLECTED RAYS OF LIGHT UPON FREEMASONRY : on . The Freemason ' s Pocket Compendium , With an Emblematical Frontispiece . A Hand-Book of the Principles of Freemasonry , and Pocket Vade Mecum and Guide to the various Ceremonies connected with Craft Masonry , so far as the same arc allowed to be communicable , in accordance with the principles of the Order . Price One Shilling , Post-free for Fourteen Stamp Sold by Bro . GRO . KEHHIHG , e , 3 & 4 , Little Britain , London , E . C .
Rose Croix Tracing Boards , Five Guineas the Pair . THE MASONIC DEPOT , LITTLE BRITAIN , LONDON .
17 MOSES and SON'S Vy INTER SUITS , 32 s . to £ 4 4 s . VyiNTER OVERCOATS , " 19 s , to £ 5 .
E MOSES and SON supply every descrip-. tion of clothing , ready made , or made to measure , for all ages , all occasions , and all classes ; also Hosiery and Drapery , Hats and Caps , Boots and Shoes , and complete outfits for all climates . All Goods marked in Plain Figures . Any Article exchanged if not worn or injured . List of Prices , with Rules for Self-measure , Patterns , and Fashion-sheet , gratis and post free . E MOSES and SON'S easy and accurate . system of self-measure enables them to execute orders by post , with the guarantee of a faultless fit . E MOSES and SON'S Establishments are . closed every Friday evening at sunset , till Saturday evening at sunset , when business is resumed until II o ' clock . The following are the only Addresses of E . MOSES and SON : LONDON . CORNER of MINORIES and ALDGATE . NEW OXFORD-STREET , CORNER of HART-St . CORNER of TOTTENHAM-COURT-ROAD and EUSTON-ROAD . Country Branch . BRADFORD , YORKSHIRE .
MASONIC ASSURANCE OFFICE 9 , NEW BRIDGE STREET . Chairman London Board ... DR . BEAMAN . ,, Portsmouth ,, ... ALD . FORD . ,, Leeds ,, ... AI . D . ADDYMAN . ,, Plymouth ,, ... MAJOR STUDDY . This Company invites the attention oC the Craft to its entirely novel and ori ginal instrument of Positive Life Policy . FREDK . BIGG , P . M ., Manager & Actuary . LOANS GRANTED .
Norwich & London Accident Insurance Association . ESTABLISHED 1 S 56 . SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL . - 6100 , 000 . For Insuring against ACCIDENTAL DEATH , With Compensation for Personal Injury Caused by Accidents . CIUKI - Ori-ici-s- ST . GILES' STREET , NORWICH . LONDON : io , OLD JEWRY CHAMBERS . Secretary : CHAUI . ES R . OILMAN , Esq . London Manager : Mr . GF . OKGI-: I ' OWKLL .
The Lombard Exchange & News Room , LOMBARD STREET , LONDON , E . C . TERMS : £ s . d . Entrance Fee ... ... ... ... 3 3 o Annual Subscription ... ... ... 330 Members residing and carrying en business at a distance of fifty miles and upwards from London , Merchant Captains , & Clerks to Subscribers ( no entrance fee ) ... I I o The Room is well supplied willi newspapers , telegrams , and books of reference . It includes a Post-office , 1 ' oslc Rcstante , Telegraph-office , Reading and Writing Room , Restaurant , Lavatories , & c . ; also copying machines for the use of subscribers . BRO . JOHN II . YO UNCI ! USB AN I J , T . M ., P . Z ., P . E . C ., P . P . J . G . W ., & c , Mauaycr . GENTLEMEN'S and HOYS' CLOTHING in all Textures , fashions , and Prices ; OU 1 T 1 TS , UOSIKUY WATERPROOF-CLOTHING- and SHIRTS in Lous Cloth Linen , and Shrunk Flannel ; supplied wholesale or retail by GANN , JONES AND CO ., OUTFITTING MANUFACTURERS , 171 , FENCIIURCH-ST .
3 / - Assam Pekoe Souchong . Is it not a universal complaint that you cannot get good Tea , pay what you will ? That difficulty we obviate by suppplying NEW SEASON'S ASSAM PEKOE SOUCHONG At 3 / " Pound , which is the most delicious Tea you can buy . Delivered free to any Railway-station or Market Town in England . Terms Cash . PARTRIDGE AND CO ., CHINA AND INDIAN TEA DEALERS , 356 , Edgware-road , W .
Now READY . PRICE TWO SHILLINGS . ( Roan , Tuck , Gdt edges . ) THE COSMOPOLITAN MASONICCALENDAR AND Pocket-Book for 1872 . Containing - . — LISTS OF LODGES , CHAPTERS , CONCLAVES , AND ENCAMPMENTS , With the NAMES OP OFFICERS , In the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland , the Colonial Dependencies , Europe , the United States , South American Empires , & c , & c . To be had of all Booksellers , Tylers , Janitors , Sentinels , Equerries , & c . Publishing Office , 19 s , FLEET STREET , LONDON .
STILL & SPARKLING RHINK WINES AT GROWERS' PRICES . A PURE NIERSTEINER , 21 / -perdoz . In original 3-dozcn cases . A First-class SPARKLING HOCK or MOSELLE , 33 / - per doz . SAMPLE BOTTLES ON APPLICATION . The above Wines for shipping charged less the duty . NUT c . v : u rmciiii . NO CHANGE rou CASKS on BOTTLES . Cheques ciosscd GLYX , MILLS & Co . SOLK AGENT : Bro . H . W . WICKINS , 6 , Gutter Lane
Bro . R . P . ATKINS and Co ., General Shipping , Foncardiug , Custom-house , ami Commission Agents , cV Universal I'oreign Parcels Express . PARCELS and GOODS regularly despatched by the overland routes , mail stcamci . ' ,, clipper ships , and express railways lo all parts of the world . Insurances effected . Baggage sliippe . 1 and cleared . Passages engaged . Indents executed . Taiills at chief office , 10 , St . Mary-axe , EC . ; 155 , Piccadilly , \ V . ; 26 , Siockbi idy c-lei race , Pimiico , S . W .. London ; 4 , Scatonbuiidin ^ s , Liverpool ; Meadow-street , Bombay .
YARMOUTH HERRINGS . DURING the months of October , NOVEMBER and DECEMIiER , GEORGE HARVEY " will send , carriage paid on receipt of remittance , REAL YARMOUTH HERRINGS of very best Jjuilily , carefully cured and smoked , 6 s . per box . Best Kiip . rjd Herrings , 7 s . per box . Letters ami Cash remittances payable to GEORGE HARVEY , Office , No . 9 , I'isU Wharf , Great Yarmouth , will receive prompt attention . BRO . ADLARD'S JEWEL ATTACHER Registered . Masonic Clothier , Ac ., 11 s , High llolbom , YV . C .